HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 6 (2)telt, texxeiil pr. nd tatisticii rtnenL of Ag hows iiiioxg witeat;prothichi; of the world Canada now , fitII In 1900-Caneds rank- utLt;The total production, in nadm. Iatyell'Ar is given butheis,' as eempared: ,000 busIds in 130. ;Wheat p4neti.on as as follows; Ruse; ,4 hiarels; ‘t United APE2,11'Sta'S 0* 0,11 ILVE 41.011M. ie le arlefs Fee* 9* 011 Other ,C***tries,• u ; Britiah 1,4,41 ; *Can " taly, usliela; paiu 0140.Y1 4411.581' bushel 77 bushels; . 'b Ar *Aims, 133, bushels ; garyi 10,363,29 helst Ua 82,M.514 busliels4 Gireat., Ifti- tin and Ireland, .64,52,212 biz *. 19(q the order of precedent' rot t to prodiretion was te on a t *lite 4 States, ussia Fronvei itilsh Twit*. ungary, Argenti 't. u Can - ,250,920 bushels r France, ada and Australia. wilt.ebuj1d the b:dge 4. Litehine. hive been 40 fore in tario thi* year: TbestIovernment 13 sending the t r Stanley • with a surveying, irtv to ,Iiltdsine4aBary.. al writme .manager anon o the tereolornal i in favor. o the'. railway , to Toronto. , The C'inadian Norilietri has Ale plans whli he Railway 1'wnmiiiu for its eztrane. to Ottawa. deipatith "Atom Dttowat say's. The northern. 'wilds of Capada erilt t11 e r who • last year visited lie Yukon, ts • templa,ting a journey overland- to :godson Bay. 41 the present plans • ato carried out, the_Governer. -eral will leave Ottawa in July for. Winnipeg, and will there be taken! - 1-3,t at Petty of the Northwest %fowl- I tedRolice over the route of the ;Hudson Bay .Railroad to Hudson Mrs. Miry Johnson, au ag O or killed by train a r I ere!asin haturdar. /Ai osito-was-attelfirty o ar A, . t, Niagara Falls for assisting brother, a prohibited immigran to enter Carroll*. ' Reggie 13.011 aged 'three. of were 10114V4r is cliperi as the land ter- Stge4 : !our, ' 0 j Kington,'' ' " thurehiat'ler -lluelson--.Iffty, tf- Sound, - and nara Friend, ir. i ' of _the mune . the Geyer- d ! on Saturday. V& n'eliM.'`," VI i es rtlIV"0- ,.. ' Ne . tt erament steamer Bari Grey, and i hx1011 the , flours of closing ' in this vesSel will journey through rem* andtatores, were introduce ake ports for immediate shipment. Hudson Bay „and tfl,idson solikits, in the Quebec Legislature. Corn -American No. 2 kiln -dried The "Rutherford .Government of yellow, 04.1.41o; No, a yellow, kiln- -Alberta has ---resigmeli and Chief dried, 6; No -. 7-3 yellows -0e; Csr-;- 44,xstiee Siftort has been called. o,tt 'Indian . earn, --51e to 62e, Toronto to form a, new Ooverrun,ent. ' foi_Ig14$. °- Nine mines shipped over 050 tonal Oats- Canada Western, No. 2, al ore ;from • Cobalt last week, the 004 No. 3 (LW., 34e at lake porta largest ,t,nconitignments, being del for immediate shipment ;, Ontario 4etchcd-hy 1,sa Rose and Kerr Lake .N0'4, 1'V -bite, 330;t0.240 04040; --NO-, . - ,,,,,.-:,--,--;:-,--------:----- 4-whitei.-026-40-330-ontsid4t,-3,?..ort Rriy u 1:'141;‘ faiirpri. ,. , . tkrtmlittiv-----,---4, - - -,---- ' liAnnan, out of werk and -devond." BaitleY---IsTe• 2, 610 to 620; No, •, .euxit,hodsb,07t.whistrefoultadit!*mr4ttrantautfor4Lextutratate.? litrtirtob'44'Ails:T03:.146,°•4re 407: . track, lake port*. Friday, June fird Will. be a Statu.. "'me lx01'. ' ...1, . P . A ' Peas --No. 2, 70c to 71e. .. Ilio 25th anniversary of the de .liye-Nd. 2, 07e -to We. tory Itoliday. • f Dollard and his heroic band,-0,11ao Buckwheat -No. 2, 51o. ihAe trtsitiglat:hy of Ring Ottawa says: Ytru YvNithe:Viiiroteettltolaslielara%ms, asonSteattavelbke- Atinitoba Elour--4tiotations tr. 3t will be * .statutory boiday in 'bratel at Montreal on Stux147! - l'see‘'r:ntillt()Ps,ateret;ineit04;t *Ptarotennstsbiate5fir! Canada, although, in Vie* .- • x A .4glit of Wray through airt.l.on sy4,60,;,_01. per, cent., Glasgow XniestYLIc Proclamation that he River Reserve bits- been secured nr,fre4ghts, 21s. would follow tiw procedenttot rote 030_,ranway from. smut ,Ste., Merle.' ..Ontario-- ' EleTur-Odinter wheat • closed, thus inii.king the third Imiticl _ ,....„ keep,4. ir°1,-,t' os.' 'fit f to Sudbury, and tenders for voarrattnts‘. for export, $3./5, to Ia.%) 4 .4.:5:4,"41 anti ''.'"*.'" ''''' ..... ' censtnetion. orthe, rood will bet,in buyere.bags,... outside. , :HinPire'a 'general holiday in .hon .., ,..,__,.. , general 4"11414/ec of -.11e* 1"444711)eiler of a Grand loeeeretive ,Ttrultito. Ontario bran, $W per of th,i, sovercipi. there will be no ',FITZ id.12_1'1"_ff-A... ..... ,..--,,3f.,.' ..,' et..1 Itiluev-4-11amt4lt- brsak-$1"er Vik."4"L'L 4541rfVU'Ll/41"5 Jaw ton. shorts, 42/ • per ton, track, " a- hGli'dak"' Iktuk„at_atattint°1 Eiattaehed te the :International Lim-1ton; shorts, $22 per ton on tiaele. Irolidan holrevor! *11 2'411'4 l''''' "I'..'ited caught fire near Broekvill‘on 'Toront-0'.' REL'O#TS 111031 TUB 1#1: , iltARE CENTRES. Priee*.et Ctttf. Claeefl 'Other. '.114iiry Oreiluee at • Home fled!' Abroad. IIREADSTUFFS. May- 31.---Ontatio Aleut . 2 mixed wititer what, 99e to A outside. • vs', 1)7e; No. 2 nerthert4.9561 at where tonstnercial craft in a. lew .years.„wol 44(k -waking regular voy ages with cargoes of °wheat and cat- tle 'from the Canadian.„west. The steamer will then Come south and land Ms Excelleney ° QUellee. This 1011 be the most ,ambitious Icoek..of„,pioneerAravelling-etftrilAt * -tern-pied-Jot' Yes040401° of it by canoe. At Ne Canada. ----FROM ALBANY TO NEW YORK. Ole* Curtiss Made a Flight of 140 4 , , A despatch TrourNew York says: Glenn Curtiss, known as the ;Aviator who bad captured the in- ternational speed trophy 'the - bus, France, arose from the tilde fiats of Van Rensselaer Island at Albany at 7.03 o'clock on. Sundly, morn* in the smallest bydane , that has 'figured -,seriously the world's great flights, sped upward to a height of 1,000 feet, maintained it for tortyorailes011ert swung ovor the Catskills at far greater height,. cemLitftining a maxim of almost 5,000 feet, dropped down above the Rudson wateri,for an- other forty *nibs*, and landed final- ly Governor Island at noon. ,tle baeovered 160 Miles in an actual ying'time of t o and - 46 ) lvtoorg eas$41EABLE. Stew *ad Sleet Follesi st .Day lit the "West. A despatch iron Winnipeg says: _The weather Man ..'eontinuet.his quqr. Ni‘garies. Friday was op- pressrvely.hot and close„ ideal crop weather.Sohtrelai was cold, with Itigh winds; all night snow and, *feet, and the thermometer close tio' freezing. FOlowing recent rains-, however, re*Jr-ts from all farts of the west are most ePtin4stie:-gon)e old farmers go as far as to say they tannot remember * season With less teal eause for complaints The ear- ' Ily Oding, with- the eold weather following, caused heavy' rooting, And the growth Will he •very test 'Mt strong .When the, hot weather Snail/ Arrives.- Brandon dixtriet reports the crops looking as well sis ever they -did at the same,time of the year. In four days of hot , weather the growth was Aerie/nen •' al. Are at Minneapolisdestroyed fourlinplement warehouses, on Sat- rirdity, doing domes° to the extent 1 a million dollar*, holiday - jai _eivitidts_i Ft.iday, andtheengine was-etnnod- weeks, The -Cabinet Council on Saturday decided that no „Pro0.10- ;nation Should be issuettio extinet Priclio, next from the. provisions of tho bifls 0.-exihringe-siet, *hi& de- elares that .the Ring's birthday *hail be, is Statutory holiday; EI))101SITONVO beate of Navigatie* to he Ca tszLIy bmeStigated. - .4,*ideapatth from Ottawa say.' A---eurvey is to ,be , immediately eomMenced to asortain, the possi- ot making • a navigable route ketwien Edmonton and Winnipeg by way of the North Siskatehewat. tver and tLake Winnipeg. EX* lerera balti reported that a *six or eght foot waterway eon be estab- lished on thitclonte at a eompara- tirtiy. low ,cot, with fetilockages, as the river has A deep, ond-broad channel for nearly the Whole dis- tancc. -A vote of ten thottiand dellata was *made in Parliament last *e*sioh to defray the coat of the strvev. The survey will be made under the direction of L. It. 140.Y, who was One Of the tiuhl alef$ On the GoOreian Sty Corsa siirvey. Five parties will go ,in and terry.Aon surveying operations Oh as many sections of the route. Ib is 'exPteted that _the. work will finished-thia oittriurier; Seventeen, thousand 1?erions hay engaged postage to Europe from New,Xork in the month uf June; robly- 4a-maged. • _ It is 'rePorted that Sir William Van Horne will,leme 401* for Australia to advise the Govern, t regarding the canstructiorcof • railway storm** the continent, with extensive -irrigation wor BEAT' BRITAIN. ri of,Stamford'ii dead suggested • that Xi voroiratiei take plate Twent3P4wo persons weredrown- ed. in * collision beto steamers in the English thanittl. Queen Alexandra received the Irgh Commissioners of Canada, and Aistralia, in audienve, anctex. prerised her gratitudefor the e prossions of sympathy sent her from the oversee, "colonies. UNITED 'STATES. srailroads Are.to Aoitt worth Wadi, in Europe. Mr. Justice ItaeLaren of Torot, to has been elected 'lee -President of the World's Sunday School At, froeiotion. No person will be admitted to Sunday ,tetteball games in Pitts- burg except upon presentation ticket' to ;be -Obtained only a niertimg ellurth srrvke GENERAL. t • • 4.14 ; is dead.„ hinetrewere _killed, destroyed in riots near The olt iia China is spread - snaps' have bundrd t tbe poores been banithed o • CI) TRY_PRODUti:— , Butterl-Creamety prints, 22c to Vc; Separator prints, SOO to 21e; Dairy pint*, choice, 19c to 200; 1,11. terror, 16o to.10c Eggs--I0o to 20o per dozen in ase lots. Cheese -124 -,Mr- large' and 1.230 PI -twins, Ord elteese, 123c for alp and lac for twins. • Beans -$2 to $gao perbushel for rime* and $2.10:to $2.20 for hand - "eked. Potatoes -Delawares, 15e_ per bag out -of store and at 45o to on trig& -Toronto, and Ontario* to 40c per bag on track- Pil,OVISIONS. 'Wholesale,. -quotations Pork --Short cut,, $31 .to $31.50 per mess,.$28,50 to 14129. Lard.4irirtA tierces, 10c-; tub*, 10!4e; 14; Akira very light. Szeleed and Dry Salted Meats long,ekar bacon, tons and caes 15X4:: to "; back* (01114), to 2I c; b&cks (Pea -meal), 2140 t Wei ihotilafrt-ams, vie to 14e; green meats, out of pickle, le le*. than smoked. . • „smoked. 10e to 16340; me- dium and light hams, leo to 163(te; Leavy, 16ge. to Vel baton, 19c to C. Montreal, May radian .Western, 3734 to 38e; No. •3,3634 to 37e; Ontario No. g white, 4°4 No. a, 3$0. 4o., No. Borley -No. 4, 0634e; No. 4, Itottataapri4ngrlioretleitUt tc. Eenkrs.rit $IM; 40., steoncht 10.104 Winter wheat patents, $0,26 to $5,30; nitobo strong do.. in bags, leg $2 to. $2.1.0. $10.b0 to, trAlstiott:01,- Ma to A des rom Toronto soYs:; orth three dollars a bush - Mr, Whyte, _second "Viee-t- tern pae4ers, teil,tne there „PreSident of the Canadian Paolfic ie no better tasting ,04' sweeter ba., Rrilway, prescribes mixed fanning .'6,40 than that raised on wheat. So for the wtstern wJret groer v4 U. can see whit ady_a,iilta the, , irgrianri wer ' than that of the v,izeatgrower, aict Mr. Whyte, in an interview t other day. ,(After he has gathered his crop there is ab5olutely nothing fr--him to dountilthefollowing spins. Because of this we find the merage westerner leaving his hold- ings and wintering at the coast in California. I thinkif he could e induced to taker up the feeding of eattle in thi-stalls and the ram, Ewa, ,.."that-It-would.„,bel *tints ains country as wel "Years ago," sad 'Mr. Whyte, ‘,tolithern Alberta wds one vast grazing country, .ecopptless herds ranged there. To -clay the great bulk of that land has been trans- formed- into wheat lands. Unle-ts the farmer Jokes up. the work (ceding cattlp in the Stalls I do 4et .14o-dri Where the meat supply of the World i to tome froin. And take hogs. At the present Market, price of pork it is quite rioTsSible for farmer to:Inake his poor grade *heat, or the dornaged variety, surplus -crop, prOvided lie without niaking a regular business at it and so glutting the market." "Anywoy," lie continued • !lint westerner is -being foreed-intw-dis - versiftetl farming because of -the diffieultx in procuring men to bar - his wheat. Look at the great 4.,rop there now. It has all to ,f,athered in 3o 'bort time or else the w°041 Will break -the husks and hair of.,11„.„wil1;‘,1e,..lcutt,....List,.,year, ok $mc*ne-oo-skristr, v., We had some difficulty, In vetting that number, and what -will , the situatiez-be-ria the acreage eX- t.tends1 f " " "This year the a, sown in wteat in tile Prov, juges of Manito. ba, Alberta anfl,Saskottaewen wiP be from eight, to eight and is half, - million acres. Saskatchewan alone lk at have about 4,600:080 acres, an there are ninety nollien acres arable land between the 4th. and Esth .paraliels of latitude in. that Proymee alone. We have 014 touclu4 the fringe as pt." the Average range for the best N( rthern, $1.013 to 110,..10; No. -0 butelter stock, was .from .0.49 to SPrirm, 4,1 to -$1.07%. C'orti,---No. S0.60. The medium and common to% to oec; No. g white, to, grkdes f butcher cattle brought 0,340,4 No, 2 yellow, 0034 to Vic; • ails for b-14-1445'utcher purposes, 1'5,04' to cc; No. cretk". 3 59% to GOO; $0 per ewt. for the hest qua- I No. 4,--0,-.5% to 573'e; No. 4 white, with secondary grades from beg to 00e; No. 4 yenair- $4.60 to $5.25. Milkers and spring- eft,.$65 and $74 per head, with the low figure of the range fixed around 45. ..Sheep and lambs were steady; Ito! weaker at,$9.00 to $P.75. mni) STATES. MARKETS. MinuesPeri*, 3111,Y siTtpYtellbehoor, .J,itYcl..$1,;(1104-tooh* 4,40. 5(e. Oats --No. 2, 33 to 3430; o. 2 white, 40% to 41; No. ,3 what .a?.% to 39%e No. 4 white, 35 to me; standard', 4014 to 41e. • itoitAxez IN 1118 . to $1.104; so. A nis Steinposka, -4Arutssiia'u-st, lsiit ?ow e's rharged'iiVith Try., Mils- Wife. sprach' from Briintfool says Northern, $1.06% to $1.10%; No ',las elistrged by his. wife with :a, 2 NorOfrop $1-00Xto-$1.06%; No. tempted murder /here on Wedne $1.-03,4 to 411.044. Bran -$i& to day. The evidence 'brought .'out an. 818.25. lefty -First patents. literesting .romanee. Steinposk* so to $5.50; feeond ,patts, *5.10 wia,aikuard At Warsaw, andsecur. first clears,. $4.1W, 1v/prioonment for allowing a :"(1.,":1st°404110(14,:e4ileltiriill-2;0144 r ' lunacy and later escaPe& from' *3.20. state .proioner to eseepe..Ife feign Wrarat-Ne., 2 red, *146% to he/asylum to Canada. His Wife 1)3; No. 3 rod, $1.60 to $1.00; NO. f.liiiomit Wm. Retold:ie. 'quarrels 2 bard $1.08 to $1.41134; No. a hard developed. -The prisoner, *mai re- * X . X Y�rthcrn, $1.11; No 2 mended. A. deSpoteli from Ottawa . . Another: in$talment of the izivez , Option . td. the Labor into the increase in the coat of liv- in 4i, p ked, la_ the curreat i* - aur f Tbe Labor klarette. --;The 'serrt chaptrr deak with tbe• ;teal hidei,J, taltotti leatherAloe*, whith ,n(w higher than at any titoe in 1, (mparrd t I *ifirkt forty injisrrd du April there we eis 111 existeric ore .than in Ap ut :122 •:iirMS iploy€eswere *tied of time-, nugh ode diaputta • ,nth was appro*intatel erking y*, teoramted ItatA. Tel of t t ixp1o4e4 In M*dr4 on daywa inten f o o. "Fre *ubmarine Pluviese sent to the bottom with Iter nen *tell/don with * it*chann1 ateimer. the loos, in Mows) tio* of 101 tafellie* be p�d1 have been ordered 110 of their tight td e le. rt toe` Aaareltitt, in the Piot *hi* astseasiaatiort of sd serr reams of Portn a eftkf04114600! 040 -to .30i. extras tote brani Manitoba : 1:,,t141$1:1to' Ito orran), 416.60 t pare -gram mouillte„. 32 to $25 to 1148. Os' to 1.13A -Rutter eAlt 4 44e14te rem, No drudgery of coal and no mooping to ,get a the v 4 0 smoke no u Do odor--.jutgood co�king greaterwith