HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-19, Page 22
uelesis Baum coteer erep P'i11t A DOMINION
mierreex museum,
The history of Cennda is rich
records of 11ert)i>,m from the time
Veen Jttogoes Cartier first explored
the mysteries of the St, Lawer'euce
flown to the last attempt on our borders
at Eccles Hills, when our gallant Illi•
brief soot the i' 11ittua to the right•about.
in double quick tiiuo. SIetnuntos of
theeo stru glen are uo doubt plentiful
in the oouutry,mauy of them iu private
heads. S,n1e trophies captured by
our troops, and some old properties be -
bilging to corps that served in Atneri- 1
C:t at various tulles, have long heal
tttuoug tie etures bt'longin.e to tlle1
Militia Department. These Cul, Wylie,
Director of Stores, hits gathered to-
gether iu order to form the nuolens of
a military museum. Unoccupied apart-
msnts ii tho new drill hall were found
admirably adapted fur the purpose re-
gnired, and under the direction of the
Coleuel are iu probers of beiug fitter
up, Ou the walls are a series of beau-
tifully arranged star devices of bayo-
nets, sword•bayonets, pistols, ,sabres,
&e., of various patterns, in a eple'rlid
state of preservation. all the blades be
ing hir;hly burnished, and in as good
order as if required for itnmediate use,
Ou the floor beneath there will be ar-
ranged piles of shot and shel',eept`esent•
fog the doveloprnet of gunnery from an
early period to the lrattetest ordinance
now treed in the Dominion. '1'Iie ei her-
ieal and oblong shot and shell will he
en displayed as to give an idea of the
old and new styles of artillery. In the
centre is a 9 -pounder smooth bore gun
marked in the metal with the letters,
"S N Y ." which stand for the State
of Naw York. It is an old fushiotted
batteries gun, weighing only seven
hnudred pounds, bat was, no doubt.
considered valuable in its day, and
from its make up, appears to have
been the work a primitive artist—pro-
bably a blacksmith of the Revolution
However that may be the gun has a
history, whish is brieflly given on a
card attaohed to a board, and placed
near d. This history is given as fol
lows :—"Trophy Run, captured at the
battle of the Windmitt,l6th N tvemb'r.
1138, Von Sohlutz, with ab est 400
sympathizers under his corntr and,orns-
eed from the United States at the
Wiudnlill, aehortdietauce below Pres•
cott, on the llth November, there he
fortified himself, and held po'rsession
till the 16th. He was attacked nnsnc-
nessfully on the 13th by the militia nu -
:der command of Colonel Yonng, In.
stpectiug IField• Officer. It wasnot nut•il
the arrival of a wing; of Eighty•third
Regiment and a battery of the Royal
Artillery that he finally capitulated af-
ter some severe fighting. Ver Schultz,
the leader, and aboutjtwo hundred of
his followers were taken prisoners; 150
were killed and wounded. British loss,
kilied,two officers and six men ; wound -
sad, three officers and thirty -men. 0 le
sof the officers (tilled was Lieut. Jr'hn•
•son, Eighty-third Reitnent. . Von
:ctohnita was tried by court-martial,and
&waged on the Stlt of December fellow-
dng at Fort Henry, Kingston. The
original warrant for his execution is in
'bhe•tnueoune" Cul. Whylie remarked
After this document had bees duly
,copied, sant it was somewhat cttrimis
the should have come into possession of
a doonceent of considerable hrsiorical
iin eouneotien with this gun, ',and step -
Ting forward.
tep•tTing'forward. he drew from the muzzle
A tinted-s:tain•ed yellow parchment,
which tanned out co be the original
death warraut i f Von Schlutz, who led
.the invading party as above described.
—Ottawa Ilse P,•ese.
song in the back of their mouths, so
stere is uo mill to tete mistakes hearer
stake over then), A child who heard
the hymn Hold the Fort, thought tb
laue about er 'Strauded wreck,' wa
something, about a 'Strangled drake.'
1 suppose many have heard of the
oonutryman who went into church as
the choir began the anthem "We all
like sheep,' and made it sound as if it
were au assertion of their taste in
'We till like sheep,' sang the soprano.
'We all like sheep,' warbled the
'We elflike sheep,' growled the eon
tralto and the bass,
'Well, I dou't,' said the worthy rhs-
tic, and walked out. •
A lady Lilo prided hersolf on the pa•
aloe, which she sung Claribatre litter
'Loyale ie serai durant wa vie.'
was quiet taken back when It child end,
'Cousin, sing, the pretty song, royal
sir sherry, hurrah for *ire 1'
Another latlyottnle out sit a concert to
sing. iiillttrti'a Wheu the fiowiug tide
'eO%nes in, and the last part of .which
gusts ills way :—"Pence, let rhino rest ;I
Gad ltrrnweth bed.'
Willi a voice trembling with emotion
she hang
'Peace, let him roast ; God klloweti
idnuy, many years ago, when the
s tag 'Petry Villoore courted Ka'hleen
B,iwn. He was bold as a hawk, -iib
Heft as tete dawn,' was in fashi
girl who heard a public singer give if,
picked up by ear aud(thought the words
were :--
, Rory 0' Moore courted K till' en
13ewn. He poulticed the hawk, and
:the salted it down.'
FEMA Tsai.
Some very strr.uge evidence oonoern-
when he attempted to serge notices on
a farm. The process-berver was hunt-
ed iota s iruuse which was afterwards
carried by storm, pnd be was left for
L:indon,Aug. 9. A Cahill correspond -
eta set is that liuberts' force, l.uwber.
iltg 13,000 trade its !list march to Betr-
ialiuur, Roberts hopes to reach Cnud:t-
uttr in twenty tive days, The author-
ities do uut anticipate opposition to
Stet art's uithdrewl from Gamic
;a Retort's ttdvauue as far as Gltnsni.
The Aulaer ttppoitltnd N1e0e11ki Alain
Kau Ue Alaw, or religious head
preacher of Aighanistttu. He it; Less
appointed the i:ew Goveritor of
t=huzui, Jt 1ti1ebad and l.nmaian; The
Guveruor of Glhab'i action/pieties Rob.
erts to the tattet place. tinder Walli
Mahnwe,i Ilae gene to India,
A Calcutta eorresponderht says to
abttudon Cabal may weele the expendi-
ture 1n a fee years of ft r „ blt.ud treas-
ure, b,tt t' aband,en 03 i' her way
ores the 1 tris of It„htt�
Benlbiy, An.. 7-- t)!l:o:t,lfl Choki
is tllrelileued by tete Af.>'tt•..: , but the
;relate of I crit,111 t' 1 ttll,ltUb,tbte
(,';”1 do ti s eve) lite W ,•t,• 00011 try
to nvol tete Made 0..11 try are iu
00lrrtn;N ion.
11 tlubny, &ttgust 9'. The a ibes in
Llh,e ueighb'orlrt:ud of the Ka.tjik Pass
are occupying the hill above Chalnau
Cholti fort.
1r_oedoii, Anguet 9.—A. Calcutta des•
p' ett :. ayd :•--The Iudiau pros and
1+uit to are unanimous in attributiug
13:tti•a d -feat in the first plaoe to
G .'. 4'' )nrt)ee. the panic stricken
teleetara,, ;sot by him to Bombay are
pointed to es eurther instances of his
wont of judgment. Gen. Burrowts'
heeitetiou its dealing with Walli's
mutiuions troupe at Girishk seams to
eetahaitih is pretty strong case of itis
erornpeteuee against him. It is doubt-
ful wlretttee Gen. Roberts or Gen.
Payne will r ash Candahar first, but
.. re i- t.1. ,•, retsaorr to believe that
t:, or 1.' tber will reach Candahar
tt Nuel of August or the begtinning
;:)titer, To retire from Cahn'
Eng the working of the Feria' broth •
hood teas recently given at lloseotnteee :
on the trial of McHugh and Weldutt f,
the murder of Mr. Young, J. P., at
Castlerea, three years ago. McHugh
was, it appeared, "head centre" of the
L+ettiaus in the dk-4t'r'iot. He had a
peony per head per week from the
tueinbers of the orgauizatien, and he
held the position of "at roourer" for the
pruviuce of C•uloaught. A meeting
was held, a: which lots were drawn
who should shoot Mr. Young, and it
fell to the lot of McHugh, whit received
$5 for his trouble, An Informer uam-
' ed stark wee present at Chore meetings.
sad was told aft•erwarde that be and
hie brother were elate to be abut, as
they were suspected- Au attempt wa,
made to administer the Fenian oath to
Clark but he refused to take it, and
kept the magistrates in the district Ito
termed of what was going on. McHugh
told him iu 1874 that they would get a
large oousigiiw&nt of guns and bay;
nets fur distrubotion. ' Clerk got elle.
At the Fe:aian lneetings the subjee dis-
cueeed was the overthrow of the British
Empire, which watt to be dons the mo -
went Ettglauri got iu a war, how many
lneu could be orgauized, and different
details as to places for meeting. Mc-
Hugh said they had a Feuian as a ser •
vent in almost every gentleman's house
in the country, and the moment the
rising took plane these servants would
throw these gentleman's planes 03)et,.
The payment for the murder was not
made until the deed ear- committed.
Then McHugh at nue of the meetings
descrlb,-e how he had done it with
tVeldnu'e large revolver, and how he
batt escaped afterward. The subject
of landlordism was often discussed at
the meetings, and it was resolved that
the landlords should be first abolished,
nit they were the gleet prop of the
Cr, set in Ireland, aid their overtltroe
would be the first step toward the ee
tabltehtuent oI ttu Itish R: pnblie. Cle.k
was the foreman at the oorouer's in-
- gnest on Mr. Young's retnaIn , when o
v rdict Against some person or pet -menet
uukuewu wets returned. . 11 also ap-
peared that on the day of the murder
3IuHnggh was seen near the place, and
that Weldon drove to another part of
the c tuptry without apparent reason,
and was heard to say, "The devil is
strut." The trial excited a great seem
I of feeling; in the country, and the wit-
s nesses had to be escorted by the police.
At the Assizes the Grand Jury award-
ed a process server $3,000 cttmpenea-
e tion for the, loss of ate eye which was
d' broken by _stouee thrown by a mob
'IIthere is a eltteelof people whose pow-
ite of laugneze barely admits of is care-
ful use of Blug;lish, but to make up fur
thats they brieg ,out the most remark
able French. I heard a Hiatt say en
thusiastieally 'Erutrez, entrez,' Mettti-
iut; enc ire. A.notluer pronouueed ren-
dezvous an reudisvows. There was a
men playing the disapeinted lova. in
.a t alnuteur rerelitiou of the Lady of
Lyons, who draw down the house by
pros. uucithg ehittteau. as 'chatter,' andwho even in thenae of his own native
tongue stumbled over the word 'churl'
and pompously said. to Pauline, 'Thy
huebttntl is but a low born curl.'
The large army of amateur singers
one meets have, as a general tiling, a
.curious way of keeping the words of a
st: tl:i t, were -n hi another part
i!t. r: , : ,t, y our prestige has Buffered
a sevcre and bit leave on the
lir ;le a• Atneetl little bottler than
a i trpgt t, eel be taken through tire
length tt ,, 'a-reit)/ of Afghanietau ae
adrni-st e our weakness, It will re;
quire ell ,if the Atneer's power and ith:
fluence to hetet the tribes offour retic:
lag ariny,aud the prutable ebort sighted
ewe. euy :; Erich indicates this policy
wilt be that isitbin the nett few years
it wit! be come necessary to send another
artily and expend more millions its re:
cat I.uriug.Cebul. Candahar at the real
.tltlttrt+t of India, and if held with tr
:voile baud wouldebeeome ate wealthy
mei secure an auy proviuon id the Iu:
t leis!, empire.
Advices from Simla to the 5th inst.
that Candahar h'as not been
etrackr'tl• Ayoub Khau had reached
K no an, four miles south of Cauda:
11:.r, There, had been no advance on
Ese late tfllzai or Pislien. All was
q'tt,r. tit Cabot.
Latatini, August 9.—A dispatch from
Quetta') reports that another fight ec:
eirra•d between the troops retiring from
the lige of the railway upon Sibi ani a
large body ofatribesmeo, The troops
retired a ith a lose of ten men Milled
and a greater portion of their baggage
and animals and treasury, and chest
e etstainiup; a lite and +: half of rupees.
The native reports state that Ayoub
Blinn i.e a few miles away on the Argun:
Male rivet. and it is reported that dis:
E11Niten•' are rife in hie came. The
Catbulese regiments favor Ab.larrah:
• man, while the Herateete wish to retire
with their booty. The dead of both
( armies remaiued unburied.
having been drawn into the Furniture Diu° by Oooeittultiest and falsehood is eon -welled to'oontiuuo
the business audio unpaved to sell sheather tenni auy otltur hurt.=e in the Cooney of Iluro'd. An ex•
amination of my large stoclt, which is not exoulted outside of tho cities, anal e, ontnpttl'iocu of illy
t tidos with other factories, otruuot Tait to cont=Lao the public of rho truth of what .1. say,
Evary Article Marked Goo; 10 ziie Very Lowest 11gwe,
I leave just purchased a first-class: New Hearse, and atn prepared to attend funerals Collins,
Shrouds and all Cod.: taltiu •tit ;r,a1 on hand. Prices very reasonable, Society E+t}; lents
constantly in stock. •:.t • •15,0 MO a call, and I will make it to yorir• advantage t buy
your leurnitnre fr ! usher the place—north of Moutons Bank.
t• e
Nehe. DREW.
Sp FARit 'rERB,
USE ONLY rl'Pj;` ,
Castorine 1Tt" achine dill,
Main Street, Exeter.
T\ MGM. die Wool Season f offer M1 Heavy Woollens, including Blankets, Tweed.;, Grey -
▪ and Aome-made PIannels at 0111 Prices. This is a rare oiler, ad the goods bade is ad
vauced fully 50 per cent. To prebare for Stock -teethes,
All trimer Goods will be Cleared Out
at au Immense Sacri5oei positively for ONE i10NTT ONLY;,The Millinery Department is•
managed bye brio -class Milliner, and is fiilierl' with all the latest novelties,
No ody Should rail to Sec it
active them ever. A Perfeet fill guaranteed
A Large Stock of Barbed and Plain Pence Wire, .Seeder Corn,
Hungarian Grass Seedf Harvest Mitts and Tools.
Highest Price Paid for all kinds of F'armer's
Remember. the Old Establigkied Ho'>ise3
Srrfoulolts swellings, carbuncles and
boils, blotches, pimples and eruptions,
et larged glands, internal soreness, tor -
id liver, and general clogged condi•
tin' r.f the system, all yield in due
time to nature's sovereign remedy—
Dr Pirerce's Gulden Medical Discovery.
Sold eroued the world by druggists
r•ncl chemists. World's Dispensary
Medical Assooialo u, Proprietors, But -
tido. N. Y. R. V. Pierce, M. D., Pres-
1Vesr 13LVE Mount, Wis., March 81h,
I) al. Sir'.—Having suffered many
weary months from liver complaint
without relief, 1 was ltet summer in-
duced to try Golden Medical Discovery
and Pellets. met the timer was scarcely
ableho walk. Owing to their effect I
comrneuoed to improve rapidly and ant
now as well and strong as ever. I
dinar you from the depths of toy
heart for the good they have done u e
and wish you alt euceess. Yon..
H ally, lefts. 8, STANGER.
TAKE this opportunity of thanking my numerous'SUstcrZors foilplot favors. and,vieiitor
notify them and the public generally that
I halm Purchased MA D. Johns' stoolk of
and haysrnored Tay own stock into the building lately ooecpieti" by Mr. Johns, in the NO
Office Block, where I now have one of the larges, and best assented stocks in the county.
Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves
Also a la.ge varie� of Tinware, Lamps. temp Chimneys, Cowl Oil sand Cutlet;,:
Eastimates given for Eavetronghing. Carriage Plating SI 6teaiality, Vapona *On it
tvi1Q give you [food value for your money.
The very highest pricein Cash peid fur Elides and Slie'pIi skins,
rte- Remember the place—the E•xeteir Tiu ar d Stove Rept, Post Office 7ilaeli; 14Iain' street,
Yfxeter, ranu'2ary 20, 1880.
eir The tathlic are callttonnd 0Pa111tt a ensmt e•11ich
ie r'rn•.•nr�• noire. 1 nnl,,n of in to arnrnrr a cern itti ci.,es
n ; \\Then ail ri ter
,•t tnr.r:;rene fi r;lieti. anti "•it•c
n.E},i bior.t-a W"e 'i rdlittn.rX"il`'eirn. t 5haoe ronnnilr• rmpti y nrrt•oi-cr'h cixlrt..t bast
rr rvl,
15 not h ,f tee" cr„rk t the ..-m.t
11 ice. Tt,arty,•ctnfthis doopoiion isuansnslr,rt. Three
its -,"-,,,r s nr. m•+rie 110to sell on the greet repuratinn of
1'tr 1'"1rt•T1t`lrer5 n' i helot.Cnint,nn-Iri/`r} rf The vilest
soli r1•rar its rirn<pr, are h,nitrht by the cfral-'r at ahnlit
lrlf tt•l,tt h • • ays f,,r the .' -.mine Falit-fhillera hick
eneblrs 1,11n tier -forte to r alive a tear cents iaore profit
prr i,•,t',, ,,..nn the i,nhstinn rn•tir1P than he con on 11-e'
ANI) ere
TS 11NI1QtIA,.t.Rt.
The. PAIN 1Vr.r.ra i5 put tip in a ea. and 5 ozhnttlev rrta°„ it
ag anti so times respectively,--iaiee bottles are ticren,ro