HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 2 (2)4
itaed "VI
"Ye And I lute iu niv *n4 i1
oof ot ithit W011,11.14
lieve *104 h*e hod the sind
issert kW this money w
to him by a debtor of
lie had * letter writ -to
t,. and tell me whet 't'o
xelalitation eseaped ,Ax,!ina, t.) his met)
t he au
dedly. 41 think," -
011, .10,101r the. V , ,$44:ciirt -"that
please. von to tellue where yOu iettet hal'I'eYerY *PPP'," ilee
ve seen' 'time" • navingl ,ben fashr?cated termeet the
/ saw "Iiim dinjurwitth you yes.,,!JaeoasIties of the ease; by. whom;
terday brit restaurant,--Avenueele -e4ully4 tell' 'The PIPer 9'13 written
1'opira.7" Ivo i* the kznd eMployed by.men
"'Low 410 y'ou know that the tn3r1
of It horn I speak is the one who "And the father had no friends
WAS dining, with met" engaged, in commeree. Besides,
4I..k.!,49.! it _because 1 foI1owed merehartt WO•eld'etot reimburse._
?tie. iimotint of fifty thousand francs
"You were Acting the counter-, In an anonymous letter."
police 03 it appears." "From whenee it follows," said
'It is admisstible when one Berieolf, "that the Is. , had the let.
dealing .with spy."• ter Writ.3311 Vai$4, $ 4 ;should be
"Ntipatn,e.1" exclaimed the ban -1 under the necessity of explaining
e t; with---ar $evere-glaneteat his nee! the possession of the money-.
phew. think, ontlenten, you must now be
"Oh, lett monsieur speak," cort- satisfied as to the morality of this
tintiki the colonel Win:toyed• agent of the Nihilists."
u . •
I veral .questionso $ reres.g
sone. ewes
s -for
the bee*coaiulted
'4 took every. remedy obtain-
able without any relief,/ .Then X bgsn
taking "Xtrult+tiveet,the..ftunotts ftuit
• eketablets, and tto* vet the' only
emeteine that ever rtihr me any reel
r took email ,boxes altogether. *n
• VOW"): azn entirely W.,e3i of all my dread?
litlitestlaches kite
Soca box, 6 for$2.5o or trial box1 e.
At dealers or frill, Pruit4o4iyea lollagedp
44Ps5Ation, -a-means-4 convict.
Thereuptet new ecIips-,1
of the damsel. She became
ibleo„undiscoverable. Meanwhile, I
fliscever that Carnetel is& prisoner
Borisoff's house Yesterday I
Air rill'itrit:irlfr;
,peari to 'me 4suopicious, attech
myself 'to them— "
"I know the rest; the'colonel hai
just told us." -
"Yes; hilt the volona did not tell
you diet the woman who fled with
• Carnoel was the same Who
made an attack on me because 'of
-the bracelet -the charge d' af-
laires of th.e oneshanded. .A.u4vietow
that you .know ell, am right in
'affirming thatiClarnoel is the two.
ei'ate of these rescals1""
I t haveetio-doubteof•It.
rain not e oneViirelify-crsi
ssy that in order to repair the mis-
chief you have done."
"Put I intend to stif the_same
ray tousin
•"When/ Will you wait- until -oh
diee ofgrief, or flies into a eon -
vent? My life is intolerable. Alice
neither speaks nor eats Vignory
looks like a funeral. It is enough
to drive one mad." - -
"I ask for twenty.four hours to
snake detlaration whigh will pro -
disco it, decided effeet on ray cou-
• "Why this delay t She is wait-
' isle for me „now. BreallfaVt -with
" tintted the cOlonel.
-"You wish to kpow where 1 fol- "allow me to hand you the sum and
'loWed you 1 W33 in the orehes. 1 the letter. I shall have no further
tr:s of the, opera Avilien you entered; business with M. de Carnoel, ,since
▪ box tof that woman. I rode in 1 I aril, recalled to St. Petersburg.
a carriage behind the hack that Th., same* despatch antioutices the
teok yoit to Rue Jouffroy. I es- I attempt against the Cztif and -my
t'ablished in,ysell in a house oppo- disgraoe,—for this unexPected re-
:ztt. the one--ou entered. *lid re- coil itr a. disgrace. I shall no lon-
mained there until you took flight,/
'lied even a little later."
"My best compliment, monsieur.
be -Nihilists beep, in you a ya,lu-
- you n
'1"Tiini hot wit t e
-1-now veirwell,' retorted Maximo, mit
gee be employed extept in Ittnigil**
And :there -is little probability that
yeur ei-devant eperetary-, will show
himself there. --If his aecomplices,
11111114.'7A;:iffhtfpti ialtitrto'
tv er;1 4.4t;
you whatever may came to
I light tahrough these wretches eon -
"You say so, and I wish to be- corning the theft. And in any
lieve it, replied Rol-0•u19ff, but I, event I carry with me the gals
i •
am driven to think the contrary, Cote of having edified you-lconeern-
for if you passed a portion of the in, & young Man IOW 104 taught
night in watetiing me, it was not • to bring trouble into your family.
• frr the purpose of seconding me in Should he renew his audacious! at
ray conflict with these People. Way. fimpt,-1 leave you the means ;if
I venture to ask what is now your cordoundieg him." M. B* if hid
orinion Of M: de Carnoel 1" I placed t.110 notes on the table and
can -answer without the least handed the letters' to M. Dorgere
• eijibarrassment. M. de Carnoel is "There retrains nothing nosoli- gen-
evidently the friend Of the woman tlemen, buft to take leave of you.
„a -delivered him."' •!My steward will come to -day to
"You admit, also that the *omen withdraw my funds. Adieu, mon-
belongs to the sect which steals,' smur. Present -my belt resPeetis to
- bur 3 and Assassinates." 13the. Dorgeres, and believeln MY
"I *dm t it the more rea y. as best wishes." I
I SIM in possession of the proof." Before leaving, he turned toward wish, aitd-Ts`s I am going this even -
"And this proof, would yon fur- Braeirne and tossed him bit of * to lav hands on 51..< de Carnoel
"Tol what purpost You are "Believe me, monsie.ur, 3,-ou f°r this "min *°'
nish 4e with it?' advice:
about •to leave France. The plots 'would d well to abstain 'from pule
wh are beinrestrried on in Paris suing the rescuers 01 M. Car. "What! you ST* going to art
,de ot "concern you, Besides. my noel. They would -kill vou." Iteenmin What
is your
With these Words he disappeaied. ,4011, ram not yet enrolled in the
'iuct as the- valet ;fop& entered anti,' prefecture of police; but I wisli,to
said: •'know finally where stand in. re-
"Msderooiselle `Iseiftls-zile to 5111 gard to your former secretary., and
t) Moores that she is waiting I know sone one who. will introbreakfa*t for him."
"Very well. Say theta aro' com-
The valet went out and the bank -
44.1 will..4o so to -morrow if yrtml
, conviction rests on fact which are
personal to Myself. As for M. de
earned, he has been delivered by
* vile etcetera assisted by a false
pc lice agent, and has taken refuge
io an asylum prepared for him by
thii pretty couple. It follows that
he makes a part of the band." -
-"You are wonderfully well in-
formed." said the colonel, 5mi1ing
sarcastically. "But I did not come
to see' your uncle for the Purpose
• of .enteitaining him -with the po-
litical aspect of this affgjy.-- It mat-
ters little to him, I suppose, that
As former secretary does -or does
not conspire against the Russian
geiierninenti, but it concerns him,
perhaps, , to 'acquire ,,the certainty.
that :this gentleman- is a thief.
hen M. de Carnoel fell into my
• hands, I made use of Means which
taw pollee of all eountries -employ
with prisoners. : He was eearched,
end was found to -carry on his per
*un five packages of bank notes of
'au thousand francs each."
"Just the sum taken from me. It
is perfectly clear." '
"Ifere-as the *Mount," continued
Zorisoff, drawing the notes from
is poeket. -
"Fifty thousand francs are very,
easily obtained when one _has the
funds of a. government at his (Os -
Pose]." muttered Maxiine.
'I cannot receive this money,- it
least without being certain where
it ewe fetort.'," staaimered the-un-
alno uncertain' of the sincerity
of the colonel. 4
l'If von refute, I Shall feel com-
pelled to \iive, it away in charity,
for -it *Iqq not belong' to int," .id
&riga. "But 1 shaU proe t
On that X did not bring it with
t‘iffiset the ruin of M. de CatIt40
**When I *eked him to account ,for
thiq sum, his rep l$ was ilst it had
in ,sent to him by tome one who
aid owed It to his tither."
"That could riot :be," said M.
rOorgcleS. ollis father did not
love * son, of emsdit of ity tort;
WAS entrusted with the settling
of his affairs, and if fifty thousand
trano Itlid,beeit owing him I should
hare known of it."
"That is shout what I Slid to the
This ,son. thin Showed me the
g' it, Amid' yOU
WAS Of 414 jilt*
a Mr. D•Jr-
aduce me into the house in whtch
be is hidieng."
"Diable! it would be & hazard-
ous• expedition. Itememker the
• er was left alone with Maxime„ whoovorde at the colonel: 'Take care.
was much less agitated than his: so people would kill you.'"
"itray the devil take this Bus -
sum with his revelatirtme and his
resolutions," he sitIell it have a
mind to run aft-er him and return
these cursed ,Unk.notes."
""Whylt" asked .the nephew. "Do
you suppose he has taken theni
from his own property foram plea.
sUre-ef dishonoring M. de Carnoel
I. can scarcely believe °
"Thou you think he spoke the
"Yosithus far ***bib° fiftythou-
fiancs were , found n the
pockek of your former secretary..It
retrains t� he seen who wrote the
"Do you doubt that it was this
unfortunate young man?"
exactly, though that would
upset the ideas' I had, conceived of
Li s character. But between the
act of stealing money and that of
which we believe hint guilty, the
difference is small enough. To area
soda* oneself- with raxcala whu
httak ,safts under the ,pretext °af
politics is more than ,,enougli, to tits -
'manor * man. LA me .go' on with
the stont which the colmietinter-
t placed in my.pocket
eIet that: wow ,found on the
d, and 'it' as a means iof
overing admirtable mason
Ito had abandoned it .to the views
our isite. One eyening, after
hibited it at a public hallo
met with * ININOMIt very pretty
all thy, who permitted,
o itet. sa her *amt. and drew
bete four swan -
ere Iying
jade after this dis
Jur insti *
*1,e appea
sreetiag, and ac,epte4l an inrita
tior4 to aanper. dt • whkh shi
Ionia meant to ity, esrryin
tratt,let. 11 iota then
'at this treatotre liad been
aotehed Ly the WA to otittovIr
"I ant not afraid of them.,
"You will be,always the 11403.*. -
going straight Cu, doubting and
suspecting nothing. They have inst
bkiwn up, the Winter Palace; to
snuieler you would be a Much renal -
let matter."
At this moment luleis Vignotit
entered, Ile hid an anxione ,ap-
Karst**, and seemed surprised .at
.seeing Maxime. '
"Monsieur,':- he _said, "I have
just Uteri notified tha,t'Cot.,Boria-
oft WilfWithdraw his funds at three
to!..clock, May I settle his accountl"
"Yes. I lave ;hitt seen the vole
<Mel. _But 1 wish to weak with
you. Why aid you not tell me o
the first attempt at theftl Oh, sl
no' assume the atattihcd 1-1 know
all Maxima has lust given me the -
history of the liartl"
e ought to have done *0
replre# the (wilier ; "it w
1i who tilgeCrne to silence"
*rime said nothing, but.he kni
his brow. Itek found Viirtioll
promPt to vindicate hitrftlf, at the
expcnse of a/friend;
is' that, and l am not ais-
•-leith.,:you.loouct Mtamtre
hough it teem* to me that your
itu*tiofl impoited upon you duties
to wbii you have 'teen wanting.
Buti we II 'leave th-e-past, and bei
kind cnough t examine these pack'
ages of loltote*," *Altat
tog- to that,filti whit
were till tread out on.tlie4tah
• Vignory toolc them up
gan oGunting them -over.
"There are lifty,t" he as
"Thais hot whit I *sic.
414 you think titey torte from f,
"From mv • safe, undoubtedly.
recogtite,sitirts way Vie pin fsst
n; a. Mort to the right
littl'e lower /down than *
ex made. it tline:Ititik of rt*
Vi aril. My rotige i.f
re'tuv can to toner mairiutiti,t
it' l'ias ttolen them."
tit was -----D
old in our bandsthe
at was taken frost me,
ee. • stet pot**
bitgo laroort4 re
Wb*um. 0.414' sow
ore- to lose.-
hand .;rem-bi-
turned *le, and took th
"The ,imp‘sture is eildent„11.! lio
tater having -gleneed
,de fastenoel.".. '
"Dicfated to -*1101411"
"Trit, one of his friends, nodoubt.
do not know the 'hand,setiting."
"But intimate as were you
mu4t, know the friends of, Itob:rt
"Friends -he hid few," stem-
merel -Vignory. "A few s, college
• hums, and-thoee-he,saw Nev.-rare
‘‘Then;" said the banker, "it i
uselees to try to find out ii wrote
the Iekter,"
4elieire so, -monsieur how-
ever, if entrustftto nie
I,tin‘NaoY iperhaps-"
would b
ewillosuP*""ue wite's.te of time ;
my mend is entirelY,Thathiup, and
I desire only to impart, ray tonvie-
tion to-Ao those who doubt
shell keep it."
The door opened softly, it.Tt
Alice% -fave appeared, but 4.aemg
her fatherwasnot-atone she made;
a, movement- to go out, -
"Comeint", exclainied M. Dote
geree. Ile concluded to profit by
the Presence of Maxime'lo strike
a, great blow, but reflecting Abate'
that of his cashier would embar-
rass 'his explanations , with his
dziughter he took .hi,ru aside and
▪ "Be so geed aS to leave us. Y
• ray hareAaraineene„,....74hevi, but it is
not a hanging matter. Go, my
friend, and return to dine WIth us.
Alibis avoided looking at him as
he went out sonievehat discomfited
awl erestfallen, butexchanginga
quick glance with her cousin, she
read in his eyes that he was not 44
bearer of good news,
"Your arrival is opportune,"
said M. Dorgeres;4"1 even regre
that you did not come sooner. .You
weutd have found Col. Borisoff
(4,Thert I did well not to tome.
That men inspires me °*itli hor-
ror."- • •
(To les continued.) _
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