HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-26, Page 1 (2)00* th0 0****—ti Or ha in tlet to *Conte the onI74 arles A134 iirooktietil who buy ee0o0,4 and Lrtiele becaueetho worn to be cheap* We dot *ter to th0t doe* but carry goOde that you wilI /0u get hoingt. Ont.r_Junant table isageln leaderawith Musiin end*, Vlan e 04341 lArtapporettesat bargin prices. * citrate line of good* in. Votihttdo, Silk WU* eild $140110* - 00 , . io Not Faills the Ladies' 'into**, We are showing. ef-line _of Zadei h which *re'lletend to Opt* for *tide, quality arid c 'Ranging from $2.60 to A eser line just artivtid. We have _ good ae50o../toodo.while- on! 60c. 'goods gootissolil in - OwingtPt A***-iatton,„ Z0.41.* 'nd -11ouistetiac! Olre. a'oue th&t thett orrketat rtAir the; Week eghiale- VflIT 30tIlo• 9V OranerMaste uogin", or Irving loodge, icially 41eite4 Lehanon VorPo 133. A. Y.,i( L. 1OLd .t. Cxteernst -the untavora her the ettendonee Wee 1szgc. zn intretture4 the • rePreeentathre rand tkodge1, and the ,dietirurulehett being, receive* in the_ Vomit Mein tftnked, the- lodge 'for the heartyic- eeptionAccordedttim, and then directed. e 'Wor. Meeter tn-ceemigt4 -the Work ot tbe. oeemid• degree., and the opening , d cioaing or three .degreeti. • Thtrytoric: done -the 'rePrevientative Otortd ta�d 014 tribute to. the Wor. a•ster 44 ofticere for the orolien Iry whteh tbey had PertOrhtett ctr ditc the wotk, zs stated hy . Won,- ..13ro.. liodgine„ being almost fzutt1em1.1rOrkii1erteet-i.k2'e***Orit* vitior X3je Ii. the tlistrteti, for exmilence. He uithcr omplimented tile lodge Yeti the matter -Pt thq '004tOeht or ota't the itlini-eenterinial rOnd, AuPtrak*t by ahead tiodoc. A vote or thii-"'vloiting Grata, fortieera yed bx.114„ Vfor: 13,r0.--plekson. soco. °acted- by War. Oro B. W. rkilinvit,*atid brierit ***Pooledv by .thet- eieiter, ad' brier addrestvett 1» Wor. Bro. lifallion or Stretford and Wor. Om Cullen or Fenlon Faflui, closed the lodge proceed- oh- -A r.otable feature -Or the *mall* was s vote or atheitte .regret **seed. by tbi ledge and to ba roOrded,la,Itite..intn. Plr• or th,wo station tton tO t .11,), tee' :al aortallate 1dwtt 1144 1040 '11i)rat tt000 re or ,Ioridoa and laid to res Windior. • outo .the rwteral cortege w40, iKr.LlW lined wfl spectators. 'front add.' 4 multitude stood P*Milt- rt tin ItzrotarrY allarp-'ebowers 4r f. the body or Single ;u t King had been removed trora,.•1120 aritiqii& in Westminster flail fo fls .ot1.tneY IQ the- ritt* rt."rei'yic e4ftiliteete*". ede'ttes04140%. or, belt** more yard nUrnericallY, Armlet. is inonlished, as the W4014*Cit,*' .rank end hOhOri, th4A. 437 of tatth.,: iy record* - " T. 'rUnerel dr queen. Tictotia. rakd *.the moot iniposing ,hurnan i crcmon- *ItietOrY, .That ,ot long Irdwat4 yit., tea elitabliiited.* rieW *tinder& In villititifor,lie dignity, and Anli*nd pklty. Throi_hog* .Wtore the ed the. aerned thllitons who Were hiesited the threeltille , route was in his place. • * A trp mei* the Zia Or 'march .o*c0c -1nttehed. In on ,0 ui *light upward 41000 gave sotn2 radvauto .(tire to the stw.ctatore the, _&h4 -of - eleeril*.rp,ekrd humanly WA* vast velvet corrt on which race* were • cio*eiy spr:aidied trona 'or- *alt. The ,black-ead multittide along .the vs.,'Ateetned,..,,trisiLlmo he..Lde- I,. • • J. Itself a spzetacie uu- story. There were at leatit. °pie In..flytte ftru. ePet ,where there _wait ago At potato Where-* closed A e brethren then sur- roundcd the fritive board, When * tt enrols toast "Ilitt followed, Wog,* Bro. liateetf,0 aitistaiting the' chair. ,The toast , r)r the iting;, Was emitiled Afttil, AheOle300 Of IN141*. Ore. Collin*. Ills o,4111**** to this ttg.tat was one of rare Uncoit and toquitive. Ili* toueblinr referenee'lo the atil40 ritt4itie* or our late beloetti_lting w** Inde -td, * maaterts Wort. It was .hrter, but. contained Much,' and was a. rittifig: tribute . to . the liletnOrr Ot SO *ter II •'. A xtric-6 ,iro .00stetil rue iu-i.o, 4 aurlo-tiproi p.r, xitlit .0eotge O os urea tits hearer* that' the arra t the EmPire ',',Iritti ralien iriW ear : cio..‘'The Grand Lodge and Dletrie were cleverly ' repliedto'''. by 'Itt, l'otor. 2. i?icksoit .and itOdginit; . Sister ioftes and eisittrit brethren- by Wor. ros._ Sialitoo_ituilailloni Lehenenr,..Vor- esof Lodge by 'Won Moe. 'Creech. Taman gLud: Sander*, V. Wet, Bro. Stewart and Pro. Burden. Bro. iltirdon also Ong an ow plantation *90It in * In"ner. td0Ot Ag*Stiit0., The *luntor Warden** alit by Bro. W.„ XX Sender* souk "Auld. ing Syne" sung, by the brethren -con.' utted the 'entertainment, just at .the wee *mai Miura were noted .. on the clock. P. 101141,0.64.11D -L ty. rust% DENTIST Dietioa.lt- Collars Lsw OtSotc , zoo OU ZW1dUflG' Prom 01010Ot.4 BOONS 1100100. )4/4" azotrdir 10401 ?atm .biried, 4/1.115 pot lefit or 50c, et *t1rzg 4open Or id rat= Barred Rock lien*. Iniecienr teed- id lay, 11140 per .t(Ung Wfli fit* eutette sots fey Iron Ad_ rimu03010111 *prlee., BOO tbkici tor 0.4* ,lattAr tha "Oth et Aril. TWO 'Thos4sr. imago** Barred Rock roils* tot se & cell sot - lofted. Ordertaken no WILVIAM A SAMBROOK*, CRISDITONi ON rsorrr 1'o4 taut,. rotek tottece in excellent conditkut, with *Ix good Uving tootle, toed ttiaitr two lots 'or good 204424 good welt.rtt water and tioderti. Three 'block* trent .11tain, street. kat : Patticutate "*Poly to MISS. yin*. visuirkt, *too. Geo. Chapnum. Win be at the Centrar Exeter, on Wednesder. june 1 t 1.2 o'cioek, with a load or ,cithre* for *ale. • • J MEETING oW TUE utritoti -COlisterr . • tiPtzt.P44, " The ��ufl ot the. 00unti Of Iliiroh wIU --txlett---rri-411.- 00AM1t Onarober* In -1)* 4rown o (1040seiv oi%Luitoiliy* the Tth day lot Xutte neat. at AmOunticactinet the county' ,nnest be placed with the elitic *tore the .*bo** 1444.14% 'Dated, ssa, :two. _ 'tirtitturats voit .4;titietatI4 &LIMA? ..01.11Stuter, 1241x l nutVI9r°1t3146$-*ee"i sod voohrt4;"44PPle with `")4411sir Totihei, /went ta .41.)pJ:*. ichapvi yoti havep oUeed IC* bu tto ,4vevertbelesnit trqi cy ,fAre.e.-Iteevrt, William r,xwdepti, `Will!ata 14evet and 1.4cre aro .4104' 4 Sow, Othek vc,We tzwejoi1.g in the saur rienwa: 'but )*t etc only, erdty citiactro. E1.0141410 Villtrrellfr-The ohouttur Vire" ecconpanied by tbe r44,ilic_,,gre-falowin----told--therltabt- or- * tiro in progrele tkorn*Ittre” in town Thttradvp ptght last etween n Ond twelve o"-clozic broke out ir the two 14100 I'v0IdetiVO tot Xr, and 'Afro. A. 'Bedford* 'Sanders it., ,and,bcrere Itiorovered the entire inteilor Was scAthing inavnit,or $laineit. The building h ii precticallY **dated and there he. ng tittle -0V no. Wind blowing at the odtl,z1:Trthlitir4nge; °wtaicm. not strecjiatltultbuwtitit:' eviWd 40- untorliumte.. tit4t awn o tine home,' Wilt but a sort tiMe ego ehoutd 'bp elestrOyot n this way. The the b2lgadc and o rivinotie of we4 311YottorY 40 there, 03,1 ben tr as Wm no- pe,..reOn In the hensatIer -tbre o'clefe3r in the arterrreon, Mr.„ era bilel at ,Crediton, While 14,-,rxi fled- tord watt *Owing 1V1th her *toter* C. tiarnese.---- Kowa- viiiit--**41fut:, 40_01.etinst Atatiell-rOated---near We understand the lhouranee'on ouse arAd content* is 40100i • - ENIPxgra DAY. --'Empire. Day was cc/ !Iv...fled at. the ,,Ezetet Publie-Sehool on wonesday, 'NW 251h; ` and fnarr- rortried 17 Precession at 4 northed throush the. WWII* the dead IC ng. Tnc 4,00hr of the *Peet/KW :would be ltnost table were It for the, pleudld lSne of War toade-ht the -Uax. ng not got theiroup* who stood .trly sIouLdet to shouldev.alOg (ach Pelt he gun catrtage on whiett wato th body or the departed Xing were turf K12s ant 2tOtablee4tr- horseback. The.,Dulte or CohAaught, King otorge, *'.d itniperor Wiluatn. u:14,1.raikon or Norway, 'Georg and %ink Alton* r • 10og 11,*ertlinand or tulgstri*, KM* i.reitkk Denmaricr and Xing INittn, 4 or 1,4ttugaiT,-;. rettiee- Vuee\ir *Yedt.na the her parent 'or Tilyacy, Xing *that. 0,,t ft3411...aild Archeluim Praha* yerainand eir-to the:,-throop-of--„4..uetitarla Prkzee sadanartz Vushirai or ..4ePo2 .Grand Duke Irtehael ot Itusalla.; Mote Mi't4* teprettentinir. play the Doke r Sparta, who le CrOW,o, Prince Or firecee; and Crown, .Prince Pei:Atwood of Roumania, - , • prince Ucury of Prussia, represent-. 'the: german navy; ' Prince Cherie* Sweden ; -Prince ,licary or ilettendi b Once or Soxe-Cobuti-Gotha, Crown et or Montenegro* and Crown Prince tender vr Prince.Mohemined All* Said Pasha tultikar, Watsta *Pish* ot Egypt. and the Sultan ot Zanzibar. - - Then-rollowd the triad,/ ,and Ducal 'tviireoerilittives or a dozen, German Stat- es, the sti.embers of the Voirlisti Royal flhalltt,'Ahe IYAIencon* and Vrtnee Polar WO 9r atiam, The undersigned' will receive Tendra t build * conret* culiert With tem. ent floor! 111 St, dean *Pan* up to flwrm day MAY 241th, 191,0i at 1, Pito. Mos and -ippeelfiettions can be vateri-at the *011ie* of Serriiitiliiretturt Iteeve, Mt** or at the offleo*of the understirowl, Tb totwoe#4. -or 4thY tenar not noterteinlitr, teceitt4, 111114R1: . slerriACIlitrt IATANTILT). Malt teather with Recergi-ela** remstorga certificate,. tor S. II. So. Iltrphen. Duties to comment* in *t. APPli to.-Yohn, tteikerator. *WY. 'Vests.. *atter Ont. 00000 n iike„ liwer. tO the Mad. Tioe4sio 4..*n* 7-th rar, aiw*Mliii. Ur the' state ot God- or , *May, Sane Stb. he Trnited IChtatetn .4Ir Groat Tititatti: ftwthier varticalaro Warm and IreIlad., Xlajr§-131*ter*Oia' ' of the' . oath. Ilimptilor 0- TWA, in4 Oovereirtn , ci" the toinit notate Ohter Sol the Garter. Vs huinbil beateth Atotiltittl, CO tO r, Mt with lariag Igo. health lend horbor, " sit wog*/ hoPiptnese 414 roost higth, el ' ' West olietleet Xenitreh. he sr ?ftillitritoi, ,tlistopettft*P"'mo:lititnook: a sta, • ,is: e.' itie theicittt. "the mounted group 4/** touowed-it *Ore State terrines.. The first Was Ot'cuP „ ,14111, b the-QuetrignOther Aieran-L itea, heetsittter, the ItOolan liWaritiv It Vine: 'Vrifteittritti-an the Princes* Vtetotu. Tile -*wood cartisits Con Ifroxy ot 0,reet :Britain; tlueen Norway, the Duke at cornwill, helr to the Britiott daunt* and Prine*** The oast tour cortege* turr Eoy et iettite and limitvereetilhir The sorenth` carriage tierried Prince Tsai Teo of coral, 'and MO suite. The ettOth eatilitge 74Wate *Oared by- totelket Atnerieen Attibassader Theodore itooseveltt Via**, torineh "Irorelkit :41nister- aod-Zehad 1ban WM" " Sultaneh or Persia. , The ninth cerriege - was occupied Lord Strathona, /sad nigh Contnii*, *lone* for Coniadat Sit George Peut min in, order, RA -the 'ground..‘ tlatIVIVAVI Ot. OW 40104 Sold, pre fled' and the followinir intereettOt• Program was wheeno#Itev. X4r. .Yelland opened vdth ,r1,47/0r. Rev. Mr. Veer "poke on 1)10 EMPIre end ,Itor Mission" wider headintris ot leaderafilp,And Opportun Itv Mr Hharp.'repoke On "The lit School to its llelationstilp to rte EtnjJr fle dwelt On, the piece ot *le ub1c school to mOuidiror. the na- ciaUtSei 001114 in egoada into one tent#enicine: whole andthe.-tleed of gh tieheOI training to ;tit ve. 'tor 1144011 fietice or ' eitizehithip. fl 14,474A eutPricient interest *a* not talt-t iv ttontirying the %rounds aitti the ole-ttrwralty. Itey. r. tolltns was 1e;2. t1kd'1,1*-pon w preaent the Iteison imolai., Shield to the chool.. lute skld to made it' the oak and opper- t.kCao:. troot Presented by Lord Strathcma thaIr or the Silloes 'Caton,. Mr.' ca., *Ins J presenting the ehleld, *poke o the work, Of Alltnirat kteleOn and dwel upon'hit high oelnie et 40tY ande44* 014 riotterat fr. trt. Otrititir—soluir Death .of retatint" and 'the iehO�l ren -- tiered several Patriotic *elections. The tetebration was brought .to a close .by nree row* for lite Emptre. Men and boa* he stnaintelof the National 'Arithr i'V4r ** a* It oath $14144 14.' ogitOtr God to take out ot Ott tit* no. to The Mein* mercy The late most htth• moat mighty ,,,and most **cellent Xon t* 'top. •5 ZIthca whcn-the ;rano 14: ptrva-kt, f.irhkr-widdizrx. Tilere - I* ‘. 114111, UP.jtttr `Welyling tt4at nmiot ac'At up -to date . ts thp, Invitc3tioki4 rItz4A111,ec- nta,... The ADVOCATE to the position 1 orrer,xou,,the prettiest rie4tcot adtufmt. ati-to.date Ir- vitaUo:a and' Annour,ccm,ente_ Li.,01)1d. wIsT to ee-9-41 ahorteat notice •',and 4asonablo price. -----Give oil:A- 0311 -dad You -1-0111--b-s, convince. -V!tO:2 411 Meittay oI o .}ie ftie piaez.ot l4r(! 3. Luk . . . tilted in the elettlan 9 ' 'WM., , -1e*Ver',44*Itretek.„Ileorth by * latt4orrt$ or tltr. The electitin was aorerX! quiet "one 414 'the- Vote p011ed 'W4, Ugtt 1*.1;,Aq4‘,1;0Itigt:*-1641-01ty:' -7-7(qT4; fi4 , 'the returns 'vaiO' in -it ,iive* YOU) 0171,04.* * . 9e. Ul.8 'S 4* 14 ii , S S 82it 33-151 der4)16rtre'°it a-it-Wert thtt poli 1, r,.. WaIper got to* _pretest ff.7t,'13,5tit' are good in:. and .either one would Melte a good representatiVe* i, nrn in Fetez on 00' .0, rd. to NV, A. Irearairto a ditusn. U!1-M*rt1n--lU: LO2kdOfl, 011 May 25t;, Dr. AlkekOu xl, , ** hter of Etev. and O'lla:Itea..41114114*ittot. "*:At 44);;Iteiltoryo., te jite)ta,x7r1;141:by tort , ,utkIttey.t.9,4ititi L.stV•11.1**14:041*Va°144or-ditihofttlhtetO4r litst...:* reter I *"11at::""lig'Ithiffre*::$01.-ol.,,,,ItttufteenitTsc.Ltiri.,::4'.to M :.1 lker-Waldek---In May IT ..i. Wiattt rs .rio:toItittes;0-xi,ttio,txe \%.3*11 dcelc, oc loe At CrernartY. .A.raY n-ot tiook -Grand ZteD& onMILY1 El both-000Pd. beloved. ,wire t Ilse,. IWO. SS* Vars. 4 *nonths• and., _ 1„4.-daYokL • X-eiltaa1a-40 St, NrAry*. 11.04 daVnor ,;6t trpo*,, X;ett 1 * 13 yearot.. 8ikyvoirit.4n Tocitereatitiri :«fat10g fred XZavard aged 711 rAtot. .-;F'fOrd.-0-in 8tIfaryle; 18,11114,m. tTeptart ord, Lged "Mira. AIM *T A.-MA14 !I, cr, , }e-vr . ott. EX4,101" 0 TR1 TO YOWt WV AIWA AMONG Orrilat MASS 1100‘1311.. 0 Top *Aar et.011.** MAT rriz x03 (ND UAV*WflZ M) rirrill0. , * , , . "Or140°1/ 'WILL DX '0113.40:allirt WOO STU* bit ova 0401/1114. WO, Nititorat NintAit 140210111.;TITO 100 ALIO' PitAHAVS UtttiSTOliatO TO' Mir* VLOTIMI Vtik% "- / '. , - • , . vitor Init. Avrotto YOU A SOCANd TO OR/1/81 Alt WIMA,;°.A* ASV tt TOO SKr )Mt. v 0 WV* liOtt Bininift .mi, mirr vntit, boo pay usitslib . trAttiots Tao! Atm WO NAVA: SOUS 101101At INDUCULANTS TO OFTEIR A AA* 04110140 TO'snow Tot; otTrt• 40,41**, *iota 0 IfD T*It .,?..T reitliiiriat,t .00 SOT. - azcn:cliAsii riattirsionat, 1)00Vit At10 iirrt0litts W REWIAU LOOM trt 001.44ABL