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The Exeter Times, 1880-8-12, Page 8
8 T o sMUMMA Tuesday night e S. * last some °tie Attempted. to g nl an entrauee to Mr. I, Carling's store by cutting a holo 1 ani now offering a flue soketiou of in the panel of the back door, A strip about two feet long and foe inehos wide was cut out SCHOOL 9C7d RlC W bCal;ilq,was Inas a pretty good idea who the would-be thief is. Ai the Dints. offered are the best given at Toronto, parties buying have the advantage of BEST RATES Saving of carriage and personal selection in prtrohasiug At house, G G . Exeter, July 15, 1880,. '41d,571403/75.1 Tuc',teremith branch, at Saafortn,!$ept 18 gad 17. South Huron, Stephen and i7sborne, at Exe- ter, Sap. 20 and 21. West Riding, at Goderioh, Sep.. 23 and 24. Hay branch, at Zuriob, Oot. 4 anS,5. Lan Biding, at Wroxeter, Oat. 5 and 8. l:act Wawanosh branch, at Belgrave, Oct, S. Dorris branch, at Blyth, Oct. 12 and 18. Indnetial, at Toronto, Sept. 6 to 18. Provincial at Ilaniitou, Sept. 20 ,a) Oct. 2, Western, Loudon, tleti tet4 to 5. �t'� • ".ietetrr.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12,1880. ..i:.9aOAini NEWS. The To tae Celt Vo., Marshall , Mob., ., win sand their e.o1e t "atfi,^tl Electro -Voltaic }felts to th afflicted. upon ;:D .1.t3.s trial, Speedy e'ireF. guaranteed. They m .i r: what they say. Write to them without dela,'. The only place in town for children's caul - egos and velocipedes is at Chas. Eaerett's. Call and see them. Auction sale of furniture every Wednesday at J. Drew'suntil his present stock of furniture is disposedof. Undertaking carried on as usual. THE largest, best and cheapest assortment of shoulder bracess in Exeter, at Central Drug; Store. 0. LUxz. HYDnoLEINE, a new remedy for Consump- tion, at Central Drug Store. C. LUTz. Tin attention of our readers isdirected to Banton Bros'. advertisement, A HEAVY wind storm passed over Exeter on Monday eyening last. PALL Snow.—The South Huron, Stephen and Ilsborne agricultural fall show' will be held in Exeter on the 20th and 21se of Sep- tember. CHANGED HANDS.—The Brnssele Post came out Iast week under the proprietorship of Messrs. Kerr do Auld., We wish the new pub- lisherieescery success. Clemons TREE.—Mr. L. Hardy has a dwarf apple'tree in his garden, the branches of whioh cover about 90 test of ground. About x foot from the ground seven full groan trees have sprung from its trunk. PrsercUFFs.--A pugilistic entertainment, which iii"said by those who were spectators, to have Veen very interesting, took place on a baoI: street on Tuesday morning. One of the coli'tbetants came out of the scrimmage with Lis organs of vision in mourning, while the other went home without his shirt, which had been torn to tatters. The entertainment ter- minated just a few sevoxide before Constable Gill passed the battle ground. CONTuAOTs LET.—On Saturday evening Iasi the Reeve let the following jobs : 19 rods covered drain on Lake Road, at 33c per rod, to George Hodgins ; drain on Wellington streeet from Main to Andrew, to R. Pinoombe, $19.50 ; Grading the same street and grading side for walk, to George Hodgins, $19.50 ; digging ditcn from Simcoe to Huron street, Robert MoLaren, $50. CoNtxaixATroN.—Tho apostolic rite of con- firmation will bo adminietered . in Christ Church, Exeter, on Sunday, next at 11 o'clock s. m., by Bishop Alford, recently from Eng- land. The Bishop veil also preach and ad- minister the holy communion. There will be divine service at 7 o'clock p. m., when the Bishop will again preach. The collection will be in aid of the diocese mission fund. .itzasoNALe. Mr. M. Y. McLean, editor of the'`Sesforth Expositor, was in town on Satur- day last, and gave the TIMES office a call Scarlett, one of the Peterborough school teachers, and lady have been spending s few days of vacation with Mr. Goo. Willis, of this place. Mr. J. Orr, of Exeter,'is at present re- presenting the Exeter Enoampment at the Gland Lodge I. 0, 0. P. now in session at Guelph. Quant, --Why is it unsafe for a certain medioal editor, with an oak staff, carrying a Texas horse pistol in his pocket, with fury in his eye, and the bellow of an or in his mouth, to visit the township of Hibbort, for the pur- pose of turning over a lovely page of nature's bowl.•, of which he is an ardent admirer P Azrs!er ; Because there would be imminent danger of . being eosin struck with lightning -rod. Comment. "The beet laid schemes of an' L b g '"-- ' rrrcrclr':al Tracie aft a lee. .1, Mesovx0.—Tho following members of Let - anon Forest Lodge, No 168 wore in London on Thursday lag and witnessed the ceremony. of the laying of the corner steno of the foun- dation of the new Masonic Temple :—W. 7. Bright, W. M. ; G. A. K. McLood, P. M. ; Geo. Eaorett, do, ; Charles Senior, J, W : D Moi1wen, 0. S. Clarke, E; Drew John Drew, S. Fish, 3. Gillespie, A. Lewis, 3. ?loss, 1. Carling, P. 3.K. ; Bev. E. J. Robinson, Chap. ; W. Whitlock, S. E. Jones; Dr, Hutchinson, W. Pickard, Lewis Thorne, G. Willis, John Hawkshaw. FAoxonr News, -0n Monday evening last Mr. D. Waukee received a lett er from Mr. Ladley whioh conveys some information that will be found of interest to our readers, Mr. La:aley has purchased such machinery as eau - not be purchased here and is about shipping it, and Mr. Wanless is requested to purchase whatever machinery is manufactured in this country. Mr. Ladiey's son will sail in a few weeks, and when he arrives a brick addition will be built to the present structure to make room for the new machinery. Pao3lorEb.—We understand that Mr, J. H, Boomer, the gentleniauly operator at the L. H. Lt B. station here, will shortly be removed to Ingersoll, where he has been promoted to the freight clerkship of this G. W. Its a posi- tion rendered vacant by the appointment of Mr J, Donohue, Mr. Boomer's predecessor ire Exeter, to the lucrative position of station agent at Tilsonburg. Messrs Beemer and Donohue are both to be congratulated on pro - mottoes which they well deserved. Tum ,Truuaaanr.—We have been favored with a copy of the evening Telegram, publish- ed ni Toronto by J. Ross Robertson. The Telegram is only about five years of age, but during that short period it has earned a name and attained a position in the journalistic world. Its news columns are always full and readable. But the most interesting part of the paper is its editorial and selected columns. Its articles are written in a moderate, iude• pendent tone. In polities it has uo favorites, judging all men and measures solely on their merits. Its expressions on most public ques- tions Fare singularly hurmonious with unfet- tered public sentiment. The Telegram is now printed on a Scott Perfecting Press, whioh is capable of running off 30,000 copies per hour, and is said to be the best machine in use in Canada. Our spirited" onntemporary deserves the success whioh it has achieved. We wish it continued prosperity. TAOSLING A "TRAMP.—A few days ago Reeve Hardy, of Exeter, had an interesting interview kith a tramp who applied at his house early iu the morning for assistance. The: Reeve an- swered the man at once, and wanted to know if he could not get work, which of course he could not. Mr. Hardy tola hien there was pletrty of harvesting to do about the country, and said he could not give him any assistance. The anan then wanted his breakfast, but the Reeve was unyielding in his refusal to countenance his laziness in any way,when the sturdy traamp grew noisy. At this the Reeve's Irish was aroused, and taking the man by the scoff of the neck .;he landed him upon ;the road, bdidiug him to continue his tramp. The fSl1ow vowed he would have vengeance, and is going to priblish oar muscular Reeve as far as Jerusalem, i f .Iris legs bold out long enough to take him thew. All such characters should be that; Bummrtirily disposed of, and the tramp nuisance would soon abate for want of popular appreciation. VILLAGE Couxcra.•—The Connell met pur- suant to adjournment at the Market House, on Wednesday, the 9th inst"., all the members present. The minutes of thea previous meet. ing were read and confirmed. Moved by J. Renton, seconded by E. Draw, Abet orders be granted for the following sums, Oz. : G. Mut. tart, 1115, for charitable purposes ; .T, Pickard, 352, for charitable purposes ; R. .McLaren, $42.50, for work on Lake Read, Marksq. Marl- borough and Gidley streets ; George lit dgins, $50, for part payment of contraots.—C,ai'ried. By-law No. 4 for 1880 vasidnly read and ps•s,ted on motion of 7. Pickard, seconded by E. Drew. Moved by E. Drew, seconded by T. Rantoar, that Wilson's Book of By-laws be procured fol' the use of this Council. By-law No. 5 for 1880 was duly read and passed on motion of W. Bissett, seconded by J. Renton. Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by J. Pickard, that R. Cook be paid 3100, part payment of account for lumber.—Carried. Moved by J, Pickard, seconded by E. Drew, that George Eaorett be appointed to collect water tax at a salary of $5, and that one-half be collected forthwith, and the remainder at the end of the term of weltering.—Carried. Moved by J, Pickard, seconded by J. Renton, that this Council ad- journ till Tuesday, the 24th inst., at 7.80 p. m. --Carried, M. EAcnarT, Cleric. OBITUAstL.—It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we announce the death. of Mr, James McClelland, a young gentleman who had been a resident of Exeter for about two years, and who is well known to a largo num- ber of our readers as the senior member of the firm of McClelland Bros., who earri+ed on the l TIMES ,noreantile brrsiness in Drew's Block until last January. Sitio C;,at tune Mr. McClelland bus been book-keeper for Mr. Samos Pickard. Several years ago Mr. IeIoOlelloud had a severe attack of sickness whioh left him crippled in both legs. The disease under which he had Leen prostrated could never be thoroughly driven out of his 9yetem, A few weeks ago it showed itself afresh, and Mr. McClelland was obliged to take tohies be& from, which he never was permitrfted to move until placed in his coffin. All,';aat medical skill could suggest was doue, but it could not save his life, aed en Saturday morning last, about eight o'olook, he peacefully passed away, surrounded by his parents and brother and sisters, who had been hastily telegrt.phed for when it became appar- ent to his medioal attendant that he ooulct not long survive, The remains were taken by hearse to St. Marys in the afternoon, where the evening train was taken fur Georgetdwn, near which place he was buried on Sunday. During the stay of the deceased in Exeaer he made a huge circle, of friends by his unvarying kindness and geniality of disposition. He was amore than ordinary clever young man, and could have made his mark in the world had his lite been spared. , .Aucluivr 12, 1880 Llarlchard. Goon TERrbniecn--Messrs. Lane, of Blanchard, threshed 600 bushels, of, wheat and 450 bushels of barley in one day for i11r. Wm, Graham, of the same township. Beat this who can. Fullerton. OENTENAUTAN.--Th' ether day an old lade, named Mrs. Wilt'w, died at the ace of 100 years, 4 months and 11 days. Deceased lived in Fullerton for about thirty years. She never wore glasses, and oould.eee to reed the finest Print rap to the time of her death, a few days before her death elle walked three or four miles. She leaves a large number of relatives, all of whole ere highly re• spected. Hensel!, REBUILD. --Mr. J. T. Wilson in- tends erecting a new grain warehouse of Mr. Charters to replace, the ono re• cantly destroyed by fire. Until the building is completed Mr. Charters will buy and store in the care. RETURNED.—Meeers. Char'ters,Harris and Grasuck, alio have been taking a pleasure trip to the other side of the lines, returned the other day in good trim and settled down to business. CONFIRMATION.—St. Panes Church will be consecrated and confirmation held by Bishop Alford on Sunday next at 8 o'clock p. m. The holy commun- ion will be administered to the mem- bers and the newly confirmed. Col. lection in aid of mission fund. Stepiien• Bra WORE.—At John Mitchell's brick yard, onWednesday, July 28, five men did the following work in 10 hours and a half : Carried out 10,000 brick, wheeled in 10,000, edged cud packed 5,000, watered two treads, picked two treads of clay and filled two treads. Samuel Truemner moulded the brick, Wm. Sandersons and Philip Coon carried them, Louis Stahl filled the mill and picked the clay, John Grimes Carted the clay. Commit Maven/G.—The council met on the 2nd of August, all members present. Former minutes read and eigned, next meeting to be on the first Monday in September. The following orders were granted:—G. R. Interest $300 (C. R ) C. Christie $5; J. Banes $16,25; C. Ksilmp $5; S. Brown $4,50; M. Winer $26,25; L. Stat,ley $3; W. Thomas $5; W. Sohnarr $2,50; T. Palmer $2: C. Krause $2; R. Anderson 1$12.50; G. Winer $18; T. Fahner $15,50; M. Wine $12 50; G. Fahner $6,25• A Hurst $12; G. Fahner $10; T. Fahner $14,25; M. Winer $4;, J. Brown $1,50; W. Holt $1,75; C. Pit. chard $2,50. Other roads: F. Beam telt SMI. $31,43; C. Campbell con 12 $4; U Christie 8 e r $1,50; J. MoDon ald watching gaps ;4; Damage to Creditor; drain $11,06; J. Rollins watching ,ate, gravel and work $29,50; R. Fulton tnmbor $16,50; R. McLutb• ter w brikge 69,75; 13. Conway w bridge ,$1,50; W. Dearing two years appor- tions to oon©eseii.'u road $20. C. PRon'Tlr, Clerk. Upsborne. COUNCIL MEgTING,—Coun;'lf met on the 7th of August,iiureuant to adjiourn- ment ; all the members present. Nov. ed by J. Halls,seconded by If. H.irn.9y, that. Christopher Coate be fence -vi ewe:'t' in the place of John Francis resigteed. —Carried. Moved by J. ;Mier, sewn d ed by J. Hackney, that Mrs. Grace,' Griffiths be paid the the sum of %40 being 16 weeks board of Wm. Smillie up to the 8th of August. --tarried. Moved by J Hells, seconded by H. Horner, theft ;eeeph Hewitt reoorve $51 for relief,--•..t'erried'. Moved by J, :A r .E UT (30 000 EIRAN Brampton and St. ' �Irn IMPLEMENT WORKS :an, -NY is ' V i :t :E T T 13 as been appuinled agent for the sale of the following articles muutrfeectered by St. Thomas and L'rs.wptun Agricultural \More ; Improved Roy'ce Reaper, c a +vo " ' L a r o S 'kt' o TIGER HAY i',1AKE, THE CORNELL STEAM ENGINIa FOR MACIIINE S. 0 the 'SriING These ere.alt )Varrantod, •and iyve gainec, a wide reputation , Satisfaction roar tLetoed o7 no sale. Any repairs or fatly of the above implements vac, icenbt,rt,sei from Mr. Varity L[ tlle,sec'rnded by J. S11ier,t.hat .00205 in the dollar be levied on the raruble property of the rnnsaicipality in ord. r to raise the sura of $3444.50 for county rate legis ghoul grant, and that aby- lew be de.afted in accordance therewith. —Citrried. Moved by J. Henley, sec- onded by J. Halls, that .00065 in the dollar be levied ou the ratable property of the municipality in order to raise the surnlof $1095 86 for R. R. purposes, to provide for i detest and sinking Mud, and that a byelaw be pseeed t,e that effect—•Carried. Moved by J. Hackney, seoondad byw II. Tierney that .0018 in the dollar be levied on they ratable property of n)unicieality in ord- er to raise the sutra of $3038.81 for local peptises, and that a by-law be passed aceordiugly.--Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seoouded by II. Horuey, that the sums legally required by the tsueteee of the several school sections iu the municipality for sebool purposes be levied and entered on the colleotor's roll and collected with the other rates, and that a by-law be passed in accord- ance therewith.—Carried. Moved by 3. Shier, that the sum of $125 be rais- ed by special tax ot1 ,lots 4. 5, and 8, eon. 4, and the west half of lots 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, eon. 5t4accarding to a scale provided therefor iu the township by-law No. 4 for 1876 to provide for iuterest and stoking fund to redeem the 51h'con. water -course debentures in favor of the L. H. & B..R. sinkiug fund account,and that a bylaw be pas- i sed to that effect. —Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by J. Hackney that i this oonucil undertake the erection of a bridge across the Anx Bauble oppnsite lot 19 on the.2nd and 3rd con., accord- ing to a plan and specifications pre• pared therefor by L. H'srdy ; that the Reeve and Meseta. J. Halle and H. Homey be appointed a committee for the purpose of letting the contra:cta in connection therewith,and appointing an inspector to supervise the work. That the said contracts be let by public auc- tion on the spot, on the 20th .lugust.' inst., and that the clerk advertise the i said contracts,—tarried. On motion the council adjourned till the first Sat- urday in October at 11 o'el ck a. m. N . 3. CLARK, Clerk. Over the County. • ITEMS OF NEWS FROM HURON EE - CHANGES. Mr. Jas. Scott, of Roxboro, near Seaforth, last week threshed a ten acre field of fall wheat which yielded 450 bushels and 16 pounds. Mr. Alex. Davidson, of Saafortb, has seed timothy on his farm nearly five feet long. Mr. T. Grieves has sold his farm on tate 12th oanoessiou of Hubert, to Mr. T. Auios,his neighbor, for the sum of $3,000. The term containe fifty acres, and is a choice .lot. Ou Saturday the foundry of Messrs.; Glasgow, MGPligrson & Co., of Clintou, narrowly escaped destruction by fire. It is supposed that a spark from the. iron smelting furnace fell on the root' and ignited, but was fortunately dis- covered by Mr. Hovey, wheu a few pails of water extiuguiehed it. A few dt.ye since a young man nom ed. Lean, son-in-law'of Mr. F. Hanlon, of Clinton, met with a very painful etc.` oideut at Milttirn. He was engaged in getting loge ready ` for the mill, when one on whioh he was standing rolled, throwing him down, and paroling on to his body. • When discovered he was ,�uabie. to move ; medical e5siataxtce bot'rg pronuroct, it wits flood that he had fortunately eueteined Ifo Serious injurios, end after a few day's confine.. meet 'was able to resume bin worli. 130 TS SHOES Having purcl,nsecl the Boot and Sho3 trade W. H.'Irettove ean now offer to the 1't,blie one ai tie • fest and, Chea l9st Stooks of ready made woik ever offered in Exeter. NV would els,. remind those iii want or first -,'tura,, home-made Boots and Shoes, sewed and „egged., that we can supply them with what will give ttat- istaetion, Repairing done at lowest rates and satisfactiota guaranteed. Call and sae for yourselves. Lon' • forget the place–i:acrett's Block. C. E ACIIETT. 1 R. ABRAHAM. Exeter, February 19, 1850, 0m, On 'Saturday nitrt,t some miscreant perpetrated a very mean set at Walton.. On the 11th of June the corner stone e St. George's Church was leid %vitt Masonic honors, wine and other docu- ments being put therein, and on the night in question this stone was broken in pieces, and the articles of value tak- en therefrom. There is Do trace as iii the perpetrator of the act. On Sunday night of last week e.little child of Mr. Thornton Wallace, eel the 7th conoeesion of _Hellett, was attached by a rat while sleeping with its mother. It appeare that during the night it cried out several times,and the mother,never suspecting the cause of its restlessnesse and not knowing what was the cause 'ef its crying, endeavored to hneb it to sleep, but it would not be comforted, and. Mrs. Wallace got up and lighted a lamp, where elle was startled to see the child's face and head covered with blood, This was at once washed off, when the teeth marks of the rodent were found on the forehead and skull., It is presumed that had it not been disturbed, the rat mould have iufiiotea serious injury on the ebiid. Last week as Mr. Frazer of the L concession of Stanley, wive proceeding along the road on his way to rake fall wheat ground, with a sulky rake, he was by some meas,e tltrowu off on the road. The horse was seen by his e:in Thomas, coming along ties road with- out the rake, and ho irnhnediately set of in search for hies father. Wheel fund, be was :yiug on the road insens- ible, with cute on the head and brteisec ou the body. He was taken Ilome,anrll., although he remained insensible for some time, he Is now slowly recover- ing. A few days since, Messrs. Hodgine and White, two of a party who haft been oampina alongside theirelsitlandi river, tear Taylors corners, had a very narrow escape from death. It appears that in the source of their ramblings in the neighborhood, the party carne to an immense ,pile of driftwood, togs, &o, heaped_ up promiscuously alongside c, the water, and it occurred to them than it would be a good thing tc get some, of the logs into the river. They at once set to wock,aud after considerable labor, succeeded in getting a large one in position for eliding into the water, but as it moved, it violently struck two other against whioh Mr, Hodgine was leasing, throwing him invent! feet into the ait', he falling on his back across a•fars,o timber, and the first log pin... ning Mr. White beneath it. For a moment it woe thought tiseat both owe killed, but it ,vas fowtrdl Haat the at ter was rollout, the Ing groesiui bi shontder and belaricing an unnther log. which .alone saved Itis fife ; the former was not tquite so fortunate, as lie eeve4r- ly sprained his wrist, and sustained a severe shook to hiss system, brit we alta pleased to say that he is pow .tittle 11.e worse of the accident, 'Both of these percent voott to lieve charmed lives, ass each listve lt:tri It .'r,nti narrow from death. 9