HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-05-12, Page 2 (2)41.
i '1711
•_ _
tke year Thi i thc, opinion at,
bL ical authorities after Ion
Vital ehlonSes •in th
syktiU after. tong winter rriontlks
eause,txtueli, more than !"ispring
e nese*" and the familiar we-
e* and aching*O1eiaI reordi
r that in April and May non.
axia St. Vitus • dance, epile
and various forms of nervous
torbanees itre: at their worst-
e'ia1Iy autong these who .1l4
Xvitelitd middle age.
e,autiquatol enstom of *akin
pnigatives in the spring is useless
for the system really . needs
strengthening purgatives make
30* weaker. 1)r. Williams* Pink
4s-speeial attion on the
od and nerves, for they give
tigth and eared. not only
iy forme of nervous disorders,
ziso titer spring troubles uch
$ weaknessin the
]imb, )os of appetite, trembling
of the hands melancholy and men.
1 and bodily wearinessss well as
asightly pimples, and skin trou-
__Dr. Williams' ria Pills cure
Rmse nervous diiierders and spring
ailments because they. actually
. snake new. 'rich, -red blood. Sold
,Y *4 methane dealers, or by mail
or 441
At W. emits box, or six boxes for
11, had kis her horoe4tuttle
bread for thefirut tiine and was
ed the bride, with
a joyous smile, *of what were you
. _
Howe() the plite of pac-
t* with isome exertion, took
w minutes to, recover, the use
i talking machlue and *gal the
of his beating Jteart. _and
e said slowly:
W415 thinking *Mamma."
• must be a beautifulplace,"
she said. "But why Smear
Ilia eyes ionght the granite
Week. -
"Bread grows on trees there'!"
lie murmured.
In thousandsof homes throu0out
Cianada, there are bright- thriving
- children who have been made well
and are kept well by ,the use of
Baby's Own Tablets. This medieine
cures all stomach'and bovvet)trou.
bks, makes teething easy, -and de.
- stroys worms. It is guaranteed -ab-
solutely safe and free from poison-
ou Mrs. Iohn Laplante,
Bon.Ccunteil ue sit s: co
• Ati.
Wsarlb. of
s «fur s aroij.Uzra br ok:teilk:t .10
down eat
1114411( a
;PS from the ar litotit, .*
gents .• in Wiritipeg rerre*entin
ti great fur dealera iof the world.
uponthe packs ,rifferetl.'
tiring 1900 it i* estimated that
fnr to the -141-0,%tif $154000*000 were. Xis., Retseu Tel
hiHwd from .thewestern pr. "%fried fler After
the United a` au41 Eng. -1
, tit' it h4unX'kre&I that
. .,sente 1 „ tt,,,Ey
' "ni* *
u ' f raw . In if
. their, e o us vaine of that the woni,en. id
w t etifir ' , eared 4?f ailments whkh
patto, 4,0011eit to b
`T or,therit rs o, • ' ito
a' hewan4-ind ,• , Alterta ' are.tthe'1 * *nee of the Rocby tho
.* Kidney Pills_.
hunting gronsuls; and the Ur- '11,1? 45. And
north itte- firs,i,per g' ot* *way tors rote has, sv living proof in .the
o ivilizationthe greater his Person If Mrs. William liousseatt,
.returns. Through the Peace River i 4)f 07 Merton 'Street.
ley, 'which a few .years ago fur- L ."Tor oner three years ' r
islutd * (Me rtualitx• Of furs; there., Xiousseatt states`, "141till lettrtAl 11
TO gtellot harvest* fields, and thel treuhles Were• rainful. I suffere
rapper has trekked further north ,:rer,',1,' inireh with my. ha*. Itry hga
. to the .*atkenzie and Xce*Ittin;*elled almost' .tontinno.lisly And •
otintries, trarrpineleom ' Great'4 plseur.,C0.1Y kfle,IONII0t 'it -WaS: IX* ti
!ave Lake Lake through.tottotetingivxrett ,Iront)pain.• svola
lakes p to -Great- Bear Lake and- as•-• un-- flown. si
..d this; too,
fa'_xj.041: *3. coroidation Gtilf., i, 41$ wou!,(1 awe
w se- reost:,Sriiiiitterlyhioint begins -Me 0. Fi-tf eat,
A to Use
'try o
fo-r: trappers, The deep, now has boxes. cured me eetelget,6
8 Iiilfrq.it
at the Arctic Circle.' land tom ort
The pr4S011t Ilett$013, ' avearding to D04'4 Xidnel Pilis ar
Fur News, has not been a good one cow:1101ml to imPro
made it difficult to operate in the Nine -tenths of auffering wimea',13
woods, and. the remarkably velkl;tivubles start from dineastd kid.,
liter has also been ap- factor. The 1100- The natural way to citro
r disco
$,LY tbei, ItIgint30100eli
r spring, shipments . sirrivinge
from about k the middle of February
up to the bitter part of Mardi.
It is not unusual for tea.% of
''th furs to, be'driven. all the 4 OMPAlit.
dogs oiling hugh sleigh. stacked THE 1.4;
bile here is 'such:" 'Art aeute4le-
inand ; for furs, tile dealers Are
especially arrxiott, .and the prices
obtained this seasen have bten be-
yond anything ever 'known in the
fur market of western Canada-
engem-141S Min XACk. _
rt-WaliatttA:Z•Zor. 1th. XV*
"I bare troOltd with * Lame
act for tvieutY Years aad bare
lased plasters and obatuients without
a Meet. At last I tried` Ola Pills. which.
proved Just The thing, and "could high-
ly recommend then" tct anyone lobo, has
0traittkd Zama Daek.
Cin Pills act direoly oft tho kWoev's
relieve tbe 'pain -neairodire 'Clio Avid
lej)ielt is generator formed whom %ere is
Ictitr.r011.1"bn .roitcsell borer(' buying
the regular- ttroc. -bo. Write- National
Drag * eberaigal Co.. _tDeptP. V4`',11..7. To
rOnto, for free, santnie, -
A drill-seTgeant, whose seviity
had , I. lent 1is
empauy, isus putting lit-,4;tinad of
recruits through the funeral -exer-
Opening the ranks so as to admit
the passage of 4 cortege between
them, the instructor, by. INAY of
practieal explanation, walked slow.
down, the lane formed by the two
ranks,- El:tying' as he did so;
"ioTow, I am the dead body. Pay
attention!" °
o e
very prominent pa
.of the Milling industryin
Canada. • .
And so it is that. wetlaird that, the
new big Ontario milling cou,3-1,rn
whiehwill be known' as the Maple
Leaf Co, Lbidted, and will
absorb the Maple Leaf Flour Mills
Ltd., and -with it the_itedley
Shaw Milling Co., has already
under way the construetion of a
v-000-harrel „rs million bushel
elevator,' and storage warehouse
out on the new Piers that have
been constructed at. Port colbone.
Naturally it dikes pile of 'money
carry through snob big under-
takings, and ,the men who -Are at
the'' head of the new Company,
eludiug_ Mr. Cawthra Unlock, of
-Toronto; Mr. liedley Shaw, fem.
de.- and head of the Hedley Shaw.
Milling Co., and Mr. D. C. Cam-
eron, the Wedern lumbernian who
organized the Maple -Leaf Flour
ills - Co., Ltd., • have suppliti
• in_w
whielt besides permitting 0 the
c.rturipletion' of the entire new plant
already under way at Port Col-
borne, and the construntion-of some
15 new elevators; ttlibtighout the
West, will provide the new Oorn.
vary with further -working capital
to go right ithes4 and iiet its full
'share of the larger business that
is offeringo not only throughout
7 44.
skier Baby's Own Tablets worth Havingn- 1- re:wiled the end iof ,C4ariat ,f,u2t more e,,sPel,,allYi
• t ot Y in
their weight in gold and *dyke all ',lane, he, turno.d round ' "I'ca'ruaul and varleux' foreign
regarocti toe
zithers of .Young Children to keep 'Irecruits with a scrutinizing eye, and
/then remarked:
'-`,Your 'ands is right, and your
oirliand," Sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at. t5 •
' icentS 4 box from T1 Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont.
Some of our first impressions
erc matte by mother's slipper;
*sit ler tilaird's and lase WI illthiWr
do+, -to--o
---- Lots of men. enjoy getting the -
of it so they will have
something to kick about.' .
•A Cure for ftlieuroatisni.----A pain.
fel and Ilers'i'stent form of rheuma-
tismii eatmld by impurities in the
blk,e(1,. theresult of defettiVe--at
_tion,ot.thliver and nei.-Tbe.
blood lipeoines tainted by the intro
'du tion of urie acid, which causes
'InUell pain an the tissues and in the
onatq Pa,rmeicess Vegetable Pills
an known to have effectivi inanY
- i'einaikable tures, and their usels
strongly recommended. A trial of
them will eonvince.-anyone of their
gnattrre' olt
'T. Yr,
i because
ds is fight, but you. 'av'en't -go
hat look of regret you ought to
Where cart get sortip of. Iloilo-
way's-4,'!orn entre 7 I was enzrciy
cured, of my torus by this remedy
and sisb cfate more of it for my
friends. writes Mr J W.
Brown, ('hicago.
Mi & ITYritirt Daly "Why, Bril.
tPt1 didn't know yott_eoulti
write t" Bridget (proudly) -
routn. Me writin' has got Inc snotty
plave. - 01 wrote all ay me on
gasp isittartra unitattit fortis' scow.
nuartiog never tires those who
Do Not Delay:. not le /gad
er cough fasten upon you US itWM
if neglected. Jr.'Thottlas' Et trio
Oil will break up A c old and cur
coygli, and -should be resorted to
at onee when- the first symptoms
apiteflrit tan 'be disguised s
that -any .unpleasant taste it ma
have _will 1u. imtoreeptible to the
elimite.: Try it and ,be convinced.
41,03tt !rant *'kelt
'f the house uf the tramp.,
gnet!tng tat."
• lMeflt anything:in die hou
ne bre'ad and tinned bfe
want sortie of tftati"
..be, Said sadly., I
to- 'Wait 111.1.t apptfite
tudt • 4.4 ViCt.fizat."
sr,," said your Mr
t you think it
'N*10 t4t 141 DM
be you to bet
t n ytleng stout horesit'
re9 lerttict rley. tourse
Pat., ittaii\EVI that. 4140
pecivie litho twat'. Ail about them
the lertea4t*,•atwAqs lie tliti
15;...,;).q."' •
A man very mut+ intoxieated
was---ttiken-•% to the pollee-statio.
"Why ditl you notbailhim mall"
inquired a bystander of a friend.
"Dail him out!" exclaimed the
her. "Why, You couldn't pump
t ont r", • -
VolocHritt C*.. Linvit*O.-
• verysick with Quinsarsitad' *beat
4 .strangte. 1 uoed
LINIMENT tad it ktired ate at out.
eas never without it. now,
Yours .unatefulI7.
."'g110.*c. PitINC
nwigevrattkil, tist. •
Ye' 1
▪ TEO.
ivitig 1 ,
And tIter worlds initnet ,
ro tbe n1ti11-ialti WZ1Z Viet/ It
• Itlt wisdom and sense. '
There .is so, nitwit, to lough At,
And ..so much to dicer,
'That everyone ,ott ht to be
'Glad he here
jt of ',it -mien have tied
-the purpose of reforming t
bti dadxou ev,er lot, of one,
w�r Paint you, ea
to oontraetis
tor fon ieformatioa
Color Card *44
tor *
start* so4t4t
V.$1, ltf
• ottts Stock
sineiorot Reports Do
nartienlats. X*. • S -
ado, Toronto
and Eno'
ort40,se. 14tiqte r4"*"
lirlton, ,•*.xsit
furry upi Tommy letrin
er from downstairs. "Wel're late
ow gave YO11‘., got yoursh.k.oes
f es ma-orall but one
A Till 'that Proves its Value.
Those -of weak stemiteb. will find
rote)]. in Parmelee,* Vegetable
liee*Oe-they -serve -wniitin.
lain the_ itealthfui action of the •sto-
numb siml-theliver-irregularitles in
which are most distressing.
epties .are well acquainted with
Iowan& value, them at -their pro
r worth., /hey hove afforded r,
iitt.° yawn. other Preparations have
failed, and /Ave 'effected 'Neures
'ailments long standing where
" 411.
a 1.
enemy' critieisni may be
more fielpful than a friend's praise.
414 -
The case before the court was one
inyolving the ownership of a tract
of land, and the solicitor for one.
oi the parties to the snit was cross.
eitamiiiing a witness.
"Now, Mr. Grinishaw," he said
the property on ,which you live
was originally a part of the twent
acres in dispute, was it notl"
"And your title is based on th
original tide to that land, I • r
stone I"
"Yes, sir,"
"Row long have you
"Over twenty-one year.
"Rave you had-onow, mark me
have you had twenty -wieners' u
(WIT:lied possession of That prope
I' -
The witness hesitated a nioment.
"Xtemember, . Grinishav.6 *
said the, lawyer, raising .his voice,
'that yint--- are under oath. Have
yonhid twentfronelearte undis-
puted possestiion of that property i"
"It has been disputed once, nutl
only once," answered the witness.
tut found a nest of humble -bees i
my back yard one day last sut
In the general laugh that follow.
ed this answer the lawyer subsid.
* 114441411441r auk A44I44 Dern eapettaseigg wow
imliatious but get theopettine. tile "V
laimtbol Plaster. It cures. Davis At laawropoe„
Kitt," said her mother rebuli.-
ugly, "you Amist sit stilt when -you.
m, at the table," caret, main-
ina,"4, protested the blotto girl, "I'm
Sickle's Anti -Consumptive Sim
agreeable to th's taste, and is
rtitin relief for irritation of the
root that eauses hacking oughts.
If n,yett wording to directions it
whl oritk the most persistent told,
ani restore the air passagett to
heir normal healthy eondition.
There is no need to revonimend , it
t4i these familiar with it, but its
theme who seek a sure remedy and"
+sin doubt 'what -to use, t
Ilickle"ir -Syrup:•
ihk Varater )11111 Ott A
WilithAili 1* c**111t
'What'will prove the largestwjnd
Ti" fr gfueroting electricity
. anti. It ilitillb‘%klielti:654;"110e'ltilreeete:117;.
t And 1.41140 • improvement,
Mr 3 (L'Childs the inventor.
and very lightly eon-
nd.wheel,, .13 'feet )14
minted • err * to.wfr 1(10
• 41111. 146Vid0
DO the wheel
turn o,ft1Q " -what 'When
faint oi' fair e blOwing,.but,
suddtngale eoinesi-whielt
tiTLik It 7oturo4yitithovesii;hteielel:Uondyeerru-oor;
u the wheel to turn abrtiptly
-idcways ;se tbut .jt.•offors
The governor 'consists ell tine
'Planes orronged-ah a triangle. on
when the wind is of great, fore two.
of these planes blirw out 'horizon-
tally, while the third steers the
whe.el round to meet the Wind side;
ways. •
Thisli-rge wind;wheel,- it-OW-near-
.°.,finislied, will te,-43reeted on a
farm near -London, - Where it Will
generate electricity, for :F.00
motors for trushhig oats, eke., and
pumps for supplying 'water fer.,the
farm and also for a large Are .
"you have spelled •the word
with two Vs. 'You must leav
of them out."
"Yes ints'am," re
ot M
write t
1 a vow
It ram O.
toot teltiek
of ct 'toot
ad *olio**
'lick bead/helot,.
;mit yolatt41
Lais thesitlicata Itnilel •
.1tit ly ;stowable,
rip, egtortivetr
al:Asyut* or
0 PI
1)4$40' t -rlt •itt;'4110
.• g. °Asletne
0 *
bongo for,colo. Ot
AveIL APPLY ,littitelt axe
be Posy), mut* r
A. , ' Itoverceur* ,
Toronto. Agents wanted.
moithu for
-a".130 '1 ne ntility
*tqck:,0701. st.wtor --rts*
rowit, veto *title loYersi 00 tartb. Attoo
eOglIg and iiierittiros *Moo *to beat narlr
broilers. Simile tomb White traitor%
ettae.• *4.5ll for 104:1.-0.$1.00 154 •*otter
makers -beta. Pro,. Alton's:v.. Write .Your
-wattles Ed...ze. App, floy 1.14.
dent International 1.',Oroutt, .tranto
rd. .9nterio.,
"Don't get down in the mouth;
old man,'" said the Optimist. "Look t-
"That's WI very wolf," rnournful-
replitkl thrt.sufferer; but what
is " hebright side of a. gumboil V'
weak. Westrei Vetter* jri..
It,Ijtvet or marine Eye ItomeuY.,Tn
"or Too ;Kip, Trounies. .Ton
V1J1 Alke. Marine. it tiootloW. Silo A
• aalotte. 'Write For Eye Iloolm.
• rinq ‘1,Z.:ye Rented," Co., Voronto.
A-- *IV FOIt tii3O)YNESS.,
.1V11*- don't y r3,' up, ani
ep lively 1. Dion'
Lf!streefiits thrmgli yOn were
to a funeral
know, it's. well oupdtfor yott
lk, tut I guessyour feet, would,
drag, t, if you, were oti'your way,
to the Aleatist"s.0
Parents, lov Mother Oral,
Wonn Exterminator because' tie
it it tare medicine for their
a and *a effectual exoliler
tbe *sW7"ThI*
<WS Ititigtg
Of °Anti staading. ori 11
miles away. looking at the
through alt (Tent gilts
111 *04-4rottets *specialty, find;
tb.1, *asked plinplea
dsrk fpotrs eruptions, stfc. *Ths
a Wooed* **Atton, nosh tone,.
1104r the. frying -*Uttar loses,
Juit Wok what' it has bast to go.
oath* . • .
Yuu hovel:coo out in rain anti goat
and se You Iwo bean perspiring
T. oulta-nitortona4"at4"tocoobtr-et olf.littib' Yon;
hays spent famita of the day ittionta at.
taniparatura equal to aunituer boot;
Ilan -you halo covered up your skin,
,cretos fityariaeoi iota goon out into *
tetniaantar* away below too 1 No
wonder that tito *Ida of tba fats and
Dank allows alp* of needing attention".
ZarmBuk 1411 "foOtt Suittite it
lighttY ,evao thePopotic eruptions,
*allow poithroa, ttIght, and *dim
howipitekty your stotitnnee issprovoo..
.$14anutlideeepriek_...4, to,rotitrio. ,tissiouri,balthoosostoosa, boa
souriy4iku patch.* aro room&
Thu eioftene& itto aets he.
neath.are stimulatod to "healthy orserao
Th. 'POMO 41444141* their work
7.• Batter color, results. This
thoskia being ,purieed by Zan.
ors stimulating tabs, 1)seosati trans.
psritutir this blood beneath la U. to
freparb poreper tolOcirig to the ileette,
*ad ills dental* bloom ofitealtlirt-
.aapownettilt4 Olive of tilitoiae.-
A taw daps 061.,,Zint.ianttatudylt,wtritatilitat
*06 itttd4 ii
or*.d -bY t
Ore 0 111! r
tot Oa *aro
ttotwsM W t
A44441. C404 01
sea dollar* wee/il
/*toter tarber-
Toro to.
. *Avila
on SZIIL wood -working adflury.
it PUMPS.440.044.
.,*1)4111t1K, thlectrits rioter", 040tIrAtttOtif.-
24144V1114,1!;Crr nattatoluntoul:1 'Igo! .4",:taint4r-vrilitirkt
titnittd, 'termite, iloatreal. l'arteonveri,
aenfiv.0'fl.A C
f4or (- ANDS-ITY
* It you- *re
WV ea
3131,18,WIt. 7 tnyToronto.
.Care41 iiv)thont op4tationa Alt vtim ore
rittood with ibis disease, and witb to be
caredpormanentlY. sairtif and otildelY
with this ' great notteoestitir retnetiy.
whioh win be sent pasit,pald iiittraltere
in tbe world "kith full !attractions for
lasing so as to 'effect a permanent mire.
Price Aildress,
Iolla 1. Watt. .flannuonattskt lintsrounnh,
,Arirli. Omit.
te!ifer pit r-cia
. Also itats..1ton. Mststa. *Myra. Eta.
I, POLLAK 11414441:4"timitst,!ts4,
phoon for Dortioutitra. Skirt 40.1.
A p
Is Your Heari
The I1EA1t4P11.0.411 sly" you tbe
IreneAte et, tOod beeriest. Sendtor tote --
booklet. 'civil), notriirldsrs and . rotates
Of, Saiiitilt4 users. .Atto.
totosiat calor ow* iXentire Hams 'Iolal.
THE 1111.Atiti ELetrrgo °tout 4.1141TEItt
rwe Oatitite Astons, Tirseiao
TM .lkNt. 4 tbe attlietf,Imititoto
ow too orb, L 0,101* for Om t."0** '!Si* *befit it..1hy tvt
lvmptcy tit]. ,stai lncitto N AT VITAL
101040.4if 30n loitme then t„itirtkoit
War *titecbdoort4itiitstm to **Kr us, ca4o4
pupils overrobetv. rklotiltittotoillOiset
vfrrte1 40140. alitilt*tx
h. AtatOtt 114titlite.liril. 0tt,.C5s.