HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 6 (2)• \ ' • Ro TH. ITAGE OP •YALTA, C11.),:P. ER: VI., • bed riot lost •sight, of Lti 1,irt4Y.. Ile had follf.)w4 the twt 'Idnors, ;tied ;in anibuseade m the'firartups in the to'rritlor. ' Ile had sworn not to leave, the aee until the :brunette l'eft her Essiand tokeop eiwie in her foliit- psso*?on \as she apjwed tuTr* tht than that his plan ware unset- tle!! 'Whether be , should approziali ,her as coon alie left the theatre,. -or:follow i 11Pr Tilik!-045'.n.Ve.iito he 114d met yet , detertnineet. "'late - great point was net lie lose sight of ber, ° ant; to find out where she lived- . Ai for liorieoff 'snd his companion, eatisfied that they had leftnot to return, lie thought no more of then:, „saps" iree not 4 little sittpris_cdto sir them reappear after an al)ScAtke • i) a few mieutes. and direce thei - steps toward the box where -Ma- , *dome litergent-still rerintiutet- Ttlady -lie shad aessertairted thatthe "The 'SI no iienger room fo doubt,17., owled .MaxiMO; are going to the •, Rue tie IrignY 'What ate they going to do make an end* of Vittnoel-get. 3 him? A iltyyr Valet* * lot of aevoinan .are capable of onibin- ing to murder a man vrho illeOnes modes them ; at least --that idea at; ,Lever oceurred to me, but, it. is not mere inadmissible than 'all the rest - t least; sf they do not all, under- stand, eaelt other, and the Lord Robert does not •melse one *tlf, the band. I mean to set. :kw' at -tett, aitd Shalt stiele- eloseIo th till have cleared all this up." Unfortunately, it.was not loilg be. fore the problem beeathe still fur- ther complicated. Invtead of tak- 0 ge6us niap 'has t1.1 nter lz lie key take t here t n FI.tili lave atsilly the vght, of.wbfels to Piptil"':kdeietilhtu-alltl%wrlittat pecsple are about.'" • "*Moneletir may act as if at home, ed nothing can escape, him here.", "Ila,s the house another outlet "I don't know of 'any.. There' is garden behind, but it is enclosed • lid there no gate collie othe '114,ovis the house arranged ins ilde VI' • isFirst there is the ground -400r, vitt* a dining-1%mo and, hiiliard- 1)Ifl' ; on the first floor a large sa- tin ;• on the. second, two bedchante ers; on the other front a stilaII . sr on. on, t-heli.rst neer.; on the greiand- .:.-triirlSO'r IP lSOnCfle, 1909 - "I *tittered terribly ,frota iliousueme Popepsia• for Afteea *cap ,was. gold" interrupted Maxim; rested by plivicifox *lid took 63,11, s here is a light in the first story." !Fteedies but got no relief. Then ite4 "Trite, they are lighting up the Ertatevtis-es" art& his it t ec4mPfailtiiteddY, euTorc"dallilffsv!ti-een:seivromeutreythIciulinilli evecjilltfrvdeiweS:1°S111,4:4‘'IWil "jitMISP3Fig3h:ti"ng....11,4p7C' ige'ilttirPon4:317117,erni"e"tem:itr C°tots5ttiryPatitrei*, C—lia-Mp-s-ereElvicesuieokner iltlhuma inattilcZ font medicine",*. tharrls remelt. I dale I The dining-roorn's turn has!, OC it box, 6 for P.eo---or trial box,' !ceine notv---one light--2two ec, At All eUuler*or ab, .the eoc4tte-14 .gouThg, to..give-11)4 lainited, Mai*. ball and supper!. And the larbins, where do they eome from'? Bee Now 144. of the porter he was seeking, shone the utiobtrusive • light. of ta • rag the Benlevar , de Conrcelles fort , !IVO superstitious he- might behevel •• he saw the porter, his elbows °n a turning in they pass end repass before the windows. 'Pon my word if a body th").ThIrit°rt- mans' the 1'3'4 eur‘ii1 Thie *urtainiess windo* -must be, ftotileticiil wsla; making sk,aefs"Stsufit tinned_ to rollsin the tii fortifigations. 2 `ruieti°11 ''si that oft the lodge, and looking in body' hae seen the end of a candle 'ars't1 e a " table and 8.Peetacle° °n "se* "And you declare that for eoine b tit t it tend toj 'leave Paris ?" he asked. • .2-„, os -keeper had brought her a, ,su- b di4 not occar to lims that Mas reading '413utt Theieven'ng s" P*Per. ays, paht you have seen no on which one of his tenants Vias, per- perb fur pelisse and hooitersamed dame Sergeht imitated *heee nian°en- haps, awaiting with, impatience. twot 20, eats Monsieur roes' ask ite, swate4 date, which recalled vre of the hare, who returns to its Ilessitamitcne witk a big eet so, home after tutving:giverr- a Itmg a° featlierress parrot. -. . Pitkei tenants in the avieltisSithe ' od trely1Mlitsseiftelleetions. Zvident. If.4.r departure, and might be expect- stop at the - corner of a vert„ sin licate negotiatione,-ceild not have if they hadn't gone to bed they'd ly ihe had begiln her preparations dtasts „And when he saw tilts hemk '' ' Maximo., having_ to enter npon• de- ed to leave -the box every moment. I street, he had innelt „di'filculty• in il be at the windows, and would make sgss been more fortunate Not tieing 1.1,4:hstar:etitra.RecPle would 'ecaleet ill But Maxime had not anticipated ivlieving his eyes- It was the" sainei duplicated by corn i liad conduetell "It is amazing," thought ,,,. ho would have Pcaourn-;11elledwii°tom - Max - that her two eavalier.sswould return 'through 'which lie ,. to seek her. The door was opened, •Mrsleme $ergen.t -one beautiful So- make the eonfidant of his projects, iir4e' "evidently they have brough And the lady all wrapped Afrk ,p,p- vendier night, -that in whieh'svas a tilers reraained nothing but to ap- a Straati of servants in the night to the direction of the stairway, pirepere for - the reception of the master and his guests. Who has „ , trtrt,,,d on the threshold and. took house that .had been abawlened six Tem& the porter frankly and en - done tha an o certed on eaeli 'side by. two person- Unwilling to quit even for a mos s,it, zny hall I stop?' inquired the 1 tellirnt conehman. 'TheY are. t radifiltiViideiPtit6s tiebsvutte filgt and then- la particuliere. They are paying; seems they've arrived." "Go on further," answered Max - "only take the other side of the stre •t, and put your horse iota 'aese three creature.s.who have no a brisk trot." right to know each other, and This manoeuvre was not eon 'shall thieLout the answer to the en- trived. eeaitect.the ,riSs 'gnus if 'have to pass the whole his grortid of Rue Jouffroy the brie: night on my _feet." emee'rand her tompartiorni entered -Talking --thue--to himself& Maxim it on foot, having sent away their followed °from afar the ill-assorted hack, . trio, And arrived' almost' at the The victoria continued its route, AMC time ,tintler the. peristyle. bet as SOOICI as it had passed the There he took Care to conceal *Grimy -of the streeywhich thejyio etlf behind a gathering of talkers, had just entered, Maxinte rose,' Put --- and from .his post of observation his hand on the coachidan's shoul- saw torisoff separate himself from der, and said, le low voice : the little group, push aside one of "Quick! To the right! Stop near the doors separating the -exterior the other side, and do not budge flight of stairs from the vestibule .111 I return. s Here are twenty I g ° ent his post of observation, he brought twon?trimth;O:eoicototsi!shz tlie- 'elultd-ta"ittike''*/1"tiC$1 layt-and-' - are aecompanying her," of the lodge. At We sound the por- „thee ing 4 To supper, perhaps, but no-- money." he said, between his teeth; "this ter laid down his paper, turned his . is the climax. Where are they go - there is a mvster in the reunion of head, and °seeing the outline of a figure -through the .panes, went bravely to open "I don't think play has anything to do with it. Yon say there is a small salon- on the side next the garden?" • • "Fear nothin" said Maxitne, "Not so small, and richly fur - 18 a voice; "1 AM thc! Frown Iniehed. It looks like a lady's bou- to whom You gave some intoeena- doir." , "That,is, where she -has taken the two men, while she gave "orders to have the apartments for reception nittle "That'erwhat I said to monsieur. tionslaetsinentbeabept the prtunsirm opposite." • - .---------ess . . !'Elow, tsir, you '.-"" tried the man, "at this hour!" . , . "Yes; I, tame to ask ,-ois to do me a service. _pan, you let me in „ghee will begin by sitting down to -imraed'ittelyr, .-,. ,. - , , I table, and eertainly it will not be "With' pleasure,' and remain "Ito. make way with the leavings of the lonp as you_please." "That is what 1 svas1 , ,_ i___ !Prussian. - But ithere, did they:get ask. There is something about to provisions? Not a carriage there. -''''Bat do not leeVe linrerairrger i ftroeelnis'eePurteltin°eTIColulaffb°roty1.1asAblieletilliseelln- in the street. I don't wisli to and beckon to some one. Maximei francs in attrintee.' It is .possible I scen over yonder." . he' ituninators are disappearing. They -tinderrstood immediately that WI num keep you here all roht." "I tome sir ; I am running," and I are et:lining (To be continued.) ' to supper. a carriege,-„a back to alt aimear- man. "I understAnd. Yeet are af- -drawn the cord, M. Bide went w a% ordering a porter advance "Good!' sneered the sly mita- having dosed the .wintilvrv and' a for the servants ot the bo.Y1 tee la partieuliere. This sort ofl himself to receive' his sinexpeeted ard were not there awaiting their buSineeS always aniuses me. Have. visitor. • master. ' . ROW THIN FOLKS - 0) fear. I vras fresh when you "Quick!" said Maxime. gliding " FOLKS It is vain to set one's good limbs took me, and my horse will hold bite the alley. "Let us go in, and CAN GET FLESHY and twenty-five years against a pair good till morning, And if you have pus out thelight, I beg, or bide it IA herpes, even hired ,ones, and need Of me, eaft -me in." - in a earlier if you can't put it out. New Accidental PiSe. every 'Gives liaxiree understood that not a min- "I don't say no," replied Max- And to ideinnify you for disarrang- StaOling Results -Puts Flesh WI ute wa- to be lost in making his ar- nee as he set toot on the ground, mg you, here are two lotus" . • -raugenicuta to follow thern. It so awl he ran to gain his ambuseade I .happenetl that, just as he darted 09 theii eetrfie I' of the Street.. out. en uncovered victoria was pas-- He arilcid just in time to see the . tint. the square at slow pace, driv- lady, 'ring at . the door formerly- -en by n. freeboeter, io search of guarded by the cerherns rah the prey. He woukt have preferred a tea inusttiche. • _ elose'rerriage, but ' there was no The door opened immediately, , . choice, and he 'limped into the one an 1 closed behind Madame Bement Owl' oaered, with a few very intel- end her friends. . * •, ' • ligifile. words to the coaehman. In Maxime was stupefied, astound - Ins charaeter of experieneed Paris- ed, petrified; , Ian, he knew Well 'how to speak to This denouement was the--n1y one this GlatS in the , language that ha lad not contemplated, and the .inakes them move. Mort;over, this snore he reflected the lee e capable reoacliman was one hi took in half aid he feel of explaining it. a word.. Be drew up againet the But he muse ad, or, at least, try . 'si.le of Rue Halevy, aed awaited to penetrate this strange mystery. .,. , fuitliFi orders, Turning toward the theatre* 31-4-xinte taw the brunette of the 'Mink And the two foreigners get in 11 large hawk with four floats, which - turied toward the Chaussec d' Au - His only object now I% a 8 to follow' this hack which proved easy. as the peereable beasts which led it travelied,at a moderate speed. *-Where are they going? They, Are lesving the boulevard, conse- nently the night restaurants; then thev-de not intend to sup ---that ie . ,. , tinlese they ttee going to suit , at Boiisdre. Yet, no.; they would Imre takea nue SeriW. It is tru -Oat all leads lead to Rome."s Tlie .rtroserls found this evening' ts appfkatioi*; „Arrived' at: the ress-street WlionCO might be seen ihe eltinteli sil la Trinite, the hos* ,tioneil to the left anti filed Along the Deulevard Ilausentan; 'isliieli ended its ttie Boulevatti /tIodeshor- 'Gee would swear ItoriSoft si . taking them to ' hie 'own house, " inturintored Maximo,. The victoria -Pisani:tailed its die- tance 10664 ditlimtlh, tito ctsinit- an. an old -stager. teaming. lit a voiet fahrbsielits polka. It wits not the first thee he ha a. eitistest id sratebine a N40. be knew that sash eNpe 1 Oro "Awaits well pai&'„ fo this *torway of *tint v eituatien began to de56, * - , Biilard pocketed them and thruse perheet Figur,es. Thin- 'People and Rounds Out Lni- the lamp under the table, mutter- , . — • mg- Simple .Preseription Given. 'Monsreur 1 ,thank you all the same, but can assure, You that what For --ilainen-and men too, for do is net -from calculation."„ that matter-wlio'ean never appear "1 am surc of it. ' Now station eeelisb with anything they weare be- spurself as sentry with me hehind eal'use of abnormal' thinness and vi- tae windew; anti gularity, this remarkable preserip The man hastened to---taisow-sat tioe is destined to solve the proh. monsieur who gave princely' pour- leo As . a heslitY maker for the boires, and had ways as mysteri- 'figure it is eiMply wonderful while ous as a hero of romance.' it adds brightness to -theseyes. and ; "When did the tenants otier there celor to the cheeks end It return?" asked • this munificent requires no particular dieting, but strangeracts as an aid tonatureby its pre "Return t. Monsieur know the culler action on the nerves and flow -was he to go about it Happy t Pitt5Iliall left tijse weeks ago, and blood supply. The blood and nerve nothing has been heard of him, and distribute' over the body, Alt 'the nothing ever will." ideas are sometime& bona of great perplexities. 0 "P4rbleii cannot do better ti an consult my old acquaintance the porter opposite. He WalSt 11.1.V0 protty good me leetion of Inc. I ting is shut up, inoneieur may r;are him. twenty anes every time! awe and nothing has budged since I talked with him, and this evening! the Prussian decamped." will seillingly give -him forty if be "Yon must be mistaken." Wig consent to serve me. I even "Oh, no. sir. I pass half the day think he woniti not refuse int' his on the door -step since the weather iS 'fine, and no onelias been in the house. / answer for it with my head, and beg monsieur to believe 1. set store by my head." "A woman and -"NO /*II are there at this anornent. have just leer that go in." "And the Prussian is oise?" "No; they are froeigners whoin I 1 yr urishment or flesh building ele- "Either by hint or by some other quoits obtained from the food. "ti.e house is occupied now." trouble with thin people' has alirays 'Mil rats and mice, then. Every- been that they do not absorb or re- -.tain enough of the fleshy matter to make them gairi in weight even to a noresiti extent; but this new dis-, eovery of blending certain herniless IlVigs is &revelation to science, and hundreds have gained from ten to lodge as an amburcadc. Provided ferty pounds in a few weeks. There U1' man has not gone to bed!". . to -dangler of becoming too fat. He booked at Ids watel, and saw intal you getsthe.riglit weight then it was half -past ten. stop. using. ' "No," he resumed, "these ten- The general.health and strength vie vaimot retire so soon. gat no ig greatly improved in anyone from time is to be lost." the age of eixteen to !sixty. Wo - The street„ well lightecl 'by, the en soon get plump, .with well ,,..- se was silent and deserted. Yowled arms.traoldfull biist,aisil passerby, not at acini. Mi'c- know, and do not resemble the n. become s gut ,,, strong,hvok. t glided the length of the wall, i'bear. It is not the first time the?i� and Iterdti.157 • as he had done before on his first 4 woman has tome here in the night. In 'ae lellf pint bottle get--th ftl pedition to this quarte,r, and, ar4 / escorted her to the door the night ,otttlees a ' egiente Of 1,01)$in A rived without etieounte'ring A livitigibefore I came .to you for, infonna-libree onueos sYruil of rhubarb trature at his wished tor itttli143. ' tion and oii that day I told you the Tlien add one 6unee conipound es- rom tine well-clioseb Atte ite 1k natinS site gave the-s-Mastaine Sers sollee car41191,.811-47ke antile '441111 etifed. in hill. 11,1adatat fiergent*S g gent." t ye hours. Then add ones,,e,uneeir. V!etorioug, ' babitatien, anti issees- "I resollect. ltions'iettr thought tikture kadomeno. co:014 1112.4 ' (notii :met Olaf, ve light was° yiEible 4 she was a covotte. Aud monsieur (astienioni);. Take a tottspental be' 4 m She windowe. All WAy sembrel h certein she is within *WI the row dud afi" 11"I% lits4C".igh be* tore beginicing. r- 4' on the evening he iissIseseerted gentlemen9" • feont the Rink.. Rtidetitiv the - ”-Absolutely certain," eivin to did tot lot+, t -,u Ole! i'Then exat hones ie the Toor Ile , ,, 'cot. , IS4Ixile." cried the porter; eibt. a the et barn . ', he tros'efsed.,ranet- be horrors going ..,on. -there a lively * .tion, tteit trout .S..elppoce 1 go for the police.'" •uin()Utile1- -''Ne; I have, remon, for not hav- the amveil- ins reornise to the polite. Besidtot. selow -en tit ng toofiakt T a .1stNiti "No 1 told he un to ie ) 'SALADA!P is grown n the finest tea gir&kus of the sland of Ceylon, picked -every day and reaches you not later than fifteen weeks. after, being,gather. ed. its native purity and fine flavour are preserved in aitstigYt sealed "SALADA" packets. You are guaranteed tea of unvarying good quality. •••gi net roman ltklt 1,1.sittcy,, Alta. 'Noy '20044 hoire toed yourStAvIkst Cut* for' a. "Onetime Lott *Mild uOt b”4"iiittiout it USN* Vane Spaviu by Its elite." *IA VAlt&SON., tellsr-the -admit *107. .4titd. hundred* of thoutaxthr bilkYtt had the Sfi* ititce la t!te past 40 yes**. . Spubt, Curb,' Spilitto Sweillsis an 611 talkies% X.entlat t1-7-1-31 Icor ;Fe- eistlen4the ,ttotable—trtiVet-thei-'hot1eltottet liar/ savo money for the owner beciteiseit removes the causer of the . tremble. ' IFeep bottle !Away% st bstadmItorit ter$S. atk..idlOOlutu)Lttit. tiCook A� rut. dealer fur firce ochot'ot, Our itOOk +14,Treattote est Thelitooe*Por write tts. 4,..• • 1 1. ti 1 1 Quaint Old Custom Still Siirvives In aecordanee with a custom be- lieved to hare originated more than 500 years ago, twenty-one aged wi- dows of the parish of St. Bartholo- mew the Great, in the ward of Far- ringdon Without, attended St. Bartholomew's ehureh recently to receive sixpence, which they had to pick off` a gravestone. This Custom is stated to be the survival of a bequest left by a lady for the prevision of doles for wi- dows over sixty iears of ages 01* condition that prayers were offered f r her soul every Good Friday. - Whether the tradition is corrept or not is open to ,question, as there is no known record of the bequest, and although the tombstone from which the money is picked is sup- posed tokbe that of the beneraetress, it is so Crumbled with age that it- is impossible to say whose it is. Various/ persons have left sniall sums to 'continue the gifts. The last was' left - -by a Fleet street, station- rs_smiiiitt 'Butterworth, -which, with int-Srest accruing, supple ine rite ed by gifts fromthe church 'war- dens, yields l'es. 6d. a year. It is easy to see deep mystery in yGnr faith where there is onl inistineee. .14 today.age ,ousit Ca rotii)i- FOR-011APPED Sin AND UPS COLD SORES, 11111111)1151111. 12 Tase1ilt Remedies la Tubes ono; itmkted. itest.twoltd,,,rogibo. ht.d, toe oatstivlitita tri•teis` valeta* Aviles . • onnettnnOttOtt WO.° CO. (Cones(%) ve Craw nu .1010atteet a- .41,--e*-0;****Ioueutatits radar* p*int*dboswh.xioi.*body - ttrotectod br gvod stout dothiatica ialn-coit, bttoeVatittsi Sturdy -boots. Orottictsca strOta44ProrrtVittor 11i o*ln co*tth 2* WM; 44;110 fa Ms 10z. iroo4 1* o trastor tbati Itkr040300 !AU ii/aUlt• Martin'Senour Paint 310004„.rurel cotleumrptopotfibii.tstentotes. - —yrouritister asioartly, mewl god stunt 04 It *Or Quality dos* It. with. ow* of *Into atoll**, Ultima** ot tataparaturs.- d 15. dialtirsariginy aittatta ad, exed, rah*, baitsold lismit. Stratyiklus that rontts typist' rretrr- , talus that 4044't 4 4)7 oat. Zebra 1414 ttia quality tots. Itgoordialereituttot ionsigY$04.0ntlfS sod ars *Ill sittelly atria 14,4 to vim* • is01000 ars tab. bad. - AteitnionSalltawies Wrift"'foriltoetreted • $10-aktot., 7,11011. ,SkIictutiful;,” and Jetereetteir abut •ifer+1. Irlskofer- the sokinei, IT` tut , ise trinroloted'eftsr VoblittUtatess. a delkicits syr*pisacsic etronitetter peek, er U itct etste 50c for 2 cc. bottle Is Made: for you. It Will pay you to are about it. It has. been made Att, Canada tor nearly seventy years with . the greatest. skill. It is knowen as A SAY'S M PAIN'S and it means ga‘h,i to you viten you use ?Remember that you get theliglr staoding du:ability test and beauty of *One that yen can't get in other rants, irtt4, the, price is always reasonable iinpossible to be iu the few grade. -but never to ifigli4 tile issue at lovely booklet ,latt house painting. Do you "want it ‘Iirite for Booklet g*W" 'We mail it tree. 'A RAMSAY & SON CO • $ estethooriisie The Pabst Makers, 1 - 1. ••• e t I IA et:401inEngin: Y oitikottwitia, *ORO tit" rAiitavo 1Ttey are so sinitile that the asiterAgt ratite' run ilteritt 'and' are practically Pool f and Frost 'Pivot. Send tostiske tor atabogue C04. allowing full inc of engine*. for tarttrpuse. It -tritaits • 0 ey'saitettrot TM* -Spots K MP?NY* tholistAt VitioSetts rstliete ~tor - .94.040