HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 4 (2)1 •
at -4 Mar$ Irern.daug
9 it Thomas Iterh. Toe
,I.M4vri 10 St. IWArY* tO reeide. Van
otteeew or th* Misses. Iron "'Flint
'Areor1/4:?' into the henne,,vacated. by them.
40 wilt run' the fartak*-A tittieirt,C or
`0•10 f',14e4tritgatton, Jor -.the !hutch watt
held Wedneaday,:ivening to, PreParit
,tertuivers.W.-enThe leieeteiete: or
'etery aIa ,toet the *aloe gLt
.rsngZor "Ah* IcsritiAs and *414 u
he. letrfal greanda,' AIT
aett that the *tt:tit beZ. ha*
eninrid .-OperapOnif.
-. 8AINT�IWWt'
oV,Y1h, .10to gone to -044;trA,
Wirk at •hi. •trittle Sat at brielottason.',.....
Ma. CtLe1d Needhant'ot
vow ittlth her parent!. Mr, and
inUtia44 IrOdititta for week, lisia
returned trome,e*Or. and ,toelati
*earof Witftelsole---aud
Aobert, terry ot IterrYs.dale vislitel at
the bente ot 34r., and gra. MA141114 1:401111
.on 8011400140*11 Mica Mos: who
boo Slotting in Leadon.jor * onftle
- weeks,
has returned 'beinei.-Xch
104 Biehard prbutrilt linenotikanir "In
11(artneroldo to 'SWUM *nip -Totted horse.
"4,Attdreft.siniralutuostr,40,4_ rikmoo
ft11i t�
r "
ilflft has eointo.: /wed,'
. 1449. 'for
int . theeitioak. tor t0 • fie.41$04 ie • ”iwit
tit,et eater* 'will be . tap,
c n* JO' 0.0.:ht44 itrtrot. ot„;.°0,,,..
'49 44*(0* 'or Abe': r P 10° Wee*. have
he *satiates look 'green ,and ,seirae have,
urtied their stoek..Ottt,wing to . the.
1:xortaga os4e04.-,Nte. 3 tilfrn attended,
t e funeral- of Me unele...str, Thee, littre
, ,,Loadolt; icea, PridaY, ,lefetr*T3lainY
our Villagn..1.1rneVe: planted Iltetrearly:
atoc*-a"' and expeet Ift have'new U(S
•...tune lett? 1.",retty early,- 4On, isn't
'Vesta 'or Mra 8. Andtewa ex
traday,e-Mr. Gregory, Eliontillet South
13, WO move nextweek prito-,the. farm:ently pOtcAxase4 neer larittea.÷,
,krePiteroon of *otter le: Working,.
Johns, biaeltsmIth.. assist-
ing .1411n to do erom woodworking.
Mr, T., Geirtilt last Week sold
teamot boraes totar. (1.0.4,110
. gtkrt 'Apr_ 000. On :Thuroodes*.
fOre, ileitler44 to 'tke pure!
one toott skitand died a few iOu
•DANUROUS riAttostivir-s.
Ili Make Canada 0 Baldheaded Ka-
tiontt Not -civicktsl.
-M Pasteu tho!mat lrezh Photo.
ran of tarts. ones *Olt "I believe we
**hail (me dsy rid the "world ot all -doo.
*zaeseemed lw-etennie". -"
.1tandrart Iseatute4 by gernult fact
• :----seoePt0kt--koY---41--Phia
pandrult ts the root ot all hair evila.
It were not for the intledestructive
caare-e,' there -woujd
be tut Wildness.
"'Arleen Sage- will kill tile dandruff
germs and remove dandrutf In two
weelr.o or Menet back.
W. S. Chle•guarantces ft. At win atoll
Itching svelte talitnt hair and matte the
boir -grow thick and abundant.
It puto lite and lustre into the hair
and girevents-lt tram tufting grail.
It Prthe hair dressing ittr izretienee.
ib.intly Perfumed and .ire from female
stickiness'.. It la the favorite with. wo-
men ot %Ode and culture...4)ot° know tbe
soeial vslue / of faciaating hair. "
Urge bottle coats °nit 5Q cents, at
loading* druggists everywhere, and in
Exeter bir W...S. 'Cole. The\ s1k1 wttit
auburn- hate is on everY Poolotge.
As a general -System Tonic
in Nervous Affeetions
In OnvAIescence from illness
In nehitik Coughs and
.aectims of tho Rings.
tn gonna -where °vitality
eneriyawI appetite are
010 make ture �f the quslity of
. ask14,4 sure— NYers name
yOut ilypoph
are NutritiverHypphosiihitee
-OZ th. highest quality sud s big bottle -
or $1.00.
Dsinttrille with dionhttui 1,coodir.vots
len he sure of Nye*. We know just
What it contains.
the par'
' enjoyablet tine Weit- liPent„ at t
held at :the nom or Ur, trCunx."
ingham onWednesell evening. ,The
oeted* *Mountedwhiwit
ed buying (limits: for St. James
dey *hoot...eel*. O l'Ottest der
ur village on MondeY and hes gene- to
reside In Lambe. We are sorry \to sce
"4r4 Julies leave the villagel-btr....XWm.
Neit and Itr, Geo, Carter tere both ha'.
very yew state of health. --Mr. Bali Car.
'ter swat Tuesdar, In Loadotee-Mrs,
ger -..returratd. home. to Exeter 'Twitter,
atter -*Pending- ittietaf days • visiting
itriendw Itere.eelliata .1.1zzie Carter and
brizither 7..,,evi.'ealled On **Otto» .friende
Saturday last,-)fr. M. 'Parrett, *Peet the
last Week,arlititing bia.pl,renta.--10. Geo
tawis---hiAt opened up a grocety. -hug;
nese (Ito .Pront Street. We wl
aucce10.-Nr..Senattilon and family bawe
Moved- into the hottat vacated by Mr„.
Plivor--3-43.t1 402:;;Arto.Dr--41PPA'AIMA!'•
_Abbottreturned learneonTuesd*Ye*.
Hoaxer .Ctunetograto attended- the
tad at tidertete Vredneeday eventnar,..
Mrs. Shaffer la aonftne4 to the hottee
with a sere toot. --.Sunday night while
Boating arel son ot Luesto were &Iv
tree throtertr the village -their Imre') be-
came frightened and: 111111041- t1f; run
away. thrOWing theoecuroots out. the
lie•wr, we* stopped bore 'going volt
°or and all' Came oft Unhurt , owe the
boy' under( was -badly sertashedee Mr,
Hurley Hatch's, a commercial traveller.
14; Vitadtiltl is mother. --Sr. lotroport
mcd,ttou hae Arrived to 'till a -position
with:the SteWiillant prole' tor the ata-
JOhn, Seale has purchased a
new fonace for,. blie dwelling On the,
tarra.-Mast*.- Sather:tend atxd &odeare
ire 0414 -butane:as la eetrxent blocks and
buttaing concrete Martin,
sehaet trather* spent Sunda Y at hi*
heap la Parkhill -Mr. J. Oallins has
the 'contract 0: pnttiog in 170:0 rode: or
tile Orate to -c Mr. M.; Simpeoa at Moores
vilte.--.-Seeding is -all done and the
reps rry -priStalsIng in this vie-
•Wittn a mantries to drown his mute.
..s. Lt -seems that he think* that Ids
troube bin his stornach.
Choice Stock
To Breed From
I/O13.-4031e. 831. ts- a rim steel grey.
impa.-ted oerrixeron. with an excellent,
fest, and breeding recordgoraist_
lelmea his own stable to 011** BrOkest*
shirk...'s for noon, to August Wlls till'
ednealli morning. VirednestdaY to Viro
it Morgan's" and Centralia. Hotel. Thurso
d*Y to Wee Coates' and sConaereltd
teL Exeter.- terlday to Peter Munn's, to
hie own atikto till Koodly..-, W 11
nmostit, Prop., and manager; Zurich.
THOMAS CAULNLE, 13970, is a pure
-zed 'exported Clydesdale. 4 yearsold,
elure?. re)eettelyturalfig the best • • or
AAA haer s ftee irtetigre,e,U w1,1
twolin it his owes stable, Centralia, exa
t 'Wednesday- etton he goea to Joeh
flardhig'3 Alaborne, for 1o0n,--- BASK-
Itil.V11,44U ANT) ItAtiPPOHD, Proptt t
;C U BASHERVIL,LE, )0$11ager4
iritrottir„._2oO41 sss„ is stf„eelte
,b7ated imported' Witte, weltprops-art:one
edof unexcelled pedtgres and 11Afte
breeded. Itis stock has won Many prize
tsts. He will remain at his own stitbie.
C.;Tditotithis treason...el4ES COCK.
WILL, Proptictor And Manager. *
JARDINIEtt. 47511., is beautiful
blaek'•Pertherba, tattftted 'Vern France.'
1.t tee the blood .or the beat holies.
,htra, wite'll he le a sure ttoki getter
ad his stock hali Proved exceitent....
Monday leavee home at Zurich to
Ilals,er'Sito ipks,, •-Tuesday to
teed*, Wednesday to /oho
11 yWe, to IL Zsloreil. stburadat
Owe Irrldli to 'Sohn Itotneres, to IL
Ate*, satuidsi hointo-Zustett SYN-
itelierW„ Prop,. Jo/It4 lo, At., usn.
0,0 ItOWAT310:14;11400, +0*.,
• lattorted elydesdale, of ..-elotip
pedigree. An both aide*, •and
1,x31141 *1 IFOOd Iltottt tette. 144144,Y
• hit own 'stable at Magalre to
t Poylesis. to flush carturs,' Tucti
tc R ., (&t.' to*11..vraynele. Ihre$14
steeletrothtirsdel, tea Arthut
▪ td • Win, 1C11'0. Vriday t3
Wnt.ct AlVsou's,, SatundaY
hone,,e-T. W. II01)0$014, ttop.;
' 0110Witlif. 1407e 11M,
ledesidell? staillo:1 thole Ode
" \eta'. eja4".ent bidld. Mo da
TW *, ft ttelrfove t Wtre, Hod's*
etto`x01-4 '11****104 t� Tho
mty;10 to itovw: 'Weilltteod‘ty
111111, tr-Itootorl 1Jory to Palit emote* 'Irrtdar
t holen%,-.41/4 1‘0401.,
an* )4smager,tedft�n
Uzct 41)7 'in I.
ti past:ter bilngwy tdhog
EU cooterene at . *lona
atoisnd r.. are 2z4 ip th
la. grippe' at prow ber
s, In'the vage oi 1daytir
A. that Or 'Mr, Wm.' EoMe..oMe..
.leenstilre was Zurich.
ot.4.9everar or the vIllooe
ijt toe tere , ou gindaY
Woe; 'and alt vII1 ytotkathite' with,
* goenther, latot 'wee)e:•peeetoot .
'shim 'hot*, trent' *tn. 'Bewden,•fle
•,not Ybt tlirck*ara ,Old and will tip
efr:seatci t ozne.over 1709 peanut*
OA*a lteautirol--greY' .reter. bai
,hontand identy tood. ace,
and to :all' round "iroOd her***
Ld no debt *ill be * great "Mitten
the: otecit- horses arionnt. Awet,
t: also atid thAt. that Ile is, an Im-
hatieeeellte , Abu Willett *Old lite
ap1fl1 team Q! „SatulAcp for the fancy*
eeeiee lot *390 to Ur. 3. Boyie.t They are
welt-matZted,Valt ed 'brown** one
Collegt Churn and the other All Atition
I. It payto -ralate-thery--beet. He.
has sinewpurehaeed'a Poe span or *or-,
reis, three year* 'AL Wen matched,
They are a promising...lair and leo
fallen into good band*Who volt,
doubt in a yee.r. or two - recta( .a great
deal MOM than .the price ,he hots Nit
rec1ved for e and
ti •
13 tact,. y
tewte -tile ;poets
abroOlcoeloted letrentzeg. pe" t •aev
te last w‘..e.le tge Toronto ort beetne
a'nvie' hag .porchased a )1r.tzp
piu:groin S. Ittiertin *Hon .*
and Mr*.. Den. fteareeletler visItel
atiwee tras%weeid on• 'Toe
it Tetclthono,Ci. :avC
to te34. weelasheliteg eevera
3 14 our•busineeit Aire* aud
muts sactto isubscrthos
wilt give them the grivitege ot talking
itil Ex'cter tree of etterge, .,We- have.
rPit that- our haa4*- werc ttect.
.014t ,thisprivIcgl will'b a bo to our
baSinr01.$••,IezePtee %Vei: feel ...,that a tel
P40.0,0 lpstalled in the,.
,aitC:uttrailla. As thls hi the
Width* point, tor our 'Village we 'or
pticed at a tr)vrat 'deal r•Of .:,lincoirirentenve,
rfason,est•Itaiting, no'''Photte eenneee-
tion. 'Won't setae. oue take this upon
tiiins0lt 'to see that' aolmthing is
t i
:Wile nu otter or men
aye In :41
r. and )1r*,
and Mrs.
F Or
Jona inist an • 410 V * •- relative.
here on ,Senday.-'Mr Joe 'Wambold
knob rather busy, .paperieg' those days.
• (Prom ',Ikuiitt/er sourcv4 •
_ .
' bibs me 'Thiel and .140401 Dock
Of ZitrietelVir, Tinisi, Cote and daughter,:
of Exeter* and' ',s(tr.., W. Itothermel or dils,,, .
iter North spent Sunday with. Mr. and
'Mrs. 'Prank 'Mse.--Mr.•• and Stra. 11.”
Wittozr ot ZuriehiSPO' unitar yilth:
the tattersmother, s other, Mk.s Mary, "tiller.,
--(re. Geo. 'Redden or. Adisa Crabs' is
eernaditoe a Ow day* ' with her -mother
Mts. Bothaerinat*-Mtont- lereitt ',-argd. gts* . pox,
paturt ot...10reinton; spout Sunday at the : .Ekooten tie its and full Information
home iof Ur. Beaty .1..CrattereMr.. Wes. from ' J. Ii.-Ittlitifirb. ' Depot /1011te,
Wolfe and sister. or Credtto4 *Pent Sum Exeter, or address J. D. liteDONALD..
day *ith- friends in tOwttegra-• lirorY v. P. A. q,.. -T. -It*... Toronto*.
Bender, hire. Geo. Hellerminn and sea •
Norznan :spmt Sunday at :the home of
urn -
1;n4 urn. Ittooro let t Zurich
thtd the UAW?* tai ---Mr*, and
$.70:e1COOttil.natitnasi litav.gs:Oittk,
etneyer or Itertsalt *petit, Sunday , here
Ith trivielio-Mis* Lavin% Vorlt 0;•-•"Zur
Is sp.lodieg t tew days in town.
Xr. Ezra tender who has for the met
w eare beer' working' in PlattevIlle,
see9pted et position with Mr, 0,
Tiernan, where he learned hts -trade a*
tinsmiths -mime Addle, Uhler* is learn..
bur the dressmaking vtlth Misses
LTtsIng‘selosil Of Oeterteis
Conatereldi &Islograftlil
iir..si.Arnig..0.t.,p0.41.0. los docesodur•el$
"forstawalte greetkirOcoodothesi;
tineelastreeesx r
Tiej1y. Th
rnann. sedeleepee
Mr OottlOb ttrOwn- oecupled thepule
t in the Itteengelleal chureh loot Sun-.
day mortileg and In the evettin$ MO •
'young tidies' bible claim or the church
assisted hi the .eholt" and male `Chorus,
gavie an extellent program. A. ,lerge
numbtn."ivere In attendance' and all en.
joyed the -iterVice viers much. -George,
Ifilhar left on Monday. morotag for NeW
Ontario, ,'where he will report for duty
*geom. raduat
-Vet oer tree'
pthag . Show
#re Stook
The Annual Spring ,Show Of Stat.
as - tire Itsaiiter at i Glitte's Depot.? off lions and Bulk* under the aus ices of
the T. *N. 0.•Itallway. !This Is toe, 3e4 the South Huron Agricultural lety,.
season for George and he Is a g000will he held In . (I
raenl,or the position. Ills many friends .
wish him every sutceas In bla-andertak-
ing.-;411Ste-UereY . Swett ' to visiting;
friends. to Cheeley.-eltme, Bean has re-
turtleCteora 'Berlin-, where he ha* Iwo., Iry
,, .....
Oltendinir theCane Cottrertnee a the .
Eyanitelieal Astioc titan. Ire will---beyas
tor of the thurth here for another 7 year.
-Ell King 10 about to raise his barn
Put le hank under it and otherwhie re. *Z.,,,,,,avri'menubutoulvnee----------011 et
.0 , j ,1•01
:nail, the building. Oeo. iroltiouttar Is ,yeaeektreattottallitia.....-.........4 3
the contractor for the job. -Tuesday Pettatereit Manua. •, 4 3
COVINIO etaliiii41.74.1".*
was It'avellere-.tray in towel To see •
a$040,*L... • . - .... .....s. , 4
tt* repreientittiveit of the,. different eyeeet4av stirgiat .:•,,;;;;-,-4-_, $
wholesale houses take our burgh by igedlteatheir lea—.......-...... 4 S,
"dorm tit iht• *ore lodikation that there- -3.0.014lsoOlourobolfgoteee----,44 3
isconsiderahte business One eereo.., . . Strtggitii,IS-111411111138
gitite a number 'front here drove, to HIT Th.*ItTeatt„,
S:tigeaa on Sunday . to view, the ot
,,,, ., -
the tux ralli, saw and. doer- nulls,. own- t t, dosa4.d by
ed by &al Sweitzer, *Melt nitd -- .
et•Nitroyed• hy tire early Sunday Motu, s:
41V., Ur. Sweitzers roan? friends 0111"0 .
lutillze with tam tn.lxis loss, Whith is „,_....„
heaey.one, esto.?,elelly -since no Insure, 7moat
aI1C2 Was .earrieflow-Vitord. has been 'ref ' • .400.44400$1.
I704, here that W. 1.4 1.401410 Or SOO• • L.. ‘ ,..-.. 110161.$
1:00"Zr had to 'Undergo an operation in 'Aged eboiborla Rune' -ree. -- - 4$ _
Toronto for appendicitia on , Toledo. '641ititi'°111114.44"
We are plzeteesd, to learn that the over.,ilkotiowitillair0111;1144;
, .
aro3 proted-oarcesstal end we hovel*1100,1104_,-,...1----0-.....,--i- ''is • 4
4 I
win have a sdt recovery. Me tithe' sltra.A.,_.,..„,..."eete,4014,......,,......t.........1. -.,..........,..:4
4 ,
er. Witham Lewis, god Mrs, Daniel - .."
Sweitzer telt for the ,eity., on hfouday to sip, tiii.46441***0,,toith**414
• esisioelie *M. . oftliegoelit
tee in attendInecilr. . Tower* has i 4
3uxtit * driver' from Sowt *.Zoolur,, or,t. lotoorgoorroti*Eilti t ore.01.4,11, *5Mi
*• toad flguee.-tia. %Aura Love Orfreth An itilig*het tkit 40**4* kw*
lattt Sunday in Parkhill with her pare the .
euts,--Wo art pleased, to see that 'MO. taiwoullottklAti Aim*:
Mak has revovered retitle, hr attrere at- 0e.e...emeeteetteeteeett
tack of the grrplie. Mr. ei :Sirs* Jo.'i , irt. 0;1(44* 00‘ • ',Ail.*
Wind and Mr. and Mrs. Joat. Sehreie t 2s,Mth.
der spent task Sunday, la • 1,:shorn!, the-
1u3tio or Mr. 'and Mrs; Prod. *austral.
Vlart sow:ng has te...11.' set back tide'
wk ent *count Qt the, *ft Weat,t0i4-0.
•Largc ,quantittes of Ole are
Mr01.1311 totorn tv*rt day. Our brick and,
tile yards itrOve * lePleadid, busineie for
, OW tOwa at they Are 'the otmine ottertre
-14,.F ,04,, •-, ., :
lite44,44tatted 41*
i• •
5 3'.
• eettlY,Settelteattlealit .the
it1fa1.it4it Or 14.41,811W000.
OS TO tiastioi, APft/t# 28th, 1011
the isilioshw *ski
isms.* seite,nd, Weit
tees* ogre heft -wee
lowebstOwri, atisokesks.hh
estor.sortiassialeiioto, t
t COO 44etite1Li.ete4eer4
lass, bkba
alts.eletpeiitestoe, feair4 laN.,,
esm.Settles teathe t goist kik**.
gitkiti 2 lop toastg. tkiwa
rhsr eb5Wm r. row*. thik. ti‘ot
/0*toto $1460. not
pots:k let** OW*,
14 h,.
he, -In the
and orgs tun
e hesItblslife
IToni .... 4 4 00
Yelling 4 4, * *
ilirtgag .. 4. . ..' 1
WON ^14 HS "06*/**
P*n4 toria osi to *so
11,9111E0 Yeti'
ALRI e 3 at a• id!up 04pill $10
4".1 1i477, mzICO
,7 Reserve Fund, O
t. Pah-ogt qoaito* itid In Itte, 00t4t1 'States ana
. ,
1 I I
' 1 anaspwards uro fed., andntteret ilowed at curt
rate*. °Ai,tvoittits .. rittly be pne4 n tZenairtoi: a two '.,;or
snore persons' 4114 Withdr‘w0,11; tilUde 1',P)t...4!.:41,
, . .
one of them or by the", survivor.
:Itarrtiou. Usti .f:T$ Vrisuctialoe at*
E1sD-ThQ. Intormal dance
111.4 uMet the auspice* or the"Foratbalt
Club ' Patel'ett on very ,soeeesstullr on
Tbute.daY evening -10W. when youth and
h-autS• from far .e.nd, 'hear, gathered to-
evther. aod It very endoyable eventhit
wai *penierWil. John Aikenhead cone
xuzs very 111
*ess ancl there is
wro a
•Ti.tC1tit1UW4T or_doing baste'
:nese le to bring ''Your old truck, stith
as horse hati "Obber. Iron. (X)Proer0
tirstos,wool pirkloga,• etc", to
Where 104 get the higt*st mitt
price arid honest dealing'',
port aikvo--.& lot ot Iron pipe e
hand ter fence poets', etc:,
Irent gigirre
atteu4 one of a
Unle to enter.
r tiates reco e
t,o two par "Mauna.
Mall CotileSe in 10 diffitteti
ite for perti-7'cu1isre.
hi I
R POLICY' has id ,waye been to give our customer's the sole
Talltatte of any reduction our keen buying has allowed tut
to take savants** of; Our '
t 1* *no.tcomp1ete and at prices Within:the reach of
everyone up to . same warranted from one to
three years. Now is the time of poor when on
mise. Wellavis ittie iselectton
al &tin repeat* the-calleverY 9econds - Prices
warranted for one year...,
OttrReptiiiing De. paiitnent
la complete.. Nothing pii,seei our that doe. no
ur heat attentlos. -
cUn alt kin
1pt1rchto bsde ,et** to:
hese the Oita will bepaM
maybe left the esese store,
-4 ,