HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-12, Page 6r HUMOROUS. A recent disoovery ie a telephone talked to death by a barber. 'I never argy agin a success,' says Arteinus Ward ; 'when T see a rattle- snaix's hod sticking ou't• of a hole, I bear off to the left, and say to myself, that hole belongs to that snail.' 'How like its father it ie i' exclaimed tho nurse, on the occasion of the christ- ening of a baby whose father was over seventy, and had married a young wife. 'Very like,' replied a satirical lady,. 'it hasn't it tooth in its head.' What surprised Noah more than aught else was that he received na ap- plication for free passes. And what astonished the pnblio after the flood was, that the veteran navigator never tried to get up a complimentary bene- fit for himself. People often complain of hard times from a more natural tendeuey to growl, hula Georgia darkey the other day said :—'Nebber seen sigh times since I was born. Work all day and steal all night and blessed if I can hardly make a libbin'.' Two French wnreeu ware pasaeneere on oue of the local trains between Vir- ginia City and Carson. They had with them, in a big tiu cage, a parrot that annoyed every one with its con- stant squalling and gabble. Observ- ing the uufrieildly glances that were beetowed upon the bird'" one woman pulled down a cloth cover that was on the top of the cage. When the ex- tioguisher was clapped upon the bird rend it found itself in the dark, it growl- ed out, 'Tbat'a smart.' The bird kept, quiet for a few minutes, then yelled in its swrilling tone.—'Look out, Sarah, he's going to kiss you t' The eouduct- or,. who happened to be iu the car, said : 'That parrot must be an old traveler on raihoa3s, He seemed to think we arepasaing through a tunnel.' $2.50 WORTH OF FIGHTING. A Carson city paper reports the fol- lowing lively law proceedings :— Yesterday afternoon a young man came into Justice Carry's court room, with the rim of his hat down over itis eyes and remarked : 'Do yon know me ?' 'T think that you are the chap whom I eenteneed for stealing about a year ago,' replied the court meekly. 'Phat'e the harpin I am and here's $20 fur my fine,' replied the other, 'Bat you served your term in jail, and owe no fine.' said the judge. 'That's all right, old boy, but I'm about to commit an assault and bat tory, and 1. guessI''.l settle now, You're the man I purpuee to lick.' •Ob that's it,' replied the Court, pocketing the coin; 'then you can start in and oall it square.' The young man advanced to the Court, and let out his left. The judge ducked his head, and, rising up, lifted the intruder in the eye with a right - header and sent hie: over against the wall. In a moment the Court was climbing all over the man, and in about three minutes his -face was hardly recognizable. The man begged the Court to let up, which be finally did. As the fellow was about to go out, Carry went after him with: 'See here, young man; I don't thick the kliting you did bad ought to be assessed at any more than $2.60 --here's $17.0 in ohange. I ain't charging you any• thin¢ for fighting, but just for my time. Next time I won't charge you a cent.' The rough took the ohange and the next train for Virginia City.. ANECDOTE OF HO1 ACE GREE• LEY. Mr. Greeley, wbiletravetliugthrough Pennsylvania iu a stage coach, was ob- liged to walk several miles to the town of Milford, on account of an accident to the coach. He arrived there in 'the condition of a confirmed tramp. 'Uncle Sammy' Dimmick kepi hotel there then, He was a bluff, curt man, but kind and Generous. Lloraoe Greeley teas Wit idol He had never seen him bila often declared it would be the tel on Leet moment in hia life to meet the great Whir,: editor. When air. {gree a, enteet,tl the ►iiluege, after his long and dusty tramp, he chanced to stop at Ditntnick'a tavern, Uncle Sammy was ;n the barroom, and in one of his woret humors, Mr. Greeley walked up to hila, and, in hia peculiar falsetto voice, said : `I am very tired and dusty, sir. I would like to have a room where I can wash my feet.' sorofuloua smelling. Internal fever, ' soreness and ulcerating, yield to its }O,1.111Qr1 benign; tn'flueec$. Cansnulption, which is but a form of scrofulons affection Of the lungs, may in Its early stages be oared by a' free use of tnib God given remedy. See article on consumption and its treatment in "Invalids' Guide Bok" --10' cents post-paid. Address, World's Dispeusrre lliedioat Associta- tior. Buffalo, N. Y, Uncle Sammy looked the seedy unci WORO11[iaST13 R, Mass., Feb, 8(1,1870. dirty stranger Trona' head to foot. Xie- ( Dr. It. V. PILRor : lieving him to be an' impudent tramp. Dear Sir—With trembling hand, he bellowed out, in a voice that could fronlnay extrem age, being eighty-five, I write to inform You of the great bene - be heard over half the town :— fit you,. Golden illedieal Discovery and Pellets have wen to me. Three years ago 1 was prostrated with pneumonia, alta 110 one thought I would recover By the use of those tnedici+les I was raised to health, and by the be-ssing of God and your medicines I have enjoy- ed pretty good health sines, though far years before this I suffered from weak. lunge and a bed cough. Gratefully yours, MARY I3. FISK, 'A room to wash your feet in ! Why, you d -d impudent Econudi•el go out to the horse trough and wash your feet?' A large public trough stood in the street at the corner of the hotel, Mr. Greeley walked quietly out to it, took off his boots, and began washing his feet in the trongtr. Cornelius W, De- Witt. father of John E. DeWitt, the well known New York insurance pre- sident, at the time kept a store oppos. ire Ditnmiok's tavern. He was also a Whig, and knew Mr. Greeley. Ile saw the man at the trough washing hie feet, and Uncle Sammy standing on the hotel piazza Innking at him with intense disgust. DeWitt walked over, recognized Dir. Greeley, and at once gave words to his surprise. Ile beckoned Uncle Sammy to the spot. 'Mr. Dimmick,' he said, 'I want to introduce yon to Hiraoe Greeley, the editor of the New York Tribune.' Uncle Sammy never recovered from the mnrtifioation he feet over hie treat- ment of the man he would have gone 100 mi'es to do honor to. Mr. Gree- ley took the matter good naturedly and spent several days with the Whig ad- mirer. MAN'S AGE. Few men die of age. Almost all die of disappointment, passion, mentally or bodily toil, or accidents. The passions kill men sometimes. even snddenly. The common expression, choked with par -sine, has littlelexaggeration in it,for even though not suddenly';iatlil, strong passions shorten life. Strong -bodied men often die young ; weak men live longer than strong, for the strong use their strength and the weak have noue to use. 'I'he latter take cure of thorn• selves, the former do not. As it is with the body, so it is with the mind and temper. The strong are apt to break, or like the candle, to run. The weak to burn out. The inferior ani- mals, wbieh live, have generally tiler prescribed number of years. The horse lives twenty-five; the ox fifteen or twenty ; the lion snout twenty; the dog ten or twelve ; the rabbit eight ; theNrtinea pig six or seven. These numbers all bear a similar proportion to the time the animal takes to grow to its full size. Ent man, of all the animals, is one that seldom lives this average. He ought to live a hundred years, according to the physical law, for five times twenty are oue hundred ; hut instead of that, he scarcely reaches on an average four times his growing period ; the cat six times ; the rabbit even eight times the standard of mea- surement. The reason is obivious— man is not only the most intemperate, but the moat Laborious and hard work- ed of all the animals. He is also the most irritable of all animals ; and there is uo reason to believe, though we eau - not tell what an animal secretly feels, that, nose than any:other animal,man cherishes wrath to keep it warm, and consumes himself with the fire of his own secret reflection. WHAT BETTER EVIDENCE coni( people ask to substantiate the merits of Dr Pierco's' Family Medicines than the fast that they have not only yearly grown in popular favor in this country, but the foreign demand for them has became so great as to neves• eitate the establishing a branch of the celebrated World's Dispeusery in Lon- don, Englaud, that these blessings to the afeioted may be despatched from 1 the great eommerciai center of the 1p world to every country and people ? t DASHWO®D Golden Medical Discovery is t► ceeseu- ttatod, potent, alterative, or blood cleansing remedy, that W,ne gulden furnish hooses or iu neon of anything in hia bine Tas experience of the manuf$lcturers of the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco is a valu- able lesson in political eoeuomy. Pre. virus to their onminenoing that brand, the tobacno masse of the finest `,Vir_inia leaf. was always held at fancy prices, and put in some fancy Ryle euf inenu- facture. It was thought that only the rich would buy soli tobacco, and at the old prices none but the rich could buy it, The makers of the "Myrtly Navy" resolved to strip the manufac- ture of the tobacco of all its fancy coets and put their profit at so low 'a rate that no competitor could possibly un- dersell thern with the same quality of article. From the very first, until uow, their rate of profit has been a uniform percentage upon the soot. It is their enormous sales which make their low rate of profit a satisfactory one in 'the aggregate, and also gives them their firm Bold unou the market. Their success is an excellent lesson for mauafacttu-ers to study over. The most pleasant, rapid, rel;able and effectual remedy yet discovered for diarnccna, dysentery, cholera mor - hue, cholera icttit,to10, and all summer complaints,. is Dr. Fowler's :.,xtrdat of Wild Strawberry. It is unsurpassed as a reliable specific in toe above dis- enser, is well known nes a great remit! in( agent, and is more highly valued the tenger it is known. 'Travellers and tanl•ists sbonld carry a supply in their haversack. For sale by all Healers in klediciues. GE1telAid SYRUP." No other medicine the world was eyer given snob a test of its curative qualities as Bosenita's GERMAN SYRUP. In three years two millions four hundred til msancl small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by druggists in this country to those :acted with Consumption, Asthma, Oroup, severe Coughs, Pneuurnouia, and other diseases of the throat and lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that GERMAN SYRUP will cure them. The result has been that druggists in every town and village in the Ca- ntinas and United estates are recorurnending it .o their cnstomers,. Go to your druggist and ask what they know about it. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Itegalar sive, 75 cents. 'Threj doses will relieve any case. GREAT BAgGAINS IN MILLINER,Y AT MISS GARLICK'S The remaining stools of Summer Hats and Trimming., Feathers, Flowers and Ornaments will be sold at greatly reduced prices Fancy GOOds. Honiton eind Point Braids, Berlin and Fleecy Wools, Ottom•,ns and slippers, BaokCombs and Braid Pins, Cardboard, Mottoes, etc., etc, 'These Goods must be cleared out, and will be sold cheap- er than they c ' n be got anywhere else in town J.GARLIOK. MAIN STREET, - - - EXETER. aim.11' 1"07,1 T Fuge .d Lib. Send for circulars explaining our New System of canvassing' • Agents have wonderful success. 100 8traseara- NUS TO 1,000 1N11ABITAY4T8, . Ot1Y pnbiicatione are standard, Address, The Henry Hill Pub. Co., 41 43 and 45 Shetuoket et, Norwich, Conn PUBLIC SUPPLIED sheerer than over. FURNITURE. WAREROOMS WM. W. BALL wouldi-ttimate to those about to opinions of those • vrhe use it for All ! ttt l;o has ,.died lar�gge�ly to hie faotttitiee for pturning out Fust-claee Work. Sa9h, 1)ools and humors from t he ommmon intnrle, 1- tA, MAWS on hand. All Ordc; s u Specialty. tlo.c1i, �rtlrnl'tion, to the forMidable I)WHL7ietec,V4irete,7es6 ifr At 12' 1'881 Orzarts and Philos k. The Largest and Most Complete Factory in, the Dotni.tl(iulm,. 140x100 feet. Highest Honors ewer awarded to any Maker in the World. MEDAI, A.\i) DIPLOMA AT CEti''TI,N7NLAT,, 19713. Do do SY.i1Nh,Y, AUSTRALIA, 7877 GOLD MEDAL AT PROVINCTAT, IIXEIII3I'1'i0N, TORONTO, 1'4713. BI1UIIPST AWARD' AT 1N.1)IIST1.IIAL I XIIII3ITION, TORONTO, 1570. r' 'CVe are now manufacturing Square and Uprighil Pianola,. Best in the marker.. Correspondence solicited. Send for .11-- ustratedl. Catalogue. Mailed free', Address D mira:i®, Organ, an,a. ,.Pialso Company, pany, BOWI,IANVILLE, ONTARIO. Auction Sale of New Furnit j . re UNDERTAKING as hours, clay or night. Parlor, bedroom and dining "corn furniture supplied 20 pox cont. lower than any other house in the trade. A full assortment to be offered for sale by Public Auction at J, DREW'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, Opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, EVERY WEDNESll .Y TILL, 5TOCT I5 SOLD. TERMS : $10 and under, cash ; over that amount, 4 mouths' credit on approved paler, Private sales at cost will be made between Auction sales, usual at lowest rates. Orders in this departmet.t received at al: ,TWIN DREW. .letr N -TA 1, :1 ai ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE • REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough,c Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and. Chet, including, CONSUMPTION., A WELL-KNOWN PIHYSICIAN WRITES:. " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case svith most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and ealaysirri- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get 1)11. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of "I. BUTTS" on the' wrapper. 50 Cents andr,�$1..00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by Sara W. 1owLu & Sons, Boston, Mase. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. A Protected Bolntian of the Protonlde of Iron, Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can 'be supplied by the use of the PERUVIAN SYRUP? It cures a "thousand ills" simply by TONING 'UP, INVIOOIIAT1NG, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched anti vitalized blood permeatos every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretlo'•4 ,:ping for disease to feed ;mot,. inth is 1ne secret of the wonderful success of this retnedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarncca, We forts Affections, Female Complaints, ,Eaxd ell diseaeea originating 1n a had ntr:.ra c.f the blood; or aeeoutpanted by debility; c,:• t. leer state of the system. tI,.131'1ON'.=-•13e sure you get the '•' '"- ) VMlNSYIIUP." Sold by(leen-4sta goer I.?, ally. Pamphlets sent fres to any t,eirlrebr. Huhu W. ]!'o0V1,t. &. Sons, Proprietors, 0b :71,r-+- r1tWD, Avenue, Boston, Mese