HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 3 (2)tea - • DEUT A c'f syt32 gtlx prin build up your. blood Ilityfilettto :Following, the icor winter nr,riths most peop depres,:,:ed! and escily tired. 'eons that the bleod is impure 4his'state of the that owes 'pimples. and 'U.,. this ssaine At: is duo attacks emu*, litrabaea; poiof seiatica r • tile., freqn e to„ tv can't eitte these, tron e 'y purgatiVes1,.. sou:.nee io arid ati oolyi 1114 ;MOO itU lanes .thete is Iloilo, e trei r ViI1irn Pint-Tilla tor (her.. tonic, life•giVing, nerve re. tering powers. Every 1ose-.0f -this medicine makes new, rich* iii00(1,• wlitiett drives out ireputities„ antidotes 4tvery 'organ, and brings 401itItc of new health 4(nd. energY to weak, ', tired out, ailing men, wo. n and children. - If you are fed- !glaut-lif-sorta-givv-ths-AnediCitte * trial, it will not disappoint. you;,- lr ra411 ClierbOnneati, a. young mait 'Wen kil(fira itt-the UMW of St: _ Que., is, one or the. host *he 'bear testimony to tile value of 1r.7 Williitina* Pink Villa, Re sitys: 4i'Wherin left sehool I became Iteekkeepte i0 an important office. rebablr'due to. Confinement I be- au to suffer from itlaiKestion •St of Strength.- X beezithe pale emiegly“ bodIes and WA13;,-oft iZt441 with palpitation of thellea iutd violent beiiae1ws 1 fried-oo eral remedies,but they dicl-not, ni * lilt of good. 1 Neu' ;Wised totry Dr. Williams' Pink pin* an licl sec and the use of tight leekis 'ought, me beck to perfect health th, het of health and Cannot say IQO ch in `Praise of this vaIuable eine" old by ell medicine dealers or by inail at 0-2cents a boa:- or Ida uxct kr 112,50 from •Tho Dr, Wit. Medicine * Cu., BrOaCtrille Yet at 4.1011yards you tumid be able to. Atli • Mall on orsebaek _from a man on foot; at 000 yards- he IS 'limply '-a --dot - on a landscape. The -m-alority of people,,too, ureable to determine' the wind's locity. When the -smoke from a chimney moves in a straight, vertil tat (Aaron; it means that a. one too two-miles-an-houtt breeze 'N blow- ing. A three-miles404tour wind. f,c9 Ra4* for" BtlieIa& It la ("fatal Er. rtallige i,'etOnitnerily belZeit. el • vo begun in Africa, or 4SiA, Th t invei,tigationa prove that s not worted. in Ettnyt until the' nth ventury before iliteChria, ian-era or in Libya until 4500, 40., at. 4;1 Semites adopted its use later, and _that it has been knoWn in ITgitntla'only with the litst riiventuries. In (sh,ites, iron. ntioned in -10) B. O. ',Bronze us were l3,'d in:China untit 3.11*4 un- tiL LI cording , iJgsay, has inves Abject,. etallOgY'if i,nlost have ginatedin,rentrot Europe',je 4ally in Worieuni, whioh a1)proxi ely reptesented metletn Austr4 Bavaria. Only at .Ifallstet in 'Bosnia an'd Transylvania, 'which emintries the Aellaian stippesed• to have =WI to Ckqeee; are found evi- ',es of it etadA141 introduttiort of at Arst. SS an Orottroontk ap. piied ' . the bronze, which it vitt- •,,inatekirdp1aeeL Everywbero else iteti was introduced sudden fatL whielt implies o foreip in„ Mete(-)sie iron waii -10t(iwn in tt in remote AittiriteitT, but i (1&flbt it No-7*s -orked-iu5-13.1 worked, by1(,lentting or eltiPPP And was not alueltea. Irt other words, it *Int the metallurgy, not the knowledge of iron, that ori- ginated in central.Europe, HOW TO JUDGE DVTA24i*CES. carat ,Irtwait . Ad These Antes Ittiur 181•111.be Jcse*eI. 'With the nakcd eye, if you have - ht, you can gee the at'PeePle'S'eyeS 40,yards rds you can just see' theit yes. Wheu,.ail parts of their body aie, distinguishable, they 'are .100 yarhaWay; when. the outlines of ,*00 yards; and wheiva face. appears as , -a _ toparktte :dot_ you should be 404:Eyards away. Six hundred. *yards awey.,& group of people can be'distinguislied singl 'bat' at a furather distance -tit no detail of the human forth • t Qnh• 1)NurE ADVIOR.' A lady had a grunipy servant too liWe giveirtswatIffeg„ Other hints foiled, the mistress said, in tonfof deep, confidence -I *1 am • *Moly!: that if you tor$41 .the co every day in hot, sortmt water .' *ill make you beautiful. •'Will it; nowl".• answered Mary, "It's a wonder you haven't tried • yourielf," , r OW TO MAKE BABY sixEr The bsity that cries half the night does not cry for nothing. cries, because it is not well, and his- no other means of saying se. The elninees .iereetthe trouble is due to someulmelting -„ot the .stonisteh or bowels, 'which would be speedily re. veil if the child were given & -ilose of Baby's Own Tablets. These tabltte mike children sleep sound - 17 naturally because they re• e,,the eetise of the trossuest soul Wakefulness. They are a, bless- . isle to children and a relief to wor- sied mothers. Mrs, Jefin Siekles, 1,)0ogiststoirri, : If any - Wag, ails ray little one the first thing 1 give them is.a,; dose of /ekes Ow* To„bletemand they are. *con well again," Hold by, Medi- rtna dealers or by mall at 25 tent* bolt from The Dr.. Williams' Ale - tone Co., Brockville, Ont. The -guest_ glanced up and down tb' b11 of tare without entitled. a..,01„ "Oh, well," he decided fin- ally, ''you may .bring in a doen fried eysterz." The French waiter Isecome all Apologies.. "Very or ay, mar, but we have no shell.tish, 'except eegs Mthe r GralTe3" Worm` Extermiu; 1arge8t salo of any cellar preparation sold in Canada. • alwayegives satisfaction by re. *At ring health to the little folks. atiotataaa, • ittoitrantri... uourv," totid the „thAksotAl (r.1,7 n.t to wlibu you a at have noW 1•"' • when the 'lloteNA' ask If *tell .have-nonte more /cm rvlied that, owiritto the rtdo'us pr4”;sure your!spswe utpelled to, (1,01ine." ra! will just stir the leaves on the trees, Twenty-five Miles an hour will sway the trunks; .at forty Abel small branches will break; and it takes a mile.a-minute gale to snap the trunks of big trees, ALL DEPEN At the roufts S. ease eoncerning motor -driving was being heard, .whert the chauffeur declared thatt *hen driving at forty miles an hour he could, if e_esegary pull up in eight. or ten feet.- ' "Win I" said the indge.. Then the next witness -an, gave him evidenee. Said hi. . Lordship: rnotor.ear were travelling at forty miles an hour, and the brakes could be put on in sii`eli manner as step it withhi ten or, te eiVe feet, where would the driver "Depends very ranch on the or of life he'd been iiving,". said the pert', • ' I corti141:te KINAttl) • the tiEST tra rsIr femt hinny istuitted 14.tc,itv. X bialhcA. wialt.wittA ulNetunli LtatttlINT and it was is Wt!tt g143:44v0 ettnt der. Youri'vers trole. T. Itc)itititiVIC, ou never iteard' o gettiiiie into trouble by t good ,example."' Son lia..-e,,,the,.minterfeit" iasst rhobn4 *anis • Nrp*roolti** dra�s�L usPusess 1(0t*cii. /Et A8801.ED. on must lime a, rl4bh eflicient Board of"Ifeal tbI ton' • hei4..ristive- You are right ut that, rtan tell xou." Compos,ed &t ze*ttt, 1 pre. rortl"• '01#6icistn„ perhapir Not inuch. WO CIO*/ *flew doe ti on our Botird of lik*Itit inglettakerat either."' fit! What. ort oL men-kiir lie.?en, deur' fe instirsiter ogents.14 " , r notiet hoit,estay„ it ill ft 14 TOOK HIM T OF I 000 ij- Loeb csrs Site i Ie y Bone cO, p Atter 14043 Health ea 014 Reliable Kid!. ,aelinte, (lite A i ' V9, I fter.feurteen 'ye ., ;eh' started ' con. l'iiTlit'iciit,et n 'fAtteibii:cvg014i.itilg$' ) A li: him . to his bed, I Atiliffe, ' a ' we1l:4:2'20*n. restden his, 'place, Itas eutirely ,recover. .Itis, health, and hesa'Ys• 'without ..ltation,,"1 ani 'mire I owe, ttizre tv ly to:Ocold's Kidney Pills.'" ' was laid up with. Pleurisy '0' affected my kidneys," Mr. unite eontinues. "I 411#0tett 11 at deal of pain, especially in my tie. I was also terribly troubled dropsical swellings:, and fro, al- _affttr mow attempts to get rdi if iny i.roublei I found myself -Om- pelted to give up and was eonfine(1 to my I:v(1.'4th Lumbago_-- 1 tried' ny medicines .but they failed to 0 me any good.' Then I trod to --trt-,----Xidwey- '"Ilit---s---imil 2, toking one "box I felt .tpLetitly ic- 1irved. -1 toolc several more boxes and found myself eouipletel tirca." raod(1'3.ltidney Pills always scut Wand all. Toros of Kidney Dis- so. 77c 1-`,77-- • • 4. • • v. test Its.k411%.• iv, foto ()sr ***kilt 114t Oak IIK41110.4. ksts �w 1rnWi*fO 84 ‘ror_.4 .4t0 • F.LCT s furs fade. The Howq,. of r3orih originatctl* the Ring's Great OQunc1I as it ctin•the- tei lowing the eon The 41altlia is named after its in.. tor, Professor Dahl of; Stoat, tu; the wistaria after the Pittilit:„ iSteft':fitini into America., fl€fore the intro labor laws, children of thrcc or four Y worked in mills 111701 brie yzds from live in the morning at night. F»raaula Corea loughs Cottle Jtroiiekitisaad IloorseaKs tot Five flows. Much is being done inthese days to stop the ravages of consumphon, but -probably nothing litts been so efftetiVe as teaching the public how .to break 'up 4 toldd and cure coughs, bronehitis, tonsilitis, etc., vilth simple home -mixed e ne. edi A laxative cough syrup, tree from whiskey, the. prime rowl. A antes, indicates inthsiiim*tiort and eong..toestlounezdsst,911tesli,easi;e tcrtritn a:pe! irrthe system. A. tonic lox*. WO cough -syrup rids toe 'system t eongestion, while relieving the poi fol coughing, Get the following artl ink at home: One.half ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one ounce COMpOlind eardiol and t three ounces syrup white pine told- pouna. Shake the bottle and take tienty drops every lutlf for our hours,. Then'one-half to 9ono te poonfid three or four times daily. Clive $eltiltirert` aceOrd. to age. Cut this out arid save it for sortie friend. - Oecasketall a liar -tells the truth Iu eittlSe' he thinks it isn't. .a.40.44041,4. laleinittstfor verywhetio. 1;!..cer91)0(1.F is selnsli th°tIte ex- ee-ption of yourself. ' ”,Pertectly Trust -weirdly' is the L.hitracter • of Diarist's Anti•Co otimPtice Syrup. It can be uMd with the -utmost, confidence that .willdo what is claimed for it,.It is sure in its, effeets, its the use o ,ft will elearly eirmooetrate and cart 'lie relied upori'to scitrive o cold- out of the systent more effeetivetir than soy other niedieine. Try it And be eonvineed. 41iat it is what it it etaii,letl to be. %WE. tE -'Was your g est -rs ft" 'In some iteSpee replied r. er(1ot 4'1 got tom of the best *lig worms out of it that 1 ever 3, Do ms KIDNEY KE ion A, A 1.1 'OMAN! • • ,• men,- kxe1auked the di kr:ether,siinply„ ‘tigie. doing nothm ieuvy you yofir idleness!' teue* 'Shrieked his$,X)rott,r 'Yes, kUens OIi, stet 1 Jorn a wontaiiV' 04,.$ to he, at'* um etorted,pretty stile Inst try it for a 1 EaSten Itlenket and e pant round. your legs; bnekle a trap round your wept so,tight you caret draw full'imatit or 'at a It#11142, meal; j.iave.' your hair ell- loose and fluffy se that keepa. tiekling sent o awl getting. Into our oyes; weitr lisightlieele4A0s, and klevPs a-614° 4.00 $Inall for, you; eoverlyour foe() with a, veil of.sPotsi that -make ,You squintIlixa huge hat on witlr'pins, so that ..every. time the wind isilow 41anitt sar1111%triCiktlaceetan bit* your nese with, ott short sleeves,- iind 01)41WOrk at001411gfit fc a 'walk on a winter's day, and 040 yriurmself.s40:0_,:elotaYumweid ou would like it I" IS Ur. Itorbtrb 'Bauer, of towtioillo. noweis 010 .fsins a debt of orrstitodit *melt Le oso oovor volts. Ire sorrow - r sotro *ids Zdttittlor trouble.Aralrool4 ot trine outot by ;bad( strattdos. rhLeh romett *test rata. Mr. 'Boor sent for * troo Oroolo or Gin Dialo.,40* Arst.d000 (14 id* sotottoltsood tlntt Iie ordereti six, boos Sind -began to mcnt tomOttetr- etir(4 ,r • try Ois PflI betors you bur Dept, W,14t4t'X.).*Ttirrsitor!tr:: ist:Ittoftipt ' o 0 nUtrriea Merl Allan OW o Um been di$AppOillted a 10 4 t. is onlY neeeasary to read t imonials to be eonVineed that ollotra)4s Corn Curt is upequal•• for the removal of eorps, wa ✓ t t is complete extnigni ee(I honesty Is' like hot,. plant. It teal stand the • its*V1.1411111iiesla Airy olistAZIrmilise,sattitattenit ollug:IteAr*Utyrkalla ophu* fa It. vki owl sirsot isst* 14,* * INA ion* witl yss!*la Oa, .‘,..lieadaclie the morning after responSible for, many 4 good re. nooper-"Titere is nothing pe ou this earttit!? Swayback ou forget tylilley.'"•-"IiViat abort Gilley!" "Re. 8 a perfect Ass."!, olution. inar' d's Lisieisat Cares Stirs*, ifo. Away With 'Depression and Mclenclitoly.--Theee two evils are the accompaniment of a disordered stomaeh and torpid liver And mean u jt thlediless to all whom, they visit. t surest and SpOOdiest way to eorobat them is with; Parmelee's Itrgetable Pills, which will restore he healthful ;Lotion of the stomach .nd bring relief. They have proved eir usefulneris in thousands of ta-es and will tontinue to give re. lief to the suffering .040- are wise enough to use thou, The fast lorse is applauded if he lowers. his reeord hut the fast it an. /tea, We*14 We**16, Video! *yea. ItelleVei Aittarte Iticutfrkly. Trj Arable Vol* l'our Eye Troubles,' --,Voit Will LW!, At Soothes. C413 At vour lives Ione: WrIto lour 121+ Boolat• Vme. 101 tie vtte 1ed o., Toronto. lady fzrned for her lJl in iswking nteduuu$ a uumb her hie sit tea. 'verything on the table was in&eh mired, but the eNcellenee of tbe ge eitke was especially the s of remark. exerainied one of t 4'it i4 so beautifulti oft htf, I)o tell me...where y u ieiper." , • ru very 4$10411," replied the ttess, that you And it Ivo soft (I light1 mat10 it out. of My fl bead, It A • ..- ti , ttg: dttlItit 4 , +.,, The ViOta Win It, wa arrangng .- sozne of her,' ddl'e washng on * •-c1it1e Chs* Wttbn she fel!,. and her hand e in centaet With the hot stove. „sustained a. teriott* burn, and her rtereAM8 brought IterrttitthPr tlule l'y fo the ,spot. . . "I 'sent tothe , druggist . for th st.rmtedy he had for .burits_," She s, "and he sent back a box of -.Duke Re said-that-iliere was., hing to -equal it, I Applied this,' * it soothed the pain so, qufeldyr that the, eltila.,1Auglorsi through kr team-- X -bound - up the hand -- in 4111,,,atilci and .eac1t dity aiiplied , •Buk frequently and liberal " --tlrucas 'quite' cureti„, . would' ree'ommemi all mother to keep' Zam-Buk -in the homo,."- ,All,dritegietcend Stores sell Zorn - Bull ' at fifty tenta .liox. Post' free tronl ZatrrIlitic Cl O.- :Toronto for price. 'Refuse all imitations. A girl is more eritlitisiotstie over Iting married thin tale is over the slie is married to. A f.:imple_aimil heap -Vedic simple, cheap and effeetive me( tine i something to be desired. There i no mi.dieine so effeetive regtilater of the digestive svttent is Potimelet's Vegetable Pills. They are simple, they are theap, they au, be got at*wh,ere„, stud their.bre efici:tt action i11 Troy* their re4 Kreexidittioii. They are the inedi- Inc of the poor rose sod those who, bib to escaper (loetors* bilis wilt /10 well in giling them Os trial. it tie so,_worilk etting drunk does all tirettiostsittes may bi eases u teurt. ip Dieaso ittthe Bud. --1t .1., ,diffimilt to -eradicate a disease after it has become seeted„Oereforo it s -wise to take .any ailment. in .1 initisi stages Arta by snelt,remedies as *re, 'sufficient, atop it in its ouroe• COW is the common eomplaint*ot man,' and when neg- lect ions results. Dr. severest il 1441 nost violent 0011 o *re evert- ro iR enipred all the te *WO a , lAtilargifst ter *serape dad bat tsrplaiolarisot. • Ith her Ars a lk ;4. DO OLI WANI TO Kfda, 1: oolong honsitr nntri1(1) rota atwntt iltritiali **tura? Read I)r. Vootedg 4,1Vonfleei boobon the defeats toilti LS* tilartf**** • PirestIltaii.- tioalt Siseaseo and resat. it i:01; et trait or •se • resm' esneristire or VS .NACCA4.1S.Olt author *rid torstelitioner. roll of * adviro nee 04.1trY ortrv, tritits r404100i 3110re Titild tOt.if tit** $00t dOreter 1100111 Ott, 100 tilt* ten dLflrg n 3 tkeetions, gi0 pintos .ortot '40 ilinstratinow, *dee IL,L,14111 140 0412f tialdt*Ataid V Is Your. fletiring 13.0a The ItrArti,01,1t0Xl". witi atm' rots 211 liestatio Of *Osd hearing,. St ad ter lee Itivitft p9rti6ilare **A et satisfied users. Also • lost** tor ,tor a IdiostWa ,Haamos Trial Vat *NANO ELECTRO OZONE 1.4141TE 214 sosilins TosStift • 43 Or • tidit wAls, it*, coopsIt lbw, strongest 0.1,s, ruin Clio 3.4sert.314t4ribi.ta je!‘cti,71a4,4 pruinistiniq 01:4 131)TarClt, it i* slaw • es IsCrot Kook ore tti void io*a IL tvveiretsblo fl oak**, ist.Islis* ogr taradlit br, 4.0‘ ' , 0 • A Al'l - einstsvit , arf' 100 0 *Irefikit 1000' 04.0044 '-e4114t0 tw1tt Winterti;hli,7001010:171,4404ttrIctiolVtriliv,4vr iti QUue nto: • • 1 co 416.7 (1*s etilktiOr„ tvirontolf lauds on eel.* seer. 111094$6.WiR b,y we -tern propvrty. .11.....itatheirfr-1444*.11141' Ytage street* 'Tcrooto, Iltr#A0QtrARTIlltS. itill *HA •wool•forovilios vsopoort,,i7, 5. Wilert, !near* paitaps;- (14-ailist eleotrio tuotons. v;* trAtore. 40 tn. IOC. tor oftne_. ,ot Toronto, mon TO 0, to leant ltouidtng. '1 rtreautraet. $14.5. * day to atait. - be **-de Stter wore. oust be well 'tee alarseter, etc. /ono t 'oripier-4, 0.lied. Tore*to A 7 ity oflene44‘,$.._ tortri.it,t-:., it Lwouiliottry,V4111:7 if . I '.1rothre $t.., . Toroopo. .100 ,A,CUt'• FAIi1K, -lvriut GOOD robt41$ttne.*I'ort•nWiltl',0C4$4*14010°•tofs:rnd-gitte and lot a ,,oter Ectsoctif i;te, a, tistvT itsitedb! • 1,01Wotr ndgeottis. On _ Olt -S.tLI OIt b o Oi,o,rE lP. 1 acre'fZit.41"41414-lt t1't hi 'itOtr,40"lt forshter'rtttirW.sta . to,oeoe1.liate40 tt (Rt. 1 0 a (04004 At*fir iticLars. 12 1JND1hN, toitt.1.1. V *Tft DEAF -4N ACO1STICOa 11 os* st tW iaatv*i. tiE0AfigtweWt Ousts1 Aoisukti Ciued witbut at. Letcd witis area' peratitnenttr. *Ad- 41110 laid* tlitO-,great Itoisteopathle, ssitirls 'wilt be sent 'postpaid anyviherSi 1st tbe World with tilit Itiatrettioist ,ttie **bur so to to Sitett& ast*titiktft ti1t14. Faddresos . Waits Iffisa00.* Lo fa a art fit all Toritioe'Regiats, !,•0 S.gterts and tits.imnc 1,4000K Cafe, Ladies' flauktoir, • Librarv,,eic. Vibratiol roduceit to sulutmuut. Sondi ray saillitv rates, etc, to eiteral itaeticy loeontario, Atlas fano. 77 'sap- Atio, st*rastli rum grs appoint, include Pijc *et bottom* ;Iota* Nags is* 104 to lissitts west of ssa tlwastscksit LaG " 4', : • '