HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 2 (2)t y'rt- XL Threw Stoues ouded With ksho fsm haarvi Goodeil t s and' affronts iDcit- O.' likete, )*int; • Mot'. ' instorttlyki *4..0 *pit-If:artyRowes, d tnd * Thtle„.Aseal30.'Ifti young, glen were killed .by One,* „itti eig1teei feet from an Old„.mtmaile." sliotgiere Howes Was_atand. tee. ionnediattly behind tine,. zd tb'dischOrgo of . *ohs:hot passed coinett!' through Vides biidy and eaitereal-tliat uf Howes.'.110thi :dropped 'dead. The, slityfr, Mur. by was arrested by * private eiti- , vit.. was a s titing at), 'Iltirphy lie: rIaee. , irenly,4efied the ktutliorities to oUSt. b;ui from the property Ott whieh .h tatted'! ,,,outside ▪ he poratioo Jimt at the eeilt,4- - end of, the town. Titete., in 'rzLle lateel, has lite:el:with gvpy wife -amid poverty and Ith. avowedly ltiisti rsOtte in Shawrville. On -the titerhand, titer two young inen Itt:' 'Are dead were' a good faniiI itnil were thentsetres highly r -erected, -Itence-.the very etronat. feeling -which prevails *gainet Murphy. in the jail. Hi „eltorgedwi eplieeiti the erime. 'scarcely A friend r Otte years be h .11 11) "It STOltir, billed tit traek •lir he Itor Wrosg Vatelt fawn Winnipeg says.; ntary -statement bas been, adc ‘,3lteiehart and GrithowSki, ilit wo,;* Galielans under arrest at tharged with Intritig cui- etl the adz .of A. Phillips at Plitta ulte reeently byititting him- on .r the head. Both Men have Partly iteelieitteds themselves. sahnitting :that they had designed to wog° emselves. following a fight which eiteuried in A hotel.-- Grahow- ski carried a heavy -club, and t gether they vented until Phillips ao4 a compenimr,-ustatal. MeGinoto tante out, and hitched up to go home. Then they.ettaelted them i the dark. Grabowski gave the el _Ittieltart,;,and- the -letter stmck PMIlipE io mistake for MeGinnis, tettitrinjuritig,whiclis.'rettiltearvit his death.' it was so 'dark, he that he still does not know Whotitite hod hit, but. his' spite was toteinei, MeGinnis, and not, parti.. tiilarly towards- the dead „mon.: A tinni party is said to Winitilietited ohm and an _arrest is likely to 'fol. --Taw. 8 oN romp. Supposaal t esaalos Wilkinsoo, a Homesteader, A &spit& from -Prince Albert, says: While gathering wocd near the east of the city james Murray time atrois the skeleton of a man. It iS thought the remains are those of 'William WiIkiuson, homoetead. ler Wilkinson disitppeared last arid hi$ brother, reverting, Ile, disappearance stated that' he Ind gene out with' a gun One Sun- dar morning and was not sten af- ter Later the brother's wife died, ami, before death she stated that the two baothers hod one away tegether, but her husband had re- ' turned alone. Later the brother eonteacted typhoid fever and died • 'Victoria Hospital here, and their y child died, tbe. four deoths 4M lining within a, year. Another blather lives in the Battleford dis NEW SERIRICAti METHOD. A Silver Wire Snitetitoted for Ibe A devatch front Baltimore Md., Ito*: . Dr. E. - Rieltardson, of lobos Ift3pkins Hospital announced on IVetinesdayanew method in sur- gery, recently practited with sue - talks at that hospital in operation* for * disease -of the kidneys. First, 141'114 needle is threaded with to, Ave silver Wire, then in incisieti is made shout the infectstl port And the wire is drawn seek* fashion throtieh the kidneys_to the extent - desired. Ity the old method, in Which the knife was used, serious aiathseroetimes uncontrollable hem- orrhages were eaufoil. env.* 'wire method obviates this, as in. *tea& el vatting through' the flesh it works through the 1,-eSsel tertes without severing them. The 'untied' is' tirostottneed invaluable tor exploring he lidneve - DOCTOR'S 1001O DIRT , liq0 ALL OYU Reit ET*tJ N41?.%. Two Guelph boys wet 400 Oft Thurstlity, Jame* Parker had bj he* alle4 n toreltrator.at Lc Th ▪ Avnext'wrt**041:01Itthetilr vi‘tnjurd. 1 ..a/14 two neivfiteittOrar,to its itia tie fleet iii,'revived o Street iiittett t rany ha ted an itterease onditetors. Ltndon "Le -Railway Company will u unday ears be?' .eit London and rt Stanley. arge pureitases jf Ontario eat- -by United Stotts-firms:art ze- pt for the increae in the lee of heel. - he Marconi Company are now. iteeepting messageiat. Montreal fot British pointsatelve cent.* Per b.iciword. - a of kraaie* Who • ' A vessel blockade is reported -at iik 41114 Merry.' Sault Marie,owing to the re- . . Dr. tollue voacrion France, pairs to the United ,StAte$r tan* • not being eoMpleted. Mr, AtoNicoIl of the:(it: 'Pegts. that the Mechanics of the 'eastern shop s wilLateeept terms ati :the weotern inen did. GREAT. BRITAIN. Ur. Asquith obtained a majora ot 13 on his motion applying the, closure to, the diecussion •of ti g the Briti "i1,11! t. Dr lebrieting his .hundredth" birthday at ac"tliquer given recently in his honor by his fellow-4460ns, &Attir- ed: "All my tifetirturtliatire eaten whist tasted g00‘,1 to me, and hare drunk as much of any liquor 1 pre- ferred as was good for Me. t pity those of imy volleagnes- -who think that long life depends upon the Ab- stemious diet-, Eat, dritik arid he that'A wy reeipe.”- The dot - tor has been mayor of his town s.Otee 1846, and up to two years ago was also active fire marshal. In 1008 he rescued an old.. woman from a burning roof,, At the dinner he de - Jared smiliogly that he had had the Pleasure of Attending- mostlif his ,patients both at their berth and so( aloanot, toga xi/ MOTU) STATES. A -bill to prohibit oral bookmak. ng. has passed the -New York State Aseembly.. • Between thirty wCre -entombed -by- 11 A Oth Ca,teitoot a e storillit4444 A/MTV-EFS. __._Toro to, April Witeat-No. mixed„wieter to *1,07 uutglle,4 'Manite Wheat-' ."4.+70 nort ake port'. " north- nortbem, led, low, 04.30.;' n 6..e, Toronto freights. Oath-' Canada •Aii•:_,It 0 dr* II. 11 W e Q rsis ports. •For opening of navigation,No. 2.C. W. :418.e ; No. 3 C. :W. 37e, at lithe ports Ontario, No. 2 white, 3.640. to -3614c, Outside; O. 3 white, 35e to 304e, ortsolt4 31334c on track Toronto, ,54X. utsitie; Manitoba, No. 4, st)1.1,1,e,on rack, lake .por s,,,....htte No. 4, 0 uthwheat-.No. Manitoba Pour onsat Toronto'are :---First patent*, $5,70; seeonti patents, $4.20.; strong Wok - etre, $5; 90 per tent., Glasgow freights, 26s, ' o Ontario Flout --Winter wheat pat. eats for export. ,a4.0 to *4.10, in /Alto' •hags; outside. hfillfeed--Manitobalirant $20 per to:; short, *ft per ton, track, 'To- ronto. Ontario bran, $22per ton; 23per. ton, on track, To. r('nto. ,v ,.„ 11 COUNTRY PRODUCE. - - ,...e.410ette21iqtarzaloteitliff-eMae - lo s, - • Butter -The #ark -et for good qua- lity of butter IS Still 11017 Creamery. prints .. 30e to 320 Separator prints ...........25e. to 2.6e airy prints (choice) .. 240 to 25e go rata 0;4.. .... 23o to 24o rior toltie . A fttIefit-..t-tait-Iii'oi-'-*okotisIo'sl,eo*oltti'- -,. iotatifoolstior , 4., 'etvii, :members of his family have he'd teem leprosy .was. found in a orowd- the pott of town PhYsieillil for !4.00 .d'tenettlent in New York. yearS. ' The Attorney -(neral of ,the United States has ordered au in. veetigation of the recent hull move - THE NORTHIAND, OP PROMISE riktnt to eottOn- . ., The wiretap brake, i'livented by Twelve Hoare ti -"--f SitoiiiiiiteTIiiii'l-i":i-ta ,,a, Caaidiano has been totted otts the _— - - • Utifited-Iltatess . .litttlesiiitt7Inthatitt 1 - -ProtIM, nin,'": alio tlaS PrOVtAI a success. ., 141 rat - - ---,.. -- - r , A' despatch from, Toronto- Nays: ' . ne. Wilgus- of the xey.y.43.4 state ere iii It* Atomise in Ontario's Looety. Commission • sitys that. tare . ith land, "ateording to the report, out .of every four iromigrante to The cared on Thureday- by tile Pros.; Lreited States is :an prolesivoble. , ,cliil Bureau of t.,',.'olonizatton from 'William 11. Hearst" has, istmed a Superintendent Iiltittori, who has stc.tement endorsing Presi.dent Ta,tt thaw of th.e- Government demon-1,4TO' waroine the Awe/leen people stration farrrt at *litonteith. The aterinet permitting or:renewal of fitrat is heated 218 miles north of Itecseeetifide.., Nerth.,.Bay and 31 miles south of ecehrane, the jumation bf the T. 4.; ,- GENERAL Abe'. military 'reservists . ,,,O. and National Trattseentment. 1l he I Itailways. _ Vhe riVort to Mr. do -are damoring for w Donald Sutherland, tlireettir of col., Peru, . niZatlon, shows. th*t for the weekt The lawlessnes$ of the 'natives in ending April -45th there were twelVe Roman pravinee,Thiria, is spread - tours of sunshine every day and, ing„ • ' • I the temperature went a9 high as i The loehout in the hi -tailing 52 ilegtees... -The Stiperintendent., trttdes at Berlin ,will probablybe stated that the fall' wheat and cies settled in the near ,tutatre. ver ;Wefe. lookiog well, the seeding} Lerlie-Polhete made a, ciejir‘ eros - fur the sivibg.graio was. nearlY fill- touritry .flight of .125... miles in jilted and the 'ground was in splell- Frances breaking all retards. did shape Air seeding. . . . Ten girls and it.nutu in killeti , be,, a boiler explOsi011r•in an Atte- „, , .„,0014;11;treol.;.40......rroemover A ,,..., , inali mateIC fitetory. DOMINION BANK STATEMENT. Jewels -valued at half ti. million -4,411,..... ' . dolitts have been stolen from the IncreaSe Recorded JO .0eiosits Asti rspenski Cathedral, in the Erem. Note Circulation, .-'. lin„ at IA:Otto*. — ..— A despot& Mint Ottawa ys: The -bank report for MartIlt.,iasued .E911$ t(ENTS A DOZEN, . by the department of Arattiee, on Wednettlity, iodicates healthy busi- nefs tonditions. *Demand deposits tOtal $247,562.171, as compared with,t 230,097E067 in February. No. tie detiosits stiind at a518,273.11,7, n increase of about -eight -millions. Total note eirculation wos $784.265,. M'..i as 4c4)tupared with $74,41,040 in previots otentit..„ Call loans in et nada were held to the -value of $51.015,735, A decrease (I approxi. *eatery two -millions., (*all loans vese of ta,n millions. Current PicY 'Are -. -One vfori.210V . , . ramous Humorist torus eddip,44 ay.: t orne Clemens died poittleslyitt 63 'tlo'Lz ue,day„night of an , n peetorits. into , 40'19elii in, the tv.":t1tfr e°rAvtlt4‘vo 4411liktielt)07$111Weillt_i'l b. g I and 4/4441.. A$04, Or peo),, ntsday. bad 4,144.,, for the te bidsiile. -- Fr t 64• 4,1$`")Iliur:u' Idlhe e( ' lat itt night the „ „ ut passed ro r into. the .firstnittural Ifad ',Icilkikivli,-10b.'114i3 Beruttid*. 'st.tka on Theft mor,ning awoke-refres , :even -faintly vheerfut and in ful ss'esigion of all feettities. Re w - a 0 Cit itlatutehterl tioua rd im two, and, fe iittr4f uneepal for orinversa "eV' Out in, 1):'..4111eil ef2eGiejlar411,0 ssit.a.1!, T 4:1.4'15! 1xnk .fii't- inti 1L& e was 41(:, 016004 44t: tint *4,.en . wa ditd,,As Art ly any.:.eatin, of 11. ” 411;141.C42ridatil, %fa he death of bi da; t j *Ito was ,seizeti wi attaik o epilepsy last fall ter bath, was AO .101,ded blow 'from It he. never reCovered. woe that the stabbiitg„painS ittethe 1. ,a jriccs may be gathered fro tions whicilt show rat weighing 804 ant) 000 poundi king - front $0 to Ifte50 per cent. Coy `nil hulls quoted as high as *0.43 f.wi 4g:(1.. "4.* springers t o1itivht‘ .19 !i; gc hot milk- ers obl 4ta: high as $75 per head, the market for this class 9f cattle r.anging from 45 Upward,. Yearling lambs are ticitett 50 tents lower at OS and $0 ✓ pectively: Sheep are very firm to $7 per cwt. Ifoge are easy to -$9.25 fed and wItt- .VI$ *I TO 'SAKTI) EYE, Halley's Comet Seen at Harvard Observntoiir Mass., says: 1 naked . cyc for almost half an hour, Hal. comet was watched with great'nte- reSt by members -elf the Hare' College Observatory early o The eomet appeared in ,plaitr view at 3.45 a.m. and asap. peered. front sight itt 4.I2 a.m. Erma " Ca II - 114 Of the observatory $ttft, cornet Wii,g degroes east of Venus, displayed A tail one itiod one -halt deereea long, anti was in the fourtit magnitude. 131111-41 to SL" per sfi obsevations taken Lee V. m gallon. 4 Cheese per f sage to 13X.e. for twins. Beans -$2 to $4.10 pe primes and at 4M,10 to bushel -for hand-piek • Potatoes — Delaware 45c per 'bag in car lots, -641a inv bag out of store. -P -Wholesale .quotations Pork -Short tut, $31 to $31.50 per barrel; mess, .$26.50 ;to 4120. Lard -Firm; tierces, , 16;14-0 . to to 1Te;. 0%44,-;--stoeks very light. 'Smoked and Pry Salted -Meats.. Lena clear bacon, tons and Owes 151,4e4, backs (Plain), 2107 to 2I%e; bkekS (pearnea)), 21!4't to 22o; shoul- der -hams, 14e to 14.34e; green1 -meas. out of plate, -1e-: less errioked. Rolle,. smoked, 15Ne to leit; Me. dium And light limns, lac to 18%e, ,t,0%,e to 170; "bacon, 19l,4 to ushet for $2.-25 per irdWoes, ',575e to • Litiog in-Dikantowtett High treateAmioaget Workmen. °Otiiti.,t of living'. in the Yukon Eggs cost about 3 tents a ozen, utter 50. cents. „ pOund,--go 'tied. steak .50 cents„ pork. 40 eel and. tither things in proportion. Y4The freight rotil into the Yukon Very' Yaryine from $50. 5 II ton from the OREAT VLOOD$ 4/VIA.. .ThelVe Iteiths Already- Caused Ike Water. , despatch trona Itelgrma Via+, Nark:. Servo, is again oe as a result of torrential rains dur- ing past few days. At lerag levet*, *tare the floods are most ..esta...ente4tattive deaths have alronly occurred, while the damage to.pro. perty is 'enorsiootm. • The whole tountry front l‘raguieratz to ta. pota4.-:*.tlititanoe of twenty mites, reiienttiles,* 'vast lake. Several vilr lags have been inundated nowt. to the tops of the houses, and it IS feared that a large number .of pie ait well AS thousands of sheep and cattle lotoe been drowned. Toe railway,service in the distriet has been entirely suspeotleti. .0, MONTREAL iMaitreal„ - April --ii.--There ti41 Yery little business .paaeing he total tiour market. Hanitobs, ring wheat patents, taste; $5.50 ,setorids, $5,344 winter ' wheat tente, $5.50 to $5.e0; 'Manitoba .etreng ..bokers $5.10; straight rot- ENGARY SCARE0 rx0in13, catist Mies, that hesaw,itrtieles tivhere Afoot' at $130,174,510, often m 'times dearer than _ 1 raga* to Canada Depletitt Agrkartarill Partiotiatt. A destettch from , Ottawa, Says Eanigration to Canada is not looket upon .with favor by all eontinentsl aeointries. In. Hungary, aeoriteling 'Jews, 45.10 to $5.25; do. in 'bag?, ti the Demount namigeation 001-. *240 tO '$2.50. lifillfeed.-,Ontariofters, *in order boo for some months bran, $20.50 to $21:Ontario inid.1 teen in existence which, prohibit* (Oboes, $22 to *23; Manitoba Wore „ in. future °emigeatiott te.Can*dO. $gi; Miinit.04.. shojis, SU, .24.21“ The realwri igivell for thi* order -is pere grain. mottillie $32 to $330 (hitt Canada *ttritetit agrieulturel 'mixed 1123 $29. latoters and amain farinerst*.elasaes te,--Der bortel, $4,05; do per wh"cm it is especiolly, .;flestred to g, $IAM; eorninen; per barrel; keit. Hangary, and further, that ' to 43.50.. citeete-Old cheese atielt nersone whetr.onee in thePo 1,2 and fodders 1234,,e. Butter itinnion.'-$nd the attractions so great t they rarely return to their. motherland, but tempt others to :A follow them, 1 WL s in t'itriada, stood at $6i4,65o,-1PIgt fitrO twits to* a Panibriek*. -,4)141 stock, 25,1se to 2tie and new • "11414ttd with -SW 4545419 (316°d 1)(41rd a'n4' 'Int3 b° ereamerv 30o 3Ie Eggs,- ent loans elsewhere "totailleA*1"13 t°r,-Itb°11.ti e.71) 111"th" And I PO( eat1 tots:zet to ,..!te traight decrease of two mit. fug -class dinner in it hotel- mow- ipe to 200 pet 11.„ ..., hid for $1. or *ten lose. Working- tneo often "bach it's in little cab- r.q, about twa or sithree together., .W YORK 'WHEAT MAItKET vid live on *20 ,11, trionth .- 'j Xw York. April ' it6,- But wages are *Imo high. Seven '' e red, a1.,144 eeminel e.i.f. ellars a diev i, paid fOr int,kilkdN1,„ t northern, it1..15.!ii to.b., tipn.- iti $10 a date for skilled Ittbor. . . Female teachers in the sehoet drew *170' st month for twelve months, *till matte teachers from :,,e200 a. no nth. Ortirtnity . clerks. get $1501 month, and tirst-elass otetitt- ,graphers taiet. There- is no piste the *world where it workingman it, *trails work is better off, but it lostbe rementheted that there little work itt -the winter, and the demand for work it etrielly limited. Every. iltring quite it aura,- bea. 11)t Men, tatraettal by the, tiles itf hittil Wagt..l in Iiitiesori, nititke their way to '1,t'hitehi,ise , and then Atilt 4101cii the 'Yukon in toall Mot, ,1.40, .,-..eitr, tite Government' atr4 forAd tii itsi!iiit ilit saels men e.,,of the- eteitetty -Ivy -gitiog them -(irk 'at a cost 01 so** 4.2 ds 11 , „ 44 eon, present bu dist showst!ump *!gf nerente in the tan o hat ate' ettlThatifite ** tes Anieticint ti ;nit' itIs tc leetrk lin by the report tor h interstete traM is Oa ro.lcd Ore. fit, 1009, $44t The tot*/ tiontber, fr ermine. h thevorresvontling'i liultetertTS:SUla day by the liefer-state.',( ciatintie,ien shoot;an this vomiter f 4. aed itt the treemlyist.44 The totiti windier kittr-ites,-1.0140;14tit-the volute& 'The en the ,eleetrie fates.- *as 20 and C41, 'Acre blivorls ill the ,10011tilS Xiivetniter eltd lireenibet; tY The, fixtaiter ,lic re • revieited; 4.311e in which there wits a. la vi !time tleeLaritteiges teiir *45. and titoie sliorefie fase attlt siMh rtar *WO int, ft, ,ght ilevity,kosivior 1 totvig*tion. *k and lower at t arther lijnidation eithles` and poor ea prieta regained thelot by shorts and rhrserl' to ,!le not decline. 4 14) LIVE' 84140i* • 1,;s• • wheat was, *it; under the weak *lid, but ing Oft' inc fl to $7.63 ; fai 0*1194 44)U Iti 1 a* $14 Owl erage, t i %roe KILLSCOMPANION, Siiddeuly Attaeked N. A. Helicon- Witle.ou Axe, A. atelv front Cardinal stlyst ;Idle two men were engaged it up-a pig on Thursday, Ale Wert Holmroi, a farmer, living abou* twe miles west of this Wage, anal- denly attached. N., A. Bolton with an axe, inflieting wounds on the top of the head and behind the ear, killing. him institntly, It is and that Holtnee irtind was unhinged by the ptirthase ltf „the farin 'tram his victim, believing he paid, too much for it. . lie, took -poison -last wli.ek in an attempt at au'xide,. 'tithe rumrderer eseaped to the woods. He was met bs boy named- Georgo errkiewhotn,,Itc., warned, to, -keep,. away or he Wm too, 'TO the boy 110 also announced his in. tention of going into the swamp to kill himself. thereupon plunged ante the owatup of about 60 are " hick lies behind his farm. Bolton, is vietitnewas a- man of about 40 yettr. He leaves 'A widow and One 4. 4 iU,GO rttik,r. onfesaes,te Eittiog 'Tot Witoesees to 'Prove It, A tlespitteli-I,VOsiNiagaXA Sh, _1%, says: peculiar situation ha developed -here as a result of the alleged toofeseion that he mur. . tiered his wife here ,!4* Yearn ago, made at Waukegan, Ill., am' Sat- urday, by Foster Johnson, &Tits. earora Johnson toys that he pushed -his wife into. the rapids above the falls. It is elainted by lawyers that The confestion he ,niade carAtot be used against Johnson in a It.441, and it is imptissible .to get torr,oborative evidence against him; OM there were no witnesses. "The.;. thing that makee ine confess the murder of iny wife," johnion said, 'was that, before killed her, And when she told me that she intend - ('ti to commit. suieitle„theitilied-Ine nice grievestone,batal prom. t d her I wend get it. I have never, done so, and it has haunted '6"nt her head in the river io trar. dreamt, . and have hardly Oa- "osed a, peaceful night all these • Tors." ro1414to, or villas. Tao Mildred 4111100a Eat Them .101,4tsdielor Coady, A .clesfottch from , hfontreal sys: Shnotte,:- Ave years of age. and I)O. torte, three years -old, childreu Me :Edouard _Oritittio street, east-, died ataheirs_hinie on 1Vednesday _morning from eating. 'sugar-tett:tea ,pills. The eliildren thought the were eandiett and, ate a tinge quantity.' ' reneli art expertsays there hundreds apuriouo „Item - b dt, portr*its in,America. dc spatOt front Fart William • rate of tate cent 11 11144 frtinx t Will;$11 to iluffaki for Itnprtihable thottiih: it may soiled, 'seri:Ilia 47/tatters. !fete elesed sit Vi(dIH'Ml$Y itt thii Agate by ” Atoetieitit setsels. The vesset ovire, era who eltiaed eiJntracil tic not exileet, to snake money on the eitr- rivr,r sod whea thev eet th.eir boats lock wtii Iluflitit, it is not -,likely they still sited them back At the- tat -A. Tire ttatcon for titre, teatittlortily I, a rate ,yes the hat *owe ist leSSet0Wfle S pit t cfftlmI.ti4n II lore the supp largo rant the move., NOW some av:th heatii at Fort William a , ieg the alternative of makieg -that vaportere etiald not refit ?wilding their tioatet. Btiffttio mi tw and liaing off their crews ant ; tyle$ *to avsilable. r rate is the result:. It red eat that, ititilling tse he erew to the irieurtse f 'An nitet is r g ) 14. , •