HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 7 (2)3tOZLO NDENSED NEWS rt Pk:NINOS, 4014 legr. ltriefs Fro an titer Cons itiort Shot tees', L'restlas Rose; ma ro England, deck. 0 r irly on e j osion oesuired irarly ifljflCJ ILIJ o aild Walt T urtalay morning ell The hatels blosin t Tortinto dtWi er (airttrintas o fragusents. slsour hundrd eWinnipeg tailor es. wheati900, April 1per sent. pot ilo*t tent arc wreeked th wo. t terrible panie ensued, the ,catai4aVt;, on strike for Masher pa DSTyr : 111 It from New York sa ,hyte, vice.president id Canadian racifie Railways I) to 4.24 Isu,yers' wins' Id' the Waidorf-ststoria, made .quat s, one , 104108. moitly itusstans, running up, Tile miller hill ts abolitla race..4 trot*, oronto, and $4.10 to prediction on Wednesday . tha arm ini4rinx 4 ototar..•of .01,.4,40eu uott own tisks.404ing iind ssrmoiNgi tis4114( t641,11411.014" was defeatc4 io tkp,ii outside,' in '.huyers' taieks. smite- :,,,sictttos,,„:4"Ios' toe- yi,rta.n.t1_,-iuire,iittztr.,041,projeve th,or hAtrti'hx..,. Their. terror svati In.;,./10use ;#4* Voolottnis. . . - , ;. I ba 'Awn, * first patentS, Vas, . , , dPi • Seik• h$ the 'v011ituite - Of . Smokes The Canadian -General, -Electrieiond,'Pattntss• ,Ciesoste, . es bzck b 'to,. IOW the ,wo .. etitals clisaris to calmsthemsi - l'Ort• (Itis.Vshins.digiisl'ias- besin, Manit4O, , Whe _ e e ntu ' i aillnalfs of Ilistrst3s. were.'iribriansU.nirs' JOss boutsateaditiknereill.121,V a e , t. large XtUulbei of the ,. . t . e,lans atI sap . 'Itt the Meantime .4itiother*, tbe ,polunuoitAlovernment,.., . ' - 'Northern. at ; , ors -Many , explostma ., AC- e .14 i !ed. in., the q,eligiop io' The', Xontreg Warders* Lx( ha _Ontario Wheats's.' 4 I 1 A .4 ,4 & 1•1•‘• .— No 0 ',Iti 'OA 1 4(i0,114130014.'.1:00/0,4 %jilting Set'eral ;011ie en., 4aas elite re41 a, . proLeav OW' VOA* 6N al Will tfq! or *104 • sir; all, twenty. p . olio wee sesious."gineers. ' ' 'its. . ' ,, against, the eight4tottr4ay 'bill. , I Barles,lso, 2,„ st to atldnot 'legs than Afty allichtly,;!1.. nes ltaiiiiyha and Oplistad steams " The first .zes.,ssage sent front"r#54,0115,%x,rstrA4 Si to olourecl , by the explosion *nd in the : ed „np quielcly; 4041,0w otpurin 4.c.,.. s'ts thltr . wireless f;traii911 *Ai -171'4417 t0 I!** and teed, 47 to 48* Outaide,,, th„t ,„„t 44. .g , . 'AI. . .... • me that followed. , „ 'tided to transfet all the pa!isen. Mayor Matthews to President Taft. , Ool.ts-,-No. 3 -Ontario svhite. 37 teo ..s. V '". ' We **meta la We 110AKTO 41.1 el4,414ten,-, The isteaMer eaught ' n t * enSitet4 iit,*ht".'' ;11- 1- :More- wheatstitara 'TeXat .1,' n i" foa sa hs possessidu Mel) • ponied trout 'the lyarningS.coroPsoi:Ss wilt sPOng $2310.000 in. i,,d-t• strong bakers' . tor be i , 10 caplaikt, 401..otiers made ,11#tton to its 1. etetimro, .0soilo. , .. ticlito. . % . : „ f t' . or tent)', y A . . 11 be pr011ue * "'Ili Z 'whole ; lzs6 ite t ...trope s : ov. , $edss *nee* of anitolm, ,Ssiarktatelstwatt till' fiss,"*.' awl AlbertitS *hest, :lista, bodes sutrs eRs' and flax all bring es:eel/tut. , ' '°. !iv "1'1 They fetched -good priees, ,••••..fk.,,,,•-•.4 • I monk nd to travel. wants y the effect upon immigration this betand to be enormous.. Lott tar we largett hurnigratiol. westetn fined* ever. had. sa, aro getting 'pit many- otch 4ind friale-nOt the' Ws from too tettn. , r:vte $ote 04);0011 Am- . saerieamt; , 'can We shall geL ratont *tad they., ,Are the twat settlers "ir eon get.' Thei ome witi their stock:vitt their in) ments and theirseash, and, a 1-'4. with -their experience in mails, i farming. So they strike work at Once. They are settling eltie ia y . sou Va. r The (.4atrarfirt* satle On Ved*:, gess- This was accomplishe,d! lite Department luta 3,4-1.01.,le entstoe,,,..:,4014 304 to .40c ON t„. ' Lsoon tsr rorttand„;:stmetlily,' hut was accorepaWded by lave. An or4er that, nialtatY bands-ltraek, Tomato. GansdatINeatoataills,. and lainbs at.abot 7e. Elpring e., she eartzeirgoo postsengers 4,,,cotrAtiloto, wtiknes... Scores of mill trne,n--kcrefitairtg to play with nottpun-f 41:i. for No.,..„2., and 40e for No ‚3, lambs. from $5 to $6 each. Good bt"• most part inunigrants. riish the boats. and roany,Iten militia bends are to he reduced' 1114, ports.. •••••1,--, Albe tit." r.. /too . r rat 'Oaf$44 BY-•gooia loesk ilte:Jalistiteur viitis*, *Ito. swoutens, to the ranks. , Peas Ott, lots of fat hogvatutbout 10c pe.r lb. 5UIJVUL-10 t° TIO* lirkea' atm* Aber ra tplititd. Alta: Kanawha tearing ,and ',dragging them untlets Mr, Ls Is Iles, .onselstittqle eline of 15e Per: . OfttA at bind *hen the ettirn-i foot. ,tElte crew battled valiantly' for Switzerland., is suing the city 0-0 s ghefiris, sand stood' by and -against the 'paniesitrieken .3t1)ntreali'for -$15,,000 damages. 00 Btictiwiteat 51 t everal hundred passen.tgrants, using lista and feet' and was wounded in the Cheels'by a but- or No. 2. *laded them:Imre. 'See - 8,6 oy is:Faison. titer essuld .4inel. Not los fired by polieturian atter fewot the frantic mob,' „of nen bitrghtr. were felled, to the deck before he. Corn-Nrs -American* 68 to to f6.50; Medimn, good 11 ta It0t0At0 iett, 3 tside lettod„ ter an $6. $ir; gOod to p e ere to .the first-clatos passetnetr %%es and No. 3 yellow; 65 tiii%0534e, butchere at $5 to *5.60, , ,Cowa and •tpericon- -cattlemen gave, oronto freights. Canadian eion, -built Were veil,strong; " one oxtra etaiii of accident. A 472 to 62e, Toronto freights.' . Sae bull, 2i380 lbs, realized $5.75,t; with children rans-$22.50 in bags, Toronto Stockers and feetlers.at 45:to. gS wsi aittinon * hatch, 504 :Calve* weres slightly :-easied. violent 4exfnomOn Sheep; and Iambs steady and un.- vhnogek, Itop $9.40 to $9.50 f.o.. b,. and *9;0 to $D75 fed and wat- ered. -sterical, fainting' Women OftEAT ildrett tqa1111---bef gottetrt64" Mr, Asquith's resolittion t beats. If. the- sta four p,e iba the Lords from meddling vrith artd shorts, *=:„.60 to 024, in bag helm fen or s into the nuiney bills passed in -the CommontilTorouto. ' nis Len *widen ed theta parts of .the se* and were rescue c -with d ` onfirltursdays , Mr. Asquith's), motion. authorizing' COUNTRY PRODINE. ORTERSA HOURS, 111011tElt Pt STRFTVIIING NORTH. °II: caoPinntdliftatteiew,sta° tolrin111°vs'eutte.e rte9,s,,r0ALPPapelea-sordttlsgr4toteti:1160ty. Per 'Tr" ell* Iltilidlog Trade' Roasestead Etttriei or Fort ('hur solutions "4 q,iFled by a- in4i°r'''j Beans -Car lots outside, $L3to y of la GPrst*Y• , titindinsititi, I A Oak. Oattl 'Small iota it *2.10 to (..4644 aM4b 4,-' s'ssieltsitsnrisWintsinest-Aastsssssiss,s I.R. TAW *41 * ' ' ' . . . ..,, .211z, hu,sliel;......,_ 40.1„: officers of the Gaverrunent are do. Homesteads are now open fo.r entry I Ib. - • ing" bit the i _., eau t4. avert the in the'Tort -Churchill distrtet.and4 it. 4°' ' i °len i';'‘-'4. 't414:ved in 'extmct k" t"le reatened,strike in the building the vicinity Of Hudson's Bays The ,ii ''...,1"F77,01.littorleist°'lfweciewzie,_Aitin Tabiti*:: :fielliodigml,1461104.sild_NZti:21_4' $tl_s51,2' . to I3 . rades. Some 350,000 . nnilrg land- Oteellft4 itist been * children is 'Said to be prevalent in; Baled, -Straws-47,50 to $7,74'on rs of the Socialist, Federation of authorized to ,aciept entries for phiisiielpiiiit. , . . straek, ' Toronto. , Trades Unions and the Christian lands that have been surveyed The pour heart of Andrew Car-! Potatoes-Ontarios, 39 to 400 per Trades -Unions, including build . --;• ' (004,n3-3_114k.,Low' titick,And isle Brunswieks carpenters, masons, bricklayers elainis of squatters andot e sie s, in eYork.. 140 CO 44'e per bag. and laborers, have rejected the whose right of entry has been re/ ..7 wage stale offered by the master cognized by the department. -18,,, i A -,bill forbidding use of long. Poultry -Turkeys, dressed, 18 to 1,4A9.t.'' pins in. Washington, has- boort lea per 11). ; chickens, 16.to ine, and builders. ,,,, The men Seek shorter Beach, the first white -settler to lo-otttrodueeti in, 00,0405s; : • ,_ ',fowl, 11 to no. • . • . I Innis- and inereasedirageissind. In- 000.,111 that countrys who has -,been _, afst that. the new *Age tariff shall ;wag, Its port Churchill for soraeli settreitai*tyP, "xtedniinsili,/**44,48(114.1sgothortolthayl, to.tu imitillimitins; 1:00,,,down up hy,n eqnskr -number years, was the first to be granse‘ssMaeVeagh, may -withdraw from the Butter ---Pound prints, 21 An 230; of representatives of employers and an . entry for a homestead there bv; ,ariairsFiyedt The muter, builders the Dominion . Government. "ATI/ "q8416,in:Citii ubk and largo ,rollss 20 to 21c; in - • f' deelinett-tosagreestositsmutus ' 1 , -0-r-evszverlsby # the Trul*. !Calor,. 10 to Ito; creInne . :Mt, 5 hin sto-ssntersIthodesFiland aiy decided woo *ale, overtunent for the , pisisent, is soirda',---27--to•-28*pci- ib - mineral locations heir* accepted. ' -a ira:.,; the 'State ',Asset Eggi-10e per dozen.. , lleal*ee's.-risiw Socialist 311*Y6ri ... - ,bas announced to the tiitizerts that 4 . .•.. 0* Mt IIALP A MILLION. there will be no attempt to force a- 4 * i IINDESIRAIIVES, DEPORTED. pOsie -Tramps, Tiia-ett Out 'Ortario. A despatelt fi"om Toronto says; rte -one undesirable e'itietis were ported' from . Ontaria4 during *welts width is a, larger number isa in the two month* previous. t of the undesirables were trot showing the, population of_th pa from the United States, eity and:district ot-Mamtreal.-May bang around freight yards and Guerin stated, though it gave but , rostspage to get across. into Canada ass apProiimate idea ..e/ the popn- by stealing 'InIes. the,e rss os , 'taxon, it was AS sekatet as could be be deportations were at Wind- furnished in any Other way than and Niagara iFalls. The Do- by a strict centis; The population minions authorities .rlepOrt the un- of the xity iiivper is given as OW,. ablest, but most .1of the work 000, and the stibitilts *as 62,000„ OHC ty ovincla po tra lug a: p *2-1) 0 Off ,Thur ' "' digests -13 to 13-140- per lb. for arge, and 13Ye fer twins a • 1100 PRODUOTS. Population of the no mad Distrietiritonmieuhm liv°11not114.7neds. to boycott. the on -Long clear, „ 15,14 to lact' 4 )1"tred. '-'.-4 'tenets of k‘ahtfr ... meat in . Xevi Per h. in-coice lots s mess pork, $20 • ,-. , , A despatch:from *ontireal wit lerk-S Fast El, -on Thursday to $S9.40-s„short,esrt, $31 to $32. 4le - rts--Light to ' medium, 48 to A statementSwaofi Thursday morn,. fought the police ' h 11 pin, ing submitted -to tlse Board of Cons market- baskets and -bottles. ..v3 ; do., heavy, 1034 to 17e ; 'roll*, , 15 ue;,----sboulders, 14e; breakfast NERAL s bacons 10 to 20e; backs, 20 to 21e. , Lard -Tierces, 1034 ---to lane; tubs, 17 to 11X1); pails, 17Ne. . L&YAGEM' OP ItItOWNsTAIL. 4114.111,10, Gaicraiuieii t ORM Investigated Pest ta.Nova Scotia.' despatch from Ottawa a - s: e*it, -Dominion Entomologist, st returned item NOVA Scotia, IUe has been investigating the of the destructive influence brown -tail moth, which is 4i ing. disastrous to many ot the thirds of the province. 'Efforts tontiened to_prevent the jarre*'-t of the arets,iffeetea. - • •;, BRITISH -TRADE GROWINO. Mtairek Stateareat Shows 'stereo* la Imperts sad Expeirts; A disport& from London says: The March statement of the Board Trade shows inereases $30,. ..ai,i3oo- in imports, and $12,434,000. in exports. The, principal increas. es. in imports, were tnfoodstuffs and material, nod in exports- in nnufaeth good. Preventative Di400vereti_ 13Y: t1 -Illinois Ohelit , 1eqa telt from Detroit's' Mieh.. lion ,perna* t!,..i.s.., -'[he N4wac , a, series ot ,txperlinontu taloratory• 'hang . arge pit-ces of y ' months I.)r. 0, beets * leg of latinli, fWi and siven jrj k (#5Atistin. 111.. *WtVo undisected .cedaverst whieh 's t i saes; 'that f h i ,-alipPed', ist-'. -GalO"--Montha preparation- es ilia- , all pe.rteettr, fresh in itriPeats ielt if 'aged a*- ire amc. the bodies ., with aft *linos -4* * wotrlerful like Imes while -the 'beet has the a*tgtrt aU matter which esIitlg and 'odor of treslt.nteat's 'Dr. 1 u to prscess ak believes 'his 41i4coveryhAvill mv, If dsdy be 'burners olutionize- many iatilustrres:- 4 s• rninute in the pteratara preservative, orrailroad tits th. I milk, witi42- * ,pasation has already Proved its eas "Chaltai"." tilt and ifl Amy laeing rased eaten - 4.,4, tlio ittcolt. ly .by the Sant* Pis Railroad. It #ttless than tisal'u* bs'applicd to' Stones briek and e, • it . d r.etlitaps in. te. A1141 Will prevent disin. it .‘ '( . , t is the s csrS tegration. . Evaporated and tOm , mersion, tIast ''ilarc,...,sed, it berotrats an artifieial a*i, ,tleve'ii#pnaeAt /its, I. 4shicia *defies tisteetion, while ' # s.171 ths , ss. thoripi4.1,S'i+iitO '1141-.0,t JAITiliir- )62:0t#,V.,)kitt'r 6e - ,b roll .t» -an *Tii ttllt st and; ciiiiieS4 wifeakiglit t.f.titdi; it aeliian. *i�l th csIiitipiin IttiQh thitii In ran' other n ays ''Galo" also tint isennuarst in *.tsVes ' p7osoi4k of 'assay it oh4rfu1 7 *entities its rtindi- titiiagc Motint gtnit is -showing inore. ac- tivity. . Civil *if is ittiniiitesat-sbetween two Abyssinian factions. The peiiple. of Peru areshowing their desire for war With Ecuador by enlisting ir# large cnumbers for t 1 COAL NEAR VALIACEll - Diseovery' la, Western Ontario IStiags Rash of -CaPitallsts. A despateh „front Chatham says: •The discovery of a vein' Of hard, e 5.10 to 113.21; straight rol- coai, seven miles north of IlVallatesilers,ifl bas, to *2.50. burg, has created great excitements 04...t.a40 'bran, $22.00 to 'On.. Representatives of Artreriean torai-i 1446. tnidalings. $23.50 to Mas talists are on the 'Setae leasing tnitoba, bran; *22; M*rntoba ahorts, farm lands for 'prospecting parrpres. -.Inkte grain nsOuilliet $31 to as fast AS the signatures tan 33S-: mixed_ mouillie, 01 to *O. procured. The leases, involve Cheviot -White, 12g to 12c, and cayalty to the 'farmer/sof ten cents colored, 1234 - Butter- ISeptenibsr-Oetober treamers, 28!, 290- in roundlots,'Imel 29 to 29N OVertilield tri Oltt to ' aet ton. Tat-#* sieglo„ realises; ne* Milk? • Ir;!).10!.12q..ft44.' ereamery, 310. Eggs -40 to 20e A despot 1st a • ys. 4 dOZOn was annoin day that overn is bout to cOnstrnett in experiment - ore toncentrator at Ottawa.; tests be made with or " frott the.(;*ib*lt ditrict. -- 014.00.44ormAim BUSINESS' AT liIONTREAX4' Montreal, April 12. -Oats --No. 2 Canadian, Western, 42 to 421 c; No. 41 to 41%*; Ontario No. 2 white, 4 - Ontario No. a white 4904 On- tario No. 4 w ite„ ase. sr e fcecLbarley our -Manitoba Spring iieat patents, firsts, #5.80 -do. econds, *3.30; Winter wheat pa . 44.50 qt., 413401 • Manitoba. -baker*, 0.101, straight rot: HOTELMAN FiliNT JUL ha tor Selling Witieat. 444V41,40611114141.. 4.4 t It from Niagara, ;ay*: Jiouor 11,1SIQ'S HEALTH' GOOD. 0 tally Denied Tkat Ws MaJ Ras ITa - lailtseara. deopatelasfrom Biarritz Sr JamesIteid, physieittitsin. In- , y‘to Xing Edward, ,who ace.* ponied his Majesty... professionally' to this place, said ou'Vedneaday; "The Mug , not tiaa inlluenZa. Therefore he is not suffering from - its after-effects. Be his usual life here." The weather 04N1 - tinkles stormy, even Wintry. Con- seeitently the Xing is outdoors less than he withes, but the alarmist stories about his condition are al). surd. ( RIO s TED. Another, Sensation r in i ,.. A despatch from. Itsburg, out ,nsheense at the Queen's Park s*Y8', he grand intY on Wednes- of otel, W.` Dishness proprietor on Thursday afternoon- pressed steei,, 00mpatOi.otria Prank F..lioffstot, president of the ten ft,y. recommended the iii-dictMent eed to four "months fo. 'Welland one of the most' preMiuent, 1)1131110a y ago ra e Pleaded golltY. Four months ago ha 'paid $52,400 to Chas. Steviatt, '43arge and fined -110.1"*. 'Frank bribe to be used in intinencirt; men n'i-thititWOrrthireltarge--that---- be was convicted- on a similar t - i sormer seleet councilman, as Ross Dashney's bartender, lirsift egmoilinen. in mooing an ordinimos. fined* $1,00 for 'breach of thesliouot iTiassing. as, 0-iti ,aer#Osito(140$ titre* law pleaded guilty to -the 'banks in which- Roffstot was inter- ellarge, laid by lisspettor Nail& te-1. ‘,4 011ehite eeption. ut despot& from St. Petersburg opt: Empress Alexandra furnish- ed -the best possible refutationif the -recent reports that she was in aerieus ill4reatthswhen ou Werines. 'day she received United. States Ambassador Rockhill. Ifsplie may ind0 from appearance her 'majes. ty bad folly reCoverest her normal 'condition. The audience marked the resumption of the social life of the court itr full -vigor, which had. been suspepded pfactically lime° sthr War with Istvan. Religion expires -when it does no aspire. our rig,hts tonna' ' involse an. other's wrong. Aeoaness without motive is mean - The only diviue tall a true. MA* ueeds: i8 a human need. The past is always poor to the roan who has Hie4 in it all Ms life. Love for giving proves., likeliest to mi. - It is it sifious fault to know year _ neighbor's fault* too, well. Ratite grips the sword by the wrong end. You -cannot save the, shit) bilo.s throwing the compass overboard. - Somepeople tall -children opal* as to erget their need of elothes. 2*. 17":' SHOT HIMSELF IN BED.... *leer g 'River Vse cis t.4isieide. despatch from. gettora, Ont. sa It: Fred Henry; farmer locatea. twenty tulles dawn the Winnipeg River, was found dead* in be' Thursday, morning, his brains hay - in,' been blown out by * shotgun, wisichshe held18his band*. The deceased at the time tauffered from mental derangements .C:ONCENTIIATOR • AT OTTAIIVA A4400I.Vr.. MOE lb 11,S 0 IN TIIE iteeks Earlier Tkaa Ifats' Eve Ilse*, Known. " slespateli front ilegina, says-: Seeding,. is -very :general over the *three Prairie Provinees, six .weeks eailier titan the oldest in. habitant has knoWit. Ikons, 4%in:et'. ,etin tamers are tttiliring great traes ion epgines drawing 'twelve pisrws lirestIc the virgin sod. ffo .grtA 1.0tAnterkans,Shat tr*f- at the portst tote...toy Wits in *kick, Stepped the tMuls Mot1dzy %IA-111Sb from the States jii unpreeedented. *bbft its ii't *Simms srkeit *lips atIb from Lanigan, , is town load the/rots its htstors on Wedu ast total destritStioar by The mothers with their ed in the ceatre of a, M.rntra1, nil every man *8(11 144,1 •inat 'the Are tattle wry o isat' sokers feitsalhaust Pretts sliseks ,sna, stables .ff ts bet rho town -ass ase t ,:ito See - ISNITEI) STATES MAltKETS. Minneapolis, April 12. Wheat, to *1.10, JulT, $1.11,14s cash: No. I hard, $i.12';. t ,Northera, at.1014, to Fslr# ; No. Northern, 010n; No, 3 Northern, $1.031 t IlranssIn 100-11). seeks. . Flour First patents, $5.30 to . see° Indents, $:#.1.4) gs, , first tie $4.2.1 to 44.0 s Oita 1,10APS., - 111,4410, A prd. It. --Whea Spring steady ; N' 1 Northe rloads store, ,,*1.20; Winter. No. 2 red. *1.13; No. 4 whitt%, las. Corn- Lower; Nossa 40e; No. 4 .3.0110W, Ne,:te; Xo.. in# Pe; N. 4 corn, Ode: No, -late; C2e. Oats. -Easier; No. lite, 440. N04 a white, 47e: Nie , 4s0e., Barley Feed - VE 't'iattaies lie roc man iverat-tat Sesersal T4 4/ borne!, et, • isSests 4, 4. fsw tf f m ptition may lions: to moral -athletics. Discussing the. plans usually do. lays the doing of the will. The man who spreads pe ought to go into moral quarantine. There's something wrong with foonar fleieiith.if a need-doettpromP The self-satisfied -man is seldom Content with little things in any other yropeet. You ein never find the divine irt * book if you, turn your back oi t people. „Some Christians think they hove 'the whole armor so ' Soon as they buy eevrott. The than who slot not know' b ere _he, is toiling salways:complatino f the winds. k There is oo 11k11 thing sis &Vito to you if y'ott cannot mak. alt, tyke. 414/rte... r •aratt o i dotka. I tali tti the o John. 1 vill not be les thlw ?AAA 100 feet 'wide. and aii. t 1 rth ',if * feet On the Sill prtplbstido th40. s in soransetioo , hs St. loin* loils ,. a Ete,' Mt OtwAt ' b 'Ring Pint 'sill 1)4, estsbla il nitwits. s• .e- ''' . fooreanent al ,proi,t# ild the tssatinots torX irs!`taie. :Of (tires itiffder halt pee 'eeiat. r 41.1. Nlileh tows float f ,:r s sesrs 4idil i Ssloaks ,sf,,aa. a ft, --1 k aii.iii."f4ishisktes tfs,,,,,i,:lesiitt.4: 1 lr'ssia; i;ttlfses.etti, risks. t rows 1 f.1 s , , P et.600 .*y'6 '410111 i 1,614171 thst "n aegistere, "OW s ny, ... h Ifiiirsn4 , SS a di be irue .eikt 1L . ta la. 'nT1t4ii.t-‘44 .,rih1 lq is lay ooe sat Ina a *t'4 be s W4t1Ms*t WA 1 ISoitst- W, besproystresi ts ‘qtystior, .,s411;;; St 4 arfs.s. *Sae ati4t 11-ieaft8at Ivite414,1esit # '