HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-12, Page 4THE I Z.V.:::ft:',;,z*.7.'t •••
.•'!•• 1
...../R1L,21/40.1310;11001414011A44414014114..1.1.1444414,114141•1444•14.111A., ;,..1.1r,L44,11t1,1111_111?110,1401/111111411•1•1•1,111,111.1011111.01•4110111,14143111•1114;41LAAAAL*10901,0416.01,..sposivaL#414A111,1•1%)%311641/....441:41141•144141.41,441LAA• 1,4±41.1.111411/91/10114*7411,11114.Z1K141111,S110.4.•11.4141.0mQUArlAtIM.111.11144111CL'ir.11.71.L,LL PAC,
The Molsons Bank
44CieltI/0121414D PIY 011' 1U 1855,
Capitat, $2,000,000.
Tom. Wourtinau,Kq. Presulen
j..(1, R. Mobsex.Es,Vice-pros
See D L14.1:aeN'aeiNun. R W Shepherd.,
A Nelson, R Rtring,
F. Wotamas Tu...q t 111annirer,
fas.11r,urr,RsQ.,2tranagcr ,:tioarreet Branch,
Iirwrou, - • • ^ i• • InSt,e4ltor,
I..00ANS 17.4.RAI1ItS,
ItIoney advanced to fanners on. easy tonne, an their
uwil Prcimissery notes with one or more good en.
Aorsers. tt rantewr,equired as security.
C. par (Tut Interest .47meci devosits.
Drafts on United .3t..tes bought sanisold: Sterl.
lug Exchange bug it ,tod 301,1,
Collections mati-, -:P 4..arts the Dominion
sail returns pr011n,t1,.. itt1111Sti est restos of
, exchange.
Exeter eueustlatii 1878. •
111011011100111r11111M1111111011111111111111100.1A 4411.111111041140141403111
mateh against time.
fonutltA by undertaking a starving Duireriti Collsgolt Loudon, Ont.. ha
will. -prove such Olftiola to lee well Lieotenent•Cotonel Geifliths, 1 •f
Toone woohi be rived ,at IialifaX, and intends to reeide 1 ' o- it'i'r et 111V 1.'•;111 ii.,,,,11 1 A 0.111
0,4 e u,RAN.ToN" o.,:,1 \T 1'1c1, r iii' ItEllY .FORIIIii
e . ...... t.../ ,„., 24,, ,,,l,,,,,..„, ,,,t,,,,, ,,i,..i.j.ti.,i,t •,i I I` L, , :1*, 4
there permaneutly. Oolouel Gritiie; Are li (Alin I' n11 L',Iiin't,v, 5.1.al i :,417 ,t,,.•. .
victorious and the doctors woold be was
a ruidehipramo'in the fhtphipesrin. ( ie
vanquished, but one queution would 1)0 .1 I ;
...Wore ou that statioo 88 e 8+08 ago, 1 ,11....•c . ei e., e tts,.‘1•!.-;'-'
Battled tipou whieh Dr. Tanner's lunit- Mr. James Richardeon, repieeeeting 1 — --- • - - - • .--- PA 'e 'Xi; 1 pie ' '.:., i 47 A rio......
11,1- 4,04 • to: k44,,
tai' t throws uo light whatever. That nemirs. A. Al, of fr()' I 11311112er
ronto, shipped from Sotten three -
question is how long on the averttge
man live without eating ? 'That is in.
tereating to every person but a baker.
1AILLiz.ri k '
cv",- r) 4
TM' • 'ft-
loade of (male for the English market, le‘; ; 7R
an Monday. They averaged 1,40011p, AT GRATI
each, severel of the eteers being mile
two years old.
A. telegram has been roe:lye:1 hytho Reduced Price"
Department of the Interior irom Col.
Macjoreod bo thq effect that Otmetable
C. C4:. Heoley, ill the Mounted Police,
and five horse ore drowned in the
Belly river on fie eolth of July, The
river named is a rapid stream about
e'ghteon miles eaet of Fort MacLeod.
Malcolm Chiebohnovho came to Mill
Tent following extract from a recent
' MILLE, ow.
oiroular issued to its customers by a
11--:en:mr 110.,r4 w t4:urlo, or bta y ret• t
wholesale dry goods house in Hamilton,
ie well worthy of re -printing for wider ;
the:NANDI:re ortoesoile Folt oeleito
oiroulation : "The present tendency of
1 L'1,11; r oaL•ti, RiLt1nL, 27.1/i i•
business on both sides of the Atlanto is
Hee on' 1.111'11 11 111,1N., NC,• 111111r,..114
'11. rue., s. .t). lt4sr, Jae. ri fuel April
toward ehorter terms of credit, and we 'DT') nt
..k.Oolobleeroe Prct,i,i4,11 3. JAQUES, 1,41 130314'1UL. (Jul,
would respectfully urge upon our friend:.
; • ..,
••••• • • •
in the country the great importance of te3;6yinFemaleColl'eeer
StiOW tdliS
their making a move in the sarne NEw DL CIC _ direc-
tion. No Dumber of good harvests will , oltot;:rea reeratee Col -logo ri
w 11 ont.i•r it.• :Mill oar op ,
ott, !boot r•••;;1.11,1•., jai its 0,1 iv.
111. in • ..14; 111 C1);!....1141 .111 1 11A
.1 i‘ •11 1l
ro linos uriusItt:11.
111,v. I BURNS, 1/, D., 1.4.1/. I/
yi I " #.14f,.lettoth Telegraph t toot
t • 1,7 $40 to
1-.• a peyote t.
1: . ' j, F.4lIniu,ioni,.htin.. ,1, Vr,
deo -;:eo 1 not ogrtetbot to •t • . •
' of '4/ .11114,•1A
411.1' 14: El 111•1114;1, .N111 1110.
. .
Dr EV, fl.fttt t..-. 1,11 1 1.11,1•.A.
r 147,i rt.+ .
• N . &Lk) , W spra...e ,
Burtunt—Rirrsioms.--On the Otli inst., at
the residence of the bride's father by the
liev. E. 3. Itcbinson, Mr, James II.
Beeiner to Miss Mary Ann :Reynolds, all of
Exeter- ,
Kion—lic..Prithiaes.—At S. Martin's Church,
Exeter, on Wednesflay, 11.th iub. bv
Father Kelley, of Mt. i!arinol, assuitod• by,
Bev. Father Ferguson, of Sandwich, nun
Rev. Father O'Keefe, of Mt. Carxuel.(+eorge
eldest sou of Joeopli lCbll, Esq.. of Dublin.
1.Maggie, tliird 11114141r of 1'. McPhillips,
Esq., -of Exete.r,
THIS PAPER 71.7 ever perinan.en relieve the burdens
00s of toe country so long as the eystem
Newspaper Advertising Bureau 11Spruce
be made tor it in -------------------.--- expend the proceeds oi
their crops on improvements to their
he t3.7.7..jor ' farms or implements, and allow their
et-oe store h' ills to go mipaid. The day has
gone past when the tamer required a
THURSDAY, A.UGUST 12,1880. ; year's credit for his necesetti les ; and to
I grant that time now is but iu mane
DB,' eases to divert the funds that should be
Lased for the payment of such articles:
lint° other expenditures for which the
This medical gentternan, -who hite
maws have not yet been earned.
or notoriety, according to the light in The loss of reason lands the sufferer
which be may be regeoeeel, eeeepieted from the sea of trouble into ono of
comparative calui—ofhen into one to
his Seltdmposed feet of forty sats at
decided happiness ; and attempts to
noon on Saturday last, aud at the
1 restore such a person to sanity would
Using contracts may prevails of an easy giving of credit to
succeeded in achieving either celebrity
Meeddia.-LANn.—Io. Fxeter, on Aug. 71.11, James
McClelland, aged 28 years.
P..tyLoa.---111111.seter, on Ater. 7th, Mary D.lena
a,vlor. age,1 17 yearo and 4 mom tn:.
Poyet.Es co:vv. --In INeter, on Al11.11. 10, 1:11)-0/
Poptikstono, toi.1 2 1 years. Toe fttout 141
i;; talto 111100 ttt it welock this .-afternoua.
N.LW 111.4lLT LIATS,
J en/ Q. aN •
RANTON BE%_,zs,1 eti'u. cti Dru- ,
Want large quantitiel 1)1 nie,,
...._..._ _._ __ sweet, yeJiow
...____ • BUTTI?,It & 14'ItESII EGGS
ININAN'S et 11: j>
time of writteg, unaer a nouriehing eruel rather than kind. --Exeter August 25.—CretItt sale of farm,
from stock and 11101011430114. the property
and moderate diet, is rapidly recover- Toned.
i ;II II
of the late Daniel [lobbing. lot 16 eon. 2, For witii311 Capy win, th,„OW iliiri 0 ri. I, ci,Li...Lor, ryi‘ r.. r, o ••••••LT
lug his wouted strengtb.. lie is to be ; 1)on't be at all alarmed that your llitltialph. James Like, Auctioneer. ,, 1,4- t-,kiti..”....ti.r,,, s.asN....:.,--, t t I ',
. . .- ouncatilidtv ot .aillte.im the p1,..' - f.• •
friends will attempt. Buell a restoration
congratulated on being the fortunate;
,,, : they regard the case as hopeless.—
possessor of a practically
tinlia""e !Clinton New Era.
d -11 • inhi: Z.7 eri
th,er f.ar share et ,1 'Id 4-11 t•a•- t, ...;
Q resoe.ttan,v r‘li.xits ett.ttutititiott :if the
'kJ tho fuotro..
quantity of vitality. Were it other. A COMPLIE: LT AND FULF,
Oer friend is hard up for a drive at White Wheat 995 tot) OS
I.0 exc,liang.e for Good4.
wise be would have beer a corpse 116' i the TIMES wheu he is forced to take a
siNtING wriamr D- &
fore his task was half completed. The
best medical authorities on 0t -ii ceuti-
mints concur be the opinion that hos
achievement will be ef practicol
benefit to -the world and no aaveutage
to medical science. What be has bUO-
peeded in doing of his own volition has
,been accomplished by others =tell
against their inclinations, and .to doubt
the sarne amount of agony cJiti4.1 be
undated bydifferent lereoue if tine its
elision for so doing. • ware iinperative.
Dr. Tanner no doubt feels a certaiu
pardonable degree of pride in having
safely completed what was uuquestien-
ably a dangerous experiment ---the
more dangercus the nearer it appreach.
ed a termini:Ai:id—hut his eucceee cat;
afford him no lasiiag• seeisfectieu
less his experience enables him to pole t '
to scientific results which his profes-
sional brethren are nuable to perceive.
lie is yet to be heard from. Had he
any well-defined object iu eubenittitig
himself to his 40 days' pauishinent ?
Were there any particular observatioes
that he•wished to take 111)00 anatoaii.
oai changes in the human struware
consequent upon the chauge trom 414
solid to a liquid reginieu ? Or Ma lie
merely. experiment upou hieneeif !situ-
sedtt u (Pito 08
sentence from a selec'ed article and Vire
(oaks it appear as our own, when be frearke
knows that. it is not, for we cannot. 300
" .... 0 15 to 01
IP 3unemca-
• • • •
. 1 05 to 08
... 0 0.) to 1 00
, nt.f. Lt....ttritazt tly afranto.1
. ... 0 45 bo 611
4.4.•tr.nt't•it' 71, IIEST 110D1.
believe him to he eo ignorant of news. ;tee., to e ,OltiteES
(111I1 0 :4.1i, 11 ...............1 Angust 'Felt
eeeere, wine; 11411,1 reenere eon 1 b retio
I paper work as not to know that editor,. i...tilter
...lour ',orb
, Potatoes, Is.
11118 ano literary selections are not tile Apples, per
same thing. His wit is about as in. li,7,Vt,fte.ils6
. . .
Roof ... ... ... 4 00 co a oil
tereetin e It' I g o WehopeHides, 3..14,411 .: .. ... .. 5 00 to 1)014
1. dr,sre.i. .. . .. ,, 8 for to s tri
erring broth., -woe ie Uenally vert, .Thoen,,,n11, ,4,,q, . „ „, ,,. •,.., Le 1 :,,i
; oonsotious of the wieked, wit] not bt ;!,',?,•,;;Ve';',';-..es.11 ..'" -. ..... ..... TO iri:(1 ttcr,' tri
put to the ueoessity of LeillOg any wore ti'1;1;,.t.per n. ... - ' - o el to 0 (
ft tot to I) ;11
bug • 0 frO 10 0 tin
.. .13 10 Ill
4)44 /I • ... 0 ee o ',V011.OE TO CON LIAO.: leoote :otos erei
ett 5 oo 410 5 fit Si TO+ !PDF: 11 A'
ii rot) eee, eons,
11;1y. -1. CLL•IL,I.:,,ru A1(4.•11 It
Pald;,, !thetion, at tiet,tises-:;im.: of ta,s Au .t
opposite Ent 10, Ono 2 at on
The Ueberee Ootomil u 1r -t. b
Alvnisi4-..11.1211.1ta, AIM)
171 R Y, At/GUST '4.0 :stationeufSailool Boaa,Falloy Go.
• • • • • •••
Ines to have a little harmless feu at ',E7..1.!:'-'""1.11'-• o oe re o er HINT,144, kpei "
:i• •' . . .. ll 04 tn
... AT TWO O'CLOCK P. 04; ri.kt:le tail° to,i"0.14,:,
The contracts for two Bridles, tiK, nrceisRsiry •
four expeuse. Deees. eer weir . • e bo 50
112(1-46 of Gray..1 on the Londeo ( ▪ .1iN1 S t) :I
it1A.al's =came thnrefor and a, eestrot for 14
e.... 114,4
twit 1,to.:11.4 ........... it (41 to 1 00 See ristan,,
Mr. Tarte, :el. P. P„ thought to he • N. J. CLA
1 spree,: 41.41.141-. .
WK , Diruct,ly ..,1,p01-if.a 1140 Gont,a1
crezy. • ;'4•'; . . . ..... . 4. Clei k.
Tire poteto bug has put hi eie • , • • ................ 00 tn
pearance Cape Breton. 13fittur
t ..... ... .......... it in 0 20
• _
Nntaitr •
Great dutn,tga is reported to have
been caured by bush files iu SotTeorge,
Beance crunty.geowiug °rope mud. build -
mg baying suffered
Rev Mr, M.titetinan, of Dinicanvilla,
whilst out shooting recently, had In
hand badly ahattered by tau premature
discharse of a gen.
The iiiimbitaute of Chiccutiini have
resolved t:) erect a monument at. Chi
0001.1001 to the memory 01 'Well' late
member, W. le. 2rioo.
eel tot; imps the oigar factory wae
destleyed on Sunda--
gether with emne valuable 1 •
ply becatiee he wanted to knocv, you liniittitttlett lint know:.
know, from ecoonttoo cariosity 1..,-,oue Counterfeit ten dm lax bins on the
Ontario Bans. are again beiog ei:culat.
and unsustained by any graver reason,
j /A14,12•cis so-
........ 4, 7, lit:
Doesqe.1 noes . ,
potato os per ottg ..... ............ 4., t.; dt•
— John Drew's Furolture &underrakingWarerooP7s
9 "
(44 ,'4'l Ina. 1.1:1 •• .13 • OPPOSITE CENTRAL lIOTEL,
,, 44
t'1,1,:111<-14 N()TIO.141 FtitsT Po:, •
or 1 he .10r.',uit.vis ip of gl.‘ Geo r 214,
creizerey net eeetr teat.
i NT. °Tun Ts Grxr7cr
, trntoontrtt-,1 1111 •.1,111.•%.•11Lia 4,i
1 11111; norsous Iwo! Iloilo! 1,1 1 11 • nitell 111,11 .F..0.01111
vt.tior. 41111 "V.,1i41-3' 1 it., ;1st," the eopie, .
1 41,1 tr, br aettemed. or tie.
tot to. 11.1- .os./10 lox irt iv 141 Mr', snitl .ltit
I of +111 ao.to tnantt by the last nvisca
rV4.11t. UM) 14;11• I -11110.01. t be bottrattft to
vete it bi ff :4;0 tablet 1 it tit eh: ti eor for
Alentlors of tho 1 1,1 ve and at inn -
L LAI 1 It •
ninips tilIititions, mint tlist; N'T.LA mot
ed. They are f • P
t. run,. eterbtoro tof.tett op at nty orrieo it'orquiter,oit the sevonth
how long a harmoniously organized and the ground work on the tack je 11, •-rt'Agos1,-1.8t4 1'0.1141411A thele for in -
physical construction oen retain the liglit green instead of a dark,
vital spark Without any alimentary AS- Oardival Nrauniug, of Loudon, Er) g . ; r f LI t a'';1;r1,:lc,i,:ut. ti: i.:umi 7 'Id'IT,i`.1 ii7,:tril=e7.1731"g 1 .
Ks anoe o ler an oznetr, hydra- „, 1. -Inc ,n
. Doled tete -ie.; duty of Allglist, 1/k:if:.
...uoronto, 8 t at in g that lie I s (lab truue, ui
procuring twines fur 2,t/110 waifs ;rum ,
'91(..botetert.; tire e.floff) 1111•11.1 4,1 0x1.1111120 the
11!: .
tl th thehes w rit,;exi f have lad err ..mrreettst accordlogto law
gen and carbonic acid elotoeuts con.
tained in water ? Tads presumably is
the principal reason. for his undertak-
ing what would he a very disagreeable
experiment to the ordinary, matter -of -
Not mortal, who believes eating a
good spare meal three times a, day
es much oftener as he fuels a va-
cancy in the stomach. He may be
satisfied Ita to the duration of his own
powers of abstinence, but very fAt
would care to aeeept his experience 1141
fixing the limit to whielt. ordinary hu
inanity may safely go. A thrummed
persons subjecting therolelvos to a
never-ending fast might Itflerd some
satisfaction on, this intereeting point.
A very correct average eould be fenuil
in that outnbsr, allowiug +hat ever,
grade of heelth had a proper repreeeta
tatien. If the doctora really have thee
heautiftil-effoerdo for fit,: battier"
ily they h elterndug uolsou
Clerk of said ti.dnieinality.
the great meta opt.lhe
A St. John, N. 13., dispatoh seys 11
collision ie reported between the three. 3 thin 1E hbt
masted schooner Jeanie lieyt arid an
iceberg. he schooner was dam- OF THU
aged, lualinig it neeeeettly to 10, urn tu
II 1
; -
/4. 74 44
! EMBALMING FLUID used for preserving the ly 114 warm weather or fur shiming. An,
Persen'wenting Pallier, Bedroom, or Dieintr Ben, lvtratio,., will save at least 241) per cont. ipj-
calling at'JOI4tN MEW'S PURNLPU1tilli0o)1:-., 11>1o4i<• Gentral Holel, Exe'Ir.r.
'tram. 4/11t,--/".. 311 1.1 •
-On Moodily of 1140tthe reseal t
match betweeo IlreeNeie mid Ciro ton I ; IA' f is <
cricket :Ilene 4.41,11 played at Dietten, re.
suiting in favor el the la1600 by ten ,
A camp meeting, under the auepicee
of the (.1oderieli Dietrict Canada Meth •
()diet Cenral, will 14o hehl at lilyth 10
eommence on the 941b of September.
A t-emeruittee has been to:poll:tee to $1.13,000 ONFERSO ,T P1UM
secure groniele, prepare tente
Ttyper, fateer of the Alin. .,""l4.10,t Ina t le. -1 1 the :4e:troller/ nt
ister of letil,wtyee reached
0 r4
4.4" TTo
1)' I')'N
201h Sept. ;) 010b:r .104
1iii00ii)1/.1 tle 0 oor • 1.1 1 t 1:trioti to.o.1
3:).411A1014111'4441, 6%iofin11111 I 4, 41
,s.ep, 'n11 ne:rlentf]t,.
:tat 1114.2.1 Lit
,,ay„ 11,4 wa, tItI yea,rti ((Id 041
I:t' 1 1 1.1/4: '1 ..iiiillii..L '! '.,14
r.)A T!::,,.;"4.;..t'1 (Ll(..','r 1d'rlt
, iaitli.itit21ti'n.,,i''li iVl,1n4ja,krb4 g 7 : ',eopt. Moili1 repellee,ef...0e iar 1,f:ot',ftt,tii,!:,..tio:Tbetif:411 , . ,• 1,e, .11.11 111,1.0.hi,ie,ti DIriltaallifi At111 ;zynoni1),r,orto,4,ij000.,.,',lt 1 ,(,"12 4)1 ,141,1111. I . ii.t1 (44.' (1 Offlitli4110SttillItIA444t0:14)c6;,tj.1,11-.-Ti011 01' 1)14
t4 yeere. irbi1'
01.41400 to bo 1111 ,1,111/41 140,311yort eight ini;er, ib'.-- •it nee
iutI 0115
. I/
, or tv, hntu ,,00deel •oete y
T`NURING the Wool Season 1 offer All W':ollens, including Maul:ate, TWeetts, Grei
L. 1. and Hocue-anade Flannels at 01,1 Prie.,.0. 'Phis is a rare offer, as the goods have Lit ts.t.
vanced fully 50 per coot. 'Po pecoaro for Stock -taking, •
All Sumi-nor Goods liviY1 'to Oland Out
at /11. Immense Sacrifice, positively for 0.1,114 .kIONT;i1 ONLY. The Millinery Department it
managed. bya thst.elaas Milliner,.aue is kilned with all the lateet novelties.
d uledraii t Seelt
Dlitl?Lit'214ENT is ni()ro
tattive thtat. c•yer. A Pei feat Slit guaranteed. •
A LargP Stock of Barbed and Phan Fonoe. Wire, 1,4eod Con),
1-1-1mgarian:(4.ru,ss Seed,. liarveat Mitts and Tools.
aidliest Price, Paid for all. kinds. of ...-Evariner's
PJ? 0 dile oit
isle ar Oa n14111..412 tteevo Jon, lee rtieeetv to. iee; d 1:1 „ rtY ti Brositiont,
,%1,,tgifeet, eeke . 14000. q %PIM, tiro w ie., 81. Co timilnes 2