Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 7 (2)clespa!, fri 'W'ileaington„ .iiT!‘ii 'iroit Voncluctor
I., 40443,11;t `. IL fsefl" worwkilled .1,Volitnan r, and 'ran
allortilleyttod Daltitrior4 sk Ohio up, ..Bethe n4 shot into
i Railroad tra,,tk, on „Veane'Sday,'* the eel
bedy..1' 'Then,
ter?loort in a fight witieViogalu at1
without a, worhe shoteI1wzn-
IffeWerk. j*-. an emitIlpe -* de 'trough the. hcArt le conatietor
prate .battle betwi,en 44 polit 11 fleafrie 4i's trzt. lltfore the
the, tirenten and, eiti4en PlessOngers etiuld intfere'tho
rderer at. IleittWoiii Sta tku,Ie mLYdrer barricadej. int'-
. folioveing thei *rriva of'4 in''th tilet rooin of the Pull,
1 at 5.1.7 o*eloek. &reel' e oar end threatene ti, kill the
nulled. the dead are: 0. iltper4ffi witoo*pprdaelied. Mean -
Alt of ..1 Itiladelebia, (sot ile, the,-traili reached AVilming.
the,. train 1, Samuel Wil. to. 1,V1ien it, value into the station
colored, Pullman porter, and a'llturry ettil vas sent to the polite
. tle;et of I)ilton, S. ei
trip . 0 y.,'Tivas the result.4f an
*alteresi etween Ilethea, who
wits a pstoseng'ir, end Williams,
'p�rter On thie 111011,0411.
'r was bodunfrotiONinshing.
ti1 t9 racy City. Bethea, who
•ha,tI been drinking heavily, 'shot the
ugh t boa
. ,
Toronto, iWite,, '400..---F o n
ter wheitt N) per. patent
20 to 44.2S ilia buyers' ' '4).
rack, .Toronto, and *4.10 to *4.11
ontside, in, buyer's', siteMathtoba
'neer, tt welds, „
p*tut, 4,:. t d stro
ou tra.k,' OtOrktti* '
n,tob a • 1 'ISTo
t . *1.13, ' t , and
arheins'itt r ts. .•
40140 *W1), 0* mxcd, r
Winter or whit', 9ut
statiou. 1.Vlien the (atter* arrretai 0. to. 50e.out
at eittlod lletheate surren rri jev, 3 extra, to $te Z4
he °P.e 011 them with an *ti- , * i to 3
tonta1e, and feed, kitt outside,tim revolver. After a battle Oats-No,-240ntario white, 38 to
Fedieitial xnd /44et
upute that sti ytu4
rug Anna ttow unit
-15agthy OW:04
!t.0 the tte
Them art- lterefore *0 'sportier's* aeig
pe,sparatkets. W. have invested
gether to mos' oat, week so$4 sweety tha
e.4,1i4t17,,CO1lee to t*otdredtUngit
with ratio*** that might not swores*tiisitcy.•
etais thit„ebeeudoreawitrttie prep.rmtion 1.
loth* an lours, t murderer WA
di -hen from hi%stronghold by Ali,
teen with hilae, and pontinued hi '
fightirettt thecarplatform, where
Ii, nous at length -shot down,,
ular speciee the 'United State*
't of Agrieulture, Bufletin We.
O ated V4rf Satiable rily in
id devcopment of t
-ling industry.
iforma has.lnen attractieg:ine
£ttentjon both the StMe; an
Fedrai Fore -,try officials. -and rn
tit this interest has spread to
oint where ,maxel capitalists-
'inveeting very largely.
theth one-time almost unlini-
freit,' of . native hardwoods
etiea looked upon the Eucalyp-
t*rnply as •• a supply. for certam
t Iit Je attentiQn WAS given to the
nderfnl growth and the intense
hardness oflroiny :iepeeles Eu-
cotlypts. Bitola years, -however,
itave proven the fact that Eucalyp,
tas,will grow in California/0 read-
ily ae- in its own native country *
Australia, and the following quota-
ti'jn from "A handbook for E
alyptue Phi,nters,!" issued by t
'California; State Board of Foresl
niirme this statement.
Page -(33) Under favorable eon
thins trees in -seeding plantations
bave reached . maximum develo
meat of 5 inches in diameter and 67
feet in height in four years. This
- •represents an average of 17 feet
eight growth per year, though a
gfowthof 10 to 15 feet in height
yearly s the general average. ,
the mot rapid seedling growth
1740te4 WAS made by a tree .which in
nine years reached a height or 123
feet and a diameter of 39 inches.
- TIe Ettealyptus is a v,enutrkable
tree -remarkable from althost every
standpoint as epmpared with the na.
, American timber' trees. It is
an evergreenbut a hardwood. it
is one of the hardest of hardwoods),
but more rapid grower than
*ay of our native softwoods. As a
seedling it requires about as moth
eare as a'Aeld of corn, and it grows
!most `,.but after two or
three Years it requires' very little
Attention, and/ yet will continue its
remarkable growth for many years.
Evean'selien out down there is a
owl growth (like our Ca*adian
Cheitnut-.triesVitio'Ye-ripier their
,4he Ilrst.
The ,secret of thie.1,rapid growth
Is due very largely to the tap -root
'system that nature seems to have
worked out to perfection in this
*of her -chit
eAlmest immediately after
tranispl*nting into an opeen. field
fIie seedlings aerofoil what as called
tap root. That is the Main - OZ.
tra root starts in ra downward.
course and simply kecps on growing
until Wands a supply of water.
The following illustration for
which we are indebted to Mr. W. E.
et. Canadian Representative of
the Eutalyptits Timber/ Corpora.
tion of Los Angeles, shows what
nature and stientific 'work Will pro-
• lbwin the short 311/0; of tinicestat7
This is not one of the fastest grow -
Ise EttealyptIt, but is one of the
hardest iincL most valuable for tim.
tor Produak Regarding this par,
1 Titsomti'i
C foxils 0
(ittsfewrisil 47,Ine.CE
gtionvrrtTs nosntATA.,
Age. ,15,31-menths.; height, 133;
feet; circumference., '13n in h at
base; tap iloot, 16N feet bele, tir,
fece. Planted 'April 20, 1066, Dug
up August C., 1909.
thither that is very valuable for
many purposes. It is very bird
and strong -almost as hard as iron
wbiln thoroughly -41 vied:: Theirrei
us -fulness of this timber i$ due
. toits durability, both
under, ground and in water.
Baron Von Mueller says that well
matured trees of this spemes, cut
it the season when the circulation
(of sap is least active, and earefblly
placed for.drymg, have proved ono
of the most durable of any timber*
of the whole globe.
A Montreal youth WAS elta in the
metal' at Cineinnati while holding
rs cigarette in his mouth for another
maul tp shoot at.
- •
The Pennsylvania Federation 4f
Labor/has declined to undertake
State.wide strike in aid
tuklphia street ear men., '
• outside, and 41 to 4 1/Ce'.,Prit
raek, Toronto. tanad4 Weit
iata 41'c for No.. 2i -end ,40 e for
3, Bay
outside. 1 •
elie outside.
on* 2 American, to TO,
and No. 3 yellow, 67 to 67e, To
onto freights. s Canadian corn, 63
to e34e, Toronto freigl!,ts.-
, Bran-$22, to $22.50 in kags, a,
rtn1o, and shgrts at, $$1, in bags,
-44p.p1es-$1.50- to *2.50 pr barre
etording 14 quality.
anol,,t, Car lots outside, $1.83
and'smaltiotii4 $2.10 to
20 per bushel
lioney-Combs dozen, $2 to
it .ahoukt nt be entirely
N-DRU.O atis&I wth x 0:sitiele you try, rsturn
,,, break -down. *.tbe mit t
emti t bought it: a . i 1 resfred4"1.3'eur IttiXtV 11
encugh for too, 'betAuse e zturii ' to hen every ftnt Iie goes
t :kind of ba,r,„1; to yOu,;,
-- -If your dntggia alieeld 'oet have t'inii particular.
vr f k , . d ,
, iNIZItfir;rntotio4:1141. *ell; :474471*stroptki°4:P.4"*1144110.1.!!#titehe "
bonen. -- .
i(Ia to poIley beldam Canadians,
not been slow to recognize tbe,
client opportunities forsafeand,
n traek,
r, No. '
ando. 2 4;25St11.5,0 liver financial institutions.
e•security offered by: the regular
Baled Straw, *1.30 *7.75 on Canadian tompapies iSeCOOIC1 to
none. In practically no other line
• ek„ Toroeto. '
of 'financial *cavity can it be oda
tctsick for Ontario, into Nuidati: ballevder_ttolltmei!oea
otatoes--40 to 43c per bag on that Any comi s:or
roultrr-TotkeYsi drew tol ita Aligstions
ate,ketre 15to 160,4 an The Extelsior - Life insurance
fowi, 11 to t THE DAIRY MARKET$1. "Cliti:1111Y*thIrr°1111rinMenteheeinfirliliftet
tors which are of eseential
Buttexsr-Pound printis, 21 to anee to polieY keiad-ot&-zeoill °FY— 1:4
tit'a 41111 intgo"V°11$0'20 to 21c; inlitutuagement, prOclOctivenesa.. and
°O°T' le to 18(1; "earner:, -29 tct Aectqitt,of itoteatinents and favor -
solids; *0,34'7 -to vw-Poritis- -- able mertitlitY experience r have
gs-Case lots, 21 to 220 Per Jj the watchwords et Its manage -
dozen. 7 9 , ', Iiient
cheese -13 to laKe Per 41). for The Mortality Experience of the
ar of antL.ait twins. ExCelsior Life is remarkable; The
average Inscatality expeilertee per
HtG RitODITOT$. '1,1s4 lives at risk for 10 years of
Bacon --Long clear,. IS to leie all active. Canadien companies is
perate-in, .eve_lots;_toess_perk,.,-29,fslightly- eier_ h f
1020; short eut* $30.50 to $31. tent. The average of 90 prominent
Itims--Light to medium, 16g to,Amertean eompanies for 1907 was
do., heavy, 1531 to 10o; tolls exactly twelve per cent. The Excel.
15 to Irkqe; shoulders, to; break- sior's average for an entire period
fast bacon . 1781/ $
to 19c backs 24) to of nineteen years is only about four
r cent.;"and the year ipott aliows
Lard-Tiertes; 1634 to 10,34; JOS Ole lowest #ercentage in mortality
16% to 16,401 pails, 16,,7; to 17e.
Buffalo, %faith .
Spring wheat firm.; No. ,1 :North-
earloads, store, $1.22%; Win,
r stet*. - Corn -No. 3 yellow,
1. -Alt No. 4 yellow, 003404 No.
eorn, .013‘c;.No. A coin, SW iie;•No,
white, 641;e*, Oats -..Easier;
37,1i45; No7-3- white); 4014
No; 4 white,
track., 85e. .
Clues_tgor listv1s-29.---471011--Whe
3 red, $t.IS to *1.191 No.
red, *Lit to $1.10 ;-No. it hard, Si-
to-VT,144---14()Ir hard « S1.4010
$1.11i; No 1 Northern, 01.1,3i; No.
2 Northern, $1.10,; No. 3 Spring,
$1.00 to $1.13,14. Corn -No.
white,/ 62%e; Vol. 3, 53 to 594e; No.
3' whitei el to 011;e; No. 3
59%; to 60e: No. '4, 55 tO• ,t$41e; No.
4 white,' 0,1,4 to 58nef4,No. 4 .yel-
low, ,11,3 to 50`gie. Oats i. 2 42,4
to 433.;e; $ white, 46e; No. 3,
41% to 42e; N,. U Whitt, 41,,1 .; to 411e.,*
No 4, 41e,!f2e; No. 4 Whit =n)
4ce; stantiardi- 4”,‘ to 'leo,
0 troll, farch i0.---Theret wort
trot tattle on the market, but
riewerc. eold at about 1e per 14.
Ilib beeves sold at 0 to16,!ie per
- pretty good anirastlxv„,44 to
4ornInolt f
h 3.1, to 4;,e per
4tni *14 to
Oitt't frxii 4 to 7e pr 14.
from .3 to lpe nibs
,61.14 to 7..,iclni-er
- tight. te Spring la ,
etd fat hogs sold at 14.'4 to 101
experience Of any year. siztee the
company began operation. The
experience of the Excelsior in this
'regard 1* crtain1y noteworthy. The
Importance ota low•mortality ratio
cannot be 'overestimated. It is of
paios holder than even a Tow ex-
pense ratio.
That' Economy of.. Management
has always been regarded in its
tree iMportanee in theconduct o
the affairs of the Exeolitior is attest,.
ed by -the riot that 'CounsellOr Til,
ley made-, the fellowing reference
to this company before the Itoyal
Commission: 41 have gone over the
ialeries; I do not think Uwe is
anything to be commented upon ex
ciipe that it has been the effoft, of
the toinpany to keep flown expens-
es'," •
In some respects, however, the
'most lotereetingleature in the r
stat of the E-xce -is
the •productiveness of its -.invest.
merits. During the pa4-4ve; year*
the average rate .ot interest earned
Iv all the cornpanics operating ,r in
Canada:was A shade under five-pe‘r.;
cent. The average earnings of
Avitish Co.npanies. from the same
ur r • ' fth
while American eompanies
averagod alightly -better than the
Thr Excelsior Life, cvex, earned 'during- the , same
period the. remarkable aumf more
than seven per feenton its invest.
merits. In 1905 , its interest earn.
togs. were the' highest of any corn,
pany Canada and for many years
it has not ;ranked below wend
place. The far , reaching effect of
such earnings is too. apparent for
further comment.
4n-otheilioritorhiclia 'to
e EXecisior increased
t'onie thirteen poll" tent., decre
itt`Expense and Death Cli
Ratio nine. per -cent ita
its Oovernmeeti Reserve twenty -
et$ laxt-etal per eerkt,.;' increaod
threeper-Cent.c.; deere**ed
"thirty-seven per tentA.
ded to 114 Net Spoilt* on Polio
holders' Amount: JortY,41tree per
tent. and more -than double'
Iset Vnallote4 Surlily*. Thetotat
.assets for the seetiritY of p�licy
holders now stand at $140.00 for
eicry $100.00 of Liability, a most
enassailabie .position.all throug
e management d the Exceliiior
*town ‘a-imost- praieworthy-
consesvatims in -the selection of. neve
buieis and in every essential of
pregressiveness,"tonsistentwith tbe
utmost safety. It has given st.moitt -
remarkable and satisfectOry ac-
count of itself in the eondaet of ths
tortomny's affairs.
A bill passed the Idonse of Rep,.
resentatives at Washington provid-
ing for the raising of the battleship
Maine, which was sunklit'asvatisi•
A large deputation from the bor-
der States 'waited on Secretary
Knox at 'Washington on Wednetday
foproteet against the imposition:al
the maximum tariff against Omit
14, 19.#
1•1104# 4110\lt!' 'OW
1141W11111.1h dik 0:1111,1,* • ••
1 1
4 - ..')1itatar041 Illitoinants 240,117 00
47$10 41 474 At Dutli Cleat *1144AV:tit&
10 ,Art 00 ,Somittorio4 Sa114444(0 **AST.**
torsut .., ,........, . s1.044. st
Ann** oit ***or*, 11A411. *$ .
- : 4.1 teetet
ix . 4 • *
list It
-N '. 44:1311,01:.'
I 0 * •
0,4*** **
24t,003 11$
,*,'5t*i,,n tn tile Itoyalf . one, of fbc
,t,. prolcipal danger points ' in I441
:pairt in SUIvitrior, and with the station to
it ht 'erected by the Can allian - tilf w
s ' A trent sit vitt Arthur the,larike*
rt IaLin tli..- chs'in will be tit:iron -
th y era:- - rIliv!re-are --DOW rirnty
-latitilit Stititlitt at 8411It 8t
kt*alumet. "41,4rtirt,I. Ittrais, ,
I 1 14, Ana 1)11:1/:_t.111. Ilit, Ofitlin'
-1drie sle *in go 611t
' /Mit fmat Duluth: 1
Lite 1119fitriiiierf
tite ran di
torepanies have
frw #ts
.krit-wth The confide
I tranaili in thtir,instatw
711 hat lweti. el1ote
ri*rffi"nt *if 111e ,tt.t+-44
Iu ottpoiniet1 fr..ett .ttalL
Pt r'!"a**rtl & t 0;:r clif•r:tio to kosb
Witco exitettst-a enlarging th
fiell (.peraki4-11; istding tololkei
assets tied iiieft $tstit Art
* dtt
1,4$ oe. • • • 1, •