HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-12, Page 31.TJdos.r 12 IRS() r.rriNit 1.^S ItIOW II1+; WAS MALE TO SUB. SS01.11101:pp110.1'4lt'',. "WW1) Oarsi::l( was. one of the cork- General. Wood, who .accompanied "OH t btu)kerd in GLa.gr}w, t.tc cense to• Ex-I1fl )reel. Eugenie to Zulalaud, has `•1 ieits; OW e. poor bey, >tu 1 bees nn the 14,1A to the p'Lpere a deeertption of the 't^nief and 1t:adiug toufuer it) the old death of the Priuoe tuitional, collected -Ship B sok, He lived and died a grist, from the 1udepcndet,t earlatives at j,,etl0110es Old IY.U1hP1CN', aunt ',It not It elgllt,'10!t Zulus who participated iu •f,euuy to Hoy benevolent itonitttti„li io, the tttta0k on the Prince's party. The it(, city iu which sill hie wealth lied: Attacking' party nunibeted forty, twelve 'men 1Wt'iltultlteted ; but au 000 000:46,u of whom fotluwed the. Prince., eight be• ,the old .iffier was waited on by a re. tug being huiuedintely concerned in +-slreotrtble lleputett,n,, of Hires1'e7'11)w. Iris death. The Zane having 'warty(;(ti%fella, for 34 t+obs,riptloo to the Royal au1•!'onutled tine Prince's party. i'1red, :Infirmary, then in its i'!l'ttucy. ICF, and .Melted on there as they were wile regtrosttll to 10'40 the sattserlp tUI,tlnttnrx. The Priuce, not having 11'rti, a,,tl, t0 their mort.ltlo•Ltioll end 311eooi!tled int tempi-thlg, ran elougs.ide emprise, he Wuuld only put down hie uii horse ac's( it broke nwtry. The Weide for two guilose t ; and whet) they Br•i!lso fnllowed Iia horse into tbe•tlutt- '('aruest]y besought 1110) to inteeneo inti aft, sunt?, being el 't:e1y pressed 'by hie utieerablu pittance, he talked even o1' l,n!snerez ha turned ut oU th?111—in the drawing it back. He tOFtl them hu wottlt of the Zulus, ' like a'lion at bay.' anuli not really afford even that NOM, Wing etruelt by au assegai inside lamed thttul nut of the room, encest!d los left shoulder, 11e rusheli at the O tt1 hoards of tummy;represented by !u• Crest opp'tt•eut, who fled. Another kAftis alai other documents then fired at the Prince when The deputation thou proceeded to only tort yard.) from him, The Prince ,1r. 11lctllqullnlu, one of tho grt.tt roan. finis Itis pist'1 and laced his rapidly 11fa0turers of CMMMLsgow, to tit+lt Ria Itttlp, fucreabiug foes, until, menaced from lie looked dowel the hat of anbserittetee slit right and rear anti streak by atm. :nut exclaimed. : '' ]slash roc, wlt!L!'� thOr )ttCegt4l, ile repined the level on this ? Bel kt•r Carrick only two uuiti. which be had first steed in the donee, alis ?' They told the tl,tulnfactltrt,r 'here ho Wild sl,etui ly surrounded, He I that the hacker ltad said that ie really seized the assegai widish had been uuuld not atfortl t4.uv more. ' What's Liu own at Rita—for lu i trt ggling with that you say? Tunic--t.ot his faithtIt! his terrified horse his sword had folio! •cash keeper and ace untlaot, 3atttee (rein its scabbard—std thus defended Davidson—' Jamie, brim (tie the bank himself taitu,inet seven or eight Zulu, .Ci'I1+I PRINCE IMPERIAL, TOULD SAY TO 7 X those who intents ptirchas:,1:F• to do '3o trent fire nianti%etul•4tl. The dealer who buys to sell a6win meat Itre(le'eari!Y hPovo a profit. WO •tluim to give the narcliaser8 the benefit, which lfto-nlI0l tail to meet the views of rho Grangers. Our exneit3ue aro 10143 than tl'attlo of (lire mann ?acquirer Ann90 goent We can eellehettper. C.&fi,(IDIEY, aucl fade stn-u.turer8 TI3 �WOUL1) 0titsp0ciniattentioiu to our undertaking deL)1Jt tient,tyllloh is more 5 101. piste than evor,asw love 411detl several now tie;igua 1 of into The best coffins, caskets shrouds,,aand every uneral requisite at the tow est prices. Ottr new Hearse isronouiteed by competent lodges to be eoeond to wore in ;the pro Vine AZ Emblems of all the Different Societies. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER -R C. i AND LIQUOR STiORE, A LARGE STOCK OI"" GREEN, JAPAN, • YOUNG HYSON and BLAOE TEAS, BA.ISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRUM APPLES CANED FRUIT, SAR.DiNLS, LOBSTERS, SALMON, who brats that the std not dare to BITTER 8 ktICE AND PICKLES', 13RANDITS, GINS, WINS AND SY' 'UPS, RYE, boots end 4. clieq'se bask, and pt4), close on Rita until he sank exhausted StJor0.e, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, And he wrote it cues 1113 on thea Skil,, Benk for X10,000. borne reports shy on lea hips. The above facts were t, meet!, titt•gee (941111. NO platter, it wee' t°lioited from 'Lulus who were examined large. ' Now, Jeanie, runt down as feet separately on the scene of the tittaek. Ire ,your legs Will Derry yen to Lite bttutc. Flits is the first correct description of and brieg then money to the. the affair yet published. The cheque was proseuted. Old ti :Iia stared. A CONVIVIAL HOUSE. (o back,' said he, ' there's some A. Dubuque gentlemen took a fancy. mistake. And presently he (seine run. Iq' •! Malde a ting into Mollenharu's cuut.ting house to t4 few days ago, and after in a high dtttt6 of fever. WVlneee stone bantering succeeded in buyiug said •tii8 hunk. nine. It was a saddle Royce, a neat, wrong wi' ve the day ?' s sr. ' Nothing in the least degree trim 010, thougilt to be just,the thing. wrung. I only suapact there's surely Our Dubuque friend stated out to try soulethiug vety w�ruug with yeurselt the saddle tln>tlittes of his new ftur- anrl the bault, for my f,•ien(14, these chase, and tonne Russe eonvitte d that the horse ];new far more than he gave donee gentlemen sitting there yonder, hire ,radii for ou short acquaintance A 1� E, j' D U C E D PRICES Wholesale and Retail. f2 •A MACE Main Stree't,E ,eter. THE CANADA COMPANY'S Drained Lands forSaler. In order -to meet the present depression,rnt oexCaln�adaaB Company offer for sale or lease, on easy terms a have ii�nl'fAtl nus that, iu your 'two The first saluou he uvertuok on the y +r prttnliaet4, and out of year two mouth. ]'nasi the horse wheeled up to and came tt bydthe"L k Burwell D Works," " theT h' Von declared roti could only afford the of Dvsanquot Stephen andM G 1 y, Y A11 their L' .ids re -claimers or benefi 0 Lake rarnago 1n owns ip a it ivre. in the Counties o Lnmbtt,n, Btu on and Middlesex ren ec- scrun ttvu tTuiueas f"r: file fur r>se to a halt. Hie rider urged quietly, ively. p ,� C b , Lista otr,anda may bo obtained, and plans of the Lots may be ser n, on application to Mr. John ansa if that is flit, ease I think tt is lisle theu a 111410 Ir1Urd 80, t0 proceed, butSprakwan, N;seter, •11r. Gerrgo W.Ilolwell, of the" Holwell Souse," 'Widdor Station, G. T. Railway, to rein ve 801'10 of sty deposits ot,1,y of 'fluid' Reuss.' `tWit11 seine roluotance Rn1tiL).had to pttt down laid name for fifty gulueas *before 1111'. i\leil(Ittletta tvould cancel his ehrgn for ;iJ,O00. Tile depute, ttull went itWA.y NORMS less atll'.tzed tlfitu they (sere delighted. CURABILITY 01? CONSUMPTION, '1'he best physiciaus are coming store to acknowledge that tubercular CJ1ldlltn1)ttotl Ctbti be cured. Ise. Carl 13 Loth, it physician eminent iu the regular prufA.isiun, claims that be is able to care sixty per cent. of consumptives at all stages ; and that it id easy to arrest tee disease in its early tltage. His ails is to eeoure five pointe I. To get the tnusclee which control the fiction of the lungs hi tach a cou- alitiou that they .draw the air forcibly luto the fittest pndsaged, thus ,clearing tine luugs of all phlegm and pus, and re-edtabli14hibn capillary oircuiratieh the horse ceeldu't :tee it. After coax• iva hila for eo!nee.ime iu shoot seuteu- ces adurued with expressive expletives, the saloon keeper came out and ob- served, ' You oun't get that horse away until you let hits see you take a glass of beer.' As a final resort the beer was token, when the horse went off as pleasautly.as if lie had just beau welled up fur an eight day's journey. Just ubont the time the rider had got over wondering at the odd freak of Ilio horse, another saloon hove in eight. The horse's ears went forward, lie has. tenod his pace, and in a brief time was at the door, performing a counterpart, of his receut exploit. It was found ne- cessary to go through the beer per. forrnanoe again, with the saute elite prising and satisfactory result. This wad repeated at every 51110011 011 the road out, seven miles into the country and return.. Wuen the new owner of the .horee got 'back to the city he did not know whether he was hitnself or a and reeptrtttiou in the effected parts, 1 bad imitation of a small beer keg. He and stimulating the activity of the .air • Deus geuerally. , 2. .re establistl perfect digestion, asditltilation and excretion.. In this lie 1 Hoed not seek what to people geuerally 1d the m381 nutritious and flea most easily di:sested food, hat such as nue particular patient can most readily di- gest and assimilate. 3. To heal the tubercles by trans- forming them into a cretaceous (chalk- would be pettedly satisfied. Our like) masa- He secures this (1) vette friend thinks he would rather go Mood rich iu salts of linea; (2) pertain through the motions than through a rninerals, such as lime aud silica; and kegfull of Baer at one sitting or riding. 43) certain acids, such as citric, which g g promote the oxidation of effete 'natter. ~mem 4. To iudreaee tbe activity of the air dells. This ie accomplished by briug- ing the patients under the influence, as allude as poeeible, of euulight, ozone, asir and exorcise. He says : jsh hey sleep with oen windows in comer anti wittier, and go out every day. So important is out of door ex- eroise, that 1 insist that my patients go out in rain, snow, datnpuoas, and even iu night air and dew. 1. have bad no Instance in twenty years where a pa• tieut caught cold froth smell exposure. 1 only guatd agaiust strong head winds and extreme hot weather.' 5. To prevent all utinecessary waste of nervous force, and to employ the tatter, as far as possible, in promotiug the uutritiou of the system. knew this, that he had more beer with- in hie corporntiou limits than he could comfortably carry. He liked the horse, barring this disposition to encourage the sale of beer. He called 011 the for- mer owner of the horse on his return to town to make inquiries about the matter. He felt happy when told that he needn't drink the beer if he didn't want to ; all he needed to do was to go through the int tions and the horse Important to Consumptives A gentleman having been so fortunate as to 4010 his son ofOonsumption in its worst stages, after being given up to die by the wort cele- brated physicians„ desires to make known the care (which proves suaoessfnl in every case) w those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colde, Cousnmptiou, and the Agee - tions of the Throat and Lange, and will send the Recipe; free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL b4 Liberty St., New York. Om. PRIVATE ! It is astonishing to see the change wbieii has taken place in the ' CORNER, STORE Opposite Central Hotel, —o:o— George Thexton, Chemist and Druggist, Hae just opened out a fine New stook of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Druggists' Sundries, Dye Stuns, Patent Medicines, Combe All kinds, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Perfumery, Soaps Sponges, or to Mr. John leouskie, of Grand bend. For Lists, Prices, 1 erins or other information, apply to the Commission ere, (taaada Company,'i'ormnto. G. W. ALLAN, K. M.Iss.UD 'ATT, Commissioners. Canada Company's ()Moos, May 20, 1830. 21n EXETE TIMES 111# MO PIM 11014 All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch Order your work where you can get it done the cheapest. The CHAMOIS, TRUSSES, • SHOULDER BRACES, PUFF BOXES, FEEDING BOTTLES, Etc., Etc. NO OLD STOOK. You Dan always rely upon Pure and Fresh Drugs, as I decal with no Jobbing houses. Re- member the place —Corner Store, Family Drug Store, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter. UE"O, THEXTON, x46,410er 0. C. Pharmacy, Colored Work a Specialty a °I'IAIESOFFICE has excellent facilities for turning CARDS, r 1., BILL HEA OS, POSTERS, G EF. GENTLE � E N , 1, HATCH,' —IS OFFERING— GREAT 8ARG4fNSJ , --1N-- ECARD TA E Do not fr,il to call and'soo his Largo stack i,e- fore'you buy elsewhere AMERICAN CUT ..NAILS Cheap for Cash at the Sign a the Pact Loo2sg Samwell & k'ickard'W'I'llork,Mltin St., Exeter. HO ! FOR MANITOBA • Lintliv the 10maidder oI the season of :214). Manitoba Parties 9 win 1eave on The,F1R$JT TUESDAY of Every Month Nest partyon 4th Kay. For particulars 11.11119 to JNO, ANOX. G.W. 1i, Atrent, Centralia Lh:GAL R. H. CADDY, BARRISTER ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &c. Office, Fe nson's Block Exeter. MEDICAL. TR. HUTCHINSON, Member of the Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &c., &e.. Office next door ;o L Carlings Main Street Exeter DR. HYI`i])14IAN.—CORO EItFOR the County 01Buran. t•flico,nextdoor to sir•.I. Carling'astore,Fxeter. W. BC; BROWNING M. 0., C. M. J • P. 0, Graduate ViotorinVn1versit) • Office andreside,uce, Dec• pion Lottnrntokv, Exeter. C. MO01iE. M.D. C. M. • Graduate of.MeGillUniversity, Montreal Office nndrosidenoe,'l;xeter, On 1. 0.'lice 1 ours-- 8to 10 a, m and 'Ito 10 n. ru T R. 3. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. f;. O.,Vlotorie 8}.Orediton, Ont. Olficehoutt row 0to10it. m.: Ito 5p.m. LU'TZ, M. D., Nee e ufrlco at his resideuee, Exeter, \ R. IItVING, .x13 ADUAT ], Ufa. VERSITY Trinity College. Aler•l.erColiege Puvsicians and surgeon, Ou• ,, Ott coEirkbel,. NEW BUTORRE SHOP rflhee-undersigned wonldinforn: the inhai•i. 1 tants of Exeter and vioinit;'that 'hebue OPENED A. NEW BUTCHER SEOP wisdom. south ofl:isBlaolrsmith1hnp andho7•ee thesaxnelibernl patronage that nits bean ae corded to hilt] 17A the BAACIIs'M1T11 AND WAGON 1LAAING line wit i b oextond oil to hint iu his nese brna cr onsiness, Ills meat wagon will call at the resi dents of the village three tiro eteacl weekaed F.R ES MEAT all kinds kept constantl3 in hand nt his butcherehov. Diaekamitliin1 and wagon makin gen rried asnena 10 al)its brnacLet R. DAVIS. Just Received, CHOICE HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON, AND LARD, FRESH MAPLE SUGAR, ORANGES & LEMONS, —AT THE— Choice Family Grocery • • out R. FOWLER,'S EXT. IJWStrawberry CIRCULARS. srxnwBEuxY A Speeifio Remedy for all Sampler Complaints sues as Diarrhoea, t)y• sentry, Canada Choles a, Choler Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Sour Stomaoh, Griping Pains, and all derangements of the bowels, cans - ed by using improper food, such n1 raw vegetebles, unripe or ecru" fruit, bad milk, impure water er change of water, ehanget of 11' seasons, exposure. No matter from what cause or in what form you ale subject to any of the above eorn- plainte, ba. EOWLLi4'e FrzrtiLer oY WILD S'rAAwBNaa1 1611 relieve pm•, and a speedy Dore will be effe.ta•1. without injury to tbe ardent, 1t 's manufaotrred from the Wilrl Strawberry Plant, and free from opium and other injarintta d9nt;s, Tor aaie by all dealers, 81 Ta.. t9irl.. .to er 51 fel PREP ABED 13?[ MILBURN, BENTLEY ill. PE A,EiQON