Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 3 (2)4F$ '7.7‘ 1 istenti +of John nd btihteiiI,, for .foho w .., PP -E. - 'Ore. ol ,sttfut • J: w rt.3 . over': ir '1 tit* •441 d Xeiktie-r t d iy, wit ' theekle,• ' . lesre, stew hlorli. f a A people, ntr)1// lit : . Suu*et • 1 thejot of P4t..i Utitt'''il: atoll:41A of ,Outt • 1.414,04 • ra.,iltoid where. ;0„4tr) way' r t troubletke damp; ellen I start* tit* * bl •pzii brarteu. 147. staited • vats, s 0:1 ess, -cident* hs il!Ofl- estic ivto out. medicrah every ?heti., efferer should resdire, outward applie*timitl llanee*, latnet rtitytit rhes ffer nly west money with nd e Ss. hiist* -04 rONLI aorptics Afteirstkwaicfrnicsktit nery,gentleman; sent' tor this beer' e t Is — r the i l',1,a,0". o 103 eubJet ri i ta 4 40, V , . 0 ,, • 4tuvri1 2nd t U , . O(Spetiel), en chauees wit to so :iismsy R *tilos Are * tall1,* : a A it J ; ',4ort*, r: Q jet i vt0i4ear,4e. 4 ; a1t" i , ,rittfi$4.401 ,by ; k aPetsverupttoe,*$ ti .. 'te. n. atteetiOn. . 1t4 ithrow % , o.: 11 : itt 114 what 'it' n . *Wet %irk stre ,as aei 014 * 10: 414 ,stsit \ *SO' "sa.ar Sirt***-4,„ 1"-.1itiirtlrevrn�V ,N yevtwee** *OW/islet* .rressiret',' .0 0400' ,e*rot twelve ti*:‘,, (1411 'Werbk1r,n, "ort110- vir` 00* Srber 0410e,, fin roof,* , e 4 no ree. , tough u siVe' -KidneY Pin issued. Th, e route .4.000Vint4 1.0,et *oft sflow. itt;t , atit(*," AtisiliernaVO4, the .illiiirtrieted iti erarls de- btin at i ono mometi nu the lotsident'of the ?Os telt*. 1 *ittir *tart".1 seriptive,.*44 the ;WO atrA6rifure$ 'Meeting, or. atone othe ser. st eet- and ',one ng then" I used ow -Other 110* "one-leee" *tea09ttr' .14.)°,1411.14,1174,:t.sp* 0,14. nit to .„1:40eVier teltte- ree0wri4m The Passion Play stuBlnth In- "eiinl off;" d o Itiat L!),Y, ' he got, eiri JOhn al: pitt the tieket tri h : utl, 141144,1 a A Kirloti ri r imre Rhe 44tions 47-14*.siition ire inelnd.i; rif 41te , ";" ..#1.4...°41jr.,Ir'al't".* it012.°, It i IalliNlitg a tickt, litin Dodd'a tyre ego tcr.aummertteat. Tula t ' . • when •Jolin taine'-, o sto.ndiugL4P at. the rear ,,°A,:twful. matism by path* the - Xidneys-3 ''''':,t,condition to *train the uric acid out euti7tilkillig 1° 41 miul* .41,`"*". ,of the blood. It is uric acid in the to see what John. would dor: 0d -that outsets 'Rheumatism; .301tu took * VegniteV at him old or damp causes it to cryStel- o t intend to pass _down e 0 the Ininseielttiti. . antis, to• ., le t C Otrrir $417.41(9411,' VErE roots bo* iot* Out Zrk , Y. 'hag '"liottee I'U be- Mamma and You!,11 ;be and little Ben. *04. Bessie, will be our babies.", 'Willie (miter a mut,' ious "Ain't it about, rent"'"•-• " eauraTTOD John VinOlsrao 41 Was natic eve* for m*Otliit of .that th O *bout. My boo *1 at tini s. 0 11• thanic Williams'gve Dr. triaL 1 took altogether pin and they simply worked wonder bringing- bole in lost otrength. Jske the Pills, oxeeitaiitnallt 'A!) 'tr,s,*-Veerlditg- ork is pretty heavy." Not,onlyrheumatic sufferers, but srl.teihave any trouble due. to aki water/ b10011, will find a eur ough Dr. Willi*ms' Pink -•Pills. beea,Use of their directaction the 1)1004 tbit, these Pills cure ouch troubles:at aneerolatindiges- tion, .srentrel wosikotipk, neuralgia, and the', aches,- veins and secret es wonien •folk alone know. jilizn' Pink Pint( *fair Lbey will net* dlaaP.Polut. medicine dealer* nta a, box 01 $p4 up with -and to your wife left your bed and Eplireint-"Not, ',met ong wit her." • tool out the be ted th tht tunnel i e,*- 4 PUnehe4 it, and put i n the, hatband. "A ir th'erti-IrOse many a e president w en Jo VA(' *A, judge, wa COntiatat le' talk. -"When he came through the car iirtime-the-reSitlentTwas down, and he asked john. num- of questionit, and the upshot f it was that John got his first pro. motion the text week. , "'n* ilesident said that shown three thing's all at once, John had -that he " was good.teropered,, know when to hold his 'tongue, and had resources of his own." looked as it he'd-mes those tOrturec everY other, ar li 'itore,.clo tepa he use4-wh ou wa 'ft -F-70 Fidney PAU cure.'fitheluni- tun** the, Kidneys. Thei ***r* ed Kidneys remove the tattoo of e neumitism, 4,11 has * .covered.up vow. skin---ei . pr your face,,, and,. *ono ,out, int. remperatura avow belOw zerut0 Don't forget thnt the .skin has to, 11 tior,:ovart,,,ibia work just as Any • other organ tfriallaviaa, i,ithe body, and if ytiu, overwork vmsurossroill,11,5. * it gtvieS nut. . 24444 -OA is thn fitstrtosT*trt edy. ;Smear it lightly oVef Os! " write isiirstotsitei soostrTs' nov(, ANA for 3144,, *errs Weistetis ottk Selivery. Roiti/s 001.4„ roneo.-. eruptior-TS7Iri. st'-a-frOw14k114 pots. t o ,- 14"12 0Isbs1sZ patde': at, night, and notice how Is quwkly your appeal*** improves. s the rich, refined,' herbal essenc. agbti to be 40---aisotetv 0.0 $30:1( ileep pap the tissue, tho nee for 31/44)34 °°*11r4,14 of 111%•!aIrthee*Oirivatdetd. of the akin b-nie tr&:upar- • nt..-- and the delicate. 011 flub in, the Fain health replete*. the sallowness and: , GENT tervinan-(to oung man wishe to have the banns of his coat - lug tuarriaffrpiihraed)--7-71144.. yOnr •4 ihteiided-i-vite aepiester ad• Young: Man (after pausing as if n thought). -"No sir ; 4e'3 a dress- maker." When a. man wants to climb oVe big commandment he ;general talks abouli.. the little ones with grcat earuestneas. The merit of Bic e Syrup aa a. sure remedy for coughs and d*ltlt.Are,Dttested by *cores who know its power wing almost instant relid when the threat is tore with toughing, mix in anil the whble pulmonary region sr bottle. Take for aeute disordered in cowiequetnee, Cough or bronchitis:twenty drops 00 of this worid_fatuedyrup every,half . hour for four hours. safe -elector's bills, and Its goat deeThen, aus,boilf one tee*P000f441 three fur tme of sustriata ktico 25 cents" at al oois daily. Gie v dealers. - I e les* aecording to lige Curc oklt PT14 PRE Coul intt 0.Fire 0 Now Al 0, 01100;a40, boiler*. steno* etsslorr. rtotrie .reptors., roolror otrte140.. *Dehituts, Its VETR, .4, pain in . of the body ZrAm-iltici-40413o.. nts.x,L,:tiereitri, til,'4!)#40,to 1001.0,i -sit skin absor $ soothing linimerni :i. tters„ eliape, ringworm, tuts, . utl-'--'i-'s---'-w14,, "pew". V. vi 1 4 oder ,briili, * tion and the patient.: bruise*, 'children's. 'rashes, piles: !. oot. olitaiite almost instant relief.- Ther. etc. All. druggist* and '._gtorts # '17tity Akrit,'' - 4 1 ' t114, late of Dr. Thomas': Md. box, ' or 'Zsm:Ilulel Co YOI4trt, *V . ,,,Ateitts - 'tracts il'* u .DDI tin for Jtriee..,,-. tub,t iriien t , stiptr bY 'entetisentsit ' \ , ... 140 rg $efl* �s -eels. to etc. Does vow* or itself to one hour. --441*****-Leo Sarkis* ' Here is given the most effective cough preseription Imoven to. tho medical world. it is * mild la tive, too, and thiv- is what a body needs when suiferilts with covet and told on the lungs. A cough or t Id indicates poisons in the eye,. tee,4aes„ ru. etineinf inilanUnetion ‘etut (4311'1 ittWewalii 44% its geetion. 'Nearly all eolign syrups 4400. rus 'swot . s tt I 1 It 1 ' nee 11001*Te 3 A ejeeted. Tryit To e t the wickednes* it I cruelty to the A. man ii4esri ed Weaned be hat xelievei_blifigaleetleLLe. troutiler 0134tglaittea. by their constipating effects. This vebi, ei1;17-tioc, Dotioet Saart. reseriptioli not only relieves quiele..11r0,11,git4aAttileirsateri Ue xraoTr4i, .„ but it kitties any '-cough that rt1iits**4 arsoutostiisi.7• • - curable. Get ounce fluid . wild elierry bark, one ounce com- ft snot MUe pound esseuce cardiol and,thrett o . ounces syrnp white trine compound. 110In A-WOR010-MOTtleit.5. matter whether baby ia. well; liabis,Own Tab. hould be kept- in the boc saws* They not Only. euro the minor troubles to + kb babyhood- . and'ehild. f subjeet,' but will lite- veiit'them mining on if the + thud' is given an occasional + of the medicine. Mrs. Goo. T lArallier, MitsConehe Rspida, -sitys4-‘11- ham: usod Baby's Own Tablets for tons spation and -other disor. deri of ehildhood ,and am so p!eased With thein that I AI. keep 'the Tablets in the + " SOH by medicine + or,liirrostil at e$ &at* 4‘ "box,fiom The Dr. Willisiane Mdkins CO. Brockville, Atha.— ,r ,41•44.41w, O. li65.46 Alleltft or Vita r1fts34km tit worth. 0011, **OW 1010 frby eft hrieb *murk Irstse,liank •tone foundation', *fatal** DO410, her otitbailisiturat sitooktra 1,4 .:00 • hair iseltoot 1.2- *Ile to vhsibtls.•.1 /41, to Ptitad**R. fl, Ptstion, sztd 6 Mlle* t� Prico,$%000. • "t 0. £25 100 AtIttg '1,11Vtr0WItlitliP In *town), ot Sflildtok,* tiny tto4 elipd To**. 1 14*4orel ' barb *slims fount boxy -•otkorattent *taus yOn. *utter troni eeter sokto„Attaotioro virol otho4 ---- pi • veothuiliitoas, telephone and' rsITST, 'tslina'40 1)rotrudit'l; 4.16t4 ,*en zoom eieivotr. school or, beet, oo oto., - • your *.addrese, *lid I will tell robto„ s;.tof nes ile.1 nistot.tost.10 iv.enit.. I *ow' or sot*, er r .ou how to'nere' $00ree tit , Town property'. the t*w lablOrptiOn trentailent • lthi* issitor-tholnerttc, pywitr* oter 'lase send some of this , Deorsaiivrts, leastrgr* Awe *to ICS been . 0... • , it requested. Immediate -relief and ise,- 7S Oursta$ St. LttoSsts$ Orit. pro/Anent eur su agonizing ever, l references from your ,11th 1,1:44=:ft,r1 tlit7 s atildren if your447-ente treatment free for tria, wi 14klilitWfltoiris 111.01 r-- *to 1*1* E h is. * red Se Tehe i.sitsrrre , lattoN10 Qthis. 1`31s1.4*. ,TOOrieY. but tell othere-of...- Drottrigs some 01slo\ser it* $4111 tooli". 11ov lereesisteei 1$ 0,,,ce boa. , . •viers* Box- 119*Windso* The trilentle you buy will alway To head are 1wttr th:, *.drum, s‘ barrel.- ft*.Air Imurfe 'treatment will 'Cure ariC bo reatlye, to Sell. you out. 3t1LIST BE 'COMPLETE. heal the throat arta lungs ot-all hut': . „ give it to some-. trited 'who may. OriiMliptiVe0. • CUt thi5. *at and minarta uninvio hr sos Evicribtro. five.year-old boy went with h water to make a eali* The 1.14Y.114 'need it to be sat'vedfrom an early The fool reaches the Iimits the house, who is fond of children death by tousutailti001,.,,,„ knowledge from the outside. told him she meant- to ask his mo they to let her -have him. "Don't you think your mother would let me buy you?" she asked. "No, ms'arn,"• itnswered tlie lit- tle fellow; "you hayen't got .roon- ey :enough," - "flow much wouldit taker she e-otitinned. ",it hundred dollars," said the boy proxuptly, as if that would Set - le the water ortee for all. ' 4G014 well, then:" "said the lady, think. I can manage it. If 1 cariv V you, come -and. stay with mer itiWarit," hesaid, with de. Hon. "'Wen -ma wouldn't sell me, An:chow. ThCre Are. five of us, and mamma, wouldn't like to break the oieetion is uot -elethe t o go to heaven, but whe. e getting there. 1101 ow .Corn Cure is the in slitine to re eve 411 kinds of corns sod **rt.', suld .ouly costs the rmall sum of twenty.five cents. lutd fewer lespa Lth W4)14141 fclve410 bt These Pills tire ,Ilh.eurnatisro. To the many: who suffer from iheii- atietn trizil 0 Paemelces "irege, is reemntnended. TbeY„1 te pronouncedaction upon the and kidneys And by regulating he' action. of these organ* act AS SU Seldoiu do wc_ regret u 1tcrnat in preveriting the -act 1531/0 when they would- him e nf uriq . aeitl load blood that jieev, kind ones. this iiaiuful disorder. They A eonviet in a, German priton ha e taken aetoraime to direc-,;becn 4;trendy refractory. One *tier' • nil used and they,i morning; the ° warder said AO, th& *it 1a taew hi 'eeclii:: give,evidenes of tlicir4keeptr„. 9 "eay, Huber, the 'courta.Iuser st, effects. Awing *Ills* than ever. Put • ALVE stoomiew Owl NEWID1101911. TX 63, X044)01041 by lii nta Jr"r PirtitiAlt*4*. a rest, " 4 100 ottla *al**, 1100$001 MO*. an thstli. 14 .01041114 4. *I iivit it, OM tor " slittrolo**. Avol*Li IlsOr011 "r4d4141410".1.-V4rt7 Onlit the blind Will use the Bible That m inexperove. 0 those to eond'elan others and not feel' ita who suffer from dvimpgist„ intmges.. indictment en hiMaelt •rheumatism or any ailment rising from derangement. of the di. Iterras. walk *go* steps Efros",tokt tedittawsodlos oakvgetjve SYStertht Stria.) of Parmelee's 4.0.0eiteisreleossot Amid the sufferer be unitequaitit* to mot**0 diabis's egetable Pills is recommended. *Ito. goo or, t,04, **et d with them. The trial will be veitobe pulIed up exPensive and 'the result. will be an. not live long. other customer :for ,this excellent medicine. So effective is their om e e nig $ IcCootelv'thiEvxottle*"1: asion Play rolselo tattlers:4100* *trsted Pro MIS« '44JAtVI2T 0 tiet dieteitiny cuxes ertiti ly b traced -to theit .,use whet other pillshaVe. proved ineNeetive **ries- IL, 3Iy i*6S, • Istsitst; handhd MPIARDW L1Z(JXE *riot* -1ho IssOt 31**r. U 1* *Istritys .the ret. Litolssera **Ited • for bete' *hid so* AtteellOsably 4b* bt seller of -211 the' ilartirest Schad,' of 'Lltiliriesst I. 1,41r.0 SEILGUS0740 000 seem° quiNitie" I* 1.4%Atist4 110.0m0 1)1114114.11. loink ot the eigeetere, 01 L tt. .,01t0i, It Visit the Ira over to Cent * Cehll 1* One - resent priet-s make a, fellow feel All who re 4*.t. S t t and itlels to *at pi'rMeflently. .*fly ists4 cnattblr *tide remedy. 1 id ***whet0. world vfitir fi,U t4riutqiwi rot to to effort.* pentistifist tiirs- 52 Athirei* 'V. W*14 ftsootestisth141 0***4*". agIstrate.--"If 1-remernbex rightly, this is not OUT firet *pre* peo in .eourt."'- 'Prisoner 0$ honor; but 1 hope yOti doer judge. by appearances." OF LAO* *ACK Wtitt4 eseotot **run. or fltr*tei;ori,. POk4 tooktu)* tot* ot*Dlilit***ki ittoriot tort**, tri* tor. box. Us 1 tried toad, afl airr3110041 irDordit* ad -kouiehod orders, .104 **rob* Doi* * ziths 04,0, *rola* Glik Pills 4`.. *gran aarthased * boar. wkkb Stre itarehti.-elettlele44; /4ir oils' boar, *Sit 400,.greiit lis •*41 toD*4 .R1NG 1Nr.,110$.•1...P1T.818',.•UILV &in* tort fait dsi;-*$ „, ;c11,11y all the •irePortaut inn him. cooker took to and hosOral* in linglentll'ir;eit4.4.$ book It+ ud-.' you think of it17 eandid with 'eu, 1 thin too fir *part. ' r own, e/lei.trie generating and the size of the instal. • ne, save .the -London Tirrtei, -culd surprise tile majority 44 tn. 'emera., The clititi meet, Jutst, b' eigned- with unuetial este, o'ing 4) the etrecisl conditions Which j'ire el in hospital work. Even: where nMehtiptily i avsilitble, the tise an indepteilett• system is justi. d orkaccount of the seetiete *kith it -*gives • egainst failure of turrerit at a eritiesd moment. The insts,104- stri-iterd for liehtinitheeling rfilatiog, telepliOitieg std. ether and motley Ite.epitals hose Ti*du. 'operated eleetricelly: tt mote a,sylitos has its 8*,n rot raitway! 14)r to* from the viesrvat ri is! tit* to** 10411t tIOVEL „ It „ISO** 6'10 SOSAt *11 - ree Node it to* stew Irstiossi Dr 'kat -ft, tDt Wu tia Toro* lot ot. dite Ten . te the feults. rif 'y inking at their vie F at a ltObt I, i 11 t Trronto. V*44* or * * t mu 60 Co-. TfiTfl1ln tI1JU44 , YOU WANT TO - _. KO * 1,rn,1lv ,rn1W 'feet* sihO* Ss ' Dr. tror.tes !r" hn'rlc410 ' 0410040, tr1ttia0411 **0. 11**1111. edthe Voir of .40 - ' fel iistltor reHfhner 'F.l1 nI 5411eE Tito*. A 1r4.11* olioand Wf,flTI Coshlsim rDt'het* this tor lirco141 mi ter, aellsm /it 3. iv*rtlor400, w ins‘trot ow. 4.00 W. t 1 V. ' 11 , t o ovfaxl d A.7 C,Iti% 6 preaeliitiX Is Pt ter by ,tedishin rtrais*e'lle,nthlhi*A0grreceStiumikxt#1 to lin trolling- worms.. No attic 11, kind taw *Port inkik:te .4 „