Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 2 (2)•
"7'74; 1".7*-111171".1"11"7"ffriJ1/2: ‘7"7"7
e, syru
t1ia 4g uiee wretcTrj ba '*t 4.- ha 144'141°0 s . /41 ttlittil, .4
0 1/1?* 4 lit tb d kept bali can be furwei1*ilea drote
1 cold state , etartre• from
t ,ve ,
he head -once.,
i' o i
. . 1 ,, adding" sr tiblespoonfaVof 44. it it owe* .,..,,,,.
- t''' . ,
and, beet until ereitioy,.puts ,
11)::els'9'n o- i -
itsAsid iin'highWay *hall he ther . u s, attekiag TO i eyes 1 cup of chopped aid Mesas. Itiiiett MI
a I*
' 'awrbs' other ligetsig44't ptht iliile)t:e%' fit*
''' the It'str,of Iodine*. sitiahs, xxx 4 1 ly hail* sts tele
Wine 9 :i. nt.te,X*41 Op* *4 wtt oiitdoorzz
e,o1. •
spoonful Of vanilla. prop
On ¥iiy tit 'vest ;he artit' I 011*(0 would-oceur rtber ozone
't c ut ratitlon
, It
4.VU6He ,, 1
r it, . To.
-who walk
thet it was. not fee leek, of p
, brushed ,theni, *side in . i
t eir .reittit ' in
mild give them atsurq '
1h' wor1z
4'. nrilttle*41.4 Cltrptinr inglt (sun etUkt: lite...1:',,leti#,,:ti'; .fi'1;111'4:4,°V.0.1:e4,:nit.1:11, it lt,00(11:714t:::'. .
• and allewed to -4'1
conittently le z•
4 bUt ',70 t 40*0,00. miles s4ste„, it ,. and. slave it. listtlicat estiuoited that'
thst rel, that. a thinking mitn:,aniutill. life hes existed, ' '441404 the ..
ads * lean, oolptliti.,epro44 .*
' -. 0 *
,,ii 4 the zinger -is 4,"• $ literit; *.jittSS,fiti)itY liorili ter tibout 1,00,0i0,00(i s'eers.,.
,v 'MOO „Priv th. oses,r, ' c ti u I ,strength- !!..44 T
- ' ,all inelted Pour ;6 *nuts which.. , . *rtIi . 104, „-4 14c41Pfterit! Consider/Able . rtfonlier. . of ,collision*, *1
alt or hitniielt o *4 little4',. ,
:t 4 komo; to,-tt,.frigl'ttfitlg pothers% ats maw lis 4W, '1', tanst, 'here
eirele.. lt .you ' .-: 'llio, nu . .4. - 30 Thezr'eves . 'hare been p ;el the liotteiri,, '
i,- ir2eret
ostifigtialWaYs yon o
' ever; periodie II 1.,.srite „w r 1.
. tea. its
' "ti 14.1..ttiq. istii.reit,of 0,1;44.4N4 (I ' .th- ' . Marslonsitow ,'r
:*.shaltow butteie (0.•rinik:414„ ',:i7.4:4. LineespiI1rofess.ok 'Pickezing's opinjeo .
.4issitifie, litnerictitt.' •I'takeitsplace durizzg that inteiAil,' I*
ent ot,heattle$e'.tribute, Ve to love. , We rof. ran sugstr,one uphil' 0141040f who first piloted out the' deo.4114N:' withont. produciug. any r.Vry
tailing 44" ill') 0 71:11,yeloo*nii. srp. Ures,balittio.044,
-iniliktpro'tmitonliorlithbliesItue Of Chocolate. 'POWLsilits4 „, whistom • INT4,1.13a,4 tienput results. ., •
ligion tX nOt4 iettutital 'matter t termed, iitit4,4(sor ..in the 1,4 tle4Stkaitt .40111ir Of., :1110' I '4144 ((patois cif' ,the tidal ef-
hough ,one, *Wif,. be religieueLhin.. it,bed114 wit ru*
' spoo. tilt, stermie(ii4t. a- hi da
Od* --vhiell t'urnie"us.:. ".tieePtitlu .4 411)314,41'
-101 the old commentators pr i ' ,en dropped in cold , , •Titlitstizatthemittics at Oka/old e was $o frtts t•f rotintits lore Ire 41 up.
' a
o peciid occasions Ana' free frozni.4°°e,tle rtufl rustsI?e***°,1"'' .11e",;'4 tie ._..- • th* • ,1144. 04* It' At* 171V40, the fireossiding-•
ougio m welef, peribils *lien one,, troll er, tole weal thobjeli toeore t ors lin 4t.genlitc, :,, . toi 4 40 t 4 it 4. .. m . le ev, that Reney,,maisseSsIcialt, Se,::: 4:4tott);:aiSitlit031: 114,14:
, ' metinatiott;.---at' 4there, -4.--ii. iielthe.,''''Instboyerwhenefver4on'tellvott:' ite - -4.-- - Incie, 74'1 fl of butter, ' ,:1,1*et the ,-mixture
y rged Tete4he exees ,. s 4 U . 4 OnnUte -44 t en beat Wilg PtrOMP,ted tee 40014 VitnielY _s4) * Man 0.1! .1.4,pitlee% IC 14(i rf 1 x *
. .
tiot be goed, tem le muirewthiri 4„,,,,,iirough, lot 400: sigt ibrius e here ttratr,,,,,,,: itiat,te.n.i. ,,,,„ 1 until crearoyit.adding venal* and; its movenients. III wok le I ' li 'tit'C..nat* i ' .1 c II 11 '
ought to ' religious while it would -- '' .
.„.,"„...4eraty, at soy others. No,reaur,•,,,every lend stretthes tine eommtin.
.. ., , we marshmallows. 'Poi* in buttered.' steitlin4 reault '...4.rthe t:t.'50(kinter eit..n:1"..t1 ei . that *body like *toilet,
.- when „passing through the .dearen, WAWA. ea43 SWeep through the entire
d': loinig life. ' ' -.
Is truly religions, who is not !diva '14113 a. 44"144174* 140, 4"4*--"' a and 41141 - 144 bead,"
____,,,„„ ttrait )1,1g *' 4114: and cut iu -*quote*,
*ng - eode -4, jut ,,,,iipproehod sheli solar isstein without deranging ,
„te igloos; - shilibeleth Save that of, le eouttliatiiin*e! --14,,,,,,,t. 11: one 113191"about
Attlee p:th ,L4osmi4siameter+ ge.gle-otti-44-,-it . 0 ae '6,, 11n5
One lotstena,lo sey that tide doe sks the way, . the life it knoWs to - tt Pi-- ''"-eirt`i• -
i , , e.
-E . . of the ..eeirth,, ouraity„ Rail& hart 4,14ess so small tlott it callnOt
014-1-V07-044#4t4,1*11447-0. 1"4"141 -1:31:11"4 -131411 -4 -*d
!eve calliterrall,others to find-
,, Te Whiten, Tic Towels.. ondered what would have hz.(ppen,I*Ppreeiibty' affect the waters of '1;40
in ' . to to stagger ,i,
node e ' 1 t o world's ani- 'If I dOtb, - or both. If the litat4,_.then, v 1.irt wif ,had the 'earth 'And the *met, (eNavirttolte-sAsheite, ,i0s;te.teotru4,ex:isuises 0 .1re
A fitintix m Either ticitt or, the lemon hulls drop them in,the ed-
adcl tko or tzblespoonfoik of tVgrrTetTroce"' actualtvive erlilts.-5,.A.ssuolin0 ikdI'''
an eemette men to have si,eert nem. pitet and Saturn) .then to derange
flan ,thet. the trwy. religious men mir 'teal, whatever solve* our 0
of -pious . eringe, doe* life* whatever bringa us" ,Ttlre,norlaioira un lc, e
1,4ele wall',;" *vfoia, 'Olie. 2104' ad it isi „whiten them won- the earth, oio a member of the solar is,4:4,,steex or to
I a hi.sh ,ami lteevenly, sop. breaks eloi-is before our eyes* ' notes on The
4leessontfwears, *t*Sth(ntit3. ttv' fsterasflibuniletlest.s., 1:47bol.1.: u,itb4e!re!rmIrint.b!ieetniVedsjie- :hallettiicelnh. beiPleilvennjt.itithtlelirellty IQ'thee;Zak=ro-tull !rillitlIntnidgi-li:Irnest enrol, in tho
at r$ gie„ 'prince -of the (lotions
ao, uses,
as in the eteedy, neneriens... lents; ,s'triltest off/ Or alut
to leiek- up, teaches us to tep e*
1 *en 449 --not . liar - r ard,.*thelegli -it be . one teth out 'oeiliet;o4,-,-Tlitiott. ili; at Iron Itelis4,,,.,,..when ironing ,rub he,1 ,eorteinoed , that their . , mutual i tol 4 Ifal4,y_i -cOUtet i• .
n e-:Childs-lirat.,*. rade, :‘,.erstoihn'etrion.;10,1tee, ..irrrorp stinkin fhlny-8:xtlintzopotiliditilotaltiveo-Ter ttire!;,..,t,vjwti,t*:- '111,471,i,- topo----infie , •
and there 'the
e01.4.1.18101V EAltt
1 1-'—
of the last
n ifore utludiog' ritur
-*fed th splrew ot,
!boy ttrillito$ tot
ries inters:that sho
• ir
Atffink- r
to certain sections o
can it become the exclu-
sion of
little ziontt
hand -ef t),
is seen.
To have felt this meaning in' ted,-totatern
to have'taken it in terms Of the in- the old
8°X8. iratite. to see that this ,,1* religion* qllettau
A•6001re of for4this, aione. is the divine way ofii„Pliarisee
tics who believe. they have .cor-i living, is to learn. a contempt of the -charge , th*
id to tlieniselvee all ,the_pietotjpAty Itickerings
.aisilie-,--Tlutstlte,;tiderilowfatr&or overlrortivrtirtir fl
'utside just *4 full and deep,as.4delinitions, and Pietures
s'the namet ie e
1. Keeping ,, shoe. of clothe*. To. in. its orbit, and, consequently, in of the eartlX. filmilar passages
v sprits..„.,..,It 4w0.41pretent. clothes troin getting out of the length of a:leer. This train turred,in isto and mei, but no On.
- . - . , ' t, Ads, to feel an impatieoce to -be on
Because man is what he is, with", one's way and at one's work when
• deeps, that math • beyond all our' these would stop us with theirt.
philosophical -soundings,. - with trifles;
heights that no seer has. yet.tully1 This is a
Untried for us, with reaches of his lest sta
int; , only dimly felt by the soul be the , o
e', religious...being, one eonscious,istve tho
is 1
d. never 'revealed to.,othere, man save Oat 40f.. -
of his imperfectioxis-that is, 0 ' loads mi. - dully to impose on:
gnater,Aud inOnife possibilitim *undies While sill *long this •ita,y Bread Baking. liO doubt
An to hint i! life is the readditgivomes the broadening fellowship of ft, W_Ilil...±:1111 :144$ found 1161-, blYea
JOUt int() the -#9 POSSibilitieSs ° l$Pirits, the. high joy of swim and' ',I0 Tieing in the winter After
In search for jargef me, in thelinspiration of an enlarging Me. . jug it °II the bz‘e4141. Ward,
endeavor to find himself he wel-1, imam F. c on. *a usually cold, To avoid this,.
phraj,be 4111V to ron
cat thought led hint to consider what wai. the wiser until long after. Some
o el, 'Lord of, witlt the straight. -of the goods. h
the reetilt- of an . actutil collision a'str000mers claimed to have uotic-
aecusa.tion-----ot the will pull them, into, shape and pre- would have been and he cenehides cd -auroral glares and -
ws equvalent to a int0d-etching of tircidas sanis th t "if so. large 4_,..b4 with ,sio-4-14- III:TROBle DISPLA ...,S .
, ,
. . be''weir itt league
rir-c/iLltr,6441,;VItes'aftti(ilittikilirerl4;8'e4-gi li: r *Iie.,..4:4:1.440411:110/4;17:lit AtitT4e**4714".14:(Ntiri; It:el - 4intttl'°‘to-i';'-linitl'ILYoe'ti'llICSI:a5:4) 140' tt74:14:14iileillityhPs°
lolling Black Stockings. .. . .. ,....
meniher the length. of time you ke 'beautiful wool to . stated, At ,t(11 events, it -may be
in*. There is no garment worii //- eo u ii - ti. u d, none °tits .will be‘aware of the fact '
to wash white oges and rub acco (I- ITS "-OltiOINAL,. (.,,,I1A0S.." .t4klY held tioll 00 MaY.18tlt 1:1"t
$, requiring the care, in dousing' as a '(.... * ell - 4. 51' not:.o.lik. , .11'..Pe et ,g. that , we are literally breathing the „
, ! blade . stocking', because. -you cans' 1 w"lketeihvignoPneere...1311tolennoweti • in
Ann tnae cotmer.„40:itittil '':.iti.'114111eyb'S co..itlietr.r ° Prom' thilit
Is af it ningtatec.e. , not see dirt is no te)48011 there isi,. '4,1t b 1 ,
$ no tribute none. D67 not wash in- 'hot 'water, nt-Le* ' . 4 -iia 8° P°inteci' °tat /* P°3411 :la' taiwc:lot thee ,1,11:SiblcetiOlttillettstt of
v 0 restrictions„ „.but lukewarm. Would suggest five ''''''14 wbien the sullerstitieels ,41*Ik!litt'ilf-ogous gazes,, tales -for whigh the
minut'es to one pair. ,,/, have had ,..„,tiget3 had never dreamed of. It ,. news..paper ere very. largely...revolt.
so' high' a purpose', new stockilig-ruined. in the 'first" titse.re earth hakci; .. "t"' i.1111)r°14ble tsible* are titterls 4 witheeit, found*.
wash. 0120 inar•roperly, and hurri. 1..t, ;some remote; Von. It is true that a comet's -WV ,
,.0,1'`.4 edly washed ruins - them forever.10i1(4 been . sitrOek it'Y 4. e°rnet"i is composed of -poisonous and Ih*-
0_119, iitingcti,400g at the viathboard. No -14/1914" °eleinig 'Oen 4 4‘hliquelY'llk:'datiniS` hydroearboix-vapore end
i'L`"i thing but good Soap and-Washboard;blebar*ed the 1104iti°14 ilt the "it - of that the at
- - 4 .- , ' ,,of rotation the north pole having! .. . . - ' ' -
War amount of tosio
* ts a success. - ~ •s,, . .11 )11 0). . .. . . ,:. 7 vapor is so small that whey theL.
t, Little Itelps.---Soften Water -4e, c'flgilui YE, e:-' Plight* he!il--- -41-iiyeArtlitil-bruete `;by the tail of 1-lal;
— -
. chase it tin One . beat it before ' P eat but do not boil a 'boilerful of point 11°t• 141;7'404 nitd.$°°,- -RV' 4 14,..'s eonset,.•tli : composition of the .
ri,.. and you 1411. neer Aud y . ater ; add two tablesPoonfols oe The rnqt°' recent •*investtgations of; atm
her tonfesiieg her story. , 'bread..chilled. • . Instead of Using , , , osphere ''' not be so affected' -
Be -is, In a few, 'reinutet a scum *11%* *IViiii "d; fl* .0"001D4rwirI,0"4" that, a them' eould dettet, it,
of good cheer---Altark inform ,,! par, wide)/ diills quickly, but me'es;'' remove with a ap001.1, then addfOls;_teli upset iinaV such fhcori• Vitunnutrion has drawn It vivid pies,
.0 that She shrank back, "fearing ',wide creek. Always heat, it ,on Ow, soap and wash' envie as for for -Soft! -,..-Aineflitiler'* tint's the 4chanee of, . ,,, , , ..„, ,s, ,,, • ,,,,,, s ,,,,, the
' 0 be (discovered stove )1 - ' ' • - a ,vollision between: •tile earth and i p;,teihie e-ste'd., or ,p;sei;g7„i.147.14;t1gi i
!ttin-ijthtirse,*111:;11:14*Iss tO. be Put to; shame' eater' with tt Piece.otiv.00mlen1 Pb144.1111%171krin:le. *I''Patter-stie'e0t/Y1c11011:,prills le" to
el-athei‘4seMietr ha3, ',,ngagsea,s' thein, tt.Fn,.._ti3O,It a tail. highly.' charged w_itt'S.:,,,espors. -
before the multitude.- But it, watt. ktt, .with the result the bread 'mit, ...,,,,,. . of many astronomicaz matneutittici es 1.
the only *wee Jesus could rid ,fierireildy to sbitke inueli.;(tooner than!. - . TABLE .1)OWTS,..
t superstition, and show her it- was *mind. A slate . Slab, anat.. as iisi . . "3 Laplace, 1°1.* t/CamPle" Psint: .47' s."efslisrthg°1:r rreteetlitrin'elt:114111;
. 'The .rewer Ten d, not on* magi
er faith that 44- 0 -her whole,,."; used for l roofing, also makes lin tx..1 The following brief rules, 'shenbi, ea the Pessibuits '61-'4 eb1/181'°n with 'otruggle with earbon'inonoside 'gas,
the earth so. vividly that "be $tarqe.41
'killed 'off with merciful Swiftness, hr• -
,e cy 'in the,telient, 'bread board,- and Van often; be precticed three thrze$ a day r.,, ibis dill end generation. lle ',drewleyartegent .ena darning loionsly to
p tp 18.34 lieldeli text, , holy•Titet*Iiwsltlin° an ,, made * whole ,t)(1 very bot and placerl ender se,witit a knife. ... - • .
., I be got, for nothings it aim 'be. iteeti Do not eat rapidly,. and never c.rat!
Mark ft, 23.
i - front --(Let liour.This e #411141,' crock or pith of dough t9, assist "0101x1 00 not cut Up -foot, in smalijAee. 13,000 or 1,4,9e0 feet high 10,1111d1!'lenQtlaridellttaohn6 °*Li.tt11t:t:r:eSt,)tsrt1i'e':Q.,tn;.i:.°Xaeti(i.:th:t:i'r4.*',rrP1:)ta1It1lh''eFr''tl?sit;br1'1'o-
4waPtiesttut.g 't 1 fa t a A ,lideati 1 whoseIt.
. . 1.notable. ' Air earlY, tradition says s*Y's1”; bread In rising in winter. • ..- '• . z es pft .tke plate.. ., ., the, world, with th re, nit thatonly
se A rider, i "iatighing gas. . No one of any
. w - . e $ . - - sk/ '
ittiC0I/V0 him the fuller i r .1 and that the iornittes name Was Wrdr-,4' ,N44t, Bread --Into four cupfuls :of' Do nOt.mair'soup noisily nor froni .. the higher Peak* of the Iiinutia14*4 t- IT ,So31801 Itih011id be Alarmed'
' (14,01.1..iiicat and heritage WA* in Caemaresi4fiour-s'tir fOu;-:teavOonftile of ,bak.;the end of the spoon. i .* .' lintt the' MP& Protruded,. Lelszkiett°113 tift'
r Of the synagogue." His _,,...;tntlei•A'Phil.ippi, aria that she waa,thore-!.irts: poWder,. eno cupful of aweet: to. tint leave spoori in teacup, . ter-en...tee(' orP4,0i° 1:47,t 40 Par. 6-4.'41 rhetollst: 6rielgonisnirreee'Sfi ttasirt 147 'adiai-
o tar6side over:Abo...syn*g6guelforeVt,qentik. 'Itit,the gate* of heronilk.'ene403d i'.quarter eupful* Or!, , Do not put :food .on the back otier'4.4011 °I the snwect 10 4. P4Terihirisously thin .ja'i ai, vconiet's tiii10
,,..Ler entCir: -06,1roisbiti,.ntainisining-llonaw in the -tooth Vinttiqo was, suititr,' one 4141 of lints. two welr,l the fork. ., , ' - 1111,teil wks iAnterlied fOlP,,,,Ilsentlit,., Oa -stars It"Ati. he' 'S000' tiltoll ii. 1
404i1, dit0040g, tti01,6 WhOlvt4)1740A to be Seen a Monument represent- R beatto ,eggs, ,vimilla flakoilng; tlIfit Do, not put . potato skins fruit. mel,Pre 3,u° ',*4141ePlY of "elettoet'!""„ wi hOot 'diminution' in brightness.
o»articipat , in, the •serricei. He ',i lux' This. steno.; . . „,..i is very; stiff. ynt into, halting pan4parings, or any waste on theitable- .which **S. 11Pread - .• Soell vas t,l,ke'z ',
rshipped Wm. -paid him such, ntalring* 04M -its -All this confesion; little hatter over tlxe to an4 bako Do'not leairelbe table until eel
now of 'high rank. . i • ea,,: Flute -players, and the. crowd let stand twenty minute*, -sitrotsi sticloth- ' - popular excitement, ttl:Atint,P,...itt: ' , , - 3) WITH ASIIES.
rc-ieicnt Itornego Ust n101 an wout!,,eas -in keeping with, aticierit.tus-ft needy' an hour until One. Try.,,is over. , public leers AS well SA Ito -could in
My to kinge; , . • i tom , Mounters ima musieiane were.,i with ,steier. ,f.. not read 11 re Ate, 4ti i6 . a soothing Article published in dot condensers ee , r, - tienglihr
daughter is'even now dead-- hired to make lamentation- and; tloriflliiii ...--One cupful of op able with yon. , ----if, - .thiretto do rrance„ The masses eS. Worked
, 'abbreviated form (it.,:tliedirge:: The crowd of them i!;, tirh'esiti.• 1 - '..' tt.
Do not hesitate take t ski smiled b7. both Laplace tinit Lotlittide : . _ , . . ._
- .
thy deuce of the jvcoltb, iota itt*tio* of ' tot of 'sweet' *milk one 'egg- 0
,. ., cupfulone, Otle
i , $ 7 ,proposterous, that • their Deism; int reeent trims ot the
;tains. , ' . oteaping teeeisoostful, of baking pow. I ',ites pihrritist'inin:/ trattetreed' its°1'nt Y:rile: '441'' 4° '
44. The ilioneel- is not dead, but der sifted with flour and meal. One no 110t bend over the. Platte, drOP-
**pet-11,4U rallat'' be bOtieed;t, is tab ern it °tenor, se,40tame. Ping the head too low, thrusting the
1 1 1 - f I ' •
That alie.wat, actuskily &Ad, itt 41 0;4`..s&on nla of melted- lard, "One te*- Ibt;t7,64.14 otiirt., 0. sitting ,wlith the beck
turned toward th person person in the
.. . ..
t nipare tile fuller stiite-
rk and Luke.
disciples.An unwieldy
MA with jesnus, but he
,_ iii, only Peter, ItInts* and
' Ian to go with blitz to the ruler**
iioutie ()lark 5; 141, -37). "body. 6 . mourners* indeed, Prixit or Coffee Brotd.-Two (cup.
O. 4 . worettirok-Xote coneernin eau* ., to, (scorn for ' his , fills of, sugrsrp,„ one ,e t4 p tut how; Do not, grasp the blade of th
disease;cd as (1) That it was regard- oret.„ the, inireole loses! /nue ,e/iss, two...thirds cupful, of or,, knife.; hold it by the Ins/Idle. .
incureblo by °Winery- 1.- the ' i e girl" iTAVS 0.,,,nly *bleep eerie mn moo And: one /eye' tea., Do. not pour tea or eolfot into
ezI r tment„ and was given over ordinary .1Sente- refer Itrati
dealt ' with by charms, ,(2) present,d the. itteounts of the
(*twelve years, to use IStatic!`a event mos 114Ve, ciotue frOln ,hird,
ironi* i phrase, she %tett, eufferee snit Luke, * physician, says expli.c'
things. ot, *any, ?hoiden*" eitly that "her spirit returied.'
an 1 ly "'grew Worst' ., (3) Viet
ronsidered -teremoxiially
vie and therefore was lusraht
. 'I from soele 5.2 -I Att*. 1- 03; I Thesss at. 13'40; ' der. Omecupful of granulated *not Illk.v it 41141.e' 18P' '
4k behind h" :s4,0stoitt es, life entered in. -Together with one.oupful,of eltOppetl Nnslisls.'wal- ,.1)4) not ‘PI*7 'ithlt fork or 4
was 4,Sitigtittett 0 °lint the three ditteiples and the parents -;nuts-, out egg beide°. light* two ono. °K .11117 other article.
of bf-r I tiorr. amounting 0011 of the shad..., Luke's tit ils sire. fills of sviftt milk. Mit Alt tooth- 1)° 11°t• tatte-liarg', ra4mithrula 11°t*
0 ' *O." suttonti soil touoing, it h 464,er, rfrOlititt-Slia,04 poirt,' sina talitelest too, heertilyt, health" 'demands
lus, serment-trery interest , compare this rairachrof,'ortehelf hour. ,- Bake one and oho- 111_11,,,Y°11t,ekalL16.11tLIA4 '1,43°, .1)4,.,,,' n),ILimers
i it to the requirement., resurreetiett with the Other ..two' hell houre in a 'slow oven, , . ',Aix ALT.....,„... e‘r .... 444 444044,4.0
.,,n, '.ore on the toneii, alike I IR ;:i•lolok in. h*re. kreAtaat , Tutta;,....,41itt togother , oProld ine.n*Plkin offerithe kne
cloak a 'tiot,ssel witkls.1 aro° troU*Iole, in aceept444 *IV iont pint, dojos, a,*.batit cupful afhoi4.the fork, will* the handle in t
t rove* 'are, no longer seriOnaly
considered by any Mitte tottronoiner.
.$131tEltAL COMM! SeAlltlit,
Sire the cisti of Laplace and La-
urie there' have been several torn.,;
*carts.- Biela's comet crossed
at, life had *flown from hee,spoontul of salt. *
spoon...4d* beaten light, one tam- *Itueet e001,• nor drink fropi
• oae.oupful currants, otieNtlf co
fiiI strong coffee, one /cupful 1411V tn.ot tiptheohto to obtain the
• fui citron, spire's taste,efour cups 4" reffinAnt of the tout),
flour, 'mixing ingredient i in order no 11" furiuthrulak trtnn
2. Jesus invairiably looked upon named; - 'brozot. alivays break it..
death *8 *eq.' .The Clt43* Nut 13, read4rour 46pfilig of lour, not', insten nankin at the
tiens followed. lulu in bus (Matt. $1, tour teaspoonfuls of baking pow
neck nor tuck to into * buttonho
tetaind0 It Of th,f,' :004flittatilla or 'lob( 'believe:les:tot' to. be the reasirsitugir* _one heaping teaspooutil or 4, 011.ot of „L„,ilsyt 'k4,_,.,t.,'Its.,nd* ,,,,Ifiten,
4,(114-4v4h- '''' - tWg' portion : of the'' rection and the life. '. ' . fileting 'powder, testsporniful of ea ',11"tist'll 113 '14.-r•°- ti,"" u°444L "14"-tue
* 1 :.thou t * specie), '. 1 4esurk, :, .
. tr. ', .$ . tee* et,. en , tilitt tigli ii,!1.tivritter ell ono upward. lielding it between
enjolned seereey u 1O,Nifr thew, up: Ritkt' systein'titt , th tui Anger.,
t touch Itia sertnent--' Iittte
tolored by' the infer. ,
or:It-knew '-' what
puny who witnesse
wo1ci.,ussiple syrup,,,
hs nukk oven. .14rice ;served vi
. lo her ities, but it , soon as it looms ky
faith parr. the *tory' in. -it ' used the spirit ,
1"..t.;1$rOgy - 84) h -
verging 'an 061118: lief to re to /it own hoot.
erotert pretzted'eloseliy . TWO blind teen sfidloired ilk
1 him, sits detetted the -swift, peetiliar ' to ilitatthe' w, th
t t his Cloak, and Per. tether of siMillir wtireeles a
tall for help. not eortitd by the antl*Is. their
roscat*.unseett.•,Alitte it:4 out* Iteve4, mercy on vet,
,„ e 0 get to th ' *eft of INivid, doe , ' " , .
4 . .
, AP xl
4 t d-
pls. 444 they., ,. It ,
ring in
k ;sr
Cloth or pn
etd in the pen
ti to1is
Collingwood and the sp(seial test
trip of the : Vanguard,. battleship.
of .the nevi Dreadnought -class, an
extraordinary. defect came to .light.
The, trials of !both vessels wort ,
feeerelly stitisfactory, but in ea441
instaitee the 'condeosers did not ass's
the earth's orbit on. Wolter 2tt,4 smoothly. tuvestisiation shoWed
When that fact was announeithet, they wcze partially choked
Europe wet, in 'a ferment The, with ashes, aul the cense of the -4
orbit of the earth' was eo fusedAresbieLt as soon. revealed.
,1101Albtr .0*Itetnento. that
with the perth itself; Such t to the .firotess insprovihg
* , tet vdesse s 'of the Xie
took it upon himself to compute the type the *ill expellers _were -fix •
pos*ibilities of • tollision. Ile through the,bottomentihe two hitt.
anted out that the earth, did not4tieships. insteed jorist the side as
reaeh the exect.sPot Where itte ,COtakil in the ease of Xing Viviird; •
t luta intersected the earth's erisit;Itze objectr the alteration was to
'Mil se nottithlitter, en 1+(ioverober;1, *void leaving a_Aitack et ash dud,
lo 'on whioh date the comet Y,7111, as, has sometimes ofturred in
ien0000 miles away. Incidentally wooktir. Adieu powdered, dust:boor ,
be pointed' Out that collision Wati'4, floated on the surtito .of the water
*18va3happily tetyfore, IEe thought il for dziys, and thus disclosed th.
that the ohence, Of, a ineetinS were ve.o.itrs wheitehouts.
tahlettt One in 141..10,flij0. VaiS"estlezzleted that by pities
en, the other -hand, thorglit that l!), the 'exp.' llervitilhe hoeors
collision was likely to takeplower', the two vessels the discharge Maas
onte in ithent'l$,000,0001e*ts- Aforitof: dist would slentrt throstgli and -
recently theentire, problem. bits' 44 Out of sight. - 13iit it now sp-
eo otundored by Protestor
Pickering of Harvard, • fly
lisiort he understends, firstc that;
psrt f the earth strikes ay
rt of the earth
used, point in th
gr nucleus.
ierag� size f * visible cosset
hart no ustanitoof a
s estintatell Oust
le corne4 Z atterasest
40,000 to Iles is000 asilas; die.
t tent.
rears that the oxpeller* Ater* Plite*
eti too, neer, the 'inlet front wbch
ing pump fed the mairi
-h. testis* sfts -
tbe dis1i*rj.d aeltret
up tato the eondesse-
thionetreotfor4oeintel ir:
probehly *re-'
bell* doefoet
lowt le*,
t»u taw* fr
,petept tbis wilt
traits' vtday their )(46114$114al.„
gortied's otoone
44 twin& to leeI*fl tett,