HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 7 (2),Aaf A de 1 vending Avalanc ; • gutted a ritive, and, bronall -engine, to dextit 14J11 Tu slide or. itiI on an ie, lie mounta south o, waYt. *PP' 'ritt r*ceipi ts fi.ut imjwLusin ikutou*. dr-Jja 44 several lam est front remote place or th nmit. ‘lt AiwePt setrat102 cgully until delle,Ited by a o , A diagonal, COAAV.53:', .3(l'OSS rt1Lin stoPei, etosgin% the fl. tik e*r the western ex. *, tv of tk,L ,vard, three,coarters, . om tho tatiw,.„ i,iteh trigine was envoi° o, ten-, d7 thc fr&?nt part of the ;zta thine) was prot ;dies It.te-shaped endiankinent olikt(tbigh. ,eNteniling,aertass t to a ecinsiderable .distanee b441k sides. Tlie men in the cab r*ginei 4,4(,rae oret Fireman illiamj.andersuan,, bh 'escaped 'orenisit •Maitipri;e 11Ouild” ,t‘ ,eAalw,ling,:thrti$284 Oislc V4*E! Ann Viqtaiing '4)4 .tu0 nonte. The engine teuder.1 .on *41442 clamp 1). X, Patt,erson 'stood, vi**rn engillfed inthe enor,nions bank f tiglitly‘reclopressed. snow. "llIsitt-' piize, remembered Adieret Patterson had stood. A reseue 'party was' quick.is4-.forliteel, and rescued hint fter ah„ hour's toil.. ife w Aal* ,Oitseiou% viten fou i4.. lei w the maith roxind-theold ugwzttd 1,tY) tit • ratutihrei t r treatiovrit'l tirOut,074,114 , -415 ani the- a be do„ riu1atvn 'enlarged eonton ina0 eatttile*os'bt'Ouft half a in4illlorlue.$ Two dead Indians, with no mar oe violence on their bridges,. wer found in the woods e r .St. Ste Olen, N, T Toronto', t 1 1 04. whes,60,per vent. n . to 44.30 in ,huse site n, ra4,k, ,Toronto, .20 side iti buyers itolur kur e t -patent', ii to $5,30" an, )*), 6 on tr,st 'Toronto.) ; -Wht*t Nu. '1 North. rni$ii:. Iay pmts. And , 1341., port*, xed red 1 0 out. ..rr ' * 04 to ..)ehe Ian .30,to 6'01 No. 3 at Q le, ande' , 4 , aside. ** , -JUS ...Propiz , tiesparen from Soih P.7or say .„Kmei hs itite y" rdiet-in the ea extdriek, who 0 it N";7ednea3ay, nii.rniu. Mr drick,had just in casIt for prj,erty Troiu -Zonis . Busli,-1 purehaserc: As the'bills were toini, ed out) in her, hand her face-ilushed. 4:When the hist yellowback aro Mrs. Ilendrick Owe a sigh., and to tile 'goer. pke oved afterward. The iwirone * ites that loy stopped her hear • Lju. Mrs. Ifendriek, who w large and wdll intMr Bra River P. A espath. from' Charlottetewn, On •Tuesday 'tight a. IeLarn OL St tit,. travel o , t1t rug (rom s Aturra re dro%'zied in tite gurray .friun 'the aceonipavued by Martin, th' team left Murray. , NOVI At IA Otki0ek to. titlyt :he ice to Murray e )4st lieen, or,heara,,of them, Wednesday Moran en -someone-, noticed . the :horse s 44 a Ude in tlae rnid4k. the. *tr. The epty,' Sleigh,' attached .!s ., 4. e 1)13 and MeLaren'. itre It t il&rtins body was recofered '4 ' lit)g, 1)4Lt JCLUr&US liedy r with (gal Amon f upwards of 43t0,t00"11004. '))and ni,MY v,Atottate *1 the national sle,en iture. Vhauld, the Chance - 1.'s inidget provide for the n solidated , fund ellarge aggregate txpenditure witiel he neellor Will have- t ril' be ds of $835, ,000 in excess of las bit service tiniate for old ago 1,11 tT PRINCE- ALRERL Juhu Mewi Pay4dkc Penalty for r r. deapatch front irinee .Ubert, Sisk., a: John M4Ci wii1kd to the scaffold on Tlviisdav •inorningwithout & quiver or the 'least sign oi fear. Ilangman liohnes of clt- gina ed, Itlesei Was in the bet of health said he was ready He „sveikzed 1$0 pounds, "gained ,40 MAW his 'Commit. murdered his employer the babes wife and mother.in. . at 001 Lake. He killed 3tra. Thorburn with alt axe, Ile Geo. Thorburn, the hos. d, and t liteNiver, litr„ urea despatch from St. S hen. , • ys: There, is doubt tlut • two Indiatis" who 'erg foun dead in their eamp'- 'at ,lvawrence `,fitation) on I,Cedricsday were'vietims of %veil alcohol. They pit liereil‘ Vriilay. 'taking with then; bottles o so,eirlled hay, rum and• cordal, *Weir is lar4y wood alcohol. The bottles nd ii "eamp. iD ItstryNE Is ti er watithe lucky iluil it er :reeently.- wipe on afish itg trip dir4 Viinada. Th1 man, , t gise his llama Oled at the State laboratory in' Concord on Tuesday, and learned thif-Tvalue the. peenliar substance, _IWith fltlier, the painter -was out on the S. Lawrence one afternoon when they saw the•strangp gray object in the water, Iletieving that it Iva. some -form of an animal, owing .tr, its color, they fired two shots at A .41Af.1 thew hauled it, into the boat. Thei lump weighed '1.4, V IMO' . WIPED -411 -F.tMIIS.A let Ftve!:'s fcrribk ries; itt I4ondott 'ile§patch -front Lortilon,„ Ont. Three children. dead • 'week and. a fourth dying it; teiiihle devaqtatioti that scarict, ft‘ v ;as roade in the lautilY of It. It. GzeFet, of thicity. The„third ;loath k place -on Wednesday iiigbt. Of" flt etildren-l.vito Ikere tak"i tn the ent r . X.0,-REWARI) 'V. r• atit Ponds Furl 10,Coagress, • despatch from Washing 9; say:rily"""a""lititetieittrtnid tslint% vole, the sult,tonunittee the }louse 1,grival 'Committee Wtduesday eeided against bestli any reward upon Cominand Peary nail Ile lad furnished fur Hier proofs that he digeovered the Nei th Pale. , doetors Iiave diseove 1 I*1. the, $1,36. A affeiti4n of the appendix. ftn Englihientist has cstinuit- ;eijk11 it* urnaniunid ar is at 1 ast 4%000 year, , Nfrthe Ontario Whert inter or white. e„, 0. le ;reparations have been tom., 1)r..:ffarriss'' tft‘Ir Of the EInIMTC -;-" e year with wit" th‘Shetteld Mr P. H. Illingworth, the new. Junior Lord of the British Treasr, ;wry, wat'cleeted without opposi.tion in the Shipley (fit Sion.orrark'Sliir • UNITEI) STATES. Three men' Were killcd in Pitts- 1iri by tile collapsing of a w The railway equipment ;es in the' United States ar flor,ded with orders. for neri • earitfutis of the „Stands::OiI °I' at, eharge of bigamy. tunpany :in the last twentyeven ytara-mnounted to a billion dollars. 134.,1 net earning • of the Amer'. tan Tobacco. CoMpany for 1009 oloniited to303,6per eent; an it wm oan stoe. k. .onthive of *Welt IS. J. P. organ o pital of over: $90,o and hh nssi .6i031rod, ininnetians.,giv itg then trol of tiro- mann It of PittAra flhn$in th .vitit141 StA, Tl,v. 'iipermakeis employt'd t • I r tempo at Sa ptia FaUs have gone on ,strikeinsym ,with the, met; at, 0103'$ F# and Corinth. Out' si e and 411‘ to ,1C 0X4 tT to; Canada West oil; 04 2, .iiud 41c for.No, p 4 *tch oirt- ut that tun, t Y A' nct u z , (iv; IA. seen on nights *lien • , io re .favorable slit); the aid inary field -glass. Prof. E. Piekering, dire'etor. of the JI*rvard ss .atory! say T cornet Is t:parsentin tiu' iwlig1tt. regiou. t. is in th. ILfl4 tlt Un, and its lie,great centre lesitles, has Ite llistre miler sys- t t „yet: at« tain*-d ittgreateSt filZt. When mikes a traversit of the sun it Will' *c attained, its maximal; brilli. y.,T1ut will -bei on IdaY tit„It sibte, all. through April,' will be t its brightest in•Ntay. ,tthI t le he i red with „a, &IT , . Mashes* ;$ light will litF iorrrof th-heaven* to atiot. c. aft4 t e seenes will . emendie're ey'A varlet haS it,, ;toted fOr its brilliant displays. . 'There 'is)...alisolutelj?. to the earth- from the come earth is going. to. shoot throu ti1 like 0, eannow,ball 'through ur ttffl(W14. The idea that sty ('mw front the `g4A6V-4 IS ridieulotts. INIten the eornet is ): nearest, the, earth w be 14,000 000 freights. ' 'routO,. s 4,, in American; 1441 Awl flow, Toront r While 1&inbi lrcached, mark. Ifog eroitinue to AOC were quoted as high forspeeial seleets, fed ane -ed; ordinary -selects were at 0,15 b„ to$0.40 fed - wife, both aged ah�ut '0 year, Cher witittlieir son, aged 9 ye found ,Aiorrovit.ted i * room in their hous *('t-rin, recent. !st,d i 0 h LI:1 4 LOC *Roky 1inS, nOwaii o ic main g now, eaupletely blocked by tJ ailerons snowslides.'and alt traii now go round .by the Crow Thursday morning a sl eu red bdetegra l-andC ktt tgle:ot ill 4: deeo;; ri rvd trees to.itehrnoadittAs 0 0 f :0 iu with Manag IL juoy- 1A1' t 1140 -el$:# 0.1',4A entirel,v Able ,ilkainage e an hattlesitiP Pose 411i41ili)Ya 1tssjide 5, and rnaUlits At !0 per tsll 0 y*-4-‘....lotalls, dozen, a etateloi:023/4t d 1 t tiaek, Toronto .15 tatoea-43 to r0e per track for Olitarioa. °Ptirtilia7;TetliaLkkeeYo4S*1:34rtieto ,1:1 to 13e. ' THE DAIRY MMtKETS, Rutter ----Pound prints, 21 to 4 *tire rolls, 20 to. 21 ferior, 16 to Itito;,' creamer 0 *dal. 20- to 23e- per Egg, au tots 01 rieVot‘ 1 ift 0 4 o . 1 bv1Iot at Baubridge, County 0 o tion of• ' one.story he Ifirm ;Lin' bave edtbrce, teamships,of 12,000 , out, from the Iti Iaud and Wolff, Belfast. .drive t nt- )fldroon, Miltown, un the o J. Blake, who I et ('ar FenderGrazed Is from Le nys Emperor iehol , ow ecape ftom an y eVoqing w il drivin be. . 0 teteedal ° xPir:i luitgUeeirifars*'Olatfril:gee:ai 4 ' .$evslci,„ :Prospect* . ii riftlY 'moving strect ;iiiearcd, t 0 fader of wi ed.tite els-Of the riage.' }'OR WOMEi )i'putsliutt tr litteI the M*nie is for Men. HOG P11()I)VCT. o --Lung (1044 ease lots: to $28.50;- short- cut,. Hams --Ligbt- to I . e awn, . .do; ---heavy, i5 to 1 .11s, .te ShOuiderS,, brealcfus bacon, lif$1,4 1)4104 19% to -29,i4,0. Lard- 10e; :tubs, 1 103,14'e. 'amptedif; General,N..toyi At headqua tiring:aft everal ,of the I thatelied` oltexiSed 5*treet ad eaSe left- the ,lient „hour or two previous .he historic reSideote Of the Rev Goldsmith at Lissoy4 the r thimoicta and ',Ilostlthail OIaer oldsinitli is to restei: ;Westur.sti; Co... °noel'. .the rountaer of emigrants (nativea Of Ireland) who left trolt port cilitr. rig, last Month was-(aeording to tic Refiztrat-Oene Wm) 015 (3s6 males ,and 230 'fon ), TItts.annual,plorighirormatdt lield by the 40. Tyrone) Fermi * wa .held recently' And WZ5 £)flC of )tuost sueeessful events kinel f the despate deputation reneenting 'onal 4....'ounell of 'Worn on. Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier 4ay and Asked that e urged for-Voterancrit Wmnen bv made tlw 'sine as for annuities for me r 6 stativlies indieater ',o- iztit live lortgcr than .men, stnil/ *lse tbe rates for annuities trr light y higher than' those rolieeted from Men. *The Prenuer promised tt elite:414er the ladies' request. M 11'E PLODED. I esoy giogitin pat:'li frmn Vancouver 514YIS: kindled under * St'tlilI) nt hit, at the.the.inter e . . * ;via and, ;Wilson • ,of dynamite used itt blaLn3g, LSig terrific eplo' -ftHt 4 day afternoon, itgaged in blast- . by debris) and lit. etit open, but not killed. He -as brought into the eity in a "West. ister tar and- taken to the hos. pkral. will die. Ile is fdrtr.two tit*and unmarried. Canadian Weitern, -1V•e; Xo. 433.:Ce; Ontario. white, 433‘. '0,n 6;1,10 No. 423c * ' ''' No.. . 'white, 4 4114. .. 3, OOe;* No. 4, .se; feed i', iititha ; 1 Flour --- McO patents, firsts 3,, 1/Vinter wh Patent, to; 453101 Manitoba t on $13.10; straight rol, , to .2 . 4 3 3 ;;-.,,,a•rlortiglit roeta4 ,k 1 -c; bran, ,atlie tario iddlings 50 to, 12 . I bran, $t).; Manitoba horb,' , .9,.`3 pure grain mouillie, $41 to $33 ixe4 mouillit, *V to $94. Cheesei etternat 1211,4 to ISne. Butter hoietsC creamery, *514 to We* ad fresh receipts, 21 to 23e. 148*, w .14,id; 21 to 00e per. dozen. ' an inerea,0 or :1,060 nten n the pri iiatl of 'itie *ad the eto iun doritig 19ti tff two'flositi st. to art--(Yminotiate the lar hip*. ,ritflt. will he gtikt,i0 Portsmouth and flrin&td :linuxenna, 'First dn)iralty, i,i itn explana roent, itnno5tAntes the kor.- . ,rro Iof ttrw naz1footilivitiork 'departtient.na permaneat. n*iyl ▪ twit, tonsi*tins of the First 1 prrgident. tlst diree tut' of he naval ihtelfhtente and gitparionentt *IA ialit t,, aerki, witk all snit alt preratati fia far, *sr* stAt..ss, Atmucgto. toi/ Xareit 16. Whet; *heat, steadv*-; No. 1 Nor( rimed* store, \ $1.21,14; red, $1.22; No..2 Uiit C-orn- 4 yellow, - w. 5010,1' No 3 eur .rn, 50/e ; NO, 3- whi o. 2 white, 45e; No. ; No. 4 White, ,47%e. 0. 2 on track, Me; No. 1.1$.. 25, Wbrat l.I; 1 to wheat. N�rtltern 14N ; NO. $.11/4; No. 3 Bran—Tri- 100 Colvin.an inm e ore 'West "Union' ospitatf ;ligi, recently reefeLved a telegram ront Ril½g Edward congr*tulating ier on her attainment of the hun. t birthday. —," . 1). (Tenpri" ot Bellinder- nty OsiWaky, wife oflar. yn. Commissioner, granddaughter of Daniel tiell, the Irish faittarator, led denly recently, The Newry No. Dow oral Distriet Countil .have las ortnnlat.ed." a scheme for the pro- vision of. laborers' tottages, at a stimated tost of 423;000. This i e third schemefor the Congested. DiStriets Thtzrd have mpleted rtegoiiatir,ms for the+ pnrdlaseof the Windsor Estate, tcar lebar, Vo. Mayo, on zthich tvre is a large nronlier of ',omit' le lattd fariuii cont*ining 500 -tit res,„ A its Commissiorr' in ])ub- 111 ,h'N'ntllr, Thomas Dosle found ni Ott, manslaughter Josephiae, and en- tereed to I are penal servitude. pri trail in the Boer (:avan) petty tuber of • 11 riot at A T ,41 , flay .0 'Will bi ate Just ..1( eft. fr,n londo» ' ays, interviewed ow the Graiid Trunk Pticific would wait till theline wait oat CoMpletpd ''before we--aettl se!ronsly on Atlantie boats." saiti the lint ought to hethrougk llead rAfSS by the close of thar. Mr.klays estiatitea that there Witt cent. increase in'ilnmigratieli into Soada during 1910 - 8.TA1.4 ihtcd Oil. LainP) Sle . tit trent- Ottawa ay Through tite tqJMett)lIg.of eoal oil I ovi r ,her dress, lira. Ilenjaniiir Stock of Riverdale 'are*. ne„ Ottaissi South, was aot hatilr btirned oulaeitilis.Y.evening that. ,died sheirtIV afterwards in the Ott'. crid VOSPite4A., endeavoring taIr extinguish. the flames Ale. Stock was, severely burned • about the 4rrAS ate aged fic opted, Tliry lived alone in a•an22211 os art n tile ins of and stet ents ree 144E003(4**v tient r saya Pit don C ronicle. r w1t114.s1. °Naptiltion's ntpiew with ris- k at 4 wayside eot and hia ,..,mttent atarrender, :and olio* war * *pondet afrptat he chateau 'which the Est. r had ottupied th di1tt he. helltroWit *4* illSt Na. r; had left xt and by th bed open hook with, whir* he had himself to*sleep. It was frt,4 "Last of the Barons." • at the adjoining writing t stle, wrote !his 'iSet,pati4a mpanion miaowed at * !Jolt httr sole remainder *14f t little eating it far 03,115 it reross the vionl snit* the, nitittiant.1 Into Vz. ;#•h.A. rail dipping, . „ . r-tilitc%1,, the thatean a atiio Wu ott'aa444 Ifspolo , s on I* lUe *AO. ' 66' r , ea.1'