HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 6 (2)• — C 'here :4,-oung mart • ence -anti 4'4,..,g3o,otly brase itt,the 1.0 -4n langttage,- -0 Itit...4211 61811'111111.'4a tliatt the, 1;4;-i'llittfk. card; Titetiai lttq' ibC1021F,Vd. 2)0 the politi(al 4 v 5•#1iPager Itate. ti;;Ititct; imaintt!‘ 4!'.0.ztlieti, too, 41.,1-tig4 1J hi, 'was„-wi?y Ion 1 • artillbirtsoff ex 1,4 (1314.1rvag;te disquietude* "Afie +tat* iStepattOwitelt, ii! t1h tinknown,."addrew:ing 14; the Itational t optima, his tirst name, f011owed 'the tristian, name , of father, tt 2 ,Ot 3:1410111410 jAageft,Sor tlirte ' a <public ' Villinglv -"A replied tite-i'in felt' the necessity otpUtting good coutifelotnce ; "which Wot yod prefer., dear -2 ottilatine , Ivan Ivan° lt, 'Let, us 3 ou Ur the -4 t igtrecs.-, 1t emotit) .elivt. tonirl'AcA t .,f4ti ai, fitt.011b''$itspieions!tiox o easily admitted.'" Viglatuty does- not tit 1 4,‘ hh 41,714t." Igss -tow Vignory siu *Iftraietilfle 1122 Lis con* .4 ▪ 'fft: rwo site.exacts • tat. hOttte i6211.4.4 214ty$,Ittl "I begin to 'think's°. ..NVe wilt ; . mutual-. , .4ptetWoning. r titoat !'a .t. ask What-e6nrse 20411 tako•.- 'Mat will pot to.yqur father, to Iriguavil mete is persuaded that alt,is satri!-, afterily .arrar,w413.. .1Vignioiv rest in at,hite ity JM kott tend to, leave them to thetr ' replied Ali‘,s"1 to-Atlay, t1iatt,.„ Intl and do,. not mean at, fait!" -eri ;the girl. .niay• speak.'V will utt- .. nie when, I say tLLt' in. faugeritnd-despair , .' icif , . to this tnitt-.1, but 'old ‘die sooner than marry'llin4 - .5.1 , . . , t at any heart be would, never..tgained atCt Toted 301.41 hadto offe1„E0.1f, , t Once ' luta a ation is but eali6ulatton; .4- , 4,4 ., tau. e stot.nbly ,‘ o ° rn "ir'rivas n t man but go,* no relief., Th and this xn .1 Attu. --- To-To;i1 sufferers from t iliou.nei***041 Constipatio them 'to try this .Charles Barrett. trial tpa. Its or I rev. ;f7ruitms hil;:morning aft f$* hours express and ain -need of refreshment.” •1 1.1! The colona ritoW,Cd his .compat riot the way front the antecliamber, aud--hrtltetted,7tortion-liis-toverceak night 0 ,.,1,ittve 9 1 vim(' ;,'Whielt""in this lei,ality- WaS so4.,m • were ,otrthe. Itoti -ioard the tolonel to ;quite sOlitfiri, the newl,V1krriVe o 1 vour, bu o lut es on at twat as cool oft, o , , i." expos= sun, i ' Ther o out o instead Of &meting an t I began thus, still.„in ;Russian Ittd this young ism ido not know' ote:_,'anAl f Itoi, 'recognize the of .51:OuriA, That as not 'so' tationed oiir ish Provinetsf while you were le general at Pet4ghcargV -ratrrnetr-tol-T--7 •itoher ta 10,1 uo,.. valets of thlre ba„1,140kitV4 1443 far,' 'tit;t4,7*it3t;t;12'1"tx-''tt.;140 - ' hi- bert.'"' .1)1"4414-e7f0T,.401trir-r0e4.1.-7. must.be releas,u1 , en and -our wOrd. YOU 'wtii nOt *. • thel* Tet' 'OUP- Atu laf iteskrest wish' 'not to *ve. at: his word of honor to be Si,- tht! deP4rtIntItt hvii Y°11A?Ttj t1 B(AillevAr4 -IfairSf,SUOU. do Uot Two in 0 th abroad-, my nish i- in dear eoNA-f. o rn te.• pas ou lIiOt 0 Ire P0P-0101tr N tAvo. bi trt4;24. t tiolutolt *et tatioo-tt17 take fAitit4000.4* 1$04 . lice., I Ixtlieve you do not sAy on think; :but this -i n't4‘, moinent to -discuss it with OU. One word, however,. no,not conte to any decision for few d sot t above all do not.deelare self. more than' *tpi va deeide wha course to knouL that I.. 4411. frlee 'you to -mor- Th ' ' I - -- '' . - d ', to 4(1-441 c Ott -;2$ comrade. ' I .sital writ - row Nictite to 01,6 if 4inotti. ug cse4,41,014:06ffe, 41,;eurpiteii,x1,,,,etti,e4nr.itIoe_euPie t ol. ..4...-,-, le . i , ear$ JO make :Fon wil4 tor Itio; AP4alter his7con;c7rti"0.0 811'ittlin7:4:.'10,g1:-4t:1)01(1.1.:,‘,.11,,,(11:1:11e:Iftili1511);.$71:-"sa'still;;wvii,411xe'rgettiY11:71,t41:/ve:111:tt: I emu/ l?erhaP8* /' 411,3' be, -abIt't to'tel-klearn4el. Their effect Villa YOU Ward the uouotoso "dePres mo‘td 1 iin t fe d a . - MeanwhIl ,, shall. I give Svu the „ the .„ _ . nee 1 4, o corn rman e roar - In° e°7-'ear'ti°107arPnr:etrAit Ou"rn'''' itt;iv to Stberta.` In truth, i]`ae feairled Pa$swerd . ,)e ng reproached for ttV rig ta en And 1,2', immured Aliee, lower. It 1220,a$Urit, of this sort of sUCh titels- her! • voite, ‘2'tart. ' s 0 4 , ,,,, ,....1 ' Ark., ,-- ,, Otk rd A A: Oi with - T . 0 e . 43r, the habits att , ;.ns of.,thOce at -vett -Id him.4.1d a After -the .. -felt 'the need of .-distruotion, h the sitlerate 'visi , • *so ta 1 et had his horse saddled' and want tt o Col. llorisoff.4ut the Boris attendedby a. groom af. • 'd to calmer senthitents. fli tet otintouncing hipintention to &tic - ,/tiger 'did 'not Ia.st long wherel otitti and t‘i, teturri 14,01)414 qllize ve anterests were at stake' a'1 late. - . . ., o, . , ,......- .. such WAS the,case now,.. for h? had:- ttis. *Atte vila$ I . , to determine a delowatv 411,itertton ou',.'. dent and had no boYf eunt)atillis'i, thin t , . . ..., o , 'hid* he felt himself :very much irt„11.-Itint to etillect In u1c. Ile Eto,i11,4 . ht '," c. dark. The proceedings of this to himself that he' ,at "anV timel.,t " ettlY- be'Y lari '"'''''''' 811 J'e°t t)Pt491911A Are-brairtesi Ifaxirne--proved tro..1),-, releaseJ from an ernbarrasstogewE'Y--tan ( ---../ 411°I ing, .110)e$$ it were 'tit'at an al -t position Iv_ liberating 31. de eat14414*11-eii14'" Tb44:/-1.1°1 accompanied by weakness, a st idiot boy affirmed. that M. tle!rool,-promiging him his. supp9it,asrt, ' wt'tkille$$ subieet8 any '11° i'') c°1kis' arnoet was retained li,v forec in rt,:the price of his silenee. And rilt-I ' 51' tile 'nue -de vi80,N**-- The "tiding in his sroo,vir-faire whiert 1.14oughsy .eOusumPtion,.. pneumonia,, uonia, apkuni, littottk -.CIAMIdtoted.Wiite .(c. Mitt* fotoptelollst Ca' -irssavotots. Boo" 41440easortotke$ ,atie *V). 379 041111'Ste W, Montrial ON '74E0 Rd Ilya 1010 upwoolool-t4 tte Clev Prescription Which - flied At AOS- thing Store -4 0 Iced to Re Thin „:15ow a Io,tep $hoW This illethoi Xt. lective. +t peel kaiiitia .64 Cold Weatber omi.Portable or Skidded Engle's. • 11, with Evaporator Task, , * no sopoolligWor *.se*** Poittt tivi it Stott, Tb Engimu' are Ole En- ixept t At44 *Vdtlt gat411!IttP At* at* of otit-timtaine4 9 MAIA99 *AI t r4t 1.1tol*ont*I VAVIPAI401. 41'4.* 1411.1)Ittte4' "3"Ilinre 74cot of the O'bit. ,atoutatittlattifiett0.4tortOttg.t.t4 0$401i9WA VO*100..: 144.,tor,t1). tit;004/ Wir.t.P„e. 611: CANAC4.44* FHAistillrjr1K 'r‘tc;:.ton;;',R v- od- OttritAt., WitsCOOVIEIt 1)1,10SitiOn, was sef AutlikelS'l it'c',itricated -him from more ,d -x- . ii t, etc. It has been kliscoveretl,-. altutist no i I tt-tt 4,,,, um seareoy gain ,, etetteace any, ix" .- $,, , , .. A 03t% ' by- Accident, that tineturti cado- 0 i . w too h9,re '-Arkti' ne.ed not -give ititu lo"ery',,, with ft tranituil Mind, ProPoY4tit; to ' illen°4);',41':,(e)p.,"',1)T::/,,kinrati'vercs,:,,I11!,: . xous esti:teem, and;t1,1,6 teconds or past the evenin ,•accarding to his' ti'll' et! es becomes one. of the most - v le, effective, and reliable Ali - 744 Um *Mk otAt akein:41104 131414410000 ANA* ' Wilt 444 Itkifebt. 144doosillsolla WIC* Ro. Otte tort Dool.1tt *too ittfp yottt low* 1* -"11 Voreititi* I • *Ott 101* finl'Or48 1141.11ootogyoor at loottrooda ot it oat tufo* forts* mot *et *pm ortOwrot it tioftsrkati,"' Emit* GOsnOtit. 4‘. ltorditot tor Alt **tom 't tooth* 0*11#* obtotts et ,104141t. 1.001144400.16mdoststivat„ii, ng Dorgeres notihaiing 'shown 'fancy. ternselves at twelve o'Clock jxt -day, there was no longer'reasOn pea them*. But concerning his prisotir, IlorisOft's,anxietiea were,g0at, Ile . , odd not keep him iudeArtitely, either could he release. him witlt- ,eaposing.hitoself to the danger a publicity, which, Ite„ greatly dreaded- To eon(' fri.nt to Iiiberia; be order for which had been; given a 22 1014 resource, did not re tdy, vything. It 'was to Cut the lieu1- ty.. . not to resolve it. tesides„, in his. Iaa-intervie w with int„ Robert de Carnoel hatd "Spoken with 156 mueh. knergy And kat/test- ,t4 that Anceeeded' in tasking, oubts in the mind othislailer:- in the capacity ,of secret .Ogert bir Russian was stecustonted to bok at affairs from all- points, and to izange hin botteriefis often as elge$427. 1101)61SeSt4K.ii triarvet 143'n1 1114PP1tnoss in turning'', iriben .e liclitkosisred himself to be in th wrong track. And he row ,be tiTio ask.rhimselt it Ise would 'art well tii‘s#sitn elirelibest VI. the .-nipliee 44 the, 'thieves.'7 That One in the banker's houso was in eague with thenViras`-.0efloin, u.,-; whatproved thiS to be M. de ea el Why not sortie otherl , 8uih ton might rest upon the -curb - ter 1hifl3r1f as well at uptin Pie dismounted at the door ef his cid); and intending to41ine-titc e;it 'away Ids horse *11(1 grooln„* • e Loonu ne'so gilt, 4 plit A, at a whist table, stud that notitii uld mar his satisfaction' 'se La unusual good -luck, and when he rose to retake Iiiktoilette for the ng bad •won aY0nsiderable sum. uito his ha it to make np 6016 in 111*0 °1;* 'woman 1001/Patti's ,,Or flesh making medieittes uown to science; It is especially refie'ist to men and ,SVOIllen ton the ages„of sixteen and fifty- five. *Ito from lack of proper nerve, okve Arid digestion. 'rentainplude-' 'I. -eloped in' body, arms and bust. , A well rounded symroctricat liarty here from four to tax; and iniheldtbl • 411P that eothialt de e 018111' °Araiu-'4 Atid srs veittambre nab" in"s elf.Viti- tZt brinehim his dregs 6,v! Tie teidet vIric' vas* .to add irn'tr)i°11Y17;11tlshtate"'ening,iin:trsitrbegi4,,41isyalab was putting the finishing tooth, to thisloilette, when * cardiiirritlf toirt$40, of any well rit0A-Ni was plaeed in hit hind from a :gen- 44_,,,„ vrtt, wmieri to s,,,,sik ,with druggist, three ounces oteisetice of ii-Rizuraitait ivorines74 'rhe' name and three ounces,of syrup 0 .103,,,, unknown to vo; and the otrall'y'r rhubarb in an 8 Otince borne, nett add One Ounce compound essenc had a peculiar mark in 'the eorner. cardiol L Shake and let, stand two Quito- ,surprised to 'see this Irian whichcueve‘aostontheleersutozor44 st5onlYbo'bor at:i_ntiiittikritaltiotlieltiretiptIontlendell'n(rottileltrld4111** 1411/tke well avid' take one these 0.144:. If' *_.,, 00,,,t_rtv, LI Stlign 1. teaspoonful before each meal, one the e°1°"'el ttw' eR , 1,!"' w• VI -1"4-t alter ' each Meal. Think plenty' of not dispense 'wit wog studieneoetweok betwten mesdr, .4nd whoa ,atatts V r , usoS ▪ 4444 • i44.9 Sit '‘-is ?rte 3CA 14E01 Wikti EirtertOM: **Putt Pot 1.4201 riNtitiottr • The reatAVe.4 Li e . t any Com I - In Ipso the Pad • or e make $0,4e4 2(0 00 -the re'.laaitill ,--cecure year by any Company. ), This. piounnence is readily pLmd tn Tilt. Geat Life high interest earnings (7.0 p. c. net in 1903) au dde&* to lowtczyten. * i the relzult is -low, rates ano untqua1Led jroit to Policy:: . hoide Write fftr-boo iletaikt of the to Ilia man 104110 0 use of thisirttitine„Ke 0 up :got treemont 15ifint and ,tould shorten ,4he ;Inoue, 71, tortaiurty Itom tiot Itiew thbitebt l'eellled 11°t one to three 'potinds will be sildod, 1001 - worn* of his afttes:iti.ors. to the weight etteh week, and -Allot gerterilltealth, will *lao improve . , 4 178E Or reZENWEIP1411,'S- 41) Genas 1*-1.los Skin' ad restate Itaspesillaleu r • of debate trtedkol su- thrite are xiow agreed that zcina And other 'Ain diseases are not seated in the . blood, but are, *usedby germs in the skin. Ky. -riods oftnieroseop'ie animal's gasys the fleih . just below 4hel.epidermit. lit patient is perfestli healthy, only thd skin 'that is diseased. tketh, stientit,ts are now *greed Lot you must ture the skin through e skirt. The medicine, must be in liquid Tit in order to penetrote proper. holVes Hand oirittitents„ clog s without- rrothing the in- . . 'The remedy 'that willsearch and tlestolf the ditLeaie germ' ss th itch and soothe, the healthy n is that, mil& dears Mrnpon iviitergrtert, talyrsso etc., known as D..1). ript instant .you wash with t ngh.juuIyoAt will find the' itt 1,353,rpoapoo • 1,495,soo.00,t9o1 4.. • 1,611,Ecoo,1902 • iie41,100.0o 1903 .,...,1,81040M061903 .1,011,000.001 • 2,079,260.001. `st Steak... gave,your buteher; cut * round of steak one inchithick,1 sod SS mueb as the number you serve. Season with, salt and Pot)* Pe. Pound as Much flour into the. asteak on both sides as possible to get in.' Hove' your spider hot with fryisr in it, and put the steak in jut * minute to sear - over, then turn- the same, theit turn' on water, and let cook slowly un. tenderAdding . water ** it ooks down in order to have enough for your gravy. Pork Apple ?ie, Make s fairl rich paste And 1ina shallow sews baking pan. 1111" with Pota iui sliced iipples and *dcl a much 421. got st# the -apples need. Cut two slices from * pound, piece of volt ,poflf "and ,tut that into thin slum. inp1 and spreod over the arriple, Thast 1iht1 with white pepper, be. sore that too much ix not used:, r cover -with Ipate and bake; e fresh And partly cool, but .1 cold. • lit 1)11111plinAl* with * little sal 1447 411 11 3,284,940.001009 ,0,300,000.00„1900 iistortoos "Noir& 1. 'Apourapeo Asa*** ?row. 1:899 Os) $ 901,000 $'22,054.0019,00 fit*',500 13,60.1.118 101901 , 88* lova .20,1994 4.391903 tt.41, 106, tit ifiefr 97 *4 40 41l2 1 # tioti 7-64-- 1 ,0,41,8;,06 • ' 10,310,500 3O,71141 ** toosist,1 Tratilet Etatmoileaffit **ewe_ , . vaa tor Aaesatcl at **rep riitarp 88* •,• 10 ..• 3:1,410, A.*. ., • *** 4 *•',1 i 41i4 4!4,* 00. a 0.1* -Mi. al- *ala aIt O t 000,4 O, ,a$10444 A10,370%, **Oa AtliEllee J. *A I. ti4 $11•**.110‘foo 3, . . reistruit. • 14 flrs4\ *me 14fr *004 a 12144446 ,w111 ilwe Oita* , FvcL NAL unt itsEaUN till