HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-12, Page 1;astr t,wr,a�ataritiMeear nr; t Vol. VII. bmixtivrATONS,trfiNVIROVAWMCAMIttra.TtgiNGANUSRMAIMS l'.tt()PE1tT.. LIST. • 1-10'"i 'LL reef l ' l.'t Itl+'N 1' PA.11,M •:f utter brr oact,ilr 4 e uu«!salon eA Ste a ne•ur v ti3O of LYo.. r Apply to V. Li 1 I 3„i el- ttot P ;;..e t .1, qo goat l: 1059. • FI illi SALE OR '1't) liXCIIANG.h; Mr other property, two houses awl two tots •u the town of 4V•e11.1vnd. A :pl,)' to J. D. Ellis, )i isiuxa Ooriirt Bailiff klell,atil, UC TON SALE OF FARM AND t ; COGIs.—there will be clitore l for to.de l:1 delis anetioo, ou the premises, (01 Saturday, u:tobor :t„ IMO, a valdhale farm of 10d acres, to-, vroperty of the into Philip Rader, being lit 19, `,ante se)rluda?V, tlesueu line, flay. Where aro .45 0.01:0,rliiar(vi andill a good .tato of eRlticrt- riou ; three good wilt, good dwelliu hone., gond) hank barn tnd good orchard, :r)lore will also b„ quantity of Bray soul by the tun ani ra large oils of reasoned honker thud u lot of stock Sal l ot11(o'clock a, 1(1. All persons having 'inion .t,aiust the estate aro requested to present the•ua to the lrr,ler,,igned on or before day of sale, :�rw on 1fAa]1a, Eol A11)T W.mwAsrs, Executors. Hay, Augus1.5, L850 IMPORTANT N OTIOES TAMES ()KB, COUNTY AUG`l1.ION- 'lee y neer, Sales p •omptly attended to. Days of ;arcs arranged at this °dice, .; ,TON +fY TO LOAN ON BEAL ES- ' tate for the Huron A.: ?Erie Loan Savings ,society. Lo' rates of interesi. Apply to John Spackman, Exeter. 1.°14.EY LOAN ] [ IN LAItG E wit .mall suras o'i tlrst-rate security at mo- derate rate of interest. Apply to 1.3. V. ELLIOT, Solicitor, Exeter, '1tthNovembor,1SlO. tf V'lVTONEY TO LOAN UN PIRBr.r- Class Moitgagos on Real. Estate or for building purposes, for the Dominion Savings d: investment Society, of London, Ont, for any +-umber of yours from one to twe nby. Apply to -1-111h. SENIOR, t'hotographer, Exeter. NT J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- o borne and lI ibbert Mtutvl) l firs Insurance •':olnpauy, Residence —Farquhar, Orders by :'nail promptly attended to. S. OA11PBELL, PROVINCIAL Lancs Surveyor, &e,„ will Lo at the yal Hotel, Exeter,o u the firat'i(aesday in each mouth, Orders for work left with Mr. John Spackman willreceiveprompt tttontion '1 W. HAMLIN Taxidermist rind Naturalist. Boasts and Birds 'Stuffed and Preserved in the most approved Ketyle. In stock also a largo variety of Pictures, -and Pictures framed in the best and cheapest style. Main Street, Exeter. 8 m 'FIRE EXETER GREENHOUSE. All k:n is of Window and Bedding Pitant3, l augin•r Baskets and Vabee filled to order. Cabbage, cauliflower, celery and Tomato Plants in season, Job- bing Gardening carefully attended -to, Canadian and American )fruit and Ornamental Trees- Orders solicited action e'uaranteed. 1$7,4 . MURI)OCH. and esti PI -10B TX x.'_',`IRB INSU1tA.NOE •C0411P'Y, OF LONDON. BSTABLISHED IN •1785.' Agency established in Canadain1804. lJnlimi- 'teo liability of all the Stockholders, anti large "4leserve Funds. Moderato rates of premium. JOHN N. HiYYDO1 iN, r$OBT W TYRE, Manager- Agent at Exeter. E MOVED—IL JUN SMAN, -DEN` cSIST, basesemoved :to reaaneori's !3'loaik, xthroe doors )north' of Carling'd store. Office „upstairs, OHM H. I:1YND111AtV, ttrt • :ACCOUNTANT., COMVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND IN8.URANCE AGENT, moneyto loan on mortgages, motes and other •securities. Rents and accounts •collected on rea- :sonable •terms.:Tneurnxaee effected in fiiret-olaas Oompanes at rrevsonable rates. 01ice—at i)r. ;Qyndman's.Main Street Exeter LAKPe, AUO.1'IUNhiliat b'Ult ..d:1 • THE 001INTY ©,d HURON. ALARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY just received for invontment'on mortgages et /tiler cent. ' IEEI?l3,-Wag. ETEC., DRAWN %on remsonablettermg. 14- R. A-BBOTTL. D.S.,1LE.0:D.S taoh• traduateeflte alColiegeof DENhL SURGEONS. Office over O'Neil bank, andoppsscte Eamwell 'Rickards. i\TL T.CL1tt�E a ' IY� THE ONTARIO Loan and Debenture Coy ((OF LONDON, ONT.) 'Have removed to their row ofdee, Corner. of 'Market Lane ..and Dundee Street, next door to tithe ' tfolsons 11.1.ank, and are receiving regular monthly ,rontittancoe of English capital for in- '"reStmentein mortgages on Ileal Estate. .STRAIIi'H,T LOANS Ar 1 and 8 Per tient according to the Blass of security offered. Savings Bank Branch. INTEREST ALLOWED ON D1t1POSit'S. Apply pirsonaity h1' r.'v letter to "F..P U L 13ou,loll, (Mt- doth 3(1110. :+ratEAn Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, August 12,1880. TUE BENDER FIENDS. ( but Kate killed hila with the hatchet,” "You all left soon after this?" "Yee; they got ekeered and all went away. After walking a few miles sorno men took us iu a wagon and we drove into the Cherokee or Chocktaw Nation." "Who were these men?"" "They were part of a gang of horse thieves, who made the house their bread -quarters, and they rue off the ,horses left by the dead men." "Were any of these then there during any murder?" ' (f think so, once ; but can't quite remember. Some of the horses were drowned in the pond back of the house." "What did you moan by ]fate killing a roan in bed with her?" "fie was oue of the first ]filled, and she got hien to go to bell with her, and iu the night killed bila with au axe and noted Lydie, Sherman, of Connecticut,' put the body in the bole, but got only or the ancient Borgia. • $4." f3,.iug asked dr she sheulci lie .called "You say you did not help them kill 11rs. McGroggor or Mrs. Bender she any one ; how could you help it?" replied "And tatter will do if yet be satisfied, a: y(,n be dere to see Mrs. Bender." "Yon have no objection to giving the history o.yonr life?" "UIt, tic:;, fur the Sheriff has told ms that ,I as o,be tree, and not to go to KKOSHn w tt be ole mat. I never did kill fro one, anyway.:" "Wore vo\ married to Bender in Kansas?'," "1 was a w low, and he married me at Spt•ingfiek1, Bl., at the close of the war. I can't remember what year, but Squire Sedan tiet'the knot. Hisname then was Alexander IVIcGre:geor. He had four children, Jottu and .Kate being of the number, •but two of the boys had rum Off. He was* nom cuss. but we lived abont several leers and were then sent by the .t,)nnty to Franklin county, in south -west 1Vl,issouri, where 'my sist- er! lived." ' "All this time you went by the name of MoGreggor?" "We did stink to tbe natnz iia'ntil the old man went to Kansas and took up a homestead in Labelle county, believe, when heehanged it to Johu Bender, and after about a year John„And Kate came alo•ng,.and then the devil begat to be plaited.” —What do you mean by that?" "Well, there was horse stealiE', t-fii'viu' and killin', and all that." "Who was the first man to be killed by the •family?" "He was a sink man named Brown. PAli'ilAl r:o?:1!aitSli)N oy AN OI.A WOMAN -- A r'>l,ti of ^1r.QUAi,Li.92 HORROR. • The Fremont correspondent of the Kaersaa City'. Imes describes an iuter- vic'w with the wire of .john) Bender, lately c.,ptitrod i(t Nebraska, as 'fol- iuwc: — "Ae Mrs -"•.i oder talks of one she hitches her chair close to lours, and n and then allows 'h Ga' trernendons pa wt to r(io)t"On your. shoulders in n loving manner as she Janglts and eayie--"Oh, 1 tell you este was an old who w entice people to their bed and risen have them dlltlett" As alt actor, howevi•r, she,,it on the .cine Men with her intelligence, and little knows what elle has said to -day is Huh fleieet• to place her name (alongside tho "It was always thought thee' (were only John. Bender and wife ayi 04uhn and Kate in the house. Tli,V tya another old woman who was !Ili hus- band's mother ; she helped th m do THE C, P. B. NEGOTIATIONS I11I/ EalG. LAND. . -- SATISFACTORY PROGRESS OF THE AIISSION OF Tl'Iiii CANADIAN MINISTE1RS, The London oorrerpondent of the ,Mail says under date 9th:—The ne- gotiations between the Canadian minis- ters and the English capitalists for the construction of the Canadian 3 acifio Railway are progressing very satisfact- ory. The aunouneement in certain Canadian journals that the mission had failed, is entirely without foundation. On the contrary, Sir Sohn Macdonald and his colleagues are meeting with even a larger measure of seeeees than they anticipated, and they are tanfid• lint that an aereetaetat, setist,tctury alike to the Canadien peonle aid to the gentlemen with whom they are in treaty, will he arrived at before long. rThe London papers with one or two exceptions, treated the subject fairly. A.n ennrmoue amount of capital is now Reeking investment here, and the pros- pects of a favorable bargain for Cana - (la see exoelleut. Many leading public men on butte sides of politics are help - He came along oue afternoon (the ing the Cauadians;'•and the Imperial house was a good sized one and on the Goverument is taking a lively, active, sign wes''groceries' out side the door) if indirect, part in. the negotiations, and seeiti',thie wanted to stay. We :milt him 'and the second uight we got him up to eat some supper, and while seatetr at the table old John Bender let hint has the cellar, where ;fate or John killed i.im, and tine next day they burried him in the garden." -STILL MORE VICTIMS. "How••iong after this before any one else was Bitted?" "1 don't:quite disremember, but not long. Two men were killed, end one of them, whose name I believe was something McGruly or McGrath, has vt-good ileal of money—at least John t01'd me so." "Do yon remember about a whole family being killed?" ides. I do. 'There was a man and wife.rand two little girls. They drove upin.•acovered spring wagon and want- ed to :stay all night. Kate Bender saidileey could stay. It was about two otelook in the afternoon, and while at supper et right they were dropped 'through the bole. Kate. and the old man were below, and the man fought pretty hard, but they fixed him. I was behind the curtain that night but did not pall the trap." "What about the children?" "They cried terribly that night, and the next day a man Dome along to see !thein, and they were trilled that night." •.•-. Derperate Attempt at Suicide. ONER 1N TUE LONDON TAIL SWALLOWS A QUANTITY oft' CLASS, At noun on Sunday John Cochrane was taken to the Police Station by his wife and aubsequeutly remanded to jail on a sparge of being daageroue to be at large. He had been dltlitking for some time past, and was soffrliing from nervone exeite'neut bordering On deli- rium tremens. It was just dinner time when he was placed iu No. 2 ward at the jail, and he was dealt out a plate of potatoes along with the other six prisoners in that department. He was surprised when handed a apoou with wbioh to peel the tubers, and asked. Svhytlte(prieouers were not provided with knives. A uliuute afterwards he arose and walked into the water closet, and when a fellow prisoner followed in a few tnoneuts he was found with the j blood giishing from his mouth. He had iu his hand:a few pieces of a fratnelesa; ullrror,nsed by the prisones while shav- ing,aud around bis neck was a harmless scratch from which but little blood oozed out. It was at once surmised that he had attempted suicide by swal- lowing portions of the mirror, and this theory was borne out by Cochrane's ackowledgnlellt. The turnkey land jail physicau were called, and owing tct the startling amount of hemorrhage, and the nature of the case, all hope was abandoned of the unfortunate m'an's re- covery, Nearly half a galla'a of blood was vomited, Dr., Payne wall aunimon- ed by Mrs. Cpctirane as a least resort, and mads an examination of the would- be suicide's throat. Just, as be was turning to leave Cochrane had a violent vomitting fit and spat out a large piece of glass two inches and as half in length and one inch in width, 'which bad been lodged deal) doavu in his throat. Bleed- ing hail teased at aletre hour on Sunday nitzht, and hopes are'entertaiued that if infl itnrnatiuu should, not supervene he vita recover THE TARIFF IN ENGLAND. 5111 JOHN A. MACDON4LD INTERVIEWED— SLASHING. DEFENCE OF THE N. P. London, Aug. 6.—Sir John Macdon- ald on Monday received au important, deputation on the subject of the Cattf►- dianitariff,from the Manchester Chamb- er of Commerce, representing the wl'tole of the Lancashire in.1ustries Sir ,john in replying to the gentlemen, eait'l +rhe tariff has been adjnated on the p tineip• le to encourage English imp �rt'a by placing heavier duties on iimerican goods, but the Englishmen were pre judiced, and ignored Cana divapecul- iar situation as regards the United States. American rings grad corners bad completely crushed all attempts to introduce manufaotnre,s into Canada, and would have oontiv.ned to do so tin- lese Canada, by her r ew tariff, had en- deavored to prevent it. The new tariff has already forced the Americana to clamor for a rEcip rated treaty, which previously had been contemptuously refused. If Err gl•etnd wanted reciprocal privileges she enlist give sometbing in return. Wit}( oonntervailing duties in English mar trete, Canada could Always afford to m el,e 10 per cent. difference "How were they killed?" between English and foreign goods "They were berried alive. Old John In conal'talon, Sir John said he did took one and Kate took the other. not tbi'e)k there was any itnmpcliate chancre for a rednation of the tariff, but he would willingly receive any sngges- tiov. and remedy anyttproved injnstice. Si'- John incidentally proihiried to equalize postal rates from England and the United States to Canada on sample parcels. Sir John ,Matelortald's speech is ncneirlerrd to be a most slashing de- fence of the protective polio*. No 51 pure silver aro being token out, %eaglt- ing from 00 to 150 lire., and worth from $500 to $1,000. Two of them are on exhibition at the Compauy'e store at the Islet. A little boy, named John Sweet, was drowned in the Grand River at Cayuga on Monday. While in bathing with two others be got beyond his depth and took cramps. The body was re- ciu'vered twenty minutes after ate going drawn, • Mr. Scott's threshing bee at Lobo, has just turfed out 62 busheta pert hour, and 36 bushels (wheat) per acre. Buie at very nearly a dollar 'aa bushel does very well. Farmers of Canada - remain where you are doiug so well, The remains of Mrs. Stonehouse, 'wife of Geo. Stonehouse wbokept store in McGillivray, were brought by tz, T, R , from Seafortb where she died, to Ailsa Craig, from thence to family buryiug ground in Lobo, for interment. A nine year old girl, from near Lon- don, England, arrived,,a,t London a few days ago, all alive. Sh ,h•ad the name of her destination sewed on her bosom clothing, and she was safely forwarded to it: `. Writo 'to the Revd- W.. Sktkinsore, Ailsa Craig, send stamps d get all the particulars about that It.old Irish lady's salve, which is said to'be doing such wonders in curing all manner of open or running sores. II is now (sailed the wonderful salve. Hicks & Co., of London, England, Report the sheep and cattle market as still overstocked, especialTy •by United States shippers and those from Schlea- wig -Holstein, in coneequenaa of whish there was hardly any reaction from late dull rates. D0'MINION. Ur. Calvin, it<l. P. P., is seriouslyill. The annual rifle match of the Duffer - in Rifle Assor,is,tion oommad`oee to -day. At Forest., itlr. Althouse, who was injured on ?.+'raday last, died Sunday at' 5 p.m. The ins -ease of revenue in July this year over 1 he same month last year reacho% $1337,799. J. W. J?riestly, Esq., J. P., has. left Lona() n, and has taken up his future resideence at Ailsa Craig T'he carriage works, stook and hnuse hold `iurnituro of James White, Naps - were destroyed by fire. ]neared fur $2,000. Cattle shipping has again revived at Ailsa Craig, over 20 oars of sheep and 'Jxen war.i sent to Liverpool market within the last few days. A. young man named three fell through a hatchway at Gurney's stove store, St. Catharines, and broke his wrist and injured his head. At Brampton, a match of oriaket on Monday between the Guelph and Brampton clubs resulting' in favor of Brampton by one run and six wickets. Mr. Thos. Burne, the St. Catharine's ex -Police Magistrate, fell in a fainting fit on Queen street on Sunday, probab- ly overpowered by the heat. In East Williams as young MoLan- ghlin was cleaning oat his revolver the other day, its contouts left a hole in the palm of his hand. The charge went right through. They hollowed awful, but finally stopp- ed, an.i Kate came in and said the damned brats were all eight now." - "Do you remember, their names?" "' L w o t ''r a e rCl hA m 1 S e tlike k tlf O e ,g G rtr l3laekmore." (The name was Lott - ,there, and, blit one of the children wait :found "Who `rea9 killed next? • It . Yorlt, I remember flim so w;sl1. ilo was such a pleasant mart, Katie Garland from Sitrt000,whn was with site ehiHkers and nluslaoha. It i on at, viol t to a relative near Wilson's d b he1 f Two daughters of Mr John O'Dono- bue, of London, late of Luoau, were returning in 'their buggy from the London railway station, where they had left their father, when the horse ran away, seriously injuring one of tilt girls. The other escaped unhurt. We trust the intention dour leading townsman, D. II. Craig, Eerie may be soon and fully oarried out, namely : A enn neer hotel, tt driving park, a bridge across the sauble, a lengthy spade of deep water for boat racing, and • beautiful general pir'uioing summer re- sort. Ailsa Craig is about:•tho plane when thus fnruished to attritot eacnr- sioniets from all points. AyonngEuglishmau named E.Tyson committed suicide at noon on Monday by tutting hie throat with it razor. For some time past he has been very des- pondent, and often stated to his friends in the boarding house that they would be well rid of him. After dinner he retired to his room,where he was found ebortly afterwards with his throat cut from ear to ear. He to said to be of a good family, and was in possession of a considerable sum of money depoeited in oue of the hanks. Those who know him say he is the victim of early indie- cretlon. The Ottawa Citizen, in a note in re- lation to the non-publioation of the revenue returns for June, says, "As a I matter of fast the Gazette returns do not and oaunot give the accurate fig- ures of the revenue for the montb,that is the reason why the returns for June are not yet published. Jane being the last month of the year and a good deal of stress being laid ou it as a means of of comparison, the figures are not pg- lished of course because they are not perfect. In the next Ganetts it its >g ti improbable they will appear. t l A g»eer ease has came to light in ell west end of the city of Toronto. A. w mornings ager, a milk woman saw tilt Pe men digging a grave in an oat field,t4 1 north-west of 'Trinity College. 'Tel men saw her, and, taking up kink spades, loft. She reported the matter l to ties police, who kept watch near the opening for s couplehof nights, but no one returning, the grave was filled in Monday It rneaanred five feet eix by two and a half feet, and was five feet in depth. Various ttonjectures aro afloat, the one ginning most credence being that the place was intended for the burial of some female, whose, oath had been oaoasioued by abortion, .\ it was o o'clock aboutfiv Dol t, "l if a the ruing i k when the men were seen at work{ but tbe fact of their being seen, itncrithat the neighborhood was alive with the- matter, tbe men did not revisit t e' scene to bury the body, The plaoo se. leeied ie an Ont-ot the -way one, and there is no doubt that the (reeve was dug to cover op mine iad load, 1'he police are we). r e; up the Weer. Mrs. Merits of MiGiilivray,was dung- eronsly hurt by b,:ing caught under the buggy of tier runaway horses while re- turuing, from Parkhill. Her girl who was with her was only slightly bruised. The first new wheat sold in Miss Craig market brought $1,61 per 100 pnrtndt. It was delivered on the 27th of July, by 1'v1r. Scott of Lobo, and sold to Alexander & Robson. At ]Fingal the Rev. Mr. McCarty, late of Parkhill, fell through the stable loft to the ground. and be is now suf- fering from internal iniuriet received by the fall. His bark is rather' serious: ly hurt .also. 'l'bo steamer Emerald went ashore et Vail's Point. Two steamers went to her assistance, but owing to the un- favorable winds it was found impossible to get pea" tier. They made further was to rainy e,v when carne, and axe t,etorl", while playing with rtnrth� 1 tfiorts 00 Nfoteleyr, t t)tt vet it 41 ''nod deal of nr ao' y when or Mlle t ir•1 near the clean fell in and ! The new fiat at Silver ,Is?et is stili they hii1 it hi.ns. IIs fa,ttgll ; Bard, tc,o, Was drowned. I creictit;g wonder, and nuggets ofrxlmoe .