HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-10, Page 2 (2)rr.iz
'iperuzutu. ito ,t 10.
" .4heittillesits, c behel 1 i ..vi sl e .y,
. the ha
lend tali. t*bleArrecmfu, 4
hiit wondessworking.' with 1 -I
. •S''-' .tlieussti
... r - • thr
,y4levieldikeilw' 4.tioulinidit_ xli,,,,,..e.iiippeo4Vrt,a, tto
• with ta-4 tAblespoestfuts 0 ' 1.1
' tbs.' praeti
a ne ir,,s, natitrally raj- 3
te.,,,Ator,i, at, to- ,wli '0 Er99-, ,-
rOte vengeancelsefore the time '
ts Isfortr the last„ind ents
voine atS the M4Siasjiidge to
cut) Of - sealded, in'ilkt over all'
lt Anil ,, pssitiers , tItSit ,jsrasluitItysis -- -
Iniporacily ads/14in lisquarter teaspoonfol
. Many itwiness*ais, -, , .. • .
st,tintle ", a, little chapped ' tiatsley.;
tent ft1sf d's reall$ li..etiti
-. uller setelint must -stie ppa
health, th, and endu „ .4 ., ijakil,0800 ,,
ith this; says' there were. two. thou- If .yost do i erve7 on fielleatis -sliees s.,f tf,4ilst....s
'S'auee 'should . be ooked . in *
*nee. The reoul, Ins experimen '.61:4";tir, doubletheiler Afteen‘ nuta Itreli •
s --The.Y *ere fetdink* ifar ONJ daintily ..k tuQ!„
0 , (104 op u largo •seal o hesrmountainS above,.E.hersis. l' ways, or if Vou hav
tritt le hip, in th Lef41,14- the e t pitiali e tore& trtutt 't1 1e'
I.: The demons besaughtsliiirt-.--11to get nm .t stile einerald andt, $alneee L af Iwii", pound tone
*et riroSe t. a',greater...ecitis
, a is rts .eslt.„, V., 29. ' n Of mask ms,el' souls i
. , . ,, ., e eared their doom was At,' issa.1 tinted sample • *bargain lsinti. sn'erisse toe.), eggs vivp.bgaten, itoni,
timi 031-ro t40"$ or P09141414 Ile %Ito has a really healthy. Eta ri"tating OWVers.! sPringS: Of -aetnt
lion, • .atut. . 'nel that' he , wiiis- to !eonsign:that loot nieer than they feels.why letlespseefoles,utelted 1)4tter, One -Ng
',3iitr-j than. (Wen itti , 00 Q ach **el. -et' thinks ',silt. The heigb
ss, joies..... goesi ..smanziers• is to be Ono* *1,i.- ,i, itai:a1:f.T..itic . orlrit.',1,-',...,,,,i4t9,$.13°117,,,I: athetnlipbrItnI4ilelit'lleliv:igt‘inliti,r-::it: ,litll'iL''OY.,9114,12i'l'A'44Say*'4 ' ile4e *104. thli,r*eel, Itg:,,iv'p°0611,p0144i.,!`Iiibitl'ae.,.ii,44:::eii,'.it-tttre3)N$.11i.3tc4ell' . .
0113* Of: t4Ont. ' ,Thei ." ii6rfc'etio. of ' tive. gond, 44., th."1„
ed hint. to: Snd' tlifIn info hisr ' triiPtithSs in Pre:Paring ,
...., the.
butter ntil
• s,? ,tts,': ' eatttsSalni'en, rub in.' the. - u . '
oU .0,tvi,patsley t, tat •Cheli fine the
0. al, $e3W uga ' oRItsseisSod iriorak n)a,t.il he-tiever to think If every, you %outseIf . Of.atf*nes ......., ' '
toilet, oaps.11
s. '2.. *-00--s.),-tare :foie:ibis,: .twa
ti.o..8:,,,,v. .i.ilfd.,03' .,,cit;d: :. xigloee,suw,:int..0iitILa. vstt? n.,-ao*:rg.tideci4rhastrs‘t1.41; ,e4:::**.Etsyilunt:iovt14::, )1)ili, b.oxito ,i-ntli"iftts,s4004.Tre;gnA.,,ith, yott',,,k, . . 'Part 'snioetli, .be4t hreml ttrumbs. Vel(4 the :
•I'Verit•iritti,the • twine , ".f4r. ,On. Ore:se and -stir into the. eslinon: Put • -
• e. I as. the Poles, easier !baits' '-to in Inittered baking POWtler cans And '
, . zliertilltIllts to analyse his sWiatitnetstis 'Silwn I,i mit for a, long ,itallst, • ,1.110.-:•,• $001e-aboves$0 dernOrt-poest-iio iget there ,re.as .enneerneo: people Asians <one hour. Set' aside to be- . •
, rt s▪ s grersre ,,weiglissestitsa, .1411.--pounit., of ,-paYs. st sood, 'or, better. yet, begin to .do
s. :,•., •:. .rpottian- of Pill..i ' . . sme piese of helpful sserviee los • etIl.s.lhvehdatd,;61:411(10-theistime;s114, into. )i• l'.n4ili th,Pir.9ttn- lanndry sal toilet ..eisine'Colfi. Saves Tor sAlmon leaf:, .
. c
eiitificittion as the scene toapS, Of conese,,,gisindineth.ofdia 044. eiipitil of Milk heated; to beil!';
(1446, replacid le is quite likely those who think another. If anythiastsisstliessnat. e: a ' good; many things that. have iii. ,ipg, thieten with one. tv,blespoon-
,. anti. talk most aholit their sovila are es with. you religiously y0%1_11.411- 0 nolo was the 'fact that y: most become' a• last art to.us*Itnd .101 Isorustarelt. '1.)tsan, the liquor
..,,, 1,....loods until they w
, ...••••••••-*.rra-..,.-•,-.... Ufkrill.g-,;FOIn „..,,,,...,,,,,,iliS01.41S.A.....re,d' Srlititll. ure:it.INLIttotlier raelint.i, ,Inti'Virt .211 ,r .
tiniF,Sornetbing like a. t I organs- They isiews ell t. ey erciss .,,,,n---thisosisisa .risx st- ofsussoillsattraitsthetsmr;revrvallsilirsa
.*4 mounteins taing,itt all tear the o ,cert4i-tr 'ones is not only intelsonelted butter, C(...itIrlealtsitriti'lled
, „ a
Itch pr4eins food as the regu have what they call Soids 'because be right. , . . • 1
-.• heaeh, and here "the i,ncline is sueb' esting but hi SOM 'eases distinct' jtoinati; eatsuti; jus:t a litilil eayenno '
1 r 4.,*017 rations_ provided. These ti erganworlfunetienstitot work: The deeds that, gisier.Z_tx.pression that ont_e._teishing dowo• wo'seht he i te_esollsonn_pi; al, ..., e . : ,.,-, , ..,. " i t,pperi a iitti, salt, one kg; woo .
iNere Pitt through the regular Int imc°t11131', are makinS vmme kiget` to ihe best .in us will cure -the- dis, • ,-- 4,
?it a fusi or ,dilsturb4ne, witbin. It vas.,that seent.tp, .. . reelpi 0.,,ect at -once by. the' inipe-t 'The •rnaking .0t hard 'Small or -beaten. Stir this mixture- lute the, .•
c . tus into the. 'fivatess.." • ' .- ilatinfl4 seaps which Sriust,be- one boiling milk and stir constantly. un-
ariussamanoeuvres and ever.
.. -- - -18-:-sinfort-nuate thatinapy feel Coy_ ..s. . h ss_. - .... . - 4. v-. - - --, -- .. ' ,--- ' - r.• -.., '
• but at the end of the experis s..annet, be -in spiritual health ‘111. li:NDICATEIIIELWORM--- -The w We herd . . • perished: ssesti. large quantities and .requires ae til it thiehens, rrhis quantity will '
Aret, not • to men a "mow '-ieltie rbitt heating and hailiiiig a.pparatua,' serve twelve or fifteen people. .'
t tlier 'were in at. more fit condi% less their sorils.,are having a- liar.11 .INT,e4irer allow any -one to waste.Yetir
ntAlly and physisally than time .of it, and 50 in .44.%Y.Ei of yeae thaw: or . steal you,r . strength with then two thOusand swine 7 The de- • may'not interest the eity.houSewife, .
at th betrinning, •• The head of the tixes' proeeed to ttir thein up, . 'fretting and 'speculating an the mons, would:, spare- the. swine and initlaccsoap being Made with olive.
ry at tile University-. of sve 'lamest° •finstsasinedium some- beating :of !our hens, or eny cti destre-V* the men. Not .1°. Ottri6L nil and eanstie; -soda ' instead of ' HINTS' EOR ATOTRERS-
:They, that led them, ne acraP fat and Petits)* aS a basis, And u '-',Y,. ,
sPartly- because of dread, partly be which May be stirred up and cook- ttrastroniloren's heads in a lather
,, els' made 'a. similar investiga- where between the utterly taliOns the processes that ought to. goon
*fleh tilting. students,. and he r ienet mor..entimont, and:la...v.7.1r: thoso pr9ce4 4111.:41:sieCte! .r:thimetIPstuse ef th.eir exeitenient that made ed -in mit °Hinary-stew _kettle, af- .ur 'Pure $ouP. 4"1-ee 4 weel' • if :c•*°°'
the 'newt° eating and none ed- nature, which snows neielete- eon Itikin.!'
ithem want to tells the nesiii. ThOsek fordo pleasant experiments. - I eh the hair tu gr°w 'frail' -
'flesh, eTale-i'siss-s-.‘iii sod -therm loojet--b:pi-tititai-flop- c14,54c,----LO - i.selliwvf,_,.trooti itnadligri had') hiqlriAttialk" Of th01 .130Lprogfts AO thr ratio of in___-_; Riiw fruit is most whotesome.
,s; pests, that in enfl;navance., the ri .chondriac, who ,,. aspitei after, t" , or the' spiritual. : . '
also •found that the vegetarians re- righteous life ought. to feel penaf-
e4ter3 fr°I.A 5°.t° f".°) °°r'• "V's-Itt* lit(11 wh" liVre141 4 diSerderrr1114" 4, 1:tieoalei:141etlfy eantillY,A3edth. e Tt. ,,.7.I.P• e'stzillaliPttlefint)!Ie.d °ell' attemPSi!frlidatrin'ta:Nrybse7,atcythl'Yi;11,1;:litabArei-11;hul*"14111vt*4"11*.Y
en to quite young children. ' •
f --tel.-I!. _sees -besought hint that he sure t•o fi.nd described minutely int' llicitable children slinnld have; 11
wOut depart -The destruetion
.41"tiOlcl$ than (he meat- eaters, hence tlisscontrition and disturbanee may. joy and affection that make up thol' of I your household recipe books. But thin, darkscurtain to. their windows's.
.cuperated from- fatigue • far more ties within as well as withentsabut blessing of happiness, the„fia
•th4'• great authoritY •reeogniz6dSthe be. no sign of effectual grace. . . lif. of emotion develop Only as we: itioomirniii.onreyiasiviion4.- :ivnetlielf.,101gasptoNa:Itoltosni714i,ein:Itx:itetre:xilitteldsiti_olifickeetrhov;apay,.;,ThinZinoetedliCrtrnu..• ch 44' i-4 Pu,.s.'1. hle'•
workingmen. . . TIIE PRINCIPAL 'PRPUBLE I let them- alone., To attempt to feared -mote. • In that ease they and .which *method issalSo in use int P rr*d e .' cl d 'in °ale' we'athe'r '
noirfletli;plan, as the. best.system ,for
... four pounds. but to be avoided in warm.---' Many
.with the habit of. takini the soul examine, regulate, fir cultivate.' would seem to care more. for their ,raest factories . ',lily
4.0!•./.9sYS- "P-erh,aPs, ltetw.eVers: the)" .colored / eastile soap, pure ua.lehildriftn who have irritable skins
llow- often we hear the :expression •44111:` and !eying it :on a table for in -
selves -of th46 possibility of their de -
then* directly is to deptive ours'
pOssessions, than for the presence of the 'hest - guaranteed
-s- in--m.4'14e airttat.tonf a,s4,1Ice-tI°4' 147214 648 perpetual sell7
, .... ,•
mI It to aV,e-ekin doe- it for. liiinielf not 'poly' insists
- . .,__„,,,• s _._. 4.4saminersoksssie,314-thitentartlihti 8„stThlePst!,life.eut-4...,,reirliimr.H% :1,*.siniv.....t1:-.isiont. e ,s1.,;.ttr.e;sistis isy.leditustsax,fwex. ,,,t ,,i4ii:40-.:,,s;Jkh--:0,1iii*:,'-e:odowloiliiiiet.h,,-...otsti,7-7°17qt°1'''intiliat'ae"P--';a-with:nse 'Peitiejlati-
irkin perter-iling a heiiifY trunk., Oita yon shall witness tli.e °neje- 'er-Sttivje Plant, sriringing; 41' IA ' fiat -sits,- ' .;.'-'' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' lititeit4 /td.,ii4iii:tri-iii'Ilit-iiiiir'ti-141hlifti'44ii"'..'14iii4:4414/577;44-;'
stineided open. ids shotilders wi - i . , , . . Secret, Place in the inner life, of water until.. thoroughly litleuniotresditl.erst:-shiatild the..providcd with niaelr-
intoshea-And gaiters. The latter
II. do . ben but *Ito that he has a right thin 'shavings and b ail in
rarely i44,6te flesh in 1,4,,v fora *114. filnhiiintsactifl.‘e imagines he discovers -
for itself. it ,is rather a ski* -asti
watchedsand tired for by itself and When cooled down to• *hoot Mt de- -are•10°At necesall, ' '' *
grs....es,FahreitheS•litir in tits ounces'
man, ' to be • niirtured, shielded,
irc" te. remember that, these men . to expect use eame symptoms in
•, of the eil, Sot, bitter almonds and made of ssentios podi,.., Steep two or
' st• simPlesanerient, for Children is.
peuantry .al Europe secuie `west wise, of those who take delight in comes to ,the whole life, animates orie.,spiatter pint . of rose water,S! °tree in haltsa teacupful of cold
large. ehere of the robust Often by ,the agitation of the •iin strength* a glow snd sPlendnr that
fle *Ong soldier* iii'Napele- hi led to wonder 'whether hiSissas *coin* nettle ends,
siek et soul •as ii, bolysois even 41 ' A' heelthi fife exPres8es %HAL-- ttAs ' ' '
unt Ruth, 'haze you bled for "about ten minutes longesS •
unless you_vantr• fancy mold* cwt Cuttom baby to be in the cot, or
Don't nurse baby. If •you ac-'
and drink
orate' on helidays and special °coil their awn itpiritiial disorders, one and beautifies all_we give ourselves rol pour into a square porcelain wnter inr tw'etve ben"'
i the liquid at bied4itue„
si,ont,:, it is inttrasling in thit, con- is- forced into worry -over his own to following the - best, to walking or graham pan, after it has hub-
'DOUIon to ropallsthat it wee the moral ,And 'religion* eonclitio.n. -lie theshigli and trite path,' and to'ob,- ,
. , Vittorena. anti -wo*th.r v of any 'new , thoulsitt. Latirhies.r,etilincilaT fiqqiutres about ess.„-inot
.:.,...____,,,,i on the floor ori\ -a- pillol, he will,
!ores .arro that, possessed the almost i reatonably -.good main ought to. les.seutvraidlyi.- in 'want to be nursed. Firmness •
living; the innersiik thin tikes Fpasitso,„ ,,iiikedgo,V;thiftof-,,litistrattores , This. soap would he equal in` qua -I ssatst-shles bel.,girflillg will Jrakve. irgich
'care of itself., Going our waYa s ,40no that perhaps -wiitisdo.. 14 lity to the kind for which you Payi cii;n74;;;;; olif.t,s ciithessinenns,
from 25 to, 50 cents a' bar. You
truly, serving itiltli fellow* Wel' ii, as little •different from, iffy- that • would have from twelve., to rillst's1 htIlItible' a°4k•them ill the I°11°1ring
..,glsoemtteing4awsi,c,..4.)hte*.disroulto'itinwneer;Ittittren, til$.1 t,,,,,i'xiitl:itthety; iiti.,..witojiwi.b"e it, rest„ you the east of the original castile toil) 'el JIMIII°111$ with tw°: 'Pit° °I lime.
. ordinary eited -bars, and counRi;i. s°1'uti°U t Mix one °tit*. part .° sulPhite-
, trusting the eternal •goednets, , ors . ever played." ' s
vii_onisti,:viii by, aelikrir oven. 400, whether it. he_iss :matte -re -of the. find the Well of living *titer sioirtrg 101 go out of. the room. .whiel thra
AO. Uli, the. POWCCiettee,, Or the liver. -up within. „',...„' inv.res :e of iis agree uportio, fleeter."
MIN f.t`''' I'Vr4-44* ' Bertha came back when ouins
. . oried,, and awaited her aitsCs di -
There WA& S, gre.at ealtrieeN.ot
ordi. ary,gradual subsidence, Mar
ed. 1)y the long, rolling „swell, but
a sudden Abatement of the disturb-
. 27. The MA -40 wonder those in
the. ether boats marveled, -when
even theliosom friends of Jesus
ttenden diretor tlie el Oient. The notnttillY 'honest-M*0 ovet Your oivn tiieak4ness, get,
auperhunian -enduranee in the fasesiltttell reliatona .`lrittoisratit ....tesdatt
ous retreat fessos teoseew. Gensos tends to regard "aleaneatt at e
Alen, the men, wIte stewed thoi„. • only proof of health in the hear .
send milli*. scrota ' England and ._. The WO* thing we 'elm- Poeta*
_Scotland in seyeeteen dos ,and Aldo is :to get into the habit of wor-
w hours, outdistancing hie desk§ r,Ying over our internal conditions,
strkt vegetarian. The ,non-
sh citing ' long sflistance walkers
ire KO persistently carried pft all'
,litittors in Gernianit'that Von
rden, the noted 'German medi-
c ituthority, -professor in the
ersity of litienne,, in his • ent
'work on Metabolism says: t
many -these -toMpetitive racea
the vegetarian Ahead of the meat
. The nonvegetarian
compete with the *Vegetarian
bi se long distance walla- The
ve&etari*n is ahead in the mattsr
of tepid pedestrian feats."
Tire Rev. Newell Dwight •'Tillie
says; A little fruit, little cereal
end wheaten brend, is glass of milli
these *re within the res,ch of all,
_oven the poorest; laborert anything
IAOre is At thi-Peril of the eater.t*
Gen. /tooth, now 60 years •,ot its
shit directs the great work of the
That is,the' surest way, to iverlitie'ss. s s
SCI10011 "You may ope fair question
I tech of us, but we shalt telt vol.,
no' more than is necessary, and in
a way to mislead you, if po3sibl?..*"
"What color Is it" Bertha asked
of Carl.
"White." •
were so cowardly. "The sleep and "Is it large or smalli"
the outward appearanee," -said
Chrysottorn, "showed man, the sea
arid cahn declared him God." s
28. To the other aitle---The east-
eisi shore, sopposit;e Capernaum.
See yerse 18 of the thapter. •
7-trentitry of the Gadsrenes
cannot have been the neighborhootl
of Gader*, which lay teverat'miles
*ASCII 13..
1. •
eases XL. • Two Mighty Work.
Notts.& 23-74. Goble* Tat,
Matt. S. 214
Verse 23. He wais entered int
•"the boat." Be-
cause of.,;the multitude, Jesus had.
asked for a host; "to wait on bine'
(tfark. 3. 9), and subsequently it
s referred to as -the boat, as if tho
911e pliteed at his disposal (Mark 4.
313; te). • • ,
Itis diseiplee followed 'him -The
Salvation- army, lectures to but boat must, therefore, hiive been
roense audiences, dots enough work'of fairly large dimensions, although
every •day to tire two or three or not, as large as the "vessel!' (Atts
- dinitry men, and he -attributes hiss gs. 40 in whial Pant stiff'ered ship-
onduranee larite1y. to hia aimPle ha' wreek. Mark .say,s (4. '.7.8)t "Other
. bits of life and to a, nontlesh diet- heats were with him,,,. as if they
.ary Gautier, the great French die.. were loath to part With hims,
tetk expert and one of the world' 21. There ATOM, a great tenspc*
greatest authorities, speaking of a s
.s. common occurrence, inefitith. esrth stand the rebel of Ehersii,
nonflesh dietary which include Ir connected with the tituatiett til'icelosesto the• sea$hore. s • •
dairy products and eves, nays: "X ies, fake. The AOrsna were 'suculerir Tim. possessca with demons-Vhe.
,Is ,prattleal and ratienal. It should and violent, due to the fact, that belief of the 'Oorpels about demon -
he accepted and ` coiximenfled- by4 sss , 1st_ by so low in it* hin.ens
. those who pursue, the ideal of .the'
fOrmation and Education of gentle,
- intellig2sets attiitie, and- teverthe.•
lees prolifie, .tigorous, find ,aetive
VW es.
"Several inches across," answer.
a Ruth.
Isti it fragrant in
• 'No," replied Norton.
, "0 bother!" scowled
thought it must he rose o
"Does it los?* in..- tem garden
asked Carl.
southeast of the lake; for then the "Yes," replied Alice. "I *eve
Swine - Must have been `convened 'eeen
to race over meuntaint river, and "Does it have a' golden. iiesst
plain.* long distance before reach- Ali114 Ituth
IV„ /I '
ing the Sea of Galilee.. • The best :s A
etiggestion i$ that popular usage !sup' ttutt 4113
gave.the name of the thief town to intieu. "Oh, I know! .Noston, i
* very fashionable flower ins
all • the eseit-shore country Modern
'Chess* has been aceuriWy- identi- '
fled ae the teene thesseity (verse tr '1411es' nut*" '
34). near which the nitiole took bjdThen 14 tilt." he /viiit6 Pe");
place. Trace a lint direetly aerose th°se ire used fax w`"ing
from'Tiherias, and someseiliat to the decortitionss Ha it many pets's?!
• "Millions of them, I believe,"
-said Alice.
inarel 'low much can you buy a fo, of ereain; thoroughly mix he'''-iff4iiie to' tilt nik 00 is) Ito-
, pne•The
Dear me, only erne 'question
and the 4.-ingtetlients_yours .eaving 1144' PrePkratti°t1 'ill render ;the
fabrics absolutely non-inflaminsible.
would betsabout V' Or.$2, • accord-
ina ,to the kind of soap 3rou ordis Outdoor games -should be moue-
s:tardy buy . ' , aged, but it is necessary In winter •
eeinsupay redinstsejoirvignr ceorimninsropshistrrdi Inas mots ;and stoekings should bs ,
changed (tiredly after or the good
, . . ,
white.coasi in alcohol and allowing uf the. exerelse 440 h'e lIni'l°ne hY \
:talliceohirioloipetaturrtely tuatztvirizeisatteue. s-tTliritits. the Chill in. i datnil) Is3)ete*
Eating waren. /Meals ruins a
gg el ynee,eyr loaf. tthoettlypoe..unAdn oofunsocaeafi*.etputhree :_itnhistid*:a etdeig.,"atrt°,11o.d4 If
ohmeenhtss7 .irit.-
„„,,,,,, roseisure and this must be; '111113(431We f°r4lint t° eat big II"'
poured into the mixture as soon' P'sr. food " the regular • thnes' sr •
al9Ple "tit/4 of the ileehut te*"e" tel:°fhaellita'7111,t 6'1416: knPUtilitetnr$'41 itit&I;teht..
Vit. refuses to.beeome hard through • ss suns 4,„„„ „ ty n,,,k+A. irtn xa
evaporation .it must be brought to: ..,4%,„*., ',7.7.,:,77.-s.,„-„,e-i,17".iii,37." ---‘
a• hail and tested in eold water el '' "-*" "L'''''. n"""4"15. - - ' '
s ' Ull 1 Baby', bare feet are very pretty,
sufficient hardness results. Cam -
pilot soap may he made in th_e, 1 britlito.r
ttliirils‘elltewoollien socks. His '
his•health, yo* will 't
same way by substituting, oil
roseinao, witch hazel and cant"! little' feet should always be kept
hor • for glycerin. - A delicate, baby can often be
. .
Fish Se:Mop au 'Gratin. -e.- Peel
made perfettly strong by living in
the open air. It need not be moved
about silt the time. Stand the per-
ambulstor in a, sheltered corner,
Off tkius.renzove the bones, and cutit
in half inch aguares one and A helfiltild. let hokhY alteP there., even rdieo
pounds of fresh halibut, place in as 14 18 e°1(1" • He IIIIIY hAve il hot btlt.
frying pan with a" gill of white' tit') and Pkilki a wraPs' and shut"
weer gloves, but given all this he
wine, half An ounce of butter, salt
and pepper:, to taste; cover Ash will do far better thus than in a
with & lightly butterer.1 &tier- b it • '
, in -.,
. warm room.
on range -.five ,ininutes, then 'set in s,
........... s
oven six minutes; mix in a, nonce- s
pen one and a half ounces butter
with two ounees of fihits and heat
for one minute. Pour in the fish
Iiesior, one 'gills -of milks and
dAite at *Well the tempt will
;possession includes these points tat It comes to a boll . then b i fiv zit ull'Y e dingreb'
p There is a kink doM "of d ti 13,1ti‘1116nre°yrelr heaid. of &. florist $el miruites. Add fi'sli with two()tiable?-1 rIlair.?* At thai; time' 141011 he °e11
circled valley. Through the sleep ,f1„: after "i' 't in the western Aky in
converged' at the head. of the lakesrs - Iss.ssts,,,..si fra 4., ii,,i, Ali :
gorges of the watercoursee, -. whith LE win. -014- ss,--.titn-- it,04-04/-ead- -; -f---Irtili--; lining! one,': WI 3trit..C110.ii‘ laugh. epste.:efit)iolsarotfitte,llyte:Irt;le; itillol,-,fi;besatitiosi:iittg-i.ttires,,, ;nott sotittlft:;41, ratf.tocertv._a_ 7014:10141
the winds wore tntaiiit down. 11".,----r----- -41"I''' 14.e-`1-s'Y • ail "ok, I 'believe it' A weed! . lair& ' sprinkle a littl . P
terrifie violence from the missive vis:ihie (3) theYr !lie' the ."11q °lilt ii, iteed r, !Antall; ehee :over, .se°-14iritt" v *I erI'l '1"111' he 'ether" in. it* lunv111i
., , . : insintal . and phymeal disease; (4). Y $;11tit's anotlier que$tit,a,", aid to iotko tom mitullea, thou seerv.)... ,1)44r. s"r4e* II0'it l'-`411 Irtt:&.3
,--. ste) "So it is,. Well, yon'll law to iAnisite.iiiiI4tof°.vjlire twiretiS' fit'.$111 1) stiti'11"11-' Inttidlir"::*':eirti'410,11yvuluiv;:i-idi7i. s,iaiiiiirt: '1.7t:',:,
plateaus. . . .. . more then one can take ptiatession. •sitssiso -
.11e wAs asleen,--tho days -in ea. -,of a twin se the ,sitrole tint,e, I • ink '' . '''' -.r .....r --" '
II ' IL ern 6" .1" '114 °11./II telt me". She. looked ' round es- i Balif4t. Cod,--liskEd , wiiit.:,,-(!reanil
vornaum had bie,,,n strennoue ones. et. *st.i."\st th
r , ,. .., , potiSeS5-04 44 114,44,al*: aftitler'S ''''4 el srh 4- 'sauce. Ilt-il ,foisi"or five pounds ofsulci'f .1It if, I r - PPeiI la it' ev
in ziti II 4,,,,s, r e
Jesus .lay *down in the Ste.iii Of the. name- (e) he never treatetl tlios . .* ,
4. :,.35) for h'i3,,Isinglet'pointott.,, be saw in eversr e*si # tesult ,o'f 1.,1;.., :: ( A it: ill it tall l'Avr 1):;d% ; ,
shred in fine. pieces ten one quarts i . ' ' * *. s
resh -00L- 'Alen toilied drain and "'1"rrs-sP** )141-rirtfr M'I'' the'6111e4
. shenld be * • ,protairient SWes
host wittisa roughstreselt#st-Notk ' A ,ac ,41# 1 -1. . -e VeOtaritlY
. SAS'e`it4.411"4; Alt litit •--- Alt Ttictt pOsterted are e.oniet deaf a, d 13 • - * -4 ' • an I --" .• ' . . t Avngh it autv Eft , e -as erielit as
spitetl, as t t verse ,.! dumb, eome blind, $errie savage . (4 ). ,1 i , 1 , s , . .d . ou, pret:ioas apparttions, 'a.; it itb,' be-
. i- . Il- .-". ut it -s* ower, t le 0 4 „ f inilk, with 4iiie enroll Ana * litee . - '. -' ' s - ' •
' '' i' fkr-'14-'eu. %lilt's .eis t .e.t. •'it *It !..*,r;:c lieved ' thsat samete eontianaily" 'di-
! here-Wasssome to , It en'to eonvolaions, raving„ sor friam2.1.
, sit, ar s •
ant4 a Pret0/' tower, ne implor porter Alin enongo Nair • . t. e . - • '
ertlia. • ,••"*Wliy • ilitin
te ' by fear ra faitiv r some abnormally atrong, soMe giv. ' - A ' i
- n314ted in the okv31)Itahe) in, at tli;e. month. All throe *reit o ali.sorh it,, Add this to •the milli LII"ish '11 'vIght"r:-'s iilltii". 0911*P'
• Y
11pC CiOttibe ,pitys tribute ts the° Ovary. ef 'Christ And tht; (I0'tt
0. rsek 1.4. 3t;., : '''h'Islort:ftc
wen ettul intenet he had gained I „article, ."Deinon").
over tliei
, Jenwit. L'vtti, after vs, Asthe
20,- Ve'•• of little
' cipleq: 'Are ye even yet w t
.sittele, esue had Vs' id* hit slt
IS addINt•''it'itt. to t)iltlik 0. liC4.3141:% V)
- ii- - ... ' ri
' Wiettla 'wa$ ,upon
laul,,;(1 'goo win41 tilt UN
in ar.'''t iti-zi,,u ,
, unilez&taiding 11'
1 -15f1t41 , 1111'..
h: '
' n - .. out of the tombs -
t s•S.of of th'
in etr the' ,rtilli of KlIr.3* *I.° re i borax weer' t4 -i 'give A *late fislis:siotikhe di;h iZt Aiteil, Tfisvre'41:11,!,ill `7,:: ltvi tteo:nul:k
ancient tornbcrarvini out n f .) .r b ' if -• '
1311 lAtr.tm wet°. tn•PirsiA4 thre ' se 1) hand the eye. '
I ttho;:,,i'0,,c1-oi)eitoritilt:itilo; rftnigti ,,. !wit:VI Jrk-frtrutilio:ikrz:rn tviteop.irfor:17h
. ,ived: to roam like," .t. machine needle), octet-) dilliteu_
ch tint oturistes, ririd, fames; • •
tit rtifYI '10 Ifitt awl'. acuity 4, re, .4., ;
,10' that *irtsv. , Those ssh" tisk s
1;tielse two .letal.11;(4'6 of wli parS..r, - tiril,,the i s
apiarist:, kn ,t
..". - I • " ---- - - i d
• e OM," MI nig It , ton ,fitid.; It
lilit'_WitAt A, terts,
Wheit washing sateen, or *by eer of the lish in a baking diti er 1 ' - 4.'
tflaso„,s, s.,,,,," cs,i,-s, sr;ssrint . 1, ,irt ' i ht . -COM IP tf 1* iil 1 144 ft t the
/t044 *Mt 4 :511tin, Onish„.ritiS - itli a layei,of mluec, thou ^ layer I 1,ittlyii‘"ss. ' 0 &Alt at that.
'0 it !"L-iiriAitti.si -cconivinio ,,nInttiliti.isltim:ishis,tolii:oicoeil_...,esiststute.,rire,:ovii-tOrt :tk,.ii;li',Iitlit.11L:ine:14.10141,SifIliivii;:::;:iiitli:iti.:17pri;c1totlgtli.b, ti,:iirytti 1,53"
ko ,r"" Aiir-4 4,1wattin•-• Onuo ano, Elia to top.to.. I ut, a iw , falsit on, litaii. iti aistinee , t
n wxth 1111 k'
.,„ 0 ,tot,t, ' . - .1' a901 With a dits1 i ,'t I ,t csoy.:T.47:'' ' tii"7:is.,.
, ie. bread crumbs, sprome '-wlitu gis ' Exinows .taii 'evi,l;fit:', sixt,syst,
Mil the ti,p, is. *nice' Awl brown.i 'is „;._ .11 .,,„1„,,,,,Is.sr,i„, its; Ai.
"esee of. Initter ' take in the &ells 1 s tow& the ,J6) but ic-6
' ii-
ain ' " toitr.tfiLoy_s;,tetiors,4t,
:eleried , tisslets.---AY' ,
I, erita.: t'ati.'7,,,,:. stioutd be seilled
1,4 this, •
all 1°41° ,I°tIt`t /111..s "Trrret1J'.iiisaituirit to- ife"*twiltioAsVe7:-.1 ''''
., s i ,...1 away , 9 ... ,
. t
1 p for/urn orit*, and their e s isf oPilepsy. ' ,(,8ee Itagitit's .
asts. A king , pro( ,
4,k I of kft'vv. tOti . sAiseiltl add este-, 'Wes: tiii..,..irt heat •4'
us r ,i,lrle."11‘ff binmt4f Severe; , intsonsefillent sisn . 01 t4 *
it Vette ti,hir C
* vital world. i atigitt is this: al t,t, ever, k
at #01117,, a I!: .
,iinglit Ant cracker; ta •
it iji est -third tiny o
Pret1113. th ent of: flesh
toed; 3ec3)3•0ut It'sre and there in;
other foodg tlitat;natuto provide'
mre eheaply. lour l*r.-tertt---tt
�ery glass ot tnitk 1:eese and
one-teiatll ;of -ever-y loaf 'o
• •
'bresd A:Rialto:I, ie Issdity re.
terial the 'same tiletit, an
,it s by Ink meives.3 mere figtite o
to .,t3 there: it tuort bect
ateak inevery tiound of tither
, pea, lentil'q, or 'ordinary
than them. is ittoo, pollnd of
bitrher'* neat. Tlae icdfoputsble
,to lotions Ivint all thes' faett
gz*du*llv . pescolating dOwn to
tke workingmetets strata and.
sire ti,ilay.iriSestins;
• *set the vorivenistesee f
ey that they fit!y p.1
c,v, *los gratitiett ti
haveele:'‘rer litain
ones, end kil;ri
taw Ylktt";
ouldrs that
t rsioi•-ttla