Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-03, Page 5 (2)71Mwv, t tat1101 now 1,10 Seed CatalOgne, a Pa: Of-, rifr. 4k- Irlio Excelsior Ovrode. Tait Swede haran enormous yield, 1* it the tliiiest qoatilLSr and Moot,perfeet shape. Our nese' CatalogUe is one of the ,most cornitietel publiehed. It you trent, we will send you a tree package et'Itar. bank's 'Giant Crimson California; reltvit , our ,Aripsraitua Best. If inlerested writo. nat today, saying which you prefer. Js sure *Ott mention this paper., it i* of interest to us. DARCa & iWNTER SEED CO,, Ltd. London, Ont. • ros . ,t)rt h of . 0 Say ' fitt)body ever heard of "stokfood.curlrig the bots h*. in whiter * tow yield oroer'caliccow., mold* doll bras or reetorias,rtistviewo anisuls to al • . 'Whoa you feed "stock food" to your , C . yoearataeret, flatdirtitt. what you •te ingoneyourswinivent7beirr tibeit":: Your animate do **W. art Sere feed.' 0, - , 1. ... all the soot out of tbef..dyou h them so rarttkeep ,..f ind ay fat all yearround; also to . iar ff, "...eft* h.fro Alriaatt- ucando all throw . .4 1 lortaskt does. ,, It is "Stock rood" But a tTondiloner- v, ... , , airAta tiultrx4 STOCK Oats*** a* • nor rapt; product*. Itiocreases of :milk trenttkree to$vsouda ptt CoW p ow bcfncs the splossobitit beets used two ,,,41.It makes ,th mflk rcbor and adda flesh hotter thx,* RAY Ottutitteepairation kturum. 004 avs*f,4with OYAZ. PURPLEaa terse at lax "Nola old etal psi would he when fed witito . Roy* Cbuilds usronliewat. ludas& and restores them tit, ' phononess til wattles, 1,110t McBee**. . et I Uwe used ra M. ..ifeS: rP IR-giC ntotty, , is trai4tently in the foedfiag of 114 OW Vistk* lerilest *Pow Pacer on Oragut C it in 101 u341 IhnryWintars,4 Vet brother et Allea_wletera7wlan.rol POI* le trotting *fake* IA 10%, Thssossokay* glover blotral their row *WO 1 toturnetaot Revd purse sett i wilt always hart it io ontatelSes." . • STOCK AND 'POULTRY SPECIFICS Ovirseast ROYAL PURPLE STOCIC SPSCIPIC one attimal-seveoti :ILA is *little over tivothirds of * cent ciart4t sioetiviltxt, ett-tiCIPA" 1,A,t. fifty armi ars given three tire's *dant. ttis in) XTOCK 5kriciriC 1 but 0091. * day. aod butts half otitis ** St.lCaall cattail** four *pee the ver,Ant of Oat mil. cent Octal* will last XI day*. stuyAL TU Moult win incresse the valet Itook ts astordsidoslY gut* faitesti_,*tiroststiss the Itoottite" the f4t. faod. *WOWS nature tc)diseet and tura hod io_niisi_,..Alkhoticktqtterjtit 4,11t4tr,. willows many times its cost le esterioary oirAl. rurtylirkrulUliiiKY 41krava* FIC isouroth.. Siectictor pounce., not for stock. One *rent Vidaigt Win hot two:Or-eve 11darl,oea Pia costing SEM will tent twenty -See bye 11110daY‘erld, lsfou.rtgassanore nietoriat rot only threetines the co. It Makes laying en*, biro out Of your bras 1.1**Ipee and triater‘ptilytaitsfoerlicAssirst,ilolt attpoostillOatg, Men 0 g Mery 000 of -stoia.1..-rtilltri.If ifTOCK *Pirm suarantaresi. • .futt use -ROYAL PURPLE *t eate arise iteknale and Any ether. animal:in the earn( erindition: at, coinearins rebuke ,yieg earc Oast all best to death, or else backesowityottrereorr- Frutii-Asir tocrobant or write us foveae vatoeble 112..Piele booldet ea craft. • and poultry die *T$ WI " • If you- cautoot det Royal itsectiles from reerchante or *seats, we 'wiltsceuris los sired. sanweett - ot $1.11, a pant* Other or Stark Specifirss. Make money Stittle MK. *Oat Italr district; Writafor Ovate. rot sale* all us.todatt •Merchuttio. It.I.tlesidulft, CO, 1411101, IO*L PVRP14 irrOcK AND P0131,TRY istacriormi and 'Imo a are halt In stock by W 3 1IPAtAN,101011.101, and IIANLON & VE11111140 Centre -lie We Trrvtitoq, Mils of tior 4int1e;. '1411tip. WM 'Wide' Arirtithqe ot tontiort ;tare IKen 1lr1X ii,1,40trit tor the past w dayse4,14 Itichardefttl, 'v04 Aiati tietkinX' in St %a1'$'40 tor the past Werkv 1tton•Tueiday to ti4,0 14 IPOsitiOn 43atikatoorttlite. • ,a %tabor' are 044 out to. MO., Welt on 'UttillflOtterio fUrolletallOf WOO +ha (int ueilgar)," tc:•sisiting .relitrivert 'in tido Sedan,. 47. fta 1** PattatesOlt, t$ ben rery 111. 'dityas.r.1ie following from* ttendance-thc.,,turteral-of-that at 4 Thomson; David Thous n# Toronto, Byceiiiiant041* tigrOneten . Mr and Urs, Dattreye, Oro ; h and, wife, Satter; Nkt j4444.4..441414-4/1* ' .reitsnt -• Ro11Lervltle and Iteria* -0 • tia ., rniivir, 0.t las 'week.. at the. Per*On ''''.0f Bernard Thmnpatott, who was *Vorain, ottivalren, fkottand. and game to *Clan-, at nine year* ot axe witht hist .par - They act:tied in Itodgerville and therc deceateed resided until Odd, -Y000. lien,a,a.e.,smatie, 10...i1Frensitli, 111,4t, arty and genial he Made many triende s health 'ha* been falling 'for the past o'years, the innuediate cameo ot death belni heart trouble, Ile - was - • married twice. BOW* the, widow One 'Oen- aid beer dau$hters..,survive.' ,T,Ite funeral ast held WedacasdaY -under the autoptrele Oit the Cititiutt=14Y.': Order or Foresters. of -wttleta be was a me:titer. , ' . 1, • --On, Monday ire,- 4Obert -Lamont • with Ms farnilY oat Wanit'.--Ur. rson..Motant and -wite of Algoma o.re, Isn't= friend* In t4WIL-nr., E. niut, nie took a bustles* tri a to Variant° atm Otiders and datader or Toledo and *MrsM1U1n o poderleir re ••vi*Ithatt -*L.:4r, Oa' vol#T,tha Ik(telt., are Viniting *Moil •trien .Ioseph 1U1s Dead,. -Another of or beet known yeetdente has-been 'removed tropx-our-„sadditt by, the cold hand of death,. In ,,the pertion o Mr. Xootriti mos, who gassed wive*, on ItortdaY mantra last at the -ago of, 40 Irtlita. The deceased has: beena Ions' stater, er front cancer in the stomach, hence his deintate was not in the te3,0f UnCX. pected. Ur. Silts was one 'oat Our beat known and, moat esteented , resident* St,„114. hta .drath *111 bo mueb., ,resretted by * narexttrie ot 'triends.„ge losurvivetliby a *Idow and two„datatIttera, gral. Vre4.. nalbrolube and Miss IStattle. s; The de -- se,$• was ,a valued member .ctlf, ,- the esonte order, under whose, ..auspice* the* funeral veal ;conducted vi*StittedlY -theon cenadery. Death ot. Atm Pateraton..-.:We lave al* to ,Areeord the._ &alb 44-- XXV. .41110* Paterstkft vitro died on Mondar.nterraintr 1 at.the age Ift years. .0trat. Vat* on, nod been in lielie.tte 1141111' ler a, and tbts, rOUP1ed wttlt an, attack :Pneumonia caused her to sink--tast 0 the end coare3 early ldonda.y., mean - 'She 1* survived Iv a- starrOWing unbend andone datt$hter'' "(adopted.) ts. Paterson waS o a toy**, i*ture n4 was estenned and . re laPeCttd bY altall. The funeral took .pince Wcd atesday to the Union ccmdc ten o'Cloek. . 41Prt Monday r.tornIng Alber 'White- side* ritc.;;Ived the *ad new* 0 the 'dieatla of, his brother. Weider* wit died at Vat ..Arthur. •Ur, Whttestdi left the taarnit day to attend Vic t rid. 'Do. realiel was marriedand leave*.a wiLe and anamber of children. . 1,vouscrys 'Voss. ter 'Women are Oinditrtg ltellet !Alt. n does not t watrien have more -thaws fair shale of the *the* and pitna that ,attflict humanity; Mel must up," must attend to• duties I -0000tanur iketant bcicks, or " *h0i400040, dizzy ipoUs,. bearbalidoWri, pains; they Must stoop 070 t'solliett tD stem* .4nekt1s tortUre. They must via* and 'bond and work with rseking *in* and malty oehos trim. 14146e, Ills. Ifidi ratty* ream* Mere 'tartlet* than to.n1 eta Organ ot the 'bodt, . 100 °tit. ney* wifl and health 10 seitilr. t*tfl�dd ,Iletect of a retnedy for irldheIst �*tly that laelest-and Curet thet Itith**Y0 ie stridOitled bi Iteo,10 F. A lifright of King at Ilixster; lett .hs4 teen * renstit tn atZ- th,mitnY..attnelinat atiA, pottAtt itiootist. tondo. .auft "ward and sho aratosir ott, use tr tharr strobitint• Pentair wIth bath hatittio- • Them Was 5. Ittalmswiti leverallat around -tba Ikak,1** *44._ _will* the OM and the at1io'ha4 ahowit fitaxer sagas of this doom% 411$444s at dittanot, *halo* *IA coat 'stood rood" bit& Opt Arodkatat log MO ago. Oittamat, pc*, 'oetilitlans bag" WS* -th stilt* ratist we had *gen to think nettaste'wegtid** 01 any Ilootottr; 1 loairmod oft, ttoottes PM* Ahroash sit*fivadloramaht *Or act, Mt. WO/ atuks. trimitaniet. * The r*. from tha rsth104E. Aglit ms to Its 401 t 11. Tolorst'ifs'otit. riivatto host. li3tittoti 41; or**, 1114 Itoors In and A al,loOttt three . r . o 1141:40t, 41;ts.01574,4aarr,*' awatthic'WhLaseatt= tjeea.tiNkg Vokoatgi by ,tbe t Towacts14liw • is Alia itt,' making an attc4114 ovtrtitrolfi,' tPie Paeit14 ot tbebY41kvfit t "eree1c, .4*n*r,.:.ot• 144;tse • s, Wbio oter tkok, tot tint* were *Ammon *pow. ,*14 did 40pookr Wore *Tudge rron at ',Stratfordwhen their 404* mourtatorviavt-o-wbeiltar7tInfr -Weiar Yoterai ...frt order to *Ore er- pi C..taidtult Out ,ritneopaeato tilor- o the exttlettee was taken:in Stratford to ntOrtand atart a practice. - P1. tt or the east two ear* hata• been resialinl TAIrtu but not praotiaint.: After *ening ,bis basins** in .1f1rkton he mittei to„Calltornta but altd not like that teuntrY. Wc were sonkeiwitat sorpelseft to Korn ,Ahatt our hardware.' merritinit and tin.; width, Mr4isig0 had, *old Out, thetpur- elasers, *ha Vfeasre. Mae. Ustelater of Exeter and Gordon 3rimige or.ftpuborne vW to will take possession some 'time in March. Mr. Wore ha* been doing bust- nen* here or over ,twenty year* and tel sorry indeed to think that he „ ut ,to sever hi* clouttettPu with us • Moore 'iut a straight. forward 'bust - 0t sterling' Principle* ax4 will be uch missed here. -We hear that a civir choir 11 Wirtz organized in the Niethodist church oder the' leadersitila Dr . catriptau.-ztr.. 6ta4 .1404- Adam StIler.s.re at present very nitach Ind's- polea and owinx to therr advanced age beltAt about u' *eon!) yearntheir their rerovery.---We- etre pleased tonear •our •old friend Ur. Thos. • ItIliott • is able to move out %gain Afterbeing, con- fined to the houie *II winter by . the bursting 'of a blood VCIOel in his leg. The young ladle* gave another ball on Welnestlity .e,veniez and were greeted with a large Crowd as on previoue.00. V1IC�I3tua1c was t tarnished by the gottx;jwett Orchentra.-Thrt„personal eti Oftects-cf. 'Auftio were ma- tscned by public auction on Tuesday. 011eiltitends moving to London. 011 Mon day' night a number or her friends 'pre- sented her with a purse of mealier an* 15o an 2,44reflili. She will ,lao' much - missed in girkton U. a as she wan att er.rellcnt worker in all -,church. duties .and as at ne4hhor her PlacP ix bard. tO .$111. /ft nickrtinat she wate,otver roadr to WO and -tadminister lo them In what everway she vould. The ,hest wrotea wftt nccompany her. to her new tonne, tolIoWTh tLejtt ot S. S. 4, StePhea. ebruary..-Sr. hwtors. WillCe Schwartz ; pass, Otto Brlwn, AtY1n Car:4811 k.lordon Cornish. IR. honors, Emerson Itoeszler; LitvinA Smith; l'ase. Ilia EI1bt, ir.dra AtuTt J'te It;‘, Pass; .loa. Brobenahlre; Clinton t!torlock, Edd lo Coridebp Jotiepl; SChWArZ; Jr. 'I.. pass, Carrie Sehroeder Olive Cornish, Adeline Wein, Clara Igor - lock, Emerson Welnr, Mary Armstrong, Teacher . Cehed 1111 poitible h than any ot tea or Ltaweit .0 Ei spnt .114,a3Y' and i1ud&vWLt1. Zr at fleary C'QU1"Tte announce are ntatilize Of Mr viiie Skinner to ' Mine' Dertlta'Co whtch take* ptilge *limn iwth.-W, AnCtneW 'too has been, vialtltnf1115 1 tz0 a Utz . ,Vitnra. OW' $ a borne itt 43101i0taf iSfano Arttocw. of :Nr0,10hon1:;2t4art sale' wlth riebto.- Skim* •Jelm Miners w** in Stt. *atilt ',Witt week and purchased tW0- tare "bred:Ifolatein 400 ti not Shwa la ID , Ova' Osgooje Statios, 041 ORIN la rIffirOl°tiallti n t01 ve yearilf,Peetpousiir—ervikt ijQIIS Pyura of doctOrlag in vaiet—tlithe £LJj5Jet Digester*" and a eoarapieto cnrt Mr Ititlph tells the artOry.--44S owi story—thus: 411 Immo be.n a *Urn front giation awl Stomach Troabl, Ja• torlii °boa treatment from seyeta dodors. I did AO lad st. cure vs rilti4rilte--101.1.tnt'och -sol'euttl at-timos. Emry brolOt witb: it more or lais agosy and Isooraistol ;itet'vo st completetatif no r7 cuefio. X bad siritoat begun kin . o • wool as ail. vortisoluout ir" tiepapers about 44/tittle Digesters."r decided to eve them a trial. I ani yry,tbaultral that 4, e4-1fO' i -]a *et been tkvgtheutiog.. when 1 faux"' them helping vac / ea *Ow eat beadily 04140 longer feel paint aitdooesdise. IzaistitsonontfOrt #teorrairoyiperouttini," -Issue your lite ratserablot Take "Little Digesters "—they will care yotr:or year mortey will havretturAle4., 2k5e.. 444 rod box at your drug- % or by mil fro Modi Ore Ca, Toroitta, ' 31 PACIFIC How Made and Reached .- vow strums. ;wits erskiellialre .404 atti Mists • is• I - raup • twee Toronto • 41.1verrl2le ut Live Egiclt shoWil use iteinixr Tra• ins 1030J.", ;meatilti4, _ aty 111136RitoNtrien Iltonattl'ouritt Cars COLONIST WAS ON ALL illtAIN$ 11* which Berths; are Free - - Applyto eau** A sent for oopi_ cf "'Stfeere 0426414/4" WaStirti " • • Or Initit . • R. Lhorrson. DZL, C PP, 'orczto. iteport; ot Oeatralla Public sch001 tor vOruary, 1010 EroWrs, trodgins. IV..... -Over 75 per cent 13. An., demon. U. .1fan1Ott; i.)ver 50, E. Neil; under 50, Vairhall. 111...,•Over 75, g. sitiffiF. xtl; oyir 50. 'B. Manton. Jr. III. --Over 75, D. 13roolts, L. At* bott, Bentham; over 50, G. 'Union* 0.--.111ston.S rcralls; under 50, E Alexander. Sr. Ire -Over 75; R. Mills, Irkks, V. Davis; over 50, 11gnatery liwttable, .3r. 0. ---Under- 50, U. Ilrowrt, 7 Men der, A. riseitneY.' Pt. tf.--Over 75. A. MetterW auxteblet over 50,1. l'itYlott. I. -Over 75, V. My-. IL Abbott* C. Colwill, 34 rfoll; over •*".. 1itoa 13. Carrel, L.$llati 3f Drown.; • '• Elsie X. Politer° Whe e called last August at the Keewatin m�Iswo terntoded - the Lociti Manager of that inoth-eaten story-.. - About the tnill tamer igui boasted- that though his rojitlx,itetir dirtiest itifive counties his :flour was 4-/s4n. ••• The. .Manager layliih.edlitt.irtilY, but shook ills head tnos,t deCidedlye, ; My only regret.** he saldwis is that were LI511,1h an out of tito way L.:vs:ate here., If we *could only get • more visitors, it would be the 'beat • advertisement FIVE :ROSES could have.'• .r- - You don't hear so much about • -cpuh:imaavilottsttladtrinnuse:Tri;esithelia'bitinr'awl;wadliesessoyttLeaftebtalogt;Yb'elisnerivec • In fuel econciany?'" weasked off- • cleszlinese aboVek, " he quick:y*404: You an. how 441 atty. and free fromdirt thlaplant la. Thsabainc.ofaniolye1mn.yi and steam powarplaml hd1z1ot.:* • . • - -4 - Tha fitat on Duo baa of "ho FIVE RO33 prarniaas is* of fat- rhaesa alas n4 spotlottabrightaaaa and otaaaSnats. Tho 1,001o0d00 s3Patsrn 1* really worsiarfut Iiiht ,penettades anhirkeitetia bothort a00000totifte Initial:4i of • doubloottirod windows and the peculiar iconstrUett„, eon of this plant. Sunlight, you know, is ih* /ate be of germs'and , Whenour guide regretfulty deollned * toed Havana cigar witkb at, stied all tha way trona, Winziper, we slinostratinted. , It Was only thireiveinit*the placards on the wiati--"Poolliosly too4lookiike At At beildint." 'than Ihs rtsillors uaitiormad I* • whit*, eta spotless mcibirtoty with - - rho metal parts poltiatied like plano ** the floota.gitastiortsg irOont. _Ii'40 hone/0 'MOUS mills ars rho ,totoor and fiyetak In ail Aga*** atatito Ws "wort a tow. Whoa you have boa rboottiVits" - • Madam, you clemat but *It toyeturself»."FPIE ROSES nese seat • et, and • nutrition*. an * *ma.° - Andare rrt. %MICR. , Ifttle toreffer ,ot Atibiaiii 10 tt1n $t theieviitottoi 1011100so, T1et'hits earthasod the dwell. the Donalition lipase trona .Xtutora. 11 •Weoe1311 and, Making *Iteration* In etterch. T1le0 ottith *04 dtolr *r* to he _elated in talatit 10004 01 In Vox **Ilette.04trel, Irertri WPlpeP sr... tell On *Ander and broke her arm. 4.4140 room in itia foottool,svati- tioarti_ 'loot wHk *Wing to tho /lints* Of Was IrAyit.o.ThetWo *Ona lerOb Getter apt ritegin, retterrand horn* Wede raslidovo,'Oret. ,v. Dtkatith tontittattalit Irtett‘ Irowitut and Wilile Wa1$r 144 lost week SO' the Werat.-.Chasio eirlitt *rasa itt town 140 Witadre*irosid- ' Was tn 'Uncle* int *seek, he' Of Latatditt ztn vi WM SW NPR Mk Me NMI MN SI I Aimi 0404• wet a.* 1180.1010 MO it* *we num tom moo 4 4*' *we 0444 Moir" II 1111