HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-03, Page 3 (2)*1- e ontsAre Nearly Comple Utah jt uutiL*o,onnelt'Yoloohle. time w listed tlett they lost their liv t. . ha're found the tAine ilict whes dirtetions were-earrf arettilly, equally suceri-o-stni in 'ii reging the weight, ;And Strength 'Of " thiise run down itml dcbilitated from other eauvs • , A detpateh frni Ottsa. svs val in v*paenythingin North. 'Zuti*tiin between tire Ca i3 America. 1y way of further e iatiassates of the .Britisis ('elrni -overrnnt *nd representatives of eouraging the establishment of ueh Cevernaniist. At' a the world,faanous Brit- en irolustry in Caned*. thus Rom, rliipbuilding firms, including nleting the ,st•heine Canadian A despateh from Victoria.- 11..; l'Votttof 'Belfast„ and Naval defence; the Government says t„s Estimates, for 'the' ye • 10, 8onS41.4. 101140! for the fsn italli; it is untirstood, Shortl!,, bring 1)1'01306 clown ii the British • tzI4ishipacnt of Canadian shitiyakds down a• bill increasing the present lunibia'1.6gislattire- • on ThrtistlaY, rd Ylltlekse :eitrOble of Censtruiitaubsidy grantett for dr,yoW that theGoyeromeiie intend repiiiring the 1argest-.90-an- 4(1*s. It is now three per cent. to exPviid. over -Seven Million 401. And of buildfng the P't' *imam for tiventSr 3'ear, OW* Allart911 thiS .Y.esr, tie*. yesSel'S ,of the Calla- Maximum expenditure of$1,500,Q00 Pared., "with an eatimate.d toPendi. ; heie . ken en a lament_witt.le_a4e, past. It is. ex- it three and' a half per ceat. per thowand last year. The great in - that an announcement 01 anntim for 'tventy-live years, oi . a, ereaSe b under, the head of. road, • tuagi.e that arrangentents‘ total expeediture,a probably ,three bridges, and wharves, representing completed tor the estab. millions. i" • tee, million eight hundred thoussru4 ment by -one Or other Of these „tt steel siiipbuilding plant for the this year! instead of one inillion prinks, .of a 'steel ehipbuilding Pacific eoast i also eontemPla,tted fon' hundred and, eight,Itithousaiod at. Montreal, or one .of' the by'a firm- of Cirdian eapitalists at las' year' Ae4diklIng to the • esti lotto coast ports, which will ri- Esquonalt, British Columbia. - mates,. there. Will be a. defieit of 'over three-quarters of arezillionun. legs the revenues are much increas- "•,,, • ItlArRA • 1 • •. , seonifort ,and then rest 2 or a'eq. t,40,,lodes., Are. 03tirnawd to tinutes and drink more, and rest' give one million and a half instead ,! • agarn. and $0 on until a full, quart of $750,000 as last- year. has been taken AS TIO011 all it call he conveniently. In about fifteen •. ..--i ..1- minntes 'the Patient'should cat at the table such articles of food as 4( r are known to agree„ with . the . sto- 'mac . t neon eat. as usual. , J.'Kendall, Geneva, Illinois, i ,,,. When the strippings are not al- [ ' hire " 4 7:4"1,44' • as Tested It With Rest lowed to etiol bel w blood heat and! A de.topatchlrom Brockville: says; Results. - taken immediateh after it is milked; Miss Ila ,ry Sinith had a rairaculeus ' a, full quart, will be transferred in- escape _on Thursday from being most certain method ever to the circulation a rem in arkablY killed in ar rueaway accident. She • , . ailoPted for the cure of the "Great- short ,time. , ., wits:"overtaken on •a crossing bY a White Plague" is through the diet I never have seen a case but could uu,d. as per directions given below take the'strir,"pings without.1,4*(4s„._ , • ,O.,. .4109,-...et.boute...„-anani worth-......X1434tiountg enmes**thin :the midi Of -the poor Ifinive*iireetions were 0 OWCI * well as the rich.. ' strictly, although some have &ear. . The iriodos' operari0 is to force ed they could not before trying itir ,ie body to take on fat, a desidef: but, when _they delayed isking for iturniong felt by :the medical pro- alf an hour and the, milk had ..feotaion but *ever before attained cooied- ten degrees I have seen lialf , ..‘ - ' ,l a Pint make them very sfrik, tbe last fifteen years II d. this diet in huii- "E.'411tAir StCllril 0 • instance and where- dine., of. sitecess with it is in taking it tionshave been -followed striptly it immediately after milking and not isisedthe weight and increased' allowing it to cool heow bleed heat, the 'ength and-vitality'of-the pa-takinga full (mart morning and • tkt rap!JIy up to a, normal condi.:.evening,,and having milk that is tion, thu5 enabling nature to ass 'orb veri,:. rich. ' , ..,.... . vereign right toite the dornin.I The following is * typical- ease, ing forge in the body and thegerma 1. Mrs. A. E. was suddenly ,startled g consort:10/00 jive been to find her -weight was forty pounds A despatch him KettdoopsizIl. orereome'and the cure ateomplish.. below normal. She was eoughing -0., says: C. P. R. passenger train t Sortie have gained.* :pound a'.terribly and -soon.had• a, very pro.- No. 06 -struck a broken rail while v and would gradually -take on , fate hemorrhage from the lungs rounding A curve 'three miles. West until they -would not increase that taitie near taking her life. li of-Spence'S Ilii.ilge on Wedn-esday ia eight Mere. -'- - at once began the use of the milk night at .11.. o'cloek.., The engine Aus, imrcig- mATT,Ta-iN. a- 4_4m:sings, )4fter hordoerhae. ifts and.baggage ear Passed 'salelY but stepped in a ew • ( ays„ .out i. th-a -balance, or the train. about ten is to . drink . loge -quantities of ten,orIfteen, she hail gained- near -1 carsi left the traek, and only the re - I strippings Athe very last of ly tt poitnd 2. day and was soon *able taining *wall prevented thent_being. the milking, ' which is *11 creal'a: to get out of bed and go around Pere1pitate4 into the Thompson wlien a, proper cow is eelecte4).1 the hotist....,„She- gained (pike rap- River. ' ' • . - , This seem* so simple and easy, that idly and as her weight and strength There is a steep, reeky.. blii*tat snowy have -refused to follow direc.lineE.eased her eotigh degreased. that point ,and had the train gone tik•no lond 4°02404 Medicines to curet When the had gained thirty poundal over the toss of life' 'would, have tli,m,;,* but there has not yet been in about three months her coughl been appalling. No one was hut ilistovered-any medicine that is 11,,,le14... her. I had hor continue the arid the Pullman passengers slePt s: c for consumption. Isaine diet for 0 or 0 weeks longer 1,'..11 through the'wreek. To get. st results a healthy COW and --site gained ten pounds. more ahould be aeleeted, one that does And then would not take on more no Wilt iknd one. that Oyes very, flesh. ,She was then as well as she STEEL WORKS NI"Et4Qr111..4.1GT. neb milk. 4.JerseY'Aftw 26 Prefer- ever had been and centinued well The, milk should always be after the - stripping* were discon- Roliortord , That matkonzio $4, Itito tested,' to ' be. 'sure that there is a thnied.' - , r eent, 'et_trertm.in it. 8.0E,,1„90x.iszo it.,EDienis are 13tetiring prepe_rtY_ ,... 1 at. ...tptirt should" be milked A ndespateh from Victoria.. B. rate dish- which rests. in after the hemorrhage was stopped 1 szys; It is reported. that Mat rger vessel—ebritaining warm' excepting& little pepsine and some! zie ..k. Mann are acquiring a, in. . .,,,, . • . A$ . , . - . . . harbor . • te Is lust suincient to Prevent tie, other Tgestive to aid digestion at, Esquimatt and iron Pro pp,Ings from tooling.i?Jow"blood and a simple tough remedy to ease perties on the island, With the ideiv b.at.. The eow4should bf,...therough-the ough; but tar, lobelia, :opium, of eitabIMing steer T -works..- Inl ly lied to 'prevorit ally -dirt get.. tartar .eineticf and such medicines thii.. Connection Mr. II. P. Dollen ting tothe milk, so the petient* as disturb the stOnach and inter,. Of ,Bullen Bros,„ proprietors of the blow back the froth and drink fere with digestion were carefully lts,riee. Railway .Corapany, 1:18qui. . without •• straining- .4S tili$4., avoided. ,.• . watt, is now at Ottawa- negotiating', ecn?h it too Mach., • It is yfor:theft. 011 a farin'to i with the Government for intreased arry'Ont this method, and on sev-4toilities for Altipbuil3ing se his eori. ° . 1°7°11 .rt" PRI:ii!`34 • ,;era! occa,ions' 'pgrrties 'who livid in i cern .ea,•ri eontriet for building war. in, tof,- drinking nearly a pint the city, purchased is ,tiultable tow n ships for the Canadian • navy. In the m�rrnl)g, and the...same at ant after complete recovery.c.:-ini / ` and increase the-ipiantit*.:_every instance, they, Sold tly,e cow Ily ,-ito. that in 10`itie 0 days t *.' nearly as snitch as was -paid for quart will he taken .twice a her . CZAIIINNikr liOCTOR CIDES. NSUMPTIO T 0.P "STRIPPINGS" Is ALTA -CREAM; NOT M11.4. „ DRAGGED 50 FEET flY IIAJR. Shaft of Itunswav Penetrated eon'* horse attached to .a cutter. The point of one of the .shafts penetr ' 43irbet-brkirr*elr ..eterritrrnb, uo in pads. !ranging by her hair, she was dragged fully 50 feet be- fore the horse came to's, stop in a snowbank. Miss Smith, who es- caped without a scratth, went her way quite unconcerned, after ar- ranging her toilet in a near -by store. The driver of the horse was an Ottawa Street 'Railway eondue- tor visiting in Brockville. 'NEARLY A. TRAGEDY. • Train Derailed. en Brink of Steep :11014 Itleff. IT 1 APP 110. A144,0V 4 T • 04r.�wi • company JAVI$ she; fOt e build odtioreklusitauto.HVi.etcoria, 8. Ontario 0,osernment. May p tht ssasfe Ail • inunigrants•vca take pasitionS as clOmeatt...A.; :The estimates P**#ect'hY the Itoti Board of Vontrol provide n. rate of et mine* !Ur, same last year. ' • Port Arthur is seiiailik tion ,to a* the Ontario Clover' le for power to have the eity grt ed- by & COMMi5SiOU. The operation o( telephones tbe, Manitoba Government rest! - ed. itt a. surplus of 4372,000.4 Jot of new lines are to be laid. Menwho took part in -the -recent labor riots were sentenced at Spi- ne:pr. , The ringleader were given otN4th'°erYsewaersreeti4eneha. and 4414"t f"t37. Mr. O. T. Connor will sac the, Hamilton Hospital Governors for the,: death of his daughter from scarlet fe'Ver,- 'contracted, he says, while in the hospital. hill has been introduced sn.the Manitoba Legislatue to sanetx m marriages performed • by stisblitS ani other missionaries in the re mote districts of the Previnee. The Goverximent has matte a -r: rangements with the New Zeatian0 Steamship Company for a monthly erviceifront .Montreal, Halifax. a1 Australia and Ne a t %) 8 It should he taken iminediate- do not remember any Altse that yi.tdo mistakt. irt• Disigs0Aing /ter, r milking before it hap had followed the directions strk,tly that .44,1 ti.A.t " to cool any. All should warz not mood, but, several 44-'14 be without too much" tyil in deelatisig they' could' not take St. Petersburg despatch s.ty tIptkiii, the r'iarinit'S private 11 p iemo, tIfli stiditenly & short tint ago. It is. t4.0*(liscovereil that lac; -doctor committed suicide .1 cause he luid inade js alio in diagnosing the mal the Cnrints is suffering ocate " preventing other physicians 't'zitrina'S dition beeline worse. and the (',17 proaelt,ed 11,:otkin, who be.i! ratite ao tlistreoesed in mind that her, toolc sCdose 4)t TAISCir lin etc be: r iu t.,; Colborne ,4ea ago on - night i tug w he heavy seas w the -bad ) il titabOr for Po rought, frem_ th eacy, ses pat Tlu•ktrilpirt4 ,4i,.'shoveit but; iirtti in out t e round/ al.;o6t Win ro froze in the ice. :They immediately pal o port and Iiroke the news.ih ber is all .htintsred.. oak, w ery valuable. Vsperts love s t is worth- one- tlittuSsn ars. It Will ttaketl, lo:,,arted s WW1 113, ttO ie0 breaks 4 to Tott creating, 'much. ex`eitegn St II)E AT (i tLtr $histoils Ifintselt la .0 i :ogle* go to work • for the tllan e Zoo! ' C'timpany, em diwappear lf it had ii licre4 The' timlier at the tinte it * *dos in his root) at allowed 'up. Thvs `provtd.4 lost IvskS I. -slued at fiftp t ,uaiid Ir iit 1-lotel at 5 ,, o*etock o to the oWners. Nolitilitts. .. Prices have tioublefl sin tiftetnoon hip,' fiat* af -airflitig ti.,tod 'end the ,,1 that time!. The many 'yeti% its the bintsiqr 0.1t.r te...Ap_ • * lifter '11011nY italitrAw itcOmter has not tlain*ged it ,t,, atilt l ro.3.41,1, i''.I. Av0.01.1-f.#r the r.is it 11*5 iseev, tomtit!, , the iie!,,,terit. It. is. said thi- tiaihtlr be,-(Viosn., lie %ea% 4 e.Ptit'AirgAii4L * raft s bee* totated tii.ar ','ionivi tti-ihe, estiO,Jof the lat!t ltat- , , . ft* au t 1itt4 *howl 'ft.) s .ral fairaera soil)* ' ton .1441i..4irtikir 0 ' ,, 4, ,vit4;,. !IL/. . • .,,,,, Zealand. s The Montreal Board of Trade has passed 41, resolution in fav)r of tav-, lot; labor oisanizationa ineledei itt the law for the itivestivitiln of monopolies and trusts :n 'restraint of trade. • GREAT BRITAIN. The first division in the newBrit- ish :1101150 ,of Nininons resti.tt I in a vote of 2,56 to. 231 in favor of.the Government. Mi. Winston ,Churchill anti jinxed in the Britislillitise of -0101110re that the Government svoi'Ald stand. or fall by theveto bill. Ioseph Martin'in a 'Ater t ) The 'Times states that he con- siders Ur.' Asfirtith has repudia ii pledge-n*44e attlie:-AlhiTti,*Ilalt Meeting. UNITED,.STATES. Three boys were shot4nd r•obalit Isitalty wounded in strike riots, it Philadelphia. . • . The Comrifercial Cable Company intends starting immediately to lay 59! extracted; 10; to tic per lb. a ,Tnaemwestitblreivaocntotersds, th: Atrrotrirne.eu150 to SU, and No..2 at $12 to W..: Mated Hay -No. 1 tiinothy, $13.. acksmari, was shot and killed in --coo on track, Toronto. New York by in old comrade wholu- Baled Straw 7. o on he hetroYed.* - ' Toronto. Eight direetori of the MilicTrubt ,r.otatoes..--43 to '470 .per bag -ton have been indicted at NOT York for track for Ontario's. conspiring to raise the wiwlesa"'e PouItry-Turkeys. dressed', 18 to price of milk:. 101 per lb. ; duck's. 13 to 15e; geese, Representativellontell of Illinoi 13 to' 14e; chickens, 14 to 15e, and safis the" is absolutely no 44nger icor-1i- 11 to 12e. ot a: tariff war between OanaLla aral the United States:- -President _Taft, ipeaking wok, solid the actual cost for en- gineering and cdostruetion of the Panama. Canal., would he tr)%ora. The United StateS naval v., - gramme for the coming year it is said, include two battleships of 29000 . tons each arid fostieg each. • at A deiteli ry co.;' Train, manager. of -the Bise0 branch of the /Judson's Ray C0,4 On the line of the C. P. was fined by Magistrate roiar. ier in Sudbury on ThursAS* '41 tatpf '40,150 and cot, or twenty years and six months in the pent- fiary. This is a. line of $50 and sts for each 'of the 123 bePme'r ; Its. seized; or two inont * prisenment on each ehar rms.-to_ _ wyer for the defence pleaded for y enieney„ as this was •Train's fixit the.. o'ffence,. but the Mugstrate Illreivli"tillittst‘t, rwt:I:okw°ttit'e417; „tctl the° furs, and as this wasluot r' first olence iintiOsed „the • , Crown- Attorney fos, prosecution, ,explained that Tchrfumtwaaastuilo,:lyasa:y'ficlou.rewheearit,.:41-1:4 to get the furs. Thethadleeir victul time and again withont, e feet. It Will goat the Mason's' at e- he 123-teriver , valued at about $4060, • urs will • he *onAseate'd. ru WORLDN MARKETS REPORTS 'FROM LEADiNG TRADE; CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at • and- Abroad. BREAJ)STUFFS: Toronto, /finch l. --Flour On- tario wheat 00 per cent. .patents, $4.25 to $4.30 in buyers' sacks on track, Toronto, and $4.15 to $4.20 outside in ,Juiyers' sacks. Manito- ba -flour, first patents, 0.29 to $5.- 30: aarathod. strongbakers',on track, Toronto.- --123(43 Nay -ports, and No. or. thorn, $1.10, -Bay ports. Ontario wheat -No. 2 mixed red Winter or white, $1.07 to $1.0S utside, Barley -No. 2, 500 outside; No. 3 extra,' 53 to, 54c; No. 3, 50 to *lc, and feed, 480 outside. Oats -No. Ontario -white, .39 to 38%c outside, and 42 to 424e on track,. Toronto. Canada West oats, 4* for No. 2, and 42e for No. 3, Bay Porte, Peas,r,No. 2 for 'shipment, le to 83e outside. ke-s-No. 2 67 to 6Se outside. • BuekwIteatt:-,53 to -53%e outside foe No. 2. .Bran -$22 to $22.50 in hip,' To-, rout°, and shorts $21, in bags, To- ronto. - COUNTRY PRODU E Apples -$1.50 to $3 per barrel, according to quality. Beams -Car lots outside, 11.85' to ind small lots $2.10 to $2.20 per bushel. - Ifortey-Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- GliNERAI our hundretl men w r jcil. ed or wounded in * battle in, ' Ugllis Calle entters on strike in Aatisideloupe liave ere,ated a, eerions situation. . A YOIVM;.: HERO. ivoiletitio4ta Boy ratiottis Brit From Buritiog Itiosse. tiesp*teb :.itotu.:14-ouflon, Ont. ys; Roy aged itve yeats,. ..proived. young hero on NS'ednes- daY morning, when he earried from hout# his niAe-months- old 'brother before help *t The _children were alone •i the ileum" and it is ttKittglit the boy was playing .with thee fire. Vrhe,n the house taught. the youngster grab- ; up the balikand carried it out. 'iii0e/ A* neigliblts rawa hurriins up. teLlf, 'ORAO I A ' VO • 1 4t 0 patch Amu t.. tt - tree sott nor anti expire er1t,,ti tbetr ' attending netting. et tar isolowsliately *too tis* Odtlfellot 1 • TIIE DA.IllY MARKETS. • liais.711-4. 11eref!s, 15),:fmk.;: tubs, 20,-;e1 p.ct BUSINESS AT moNTAEAL; "Montreal. Mar. $.. Canadian 1,Ve,stern, 45.1; to 46e..; 3, 4.e.-• to 450;10ntarlo,1sci, 2 white, . 43; to • 44e; No. 3 white, 42% 14s 13c: No. 4 white; 41,4 to 42c. Bar- • ley -No. .2, 50g to 60c; No, 3, 53e; NO. 4, 116%c; -feed -barley, • ' Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; do. seconds, $5.30; Winter wheat pot: ents, $5.50 to $5.60;.. Manitoba strong bakers', $5.10; straight tot - ler, $5.10 to $5.25; straight roll- ers. in hags, 0.40 to $2.50. Feed-. Ontario bran, $22.50 tio. -03; tariO middlings, $23.50 to $24-i, nitoha, bran, 0*; Manitoba shorts4,.. : mixed mouillie. t Cheese -Westerns, 14.4 to IVO, and easterns, 4.23to,12%c, Buttek Chcicest creamery,. Ws% to 20e, £n4 fresh receipts, 24 ,to !Se. Eggs - Strictly„ new laid, 31 to 32e., Se.* , lected cold. storage stock, 23 to 30e, and No. I "candled, 24 to 260 per dozen. 111,• UNITED STATES MARRET,S., Minneapolis, Mar. ,Y, $1.14,i; eat, No. i hard, $1J3% t $ 514; NO. 1 Northern, *1.13% .to 'Ic1.14%4 No. 2 Northern, St:113g to* $134%;°No. 2 Northern, $1313 to $1.12514 No. 3 Northern. -*Losg, to$1.11,!,fx.. Bran -In ioo-lb. sikelot $22.50 to $23. Flour --.First patent's,' *5,50 to 05.70; second patents, 36 to $5.50; first Clears. ,.$445 to $4:55; second clears; $3.20 to $3.50. Buffalo,. Mar. 1. ----Wheat- Sprisne wheat, unsettled; N.). 1 -Northern.. carloads store,'$1.20; Winter, No. - 2 white, $1.26. -Vorn--No. 3 yellow*. 64-e.. No. 4 yelloW, 62c No. 3 torn, - a to 63%e; No. 4 corn, 01 to Olge;,.. ; • NO "3 white, 64). Oats. -No. white, teKe; No. 3 white, 51e; No 4 white. -.10,1‘,c. to malting, 74 to S0r.4. -011 rlYrAreAr. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Mar. ,1. ---Prime heevft . sold at 6 to 6ge 'per' pounil; Prot. tg good anhisals, 4,14' to 5e per pound; tortinton stook, 3X, to 4.go ,poundi Mitch ewers front $31. to $55 each.. Veal ealites froth 4 to 5e per pound. Sheep ;*bout Ot: IWO” 43 -yr -ta• It ---44r reGerrodroulOntdS: of !a, PK 93,44c Dutter+Pound prints, 21 to 22e; Toronto. Arareii 1. The tpiality tubs And large rolls, 1.9,to 20e; in --of the., cattle offering was not up' fortor,•.16 to lee; efeamery, .27 to to, the rnark there _being far too 28eand solids, 23 to 2e per lb. inanv of tbe half -finished v*riety. KggsLi-.4:,ase lots, t4 neWIsid, ;0 Tiese were hr1 to sell,And de - ti, 31e per do4ci-i, and storage, 25c, ed IOW 296 before they thauge4 per dozen. - •, hands.. Every thing of ',the 'choke Chreee-iSe per Ili. for large, and class were quickly caught up, .an ' at 18e for Wilts. -1., " -realized sat high prices AS 4, any • - time during the yetst- two Months. A few rwell.finished 'Ached steer* 'and heifers sold at *15.50 to. ut &tie were etteeptionaL „greater number, tot sales butchers' Were made at the 1$5,50 rearic. Meditun quality, hat 'there sold at 11)4.3(t to $4.*.5,.' t"oWtf d bulls wer likewitoesier. . lambs, ‘'it 4., hogs, owing to t nail .supply, firm. OG PRODUCTS. BaccOn.--Long clear, 141,410 14! per lb.. in case lots; utess p6ork, $27,; short, cut, $23.30 to Rams -Light to medium, z5 to 15'e; do., heavy, kit to 14!7f,e: rolls, II to lage; shoiaders, 124 'IV 1L'1c; breakfast beton, 11% to 1 baeks, w A despalih froin New York gly4.1. riSon •Higbee and lc4ie Lord, two Young Yale graduates, and si daily prominent in Xortlt_hrsty , _ • were Wantonly sitat down and. liko babk (*tally wounded on Wearies' day :byt.tAn criCriitted negro it4,,the vimtking ear of-Lak ,Jersey C.`entra *in- in which they were riding to the'ir-hrnnes itt Newark - Amompsaylizit and Lori llaitt Yoiusg,tof New York, and his cousin,. Roger 1.*oung,..-14 Xt tit both Printotori gradisate!t,. after the ttain left Sersey he negro, who' *is aceota, panird by **other ma,* of his 111:eft ulat4otroliolilso It iotir yonts il:::::::rn 4-5tis 0 r, t tii ,altPut tho Nvi,,;;,10ift. boil Ifiplis bott Iligt,rc t bid' x i-- 11741 ---Ii..- '''Tiri- Li-eit ,Altile Lvolie4th_ pc!.sr.c. 1,,,,,, ha '„ leave1 tv hi. ft-,ei,., tluil 41r(14:' 3- 're -, 1: AptAter. "VII tiftio,.; yol.", Sfli 104 7i14014`tic',t1 ttp, Crls :ilte ith,it )0,1,t:e:,at:tri;)!...rtitst:F.,:::.!:1,,':tiot*:I'.tt,..w:iulait::..itit. :11.:',10,14,1.1:1 4 1 Ic.i'll', ..,t1Itil..: if' ase when .he *ear) Tea et' 1tiviit 'while it. ‘i** , 40,110.*; *Il htturs ti, 4- i itir.ns. n trikin 1 tient 10 ilie*filit isatite"Afilt A L