HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 7 (2)—
,,,,P9prr 4
arIyzdr Nin *cit
eeilliition, bat
edi in waist to the fee
be het ilt•e
t up° hat do -
en;a 'orjtn wretelied
• creel • eossilike • • See
te el- Mr.'X)au 3.
Rice Poe;
Ie was * ee, in
peralyeefi• 41
ist to his feet ttod for nni
ontlts Jay in bed eneesed in
of Ii*Titt east. Four of tit'
eteeeeekieeein r
reauab1e to Lithe --him and
med doomed for a lies of nes-
t despair. But hope came
o him when -he -reed IA what Dr,
Pink Pilla had done for
ev titterers from Paralesis. RC.
e4 41.triply,.0t the Pills iind
4** Graduate
eis Of di- th
ztnd*lied hie whole
ly with new blood, lifeand vignr.
Dortald seya;--"I am a fat-,
41134 in eonsequence_ have
-deel-e-f-hard-feork to ati.lene
rile *bout my work I inlayed
;itt!e *ttfntion to the injury end
'L ntinued my work. As time went
ougli, the pain beeame more
e'iere end won found enyself
unahle to lift elrythiagi -no 'matter.,
mw light. It **** not In 'lit hefore
I lettl to -stop work altogether atia
oniinit a doctor._ 143 ,treitte
w *Me,— 1 -had
o take to ray,bed, and in the hope
hat y spine might receive
angel, I yes encased in a plaster
of vie - easel Thie.3did not 'help
and I eould* feel the ,paralysit
ikw!y creeping over mo till I was'
iofa1lv paralyzed from-- my „waist
to my feet. I*Iose all emitNI over
bowels and blidder and my
4:legs-hut no more feeling than .if
they were made of wood. Three
" her doctors strived to „rime M
.but their treatment also was A fa
ure, *ad for eleven_ monthI Igty
d unable to move. Dr. *Williams
Pink Pala *ere then advited, and
SthOISO ttati10.0itiall of others
ho had been timed of paralytis,
through them. 1 bought et supply
in len their three months the
*IP -or ••• @loom,
•AA:se:Whig tor an
er the verdict. ef the toy
31fled u that te 144).3ijtl
liffd by an ente4tenate akIr
to ot in Pinto o
IIUan1s Pink :o �u Atter 4
tor by a if
0 **
;'44. able .te
aldne tlie
a,.a knece. Orei,Ittal
-Liflfstronger..., S
rith the 'aid
Live of the Ville.
anql ttee more, e
wrk. Now II a
Wa and 'out: do my work nhout
farm without the -least trouble
think Dr.. Willisies' Pink Pill!,
re witboit an equal, for, bsi
eases of paralesis cure
•Nwo yerine
ples and whom I /Advised
In ,eorroboretien
McDonald says, the :Rev.
ean uf Charlottetown,
by a cf.,`,Tithiza ettemee A WifAT RITE
iC addre'es., The eicfelics jut 1 Doutrii iii,
rd had,beea *lest tile deft -0-h
ai.„ ere imbecile, anti ceetseei
lVs* s ueelee to" thetieguiiili i Aloe
clever IMO f this point; Mit, *tee '
-Se Wit auit 'sit:fere. ,-:, In his Nide.
p the :Forms leweer made
eaege in rate ehout. to elose, . vepre,e4-1 Iiiiiiself
,,,?L,,f 4 bed mid ' thie, extraoteiteary manlier •.-----
e6,neeeeeeee *tleltleinen. of the kale., et:, tipet
e (1124), 1
, tyoluintmlt,vc aik arkis,,gtiolun.ftiliettaluertitte tkleaf4,t'
and Joside o 1. 1tPati; -the,. iigeifieliUt. 0 ,
lied begot+, the ,•eit' 041**. teo hekbestre'
le o tally eu d.
do lig aten-ew ef thoeisee-te., Need r re ii
emOf the jure that, it
ng,iks ine* 41
e istekable foidences.,
. . 3
eprivation ef the' posse o,•
tnguish r!glitu from wrong /3,
:raut.„,ot this tlietiretieu betw n )
ght end wrongesesetlemieueo i
wit er jury, -4 ow ean this poor ire
coovieted ef the eliarge broughti
en erip eseinst him"? Why„,gentlemen. this** i
trv th nelutppy' mart is like * tweexeer-olt14 T,a15.
eldid-elie 3pueithet know, why he l 'i_efee-e ,
t •,,es a. thing nor Neste „Therefore,* 112t7 l'oo
ettletrien, it is with peculiar pride
i .
PJ.L I relied', that, such are the' Aeil
---e is, the1te5t and 7lRts
1 riene 'of ell 0 e, 43:44 toy er
t. imbeellei tbough he to -day
ads for trial by aury ef liis
rs I"
41'tftertil fi
]odds lei
Is rites
-key theses dining hi Mace,
s attended be three or more de
and - Paris, aott
(Noy itiog IMAgmabli which might
enefit was ;done fer'him with..
put itikeess: Ile -had lost /411 pow-. GOl
-et his hod., from hit It
0 X VA • e was .nearly a year
under, treatment before he begs
te use I)r. Williams' Pink Pills,
was with him the fruit day he moved
his big tee and from that time ou
he greiduelle improved and fot the
Jast few :eters he has been
feetly well. can voireli, for.
ere Pr. Villiems'u Piek., *
Yeeted in * ea '
**Pre for
ouvid UeIiel
zt *Mee li„idote
in. thc -41.4.10,ors3 fief
o from whieli I had
ijnc ytr.'., I1indtki
on feeliog.
nee 1 ii' taking Rod
1„ be Well pleise_
-.1u4 0 they *ill cure
es.vs iffeS Iferri
in the eints,he teutirtues
mp in be uniseles, backeelie
was heavy ante, 'sleepy after
s tlePressed and low
prrspjrid freely., was often
-aeretiiirsty, but sin
34,31 Kidney Pills
'on five any of the Aymittotto,.
Rarrj!I te1M of, it is time for
o eWare. TheY arethe.sYmPl
torn f Kidney 13/better enti mar
be the foreeriirinere if Bheumatilm
Dropsy, -Lumbago, Ileart Diselaes'
9r oven the *treed Brightete.Diiie
- Tike ef"
west' suffering or even death il
by putting the Kidney in g0
(irking order with Dodd's /tido*
ills. -
Diner---“Rere, landlord, whae$
o /neater with your dog f I've
v°,11 bim•1141YerY'a den times, but
he WWI( COP1414_ back again
'lose1 onwe
**Dung, man?" •
his parents
being very agreeeble
ple Ake*,
e on e 1 I *Jetzt
ii- , i ‘1,. the,l, treatment I t ti ss i out and let inc have niy dinner
you are now taking -teoes not help em thatI Isee up, a cold 4
4 Iin peace." Landlord — ."Ah, sir,
you,. give. -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 0 ,_lt dial 1-4•11f me Cello is such a knowing *beide.
A bur trial. They have ouredithout 1 1 s ,macis
sands aftitdit-Fttiiii,-iiiia other me- °nisei* of I '- miAlug ilvi°0 expeet have got the plate he
Asti ounce -ri you off."
, A genera y eats
diets' treatment had Impelessly, Virgin :0 - t°1:n.P°"u House -Hunter -7. "Seem ** to me
faired. These, Piths -aettuilly make pure and eight oetneeeeor Pere flee house i'Rt very well boot Tho
new. rich, red blood, feed the Whisk«. 3 You tart get these., i*an dear sbakee wbeu we walk.e, Agent
starved nerves and bring health and icood:' drug . stove end testi)! '''illoi —"Um—Yee-is ; that's the new kind
strength to every 'part. of ihe btid.Y., ,ein in * large bottle. The rnittlirri • Cf spring n001.* for dallaing, you
This is ewhy Dr. Williams' - - rink - le lushke tet9 - -111,111-04-111, tlIP reelte kedw."- Iteuseelfunter -- ”And
Pills mire sue apparently hope 4* f CheMi001 Co., 43. 4,,,,,--,41...,.,-*-- ..41,„ these stairs creak terribly." Agent
e, t 'ef.e.. -4.- el -444 o - .it
air eases'its" Mr. IleDonaltre, and eprepare the genuine viten L'i• 1)'• •eese we feeeitet ode_ new pats
Sands end thouseelde. -of Sia, 44, : - '- , 3.4....- .
is gsrhy they have. eured time- 11 pine temp:ewe pure for dive
i 6tEr t,h211,1,tvrgatart.baltlargrine.0 staireese with-
eoureged /motile in eve/et Part of A IT. e,
dealers or by mail at .80 cents 4 bOi.
the world. Sold by ail medicine
Ist--"YoUng Biddell ' 0 einikly foietilious ITeadache—
or 'six hoses for *Zee front The
Dr. . Wil Him's.' 'Medicine CO., Brock. he infatueted WI he
ebes partritlee"e VegetalliW Pil
To, those subleet to „bilious heed
*1 Ctet ed to
ude-e‘Yes. • They isey h o-
. ' -recommended: as ,the wey to-
after s -ting her with he r
reetions .theel will 'subdue irregu:
done up in curl paper."
„ riticto of the stomach and so' 44,
atureehidilastLesu:e4aubd7 Iteitienis.te.:e% 0. urn the nerves end blood vessels,
5 t the paineein the . head will
her- Graves' Worm-Exterreinetor se. There are- few who are not
is-te relief by rentovin the es, * sometime subje4 to biliousness,
tit vbegIVIIVAIV Ottidaltett !: * d familiar with its attendant,
e it a trig:and-
' ' Levi's. Yet none need suffer witli
these pills at Iperd,:, .
, 3.-4.,.... •
A EfILI.40,Y.,
"We Conte rteifl lyttellitt* the
wrong man yistiy," said Chapparal
Charlie; list as we wuz goin' to
*wing him off, too."
"M'» exclaimed the Eastern
teurist, "and then you, discovered
your Mistake, thl What Wel
"4tWuzn't it, thoughV The Wont
yer hilted tell of."
The healthy child is alvrikte
.5,happy ghild-. All its little 4.
roubles vanish when its food 4
0o -digests property and it is frce t
from ehildisli ailments. ;Most T*
f these , ailments come from
OBIS& Ot: bowel troublce, 4it
olds, fetverishnetls. teething
d worme., Baby's Own Tab -
t? -4 premptly eure these 1.
troubles and ly,,ep. little ones
. Mrs. W. G. Martin.
seliffe.`„' - Que.? says: "I
- cell Baby's Own Tab- 4,
3.4513 my home for the past 4.
r ears, and since using
y one' have en-
? lie best, ef health.
.e nimend them to every
k 5 a oure etare for the
„ d medicine denlers or
ttt 511 l'flutE3 •Itmg
r rn The Dr.
itt4 Co.. BeGekville,„ Ont.
, •
V •
efly"Le•I *want. y4nt .
het 1=1114)t- .V4,..1-6 int% ,
't SACearS V el.:5' bldkV:'
alq4,--"Wellf. 00.a.dam„ it'o "a '
cry cring bird. it'll !man to
car better whea it's a bit el
1.".vsie tooking into .114. atite
Yo ‘.(!a 011.1h1Ler Of 1)nii(il1tc4
ale ,-.-em%%"lio has been
70.0: titt"Lt0li (tr1-44. hes ,
erred te !tie hit 101)- .‘4 ee-e,
i 7.1'! 1.110 eil the elet!les to '
• ,;,41 04
Who gave the brele away"
'fler little brother. Ile toad up
rightein the middle of the ceremony
and'yelIed, Fertile, you've
got hime at lett!"
1,111010X 0141015.
.1050144twass,d** v
*OW* toil or begiues,iieeee 'se
3.3, •
4113 _ItAlidtt Cu -,e0 k tots. a dae' *0
su-4 fat, herbor /Us ktretigt4arni
i, ::I,:t1;ktiv,oxi714::eaniniv:iiiregti:t:41:Itiitritilet4,,,,,,t4..1.;17:::::.5,:;' 4c; cosiiic;ii
i it; tottal,. four .Cents„ -t
e tq .the 'hungry worleuen are34,-,
;'ranklin Whit,ia favorite ,
'nkfat-Vorntneal iteish,
ee it
v ; smoked her?
sixells • and',,
8, .1
• 4:t, twoi.,
tele nine
• •-•
eilketwo e
ees, three
tits ; bread, inte* feet ; t
To M The Li-
le4b• ,11 f
rt t`te' rii°0; "
0411y;.1,mt thilte are - those
upatioeis and the ineetivitr.
erl 1s to veriet‘tlhI::tle4
os. I'gmele7:Vt1esertii;),Ins
rt'It]at(' the starrokele iiod liver and
store -heelthy ection. Tt is -wise
lieve a picket of theelWaYee'
. „
She)ease.ehopping.' , She drfed
to the Plaee where they
a et TO11 was deposi
nd -spread out before _her..
*with Zaze
ro_ese,.. "Oh, well; 1 don'
• einieetWebily any. 1 was only
. J
frokirig for a friend. "Pray-eviiit
-a2moreeatelaaittin,'!reirel the `atten,
-,lietteelaietively; .efehere is (tee eatire;
hlenket on the ' shell% Perhaps
‘'onr friend is in that."
(heapr-.-t of allMedierI
sidering •the eur Pr:.
it 34-eestree. ile*433_4Etetilueoefernee-Dim __it!, i
t •
, .
•Plitilie. The :dose r,e , 14
oy ,salment it email en t '
evateie$ enemy -dotes
. , .
veined' at the •lientajt eorifrrs 1
hut in
t t„'
1d iut bopurchase,i
bees the price *$kied for i
018000 -RV STOCKING It.
-04.00 At KIRPt00 ISItOWS vividly
t e danger of . neglecting to apply
Zaaelluk to a cut or a sore. itirsA.
tfarrison, livine in Plitee
Ig —
!trod: her enkl
against tibettp" projeetiort on the
urniture. She took no notice of
he injury, deeming, it trivial. In *,
..flay• or two the .enklei tiepin to 'swell '4"-e
ed canoe exeettive pain.. A -40,134,1., 144
-ior4 IO, found that .01„y4-;:fii;nt )f- int4f1:44;4g77:;114:1714
her stocking had entered the woundfur:1;r ::::,(.7017.,
and set ,up blood poison. Treat-'Plith"Ph 4"11*" "46'ir *4;1.
for* n 1041t
4tt bf10441. W)01. 0T'W44,14 $1141407.,
4r04 **Pit *oy oztotooto, thoototluo
*�-fu11 POLIOUIA4* ii44ti4144 .X1444
141040 CO.* )40)4tr0/44
• -r 3-* le -
Fikfttit FOR 'trier.
me° never. bete,e,44e•mgeteet tee r)etos
eirotuetteti-Otirt itsetteeetiee ft*,
)424.1i44010..fmvo b0000 And 'mot oothouitsto,
. O. Mayor. VI Torto Stroot. Toon*
A I.
Olt' flAtit-itt
omits. book roo
kiniArpf limit, Von** s*tt Ws
n** *It 5144* **4441#44•1*4'. 3***
truism Ito* W044305* 0,01 7004440**
4 149.114,00.tt, ,
t „
foie ei
anent with Zam-flek followed, liutil*"‘1"1 et4'
it was .several days- before. the _
eerie out•of danger. "Rad it not 1
been for the - powerful .entiseptiee3
properties' of *Zitin-lluk and it,2,
eeptionel "healiug virtues,.
TNE OltatF4-01; Aepg
h ttolSierrets ot • thav 01.00
wound might have: had a very seri. ***''Vor".:_e•-et treL ern•Iterf,,,,seiti
eue result," •says neer' - :r4"146,"me Tiewe' 4••• 114
• lyiarlatt s 'Promo
- • , .
, Wives look forward to Intine pew Caw* Rah' 00 SAY SW Road
tiOthett 11,11401;0(Ifi---tlY paying °II mle-elethe 14'br•--$41'
,flutiodst, thelrorltiot
lot them.
re•vtly milefe Taken eteording
Tito Japt; 014t litoit otspgtid the Atoraist
SwaseatPloga otiattoo.
'WO 1100d to change elle propor-
tions between the initt-who'are
praying, for peace itt heaven and,
: GERM Is, poslEoLp8.4 tilos. who are promotieg it here. 00 Ilridget, did my wi• fe
wz'.minutes. *go?
Present Day Ifittluenza is of a- 3ilfil W147.3gTIM!. VAINtil ,:ims
'.cliarattir. . •*by not hue 44. Western Cenetla . Bridget71?-1'4 Yt-i-‘11•114'14-'41`4 *144 °'11.°-11'11:-Pi*'
, Iko
• „ .
that !in 4.'liki. fet.* 'it.,ell In .4 testeeseseiree dot% till ton.*** '
The change in the cliaraeter oft.....„ -.333.
intluenze en , England . in the 4 ° 5 years. Ch°1"!'t 11**r.)tands *114 '''1*1.11**1"ilkirlftlx°11witk*$188*14
was explained 414 "Ur
ritstAp7:0410. -by 0)*a. few great bergains in improved 44404,seefee. 'finitely teteueemte, Aingd sop
physician, vilici lit" maite, it eareitdi hems. Jervis, immediately, Farmroltstee-see- .111011111104 .3111"1411114111*t."1"1"
study of the epidemics of. this 'dist,. 11•1*"414-'3°1 .Ke11'edY Bui!ding' Port-
- ' ' --'' A G atone.
leas?,', sige Aveaue, W
•initifes, ..
"There is no question,'" said the ,. .......- 4,
Your wife a g_Oed MenitOry_.'
,. ____.___......_ __
deet9r, "time present-day influenza en' Flainitganil .r, :rot:Owe-a
tild say she has. I. hollow.
e of A rnuch, milder.' (411114Utep Ocklir awl:lour' said the clerk of the ..0 er frier!, her eix weeks ago,
it 11•1111 ten YeArs a$0.. The reasons -eeii-rt. "Yes, liegorra„,"' replied the. nil ;she hasnet forgotten. it yet."
re twofold: a natural attenuation prisoner, with a Merry twinkle in
oT the ,germ, -4 0itt1 ti, pertird Lauri . Vi eye. .9'Irt °win? tveeebade*V? e0oly 04144"mama* oun4iNe,"
y acquired by our h
systoles. Teo ti LAXAIT41. Itittimo 4rts1,,,vit,
' Frio triot
"Ittlitlenz3 ,germs do notu tie •sterioo eyo lessee, C4)---• rbleinge.
it illw Itiosilero.
wolf:4 star toi CO* * Vold g* Os* 1:01. ,-,_
for the*itliatuto of It W. CMOVIC, t.**4 th
pletely die Ott at the -endt eef on 01.pittre• ilittstrattili rate' Book • "fret _,.., . .,.., ......;34,.:,. . ,
epideinTe. Certain of them Iastover . te all steed Tour Eye. To la amid APPUOPICIAT,18 AILMENt '3
er will *dvion to 00 Prelott APPlita`
frOm olie Year. to 'mother, !The tioii of the surto* Elfei XIMIectliift ill. Tont "That pork •• dealer 114$ a ; Ilk08t
smile erop planted from its owri 141 t's-"e' Tour- Dratellk iirin tell Y" appropriate afflietion just, zipw;."
tec,a 30 tho tamer nerid *al gradu, that unrino Ite!ie*tbs: sore Eris% StretlEt:::, „what, it, it., ,,.
ally- deerease' in virulence and the f 1,1t,414 Artfitk a t!'il" tlfirrel S41p5r1,1, SI trr**84At"
'mit rtAl and in *Atli lir 7.heiti; VA 8t!,,e,' 'ill hie
yeti-A*3E4 Granulation.
Salne prineiple Aeplies to germs.
"The iminunity left -behind after
iefluenza, is slight, but Itorn a series
neet,,,ke teost •of. u haee tePouired
.certain ability to withstand it."
It;.tittrwav:'4 (torn Cilre stray
TIft4 • f us 'tail -warts, rOot
rt ith sueli cheap, a*
' tly
'Ihreebleure of love, le,not wlie-
, r itecirains your bank titl,ctitrit,
whether it draws on ,yoyr hear .
*et1014 01410 a
14111MtOr 1,0 "no 4101 ' ros444; deivrt'414*
Alt.' Vbitg6".-24!10 PIPtii Ita t**aiv
itsfes Ang * woo letesiz isetalitng
John,id lhO
"hn foreinai
trts in your
nose- foim n
F*c1 with I,ntk,0 asi to a „
e more,
io Met inert
s'e. Will you
4-N40, ne.. got a la
* eiteellying tailor. }s
01(410,4 t14t *44
k..tttm %km htk
ten to It all- wool."
,IVST soca t GET.
You re 16cking (ofnew quarter
hear saidjte.lde re at the brP3
wit ti;h1t).
"Yes," replied .
*vier. "Why
c.itere's an ad in
4T4r nie4, r003,r1 f.r gout, witl
OftNi y4tt muit ftrct
,! tat elm 0 frac
idd be.
01.1 *
I '
P 1 1
._. Vrittchriii6 for the
loilion thee *re roststi.
patd when 'their kidneys are Oat
°relict, ishtst ower-ipttuhronro in
Potie tiirtnite rood gi+k* them in-
olistrotion-tte. Morse* lnsl,an 15(305,
Pil!* WilI stnickV* -*rid ittreir put-
= -*hoot- tioiketietac
thfl' Xi* ItIto weiketk
ttrItotto, iihe bat -oh' tourgraitre.,
04;tr4 rotr ehlitleen°s Iteolth' by
alwayo ket-pitt*. box et 11r. Movie's
Tr;;Iigok Rpot refs in tiro house«
et* ChIld
,1 1ti ttte attton
1in White, ,tthe
lc , as th*ti
, 4
i met i
. .
„ ne wZtit ir orr,V, ,In
Ibe 1't atitatz:T sh#0i
)1.-..e a 105 'A nitric*
tie 'ttiet it wil
eh a chat ge their
d i;larei fe, *
ensieal basis.
'bite ,ntriteit Th*t. withwt4
r iftt,litdirtitfill,jhe4
itii 41kineettas tan ,,' '
ItteDuff, This ' paper, says
that ruled are' attracted by inusie,',
but ,I don't believe it." efeDuffe-
e‘Wity jefrs:' _Meriuff—"te.
ettiseneVer see any iniee around
-when I 'play the piano." McDuff
that -'s no reason .for doubt.
ing the paper's leettement." e• "
•PIUS 013)R1i0 1.144 6. TO
ro,z4y0INTNIVit to 1* *t.1 ti tot*. at
*444 of Itehis5. titles t, 04/ tint or ( Protroditakt
to a dais or inonOy 500.,
Lady Visitor "That tie* girl of
yours seems very nice and quiet."
Alistresse."Yes, she -.:a very geiet.
She &meal OVett diStUtb the.10st
vhen she's cleaning the room."
3 4,
OtrOrttle tarot 40$0, $*40 Moo,
ants, Toronto* are.„,i)Ifferitm ErOtehltrown
enototed Benner Oetto. 1* 5 Nobel,'
lots, et 111:0 Per blab. ItOrs fret-. 114eloVtI
fra:33 rolltlerz*e.
• ...
If 0, uteri looks at lies *watch while
you ere, telling a story, cetet:short.
„ ft is eas!er to preveet than it
tto euro. Intleremetion, of the Juliet f,
le the eonvpatiloe of neglected- colils43
end enee it firids a lollatmtltt irt
osvs„tetyt it. is difrietilt to deal with.
Trentmtnt with tickle's Arite.Con.
umptivo Syrup will ,,eradieate
fold and preveet infletinoatien from
setting hiIt eosts. and is as
etiitra30' ry- at it ririni iig in it
, he, the cost of
toed begins to Wti*n -after& ve• porterhouse,
o s the' rohnd'eteake Stem
The choicest 'exits are ,314 fOr ns,
The priet,s make' uk-bsh"
Oh, Story, 3g7.Se, the emnp
Anotherplice 14
0 I
0110:1C0f041. 0%31 10e,
P1'000014 Pilots viircItli
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