Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 6 (2)ttAnd It , -0 alwaye o cute." -Acts iv., 16. $ one tf the 1ezt un !oast , s phrase 1 It ha become the •,guiett, for . the (lien tot elotk geom., It eJevatS the !d•da wiI., reesontor pre:jut:Hee into *n infalflh1t eguide -not ,eioly sou's ow**, eopdttet, but o as t ondsict. , in the .4* whet we tall eon- tentioutt, sertipleet we pronounce *tidetneint on our •iteighltors, dettd- • the: be. depeate ' 'Dee Leir tat's in ektithe eAtielt we regard a merel to differ fronitiour eventustozn -,sitelteulturellavinge .e4 'op d- ards in our otvn mitt& we MA • thel, the ameasurbefor all men. 'Often we have made these jud mente est conscience the CAUS0 of 0.? a ed• questions as to personel hat bits. for example, as to elethese • _smoking, der:tele& theatre attend- tituee. Being quite -clear,perhape that .these thing.' were 'wrong'to us, our"- toititieri;ett so asserting" - ewe have ineisted that: anyho cared for them must be beyond the range • of human respectability And of. die vArter eigerel„ . ' TEMPTATION ALWAYS. ' • There is a constant temptatio • fo- intake iny own moral taste sin-, .-other man's.nentor pees jud "Inetterati* starntarch, ant tiTti' he offends My itonecience. This is tie& Pemptation beistuse it gves ti$ SOZISO_Of 00218Clerilti0218 AOC/VAS, without making strenuous demands (in'our own powertof improvement. o moth is said *hoist the -voice and .autliotity of tonscience, so inany fo1jb thiege are quoted gee' ing it the ',credit of divine infalli SY, ' One 0 4 it *nil pm "one, 'an intrmnrnt of derkuess and deprete. ef all OPP ti't* and ,iuti in moral ru&tter- may be hnILywrong be- 'awi etiteienc "iIrnItYr of .3 ens right.an has Bever rightly tleyel ped:end trained. 4 has ti. It'arn tbe differeoce between, right and 'wrong, between thet'Whielt makes for the god of Itfe enul thet Whiett mareits beauty nd ,development. No angel voices histier in his ear, no guest in his breest wartte, him wlien as a 041 he plays svitle match -s, pieks up. sfin,Ateps at to, retful,8erOms, or pi zuash- es the neighbar's window Life must teaelt hiin jndgni'nt. Consvienee els shetply the trained power of judgment as to the eight irt motel matters. Our to eek tlett develepm erat of wee it meet ea' CONSCIENCE IS T 40I1 o 0 tbink the e • afu1tv ueuteseia of that ft • of owe', character, or it is the 0 of itty training. and habits disfe,,It et our. .bus nevinot it for Some 'Yoke from the skio5 but to develop in ourselves the knowledge of the way of life. Character is to bemeasured by the keenness and de1icaty with wbich One diseerne the right and the positive readineete with which , ne executee that which is, indicat- e but the activity of =conscience es manifest in our OW1X eonluet AIIKLitIg, uinesaL talnint;-dnesiting',-the teonfelenee eight judgment and the will t active obedience. It will not be sufficient to sa,y jfl answer, to any objeetions or ques- tions AS to your acteor attitude that•-tyoutteen only obey -Tour (Wfl conscience. It is your ditty to dia. miter whether your conscience atrustworthy guid to ettareh out song :for yi net,, to, our own judgments of quesej Lc:74 0 NATIO A ON, Text, A/tit, 13. Enter ye in etthodatiort to lives after he manlier detteribed in the rest the discourse. It implies the. bilite Of 'every • men's. Iking we htt *terror gate Th taken front 'theOrieutal gate e were • WC There is tio eti It.ad el/ men at ey annet eonn strip tlCrnMelV n two gates bet not bo pee* thro 4f; Car2 eArntrfWith like.After yo gate you find *timid w*y_t_ and you ,ct'mpan, fok,,,many 1 you. But. thie ;way e ds- inevit to deatructione • 4. Thenarront gate on the other a etntle'oPenstlintoa atten '''Twattr* There continues to be no room for the thing . reitourtetel at the en- trinee. ..To travel that '-eettet -one -mut have laid aside all sin and sellielinees, all. shams and follies. But it is worth while; for there is tine surrender -of freeilottee 'and tbe end life-te.e4ditiort of unthirde- able hpiness. 0 ne by one „of incu 0 tr0 The y are in ow ,etteither And it ie'tesier to wide gate,foryott ote anything you onee homie „that at it opn Utreiti ' c would 1 if ,they wool onk ve.it ehznce to do to: .bev for an inwaxd feeling an thus -become the,prok often of blind prejudice. , - But as a matter of fait emiselente Tnlry b blinelemay be deluded end Ottznay be twisted, tlistort- ' thing,t ons. After all,: what is conscienee but .imp1y ability in. the art of living! t is an active, positive!. quality which by constant exereiee comes to greater plastery of the matter et dieeeneing duty, and lighting upt f ter feet -the way in which we' are $111,t 1 • ,kit oo light on the question as "the number of the saved.Whe was *eked. that =question he avoided a direet *newer., Instead ke cautioned *en to strain Avert' tenerfty. to get:in for then:keel:vet,: "There is no list published -of the eitizen of heaven.'!- One thing us dein., that the ditmentle of mexn- - f *everts -an reaelt• the; goal w odors -not at; the *start and keep up the etrug- gle- with tenexagy sad patieneet TA.77. -• • 'WY tL orreet "". • ul (4 su videntisalle ut teriasoutethin i bliehin 1 t keneeletu, but they willeve n -e ineilie. tiltimete blessmatt •tIn Millidev°enrl.kuew e . , tittette yeetteeets,Iiiinesel reel judge of men. False Pon) to so eueeetstulty hide their trt mauve 4sis to deeenie. many. of .theie fellows, • But Christ will infailib ' eteet those that work' it i n t and they elm. tever, in th e e s of Galilee. The first man, °fleet' *tbuwi ii 64:1:0:7tt::::t"';'tivh ee: 'Jotter 1 ot 1 egatv ,Atilde. With hi bze a. true`pieturtt. or the conditions of btd rotknaltinedueefittalcitulta. 414owitiludleGtiotethes strong. Winteers storen and fury • ud his position impregnable, So the Man who paya good heed t) instructions of the Sermon on i tttlt centaii .0W froth to o 26. A foolish mail Perhaps 11 'bleat tes well as _• the other.- e may even have put up *a more ehowe: house. It did well enough in few weather. But it collapsed " ismal e before the ri .world with being a man of eet ent trete:it: . i . no 1 4 more tragic the that et thewho lute unpress -the worth, but, the utter 'unsoundness ef .wbowitettudationteelient been -re- vealed in the storms of life. 413, .20. The' multitudes were tehished, beeause of the .nutete authority 'Which rang through. Whole' diseouree. Ultras wholly it like the teething Of the *late , lio relied' entirely on triedeition. „ , . . . - ; tt! .01:!tritt).,.‘ ZilU 'two eligtill$ Ltr' e gs.iI whites tirunes tender, draiit, entl tiirotigit eolaptle _ sit* a and wititee of 'eggs bee,tet tiff; tett.• m buttered etiverett lite)); hterim and. vnejtalf tlerva, ug ,gserl,v- forEons.. a, with witippedetteatte. This .tonount our one eupful of butter, twot Orange Soutile.---Cover, telt td'• cuPtuliboX gelatin with, one.half cupful o iiitte, and Poe Pt;tiltd of Engeteelei Witter and hottre, Vantit$ clkoPPea °10/..ttll.11011 tile orange -lie -PA eteth- _ofi slnetitint jetitte, '.13,tett yelke iiineli'of one'tC4SpeOn-f of '''e.FitS. Until ,Nd atiet ' beke in a itot. sttgee,',,etea etie'ontit'dietoPi-P-de 01, Of. a Drop', un, tin 070! eve nem- euitte• eine' pound -graned add', the, yolk*. Beet until all is Wet Et Ofie teLeed .and, add '.flaitoriiiette • Place r, onie egge, butter Abr. 'size or the gelatin, over etearatogleaket- e a I eig, one teassioonful cintiat tleettntil, gelatin is dietetived. :Now mon' one-leeltteespofill of. elOves', Add this to the tolettiete teen. eli and.pitich of Stir'sugar, egg; irt.to a howl,, lin a 'pant •o ttiittiteor, itenutplf:14tpteeszastogirtes_aztLi)ititer. thlien d lee" stir slowlfe" until Mix' tM in S to thicken. Then stir litilfe6eipfuT of •diurrents chopped fine in lightly one pint-titft-tslopett and one • cupful tit 7sour milk cream, fill the empty, tlielves of .whielt one teaspoonful' of ttoda has orange e 'with the nuetneet and xi been •aliesolved, thew stir in enough tie -told .pleotee stiffent__-- flour to make quite' a stiff -hatter (plitt'teetepoonful of baking powder -.a the flour)t, grease your -pane and Put the batter in a t mourn' at time- t spree •s out of itSeiti bake in a moderete• oven, --These (bookies- will keep for. 'week% anti em to improvz- 'with ' Peanut Cookies.-Orte-fottrtti tit of buittirt-tristitt'atidiii-te-lialf Cop - tale of Sugar, one egg beaten light two tablespeonfu 4 - tS. tggleS3, N*ottlii n, lade two ptee with eggs auti two tithout. substitting a r1lcdo craeker etfeit— g. Oiie pte e(j?Ialle(1 the ether in looks' -taste,- Boiltyour pumpkin ui done, train, then add three 0 2113:_of_patumplcinir two euettoit s. „„ on°1-reilk tine- atTilt cup f: -cupful of flour, oue-tourtn teaspoon- sugar, a little eatte ginger and alle fel salt, sone level teaepoonfol of spice to ,suit taste, and two table- -baking powder, tlaree-fourthe eup- spoonfuls of tuotessee if, you &fere ful of Shelled peanut& ii!Ift tO" them (lark. three soda creek- gatutil er--bakthitires,e *tvionswefiert.hefloorttre?„ntsathlte, 111(5 will he light".aud rich. - -• e-tts a -MI -stir into the mixture. Your add sugar, e milk, the c •—• '7 • 0 at gara, Sirotte „tlie• construction of the great poWert tunnel t at Niagara there has been an annual ice bridge in the gorge knit below the falls, Says ftlieeNeve York Sun': - The big tunnel has its outlet tnt- tkr firet steel arch bridge. Thc. ughing outforms a power e-currene, thzrds of 'the distaince • across the., erge acts' as a dam, catthing the broken" tett-which ' totnea bver-ettne falls and terrying it to the Cana - 13raise prophet -impostors dial) ,sitle oftthe rtver. The it bet *he, ,under "st mask of orthodoxy'', caught by an 'eddy and borne again lead a corrupt life..1 The Pharieeettfee) the river.If •mticht ice is eon- whoure,3*esus ;traveled so .severelyi,ning'ovee the' falls in time &solid all through his ministry, belonged; jam is formed. Which if the weather. t la s de too all blind -ouieht -got- - Is e g"1 S. r 11" rightettoon freezes ado eompact 4 (/alto 15; '14)'-atittitioottot totally teem; • IftXrtV 14t et)PEA 1. • -unfit to tete • religious ru and se soon as the bridge ,is strong duty. But Jesus here has in 111111(1: enough a trail. is Made itereSs., -it. (courtiare verse '20tttos.0 .ttneitortlitti.Along this ,trail there, quickly- ap.- teeelters *be', sprang the peitrira rowtof shaelo7in which veo- earlyIifc of the elturche: Illers of peanuts, sett' drink* and What they ,actually are Onward -it Canadian WItiskey—thielly tytt !set ravening. 'wolves, whose . oneteedo a :thriving lbusiness. theioglif is to prey upon the fleektt " Rem the saloon' keeper may sell ie'r hidden 'fro* view by 'their sheep's' hie wares, usitallet witliont regard -AN : • • LIVE.L0i R. DERTILL010$ ADVICE HA STATISTIC'S BOK Or It. RN!. Ailtalies. Teen Meet te Marry:sad tio • etch Carefully Over • • Wife's, Health: n the subject of matrimony Dr, accues Eertillion the. Freneh ,exptains 'his reasons for believing •that marriage and longe- vity go "head in hand. ' s- ' Ifeeealle in'the aid of Stetistic to prove his contention that ma rted men or wontatehas three -times tut tench k fiance to attain ripe old ape as A baeltelor ettkiiiister ; and, with regard to mere he shows that ,tbee mortality ettoozig witlowereis grea0r. then° -among married men De. Itertillon says that his father went thoroughly -irate this einestiott and .obtained .stetitties from othet European tounerteS whielt tomplete- stipport 'this opt -nitwit -while h Itirns,elt has etudied,leter lures France. So his advicetetti-eoung - • tetees, . A TkiltRIBLE. 'Matti you do- I eveii front a $0163.h :Standpoint But Nock carefally over your wife heeltht ,40,4 eVevi from thiseegotie eat point ef view her loss will . be s terrible mitfottitue, for your life dtpentle in a. greattreeaeure on* her own.'*, , • . .•. • Addre-s'ng LitiESelf yo,ung wo men he, says': "To' tote I 'f.titt,' 'the couriStit Merry in :vent inoD3 tiel5eh 'interest at merried weetieu hue mortelt than epiesteits of the eenie age, tit after age of ttt; but Ate ee fir woreeit sr ' lity eatiorg ter ths% *tome• but it 0, as the , NEt does not Color a cf the ktd'of the atru;ng eater tit tr itt f the same at*stidraircoli I to from wie 'hat of ma Iie responding ,meny conduces to longevity' thus - tliIttorried- people lead a' more r gular life. They are more sure rounded and therefore :more co' rolled, disereet though this tan- rol rosy be, and it must be dim- teet tif it is to be 'useful:- 'Their 1 ilet;tlyt are Drop �n a l)nttered tin a teaspooi- fi'l sn a place. put liafl a nut mea on each bit of dough. Bake in a moderate oven. - This will make twenty-four cooties. _ • ittargnerites.-Itoil one cupfoleet sugar and half a toip of water unt il the syrup willthread. Remove tit back of stove and add two marsh- mallows cut into-eniall Pieees* P9Or 014 the whites- of- two eggs- t*atft- until stiff, then add tweetsibleepoon- hale of shreddedtcoceanutt one eup- tii of Walnuts* broken in small pieces, and one-fourth of teaspoon of vanilla. Stiread sett- lers with this mixture and- bake uutil a deflate • Ginger Cookiest-Olie cupful. of sitgar,, one enpful of lard, two en 0 0 as ano ernstt beat ,erett ul, yolks -of two eggs to a atelhif two upfu1ii itrl t of flour, and,* piee tor, a ninth ssilt, boil t* • ts,tvioffrerbusatuttaint,,letoe.mitkeel,:mthe;inti• gue white or two eggs and -Ant* read on pie„,put in overt tit),.. brow This is a Root! likettby all that - have tried it. - FOOD:VA LT 'e• quart _tof oyitere hies ti o eine in the way of tioityle otte etuart ef o not erve several foOds omposifion .at the sante me fuls-of 'molasses; 'yolks of two.eggsit such AS potato -s, rite, .and - (Tie tablespoonful of sotle, on 4,2`011i, They are all etarth -folds; aed do not give variety :etteugh for toe ',system.' Jfave s *lost variety of ilt0`211, rot- the left overs at the lie total.. save them for the 'text ate tablespoonful of ginger,- rdix su- gar, lard, toolassese and eggs. Pour hefting water over the genger and a until a cup is filled. Add our to the ingredients and mix very *stiff • and let stand for Quell( and try to prepare them in a, differ. - hour. Boll in sheets and bake. 44 ent mariner front that in whicli t•hey . . liar diet. It zt light, ve the V Whert cool cut in squares' and frost,t tere first ekvetle, utieg the evirites of the eggs. for besieal life, like their 'morel life, clothing, or feint:of religiosity. Ito tot " revenue". litentes . or .8undttY the frosting, . healthier, quieter, More iisitur- .. , le". necessary, therefor.. to lvatelz laws. Ile t's tistially wise enough(' Drop Cookiee.---Thece eggs op • ' 'tt. .• with. extteteeare (beware), sinee iCto erect his. shack somewhere pear eepful , bawl.. One cupful sou In the -French 'statistics of one 4 le,' impossible to detect- them itt, the eentre of .the Over so that. Ile eteent, two euefede ar which Dr. Bertilloo hate-,selecte. first eppeonee. , The idea of this: is. tin the international boundary_ granulated se. 4 •the deaths -in & thOnsand men verse 'is found. in Aesop's Fables, line. At .any, rate he is rarely it ,itinong bachelors -between the age but nowhere elsetin the New Testa- ever bothered, ef Se and 40 were nineteen, while went. .. P •' it is not an oncommen sight to ehose* of married Men 'were- onlY .. , now em ice eti „.. ee a score or more of wild fowl . lit Ye '1)all k th- tight. Between the age of 55 'and • • . Try anti vary the r a letavy meat is yew telly digested desee cal well belanted. . rood can -often, take tho jilae of 0 „ gar, four cupfuls flour, one szarit emenle. at A veriety at every teaspoontn1ofsoiadi s oittlinaeta; Vltghlngtieltein: 41 sourereat1,fitstpltonespcoduiKivlf:interiaitobuiiron.' :inb9iitg.St:aterint°2C113;1n:T:lVdlrrLf•°rtgClk. 3.. . ' eftteapflritii)ak1gWet(fUettefebe Ol:all anirv(1'''' ., ,.. Cie the figures .'were fortytone for ma)* wit . & 8 Vili of Innacente! Vaspoonfol canill*. Drop by", a;:tatts hy heaeing thorougaly wit . . hanging from it -string across the one L'e-Ttiimek and twenty-three for the t?ach religion avid et -torah, but ?et f.rtfint °efethe Tors- They eY lue °T1 $11eaa us' blespoenfuls into pan and bake '1 several slices of raw- Potatoes and tter. long * as they ,fail to ..proilute' the U Y°11. ttaPPPn to itc a' ISACtrt115"1113 it' hOt OCRIII. . suot iiintit ' of tee bird.s • were obtained, for examine. Ile seaeenablek in eating. 06 not tlen straining. . Cannot lte elari- , With women the morta)ity wassi fruits of true .ielittion and invert' Yon will.naturally wonder erot tbete lied after cooking fish. ' t rive and tight 'between' es audi mor&litY, • DESSERTS, ao, -and twenty-four- -and eighteen SPItit' as rata tleteti`bee in Gall- tholn varefullY *3 '.4.`1:41 IMILY Y01:1 SeatOn. It is never AS good nor mita' food when it is out betiteen 60* --t The &ant!' thins, tie tone yen' 10111$ deceive$, will fail to discover * Idace where• .its among widows ould divorcees 17. Good tree . „ gool fruit. a shot haa entered their bodies. tbetible. • " ';FsIlitifirt**-01;ess'-tflikaltn,pinttl3orft until tliev opeo, then run (nig!' a colander (use at iloltr sift-, irHING W°11411'n''N°NVINa* "netead of -the inlander, as it; Stnines on knife boodles mei,' be. eaves. so•much tizne), add the eatee; retnovett by rubb:ng with a paste of oo • tt ecenno ) I. t, = am'ount•of sugar aq you have berry etltitinte alit to ntine. ade torrtiP by expressing ittelf """ge -414ei" ul'tr°11'n and b1,4A1 tiliek as ieltn13.,11 rieue foe ea I try. should ;nit. -The eetteeet, etinteity IA int, Out; to you sec( ral othertfeat * v ireethange Itestt of the fret, °rite,. 'eltiitheciollet°tiitl.eseirltanot seinlet fi .1;4 .ten Z1!2LT4 tut It gr'1.3 (frrilll' 41'c' '..ec*:1!t j*fit Ik° bov at the lutuitic ssylum at ot,courst, posibie br A clever u;.estive. 1. :set° it); 181e4IpTede(e)1;leaitrin ina(ttliiietii:A.11110ifildez7ttle,':,avy)st"havuesea6): ift.14er tagenteeti eetittete, reeeeety. tft; person to errange elitsters.of arepete,,,,,-.1:tettettrtet"e7tetit'""t*t *ttu't tireliapped ntite. Tilde call be ueed enger added to it, ftsr thie helps the was Pasting thelmilding with' .his trt an ertifielal fathion upon tiorns `"' •""7 9:11°11 IlttC1* he Itt! lied to them and invited them to vine* But then tiwY etlise j to the roaring felle mound the bena • ere resper:tively twelve' and tiven- rrupt° tree . evil fruit 'After Y°It have;"' )1°1115114; a drink t -one women a thousand. an unchengettble lew' of nature. r or two the man ,arliceowns the duels Fruit is the outward inemtestetton will Aoulttleee enli,gliten you on the ef TriTED itor lry elintUtr, Lifles'14‘attit likroved Near • littietiet- the inward life. It the tree is subitet'ne will'Prcbg11)1Y take Y°11' ti • .fl*on the trail oter TIVAr 'the edge of t 4rtroorf 11 IIL ered limns; eithor. -floating about .e. hen le-eol add the •whites•I be well dried 'an .p thr wigh .watki• liteteeent,ti 'in_the vicor ur Washed up on the , feure egg‘beate2 stiff, fold e sieve before it * fiitit there is but eine wet o get • • te ether -*hie until An ober • • g edventur happened eteth the meat conr6e,o-F as a .tiese Lrother when. one of the patients arid give the appearance of agra.P4'.,1rtliiier5401Chile3:11,11 *PtOtriSIglintifie'e:alli6111t1:•€e• v'l:anbe to 1,o rre wee-- as „a , tee, proMising. theitetteetetieit_teho Belie and become figments, 4 plkates. 1,404....veeeneLetatt. 4,Goot swe trytr Pit 4',ne irrila!A ef .4.terriee wn 1,.tate , 10.-Ittuit trees aye not •I. LW is8t ofght, in Wind%torIP-ITTI, 4(141 'tw"s tal)fill'it-441gstr--41142741t *1' One .01 the , boye,- who it itgedt show. but for geed fruit; if they , „if yiju hapi*11,to, tit t4lking to 4 , ,t'i'tloPwfiti.,1 ,i4.43;it, '11:41::,teniririfitptec,e,!': vattn'tlif;('T' teleteteIt, sealkied the well and. ae.. itas$ tile piteeeiee of , their. being, . ion who kneel% *boat wild fowl lie , be' ein'g di! A bitter et berries.; then I eteepatned the uteri to a teller. they become unprefiiiihlo tneonet ill fell on that each -ear hurt. ti quite, harmless,. srnzed him, strip. wcii be burned, This ie lite teaeli* 4" (14.ef i d ;Pr pilaY until bctri" arc -411 u8e4.';' 1 There the idiot,' who teal consider.' 'tetaneeet of teelgteend and nigy - '1` layer of benzines. Proceed in tia 'attd. hun de ef •tlucks head: f!OWS1Warda.., (!faitt, 10). , •Itt! on that wbule' „„,„, tWo wet' beaten egg,,, etveetreitel.:, fti thetillitter tit* r are eery °e'er ttreette tner 111,40 4t.(4), the; ;101:te3 ,i14 'boy 7 . • • • r " o 4', Peke elewty by- °ei!e, Stiotitet-. etiterw eut, --eneeetotteteee At lop reiterate, time_ beet, eten known Itytome4 r { d stuffet 11 ill° diiinneY"'' with tlte .foree fit ttlemertstrat* n h fed d ti t he h*ineeltt* tc'a ' king up t ttbt 'Diett*Ithe•ettetement ettereeike i'Lleet° it! hit'AI -pt%rhata"pti °''pialetkneati -1*** maul cullAsPidiltrigli('hiirtul-fittaf4e!rftautt'e (LI hit° his foot i°7ent".' lind i*sit tst 4°1111 tb° BitPti*t -458'er' again the fells at night 'while rooting. , . h1 -e other eeturnt tdd 114 ' that enter iesyitinit el d there d goof.' aftrre skates. • not tilt the flS 041Alitlig ITO*. 'the acted- atteotien, foneitl halt illead Awl frigist4 4414 4WV.4 41J 4 t4 tiiittrttrat‘ Their 115 tft age is t kit omen at 'ers* ilf'P es' 0 n na e f47rtV e I ) Airedapp'et and bread e et be true Among men., Not every one that 'mat Judgment Dey iebi-the.thou sue. There also the tette pro. *Entrarv,e into' the 'kingdoin *teen iss, not by the mere recital nett, but southe cotidition that teeny tree the tall oft, (o4. at thee will jeftie deelared extend twee) in the early tied e ftermotts a. 90). and in-Whatetellowst idonli-lasp4 jig ac, ort part /1 hilt 0** eittereigntes. lititfirial labors ruled as ?klifilrient,tO Ittaveres bliss. act 'that, Clo.41 ilf-rbes HE REAS t'‘ /11". :math. 1,5itioe tnornunr. the ttit.b, spritikting 'apt)! ' Some, he will -till you, hat anger mei 1te0 einneteen. killed by flying op the orge at if (lambs on the top. neat to egg. night And 'into ,the falls; butthadd salt, one cupful rtf tiiil antl' [loot -tee tit -rise olore . • To rer,towe stain% t,stir, tome. anwintetiii. into a i'mveer 1 d # 61 plaite thei o ein the stain will -- • 'Ds ttork leatt‘txthef.e3 in oet. beetle a eittall Iiieee if issttslin ork the 'butt through and afternard cutting the tutteliii fteme lees -nth; \thee Attkle 1mt b;.‘en '81;rain. tit AvrilP1 imraf.I.1°Attely 1..sn ety water. thtn'tian,laKe and plarei 'tosition 13:g'her than t of the: tit,111J1( IiieCe of rnlbr&idery aifl t)pt warlt, fi/Ot.V tiv'44f.tr OVA' fi.14* f.),tt that k tini41te p it tolt.ett 1111, *414 th6 , eetewhitt itteitletftel-ao4 est II! str the birds- are lriftnt dietert Atreain in vet. ,suddenly, btetim Ite. the water 'tieing; ir them and '314tirliatt h tvenwerd with the envelo • e Afftr eatlfw i* emt fed and aist)les• -Place tebt airmen rsh-t7eietsiii,• eonful ofiltatter bc.lte (et to/i. expetirrientelly diet ke in stodttfite iin. .EAt qciniteit inoe!ifottli art le,:mirtcd td 'once or i!aui ertAlet, eteF.dify i1Id11sT4. rune Ptrdding.,---Take Mretard.-,7 Mix with tot nod n'icri, large i)rsints.,'.ciikilt ten-- twater. itting three pelt', isf n$11qaci1 irep,tonto tit.- antl,:fintteye-kJI.citie pelt t'.4 ealt ;* ,etoteritte tit ripi I, kin* dish. Takeft;e. ence oil. often lidded arot tentil f tw, ant * Ittriip 'tot: 04 an iroproeetnentt ,steete f i'apfni if soar.1 To it.tie evitt, printr orrit, fot es-irnetert-le and; %ater!oro-r the civil, Is t it etee mil Stitt e•teetheeifee three rivintltet and t)tr ittil hielteeeti, tool eff The, tiorten;na akin* tea, ST ptunee, rtilt wn.te tter the talk art tease, eutt. c elettit Vote *Pod kiog op freest. ,11 • 0 4