HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-5, Page 7„, AY7C117ST5, 181'4) • ti. ''Vll.Lltl+: THE DI 1'leli.1tENGE IOD• . STLY COMES ;N. A ecrt E (1 gentle ntitu r('qui i'g legal assistiuioe had beep reeomme)ded to one of two 'brothers, but had forgotten The Christina nettle of bite ire s0ttght,so he called 'at the o'ttlee of the ono first found sud'asked 'f'r Mr. Puilger. 'That is my name, sir,' 'But there are -'two of that name in town ?' 'Yes.' 'Well, 1 want to commit the Me, .Podger--excuw a nee for the aUusiou–e ;;vho wears a wig.' 'We both wear wigs, ;=ir,' "Nell, the man I seek was divorced ifrout his wife not tuug.at .' jrhers you have bit the both of us again, sir.' 'The man to whom I was 1'e'Cuttr• unontlew has recently beets nccnstd of forgery,„ thengh,1 trust, unjustly.' 'There we are •again, my dear sir. 't,Ve have both had that gentle insinua- tion laid at oar .doore.' ''Well upon my word, yon two bro- titers bear a striking reeinblatiee. Vat I guess I have got it now. The ono ant after is iu the habit of occasion- ally drinking to excess, sometimes to intoxication,' My dear elan, this little vice is un- fortunately characteristic of rho pair of 'us, and I doubt if our best friends could tell which is the worst.' 'Nell, you are e. matched puir eer- itainly. `fell tel',' couttueet1 the visitor, which of alto twain it ryas that took the poor debtor's oath a few months ago e, '11a, hl, we were lboLla, in that mud- dle. I wail on Bob's Paper and he was on mine.' 'In mercy's name 1' cried the applies cant, desperately,' •'trill you tell nie .which of the two 14 the west sensible auan ?' 'Ah, there you toncii bottom, ally friend. Peer Bob, 1 c:to't ettetcb the truth, even to serve a brother, If you'want to know the hunt sensible one of the two I enr;or•e 1 trust tre- kuowledge the corm. 1'm the nun' NAhtROW ESOAPES 11:1 3A.'1'TLiE. Many computations have been made of the i'umbervef bullets fired in battle for every man drilled. The following stories show flow neer sotne of the stray bullets come to doiug fatal work At the tattle of Peach Oreharcf,wdt:'en 31cOleldaaa was la ttliiug his change 'of b lse.Ak. Michigan iuflanc ryman fall to tate ;ground as it shot •tde7,t1, :and, was left lying as the regiment •changed po- sition. The ball that kit liar first. struck the barred of his gun. glanced and knocked a button off his coat, tore the watch out of his vest : pocket, and 'then struck the matt just over the heart and was stopped there by t+ song book r.0 his shire pocket. He was unoon- sciotts for three-quarters of an hour, rind it was a month before the black and 111e spot diseppenrett. At Pittsblarg Lett ting e member of the Twelfth Michigan Infantry stooped down to give a wounded soldier a drink Irene kis canteen. While in the act, a bullet aimed at his breast stuck the, canteen, turned aside, paused through • the body of a coan and buried itself in the leg of a horse. The canteen wag ,split open, and dropped to, the ground in h(lves. Aube second battle of Butt Run, as a New York infantryman was passing his plug of tobacco to It comrade, a 'ii>nlftet eitra1ek the plug, glanced off, and /3nried i self in a knapsack. The to- tbacoo was rolled up like a ball of tllav- iugs and carried a hundred feet away. .3)ireotly in line of the;ball was the bend of a lieutenant, and had not the bnllet been deflected he certainly would have received it. Ae it wan, he Lad both eyes filled with tobacco dust and had to be led to the rear. At brandy Station one of Caster's trooper's heel his left stirrup eat away by grape shpt, which est sed between his leg ttu;I tie hr'1'ne, blistering his skin ria if with a rod fart iron. He dismounted to aseel'tvin the nature of his injury, and as he be It over, a lull - let knocked his hitt tiff ttnd i,i11et1 his toothache. In a hand to hand fight he received a pistol ball in the right cheek. It knocked out his aching double tooth and passed out the left hand corner of his mouth, taking part of nn upper tooth along, The joy of being rill of the toethaohe was so great that the trooper could not be made to go to the rear to have his wound dres. sett, An object, no matter how trifling, will torn a bullet from ite true course. This was shown one day at the remount camp in .L-'leasant Valley, They had a 'bull pen's there, in which about five hundred bounty jumpers and other hard eases were under guard, Once be DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES..OF ALL KINDS a while one of these Wren would make al break for liberty. Every sentinel in position would open fire, and it did not matter to the least if the man ran to. ward the crowded eamp. On this oc- easiuu a prisoner ran toward the camp, and as ]finny as six shots were fired at flim without (Sect. Oue of the bullets entered the tent of a captain in the Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He was Lying Gown, and Erre course of the bul- let could have buried it iu Lis chest. Fortunately for him, the caudle by which lie was reading sat on a stool between hire and where the bullet en- tered, This wasatruok and cut square- ly In two, and the lighted end dropped to the ground without being suuffed out. The ball was deflected, and buried itself iu toe pillow under the officer's head, parsed out of that stud through las tent, eutcrelt out behind it, passed between two men, and brought ftp again et acamp kettle. THE TIMES T. IIS IS NO .:3O1v1BAST 1 Truth Concerns You Moro Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, purchave, and enjoy its bargains, 'Went say imanufacture my own furniture ,tti4 propar•ntlwith n(y picot -sheet that the people can inspect at rimy time by calling at my Ware rootas where they will see a superb Elis play of Furniture in All Its Branches n4 tnufaotureil by myself and my oomoulotl n,rtistic elill, suite good workmanship. ): der are not nsntisfying the people with a Clann of Fnenitttl•e that cannot be equalled for quality or price in Beeter,all blowing to the oontrary,notwitbetauding. WREN YOU WAIT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAR. Noarlyopposite Kemp's Tobacco Stol'o,A:iaill Street, Exeter. PUREPARIS GREEN ..A.ND HELLEBORE, tie.._.-. HUMOROUS, The first daughter of ti Fatniiy Erse named Kate, The st eoud was name(' Duplicate, Why should 'a 'cookery book be il• lttetrated?- J3ceause every good meld requires plates. Advice to Musicians --C sharp and 13 natural, nine don't try to clear gout voice by straiuitsg it. �J'hy eho(lld.a mau Wit() goes fishing take Inuctlon ai' ng with him—Because be tray pet no other bite. We are told that 'the evening wore cal,' but we are never told what the evening wore on that occasion. Was it the close of the snnemer's day? We hear of a man who has made a fortttac by attendiug to his own buss• nese. This is authentic. But theu be had few competitors. A St. Loris rich man drew up a will which was so pathetically worded that it moved his relatives to tears. It left all his property to an orphan asylum. Division. --Governess : 'Prow, Jack, if 1 were to give twelve pears to Maud, ten to Edith, and three to you, what would it be?' Jack (%Red (rix) : 'It wouldn't be fair.' Rough on him --.Money does every- thtng for a man,' saidan eld gentie- mall, pomponely.—'Yes,' said the oth- er one, 'but money won't do ns much for e. man as some men will do for lnauey.' A committee on tableanx at a cen- tennial celebration in Vermont issued au invitation asking 'all the pretty wo- men in town' to take part in the table• aux and every woman iu the place came to time. That committee knew how to get plenty of help. Important to Concumptives A gentleman having been so fortunate as to cure his son ofConsumption in its worst stages, after being given up to die by the't.,ost'cele- brated•plrysicians, desires to make known the cure (which proves successful in every case) to those afflicted with Asthma, I3ruuchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Affec- tions of the 'Throat and Lenge, and will send the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADES, 34 Liberty St., New York. Gm. GERMAN SYRt1P•” No other medicine the world was eye). given snob a test of itz curative qualities as Breoln is's Gtax:rrru SYttvr. In three years two nations four hundred thousand emnh bottles of this medicine wore distributed free of charge by druggists in this country to those elided with Consumption,. . Asthma, Croup, severe loughs, Pnenluuonia, and other diveasee of he throat and lungs, giving the Ainericon uol'k undeniable proof that Goat a:v SYM(tn will dere them. The result hart been that 'ruhuists in every tows, and village in the Ca- lming null United 1tates are recommending it o their eustomcrs, t -lo to your druggist and horse. In the entree fight 'urstN a trooper ask what they know about it, Sample bottles, I0 cents, Regular size, 75 cents. 'i'hh•d.: doses who had suffered several days with will relieve any case. p —AT THE— MEDICAL HALL, EXETER;° W. B. SELLEY, Prop. Call, and see the Flower Plants. ARS, AR., USE ONLY `11-1E Castorine Machine Oil, THE VERY BEST IN USE. FOR SALE AT TIIE DOJdINION LABORATORY, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR, Main Street, Exeter. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. WILLIAM DREW P U R N ITURE DEALER Having been drawn into the Furniture Line by deceitfulness and falsehood is compelled to continue the bu.iness, and LS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAPF3R THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. An examination cf my large stcck, which is not excelled outside of the cities, and a comparison of my prices with other factories, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of what I say Every Article Marked Down to the Very Lowert figure.. 1 have jest pnrchased n first-class New Hearse, and am prepared to attend funerals Coffins, Shrouds and ail Undertaking Material on hand. Prices very reasonable. Society Emblems constantly in stock. Be erre to give me a call, sud I will make it to your advantage to buy your Furniture from me. Remember the place—north of Molsons Bank. THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT' MAIN ST. 0 ITAKE this epportnnity of thanking my numerous customers for past favors. and wishto notify them and the public generally that I have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stock of . STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, &c. &c, and have moved my own stock into the building latety occupied by Mr. Johns, in the Post Office Block, where I now have one of the larges, and best assorted stocks in the county. Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves TCIE BEST IN THE Iv1ARIih+'T. Also a latgevariety of Tinware, Lamps. Lamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cutlery. Eastimates given for Envetroughiag, Carriage Plating a Speoiality. Depend upon it will give you good valve for your money. The very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins, tom' Remember the plane—the Exeter Tin and Stove Depot, Post Office Block, Main Street, .Exeter. E H. SPALCMAN. Exeter, January 20, 1880. 7x•E Faz V lea a0 , . N III irGIGfd'j, The PAIN -KILLER Is recommended by Physicians, Ministers, Missionaries, .ilfanagers of Factories, Work -shops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospitals,—in short, everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY, it cures Dysentery, Cholera, Diarnccea, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painter's Colic, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sudden Colds, Sore Throat, Coughs, ke, USED EXTERNALLY, it cures Boils, Felons, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Old Sores ant Sprains, Swellings of the ,Toints, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neural- giaand Rheumatism, Chapped Bands, Frost-bitten Feat., d.e. The PAIN-IKILLER is put tip in 2 oz. and 5 oz. bottles; retailing at 25 and 50 cents respectively, --large bottles are therefore cheapest, w, PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE. PROPRIETORS MONTREAL AND PROVIDENCE, R. L GREAT BARGAINS IN MILLINERY AT MISS GARLICK'S, The remaining stook of Summer Bata and Trimming. Weathers, Flowers and' Ornaments will be sold at rodueed prices. Fanny Goods. Koniton. and Point Braids, Berlin ana Fleecy Wools Ottenxr.ins and Slippers, Back Combs and Braid Pins, Cardboard, Mottoes, etc., ate, These Goods must be cleared out, and will be sold cheap- er than they eau be got anywhere else in town. J.GABLIOK, MAIN STREET, - - EXETER. Central Drug Store., WINAN'S OLD STAND: THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES THIS• L. opportunity of thanking the public for their fair share of patronage in times past, and respectfully solicits a continuation of the same in the future, A. COMPLETE AND FULL STOOK —.0E---- Drugs oF^ Drugs & Chemicals Constantly on hand anis V•larranted of BEST QUALITY & AT MODERATE PRICES. Medical Wiles and Liquors eon• be relied on as best quality. A. complete stock of TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES CHEST PROTECr'ORS, do. Always on hand, Also Stationery,School Books,Fancy Goods,da CENTRAL DRUG STORE (WINAN'S OLD" STAND) Directly opposite the Central Hotel. C. LUTZ. PRIVATE ! It is astonishing to see the change which, has taken place in the CORNER STORE Opposite Central Hotel,. EXETER. --o:o George Thexton, Chemist and Druggist, Has just opened out a flue New stock of Pure Drags and Chemicals, Druggists' Sundries, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Combs All kinds, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Perfumery, Soaps Sponges, CHAMOIS, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, PUFF BOXES, FEEDING BOTTLES, Etc., Etc. NO OLD STOOK. You can always rely upon Pare and Fresh Drugs, as I deal with Ito Jobbing Houses. Re- member the place —Corner Store, Family Drug Store, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter. GEO, THEXTON, - Member 0. C. Pharmacy, This great nousehold.medicine ranks amongst the Leading necessaries of life. Those famous Pills purify the I3aoon, and sot most powerfully yet sootni ugly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, gizinq tone, energy, ale( vigor to those greet mans spring+ of life. They are con- fidently recommended as a never tailing remedy Mall (mere where the ocrnstitation,from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wou.lcrfully efficacious in all ailments ire). delrtni to females of all ago; and as a gene, al Panilv'0 editd11n are unsurpassed Its searching and ho•n1ug properties are known 1 tliroilglinutthe worldd, Int Elie entre afbaingri,bitd breasts. old wounds Soros an,lUlcere, it is nn infallible remedy. If effectually ribbed 011 Um 'neck and chest as salt i into meet, it cures sore throat, Brench,tiy Cons hs I Colds, and oven Asthma, For Olnudub(.: Semi- , Accesses, Pnos,1'i,tulns. (ioutlilhoninatisnl 1 and their kind of Skil) 17ianaea, it has never hese known to fail. Th01'1113 :tudnintment na'c nn.xa- nfactnren only at in OXFORD STI(^T, LONDON, lid etre 8n1,1 by all vendors of Medi cines thr o a µ l' i out, the civilized wort i; with directions in alinn't levery le ugu c gn. The Tiede Islamize of these Motlinhies ere regits- te). A tn, nttrinva. Rouge, nary Due ill the British t'nainast.nis,whninavliens the •lirteriaan (loun- sn.:.its for 11018, will be prosecuted, 1 o'Pnrohesers shn;arl look to the r eIni on the Pnts;and hares, trite address is not,53S Oxford Street London, they axe Spuriou