Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 3 (2)•
T;Z.".ff. "
era Hamilton, 1)II
,,is, presumed, by
nit;swg setae -cherot
?quer tcota,..fire, brt.1,3te
Vt),,(31 Thurrday ere -a -
ii the c rwriouri plant
ad mpany, -stet
facture resolt!& to„ tx
t**h uf two, men,'rE.us ijait
e alters,. lesi
.15 Startlea. *P*
- urn
. Pere/ Ai
To over, 70 vnei ca
per storey
tablet, down "which they swarme
41,over- hood, -Ity liozeris. Others
could notmaintain their bold an
slid olown like dead weights, btu
in on tVeltead,tof ther,other men at
be -foot of, OK shaft. .13awdero and
Ully:-endeavored-t&-reaeli - an
of the buildiog, but were
lue by the smoke,- *nI were,
dlIcoVered, 1ing dead, half 1.0,33 boor
been sit,te
'xrpsrtment a
inote iowtstyziajiued
and and ariit
wrist broke;
clbridge,' 'overcome
t in tJuuj
ife mode
fire hai
oriteLbe1i.Ve- that
probably influ-
y the fall ofbeauie
on of the park was
i `ioln, ea
wi i ity lof :gbt nflaj1ii
of, dome. , w
, is on thfl
grour,d'ttocor, id the7inen „in Ma
.depattMeati 14 t .(, „some quit.
$toVP/bN, to . Insl co
to, ? x ‘ 44 ,
"(Ate ntinute, t n orit wea.
' Io in. '
Ors e
.th',up ti
T ' toliug „room i
otor g()t 1fl9t el' the skP
bsolutelit imp.sible1 t'tt„i.,
*Poi ii- .
0 73:;k14:4 '
.ii tW.0
lading It - . gide , Les
t. . . .
-rty. The ' ortty uf them
lied to the 'tvinthats, which tht
roke. *
$.' Ifobson and toyer
thers jumped and landed in al"
vi" net 'held - by the Oremcit.
- veil x
dtn atd te('u1Iy tried to eietp.
stagering into a. tlifftrent p
he buildingThat w* ho las
of them alitJrzlf an hiur
Lntei their bodies were
Chief TetaByelt an, *tome
. it men -only -It few feet ontside
the dOor of the room from which
tbcy hodtried' to ere*
haden overcome by ' -the sin
and Were itarried downstairswjure
aameteAnsierroot„.ai 'me
nent-:wttli titer first -aid -to -the -
tired outfit, wo,tited long:to re -
e them. ' Them efforts *te.
f ruitless,as the,' twO unfortunate'.
wen were ',evidtoorli dead before
they were found.
despatch.1:9131 t011 ta.'21111
fluth3led up asleep in &small
woodon box. and appearing not un-
hke the ite mice Ei cunimon in
unto', aia little: orange -co
rodent, loaned, at 24%0.0
eaeb, made up the most interestiog
ooaagnnt.oar4 the' 'steamer
• Anlisi, wbkll arrived here fro
on .un CedneEhty. The ani- p
is to use them itt4
4,4 The $10.000 raive are,
cies ofr--dormoute, or .sleepitig
inue, tbat Irve out ef doors in the
ummer d remain torpid durbog
molt. of thwi'ter season. Their
blew value i *used by their great
*Care* of umbers. They are
about the sire and build. of
tote of Coo or in Wehltwit• id
liVrtxtk Sent to tondo*. I,
espateli from Ottawa
Senater' "edi'icsia
10-11,1t40 0At BILL.
, says
Before outwore committee t
Iterrilie's•biltin respect to an
ebt-hour day, on public', WOr,
Victor Diwbreuil, Voir V
Ofiier of the Labor Depsrenent,
evidente on Weide. day' morn::
s thz Jnd:tIon!.uiith
rts of the.eonnt I US IC pacific aecottnts for 163 rou40,-4rurkeys, res;d,17
• lation --Traiiir-Vinteat-vvirsloto-the--10g0matt$e pet (twice' *
n envy t °Wird
Sil t t, 0
a d forward?
to the Imperi Orities detai
of Conwittetor Ren ,. la's gallant•CU
411,10t, at the Spanitlt River railway
wreck, As to Mrs. Lindell, while
her courage* coolness iluid 'useful
conduct on that occasion were re-
gnizedt ` was dotibtful if her
tolso came withinotIte svopo of the
regulations governing, tto
*Tort of the .E'dward-Oillar Albert
medals., nowt ver hat Would be
11"0311Elso F•OR THE VAR111.
Maisie Clark Estoltlis
hood to Troia Theoi.
A Iletfpatebi ft:1nel 'Loridors Fate:
Ifiss.),,t[onie Clatki a lady"fartiter„,
pes to raise „E;t0,00it to form
wiehordot of aly;rictlItttro fer °mei in
sectietn% rtanatla. Miss 'Clark
svggests that' Wfiletiltr, of *ob.
taioing sufricivot reliable hirel. la-
r voultt, 1te overcoiiie by training
omen in the "mottling f tarn
meats. She 'Urges the'et-stallis!Ir
Ouvernment eterattors at tins is etitttstewl to the t3overnineit
1*4 r (•iudries
'vette ;Tlt$tlay.
4i.iivitA, Cent Ear. etigitteers 'haver
iveu. hicteose 'to pato
Vatott, hits :giv
-''w.party liteere-; fOrni,
;*to E*nt de
"al at TorinitO„ bur
itt dying ,shor
we nano IF inea
sensible ,7410, ri fluent.
The Chairman of the British, La -
her tAfity- hits intimate,d that the
ilovertnitent toe'ed expeet no Labor
upport unless the veto question th
tsed to an issue* tritlout dela
Sion oa g
- A ten., -year-old hire eras attacked
bt two gmat eagles while on his
• way home frotn Felioul at Laporte
Pa. •
Iveretkilled toi
OIker Dairy Prod e
, 004441e 414I ii7a4L •
.„ Cheat)i. Rav1p
rio ' e .- tt.laft,,
Ymotr. hit $1"
o tside.
. otrbtl?
.,,t ario whtte, 39 to
401 outside, and 42, to ,4e on
c Toronto. Canada West oats,
aflit'Oba 1 'been .11,11110TO$ Pr some mot
Asequent issues thete,wili
6144i.stit'Ait(iivoktrof the 'ire
wholes.olo and retail rtneV$'"dur*
ng the ° past twenty years in (a'-
r I investigation will 'cover torte
iffefrolirtide , NO. ANNIV4Wilifies :in, general use.
attarto,c2c,and T ts nwooth a statistical statement
-iven as to the 'wholesale torices
ufr s of Speo v ations
ri e WAWA, t3Sty
tC, current issue of The,
jairtrt,ent beg
inve's qon, whiA
side ‘ . .
. e- . .‘4, 05e outside.
4.ei:heate..,53 to 54e outside a
• Porn---Riln,dried No. 3',Anteridon
. T and No. 3 yellow, selected; 71o1
Toronto freights. Canadian corn,
„ '-00 to -07e, Tot:mate-freights: Cana-
bPowirrer Pibtl'‘ In 'ran' thart vont, 00 to 070, ' Torontr,
freights, .
Bran --$'4.50 , in bags, Voronto,
and„shorts at $24, -in bags, Toren-
tn. ,
A A.
• Soldiers with fixed bayonets a
eked rioters to ttid-Pkussian town
ot ' ter •
nitnals and meats trona IMO to
At Averaging the prices tor it
dtirilag ,ys)31,"
ces were, approx.
-ent higher than t. u
v tice4rixiiiii)d4,r,fe)toto
, folly
t‘cuttltlit s, table `showtng
the pie; tof t rty.fOor "cononodio.
ks 'winch env. into ot liviot
t 'the More' important ,eentrS '0
potMlation throughout Canada. It
r, the intention of the departmtua
to Pu!,wlish cpiotatiois.for *Mar
1/4 eantmoditietx from month'
month io, The Labor Gazette, thus
aking it possible' to ateertain by
omparisou the changes in, retait
prices and the- cost living' in the
variOns parts'of tilt" Dominion front
time to tune.
96:71111:491 49- -i'per
e. tver
ettt. higher.TI e
to 1,1/j4e; No. 4 -yellow, 60, to
14 49e; No. '2 white.
4tin No. 3 witite,os
‘44440; o 4 white, 47 to 48e; stan/0
dard„ 49%e.,
ontreal, Feb. 2:2„ --Prime beeves
O to over _6110_ per pound; pretty
good 4111111441S, -to 51,3‘-e, awl. the
common stook ,1e per lb.
MiIch ecora from *31) to $60-caeh
springers, $30 to '$o0 Reel.. Calves;
4)4; to tic pox lb. She-ewabout, 5c,
and lambs about le per lb. Good
Jots of' fat hOis sold at to 0e
per lb.
Apples -$.1.50 to $2, per barrel, Toronto, Feb. 22,-1,vreyth,ng
zw.reordirog to -quality. was -bought, otefor Iced killing; A
Beans---Car,lots, ontsttle, $1.85 to few pieked„.well finishod"steers and
and small lots at $4 10 to heifer sold up to $0'.25.:' Straight
;20 per bushel. 'leads of good- bittchers sold at $5..e0
o tt5.0,0; medium at Sri .to $5;50;
lis .r„oo,
oney--.Cotwibs, dozen,
t tit „to' 1 r lb.,
to Thletreeby 280.24 Miles. 111 S4' 3/(i t 50
track, Totowa o.
A despatch from Toronto say Baled' Straw -47.50 o 4iteki To
According' to the report Ctf the min. Tonto.
1,Ster of public works Ontario has Potatoes -4T to 50e bag on
flow '0.4„ttalee.,c,f rollerry, etr 4u*. Toronto.
which20041, was conlitructod dor- Potattocroltto per bag on
ng the past . year, • The Grantlf traelt for Ontarialts„...
Ura of labor w*s morA more” trd " -er'utrutlhog 110.•,,-:,NOcwxi to aliae
'otkab1e in the wea, thin in, The nterlo. had 140 miles of new col- 1 fowl; Id ,to
n:30,Alberittrt.%itbiti:IlettliersItiosth -Coleo.1°yenttilti°t'ller;ob,u-d,s6t0ePer aent. during the th
0'4 „
to'5, it f eders real o
to $4.65. p and lambs wer
firm at recent advances. Hogs
.Seleets, $8.25f f.o.b., and M0 fed
.und wate .
. •
wiltliog trades were -already work.: hrillgex werevbroPleted ito ti,,te 84 . .
Vatt03*-4)0iltild p1413U,
nog on an eight-hour basis. The-, tubs aod large rolls, 20 to 21c ; in-
tommittee deeided to hear further .
. rior„ 18 to 20e; creamery, 27 to
evidetwee along this_line at its next 0 c, and solids, '24 to .9.,5e per lb.
_ eeting, ,,, , . Eggs-e.C.Oe lots of new laid, 30
. ,
fart of the country, the lax'
mg that near the scene Of the Web
wood wreek, whielt _has ' a, single
vpan of 200 fcet. 7The .devel'opment
if 40,000 licirs.e power, will be pro-
ded 'for 'ilte storage' tlains c
sstrueted at the outlet of Dogs•L
ear Fort
;Narrow Eseape- of Two Passeogers
A desprttelt front London, Ont.
ys: Springbank ear No. io withNcw Proes for Lower Grnde Ore
ger, e ,
l* Hort, of. Ilyrott, Oot., -was A
btdly wrc..vked '1%2° ti*el"k'n M.^:rn, lsPitowilthLrec"nehUeiwalinetarleasitasfr of
oirsday ,inorning, whQn it left the %!„r,,,:ii
is at a 'wail:it abotit half a mile "'"u York chemist
west of the road,andlo'fas".c.°01b)::inoartrai'nkdIllsi,:r sruetiluo,cejtii°end
shot headforemost d own on embank-
ment, into the A1-0 one was tin fir -ding 'a '4VW ,..th.,°41 tt_rel_tig
ntwiret. The at'.cident NVZIS eigUgett (;312er'g
vitt no 4.- V.1311 twrofiiable, nutter
by. abont half an inch of ice aii the feArr ireiv'procegi"
rails. * threte„por 'eent. -tore will be proite
,The tests were nulertakea at the
ttane, of a number of New Yotk
p:talists 1171.'Ve large holdipgs
copper whieii were lof too low's
norsiott d. gkarle ttt, ia. oW tliey expe;:t to
detpateh from Aden,abia, work ontiieni--nninr'diatc1'. It
.titdui3•4th Of so. weans a geod 'dear to Canafh, an
land. the "mods" the(iititbz,„millnadese to
gastr--4on•the.'warpith. A big fore
of 4erviAle3. hal raided the' Sulta-, which w411 now pay handsome -
of the Mijerens, killing and
diretions. The
laughter of the ttibil,S111t11 was vety,
Ittor • t)ne whole t6wirt wes gut- Ji
itee by lire and 14.ti21) caniels taketi tiotiAlisk peal:ins,
Meet, to
y ,tho oervislos. The adoi;nittta4 pasigtg the, ,Au.01101
lion tof the, Sultanati; Eif
4esimtelt firom
The Soe!irl:s boreott arsd
r..‘s Lave iedue?il onsilerably,
4 ii,41114Weit ;of liroody in t;erntart,
" Oetober 1 the production of'
oohol in 'alt toting, hoe declined toy
gitil,Jus. The Sotiolist
siutaining Ite.tt to pre-
intotre fromseeuring the
nue from tht,
venue Buring0 volt the, agrarians ef the
rat vhiii they troull secure
ittoish the str.cial dieeriminatiot
w heir lat-or etontained ia thelaw.
• .411004.4k 4.4 astalure AAA64..6.1666,
f -41;r00
Pisoal Year.
4p�tth rrotn
• L rade f
10*, an 1 4.1k
or "nearly
1.1 ostifu
th„ Fve th nf te
�f tbe present` See
Ittoo been
r rent.
Led 230.133
.1 tr. Net Jail
thotte•tit terotho
•Oki. Mg trace 4
e wings*
ate re* of
44 •
•rt *ren1ttzrd
d A halt millionsrt
rot. Exports of
toir *a it:ere** o
4t fl*r.llir enet -ms ntnw
nth wag $4.001...44.4.
44, .11007., to-n.stiottli*
s menu!" has horn oleo
,,- *in inert are of,1
Atte ottor a mo.
e -
ft •
reet al
iir'aqr ilt 1111. ink -nadir,
%:1,0,41311111,.." it% it, trtro
to tire '.4utarst.t,
itotteit. itoil tie mini4to,or
irks ,at ()ttom*. 4
betw'oatler. coos*
t tot icsit.
to,,31e per doten, -and storage, 25e
Per doze:0_4_
Ch4:94je per lb.- for large,
writ 13e.for twins.
Bacon, long dear, 1414 to 14
r b. in case lots. mess roork,
tot, $25.50 to Tt20.
• s -Light, to) medium, 15 to
*do., heavy, 14 to Me; rolls,
11 o 1.4.311e; 'shoulders, 13 13,V4,e;
breakfast baton, 17 to hack9,
181,1 to 10,40.
Lard -Tierces, 1411,3,e 135.te
patch -,'fronr•Toron
we epid.fentie Of rabies is,
?ions proportions,- 14000
reports to the Provincial I
Department. on ,Thursday, which
w ill be transmitted to the Federal
department. Isaac .Tetro, a farm-
-r in West llgin, had a _fine boll
tired two horses bitten by 1k741.0g,.tp
IAin,g wild th6 Other tiny., On We
nosday the ,looll developed ' hydro-
phobia, and ititi to be deStriwyed,,,
The 0'4 -x -horses Are now' under
treatment, &oil it is feared that
• t ey, too, will have to be shot. The
nslwit) •Cotmeil of Stephen,
, 1 o -„t 0
ii on Thursday' , devise
trearis- for eopyig- 'COI the alarm-
ing conditions in the:r Ic.cality. Sev-
eral mad dogs have beer! killed an
others got.away. Many cattle have
been 'bitten. . -
17, .1, .. itoet-fiiit 0.
- -- ,
Mrntzea1. Feb. 4....0ats-o.
riadian Slit stet 45% to lit , 'eltersoMaNint b plow'. ASIII I* -
'. reStS
ome ,Millions. ,
44.ltt, to 45e. , row ,ISTo. 2. white, . -
A detratch froin, Montreal stit
/4c, to 41"; Ontario No. 3 white, .
• to 4.1i.); Ontario'..Noi 4 white. A floating dry -leek for, Alokreal
illtit; to 422., Rarley-No. ,e, 59i';,o capable` of atocommedatillg vessels,
Oe• ; No. 3, W.:Ye; No- 4. 36',1:1,e; teed of 20,000 tonS, is the laterA port:
liziley, , tititf.keye. tYlour-Manito equipment. • It is Understood 'Oar
'Spring whear,.patents',..firsts. $.1.tto ; it considerable part Of the Capi;.
.,.. seeonds, ' $5.0; Manitcoloa ti.1 for the tlitotioA will be pro.
Spnng wheat patents, seeonis, t.. vidid by the, ITif!kers,, Zixim' and;
nttr wlieat patents, .$5.50 to .4vt;itek8ehrisp.1)(;:iondi:14nyc..tionoceerti)Ifs ti,:tteaisievrfict-s
• Manitoba $trong bakers,
tight rollers, $..o..10 . to Iltitain, ,who will. invest 1)0) "lb!,
- *lit 4 rollers. in logo. i,S.,,,CM,000 111 the proposititto, •
„. . .
to retwt-.--Oritsrwo brant will operate the, dry,=doek :Ind (hIll
eiri;x41, to $24; Obtari6 midili'.1gs, neaompaoy:ng shipyard. Tile Ilrlt.
•,;•it:',3.50 4.,09; Manitoba loan, p411 Ann tlo, ;,it confine their *di
$f.t2.00; SIant zli3, shorts, ..W.13.00,i -v.tir.,s to. siktpbail4ing,, and It is ex
pure' gr titoitilliir; • -$31 to •$33; 1 e(tei that they -will operate t
itiixed,mortillie, f 27 to $29. Vlierse 314. ntrcaltAant'ditrilt t!ae UT:tor
- n-dpr and . Octwober nAlke, •/, tot-,
e it
,nit rasterns,ot 1 t f
. , . ., wlie'siz.141;n6.21oltu
ittltt" of'irall*it;s:?11
12 t* I:,. .147.
Ari, -Jos kinds,. . Bott.4lioicett eresomem
to ±0!„r, -se, and fresh reelipis at' ettr.
Lt Strictly new laid.
' per dot.,n; I letd 1:4)14 tor-
, stoek. 25"• , !ilix,i. I iitiodl'A if
at 4 to 05•e' zema
NzTED stvt ES' AlAIIKETb.--
ilwotekce,' Feb.
*/.19 t $.,k1.19; Ni'.
ern, *1,17 0., 1.17,,,.; May
Ht-. Ni,. ;it°
-Wheat •
*1.1i: No. tt red.
114334. *1.131*
hard, $1,1*!* to
theft!, SI 1412-* Au
I7' Ni.• *tt No,rther,,a. too
IL (culat Niro. 2. 00e; XI.*
fr 5e. * rellost, Inc.:, Ito.
Not.2 white, Ott te 4
iai Yamo,f)r
friabif h tw,
itEd tOttr,1
'otiose were
med bikes, wItoo aotoit 4111#
front' ; er.
twee* ,itt the tillyte 11S.141,it
**4 roarths...74,1f-
low, 4211 to 04/ t;np, 4 tattAwwl from •; Oiteitt vsloitol ,
"met Ito. 4 whit.. (ouch. Aft i g -Hoz book . ;taw r
Assistant* by Ontario riculturall
, •
Thorough drainage 44 )auo
nr it wilt increas the yeafrtly.
t'nn8 -from the' land by about
pew acre, as ,shown by reports of
en to'ho ha-ve drahwed. This hr.,the
fleet fact brought out in Bode.
tin 174 just issued by the Depor
wit of Agrieulture, Toronto, "
titled. "Farm Underdrainage:
boo 'It Pay
During the past Ave year the
amount of drainage being done haa
cloulAd, and thorough drainage,
that is with lines of tile every four
'rods, more or lass, is rapidly ht.
erea-$ing. Many areas are so fiat
or so irregular that it is impossibto
without. a surveyor's level to tell
just what
),•r' 0- }Mit way rof dram
iing harea
Cntar r 81ACe011-egei
ming its.," offer of atstainee
drainage- totriteving. During tJo
swimmer the College' I.,
diainage staff enga
'work.. Anyone ;TIitt
problems to
ssistsinett- o
iseu deontrato
b,es ethods of ibrtli))tot the fall,
Aetermitiing the grade, digging tlatt
ditch*tine -to, grade, -et. .Tha
iody ^outlay to the fernier' .isthe
travelling . expenses of tiree-ma
cesisting .atto
of instrumentz, of any, and railway
" g,e at a coot a intleeaelt. way.
'oral Sutveys are usually made
.on the te amtrip the stetnal
outlay for tack ntan, is small,tpiiilitIF being -under 41 and se
over $2, though in ease.of %an 3
dividnal survey in a remote , Pot,
might reach $4 or mitre. The
far'nc'r ie also exp:eetcd to meet, t „,„he -
Ito representative at the Twt- •
ion and return him to itois wdl
oritty. •. ,
, Those wiShing to made applica-
tion for a drainage :surriey sh,onld •
rite to Prof, W. ,11„ Day, ,,De
hereupon *a- regular appIkation
form*Will be 'Sine.— -
Oetorrt*elits Overmaotte4
ood Pat- Is 0$1.„00110r0OS 80110.•
.A despatch -froin.Montreol tat's,
'gores compiled at the Vity Ran -
o to -,tthiow that Montreal. has
Airs list whieh rearly absorbs ono
dtplinvs., or one-sixth of .her
l'Ontle)1. was
'..geterouki 'With •P141,41y inereas-
also greatly lovei.manned
thc emus depIrtnitrits. With a.,
millien dollarit paid out in ,,salariest
1,440,009 to iter -5t charges
ti1L ltt'.( woreler that Montteant
firanv?s- *Tire in A ws:y. Mr.
J.. Gnerin, Ir( thee 4 the Mayor,
111' (1111145 41 S •tdtIR t' the-
; r
it.st !I'm
n4 tac,,
s , Atik
'et -i--rf *
!It tle',I':ttlf :ft,
:4 vc r:114 t
.43 .-4. a .-,er,
....' ,.
;xi 4 ' at OW Ai 4
r4o4 *beet sh-ststtr tit
'i 141I('4 hi* how"' TI4,- p -Itet ar*