Exeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 3 (2)• erous. T;Z.".ff. " or era Hamilton, 1)II ,,is, presumed, by nit;swg setae -cherot ?quer tcota,..fire, brt.1,3te Vt),,(31 Thurrday ere -a - ii the c rwriouri plant ad mpany, -stet facture resolt!& to„ tx t**h uf two, men,'rE.us ijait e alters,. lesi .15 Startlea. *P* %OK -T - urn . Pere/ Ai ,smoke. To over, 70 vnei ca per storey , tablet, down "which they swarme 41,over- hood, -Ity liozeris. Others could notmaintain their bold an slid olown like dead weights, btu in on tVeltead,tof ther,other men at be -foot of, OK shaft. .13awdero and Ully:-endeavored-t&-reaeli - an of the buildiog, but were lue by the smoke,- *nI were, dlIcoVered, 1ing dead, half 1.0,33 boor later, not been sit,te 'xrpsrtment a Curt! inote iowtstyziajiued and and ariit wrist broke; clbridge,' 'overcome t in tJuuj ife mode fire hai oriteLbe1i.Ve- that probably influ- y the fall ofbeauie sparTbt on of the park was i `ioln, ea wi i ity lof :gbt nflaj1ii .. wh:vhgditeI of, dome. , w , is on thfl grour,d'ttocor, id the7inen „in Ma .depattMeati 14 t .(, „some quit. $toVP/bN, to . Insl co to, ? x ‘ 44 , t?, .- "(Ate ntinute, t n orit wea. ' Io in. ' Ors e .th',up ti igliit T ' toliug „room i , otor g()t 1fl9t el' the skP bsolutelit imp.sible1 t'tt„i., *Poi ii- . 0 73:;k14:4 ' .ii tW.0 lading It - . gide , Les t. . . . -rty. The ' ortty uf them lied to the 'tvinthats, which tht roke. * $.' Ifobson and toyer thers jumped and landed in al" vi" net 'held - by the Oremcit. - veil x dtn atd te('u1Iy tried to eietp. stagering into a. tlifftrent p he buildingThat w* ho las of them alitJrzlf an hiur Lntei their bodies were ver Chief TetaByelt an, *tome . it men -only -It few feet ontside the dOor of the room from which tbcy hodtried' to ere* haden overcome by ' -the sin and Were itarried downstairswjure aameteAnsierroot„.ai 'me nent-:wttli titer first -aid -to -the - tired outfit, wo,tited long:to re - e them. ' Them efforts *te. f ruitless,as the,' twO unfortunate'. wen were ',evidtoorli dead before ., they were found. „TIr S. despatch.1:9131 t011 ta.'21111 fluth3led up asleep in &small woodon box. and appearing not un- hke the ite mice Ei cunimon in unto', aia little: orange -co rodent, loaned, at 24%0.0 eaeb, made up the most interestiog ooaagnnt.oar4 the' 'steamer • Anlisi, wbkll arrived here fro on .un CedneEhty. The ani- p tolikte.Prefetlwror is to use them itt4 4,4 The $10.000 raive are, cies ofr--dormoute, or .sleepitig inue, tbat Irve out ef doors in the ummer d remain torpid durbog molt. of thwi'ter season. Their blew value i *used by their great *Care* of umbers. They are about the sire and build. of ,r01. FOR "YNOLDS? - tote of Coo or in Wehltwit• id liVrtxtk Sent to tondo*. I, espateli from Ottawa Senater' "edi'icsia 10-11,1t40 0At BILL. 0 Alt , says Before outwore committee t Iterrilie's•biltin respect to an ebt-hour day, on public', WOr, Victor Diwbreuil, Voir V Ofiier of the Labor Depsrenent, evidente on Weide. day' morn:: s thz Jnd:tIon!.uiith rts of the.eonnt I US IC pacific aecottnts for 163 rou40,-4rurkeys, res;d,17 • lation --Traiiir-Vinteat-vvirsloto-the--10g0matt$e pet (twice' * n envy t °Wird Sil t t, 0 a d forward? to the Imperi Orities detai of Conwittetor Ren ,. la's gallant•CU 411,10t, at the Spanitlt River railway wreck, As to Mrs. Lindell, while her courage* coolness iluid 'useful conduct on that occasion were re- gnizedt ` was dotibtful if her tolso came withinotIte svopo of the regulations governing, tto *Tort of the .E'dward-Oillar Albert medals., nowt ver hat Would be torettigated. , 11"0311Elso F•OR THE VAR111. Maisie Clark Estoltlis hood to Troia Theoi. A Iletfpatebi ft:1nel 'Loridors Fate: Ifiss.),,t[onie Clatki a lady"fartiter„, pes to raise „E;t0,00it to form wiehordot of aly;rictlItttro fer °mei in sectietn% rtanatla. Miss 'Clark svggests that' Wfiletiltr, of *ob. taioing sufricivot reliable hirel. la- r voultt, 1te overcoiiie by training omen in the "mottling f tarn meats. She 'Urges the'et-stallis!Ir Ouvernment eterattors at tins is etitttstewl to the t3overnineit A LL ets 1*4 r (•iudries gieSts,..• .; ronsxvi'zk. 'vette ;Tlt$tlay. 4i.iivitA, Cent Ear. etigitteers 'haver iveu. hicteose 'to pato Vatott, hits :giv o -''w.party liteere-; fOrni, ;*to E*nt de "al at TorinitO„ bur itt dying ,shor T, 'Pelt • 0 • T PAIN: Chrouiele„.calls we nano IF inea sensible ,7410, ri fluent. The Chairman of the British, La - her tAfity- hits intimate,d that the ilovertnitent toe'ed expeet no Labor upport unless the veto question th tsed to an issue* tritlout dela - UNITED STATE$., Sion oa g foinite. - A ten., -year-old hire eras attacked bt two gmat eagles while on his • way home frotn Felioul at Laporte Pa. • Iveretkilled toi tztor Cattle, OIker Dairy Prod e , 004441e 414I ii7a4L • Toronto ;eat, ero #0,1. 0 .Torou .„ Cheat)i. Rav1p - , rio ' e .- tt.laft,, Ymotr. hit $1" o tside. . otrbtl? )01:tsze .,,t ario whtte, 39 to 401 outside, and 42, to ,4e on c Toronto. Canada West oats, our ixo isde sr* aflit'Oba 1 'been .11,11110TO$ Pr some mot s Asequent issues thete,wili 6144i.stit'Ait(iivoktrof the 'ire wholes.olo and retail rtneV$'"dur* ng the ° past twenty years in (a'- (Jlt:w9ittlkiiteisc)e/AsPiani*oothotiot5(utnotrl,bse. r I investigation will 'cover torte iffefrolirtide , NO. ANNIV4Wilifies :in, general use. attarto,c2c,and T ts nwooth a statistical statement -iven as to the 'wholesale torices • • • ufr s of Speo v ations ri e WAWA, t3Sty tC, current issue of The, jairtrt,ent beg suits inve's qon, whiA V side ‘ . . 1." . e- . .‘4, 05e outside. .4. 4.ei:heate..,53 to 54e outside a • Porn---Riln,dried No. 3',Anteridon . T and No. 3 yellow, selected; 71o1 Toronto freights. Canadian corn, „ '-00 to -07e, Tot:mate-freights: Cana- bPowirrer Pibtl'‘ In 'ran' thart vont, 00 to 070, ' Torontr, freights, . Bran --$'4.50 , in bags, Voronto, and„shorts at $24, -in bags, Toren- tn. , ' 'COUNTRY PII,ODUCE.. t, '"- A A. • Soldiers with fixed bayonets a eked rioters to ttid-Pkussian town ot ' ter • eurottens nitnals and meats trona IMO to At Averaging the prices tor it .143C,41 dtirilag ,ys)31," ces were, approx. -ent higher than t. u v tice4rixiiiii)d4,r,fe)toto , folly t‘cuttltlit s, table `showtng the pie; tof t rty.fOor "cononodio. ks 'winch env. into ot liviot t 'the More' important ,eentrS '0 potMlation throughout Canada. It r, the intention of the departmtua to Pu!,wlish cpiotatiois.for *Mar 1/4 eantmoditietx from month' month io, The Labor Gazette, thus aking it possible' to ateertain by omparisou the changes in, retait prices and the- cost living' in the variOns parts'of tilt" Dominion front time to tune. that 96:71111:491 49- -i'per e. tver rinthe, ettt. higher.TI e _ to 1,1/j4e; No. 4 -yellow, 60, to 14 49e; No. '2 white. 4tin No. 3 witite,os ‘44440; o 4 white, 47 to 48e; stan/0 dard„ 49%e., • LIVE :STOOK MARRET$,,- . ontreal, Feb. 2:2„ --Prime beeves O to over _6110_ per pound; pretty good 4111111441S, -to 51,3‘-e, awl. the common stook ,1e per lb. MiIch ecora from *31) to $60-caeh springers, $30 to '$o0 Reel.. Calves; 4)4; to tic pox lb. She-ewabout, 5c, and lambs about le per lb. Good Jots of' fat hOis sold at to 0e per lb. • Apples -$.1.50 to $2, per barrel, Toronto, Feb. 22,-1,vreyth,ng zw.reordirog to -quality. was -bought, otefor Iced killing; A Beans---Car,lots, ontsttle, $1.85 to few pieked„.well finishod"steers and and small lots at $4 10 to heifer sold up to $0'.25.:' Straight ;20 per bushel. 'leads of good- bittchers sold at $5..e0 o tt5.0,0; medium at Sri .to $5;50; lis .r„oo, oney--.Cotwibs, dozen, t tit „to' 1 r lb., to Thletreeby 280.24 Miles. 111 S4' 3/(i t 50 track, Totowa o. A despatch from Toronto say Baled' Straw -47.50 o 4iteki To - According' to the report Ctf the min. Tonto. 1,Ster of public works Ontario has Potatoes -4T to 50e bag on flow '0.4„ttalee.,c,f rollerry, etr 4u*. Toronto. which20041, was conlitructod dor- Potattocroltto per bag on ng the past . year, • The Grantlf traelt for Ontarialts„... LIl Ura of labor w*s morA more” trd " -er'utrutlhog 110.•,,-:,NOcwxi to aliae 'otkab1e in the wea, thin in, The nterlo. had 140 miles of new col- 1 fowl; Id ,to n:30,Alberittrt.%itbiti:IlettliersItiosth -Coleo.1°yenttilti°t'ller;ob,u-d,s6t0ePer aent. during the th THE. DAIRY MARKETS. 0'4 „ to'5, it f eders real o to $4.65. p and lambs wer firm at recent advances. Hogs .Seleets, $8.25f f.o.b., and M0 fed .und wate . TOE RABIES flOIDEMIC. . • wiltliog trades were -already work.: hrillgex werevbroPleted ito ti,,te 84 . . Vatt03*-4)0iltild p1413U, nog on an eight-hour basis. The-, tubs aod large rolls, 20 to 21c ; in- tommittee deeided to hear further . . rior„ 18 to 20e; creamery, 27 to evidetwee along this_line at its next 0 c, and solids, '24 to .9.,5e per lb. _ eeting, ,,, , . Eggs-e.C.Oe lots of new laid, 30 . , fart of the country, the lax' mg that near the scene Of the Web wood wreek, whielt _has ' a, single vpan of 200 fcet. 7The .devel'opment if 40,000 licirs.e power, will be pro- ded 'for 'ilte storage' tlains c sstrueted at the outlet of Dogs•L ear Fort • LUNGED' DOWN BANK. ;Narrow Eseape- of Two Passeogers it London.- COPPER REFUING. A desprttelt front London, Ont. ys: Springbank ear No. io withNcw Proes for Lower Grnde Ore ger, e , l* Hort, of. Ilyrott, Oot., -was A btdly wrc..vked '1%2° ti*el"k'n M.^:rn, lsPitowilthLrec"nehUeiwalinetarleasitasfr of oirsday ,inorning, whQn it left the %!„r,,,:ii is at a 'wail:it abotit half a mile "'"u York chemist west of the road,andlo'fas".c.°01b)::inoartrai'nkdIllsi,:r sruetiluo,cejtii°end shot headforemost d own on embank- ment, into the A1-0 one was tin fir -ding 'a '4VW ,..th.,°41 tt_rel_tig ntwiret. The at'.cident NVZIS eigUgett (;312er'g vitt no 4.- V.1311 twrofiiable, nutter by. abont half an inch of ice aii the feArr ireiv'procegi" rails. * threte„por 'eent. -tore will be proite ,The tests were nulertakea at the ttane, of a number of New Yotk p:talists 1171.'Ve large holdipgs copper whieii were lof too low's norsiott d. gkarle ttt, ia. oW tliey expe;:t to detpateh from Aden,abia, work ontiieni--nninr'diatc1'. It .titdui3•4th Of so. weans a geod 'dear to Canafh, an land. the "mods" the(iititbz,„millnadese to gastr--4on•the.'warpith. A big fore of 4erviAle3. hal raided the' Sulta-, which w411 now pay handsome - of the Mijerens, killing and diretions. The laughter of the ttibil,S111t11 was vety, Ittor • t)ne whole t6wirt wes gut- Ji itee by lire and 14.ti21) caniels taketi tiotiAlisk peal:ins, Meet, to y ,tho oervislos. The adoi;nittta4 pasigtg the, ,Au.01101 lion tof the, Sultanati; Eif 4esimtelt firom The Soe!irl:s boreott arsd r..‘s Lave iedue?il onsilerably, 4 ii,41114Weit ;of liroody in t;erntart, " Oetober 1 the production of' oohol in 'alt toting, hoe declined toy gitil,Jus. The Sotiolist siutaining Ite.tt to pre- intotre fromseeuring the nue from tht, venue Buring0 volt the, agrarians ef the rat vhiii they troull secure ittoish the str.cial dieeriminatiot w heir lat-or etontained ia thelaw. 1 • .411004.4k 4.4 astalure AAA64..6.1666, .• big ••1. 0 MELTAII ON f -41;r00 ROTeirrt OIL *a* ustoms Pisoal Year. 4p�tth rrotn • L rade f 10*, an 1 4.1k or "nearly rre4ponil 1.1 ostifu th„ Fve th nf te �f tbe present` See Ittoo been ai±t*oltiO.1.610. r rent. Led 230.133 .1 tr. Net Jail thotte•tit terotho •Oki. Mg trace 4 e wings* - it ,{ ate re* of $e 44 • 41,1fir,44 •rt *ren1ttzrd d A halt millionsrt rot. Exports of toir *a it:ere** o 4t fl*r.llir enet -ms ntnw nth wag $4.001...44.4. 44, .11007., to-n.stiottli* s menu!" has horn oleo ,,- *in inert are of,1 Atte ottor a mo. e - this ft • it) Pf*,- I%�VT DUI reet al iir'aqr ilt 1111. ink -nadir, %:1,0,41311111,.." it% it, trtro to tire '.4utarst.t, itotteit. itoil tie mini4to,or irks ,at ()ttom*. 4 betw'oatler. coos* t tot icsit. to,,31e per doten, -and storage, 25e Per doze:0_4_ Ch4:94je per lb.- for large, writ 13e.for twins. Rossi PRODUCTS. Bacon, long dear, 1414 to 14 r b. in case lots. mess roork, tot, $25.50 to Tt20. • s -Light, to) medium, 15 to *do., heavy, 14 to Me; rolls, 11 o 1.4.311e; 'shoulders, 13 13,V4,e; breakfast baton, 17 to hack9, 181,1 to 10,40. Lard -Tierces, 1411,3,e 135.te 1 • patch -,'fronr•Toron we epid.fentie Of rabies is, ?ions proportions,- 14000 reports to the Provincial I Department. on ,Thursday, which w ill be transmitted to the Federal department. Isaac .Tetro, a farm- -r in West llgin, had a _fine boll tired two horses bitten by 1k741.0g,.tp IAin,g wild th6 Other tiny., On We nosday the ,looll developed ' hydro- phobia, and ititi to be deStriwyed,,, The 0'4 -x -horses Are now' under treatment, &oil it is feared that • t ey, too, will have to be shot. The nslwit) •Cotmeil of Stephen, , 1 o -„t 0 ii on Thursday' , devise trearis- for eopyig- 'COI the alarm- ing conditions in the:r Ic.cality. Sev- eral mad dogs have beer! killed an , others got.away. Many cattle have been 'bitten. . - , 17, .1, .. itoet-fiiit 0. ,-. • - -- , Mrntzea1. Feb. 4....0ats-o. riadian Slit stet 45% to lit , 'eltersoMaNint b plow'. ASIII I* - '. reStS ome ,Millions. , 44.ltt, to 45e. , row ,ISTo. 2. white, . - w: A detratch froin, Montreal stit /4c, to 41"; Ontario No. 3 white, . • to 4.1i.); Ontario'..Noi 4 white. A floating dry -leek for, Alokreal illtit; to 422., Rarley-No. ,e, 59i';,o capable` of atocommedatillg vessels, Oe• ; No. 3, W.:Ye; No- 4. 36',1:1,e; teed of 20,000 tonS, is the laterA port: liziley, , tititf.keye. tYlour-Manito equipment. • It is Understood 'Oar 'Spring whear,.patents',..firsts. $.1.tto ; it considerable part Of the Capi;. .,.. seeonds, ' $5.0; Manitcoloa ti.1 for the tlitotioA will be pro. Spnng wheat patents, seeonis, t.. vidid by the, ITif!kers,, Zixim' and; nttr wlieat patents, .$5.50 to .4vt;itek8ehrisp.1)(;:iondi:14nyc..tionoceerti)Ifs ti,:tteaisievrfict-s • Manitoba $trong bakers, tight rollers, $..o..10 . to Iltitain, ,who will. invest 1)0) "lb!, - *lit 4 rollers. in logo. i,S.,,,CM,000 111 the proposititto, • „. . . to retwt-.--Oritsrwo brant will operate the, dry,=doek :Ind (hIll eiri;x41, to $24; Obtari6 midili'.1gs, neaompaoy:ng shipyard. Tile Ilrlt. •,;•it:',3.50 4.,09; Manitoba loan, p411 Ann tlo, ;,it confine their *di $f.t2.00; SIant zli3, shorts, ..W.13.00,i -v.tir.,s to. siktpbail4ing,, and It is ex pure' gr titoitilliir; • -$31 to •$33; 1 e(tei that they -will operate t itiixed,mortillie, f 27 to $29. Vlierse 314. ntrcaltAant'ditrilt t!ae UT:tor Septe - n-dpr and . Octwober nAlke, •/, tot-, e it ,nit rasterns,ot 1 t f . , . ., wlie'siz.141;n6.21oltu ittltt" of'irall*it;s:?11 12 t* I:,. .147. 12e Ari, -Jos kinds,. . Bott.4lioicett eresomem to ±0!„r, -se, and fresh reelipis at' ettr. Lt Strictly new laid. ' per dot.,n; I letd 1:4)14 tor- , stoek. 25"• , !ilix,i. I iitiodl'A if at 4 to 05•e' zema movrimAL :b 1 NzTED stvt ES' AlAIIKETb.-- ilwotekce,' Feb. */.19 t $.,k1.19; Ni'. ern, *1,17 0., 1.17,,,.; May Ht-. Ni,. ;it° Stand*d. -Wheat • *1.1i: No. tt red. 114334. *1.131* hard, $1,1*!* to theft!, SI 1412-* Au I7' Ni.• *tt No,rther,,a. too $t121.$ IL (culat Niro. 2. 00e; XI.* fr 5e. * rellost, Inc.:, Ito. Not.2 white, Ott te 4 4. , ,o iai Yamo,f)r friabif h tw, itEd tOttr,1 'otiose were med bikes, wItoo aotoit 4111# front' ; er. twee* ,itt the tillyte 11S.141,it **4 roarths...74,1f- low, 4211 to 04/ t;np, 4 tattAwwl from •; Oiteitt vsloitol , "met Ito. 4 whit.. (ouch. Aft i g -Hoz book . ;taw r or • + • FARM: 0. 'AGE V' TABLE Assistant* by Ontario riculturall , • College. Thorough drainage 44 )auo ned- nr it wilt increas the yeafrtly. re- t'nn8 -from the' land by about pew acre, as ,shown by reports of en to'ho ha-ve drahwed. This hr.,the fleet fact brought out in Bode. tin 174 just issued by the Depor wit of Agrieulture, Toronto, " titled. "Farm Underdrainage: boo 'It Pay During the past Ave year the - amount of drainage being done haa cloulAd, and thorough drainage, that is with lines of tile every four 'rods, more or lass, is rapidly ht. erea-$ing. Many areas are so fiat or so irregular that it is impossibto without. a surveyor's level to tell just what ),•r' 0- }Mit way rof dram iing harea Cntar r 81ACe011-egei ming its.," offer of atstainee drainage- totriteving. During tJo swimmer the College' I., diainage staff enga 'work.. Anyone ;TIitt problems to ssistsinett- o -„ fiu iseu deontrato b,es ethods of ibrtli))tot the fall, Aetermitiing the grade, digging tlatt ditch*tine -to, grade, -et. .Tha iody ^outlay to the fernier' .isthe travelling . expenses of tiree-ma cesisting .atto of instrumentz, of any, and railway " g,e at a coot a intleeaelt. way. 'oral Sutveys are usually made .on the te amtrip the stetnal outlay for tack ntan, is small,tpiiilitIF being -under 41 and se over $2, though in ease.of %an 3 dividnal survey in a remote , Pot, might reach $4 or mitre. The far'nc'r ie also exp:eetcd to meet, t „,„he - Ito representative at the Twt- • ion and return him to itois wdl acconittwodate-hint oritty. •. , , Those wiShing to made applica- tion for a drainage :surriey sh,onld • rite to Prof, W. ,11„ Day, ,,De toit-of hereupon *a- regular appIkation form*Will be 'Sine.— - • MONTREAt 8 SALARY. Lt. Oetorrt*elits Overmaotte4 ood Pat- Is 0$1.„00110r0OS 80110.• .A despatch -froin.Montreol tat's, 'gores compiled at the Vity Ran - o to -,tthiow that Montreal. has Airs list whieh rearly absorbs ono dtplinvs., or one-sixth of .her l'Ontle)1. was '..geterouki 'With •P141,41y inereas- also greatly lovei.manned thc emus depIrtnitrits. With a., millien dollarit paid out in ,,salariest 1,440,009 to iter -5t charges ti1L ltt'.( woreler that Montteant firanv?s- *Tire in A ws:y. Mr. J.. Gnerin, Ir( thee 4 the Mayor, atkcil 111' (1111145 41 S •tdtIR t' the- ; r uI er it.st !I'm lologo!,%,Ttr, n4 tac,, " t s , Atik tmtwar 'et -i--rf * !It tle',I':ttlf :ft, :4 vc r:114 t .43 .-4. a .-,er, ....' ,. ;xi 4 ' at OW Ai 4 r4o4 *beet sh-ststtr tit 'i 141I('4 hi* how"' TI4,- p -Itet ar* no,oHligatius,. g !*-