HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-5, Page 5rousT 5 1680' 7.1:ER VIVCILS: 0 H NFAJM 1;71-XOL.B 5' ALE DEALEzt - w INE (AGFA hS, C., Dealer in Grocexies,,Flour awl Seed. Carlines Ale,, Lager. and. orter: in Casks and. quarter Casks. —LABATT 8 ALE AND sTOUT. BOTTLIil AND QUA.R FEB CASK— :111d vii3m, Main Street Elmeter... YOUNGER'S, TRNNETT'S, PASS' AND GUINESS' STOUT AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK, maws,. ••• ?Nem., nnornaT 7,••••7,..v•••••174.•••••• F. 9 ff?..' /EX rS• hile rflmat. ... . ... Bet, tt r• ... - ... U Veto 0 93 rietuxn 1115.I1AT ... ... .. 1. 05 to x 08 Led elraff " • ... .„. .,, ... 0 0., to 1 110 Dirrley _ _ „. _ .. 0 43 to I 35 31.i ids „. ... .•.. .. LI 31 to 1 113 ... . . ......... ........... . 3 OU to 3 Ti . .... ... ... 0 55 „, . • ... „ 0 LO to 11 30 ilottcr. - .... „ ... 0 12 to 1 15 .1!1ot1r per Md. ... ... „, ... 6 30. to 6 5il l'ot.ttotrs, lew.bag .. .. ... - 0 50 to 0 LIU kpideri, per bag . .. _ ... 35 to •.) 40 I tried .3,3l1411, pr 1, .. ... ... ... (1 07 to 0 07 11 og, dressed per 100 - ... ... 5 00 to 5 ilr .. - „. 4 00 to 3 Oh 111.1e,, rough: .„. _ _ .„ 5 00 to (; o) 8 19 to 8 2a ... /lay 1.i.,v 011 ... ,.. 1)11111i11: per bun ... Lard Weel,per 11, .., - ... .... ... 0 1. to 1. Turkeys- per ro.......... .. . „....... ....... ...... 0 07 to 0 It. Deese " . . . • 0 04 to U 01 Paells, oor ostr .......... ....... . . 0.40 to 11 5u ST.:11:1.M 'S 10,111 wheat, per 1..tishel ' 0.03 to 1 00 $dring wit nit ...................„........... 1 La to 11)13 Ilarley .. ......... ....... . .................. 40 .50 0 55, l'ess . 50 to u 00 +hats ... .......... .. - ...... ...... .... ... .. 3.1 to 0 34 Huy 7 00 to 3 ('0 Eggs, ,trer ;1 wren 0 10 to 01)) Butter . . 13 to 14 (titles per 't, 4 50 to 6 50 33resses1 boge 4.75 to 5 00 *Pe oar, as ;111' bag 45 to 0 50 ...,,,leo slims .... ........ .. . ............ ..,.... 3. Ue to 2 04 Wood Le r cord ........ .......... ... .......... 2 50 to 2 50 Wool per lb .. 0 28 to 0 30 0.05 to•O 913 . • GRA-V.S. 8PECIFO MEDICINE. 3atEngl1el1 TRADE MARK ras.Lte_..__ <1ttl1fl(tltV,I1i1 3)11331)331 mete ".; 11111 011.1I1 tOr flf111.1i- 4 Winbk111069i Spermater rla 3131, Impotoncy,and'all iriseastre • that • low as a semiotic:a of Hull eloaoe, Before Itakincsyllalr7v, °r2salkillitts•rsYi-' ;Ps. Back, Winn eSti of vt:Pionnii,IP ntiltli°111714031driag20k,itntng.ti many' other Diseases that lead to insanity or Oonsumption and 11 Premature grave. t.r.7.-e'Frtil partitrisisrs in our pamphlet, whieli we desire to stool free bv notil to .wory one.. I..' T1331 Seeelfic Medieine is sold 13y all lrll3Wi4t5315'1.1 per pn ckage or six packages for or lilbo sent hymen on reeeipt of the looney by albite/Mug TUE (3.11AY UN MOINE ., TattoNTO, 0131.1%,(1ANATM. 110 7 uo to 7 50 Le'Sold in E seterby all droo• its, and every- _ 0 50 to u 75 where in '1st nada .11113 the United Stateshy whole ... 0 10 tn pt sale and retail druegists. 13 -The donned of our business WINS llectAgi. ea (Mg removing to Tolima°, to which place please ad tress ((11 53)3133)33 communions 0118. ii••••••••••••• ••••••••., ••• VOR SALE OR TO EXOTIANUE At: for other proeerty, twO houses and two lots 111 rhetowo of ‘Volkod. Axdy to J. Ems, Diolstou Court Bailiff °ATARI:or! cATALLRE. I !: USit The grout Sierra 113vala • Sming Compound. meow y positive 01350 (5331 Catarrh yet discovered F 117 v. urrrs \Tau, DIU GSTDRE. W. L PH. (.4•norai. Agent, Arkona, Out. ALBERT COLLEGE, ILLE, ONT. orainnist w3ti. coarse of stu 1 y. for Ma.- teicalati. n and 're toliors' Exarninition 3 als o Elect ire COU.ri es. First-class Commercial Col - 1.0310. ALEXANDRA- COLLEGE FOR LADIES. Mu steal 0011170' Board, lionm, &a., am per week. Terms begin Sapt .9,148 1, Jan 6 and April 1.1, 3381, P.31' 13)1.1551),&n., aorlress President J. It. NA QUES, DJ)., elleyille,On t. WesieyanFemaleCollege, 111.311ILToN, OST. rhe oldest chartered Dadie.s' College in the Produee. W II enter on its 20th veer on Sept. isir, 1880. Denielete in its equipment, extensive 50 its coreicutuna, thorough in its Matt-notion:- teconnueslotion unsurpassed Music and Paiut- tut smell 1 1 ies. Roferenees 313)53)331)11 ed. Addrese the Prineipstl, Rov, A. BURNS, D. D., 5.. L. D. YO'CING iviEN.,T,'T74,1'310r8r4.0411,1115. Evury grau3)11tt4 guttrunteed a paying situation, Address It, V ALENTINE,Mtturtger,jancsville,Wis S,7 7 7:;;;MA!,!..!nd„Tre't,:eil,58..gc,T. EBY, Augusta., Maine. fro AD \ ERTISk.ILS.-Loweet Rates for adver .1. Using in 970 dOnil newspaners sent! ree. A d - erase (3.00. P. ROWELL &CO ,1t1 Spruce St . HALLOO, MIKE Where did you buy thein briok ?• Well, Jimmy, I bought them.from Mitchell, of course. Has be many of them. 1f 13,?. Why, yes, thousands of them, end first -close too. How does he e11 them, Mike?. Well, Jitomy, he selle them 110 cheap that I was 1105 130 tell, but if you mad any just go right there, for be says he is bound to sell as cheap as any in the county. Remember, he lives south side orediton gravel road. JOHN MITCHELL. cre Mon, Feb.54,188 Gm SPIVNG, AND rIVINIEll BISSETT BROS.. are now. showing a large and well aSSOrted. ^ • MANHOOD,: NOV LOST, HOW RESTORE0,1 We, hero recently publiehed a new ersition of DR. LVEll 15 LT.LS CB 1,15 13B.A.T1.1) E hSAY on OW rn dicta and porinnaent cure (without 111111- ..lidline) of !Nen-0101 :Debility, Menta1 and physical incapacity impediments to 7313511 1113)0, etc„ ro- milting from excess. 133.4„, Price in sealed envelope, only 6 cents 0: twu postage stumps. ' The celebruted author 05 33)315 admirable essay, cloarly demoustratee, from thirty yearn' success- ful practice, the t alarreing consequences may be rusheally cured without the claugerous use vf in tomtit xnediolues or the use •of the knife; Point- ont ft/110,u uf cure at more simple certain end ef- (eau 1 , 11y.01011.11,1 05 Whig hevery sufferer, no in tt- ter what lin, condition may be,may euro himself obearlY'Privately and radically, This 3,o(1t)1r(3ectura should be in the hauls of every youth and eve r y man in the laud.. .43 ddrese, TI -IE CULVERwELL MEDICAL an,.. ti Ann Street, New Y Post Cince Box gee ENSALL FURNITURE RO OILS. Why go 11,1351,350 3305 your Furniture whim you can get 13etter Value for 730115 11101183' in Henson. JAS. 0 02V77011.T1-1 having bought out the Furniture Business of Mr 8. varbsirn, and added largely to the stock is enabled to idler furniture at very low. prices. My Undertaking Depntinent Svillbo found su- perior to ally 111 t111) section, having just received a large a dditien of all kinds of under tasting goods. A first-class hearse mill be furnished for fnnerale on reasonable terms. Also agent for the Wainer and New York Binger Sewing Machine, JAS. COXWOETH. 11.EIVIOVZD. JOHN BACK having purchased the stook oflMessrs R. & E. Spicer, has removed to the store lately oc- cupied by them, North of Post Office. All kinds Flour and Feed Always on Hand, FLOWED, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS iu great,variety. JOHN RACK. Central. Drug Stare, WLNAN;S, OLD STANA. JOT FAMICE11q Anan 1.43,°n.e! LIVERPOOL, • LONDONDb•BRY; GLASGOW SHORTEST' S-•ZA PA.SSAGE,. CABIN, INTERMEDIATE. AND: STEERAGE TIOXo ETS.. Persons wishing to send for -their friends con obtain passage 00) tithattes at lowest . rates 331-1)1)3 111)3)11511)). Ireland .11 1 So-tland to any city or rail, way town in Canada, partienteas by apply- ing to CAPT. G toter, Harper's Bazar Patterns. They are graded to FIT ANY FIG -URE andrm adjusted that tho most inexperienced, with the aid of the printed directionft which accom- pany each snit, can sepure a perf_ect ilt. They are cheaper than any ewers, ONE Y cENTs FOR A COM- PLETE stair. Agent,forlticter and vicinity, W. A.. ()ANIPIELD Tre also ,eall attention -50 1.14 well assorted stock of Fancy Go. ils, origin Wools, Fingering Yarns, Euitting 003 1(1)) in all on'ors. Euittiug.done to order. A. good t•mpuly of hes- iery- always nu how). Ploaso 0113 cal oxiuniue suns and orlon beton, purchasing elsowhere. Opposite Fs neon 's Blot; , • W. A, CANZIWAL3D. CA.UTIO N. fFUE SUBSCRIBER TAKES TEM 1, ..L onportunity of thanking the public for their fair share of patronage in times past, and respectfully solicits s. coutinuatien of the same in the. future., A COMPLETEAND FULL Socii STOW( OF TINWAR&IOrugs. & Chemicals Constantly cutIlasid ana arranted of BEST QIIA.LIT AT MODERATE BRICE& Afe,lion.1 Whine itna.Listuors. u .relied,,oa as 40. botstquality. Aoomplete stock of consisting of MILE CANS, P.ANS,, , ••••••*. TRUSSES, SHOULDER DRUMS.; CHEST RUOTEGL'ORS; deo,. Alto fellow and. well selected stook of Always 0111111n11, Also Stationery,Sehool Books,Pancpaooff*Ita Harvest, Tools, • ' FmnIty." Drug ti. -tore,, EACH PL 00 THP. e - .4'1 • ) '1%, • - r eanda Pacific THE, ..V.KETER DOOR AND 11'11 OTO TENDERS' FOR ROLLING STOCK. ALL KINDS OF • TURNING. Done to order. • Item ember the place TEE time for reePiving tenders, for Stock for the Canada. Pacific Rait- wOY, extenomg over four yert:s, is extended to 2u0...9.uguat, By order, F.BRAUN, Secretary Deriartmerrt of Raihvays end Canals, Daiwa, 2331133 3)11)0, 13*10 •••••••••••••••••••mossvesome•Imm••••r nver ro s. TE W AMER of the D gl NOTHING- LIKE IT EVER SEEN:, PEOPLE 0 AN..N.OT Until they call andmako an examination what !Zeal Bar, gains aro offered. Everything at the Lowest figure is the in-. ducement we offer in, STAPLE AND FANCY' DRY: GOODS. Boots and' Caps,. Ladies' &. Gents: Furnishing, Goods;, Olothing, Crockery CilaSsware, Hardware, Groceries,, Winesand. Liquors,.. Mai.b., Street; Exeter. jrilo Navy 1. THE IS :IIALKED IN :BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER CENUINE. THEFALL AND WIN TER TRADE C. Soutb.00tt So2a. TAILORS niid CLOTIIinus, Take pleasure to ir form th el o abituntc ofllxeter add surrounding country, that tbey have just opeaed oat an excellentassortinentof Tneds, Coatings, Vestin Liu thelatest styles neepatterns,anclfeol assured thatintue matter ofamthing, 1311073 .1111 suit the mostfastidioustestes. SURE. DEATHi TO, F L. I E S !. WILSON'S, FLY FAD • Lasts a whole season. STICKY' FLY PAPER Tile best made, at TaAIXTON'a which, they Ore, offering ownpotition, gave Trougifiug 15 Spoelitbity., at prices that am CENTRAL DRUISTO,RI,, 1 Corner store; opposite (,MAN'S OLD STAND) , Directly opposite the Central, The Cearal HQteiI HIghost pike' paid. for fli1453 Calf and. Sheopskius, iu Cash or 'rritae.. C. LITTZ, EXETER, ATEST NOVELTY. 0 --TEE IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE lip CORSET, --TRE— Pius Vitra. FOR COMFORT, EASE & ELEGANCE; CANNOT be :EQUALLED' Zverlinting WEAR. ATTRACTIVE IS; ECONOMICAL. ADMIRED Bir TRY ONE. Vbr, Sttle SAMWELL & PICKARD'S', General Dealers in Dry Gnods, Groceries,.Boots and.Shoes, Gloating,. Millinery, Etc. MAN STREET EXETER., WOOL! W 01011 WOOLI 11°. TNUIIING the Wool Season 1 offer All Heavy Moline, including BlanItats, Tweeds, Grey and Home-made Flannels at Old. Prices. This is a rare offer, as the goods haves ad- vanced fully Alper cent., To prepare for Stook -taking, Si=ez Gods. wilt be Cleared Out, at an Immense Sacrifice, positively:for ONEMONTH ONLY., The Millinery Department managed bye foot -class Milliner, nut is flilled with all the latest novelties. l'--atd3rsbouid Fait; to -Seen The ORDERED) LOTIIIN.G., D.4:PAR,TUgNT isn1:3r3 active than vox, A.,Perfect flit gnaranteed. J1JST TO; TW1-1A.N-D.... • A. Large Stock of Barbed, and: nail; Fonoe Wire, Seeci Coin Efulagarrin Grass, Seed,. Harvest Mitts and Tools, Highest Pride Paid for all kinds. of Farmex.'6,1 VI3o(tace. 13erciembertb5o QM xlistablished Rouge. 4Amgs •