HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-5, Page 4e, 4 • Whip Embroidery, Molsons Bank Gard wire, Iron wire, • tnE T114E8 DOZAINIOIT. ...A.couvostkrzu ux ACM OF PIMLIAMBO'Fihess. Bone ittee, Buttons, 13y the new system lotroduced in thee Cut work, Button or needlework. Galt ()antral Sohool that town matte Cepf tat, $2,000,000, • la wee not until 1842 that the $700 a year., HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL British Parliament seriously content. RAC Edward Piths, of A.uro rtt latexes WOMOTAF, BLit', • - 1131.0314as 'plated the advisabilita of anything like MOTABON. TIBC/. • - • .100.2 ee.$ DIREC52ORS. Zoo 1) 1, Maepherson. W Shepherd, S Eswing, ei elson, P P F.. WeLsetasi•kx Paolo.% Esq., Gehl Ilianaaer, Yes. Enmot,Esu , ilinneftve-t• Arontreal „Branch, 1. rtataeow, Nee., - - Inspector. Exeter ranr3II, BEI C. BREWER - - MANAGER. LOANS TO FARMERS. NIoney aneaCed to farmers on easy terms, on their own promissory notes with one or more good n- tlorsers. No mortgage required as seourity. SAIINGS BANK Dr,PARTMENT 5 tier cent Interest calowed an cievosite. 'Drafts on 'United States bought audsold. Skov-l- ice Exchange bought aud sold, Collections made in Lill parts of the Tseminion and retarus promptly remitted •at„lowest rates '-ef exchange. Exeter Lrgust 15th 187a. mszesssrssmixamss=essortunescrisisiiiireeemsfreessrseaeis , ,. THIS PIAP Irvr la fef:>,:t l'ilt, ltoWur, •& Co'a Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sprace, Sreet),w here adver- tising contracts may ti Evl, ' YORK be made for •it in oe is Elle retell liffics. THURSDAY. AUGUST 5, 1880, FREE TRADE IN ENGLAND. (Chicago Inter -Ocean.) Kroner*, Clay 0o., D. T.. June, 1880. flo the Adttor of the Chicago Inter -Ocean. Did. England. acquire her commercial bup- :cmaoy by pursuing a Free Trade or Protoo- five policy Free Traders invariably cite Eng- land as a conspicuous illestration of the HOC- ..sess. of the i'roe T-ade Policy. Give a brief ltection. For instaece, °Div. Eng.liele- eistory of England's tariff legislation. built lecemotives cart be need on Ena• FRANK EASTMAN. Hall rail ways, which viretterly prohibit,' the importetion of locomotives.. Aerswea.—ey pursuing a protective policy. Centuries ago Euglandadopted that policy in the most stringent furrn. ree trade for hetself, By that tinie 'her industries were So diversified, de- veloped, strong, and. aggressive, and the need of wore extend ei and more liberal markets tb take off her growing serplas of fabrics Wati So imperative, that her statesmen concocted the de- ign of vetting an example of relaxing her bud! system, with the expectstio'a that foreign governments wonld patdarn after her new policy. In 1846 Eng/and virtually repealed the corn laws, but, was remoNed. Her object was three- fold ; first, to induce other countries tn a like course by the force of aombined precept and example ; secomTe to leave room to draw back should the experi- ment fail ; third, to afford. soope for re- ducing wages to her operatives by diminishing their cost of living. About that. time, influenced by her theoriee, the United States passed the Act of 1846-- a tariff for revenue only—and thus opened wide to her the most copious and opulent of the world's markets, by which slut immeneely bone fitted. Subsequeally, Enolend very slowly and oeutionely relaxed her dirties on lb:wort-el manufactutes. The end of proteetiv, rates CMS not entirely reached until May 1, 1874, when the duties on snaer and molaesee were re- moved. Tine cLaing aot in her pro- gramme heel the effect of inieing her sneer r4ilning iednetiy in a faw ye re. end now nothing but its wreck remnies. Still by general intermit regulations end by municipal laws sbe yet main- tains a system which heat, as• regards many articles, all the fines of hair pro• Ij- linois, has aceepted a Gen to the pa*. t, rate of the 0oug,regatiotal Churcla. AUGUST5, . -eree-e•-*-444-.....--e---ra.,••••ee'errrr..rtleerr.!.7.r.e..4....- • • • .,..e.7.1, Fraudulent hat; re xresattOre-hetese been BAT.,111.1,8(11E4TAlt. I arrested at S. Chttittteniitete,. Hotel (mettle eliiit wee are Deooming Thureclity, eagest (i--Crecllt sale of farm stock and implements,. the property moat dA, if. g in' t'lleir• operations, the la.e Daniel liGhliimh eo tot 16 n. 2,. Milntsealre. taxes- are being oollt etrdi lliof, adulpla, James uke, Ate,tioneer.. witle wen kAr pro plitudee this setteon 1 - thee' hr rawly yearpasta I. BIRTii, ' Ill. 11iY. Si Blanc, el at. Pr, 600 ',VI '--- • frail& X., Will visit N't 0!) ti ea] a 111i ug the Nt,,:— ..1t. Perge1a1guoslinne, ou the 17tli A marl named Streiton„ of teach, Ealtibition in Septernb; r nee... 1 elt., tat. vete of Mr. B. 0 Byrne, of the 1 Pttliic Departmeat,, of a daughter. beet) fined ley the 'opal' tnagistratee,: loam, B 01.1,1.1.1111,,ep. 14 to. , for stabbing a baulky liorse willt seed it Cr- Williatiat, as iteetut of lliej -""" Dominion Telegraph COntoally Bk.! r IiR,11y F(t1iI31I).' The Repaid McKellar farm of 501 Thomee.. 1A.It rerson gr,ras (111 credit t I: ny sores, consisting of the 8, NV. (varier Leann offor4 t..„ pay t 0001 ir ma. t‘tr "N.M. " t of lot 17, in the 6th con. of Dectiwiela. :delph peye,,s800) to ,Yard the e0,4t t. 064,1 ne, A iot,t silt, lest). hal been purcthased by It bed, Mo. Kellar for $1,900t Mrs. Preetom. of 1-leintingden,. nmen Mr. Lillie. of the same township, were seriously injuredby a eurneway team in Belleeiller the horses jumping into their wagou from Late on Saturday night, while the men in Mr. 'E. Doherty's foundry, Wat • ford,. were, about to, run, a horse -pn wet. wheel, the ladle coutaining about 5001 pounds of metal ulotet, setting -film to the building and- badly bnrning several men,. The five W38 exeinguished be- fore um& damage, was done" • DefOre taking hie departure for Eug- land iast week, Peiuce Leepold preeee- led to Mr. 11. Illoie, the Station ter of the Ietercaloni d Railway et Oanstipscel, near Aletapeiiia, avalnable gold brestatpin and his photograph, it:, recognition of the lattetae services dm, ing His Royal Irighnees' late fishing. exearsioe. .11,tolan, everybody will be pleased, to hear. is once more feeling like him-. self. 1 -le is very confident of sue° e:s with his Australian rival, and avow' i!ia s his inteutien if pnt to it of making the you require: Theolive eut by 'nail reteteled supreme effort of his life. He will to whereever wanted, It is aeon toopnblish a li4t of as many of sail for England on the 2ud' of Sep• tember. the cured une-1, as way not object to it. etitolifoi k. I VV()('N .r • 1J(TIf-.1.4N i'ALE 01? FARM ANI) the cc:Imam/tatted bratioh of railroad,. '$20,000 betties., ail recoil -elle bele ii. ,_i... ()noted for 1-ele by • A. Chicago Eli'vp ., telt eaye 1 /IA MA MP'. kibV:,11k.',.."1-11q1313:."1 the Premise's, 00 Stitliallf.y: ty tor teree , ,,,,t.,,,,late‘a, tree e eleete.te farm ,,g 1[P,1 03:rem. tit,. Mt', 'fl • ' . ' 4( lot it' i eri a ,(1) fa taonj ) ,et I, ut iog 11.).trteitpe,110.:111111.),.. It:, .ert ,:t f , 1 ! s,..linti, 1,,,..pa,in,14pni. n. lire, )ii .e „or , ,. ... 0 the late Phill , lt• 1 • 1 111,)us Ind Eagiiiii ela. !reel ; three eeoa weee ae e ,Tee, -'ut.' .,"'‘''''',-1,1"' ig, all te, il bi'Llittuer'::::::;Iteaelat"10111:;1;'',A;!:ii. ‘,1;;;Ilt,11.•e. in: : : :: • . :::' ; 1 at.er, _kit,' pamoin ger 0,trs p,ad hi., lia,ic,",,,0(tti,,tity ot• hey sold i.y 019 P..011' 1'1'231 til7.°11,1;:O' all fully ladetted wall G. T: ernoloyees .°1tI.1I.1141::(1:11:1-,:;i1"1"3'',-,1•1l.;i1.4. '1;i''11'.:3:... Bighteen , et lo oteie44\14 AtIse Oraig et) last Seenteley neornin; -, Ramat toe bone Stratford, en rune to Pi t !in ran, Sarnia, the P:',int ited other 1-eeties of attractive plett4uros, Ill toturosa utri and sound in the evet.ing. It is stated by several who were there, that a R:tpti-tminister' of a 3 Middlesex church sta'eti' on SES:elljtitrittc.Ylat, 111:11t1'in at io n who obeyed tb, WO rail 01 s"that they WON; the ooly of c-illrgso tIieL'ir;1 j.ltirttone, We take the 1 berty a very stir ill mata There are foNV Inlile . arriving at Allen Craig now, which do not bring Revd. Mr. Aekiuson of that place, an acoeunt of a lee, cure Effected by the old Irish lady's sel7e. Sores of all kinds, end tigos, ii'11 to its rise. Send stamps, and get all the information A g mg of tramps made a raid ou The Gualoln tht ii roe"iv"ti Springfield on Pride), night and,visited treal port fer the. teolah of .Tulv 'net $2 a number crf residences with the follow- were $676,683, an iocrease of 24,614 over the teir-eeponding moo th of 1879. The Itiland R;venne receipts for Jn'y last were $103,642,70'i au iucrease of $58;547,71 over °erre p uding. month of last year. Statement nc Inland Re von tre -colleet- m.der of things ie• reyersetla 1\16RarS. thiev s overlooked two veluable watch- Ialteno Revenue Divieinn nt Owen,. Garvey & S•,)11, the, extensive. es that were Lutuging-up in the dining Loudon during tint ef July, furniture manufectures of Alontreal, 18S0:. Shoeing all increase of $5.• PREVIOUS to the croming into firm of int t milt :—N. 13;nrge-s, of the Poet Then her manufacturing incinstries 1 •101fice store, 'mit a %vetoer and five del - were few mid feeble. To enable her the National Policy,. the Province or lam iu money ; John Dynes,. of the to accftiplish her objeot, she was un- Britieli Colombia lionght at her fur- Oommerciel .letel a watch awl $125 : , . wearied in her efforts to apply the fol. .t r is fi,,, lowiug insane :-1. To facilitate the to rive rota -merman • Me, Now eae Hmay llayes; eighty. five cents. For- tunately for the lattee. gentletuan, the importation of raw materials for the employment of Iter artisans 0111 mama facturers. 2. To discourage or wholly prohibit the exportation of raw mat - aril's. 3. To export her manufectures in the most finished form passible. 4. To Prohibit or heavily burden with dntiee the introduction of all manu- factured articles with which her own subjects could supply her. 5. Tr) pro• lioit the emigration of mechanies, and the exportatiou of mrctrinegy To further these purposes, 'e -be steadily employed the powerful stimulants of - 1. Bounties on, or other encourage- ments to, the establishment of new branches of manufactures. 2. Abeolate Prohibition of importation and vapor tation of certain articles. 8. Bath heavy duties on the importation of many other articles as nearly amounted to prohibition. 4. Drawbaelter at the time of exportation, of the whole or of 'the chief part of the duties paid ou im• :portation of the articles entering into athe articles experted. There is ero• bably no country in the worltdi, tbeoug- but the whole period of history, alien, the system of probibitione and heave restriotive duties has been earried fur. tber or longer continued than in Eng - have received an immenee order from r m of de alev a ru 13 iii.h CI olu ru bia, and the first ship lead left Alontreel en 'oats to the recific melet a few dap, since. Newts. Ilacnionald de Macpher- son, of Stratford, hive received an 01' - Ler from their agents at Winetipeg for agricultural' maellivery to the amount if nearly $7,0001 Mr. Woi. WAltio, of Guelph, baa received several large orders for a soeeitel class of goo.1u that he tuatoefaoteres. Formerly alt these artielee were brought into Canada from the United. States. rhe Waterous Eegine Company of Brantfo‘rd at a meeting. of the aka' eholdas, placed! a statement on the table shooing that in the year joist ended.a, profit of $41,000 had been cleared:. 1.39stander for .Augnst ee--" 2o say that the N. P. has, driven all the laud. In the year 1463; under theapeople out of the country, is prepoeter• reigu of Edward IV., the wietbern and'ons a. the N. a, mere adjustment of policy of fostering doraestie industry new taxes in themselves unavoidable having become generally understood. carried have produced a very great efe the prohibition of importation,. which ; previously had been oenfined chiefly tO feet one way or toe other, and tierfeetly woohcns, was extended to a very eyed trustworthy judges are of (Thiel' thrt variety of articles, embracing thee fol- on the whole the effect has been good lowing list :— Woollen eaps, Any wrought tanned' Woollen oloths, leather, Laces, Buskins.. Crosses. Shoes, Ribbons, Galoohes, Fringes of silk, Corks, Fringes of thread, Kaive4 Laces of throat', Daggers, Silk twined, Sword -blades. Rilk in any wise em -Bodkins, broidered. Shears, Imes of gold, Scissors, Laces of silk andgold, Razors, Saddles, Chessman Stirrups. Playing Chessmen, All harness pertaiuingCombs, to saddles, Namur ripurs, Pack -needles. Bosses for bridles, Painted ware, .Audiroue, &mem tiridiroits, Caskets, Locke, Chafing -bag, Hammers, Rings of copperm ort of Phloem, bitten gilt, Fire -tongs, Clutfing-dishes ,. Dripping-1)6aq, Hanging candlesticks, Dine, Rings for curtains, Tennis -balls,. Ladles, Pointe. Saunterers: PUrbeR• Sacring-bol Ili Globes, Counter feit ..asink. 14irtiles Ewer% Ear none for girdres,. of Hat •brushett, iron, latten, stool, tiuMbel-eards. or stkemine, Witkisotire., Z.:7 tanned furs, , If &twee artielete were deteeted'in the itratortittien they .Were to be forfeited, ono lijtlfLo the king 'arid the other to the aintetrier. fri the reign of Charles.11 ' tate fist we, imeeserl to inelude ts,e al,i6). room. Friday night hotel,. Nita gara, wife bit% leen lute and a pair of petits of Jobe the proprietor. were stolen, in the pockets cf which was $200 in cash sled about the same amouolin cheq,nes nn Dickson & 13.ault. The pants e ere foiled *minty metering in the yard •of the tee fiery, with oiilv the cheques left. No elite es yet to the rebbere. 011 Satnrdey last Masers!. G. & Werth, Termite, launched the four -oar. ,11 shell which they have been mating for the Toronto Rotviog Club duriug ihe past month. It is built of Spaniel' cedar, and measures 42 feet- in length, 18t inched beam, and 7i inches depth. It is nandsomely finished, and fitted e hit ri2l;1 the latest improvements iu beat! Mr. Sllanntvn, the arti,t,, of St. Ca. Uteri tieS,baR 1114tle a fill terina 017,,c44µ 10, England, being invited by If r jetty the Queen to Windsor Oae4-le to rola t. the portrait of Lynly StatTord. Tire Jeurnsd remarks :—,"rha- stteo as of this young, gentlemenought to be it lesson to thane Cantolians- will, imagine no picture to be worth anything, or pos• sess any me,it unless paiuted by a- ‘foreien' artist." It is reported that ate English Com-- pany i about igurchasing the coal rennee at Spring Hill, N. S., together with Berreboro"Reilvvay. The stun men- liOned is 1400,000. Seine excellent eneeimens of cold bearing' (peer have G eneral. been found' on the property of Dr. Jetenings, on the Quin -pool -road. In Since the you 1750 the ROtirsciriid'svjinity'.iiceneenf search has are said to have amaesed a fortnne of, bean taken out, and men are now about 3,000 million dollars—e mum at work. prospecting. Tivo gieereat equivalent to ten tni;lion years of labor parties iu Yarmouth have obtained - 51. ene dellar per oay. In return for power toe prospeot for gold, and are this vast fortune the Rothschilds never now at work. Silver ore has been didt a day's wort(; never: produced, a f„aug1111 Saar Loaf maga Nan, comb. eingle article ;:never enriched the world 'erlancl county; a ceatt. Every dollar of this amount has been negatived by them by a species of jugglera, the same kind which eu- ables Cattleman lenders and bankers to get rioli without addinganything to the wealth of tho oonntry. At cne o'clook Thursday morning, the steamer of Vicksburg, while lying at Ashpei, Tenn.,. 1200 utiles above Moinphineveas fOutideto be in a sinking onnditione The neasengers escaped, although the vessei5eank.withr inten minutes.: It is ihougba, 1.1re struck an old stump while malthea a, landing, wbioh crushed her hull:. 'Ile boat taid eargo are a...total toes.. The ves41 MIS nine year oldt. and valued, amid.the heartily exprerteed good wadi - at 401,00r3i.. It is•runeorecbthat two -or es fortheir future welfere. The happy three of the•cleek.orewcwere drowned.. enttplediiteed visiting Quebec: Mien- ,treal• and other- eatitorta °Rim. The 2 • diridaligiftle on • the ocoasiere were n A. commercial traveller for a boot erotta, appropriate and, v41114'16.. The mid shoe house in Montreal, a widower, beat wishes for a long life Vind' enjoy. falling on deck and' soiking the cap - bee eloped with a Mrs. Ataeplidnom, of molt are eaterjed,to theurewlyeweeleledl twin 01131401 bead9 datettling1 hia. brains ,Tvivato.. The Itueleendia on his track. pair, r • 702.60, over the elr Olin diva 'nem It of lest. yea : —1879,$14. 541.18 ; 1830, 20 243.7B ; inc,-,•ann for xntb, $4,• 702.60. 'Tile following i n. comnarative etate- ment of the cnstorne receipts for port of L 'ltd • 11 durina the inettele of Jely 1880 aid 1879.- eat17,- 81, 1880 Jbly 81, 1579 Increase ...... . ..$78.910 86- 59.101 16', ----- ........$20,809 71) A onmpenv. ith a ortritel of one hon dred thousand' dotlealhas been formed in Montreal: :for the men• nfaeture of glaasertaid it builtliig cover- ing three acres of groiutd hag be n erected in the east taut of the oity. Empinymena will be given to 250 men at the start and subeceetiently to deuble that number. Order:eat keep the fee- tnry erneloyertlwel V3 !Wahl; 11:IVO al- ready been received. ITEMS Over the rouatya VIM OF NIVIt 13 FR •ItI, HURIN CHANGES.. Brussels will hold its &et mnothly cattle fair ou Th irsdaoa the Mil 'ef Septemoer. There are 715" persona eligible, tnertat as jarors in the townehip of Ilowick this year ; 340ein Tnoltersmithe Seaforth, end540ia fftlllelt ; 434 n - Stanley ; 811 inHay ;750.1.112 WA -manna. The Brnsiel% P'tst hs e this week' changed hen le, lievingimea suldt 32311. to Hr. Kerr,. of Bleveselie ande afe. Amid, of Galt.: The late • peopefetors of the Poet, it is uoderstood: have .pur- chased the Ibrouiggnal 'of et/Aerial". %1e learn that arrangements. are being madetovnunnence the • erection of anew foundry in Mato?), especially Al happy affair took place nn Thef4 • for the constrnetionandrepairing of day evening last at the reeidence of "grim/Darer implements, sixth, as Rev. Dr. Sanderson, in London Foveae reaPeeRt•mllwergt et'°', which nor Miss Sarah Si Sanderson, one of the big -friends will no- doubt be glad to . to the utuler (3'.)1n.1 ol sale JZ(70H.ICADJCIti, ECOQ.111)T \\.1.1,1.1.VMS .1Inec2utors, Nay, august 5, 11140 NEW STAND. 1woui21'acqualut UIY enstomoes that I Love re- moved my Flour Business to ^41 6C 11 W. II. TROT'214 OLD STI), Thruo I)ooes .south of the Post 0(11,•., ord. ha,i -opons.it bat • choice stouk of fresh FLOWER, FIELD 6..ND GAIIDE:s.- SEEDS., m Flour and Feed delivered free of charge. jO.TEIT'Idol:ITZ127115. ALWAYS ON AAND IN THEIR SEA.SON,. • tho lead of barley' 44 0 ate - ALSO • Quicklime & Water-hi/4 LAND SALT, LAND PLASTER Blacksmiths' Coal. AT SWENERTON'S WAREHOUSE,. Meter Station, where rev wareherseman will -I lweys 5*10111131 fromi am to b'p to W,1I ou (lotto/nem B. SWENERTON. huNsALL, PORK PA.OKING HOUSE rev. gentleman's daughters,. wee mar- ried to Mr. Atwell Fleming, of Lendou. About arty guests wet e in attendance., The evening WWI one centinnons Sow of enjoyment. The bride and• hear of, as it will he a great ennven• ienoogto•thetu •—The :there is cliPperl from the•Clinkon New Ere of last weeks Surely our ft iendof the girt wilt get Iris eyes open to -the -feet that bueinrsa perty were elegantly• suited,. and' the it; reviving titular the fostering care of eteremony Was performed by the liSv;.. the N. P: It may take eome time to Dr. Sandereemassisted by the Rev. Ilfia work the eltange,,but while there is life , Mille. The large company sat down there ishope: to al. elegant trawler after the intereet• &sad accident oecurred'at Goderich ibg eerersony Was over, and an WI-1day morning, resulting inthe in• Efetning left for the Western train stant neath-of Capt. F.J. Stokee, et the schooner Granger, of Olieboygeo,1Vis. It appear e that the vessel;wbieh had juet arrivedfrone; Chic:yam was being placed in, nositiote at the Grand! Trufek elevator, where the. cross:reef; °mina in contact witlatliemlevettor broke off; Having,•commencedbushiessfor the Fail andWinter T rade) 'Mare prepared 'te, purchitee.any quantity of : POrk, eubjeet tO•the farming regulaticins We will Wee off :two. pounds • per :hundred if ; dry, and three pound it soft: ShOulder stuck, . twenty-fime.cents: If any of the -bung gut is . hiftaiti 25 conts,extra.willbe,deducted.. No.po.jK.wil1?Js'e bbught-at an 'price., it warm. We want all Hogs Cutting sriglit • thi,onglei breast to head, and Hams opened mitt° titIL) 61, PETTY.. ORE ATCASTI•S ALE. Hltviilg disposediof ) y .• stere, and liavingto viten to the same, r wili Cis. pose et any whole stock Itt.0,11(1 titular 000t, Sale to cornnunme Wednesday, June 4th. My sioelt comprises the fi est goods in the trede,,mut this is rare ropportunity to procure hareems never before °tiered. Call early. Goode booked will be charged regular prices, All outstanding I, coon uts roust he settled in Jane, W. 1)..ltfol,1110.,11/101..1, 10i5 intmlas S t,. London, 44,4,141116.1. •