Exeter Advocate, 1910-01-27, Page 7 (2)F.eseina or • is *
*se of the skm whiCh
inualI, rear watery hihiter0-t
wen break cid leave a tea
144 1714y rubbedoft, by the
bawl. Faffected , parts are
teu1y itchy and the vietim canno
;the tour "4;4 any article o
ing over, tbc pails;
Tht disease. is eauied by ba
Motid and mwgt uted, through
the oml1)rt,Pink PR
sve cured many cases of terernal
, use they are the one medicine!'
1 seat of the trouble -Among those
tiy these ri.11 is Mrs. quo,
Of AmIA ,rt, N. 8, I!
stiff( .41 greatly from
, or e ma and.nry hoards
rae trred set-tr
i ciintmeuts. Lut they did' me no',
$ advised t
d only ud tben for a few wecktjie.- trouble •--diappe&rd 8n1:s
ijr hands wers ent.irely
nn very gratefnl for vrhat the Pills
ve.elone for me and would 04Atise
er, sufferer* from this trouble to'
*hem." -
What Dr. Williams' :Pink Pills
or Mrs. :Davidson they bave
�r m*y o ers-4,not
salt ileum, but" for
!uptione and pimple*, Chronic
scrofula and -All other
'naladies *War arise from, the
banish these' troubles"
mpIy ausetheY clear the blood
lurities and leave it rieh,
airdihealth.giving. The Pali
iro seld-by , all medkine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box or
Ihe I)utc1, bezi thy invite one
fl*tU3 *C e pitable,
wr!ter r; Barpe 'ttoksar.;
'once *welcome.
sx hen ,it oomea
ve hospitelity
domande an energetic reeognition.
• The table, laid piles of
!ales beforsitaeli 'their. On one's,
'irt Visit the spoons and forks Orel
"Qt he,OVr?..10:,117ers:t1 `leni'Veli Of. t•hs
est Steel: and. ivory. Neve
Itl5S, One *never
again. • When On
hit iv family po
• ride it. One *01,ther
verYday wart; ,
"What, woUid, the silver be Jike
for our Children11 we:ud it.
often ra an old lady., asked. EWlia
etthkw4;4,-,esseut if aur aneeatora
Fa d beew-carelessfv.-
in,this house a vagvh I am opt
gi the maids Oiinie.irt 00 we took
Our Phtces..' The lost carved- th:e
!mat veal roast,-, veal is the com-
meat,..-and'gave _each maid
lier uge potion. They then were
with vegetah*, and
soup, .of tease,
and the--maids-reeeived
lion of that also, 'but in the kitchen.
l'hp door shut ehind pieta, the un-
inorried dasighter rose and ' -nerved
tJie guests.
The first course claimed -the, toP
plate,. the second the next;
. Words are itbsotateW inideqnate
justice to the variety and ex-
cellence of the small cakes, or tartika, of Holland:
man ;le he c
city'has its own, and each
guardslealously the receipts
w 'eh have tome down through the
age* from father to son. •
This hostess- in _ particular, ,set
• ut_introdueing- rue. to all
and on Orie-nceasion, to am
otr chfi•
eathers, whipped cream, pre
served fruits, almonds, "sugar,
Wee,. and all things nice."
The hour for dinner that it most
g tory comes from Tut-
t tho ;tot of a servant giri
d of -a religion*
womanThe who employ..
found. her-trucified_on
After an forsitigation'the
einployer discovered that the Big,
ter platitigs. crown .of thorns 00
ber head and.- infitilbting a severe
wad in her.chest, nailed her feet
.itnd her left hand to the bed boards
and calmly, Spent, the night suffer.
14i,g tortures.
When discovered the woman was
txbaustewl from pain and loss 0
w** taken to * haratat
ding condition. condition. She admit-
ted that out of love of the Saviour
sbe had voluntarily crucified her
:ger reason for this, she said,
wasthat he wished to Aare
- The -doctors declare that the girl
is aterical and therefore insert -
e to pain, but the common peo-
pk rcgsvd the ease as mitaeulatts.
5011000 1101138T1O
UIJB 110111111 BABIES
The bsbyr who 'suffers from jndi-
iEf it.takes foud it, does he child no
and it is trO$S,,, restless and
lep1cas, and the mother is worn
out ariog for it. -Baby's Own Tab-
alWalis cure indigestion, and
vis the little one healthy natural
ileep. Mr A. P. Daigle, Lower
pin 1,t. IL, says ::--"For • severe
paes of indigestion I think Baby's
let* are -wOrth their weight
My little one suffered ter -
this trouble and the
the only thing that re-
- pevd
t trouble." Sold every,
7 (Speeial
* they
lasei-re sweet to this,
se of their- sens04
its) Oilette*P12 i
**Wit. tisk
'5 Wtbiraiton***04,1
,tiol Ate st. la 'woo, itrs.
O. lose *or his %ow& A.
:Pt br .814,
Thii statement,made
uhert, the vell-kno.wa edvocet
tf 214 :Comes Street, is a double tri-
•ute„,-ta,INehrit. Kidoey rine.
ows that they Are reeiigniz
seputahle merlioal min at * peer
kits remedy for diseases; of the
Kidneys. and also that they are now
joAed upon as * standard
eine by the but people in Canada.
And the reason of this islhat
Alley de •ust Whet they Akre *dyer
d 0. e c
Kidueys and put them in cOniiiti6n.
eleer-all-irepurities out:of the
Vood,- They cure Bright's Diseete,
Poiabetes and Baelm0110*- 110e4ni5o
these Are Kidney diselms. They
rare ltheumstitro, Lumbago and
Ileart-Ditealte;- because- these *are
caused by impuritiesin the blood
that this Kidneys would *train out
f the, blocajk they were in good
teething order. .. if you 'haven't
oiled them yourself, ask your 1mi/h.,
boo about Dodd"' Xidtkey Pills..
The visitor mug the bell and the
doer was opened by the wild-eyed
our mamma Was
up. at the mo congress.- deliv-
ering a lecture on gRow to Raise
Children,*" announced the. visitor.
!film I ri ht _
n • t e oldest bey pointed to the
overturned ehairs, the scratched
wall -paper and the the b ken table
and said simply': 41G don't it
Y 0041*
You cannot be bappy
while you
ave eorae. Then do net delay 10
tting * bottle of Holloway's Corn
!uTt It removes *II kinds ef corn*
fthout pain. Failure with it is tin-
9moat ftstidiva. TMS
Iinou tetunglittehee,Ore* irtultsion that fol.
• nws the taking of ordinary pithy.
is orte reason for the popular,
of these •telibreted pills, hot
tn-atostotir iftef Mv.
lcal quality as 0 medicine for the
you have failed. business.' .4 e*
1-Atrugglesi-harel,:but I lost every-
thing save ray honor, thank geed,
nese; and the property 1 WOO wise
enough to settle on my wit9, *490
I found .mytell getting into trots -
free 10 our 11000.1%
Write iturtos Ere Reinettr CO.* mien*.
1;(311 Attisrer 'filtiotrateol 14,0 Ito**
Write *It *boy', Your Ste Irrotilits, okti
They wilt *drift Sla VS the /brow Awaits
✓ et et the 'Merino rveRe,eJeq is Teta'
roots! Noe. Your-ttrtomist win toll revs
that woriso Itell****-Soro Um. etrosirtro
"IN icrook mr4m. p000tet" 0800t. 0000„
1trevoto,.'04 orno tor Se: Try. • It
Toot, Eye.* soit,in'ttstkeo Xyea tor
t; ends vat aras**44Pn,
o ffer such a large reward for the re-
turn of that horrid yapping' anap-
ping Brown -4'T° Ovule My'
wife. " "But such a large re:Werd
"Oh, no1, it won't. Ile's dead.
drowned him myaelf."
.SimpIe flerncdy IluttA,ey, One Cau
_ .
Prepare at H�sae.r:--
Most peotileTare more ex less
Oett to eoughsiand .colds. A simple
**toed," that will break up a col
quickly and eure'ttiy tough that -let
curable is made, by mixing two:
tottOas of Glycerine, a half ouncet
• f Vircin Oil of Pine compound pure
and eight ounetie of pure Whirdcy.
You eau get these in any 400d-rtrat
store and euidly mix f -
gorainetided by -the Leach emica1
Co., of Virreinuati, who prepare the
iferifine Virgin Oil of 'Nue "m*
pound pure for dispensing.
_vas fortitieint4%.
vs Allot
*sou mum«
rapt irro*oompioat I* it
"But,"" protested the youn °use -
keeper! 4ettio milk i's sour."
"Yes'In," replied the honest milk.
man "it's shameful how lazy them
farmers is gittin'. Ye see, ma'am,
theY're, beentiversteephe their-
selvesnatelyt ant before they git
their cows milked the stuff turns."
But the 1Dityle llehlthiet Than
Othir Large Oftlee.
Many of the fact4 inthat
pendiuut of statistics and valuable
information; conserning, the health
of old London -the 'annual repor.t,
of the London County Councill
Ifolth Committee -issued recently,
re *trilling. It gates that, in 1900;
oust rate-ot 11.9 per 1,000 Person*
smtl flit was the-W*0A. rate
recorded sinee statistics had been
available., A satisfactory feature
"it the gradual decrease in and.
in4rrisges. Marriages of Wier*
Imre 3.2, per ceitt in the cw
males and itee in* the ease of
males, ro41tb
in 1907.,•
The'birth.tarte if wed to WI
in the metropolis; the official '•
tisties for the past six years tieing:
Belt) your 1iflaken to grew
trona and robust by toonteractivg
nything that causes ill.tealth. One
at oattse of disease in children
°Tins. Itemove them with V(0.
Graves' Worm-Isterininator,
t never fails.
l‘The Collection for the heathen
•likat SunditYs" said - a-- minister
wog very gra
dozen shirt button*. If the tOti
Wain will kindly rot s few al
in the plate this morning to, go *it
the* no more can be expected
rather es, isir„.1 began as
office -boy, -and here I ani at the top
a the tree. And what is my re
wirdl 1/rhy„ When 1 die my sort will
the greatest raiecal in tlittown.'
The Prdigal (calmly) "Ws, pater.
But not till you, diet'
. .4
Something '.,Terrible Prophesied to
, Mayon Iok*
That Olt Ile, Year holds, Some.
torrible-faVild StAiria-fo-r4Ohn-Bu
is predicted, although in more or
less vague terms, by the majority
.ot\ those who protein ability to lift
cornet of the veil of the future.
0 ;ont—ien-to---searer;sn, pe
stiticuis people is that in 1910 Good
Friday 'occurs on *March 25, LOttly
Day, and that is supposed ..to fore-
bode great evil.
O$$, HLAK, •
van al** d much
o 1:fenry li
worth, "by lookin ter the
.riesik in myself."
A eri gets mid if a young Mon
rieCtO kis* her. And if he succeeds
• ts craft& if h ee "t
• 7iiiiiall'cintan 1N • To-ki-DATio:
azo onertmor _flerotess to, tete *Jo
mee erneeiss. onto. 811,8188 er• Alotroillos
rum hist* 1$ 818.11- *880 840884144
Oldtady (rather des1)-"Are you
any Mittiora to a Mr, Grout"
Green -1'Z. am Mr. Green,'" Old
Littly--"Ah I Then that explains
the extrtordiniary esemblinee."
There Is no medicine on tl2elost-
k0t tikat ean corePate With Dickle's
Anti-Oonsuroptive Syrup in expel-
ftng from tlostrite)), the irritaf
. ,
cold --Try the -eh
raiment of riding yourself of it by
*Ming Bicklee Syrup, which is n
simple remedy. easily taken, and
0110, used it will always, be prize
as a' sovereign medicine.
tali** Authorities AIM'S* to Vita
000314 Trottel, •
The Italian -.0terernreent is e
Sorting Attingent measures for- ti
.auppression- of the traffic in e
dren under age by •the
lig industry in, Prance. The
ister Of the Interior states that
Acrid inquiry has shown appalI
Agents of -this Odious, syre
ysteni tour, Italian 'country
rjele, tiorgsiining with poor par
ts atidgnardiant for their chil
us rake anything worU
l'' * 0 10 Your gardent"' said
visitor,from the eity "I iibouli
sav .$1,
00, snowier r. Cressloto
"fee the beat ro Age for - Itihi
°rot in the entire, "illsgoi."
Ef noceiioui, the *wren are
packed off to the glass, foundries,
especially in Southern- Prance.
*here they are utterly at the mercy
of their eaptota, They are subject, -
ed to a life Of heart-rending
er; itud-111-treatment- -
The ministerial -decree severely
oensurea the Mayors or local au-
thorities,, but for whoa's, convenience
r euiPable-zegligen-ce,it saysomels
It otion't tabe a man' Ion be-
bme to, making& foolio
it,$e a box or by mail front
Per' 1,006
Williams' Medicine Co. ..,903 28 .4
kvillet, Ont. 4... r
• di io • I. • r .14F
1004 .4014, 44.* irfc 4,t4(1, • I;• titv,
oar bitt, otherwise hon-
e hatijust proposed to the
U.sure," she queried af-
ner of her kind, "that
want to:104r7 mijor
X dc ' hc repite
i- znarr you
tt to let you
6'd maid inereiy because
to limo a, iyaltry half
Anyetiy it tte, to borro
le'tharn it is, o
Tot litrisi4 is t� Pre .-nt.- U t
mluers Whe work in eiold Write -
Most of the clay ,WoUld rills their tett
and legit with Dr. Thomas' Eelectri
Oil they *soul& "escape *loonier
rheumatism and render theienether
limbs proof agaiust the iti etects
,expesure to the cold. -Those Set.'
Attie out for. *ming regions would
s.4 • *4 `*. i• 10,015 411 well to preivide themselves witli
. • .6 * * • • * • • ill *W..* 1 supply, beloie jitsidwit.
InOte P eats ng fact is both thC. Protestor (pouting home late)
,del.th.rate and ea rote of infantile it! There was toliothing
'Mortality ihow a detrease;
1908 wanted to do. What .on earth was
WAS 14.8 Per 1.0001 At" A,fter thinking abottkit ban
Iti:trthia-AVVT -440 iu' an -OW
0,)00460 The medics,' wanted to go to ited."-
ving of '2ti,$0$11,* e' for Wealth. the *
r gain to the eommitinity ca up among those *
TO_ year of "life 'capital"
tndon i by far the healthiest
he greet eapitals, and with two
ions-tristol and Leicester
West of the:large towns vf
land. The death -rate - them".
pitaIs per MOO Ate as follows
* r * * * 4 4 *
EU**el* ; • -
ttotkbolm d;
, erlin 4e*
aas an old taw. Strangely enong
when Good ,Friday and Lady DA
have coincided there,have/beien an
unusual number of dimuittra,, ,The
events of 1064, for instance, include
the renian'outhreik, the killing of
2,% persons by the hording of a ries-
erioir in Sheffield, 200 killed and
wounded in ,Belfast riots, dos los
Of a warship in the Min* Sea en
the burning of a steamer in the In-
dian Ocean, when ninety-one lives
were lost.
In 1E353, 1842 and as farl>ack sit
/I90, atmyears on :,whielt Good
Friday fell on Lady D034 an- u
usual nuniber of ittlife diasters
were recorded;
e °wets /dux Act
retnit first ;Care
ho-welx nr5,-,open-nutlfully perform
their functiont. VOrtnelec**
getable PzU are comriounde
that certain ingredients in them aet
it. the„bowels solely and they
e very 11-eltt, medietrie evailabie
produe' action of the Lio,
1 Indeedthe** is no ether
servietidde in 'keeping tb
ig�t organ* in healthful actio
fl Oreltem---"1 am
tn1you were unable 'ci
suppert,,partylast night.tt
OA- have done yo
you! It hola
• d. 4 have Ind preseii
e of the pleats'!"
otel Proprietor-1'1AI', yo U eir
leave this hotel until you pq
Mil." Mr. im"A. 1.0,-,44' .0"4
t have fo****4 * makirieittr..
to, grout 100 the 0
• ova always Aluitatt”-* pais
tit* *rl*** in vry faIIy
'Itt0Weedrillto"iero:1` 'ther ,sorectits
txt *It ..osseco 410**Opiti", $41
tv-thet bets,gresttr ts.101**1000 *0 °411
° ,oci rks,,Oripps est
- • tilt eysteo 404 nstitriorth. litost,',
in tke siniss*rir, tiger retteireve,ttlit.:.-
llOut*emis. Itatteraoit. $14 110044''
4004*. 1000**ttrit *041 *tint tit*.
oa *1106t0t.0 I* -tii#101/014
*lust 3,114*rmir 41% Pt« IWO* I*01**
UlakOhOld Rem
,• ,
$7 to
P' /all 0*
10tt lirtiittit*
irpit spline wit
Tit! to 'sot ils4ert*.
torr.or* sow.
t to Veal * AO'
pIy flettit,
t '0 If• 0,4*** trIt**04. Oott.,
4* I