HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-27, Page 6 (2)i* be . they taied fur 1 . It. , )3-,, . .. 1 t o41,1( dole- tho• r 1 a n never knew *t5, must bees, i nor uf I* her life littsinE itt out ‘ the teesrei eye itself,. until she hands beneath the the whole roe, going .on burdens of liame and motherhood. I with bent shoulders, ilrop. The youth suddenly 'rise* and ens Ing tO he vot-ehaata of the grave titbitinto, malth00'11• when he hope, of a burden r ,a liome'ow his *boulders/ bet n.j. Taking Up the burstess:o otbr 14tterly, ' ,,.wt ot . oub., iose the L'Iieiiikei * . hi of our own, but, ww.41 ,1 o ofpe* -' . : 1 Man i a, straneeture° in , tter 4 burden beaing in tatter of )uraen ting •att 9" rirOte44." Of Strcngthomn or inetane hag, ., tied 'enrichiog' life. li ho has been.. eOU-3daiu thiti-the-bettle-tieveto -he thait his Luad, 400 'Mich Is.Mr grow the fair flower*. of * . Now, at I burden Ites gettenes, forgivene, and mercy en i ,.., and wnati A*11 the. ameliorating influences o the 0 , . vill do sthAt a life spring.fonsthe necesitity of _. ut S0 forth Inird rt without id..4 itontlY *tekintt COMMON HELPFULNESS.. centset"he hars ' This is the higher 10.w of vet t ii-burdettliertr ople think. it in the inother early the whitetd you carry the.teg, while her. imagine it * Matter ,„t ing yourself to what is on your alders. Butlt is, in neither..nf these ways. Strenge to ilay.7.,tt -it matter of tarrying tobe wt.balre ligicl.ing,others to them. isany-a mart nas died of A biskesi life front the weight of one little burden simply booms° he. BORNE IT AS A SLA while others grow Yet more eeed with increasing- los 'because they take:them up glad st, choo in to bear them. The thrill laughter of childhi Ilow* into 'calmer, deeper 0 tater years as. duty. comet In r. voCabulary ;-*0 take up our Itro-k e meanings .. • • 41. # 1&bOF tree 4 he a* give; give* in Q ridge.,ji ecutin ittera no h • I the ustia- t. The ittiite fQr the ttte' thee co s1iwg It e to cares psMd theii irit of the loos( a ruwn for a, minute, stir i shoe Cupfuls Jot •'water„ ni1k r' waa and let boil *teadity for fit - nut too fast. If too th'ick tit i, * iittle more water, piiwh f stilt and peptier, Stir he tittle so isot to %tap. 0.skes..----Make little pets au ineb k of seussge Meat reedy _iiasonedWrap each piece•iz tithed poteto ifl whieb, egg' h*t. en mixed to hind it together. Roll egg and bread krurribi and fry imtil, meat I* cooked. Deticioutc for Iuneliettlit or Sunday eupper. Veal Lostf.s.stlittee 'two and* half,' )3 to tite 'pouride testi half pound fat uust be wilbutt *0 ;.stilt pork, *cid two -tablespoonfuls of or tbe pubbc good. , hat,ter ltdd 'three tablespoon wer f; versokniiik,, ono eilpf,01tine tree be love which r!'ileci lotl;Ctumlis. two teasp000fulir of 1. ** . true spirit f brctitertv one teas opful • pepper,. otte tea - to tete .th.rpassion for spoonful of ,411001,ce,...,one a venge*uee 001111 teaspoonfili. of , epottertte peAttriOUs- pOsitiOtv three egg8; Mic. press into ad before aueh an 441041, Lake Oro hours; 'hnate, tvely: $ 'OUr erteMie*-401110, tAel rainUtet ivIttt m .1iOt **tef ; When one lietter----Itsit'itre. thole And 01(k:ranee on Alsht Gar". Ititte ' thine .intm,s tulf with lemon and witeiereee 'or Itut it implied as rnuch, and parsley. •" certainly, that represients !au? 03,4 Old Testainent idea rf. siat duty.. The /ewe treated allIttze SEASONABLE ' ra With haughty - disdain wlu Oyeter Patties. --One pint 'smell *untie •Tins. net oral If int etel ,overtitl*Qisterai, P aw"b c"/""' ont. ta tespoon ilent, _pepper. and' _ others, th oul e o Through helpfulpess And 'sacrifice. This is whet is meant by the way a lilt cross, not a puniehment to be borne, but a; minietry to - be *tiered, a chance :to enter luto This *vett by takimt un their leadtt would be cold. and desolate world if we never needed one *n- ether ; if there were no drefts ort 1 1 I 1 in bis plea fora. Urn -vet -which will unite *11 nu Mon brotherhoo cal,outcome ;verse 4 45. Sono* of your your Father who treats all" Men 'lovingly,. how. Ayer they may treat him. nets * children an eitamPle,Lot generous love. - titt,4*L-The demand is fot that ex. • • • • alt to taste. Let cream just-ceine the -4i44“.* a. boil Milt flout in a little told nalk, And stir into the hot crcanr; is,. Add telt and pepper. Let the oy. — sters come to st bell in their own liquor, skim carefully and drain off 15 the „INuor, Add the oyster* to the IsreamssaW boil Op mice. -Fill ;patties. itymmithts. pity, tenderness, .and i eeedirig righteousness which is made Eangskeft*-4")" cluP 6ifiAlr one cup sweet milk, one teaspoon lielp these Ow bioems would soon, lee...Jesus, A -00uflitiOrt Of entrance in " baking poirder in flout three eggs, perialitothe godlike in us could' to the heavezar kingdiim (104- v).) soda in sour milk, rote teaspoon never but for °tIr and which "mined "P' the ne*t ,three tablespoons melted butter, our wettltnes00*, *rtd our tare*. Lake Iv rim"' * • eta,. flour enough for thin batter. our own burdens, but for the cell Father in heaven is petteet in- love: d walk with luxi‘,.,.;" - deal; representing tho summit of -- piece. Fry out suet, put in the beef lt: into th. faces on, Om: street human ettainments.toward whim' and brown; add an onion if doir. (Inn slaves we would lie ,inert ender 48. Be perfect—In love, f /Another * neoecl bidditit_u* arise Art,„ absolute rOligiOW3 and social as :.th° Fine. Pot Berist--A piece of. nice beef either cut in pieces or left in a. of $07;ligitta, and cheer should strive. - ed after 'browning; pour in a pint never in those -who 'care only for fling water, col'or,,and let cook 0 child'swho would Jose f�r them h of our tarts that 143 really drop, into thein from ,our burdenal Look over the richest lives the ----wotid has known and how bee ve been their loads. • Lincoln wfth the- nation's woe upon him, 4ngstone with it continent, and 3csu with A world. Who could bear inere - „,a,rearp, use -44, -the gift - their courage, bope, and Imre. Tlaeir care were net their * • and ever in tho AZ,44, hves-the ea 5--ari the • Thejr- have learned the secret of hy- big,- which' is to share•life, and the secret of lightening our loads, whic s to bear the burdens of others. You will nobneed to hun burdens; yoo need not become * professional uplifter.. Simply .keep this, life hospitable to the live* of • making living,* business of ringatrand Ioye. exigthto sparc. -for the lif of. • d you. shall find afl�f iifc.. IIENRY V. POPE. N,ATIttNAL LES Io ON, tof violence. This is the first o threefold, cultittlstive chs,ramterizas troll of the spirit of hate. It mean* unexpressed anger, as distinguish. off from tite anger which. break!) forth itt. content t LitMon- V. Some Laws of the Kings Melt. 5, 1746, 38.45. Gelds ea Test,stfatt. S. 48. . „ —Verse 17.- The .law. -The '' Jew:eh **y. ipf designating the first file hooka' .of Old Testament Merida:4'. i 10. One jot—The smallest letter tt the Hebrew tilphaliet. '. • le. The apparent . teaching et Jesus. in thie verse is that the rain- ---'----littriih--0-i—Taute an, mcnIcitti n of every .detail Of the law is -drift-Iv .neeestary to him who is to he a member of tlits*ingdato .of heaves. But, assist, we are titre thie not be the meaning of jetttsit has been .explained, . that Ilse otf. thete least' outniandinents does act referitj.i3.11.e, law as it cone from0 1103€8, but to tto lAtr as reit/rifted' 1 viand azeomplishitt by "Testis. ... . 20, Except your right !out:teat Stan eeeted.What dist scribees (hooted' students.. tea 4iski, mull, jtitiges of the law) and Pharisees 1 , ,„,,elti fled taught was installment to it theirs., to the king„1,-ou a hos. Instead of doiog !lively with the requirements of flie 13w, as the Ilews eliargek, Jeset setuslit. de. mended more than the tribes, ‘411 - all their loudly proelaimed ttevsr.4 tion to the isse. Compare Slott: 23 24. 21. It WOIL O. *aid h old . .. a, or "empty -heed"), and -that *hieh rashly employs a term imply - g lack -of intelligence (Thou fool). The twist/nerds-There is 440 threefold .cumulative characterize. tion of punishment. This first re- fers to the oilleial local trial of th murderertytheappropriate court, the penalty for vitt being &nab. The council is the supreme Sanhedrin of Jerusalem, with its seventy-one. members. The hell of fire mean* the final divine Judg- ment arid its fearful consequence. rt t the I Te winferior t tab1ib, This it done .by meant of aix s . (1) *tiger,' no- ilal ritk. (3) ,divorce. (4) oaths, retauistkrn..(6) univetsal lore Our !pylon iricludes I. 13,, and 6. 'thou 'shalt not kilts -The jaws tonscientiOnsly. kept the letter' of' 'the sixth, eoftonttothnent AU * stained 'from the murder- but :the prineiple intolved they diste. seeded, and thereore felt no /:con).- paitetiorterif they cheneett to -he an grywith their brother or to hate 4 . y onto yeti-:--Inatinit a, the rotator precept had eomi -tenni ead leek* thin** 'for ,his in. iietio* ma equal atethority. her.** nevi. a* ovielittt with OM. Every tett whois angites-All :tatn. itaterof hittret*ad angtrsire Jul* wrest if that do not Witte eitt gi II ea esus often appealed to the. /cite rerer- ence for the temple, but went there' himself only to teach. In this verse and the next he teaches that no act. of worship is sieceptable to CI ._100, long at the worshiper bears a grudge against his neighbor. . '23#S$« Two interpretationsare,t)f. &red: orThat * mint `triitst put away hatred from hi* heert, if ho Would have the tlivirie forgivenetut (t that it i a matter of worldly prudence for a non to banish ill Will if he would' get *long well with his feliows. --Prison-tan mean either. general punishment or the -inter- mediate state, trots which it was thought possible to eecepe. • , The prisoners releeee,„ as eon as he hat paid the ilnet farthing of debt, It contemplated,and this excludes :he idea of belL 36. -F4ti for s . eye, toothfor • tooth. Thr tuttification of this layirt the limitation ite put- u LO teturalthist-fottseteissee privitive idea of putiehmen greet and kind, was probe* ik 01 .41 .44.7 -DISHEttis, ,Cbjeiren Ahertcalces, e cod -way to conrt:ther iot.achicken tempting- and savory disb the .chicken from skin and bones and cut into small slivers. Put the est on to heat in enough gravy to make it quite moist. Sift two teaspoonful* of baking powder an one.haif teaspoonful of salt with one pint of our. Ruh one teat spoonful of lord and butter intrithe flour, then stir in three.quartets of Li-7--Stir-the.-dongte * small ball and roll into it cake about an inch thick:. Bake in quick oven *bout OWN:* minutes. When done open the -edge with knife and tear the cake in two. Af- tet spreading the hot chicken on levier half replace the upper • ur gen. ous amount of hot chi e en. gr &Ad terVe; tif 'once. ' Pickled Bump Beasts -Take, four pound* young rump, lard' it with kit pork, rub both side* with sett and pepper, then pot in * *tone best inegir. Let stand itt the pickle o dam -take out, -wipe -,014. -IL _Pan cloth, dredge lightly with .11coir,, roast brown in butter, then add one tablespoonful sugar,three cloves, ono hey leaf, and Issttly add the 'vinegar in which it was pickled; el - to ,au onion raced finely. , Let it shntrier untittender. After remoss Jim the meet, Ittiekerithe gravy witltfloor as usual. This is excel- lent and I* decided improvement on the ordinary werof Aertitilt *rumP roast, • Veal- Oysters. --.One and otte,toilf pound* feat from lett.- Cut Ott into 'Oita Of oy*tert; heath' them like you would pork tenderloin; splialde With pepper and otlt, roil in flour, and fry inbutter tilt * rich *brown. ettiter them .With a quart of !3tet stiia aid two tebleepoont of chile **fleet put on beck of: the itove to simmer forty nitnutes. Serve with either mashed or boiled potatoes. Bonelets. '.7.1ttirthtss.tint...-nis 'tea --143#40t two inette nu&re. and pound,,each pieeeluitit • 1t i it is q te fist. Dust all with s.slt ed to the Cruder instincts, .4 and pepper, and ley on each pee earlier civilization (Exo:dqt.: ti *trip of bacon. Itoll it up and ). ' . 2tie with a string. Dip ettitt pito Itetitt not . s . evils-jesutiA tu tour, *Tashi -own in * mixture of tee entirely the, right of pri. butter and drippings. When • I ntteariee; When it *bulks 411444" lime become brown pour , 'irit it 10t 100$0 it Wilt not, oo enough water to carer them, let ...ritrnipt., cabtoote, IRan- utes before -serving; have three ergo tomatoes, skinned, cut in pieces, and thrown in. 11 thO water pretty well cooked down and the onial.oes can Cook in the fat • * iter. When done kdd water and make 'gram,. It is fine. Veal Loaf. ---Four pounds Alio ped veal, one-half pound silt pork chopped fine, four eggs, four. ; _U o teaspoo Ws of Sage, one- elf teaspoonful black pepper; mix well and bake io Om for three hours; spread butter, over top before baking. lort *marrow KITOREN HINTS. -Making Tea.—lf you once .wash your tea before *flaking you will not Y • In SCA t teapot, put, in the tea, and ssour half 4 -cupful of boiling water over it; then -pour "elf tho. water immediately. Let the leaves Stand a; minute or two "Until they unfurl; then. pour on fresh boiling water, and steep as usual - To. Coot Oven.—Do- not °Pen th oors. Of the oven to cool it, especi- ally if there. is anything alreedy cooking in it, as the rush of cold air is ,apt to render it unappetiz- ‘ing; but. place' in it a pan ,of cold Witter., leaving the 'doom closed. It ill quickly lower the temperatur n; s ea ( prevent the,food ' Xittheir --Bouviet.2,Pbiit;rnit cupful of •Agal4dal'Ip41111tetoedonto$Usgavrt, :tInsaueepn ttir. ring occasionally as it melts. It is net done until it sttokes and, it a. dark brown in. color. When. it tettehes this stige pour on 4 'biklf cup of boiling water—hot coltee most also he used with good results, and set 'back where it will simmer uptil dissolved and about the con - stateliest' ,of thin syrup., ritto in bottle or jelly glass. toV;sr, and set away for use. It *eplendid flavoring for cakes, carasnel lee croon, Cutterds, and .."may,lie used eolor Smiles or sauces, at it itn- partt beautiful ,goldert brown tint. The sante thing exactly is told,' at the gre0r$ kitelien bouquet and at * fermi price'.Olitts..-slyash Well with* sett bru'h in warm suds made with * gaod,rentti. :Ritmo in spool watm los ing Ater, and d ith soft, to,rel o Molting Pot*toe jnu potatoes) heat t aili be much more EO ; bare inttite of like for them *unreel Orttly 4' abouf. twoi flower, INAtererelt, and horsebt rokt' tins nes r Turn to hint When milk an they °Amy. e ofitty is lei the dt. hours Thiekeitsgisfrosteith,ntlittle 'etintairt sulphur, purifying to th of all htiMan right to vete& essle. Att. ui *alt the iairetive ittguage A es about two etantly in mind. era or drippings, Otientit.to Orientalt. When tomtits (odd not have beta Int* , ieketis, take elites ust folio*, not the literal wor and tir*round towt; you but the esseettiel Otto:ink- cy. taittly evildoers and fpo�tora1 notto haste their * istiet. But forgive e Ittithitesti tarot have Tb **betties here le plea or • In , oce%_atittk ot potaah.., Its one of the most ys1*1 alstes, ohs of potassit „.0*tiltflottett ,. Are ' zatit6 anatroi peopl1, , VOrnatoet Otininlatea the action ' , . lot liver. ; . . - ' totted res _ Aeoartstis bent:44s tfie, kidrie p.iiii„your,, eiterk for iiteurriatitto, nettralsi 1 Iss stir and. nervous stiteitderi. our. 1)0, ,Totture for.titest ritortrs earr.s turap:le* totrri hletitl *est petite latt Ata. A PIT ANSI GUILD A Colo** reenlieritiem tileanetl .the &kettle of Prothlenetts Ith*de blonds Tv!'in nrict°tovigt/eteb4.07Ahrte*Is* togs of .sehoot children there. Soul of thetn,'"prieted in the purnat that cit, *re both, amuse* it stratiVe of the Wtirkies* of I, pug mind; tillot- ofin:in. gyrowitini itie4ateeh, boerai,,, et on e 'street one dek and, spoke to, OA 1 *now, wtos;responded. wttit ttd,•,.itrille of delight• at tieing 4, The father asked who' the Ithtt!,:b7=ted 'boy astonished. 911„sim"sAlto in belt and ex hill itortian,"' Meaning utak and exhale, terms. -uied ereecalithinsg, to take deep Pro i- dertincea* BtehiterQ7Ite;r1\ tQIIL et oartitietr°dmaytt herbright young aeholars an eri in spelling. and to fasten th form of the iverthi het, hope% thtritee minds..- had them write *bort eenteneesin which the -word esteurteds" -Among other selections r • the lesson . were these "Whose," "prove,'.1 -• and "egg. One promising and.,an!bitioir. ten year-old, alter struggling -with -the task a while, looked up with * con, fident smile and handed in this fcar- fal and wenderfut.produation gj have * 'what * back m • "Ethel is very prove,". "I alstays have the toethegg. WHOOPING COVIGII, "A MIS - One little embryo Christian -Bei - • TAKE." elitist asserted that he "had si mis- take" when he was ill. sit,i,th whoops 's the stoty of steles life that run t 'with. an auto." wit tki 1. after a.Inotterst'e lieseghts Itsliool its.te° a* a* rxrust er aene: 1 eouldn't -me to sehoel yesterday beeau** dote bads fits.." • rztlinwt' i& the process, of ping thiogs you cant do ycur was the lucid reply to.. othet • "Name tIter pert* of spe li," tight out the aatonisiting reply: • uths teeth, 4 breath., incipipe, palate, and bron. ciiial tubes." . "In the rein ijif ISteeletien !natty. ing eased," declared 4 girl in Mu '.hittory elas3 to whom tio Itottl bendry ceutd have but *One iicance, 1, When asked to write itlimitte neer the • AVIAzotk, ° IUvr, boy *toter, ‘'"'Ilte Plitoltt* ArvitTA ti:at AintAtOlt 'le so unheelthy -that the inhabitants have to move ottly." lixeusei elso often bring out the rnot Ittouttssientenetett„,..on cently ived .y a teacher 44Plettee e this Inotnt int, he II night frOto hit Ma. MUTER. *are---sltarssfoLltataL. to 'Wontlertul Ittnesietet. • is*Ing of wire is aninter- esting operation. -Bars of ua.ta.I four inches square are heated An passed while hot and plastic, through rapidly _revolving rods, re- ducing them. to 'Wire- -tc4s---whigh. vary. from one-quarter of an itteh or more in diameter, According to the eize of finishea wire wanted. These rode, which ere formed -into coils as they.pasi'through the rolls. are i dipped n acid baths to remove loose vales and provide a lubricant for drawing, The drawing consistsof pulling rods while cold through holes of radualy___ diameter drilled ni steel plate. By till* Pro- . ss the particles of metal become n 'iitettAind ttrnint 'Tigthe say- to tt1TlW1i e sr put up, And one youngster was heard to termitic that "Sara was small for her size." In one seheet th o teacher bad eon telling thei-story of Jack an Jill, and. how Jack fell down and broke, his crown. e6 • "What was it .he jooke sh The ole ofhis ltsd had some experience in the denti chair. On another oceasion a little gitl bad been sent to bring the ink bot- tle which had been found leakiitg the day before. "This ink bottle, isn't well yet," Bile exclaimed. "Is she married r. a little fellow was asked concerning his teacher. "Naw, she's a lady," he replied. flows. a I the bones i body and knows how to put them back2" a teacher asked her cies* 0WW1 iie was giving a lesson itt J)hysiology. "God," exclaimed's, little fellow„ and it was not an easy matter to explain that a doctor knew as much the Almighty about it. *FT, trri ea it to restoreit toa proper tempt. When a. fine diameter is required there must be repeated Anneslinga and drawings. 'This may be Alone til, the bar, -which-04S four inches .square and about four feet long, becomes reduced to *bout orte one -thousand of an inelz in dia. rue te nd_extends length. - " 13 he wire will cut into _steel. of the die plate, so the usual die plates must be discarded and the drawing contirmed through holes drilled in diamonds. , - The diameter of the holes in theta diamond dies decrease by friction- al parts Of a thousandth of an inch. From the time tht hair of metal en- ters the furnace nothin is added to VA- • 4, • '• I II I • tilt high grade of itee orth in the bar about six cents a pound; which is much • above the price of the _greater bulk of steel, In the fin- ished pmduct the value varies front. six cents to $50 a pound. noger Williams Park, was asked to describe the peacc;c1c he saw there. And this was his conception of the beautiful bird "I tiew a big chick-, en and he lifted a, thing on his ba,k as big as two umbrellas." "40 The physical euiture - teacher it Is° indirectly responsible, fiir the llowing bon mot. It is tlitt- ems om in thecity s.chools to tell she children to "sit at easel," meaning * related position. And *thee an upright attitude is desired the teas titer *sty?), "Sit erect." One small youth pondered -this lit his 'Wind, it it evident, for one (ley he ortnnouncs e.,1 to his mother that he did, not we why his, t.eaeher .oeid te" foi often when ststhia told him that cigarettewere riatuiehty and hill7faun,14 etiaminittion in * private school the ,wore *sked to name the different angles . and one wrote r "There .ato four ',different kinds ofangle;, the right, the left, the cute mid the Obtoose." A. question ae to the productions ot Ittanettbrouglit out this *newer front * girt: "Grapes, _French stylett.- titodest arel-tailor.mstte- - lia- Whe'n **ell how Itobinson Crit. eoe 'finally left the island, one little girl replied, .,"to a hiatteo stip. witti *4.1)&0. ri ling with hit history ''Iesson,, ask I the teacher, 441iVat t"olnmbus deaf" eig (.'to yolt avik ogueit 4 tiv,,te 'r• the teacher. 4 USt 1.13Y hiAtozI-sayt tht.N1 heariug:!. .4,t*AZING ANP' AMUSING, - number ot *meting' ;said iimue- *flg tittementt *tie gleaned trom ex amin*tuon.- reedited in the ?ubbt **hoots.' pupil replied to a (1r4trn iogrphy is the. steer *. „ either, **lions to niukko 1410401141 44k#4! "Xow ogt* TAIMPLPO$. Liver Durtiplitits, „Few people . know what an excellent and also cheap dish can be made of liver, to hero is Ones that is tartly I "prize viinner" First, 504 .146011t Icief of dry bread in water, ha elm up 4 11 ',Gunder of liver (ealrii liver is beat, One-half pound bacon, two 'onions. and a. few haves. of parsley, eelery', And leek too, oftne, flovror4 theft squeeze the water all out -tot the bread, and mix these ingredients' all together, adding two egg* and dour enough to form dumplings. Drop iitta.iskettle of (salted) boiling - 'Water, ,one At a time, from a large; . , spoon and boil *hoot fifteen rum- utes, 'Take.out into,* dish and ove,i this pour.it' seasoning of etacker, dumb* fritstitt Serie Ito Chieken Dumplings.. — Prepare chieken for stewing and cut in *mall pieces. Put rtienty. of' Water on. Thew take one cup rite, **eh andi-sidt. Then put in * bag and tie the end with * *tring. on top of the ehieken. When done tette out and put drop dumpling* for fifteen minutes, boiling all the 'time. Then tske out dumplings make g re you: havef�nr &thee for yotir- inner. - ol #.00#04###I0orir , MORTIF very tmesitil * essecheme from 1 She Jost no dm n be her exploitation.. aacl o her husband, 01 don1 know wha.t to tb metter I" **ked.Kr rot nrAtiy„ to sot isn't hi* UV his first rteme.';' ftWhy etitaialy Whet JAI/tett 7,;If*Ittoii,ttr." r •