HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-5, Page 2MR. SMITH. may be a great deficiency taate,' answered he, laughing, 4 blit 11.111 not 61.1Y0 that I do not like 1. fiat. It tete aboat six o'olook, upon a agrioeltural country Uke Witt better duncrevenwg, aud the rays of the de - elm were still ebining hotly eigavu upon a small railway station iu •the midst of e, sleepy agricultural diet Wet. A long, low building, witt4 gravelled platform and one iron berosh, than the grandeur of wilder scenery. 1 Of course I like the oouutry; I uet ver find it atm ; but 1 ani. Afraid of oar not being able to find you nitwit Rai ose. Monk.' Jeffrey wits beginning to deprecate inclosed in wooden peliugs, formed. the I this view of the case, when he was in- -whole ereotion ; and alt glittered in- I torrupted by,the ponies being pulled credibly white in the warm (=beams. up. To break the perfect repose of the man, who had been the other passens They had overtaken the oia wo- rural emote, there vas but oue moving ger in the train by which he had ar- figure, which was that nf a rather rived. small and ttuuted boy in a dark, quiet ' Well, Nanny ! a warm evening. livery, Ilia cmaequenaet 11"ever' Shell we take your basket for you ? was sufficient for en army ; as he strut- You can call for it at the house, and ted up and dowu the pletierm he was get some sopper as you go by.' casting contemptuous glances at the ' tlhank you, 11•Itss Lettioe ; 'tis low white stution !rouse, at the pastoral warm,' answered the old tvoman, wip- landsettpe, at the shining lines ot rails. ing her treated face, and preparing to This superior beiug was presently disburden herself. aroused from the contemplation of his ' Here, Thomas,' said the young lady own greatness by the appearance of to the servant, who was looking on •the train in the diatanoe, when he im- aiedaiduay with folded mans, , 13E4 mediately assumed a very business -like Nauny up with her basket.' And at wide-awalreeir. But the approach of the command of his mistress he had the train bad become known in other no choice but to unfold, his arms and quarters also, and an officer now issued mullet the old woman, who was aloe - from the low white building, carefully iously eoveriog up one corner of the locking the door behind hitn. Upon the stoppage of the train it basket. 1 What have you got there, Nanny ? became apparent at ones that there A new cap ?, were but two passengers for Redbrook ' Yes, mise, and will you see as those - ons a stout countrywoman,with a maids of yours don't get fittit' un on.' market basket upon her arm ; the other • Very well, Nanny,' said the Rid, a young man, who sprang lightly from laughing, as she laid the wide lightly the compartment, and made his way upon the ponies' shinieg flanks, and to the luggage van. ILeeving the coun- started afresh. ' I think that is only trywoman to get her fat self and tier Nanny's delicate way of putting the basket out as she might, the solitary case ; it is in reality myself whom she officer beetled up to the first-class Pas" is afraid of not being able to resist that senger. tempting adornment.' ' Your luggage, sir ? Was it label- ' I am not sere that her misgivings led Redbrook ? What name ? Smith are without reason,' said Smith, smil- V you se's sir '1 Thank you.' ing in his turn. To feet otherwise But now the small and important than friendly toward. this frank girl servant came up. touching his hat, aud was as impossible as it wonld be to speaking with a great air. t ' Allow me, sir,' said he, taking a rtreesaptechr with other than the tritest ' I shall make it my first bag from the young man's band. duty to look after Nanny's interest." ' What luggage have you ? I'll see to "Pray do. Come, my beauties, we it ; tree carriage is on the other side, met be getting otta added she, shak- ing the ponies' reins enoouraginly. ' I Notwithstanding the reassuring air haat, you dict not mind ma stopping ? .and words, the traveller waited to sea Wtrt try to help our neighbors in the his portmanteau correctly nut of the oouritry ; we have not Lunch else to van, aud then, glad of the fresh even- think of,' she added, eepologetically, ing breeze, strolled round in the direo- turning around and glancing into her tion indioated by' the servant. As soon companien's face. as he had rounded the station house, ' I was amused at the ides. for a mo - the yeung man, by name Jeffrey eeteith, ment ; but I thinIc it was a very good perceived a pory carriage in waiting, thought of yours,' answered the young and in it a young lady. She was at- man, warmly. tired in a plain print dress, with only a A short space more of the conntry few knots of prate -colored ribbons here road with its flowery banks, and the mud there to relieve its monotony ; carriage turned off and bowled smooth - upon her head was •a wide straw hat, ly up RD avenue of ohesnnts through a i 1 the rest of her attire ; and park 11 t t • 1 VH11 VTIvi.K8 place called The Ceders, aud 1 thought I was cOmiug to it row is not thin it 2' What reply the young lady might Intvegiveu ORO never beenstlthown,for the old gee Mr. Warburton, took up the subjeot again, I see it all 1' ci•ied he, threwmg up his hande. 'Tbe boy should have gono to the 'Ceders, • and has come here six miles out of his way.' 'Then this is not Itir. Lorimer's ! How stupid ! I was to have gone there on a week's visit.' 'Most extraordinary to me,' mutter- ed Mr. Warburton to himself, 'how a person does not know where he is go. ing end takes care he geta there.' The colour rose to Jeffery Smith's foi'ehoad ; and he was none the less annoyed that be felt the blood mount. ing to his face. am sorry of any inconvience that I have caused you, sir,' he said ; "and I think DOW that I had better lose no time in starting for my destination.' 'Tut, tut, tut, young man, don't mount the high horse ; Rib down, Rit down ; I was only thinking of you. For ourselves, if we have not the right visit- or, we are very glad of the wrong one.' 'Yon are very kind, but I will take up no more of your time. Besides, 1• iniegine 1 shall get no conveyance in these rnetia parts, therefore the sooner 1 start the better,' answered Smith, molting into his own plaint self at the other's more cordial manner. 'Nonsense 1 thee is no conveyeame to be had here, I cannot send you such a distance, for one of my horses is lame; so you must make youreelf comfortable for the present. You came of yogi own gond will and choice, and you must stay now against it, It would be an excellent joke, too, but for fdor Smith, cooliug his heels on Beriberi's plat form.' don't think, papa, he could have arrived,' said Lettioe, who had laid aside her straw hat, and seated herself beside the table. • •You were expecting a friend by the train ?—Of course,' added Jeffery, cnr. rooting bitneelf ; 'or the mistake could not have arisen about him. No person gut off the train but myself and the nld women with the cap,' smiling at. Let. Lice. looked about me thoroughly,• so I can assure you no one was there: 'Very well. all's well that ends well. Ring the bell, my denr, for this gentle- men to be shown to hie reem--be cen have Smith's,' and Mr. 'Warburton, as impulsively hospitable now as he had been unbearably irate before. With all his simplicity and imnrdsiveneas lie was not withont some judgemr nt,and he had taken a liking to this young stt %int- er with his good looks and gentlemanly b i 1 h tl d very raugement Smith was well pleraed. The mare he saw of Lattice, the morel he watt charmed with her vivacity 'and intelligence, She was Also prettier Unto he at first thought her, uow that he saw her with her pretty heir uncoe- ere& aud her bright, youthful face aet off by °veiling arose. This was as simple as her outdoor attire had been, belt it was of some shining white meteriel, and it left her mond white throat Rua arms exposed to view, and set off her light and graceful figure. There was a dight (built independ. enes in her manner and speech, but it was only auffieient to lend a certain piquancy to her remarks. He bad a cousidereble expierence of her power of enterteinment in the course of the ()Yellin, for Mr. Warburton fell asleep immediately upon their aajohrn went to the drawing-roona, To 101 CONTINUED. RIS s mp as par of small ex en ; in a for her face, its chief merit lay m its few minutes more they pulled up at a youthfulness aud brilliancy of coloring. low, straggling house. It was an me - But altoeetiter the girlish figure, the low carriage, and the rural landscape made a very refreshing spectacle to Mr. Smith, wearied with long confinement. the worries and excitements of Lon- don. Mr. Smith advanced hesitatingly, not pure who the young lady might prove to be. Her wards, however, at once informed him. Directly the had caught sight of the advencingtform, she extended her hand and spoke with frolic cordiality; her voice being AP plerotent and refined al; her appearance. 4 How do you do, Mr. Smith 9 My father was an :terry not to be able to come himself to welcome you, but he had an important meeting to attend tide afternonnd Mr. Smith took the outstretched hand, thinking within himself that lie shnnid enjoy the drive' quite as tench in the cremnany of his host's daughter ae in that of the host personally; per - ham; more so. Will yon get in ?' said the girl next. 'fibre -Iles, I hope, is seeing to vour luggage. The wagon will bring it.' ' t am being the occasion ra great dent of trouble.' N it et all ; the wagon had already to come for enure farm implement, On that need not be upon yonr mind,' an- swered the young lady, in an indepen• dent, businesslike way, that Mr. Smith soon found was a charaeteristie of hers Is all right Thntriss ?' she 'How shonla I know ? what do you ton. You should have left me wider • AUGUST '15 ear ug ; ant was ones y p ease to nave him within his doom Miss Warburton had kept quite Bit- gular building with a •high -peaked roof ent and aloof throughout the discus - end many angles, but perhaps in its ; but when be at length yielded to main outline it might be fetid to follow the form of three sides of a quadrangle, having at one bend a short elvers tower, which gave dignity to the structure, and somewhat relieved its low, ramb'ing character. Tho door stood wide open to admit the hummer air, :fragrant with the bal. tny breath of many roses ; and the girl, eiving the reins to the groom, stepped from the carriage and conducted Smith garotte the wide hall to a room at the rear of the house. 'My father will be most likely in the library. Yea,' seid she, flinging eide the dotes after a prelitnivary peep with- in, glannine over her shoulder to the young man who was following her. 'Here is Mr. Smith, papa ?' Her tether, who had bean seated its his study chair, reeding the newspaper, Jaid it down upon the entrance of his daughter; and taking off his spectacles, rose to greet his guest with a bleed smile of welcome upon his face. But as his eye fell upon his visitor, the ur- bane exproseion of his oonetenauce changed to one of blank surprise, ,and he drew himself np stiffly. Ildho are gait?' cried the old gentle- men. Joffrey, upon his part, Ives little less token aback at his reception. 'Is Mr. Lorimer not at home ?' her father's purauttainns, Smith could not resist en:leave a glance in her di. ruction to read her mind, and he fanci- ed that he could detect a faint ensile of satisfaction dimpling her pretty monah. So iu improved spirits he proceeded to his room where lie was informed his lnegtige was sires ly. In twenty minntee Iris toilet was t•rnplete, and lie made his way back to the room in which he had been received. Quick, though, as he conaidered he had been in dressing, he found Miss Warburton letd been yet quicker, for as be opened the d' or he heard Iter clear voice in conversation. 'Well, I must say thought he lock ed rather young,' alumni think so. How you would take that lad to be a professor—' Mr. Warburton wets beginning when he was awakened to the fact of Jeffery Smith's presence in the room. A slight flush dawned npon Letlioe's fair cheeks at the unexpeoted entrance of their subject of converaation, but she faced the position frankly. 'Yes,' she began, ',lib her low 'tweet laugh, 'we were talking of yen. I was just saving, that althoneh no doubt of your d .ntity entered my mied, ynn rid not fulfil my idea of a learned Pro. feannr.' think that nnkirid Miss Warbor. • asked of the servent, who now came mean, sir?' the illusion that I lonked an emboli tin endsolambe-reds to his place; 'term 'Is Mr. Lorimer not expecting me? ment of wisdom and erudition. Willa the yonng lady tonched up the Where is he?' 'How did the mi -take arise ? How ponies, and a,wey they went at a fair 'In his own house, a dozen milts pace. 'from here, 1 ehonld imagine !' cried There are nn lions to point ent to tho little old gentleman ; bus face pink, yon, Mr. Smith, AO that unless yon and every hair upon bis white wooly can admire a quiet cnnntry landscene, head seemed to bristle with pngnacity. I arta afraid von will be disappointed in ' his own house, a aresen wines the nviehlmrhoodd from bare!' ' echoed Jeffery Smith, robi wed in the err ; tiro tali reeve]. ne can't undorstand you, sir 1' ietort. There watt a ncent of the Imv lier- ?blankly, tI can't understand you.' jo tern Id's nodded their pink heeds ; ed the other,. the dellente ineasintv-eweet held its 'linty, there is some tnistatioa said dainty flower.' erect ; the long gt•assea Lettice, who had been lonitieg waved grricafully ; the trona, sinely and amezement from one to the other. 'Mr. I him here to give en a000nnt f bind in ganang stand slut in /loop (1 mit Smith, whom did you core te see 7' self.' se, „f foliage; a haown stream glided 'Ur. Lorimer, of ontirse,' answer -ea 'Whitt is the use. papa Paid Let- tiCP, 1111141111.g, 'He everynue to be in the sel f.' At 'his momnet di,, ed, Mise tVerberton luto Stnith'e charge; was it that you 05100 from the steam) with me ?' cannot tell yon exactly ; I have been thinking over the eireumatmees, and can only remember that yonr servant can e up itrid took my bag from mv hand, Raying the carriage welt wait.. ing for me outside the station.' '1 knew it 1' oiled Mr. Werberton, knew that ,yo rant had some- thing to with it, he is at the brdtom of every place of mrsohief. We'll heve throtieb the fielde, beside whirls the the yonng man promptly. turning to cattle reefed, rnminating in full ens,- the girl with eVi•lent relief. tent ; rdl Weft rich, peenefel, peatorele 'Bet we have hardly a viaiting ac- I Heel the yonee men looked terontul quaintance with then Wby some him gaits) satisfied with his positian here P' 1 and the prospect. have never been there, but it is a will only prove wrong but him - ner was announc- had boort given with whieb ar- The most pleasant, mid, reliable and effectual remedy yet discovered for dierrlicea, dysentery, cholera mor. bus, cholera iciantnm, and all srunnaer complatuta, is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is unsurpassed as a reliable speoifie tine above dia. enees, is well known as a greet remid- int agent, and is more highly valued the tenger it is Ithown. Travellers and tourists should carry a supply in their haversack. For sale by all dealers iu Medicines. CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing bad placed in his bunds by au East In. dia missionary the furtnula of a simple vege- table remedy for the speedy and permanen- cure for Consumption; Bronchitis, Cattarh, Ast thrum, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical onre for Nervous De- bility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its woncleifel curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering follows. Aetuated by this motive and a desire to relieve hutetin suf- fering, I will reed free of charge to all who de- sire it, this reeipe, in Genital), trench, or Eng- lish, with full directbms for preparing and us- ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. &mutt, 149 Powers Bleek,Rooliester, N. Y By the timely use of the Extract of Wild Strawberry, you way avert all die - agreeable ametner ettinylaints, ding- thceit, dyseister,y, cholera morbus, etc., nothing is so pleasant in its cure, so rapid, reliable, and effectual, as Dr. l'owier's Extract of Wild Strawberry. And the v Mutt of this antidote in sour stomach, culla, cramps., seasickneten vomiting, awl other irritations of the to In a eh and bowels is incalculable. It is safe and sore, and should be carried in the Larversack of every traveller and tourist. The new IT ranch. 8iediornecuro2pero,7e cr IlatranFENCIE, said ail nervous corn plaints re' "eultLug m Iran of Memory, serious tureelutueutslcj =allege. p,reat depreesion, ate, 16c per boa:1 for $2. Hold by druggists everywhere. Whole- sele—LVIWAN Bit15 tt 00., Toronto. Sent by securely Sealed, on receipt of price. &Wrest, Imperial Wearable Aaeraot. box 639P 0. T. oronta BEATA/Di OF COUNTERFEITS AND ImirATIONS.— The high reputation gained. liyI-IAolarm's Pee- TOBAL BALSAM for the euro of (loughs, Cold-,, and all aiseases of the Throat and Lungs has given rise to spurious imitators. The genu- ine l'haroa.tx. BALSAM has the name of F. C. Hagyard blown in the bottle which is of the large size and sella at 25 cts. We think it proper to warn tho unsuspecting against BAL- sAMS bearing other natnes, or remedies offered as a substitute. Look carefully to this and take no other than fIaelean'tt PECTORAL BAL- SAM. 1{AY U 11? WO RES. G Man - PROPRIETOR. ht,ving addihi to it'tty pump maeninerv, and pre cured a ittree quantity to. first.class pump logs, am prepared to elfor au article , SuperiOr to anY Faotor in the County, and at prices that defy competition. 'Wells and Cisterns dug oti the shortest notice. Before purchasing call at the Hay rump Weatcs, '.Shop—Oxitt-quarto mile trail of Xxoter, Loudon Rua& RSV YME VA/NorIt'hEeDsaleTetl'erYuOrse'rr stToOTeBere VNO good roomer/tee dations. Apply before Saturday noon at Central Rotel to A. A. atACELEM. $5 to $2,C TIVelsett, 5,n1 es .BxeteriN or th. FLOUR and, GRIST MILL, OLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- iNd4 OF VOTERS' LIST. rot cast ifst-4$80.--.P1mictpainr or the Toloasigip o St (Weal, County et Rim an. NOTICE/ IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 have trausuaitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the Third aa.t1 Fourtu 4ections of the "Voters' List Act," tile eeple.7 re- quired by Rood Sections to be transmitted or de- livered of the lin made pursuant to the said Act of all persons apps ..ring by the last revised Oats - went -Roll .1 said uuuxcptlity. to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at aleotions for Members of the Legislative Aseembly and at mu- nicipal eleetiobs, aud that sed List was first posted up at my office at Exeter, an the twenty- ninth day of July, tede, ttud remains there for inspection. illeeters are called linen M etantine the said Tat, and if u.ny omissions or other errorsItre found therein, to talte i,tnediate procee,lings to have the said errora, corrected according to -law, Bated this 29111 day of July, M. C. PEI mune Clerk of said, numielpality. Being in good working order gives every fume m- detien possible i11 grietidg and flouring. Flour and mill feed delivered to parties leaving their orders before one o'clock at J. BELL'S bakery, or O'BYTtN 5 & CO'S, or at mill same day 0— TERMS 0S1-1. WM. TWI 0 1E, EXETER lea O. eengehd-treW'dote 2c.ts)etta9ia t" •"s•--dh - eatIM.,,a" .....,01.6•••••1•• GBEAT ()ASTI SALE. ITavirg diepomed of y store, told having to viten te the mane, Patin dis- pose of my whole stook at said under cost. Sale to oturouunce Wednesday, Juno 4t11. lity mock (torn prises the 0 est gootin in the brad°, and this le t rare opportunity ts' pc -euro bargs Inc povpr "s.hi (s) s Id) 'evc ri he before ef.tsred, Cali 1 En d 1 nit d (Merged rogalar twines. 1 0.its tau leg s, sits ,neti be settled in June, W.1). MoGrAyArfLoN, 286 'Was St. 1..iudon. 13.MMOV2.1r). JOHN BACK having purchased the stock of ;AI ORM. B. E. Spicer, had removed. to the store lately oc- cupied by them, North of Post Office. All kinds Flour and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in great variety. JOHN BAC. NEW STAND. I would acquaint my customers that I beige re- moved my Flour Business to Feed W. II. TROTT'S OLD STAND, Three Doors south of the Post Office, and Lav opened out a choice stoulz of fresh FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. tt=.. Flour and l'oed delivered free of charge. ALWAYS ON HAND IN THEIR SEASON, the bast of See arra' • X. rley And. Oats ALSO Quicklime & Waterlime LAND SALT, LAND PLASTER dr Blacksmiths' Coal AT SWENERTON'S WAREHOUSE, ;Exeter Station, where ray warehousemen will 'Own ye be !maul from 7 am to 6 p zit, to wait ou customers. B. SWENERTON. ii.ENSALw PORK PACKING HOUSE Having Commensed business for tIa Fafl andWinterT rade We are prepared to rirehase any quantity of Pock, sitbjere to the following regulatione We will take off two pounds par ltUndred if' dry, and three pound if molt. Shoulder =dna, twenty -eve cents. If any of the bong gut 38 left in, 25 cents extra will be drawled.. No port( will be bought at an prite war,m, %want all Hogs Cutting aright iprouo, breast to head, end Hems evened cviRe G