HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 4 (2), • Asia**, terete
c�dIiCircuit*, bee lliettia
etiveurieg hle degree
it with Or* - theta
.id&htut •this.
village fathersto reorar3i
rtnient *nil to: discuss,
wtantmsttez The flrp'otecUozi
Interest to m14. snd
tattoo Of the town'S
be prekoent is. a
r Afloat , that there ilL
0 Of boalnesti mom In_
1. WOO* he heothera
ti tfor *few -weeks*
pop1s are *nio/htit-th*
, ourirsohit barber,
ot ve»rit etin
wu!4 be sufficient to
walk - halt 'war aroiorat
0014 trive aleosieviltd
1.44 trot tht* Atlantic ttt
0444 Ptooduve,* voluina
r. and 33$.0O0 Milo* In height.:
In which It 1, contikinotlit
to 01014 • would stretch • 1140
leelar authorities la
eittx.-ct the Donation atkerrn-
. n4 liver to Srovinclai mai
ariLIOStres lttig right to intpOse
1.ta terutinete eentenees. This -wft sie.
*�t1 arid; in feet* 'Win form the. beets
'�r:atm terOttn.. Itepreeeritatienehave
0 to 'tit* )ifinister ot' ,Suetice
voratee reply Is looked for earti
t bestitstiniony to het value and
o t the term telephone I* that
4'0iee & Winer toes. It he never
nilons it. Tinto is .inoneY
tho telephone saves lime every 'day..
ensbikst tele farmers"' to transact bus...
ai*iotee. thqnliolvvo and with the
WIt Without Joitnir nolo* in _driving
*0 tbe geightiorsa Wu* or to the t to'wn.
-ire_tarming &Pend* on rec
ill to La deniend •tor year* to
beautiful- picture sSrtie
.tt nieg,"Iiistied by the Vain*
314 -tireekler Star of goatee
°..re wRI alitie be rosnY sorely 411* -
pain led -When wry 'loon they are told
another 0)0 can be had. .it
trolly .chtermittg picture. It.
6 :Wart- ,ot mankind. it Wee.
tir whet .tectilinoet :every pail-
. atop . at fret *Vitt :or )t...
•tudy itand eivatway-ftellute 'better for.
That..ttettei: Is na
thOut a oottlr n your own.
that tor somt, 'weeks - yet -they *Ill
to „Seery "'learnt who re
1. Itotes. aubczpt
to 14.14,1tt Wteitly tot
- 4,10 haee v;;Ireads i*teescre.'1441 art
*face-hiee not Shona .
o •az" mow* Qazd b. sum, torOtivy *UV
-a col))1. I theY SO)
m.ethig of the �*y Tp. Fmr�eis' In
suranee Co. in ,Zurich
'Our newlpeltocted council had it., flrst
sittings the Town Mill Mondsy.
Wee* Sweitsier „occuped thi
char quite
weight 44 .now hs o touted thee*"
of several of the church shedse-David
PabOtir of hlaskatotkevran is .vlsldng
his parents atter an abeeties- of six
year*. .David's friends areplrned to
see him. -A 104 of young people
drove to the home ot air. and
Wm. Ritz, Kbiya1 Friday evening
and **leek them * pleasant surptl
All had a loily, Rood time.-
quotitities ot wood are passing
through the village every dor for the
brick and tile forda, . The epIendid
sleighing gives every o rtunity to
pile on log* foolls.,-Itic . Howson of
the hank *hal 101)04t Sunday withhis
ntsio--W1aghiw.-A quiet wed,
404 4
to 41..bener 'to two, •
snd Kra. Sokinoef Stem
t jr. 4spartur0 to Outtor
to sx"resa 4ifir ...regret* • at 1osI.
worthy and satimaii/e rosiasot
'Show in auto* *we* likeir *sistio
Otths;,oed qUalitio* et the hon
ur�d . Spa hr -"resenting' thorn Nelih
4, 4 dress, **preset -re ot th. good
*.'lluita..aik4a „hcauttfal c4Siy, laIr4 tr4e2
iteloymentat were iltdeehd meet'
tinX: to the Areaiiolt:tv14, aOlaPPY aret
was sixtut by all.' At ark
Portunettrne,s luft ,,,"/** ca1k4 hi t
Iiiiee‘1014442 •',404 .04 Itusits ,4* 'At
were lisitelf to COO* forwardWhen
b'arrivic read tee **irk
Ur. Olcatei Oita:045c' ipeettenteti Th
behal ot ttiniseit and -worthy N"Ite,
about one o'clock a bountiful. supper
wa aorytki, Connoting et • gootsre and
other choice 'viands, atter which. all
aan jawed in gams andipaettinOs 4111-
tfl the wee"Me hews, VolloWle* Is -
col* -et the address. ;""^ • - •
To Mr. and, Mrs, tfounuel etaniakire-
• wtt your trIanttl* and neighbors, have
gathered heft tide evening tor, aplea*.
ant and ftiendle purpose. Having leeen
ed that you: are *bout to depart • from
olki whist we tea thst we cannot *itt
. eppoieunite pairs witilout expresitin
ir ti let at-Tore-renireTiiiii; an
tbe ' 'time to aSit $04 to Acrept
our banda this ea"), chair as a
tght token ot our affectionand regard
What we otter you is but a poor ern -
bol ot our feeling, but we knowYou will
teCeive it kindly, aa a eimPle indication
of the ielectunent which each one of ug
etterishes tor, you lu their !mixt oe
hearts, and we know that you .• will
prize the sift for its association" and
not or its intrinsic value. We fee
et we are toeing in you tried and
true friend.% who have illustrated yaur
worth and geed citizenship more strik
i. than a thoueand elaborate e**11710
could dot -and the value of, your good
qualities-staill-eever -be-forgotten brim
)Atill estimation...in -which the givers
hold youand in..,Yeour reclining years
may it afford comfort and Mier to you
both el long as yOu 'mil live."
"Offering With WO
%Jo liritb amputated on
too mAny Wend* will
Writ that he is irettillS
Ed 114 tete!** rctutned trot Its,.
he bake been tor some time."
r• -acoh Schroeder ot Dakota. •
visiting *tient** *0,4 014ttifo* thl*
4ask 13PeA .ttler4**, ti0P0'
Oak monthretinue* to,
ord. is vIst'h Zted'
, Wisewho it** bien yisittng
rtt0:1.411144 t4Orit'44*404°t-
Runtley, 111,
nernl ruie
loire14, fit; atter spending Os holiday"
at 'then* -1)4(rte bore, rotirtred Volsdel$
4,r_t4or:goliornoin,. oo. Oro_le
turned to liskpierellie,-,ifts _Wes* 'tort
IMO bore returned to Laincton Sorra* .
,;,giss 'Wet 'arayhall, atter allendint
tho holiday* at her home hershas ac-
.1)0114tion iia teacher at Orist.
,p44,fitoe.' Irene Pops ot Ifenosii
siting :friends in, tewo.,,,,Xiss .m
Drenner ' 'visiting Zrlehd. itt Zuric
Naas Wide Routledge is learning the
dress-rtakiting with the lktlisee Tiemann
i•Nr; and "Its. ,Siebert tett -tor putto
Valley evening to attend the furiarel, er'
Ur- iiiebert1,1 rtictiver.„-gr. Q, orayheil
lett Wednesday. to report, at the 'bead,
office or the e,t4tertis Bank at Zero:Ito.
The ,Scott expedition in search of he
South Pole is mow assured. the, 'Brit-
ish Government having eroillitted. to P*7
$100.000 toward* the el:100.00o which
Is . the estimated' exPeture. Heretofore the
pub/le subitcriptitme items hung fire a
total only of betWeere $35,000 and $49r
00t having bee h raisedbut tetee wilt
be no ditticiety now In procuring the
ms41-i:balarice required. The expedition
wiii set torteLie 3ttiy. -
p e vangelical
intrite-WeAS-netatOr eVenbitisrben Eey
,fleati ,perfortned • the :Inerrioge Ore.
AtiOny. which made Mr. Geo ifilberond
Mist lifory Wolf. mon and wife.--Aiss
Catharine 'Fbakbeirtsr Of • Dsabwood,
01 the bride « Acted as htides-
maid.1041 Ur. Oscar Wolf as vows.
man.. Alotit 'bride and groom *re latgh.
lyrespeeted itt this villege and neigh-
hoittood Many friends juin
in wishing them evert-W*14mm liot*
low their wedded life. -Mr. and Mn'
Wes. Mitchell of Togo, Mon.. Ire re.
neWing4Acqualetaticest in ,,thiti
borho4tt.'.34r. 'Philliptfi of Alberta.
after an absence of 03 years from thlo
neighborhood it renewingold acquairkt.
10 t1000. eVeciallY -*Meng his friends on
the lOth-Ond lith concessions. -,,,Post
waster Brown hog anode someimprove.,
ments to his •ofilco- booth.. -We are
pleased to learn that Blvd Atititheiner
Is rapidly reoovering.from his ifirle$0.
The Lathes' SeWitierVirele bplit their
adelitie gertrand.---41r; and ligra:
S?tuttlet I3tn1/31,ettetuder).Ahafuwal
th'e late Ntra,.Moyer; mother of Mrs.
Broa:11. in Berlin Saturday. Deceased
woo well known sn this villsges her
tustvmd.tiiitleteliteiti Moyer* being
at but time minister In this.
The bereaved fatally have,the
thy of the vicinity. .
. Mle. Vole Gunning:visited with be
towline here during the past week. -
Mr. and. lira. •Norman Bern visited
relatives at &friends -around here dur-
ing- the kniSt Infitelt.--Mr. fleeter Mtn.
son and sister; Ethel,, visited their
cousins, ,Mr. and Niro. Gordon Stinting
near -Ails* Craig on Sundsky.f-lititra
May Iiikittson of Toronto is visiting
hez. cousin, ilfre.W04. Ogden this week.
A. number of our young people spent
it pleasans evening at the house of Mr.
Aaron Davis at Ssintehury, Thursday.
We are sorry to report the illness of
Mr. Archie Itycktmtoi who is her. on
visit to his 'pother. He was stricken
with *owlet lever. -,The tetilitine of
the late lfra„..lohnBrIntwell-tont 4
..lotoTagiatCs cemetery Friday
r. Wilton Bolton And bride of
Mary. were guests of their cousins
Messrs. John end Gordon Bolton the
bttter end of fait week. -4(r. Todd of
AteMlcb., wse* vialtor *t Ism
firosdroot's first . br the week;-.1iir.
4, Alm W. Neralakereter4s at home
10* large number of their friends on
uesdoyeVeninft of this week. Ali
port a. pleasant tinite--4lateeere. Peter
utl John Jitcroseu of Chicago were
guests of John McEwen and family the
Utter end of lost week. -Mrs. Thomas
Wenn hos recovered nicely from' her
recent illness.. -We *re sorry to learn
that Mrs. Matthew V. Miller does tint
enjoy the hest Of hialtho
Igt .1 10 %! bee! Cleric
, tne month";
et neA fir a visit...- Sfre
. , er ot, Mrs. ./.. IL
A 1 ' , titt:ted from tie
,wapAri4 0:: t,r lilteen4leitio
Tue4ty oe last by Drs. atiftri
. i:! (:npbe. She w: delfts- nice.
, e ,
son bt Ur.
..--ar ''' , t on t4he, died
ct,. Er wek,.atter in 112-
ei:'y s He was LI
, 0!.1 ati untnarried. He fattrer.
.st ie. tttvuleet ti:' btothtts and *liters
etee:ve.e.-Ifeetry Ileidentan. o" Parra iii
4",Ir A Vislt,..Vrivsa Geiger ot
r 1 is visitt:tig witt& his tattier 1.(r,
XI** ltiteinor Aertleite 'Ile At
c intim clirge at Clintott. -,
. 1, TPrieter will% esitel to nett: '
t, te,t4 t,... -,e, fa:terai et ber
..u.)r.er, _ lover, *too • hs .
tyro tsit7-liont, -sec icree-Tre election t
,:ize 'imixitls foo' ttlei vitiate! reasitod
W. Si, 115ttnit-4 ilti li•eti 'WitwerAt:
a 1:.--3 TA, lexceIt cuff., /*to wAiti-
,104xl\Ot 4 ,1'.....31-.4ter02, ("tarifa' .• ,aid
'.."!-Inmi 141:tartrtre, Ir Otitt're Ot., rattier
ile.31tie e: lifrpedel, and * -no)es
',•O"!tf'.lettette; tom. are "tattle, I
, ''.1 ,:i'v:..... atiatitt but 'levy 'nett
,',:f woos solettielietill St the hob**
. IA #fre $iititeel litelle-100,, istek
„ ‘.11(.11, *beet tletir thin*
k, ite.ttr, M.rgotet Joan.... *NM hOPOEY
ir:tei YA) Ira/arias* to Mr, Alvin *
..41409 a ,OraallietVat glitiot Avel401
MEI lit Plitt'
• VIIIM.0.0.1 r ,
btr, end grs. Henry Belling. 341..' and
Mrh.j aiffe and Miss P. Neil *Putt
Plexeint evenin.7 at Mr, W, '3 Eng
land's. ---Mr. and Mrs. N. Laughlin and
Mae 'Ana Laugliltn Of Parkhill visit-
ed lame Mae Wilson.--Miso , Date.
Ids= or Michigan spent a, rev, flays
miith strat. John McCiregor,-Mies Laura
'Stewardeon vieiting relatiires in Ex.
eter.--Mrs. Cobbledick returned to her
home in Exeter on Thursday after
couple of „we:3m visit jt Kr. T. SteW.
John if NieGregor and
t!z3 fa. Davidson "Pent a pleasant al-
eenoon WIth Meat- Mae Wilieoe,Mis
totatti.7 e-twarci.oh sp nt Sunday'eveit'es'
ith -44e -.ePsses .3,teilin.-Str.- Roy and
Sherritt and M;sti jean
Mrtr ske:-.t,iiiax_evttifils,qt/Liaxt
Mae Wiaon.--eir.. John Wilson ot r.
tp30.a rata a l'Iy143 vue.t. II our burg cln
PeidaY O'iege Shank of
Mooresville silent a tew days therant
week -with Mr. Nelsiiiilleyr--ele.-and
gra. J. C. Good and and Pilaster Venton
30,Int e'rie'ay OVOnlauT at W. T. iJlett's.
During the winter W. J. 'Wilson will
0103e ht e *tore' every night except Sat.
orday at 8 o'clittcle.-
Sonp oft he farineie lil tills vicinity
are taklaz adv4ntage of the sleighing
to draw wood Waft irravel.—Mr. Thinker
Mie4ican is visiting at A. Graveness
gauriee Brenner has retu-ned from a
Forest.: --The fishermen have
startel to put Up _their Pce.-Seboal cone.
need gonday-vidth lMr. Dodds of Sea -
forth. as 'teacher. ---Wilbur .Dewey. „whie
cuttIrtx ice cut his lei below the knee
SaturdAY.—Scane veildren-,around here
are sick With the chielten.poZ.—Mr. cPet-
er Lainont o Zurieh wa* irl our WI*"
wedneadar:- messing. Schaffer and
Write ot VarkhflL wem here it4iursds31
A. nontwe attendeit 4.414.net,
Shipke. ten Vriday evenins.e- There
ereil_lt,:a dance in Dreamer's Hall cia
hurs,day evening or thisWrCC.-
fitch Citron ctted •Henry MePalls ste
JoYful these days „over the arrivalot
a son end dauxilter, reip...ectively, John
tt e1�t 01 luskolta ie visiting, here
with hie brother. Thee. Diekensand
other rOatives.--Quite a number ate
teedei the.Irstrict L. O. L,tneetinx at •
Parkhill on VueidaY .latit,-Aetranderete
ponsid 'et London visited around here a
tevr,4%yis vr
Mr Geo. Iteatt 01 Mugs. Men,.
itt MIS neghbothood,-.& horse
onitts to 2,tr. Wm. Quinton, wtifl
tt drivtzt. nr there ott Iffedtletiditi
t ran aerccupiuta Mr
etel tate twe4 daughters.
"set oUt of^ tr,te cu'ter' but sUitatMd
es 'Are tzo.,ot• Was CaUtht
iitititlit.4.1tt not aluet'e tilt wary
".r lis tolkd '01 yoting
e titilo.i;i b b Jataties.spent
igectale,e; 424, at !At* Nistb.
rA'a 1'.1,itrada. 1.1st .4-a, new Arrival
ti3 graee0 tr. Phin
Dv- ke.-3, ,*01,....Lii.0! 0101V *14
rte dUcu t.
(Toe late or last week.)
• Jelin ItrowiJto, w.s.o ai ben t
eas terou teret r•-,tUrtzei home T
.ay...*dvraatrit SetYill and Albert DObbs
peat last krie,,:k 1 foetara.e.414‘..Pta
Davia vr!.`zo to e41s. leg tvejlte t
abil to be !up fcp4i
eatet. d5 %(' Ie3,1 1,lhauee. te.4 ster
*t* k' arid 14;33, et: r1ttx1 vs:ted
unl ofdagi, ateacel Nresar
'It',.e%.,tel" 1b a- of- rks
ae::,:tfhrair a few 404*
eetkar.lsd totife.--Mr., an
411:34Zie,t1192, two
by Mra, "%Vet
t' at Clef tlItt, a: 'Nisi**
1.1 *not ttint
Sr's 01:-; I ; Cabordt._,4„.
)11 -0 -NA
el ye* Strimach Miser: Almost.
U- the tood you at* at ycur lest meet
411 not Mgeat. but laid tor s long time
like •lead on your stomachthen you
have indigest en and quick actien should
bei teken. .
1twu wok have at to
hake witit-4Wi lott jaat. °
our word !mit, thi
is thwelego that ha a perfect hsk-
ing ovant---the Attend (men eene
structiOn =Ake it * 'CP:" ---Call in noi
we'll Winn "Ars
Of course there an WOW,' other aYMP-
tone* Ot Indigestion. emelt as belching
up or our foolheartburn, dizziness.
ietiortness of hrcatn and toul breath,
an 1.1 7 70% Uwe any ot them, Ybur s' *m-
ach le out or order and shOuld be eor-
tablete itaire cured thousands
01 O3*eil ot indigestion and stomach
rouble. It you have any stomach
trees, Mi -o -ns -win relieve InstentlY.
Rut Mtio-nse unlike moat so-called dye -
is V" I rernediceindewnezniom-than relieve :
permanentlyi cures dypepsiet- or any
stomach trpuble lecputtieg -ertergy, and
ngth int0-6e wallis of the stomach
':ere toe gaetrie Juices are •produced.
A large box or Mi -0.213 tablets costs
but :Mt i 8 t V S Cole s and are
eetranteed to cure.o niOney back
When others' tail ti-o-:ta., cure*, it le
producer et firma when .the body is,
thin: It clauses the siontaelt ant towel"
purities tbe blood and makes rich, rett.
&owls- Ts* Croup t Cougits and COlda,cr
money tucks Sold and guaranteed hy
w. 0. cotiwalorion.
Papitf4 (paid up)
Rest Fund MOW
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agent, end CleetroPeudeetP itt *llthe
Principal Clam in the World.
Itawst,100 1111/ASSA.CTS*4
-gait Branches. Interest aflowe stbfghest Porett r#e.
Agents at Exeter forth? 1)9mila/on government.
rhogsos At titan** Solicitors,
Surelythereis nothing -better than a Plana, tasomtbingtiie
whole homily cairenjoy, something that will last s lifetime and if bnuitht"
right can be handed down for two Or three generation*. .
- You do not take any•chances on any piano you get bere, - tootling of
this establishment las surety that you will get your moneys h-ts 000D
Then on top of this yoti have our guarantee-scritthy should you take any
Conte Here, ?ick Out a Piano That 131e0Aes
You in Appearance and. Tone!
You will 'anti our prices ressouable and the tern:mot payment can easily
be arratigia to your sattsfactiert and the instrument wil LXITICLY
ItALIABlat rr
We are now dp1ying an
11211$1141 New Ve
f tlio-Pinestt Line of - on
0$ from MOO up
and receive anct, or our Az1 alez
To All Won**, erill-seetd
with :futrinstrtittiOni4infIsont*tret
Intent Which positively tarots
'hose* Viesration, Displikoornen
ot the Womb, Vithiful or
l'otinds; littr1n0 and trveriattit Tumora
or growth's, also not riashom„
okt Melanch011, whoa
Thad, Dowd*Kidloei
Met where canoed by
pretilliir 'to oar -sox, -Ton
Onustreatment at lions at,.
cost only about 12 oonts
KO' boot, Plifolnates Own dia1
Adviser; 1i1so sent
Write Address
Dort* 1300440W1adsoi Oat