HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 3 (2)m T''iti
in Vitr' except Co
of the yot branch
vernment, on hi*
oicupine gold dis
'rthing like it 1
ehu Srpethetoortill
oodi doing development:Pa
e--elainrs valisttr stake
the ht t e last two month*. -
un;'nolo j at; r(`)//4 ItitZ* MI *
22 iu to the 'Porcupine district,
wo,* Sui$11404 .*hout'.ten tRi
...heing been du"structed
eters and pc9p1e oWning t
c_ * 'the vat
..0 Hynt bM 5 M
0wrIc developing
th OUtkTlSt
a quartz dYk
it Welt ha beork
00 feet. It is,
wwit.ani tree gold .4
03 lam "c11,010e dyke
There al ot10
.proposes to
al k„xposition
gross earnings of
'Year will exceed
ravilien dollars.
)tontie*1 ir '*tUy tting the
f the evIdeuxie of typhoid
ed. there rent1y.
tez'n by her'4141,4*
t kb per 000. ,p4tOU City
LS in buyer*' carefully
0, and *4410 to• *1.0 for sOme
buyer sacks. wane
Patents. , 011 'tsted
ek, Toronto; seibuti patcnts,
Tlt co plie- thureh at 8 ext
tb i 0 parish„-Peortnenf, and
uebee, was, burned, with. mot 4 Ozt
tents n Titurstjay;
Vive.PrejtjentViThyte of the r
hasIL 0 tbat doett,rs 03,
Ltjv 0 .441 thc b,
otationtt 'before
* n on Wean
• osition Of tbe
h brakemen on
thus reduein
of high bridges and
of grails -se
lespatch from
say: John oLt enrce in.fro
ne oft theLVanudiat 'Wort/Lem on
Tin'treclay with ten wolf skint,
toting a.Ax..ounty on colt f'ftcen
O oilers. Ilopoisoned them all. A
e i1iort, time ,previous *pot three,
e bounty ,eollec .:the laMt
,TPut two
:VI At
kexnn going cep. They the woede
ce tally ignah t& the engin- t
a*d on, e ..operate •nitoba ui
,presuro .. ra:tM'iing valve to .. the lucre
- s
the air brakes effective. Thc'
ecided ..lo.,nut.lte- 00 than
distrcts 0
ai Ma,
cn there.,
Tiinotby Dory Kifled in
• Alpe; Vire
imothy Dory 4 Lucui, Ont.,
illed liem on 'Wcd-
st pcu-
lent. With an aquaint-
iad gone to
u ilsartee:4uittrdu,eh
inspecting the hall and equipment
Doriey fell tbrough * man -hole in
re _
deer*briought out "o
ler than in tho previoua
r1 Lait eat** 4111.totalled
compared with 40.387
ecason.-. -Strides 1.
Qne ,44011, -.0t the *Ma
nbr kifled during the _last lea.%
that no settlititlicenses
if -
ii attention
Qt'fl dicAricts
0)4,04 b '0
zcvdyin at
meetings, lope in dou.
The Ttritish
romised $11'.0, ,.
sses a'Ctain
pedition. izi ta
rs Alliniton *'Churchill,, £ikVi
at Dundee,'deelared for the Iay
ment of int:tubers of Parliament a (
n ' `WV
ttrris, Pidit- 6f t ,
-as as
og in don, -
Lord Lansdowne, speak
iverpool oppme n
re -:of Lord', -:4)u in .
h was arestto. aceep't .
ptsal o the liolichery eemnu
mo Va
No..3 50
2 Ontario white,
-outside, 41.04, 40- to,. 40o -on
Toronto. canada Vest oats,
and 39c for
sce out e.
63'4 low fhrlgtG"b:t5268:Le.h71.14gt48.1idteeiShts'' 3.11(1
eorn—Xelit To. 2 yellow% 721'; to
'Toronto, and selected Np. 3 At
foin ags,Toronto, and
$4,40 in hogs,
e ra Winnipeg SA
petty imberzlements
Withheld' froo. the ''publie
time, Were confirmed on
y, when it'vints
lioaid 'a contra rho
Clerk- in tile
3, whjch h hal zecuretI
, om
per ib 00-il lots
per lb,
Toronto, Ilan. 11.-- thoiee wel
finished butchers up to $
whilst $3 to . $3,0 re 0
prices; ,eoremon to medium qualit.
00; cow'3. sold all the wav from3 t
*4.50. Mi1ker and springers wer
1%htly envier. -Sheep' and- lainb
steady and unchanged at last qu-
- ions. Hogs firm at *1%15 f.o.b.,
0 fed and watered for se--
The other ,tax o
ere a Ma o
eused of havingis*pproriat
nt a thou*And
by mean* of destr( 1
iceepta for ,tax j'aunnts..; T
efa1eaton was not thse-'vercd fur
lung tinae, until- some pareeh
land r nffered for. see, fo* no
. . .
wre proaiieecl
i f th c1rk. 'Others
i n
1 K made to bu
t P
• ive ¶fhouand Dollars
Cabk'd to Montreal.
espatb fomo
LordS rathetin
loon cabled $2,0OO to the
charge fun commit-
Infor the
yp a 0 $ t
just been vu'ated Out of di
NI, the activity
uumbor ofcitizens, and has offered
u et $100,000 Ao start,* fun
for whateer flog are deemed e
further ou
A de4patcb from _Ottawa,
The Dpartrnent aAgriculture
portst the total Wheat- crop
u .*14. Year, ,Was 100,10,000
. avertlgliutt 213 buihela Per
acre, with n11-4°4/041$0, :market *Ile
4 84 4* .0t4 00r.11411161i'thUr**
*at for the whole Lerop., *141,-
In loOe .thos, crop *At 112,'-
484,000• bushels, . -averaging IT -brish-'
' * with an average ,ma
. t. ;140 cent* per buah-
ggregating for the
• et11)LIth froin Fort
Vu, box cat$ were olish
in a rear -end collision at.toon
4441411 1),,* it. $tatiOni
. east of .rort, Arthur,.
onlw mornings *Two, freights
volved, and .011gine
$44041 int1 the eabeost ef the
In drawn by 441gine 703, throw
n cart over the embankment.
10 trMin trew ot the front ..train
tow'01;capz but fortunite-
ftilii-t--eabo'ost a' re* mor-
rlzts the aecitlent emu
ine'Xo. 42 was tlamaged
0 Allt T T
er nets
**d of jfr4j
ova etc fro
it streets will he pa oil
plainelothes policemen.
11 4perons 44,rd'itteavl iii (alx
rren int poison .i
i. Morgan n
gera in the near u
overnor hes
ndvised the State ur
4, .an No.
rack. Toro.uto.
Straw $7.00 to $S, on. tracl„. To-
r 11to..
cts, outside, *t.65t
11 lots belie at $1.15
iu the relfgon 4 gixig,'
Ofl /ehange. , lititi.te their 'busine**
_ply to.,finaucit Governments, .
tlzev were manly enough to refuse
1wiian in 1002 01411% tt4
n Lienelle, dissm)roval* of Una.
1 -*Otiort towaritut;17,-1
ii4, (lee* 1e' they have seer ,.
-e %Tat profit* by witharawirw
glen' loansk;,;. .owftig to the
tr#t'nentf the ' - s
it.tuen er 6
1 i tile * ,4 the
xonete, .Ba.rnn Hen o
of reris, who is ‘thi
ihvsiviatt of• dirtinc
the greater or. is tizne
treating oor and s -ilt
hosn'ital and As IT' .
14"; . iq rc
insfthe ettotton „ofzte.
• ithol we-rns. Li
tatty hie
▪ p:b
tr libf.;;; due
5e, 12, to 130.
t pass ah set r�hbithij
Three men were killd
'piosion 4 a gas v in •
plant it 44 to
Frank 'Nib* bea
'so prohibition ro,
means of livelihood
er bag
ea, 11 tor
10 to
•4,4 prints, 23' to
Ils, 21 to
• ol to 24.4,e per Ib.
f 4.61* 1ad 37 to
t49:' dozen,-ana li*Or*
and ut. ItNa for
*ior Owent's Tbroughout
the or
There is no rnystery in th.. sue -
4 the Bet , Itis due
not to the power
character. Full, -offers, iii
tiOnat igen,010$; inAsine
essi extended aivaintanc
royalty' , these are not t
of the firni's prosperity for ov
auahione'sty, conduct, int
breadtlr--et -vie . Fro
beginning d the-* house, tb
every period 4 its growth
e Itt-1'dwelling the ohd
basnedt,4toxI for
thanin0110y7 qt1144,311i)
be terials It has Fhwn the
osibilities 4 wealth
d *the finer virtues. or
e s
.itdi,, and has s ea`n.
ii p7041
f{E 18 3TT FOR
ake iii' set in I o
nt ItIci oho fet
Eria-4, he 3 fbM,
kad .4 tith te';0
o og -clear; 14 • to,T
Ib. in lots; mess poi', ,
an Uaba-, to mei . 7.. cut, Us to. 41,0.
_ 4:01:414:141:ouiletl—mers:di:ut:t2.:1.0;
Jo' of his ' o,.. .heavy, 14 to 14X0 -; T0115)
i--10- to toe; breakfast bacon,
rd—Tiercea, 154c;
6 Roosevelt exPedition A 4.
has discovered DOW Atair0A1*
GrArtige,,, the famous irvi-
as killed' by the falling of
0 during a flight at 001,-
the Itothsebilds the only pt nc
004 at Wits
11 than T
of bankers p &teed philan-
thropits, authors, ,scholscrs, eiCfl-
tit,„ 'patrons of art. Ona literature„
*He its gifts and ,bequests know
o 'distinction a creed. If an in.
ntory 'could be 10440 a its kin
ses--a list which eoatinuiig
frem year to year has reachpd
nffie'nt pronortions—the Mere
i'gate of benevolence wnthl 'be
ft't:iirI I A. retri: avratiet
ebarneter lbl.ve, irittri:(4
d 5
()vita s, Atdustrial tchools, Awn-
oltural eoIonies, workmen!** dwel-
to; --iiitiPramit,o,„ et*, Tl
thlailitu ro3ii7o korroi
ions f wealthani',g4Ve'rnOt
th-'&n the',,,triptiltal tithe book httt thie n'
ig the seeret their
to $23; pure Is' thor lurgc 'watts. .
1 Montreal, Ian ta, No.
deaux. , ‘,anadian Western, A- to ,13,1‘e;
Fire eawied by the illumination's Xo. 3, 444,let to 4i1MO; barley, No. 2,
n A Christmas tree did great ,darn- t 69 to -00e; Manitoba feed barley, ,O
age in the royal. Ctreeian-palace at ,to 43e. , Flour—U*00Am Sprit*
'Petoi. '' vlical patents,,, first-C-04010Mi
Y.Made by ;xi!" Princes
ext Yer.
lx frim 3ielboirne rays
The rgue• etates 1 let-
rettived-lere fridicateri
Princes Edward and Albert, 'Iv I
ti i Enipire in 1911, pplI1,1j7
,atrnpanirl, hr * flc'et. of %rat
A from t v
ler , a fo 06
11 umpire pore excit
nt in a Michigan lie
on the way down town on Wcd-
ay pormng. ' The OW 104 old
and the - passengttrs complained”
Illy to the OctuflUctOri, Suddoily 1
r pulled a' bundle .f newis
f the ear, isel t
worn” up r," as he al
TJieconduct *eeted Yorke
the.4444 but poomengers
er the, experience hugely.
itoba Spring, wheat patent's,
d $3.2O1 Winter wheat tate
Manitoba .strong
SO, '.0,2 hLg,hrotottterflati„
9', to . ed—Ontario bran,'
Obtt: bran,- 221'
$m ; inixed4 broad -synfloathiet) their cultur
llevi.,4011 to in% Cheete—Sep
t4.117etiti.t!nb:xte*oe'lafilt,:br,:).eettrtnt;berayt:1:e', ettiTlie.ttrolvIt.*' :toutholend ,tiiiinlasti'.;aitit,lit,sai-tatel- iii.:11,4011:41:11,03:5,
rrty.. Their ..hrtnne ,revireliontsi
,r) than au,,,, ,ACCianIttiation
+THAI:4110N . Or 1,*OINCI1141‘,4
Ail* ..;iiiiOnt
le 81.*STE$ 29:41tkilS..
j: i.73(11a,,:it7Mu-
1,14.:, ire
ill form,
tilmaq need. They. e, lesder4
ion, i
' .° . 0,1_10,411 th_ arr
se i V
t _.
,.1.- -.F.:•1 Ai
nct 0**tV0 ' their:Intet ei4$1''—
t ' .
' y 'we
1 0 a cOrt ; 04
. the heirloom or it; .
. 'it knows0 Ma; 1
tavIr °idSauIt
rit four
a of
to n a inout;lu. nAlbefro; qhivs *Z
tame to 0
nnit $01101414
a a tefttin.
was teekt to. -4
or hi a set ,but fell into the hi' *
he little Orli, who ate the
wiU, -* with fatal
1g4 -ztrietly 49 to 42c.,
(1 No. 1 cfcck, 149 to 30e, and
o. an co'0-10 vor aorn
B Oslo 1
X Northern,
Winter Ann..
011%e:e 'No. 4• ye
o.tri ot;1
4 ,
reed to mz'ltin.
o. *, track, 84c.
nespolisi Ian. It. -Wheat
$1.1$%; 4%4, *LUG: estA
u'at, No 2 hard, $1.14% $
I Northern, $1.14 to*
Northern, $1.1* to $1.12.
ran—In 1004b. sults, Otto $11.
our—rirst patent*, $5,00 to
• 11 patents, 10.40 tc!
rs $445 $in $4.55,t aece
40 to *.CO. t
titan tariff,
rean Ave t-ent per gahlo
1 it re rents per poun
thi evillent intention rf tlte
s, epeizfly in tit*
Ixsten do -
4 reil1ftt
414,4 fur
1:4U fi in -tite
test thait
1101 Imovided
the Can
--opr 4 during,
irtmths Pro)**
*MO, 4414490" *VP
'tho14rnfr4 ttt
ki,di be bee_
despatch from flahifsx says
Apple Shipments from if* I will
he, volt heavv this week, and new
re -rd for the wseekti export may
made. Tho present indications
are that-abiint .60,01)0, barrels will
forward.. Th. Furness Liner
henagoitoah, *bidets *tiled for Lcn-
on Wednesday afternoon, took
ham 'this is the
hole. Telt
P. R. liner
fit willtalky! fiver 10,000
Allan ' Liner (Arum.
* for ti‘e4poot oft
ftsturilim, will have four or five
thousand' hsrre'* board. ant
'rr,ntoHui Liner rillndo
*hut I 000 14arrels oii boar.
4 torn,
7%e, Otas
Self '81 0.2t 1 hal
11* Gimvold Vetert a I
ertlFeci ot $ellinrt 'PEAu
to,,t1 in
!It ti-rre
the-eit711 Wtiintr day
o eel (,.nstalge
L /nor Ired-teile
ire 3V 10, 'tried for ppm,
L1200,-Af, The,"01,fieer4 had their
rs frozen trip.
t into
;liner s%4., hk,
e sax
fl*atights ,hripflit
r*wllit0Z10) i s se.
MOM. b114 44,44 OW
tor in tiro,! Wilke**
of ,sliftere.o uatL4iz
a 4tEnsepa1 bottle.
4 ',$‘
1,0*, .11 PitIC,40:141
• A