HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 2 (2)xnertto lute* scqutt in *ort. It was vary to the mod with. *ding of tb *oss.rgoiting. t or4et to t Vreopettive iv* it will 04* dtp,erid,nt*; and not tbrporations, whose b.oar orewilido all' Irirk13:1:4*Pftl‘1144"1: . 1 . atkU of an square t 0 .1t0re.te ides f the. Mant tbi ,VeritinS : 0 0 ,11114ale,r le '` a in • 1 t* . f t . . 0 1 , . , , , k be It** "1 hepe ot, but bc ilien fnt the 141'6 * rr of* in lds. rOStleks1 You iupxse okeqUettratta nfined "Perhzps; but be i alive iball you sea now Porge very'well/ 1 confc,"$o Ilaxime, ot se edged ielf to-bre* 11 be the mifortune ,f Jier fl.fe, for *otter or later t innoee.ceof M de Caro •will outny min certain cf ittp,' repil seonnts, unmovedh ttatatio». , "/ hope Pv T beg /0 'uio fe1ing of n o L cunt mt 1 i re tely t"'-'.! he 1 ea y by. an itrepremoibl "Tell me what X ant to ,*deryour n. shall •Itte *boy ia the midst ert hi, client • party. It was-ectuni treason. - be felt no rentor ;ow to him the lie 1 truth Sentiments had like sealing -wax before firo5 fter all, the affair w and one xMght Ilo tided e place in the o did not Ilowed o i of pion°, ere unworthy of h res o ld not deem 1 proaeh that his ,ncphcw nought to repair a crucl. inutis There reznained Vignory ,who wool uredJy NIte blur no f LW ' X sarno A, 4The're 1 ,nothin 1 Should , irt. more, buthow ean rgo.'about ISurb, A "I Will tell you. You thi Mid Whortt I placed at your unck'. , ' et is very bright, ai4 was dev,teirI to IL do Carnoel, !eel, sure he would have been able t tell' 'ui what had beewne of him *if. lielunt not bcen thii " victim uf o1n, 'rnyEterlous acckknt. Be is o feet ncw, buthio memory is not et restored,in order tat bo ic Obrve lesnlizss in alt. th!nge.j he milking uten- ile v or0114.-4 tatana •cow's uddeand your owrz rore coMmeneing to milk. Uio milk by pressure, not itripping method. Carry persztion as -quickly tot pos. mberiug that generall. r is * fast one and tbi liable to beeome imp tient e * time. , to tla cow's heaIth. teatsIf jier are sore, if there is any i oloratzon o aroma, feature about the xnilk do not rUbr it with the ',mitt . ,T .. be ,•building - carriedilkihg on d and free from avoidab dst Fresh air and sunlight thou tly admitted, and -litt r food should not be handled du . utt 0., e_ttztyrents. day, n 'op o , Om"; , te n rng AL plow, but houriug 10,74, rfkom erk00$11 to machine, may vent cover ,letteroy and , e itt;0 04 400,114 )art of 14bIe- Piwgiletvda tines QVCr , e f glass irk the Aka, *s the Hy. flrainatic ineir1ent src linkd with the nrrest of treanotrrrilinfint: 1 chiefeonfeder; Signor nz r e 0 to in A big gang tiemente forgers. For mooths -past the Ital. an. 00Yertontnt has tried10 track he 4iesemivatore of in immense umber of, false bank notes, whero- by hundreds of tho Sicilian pe s tor hve been Victirtkitta. Whenevr a. supect happened to taken into.eistotly the mayor of "aniti_would...falozost 'invite Maximeo o shment, kpot-you_ are -not tCdoetOr;),- he resumed„ laughing, -,5-4244(14X AM not expecting to -have him treated *wording to The .rulea of ti i feel- idty M. 'Alleges has alrembr done in tbat way all' at Could be done, but his task ris now ended . AU urs beginn Georgct, attached to you, is he not elieve ;so. g0 proved saved m purs;ii'1 by villains." "Well, you Could not sbow yo' gratitude 'better. than by going iee him." have been s but hisgrandmothe o • not perrnit me to see ;a wornan in wbieb nd till I,. e wou ** I attcnd the .h&tring of tTc*charge .ity"of tig! Police* and d immediate, release' of the KIS worahiP has ,plsyed tbe, once iito often; and the supieion , .,,,f tlitt magistrates were woe The government, aeting upon seer nformation,desPatelied a brigadie with * squad of ottribinieri,, fro . alemo, ',/ritlt instructione to M4 thorough search, fortheforger' den. . To order to keep;Owns s Ik.off.the real scent th:e ..rigoldie anrailadh'imselfof a Ioear tradition whielt:ssys. that the notorious ilia. au 'brigand, .0a0ro,' who, ended-4- are.devil career by murdering. mendatore. Ferrari, ok rich /and. rd, . hurled ' t• she tot from me in ris kindness to You will ow her this me- Wee beg her to leave you confide in uld in *elf. irhat shail X say to 1114e4'. orgere an nay• have , -Anter no toto into Person undel nfl Otto' OtPasstortli . uind-an.'#sitortrIleAt Vatthey make ; nse.'' bo Ieast logi.1 of their ho de 101-41171 #4t11 -7:0t• 0-01A,'PlfovOr, r, , tion l that mil tt"*":1 114 InYtttisbr eeinand if; result But whateve that they e ntt oce al. of een found , Urge. mg too Tong between milkin vs are ebsen adher rvioc of these id tik, the largest amount of milk' e greatest pruportion of itter fat, at a minilnum of trouble the e lbe horrid; Oat* his life Uiat were nritAnt. Al k4, the ring after t thyot. But The bracelet callec able recolientions rly a. promi*c I 4 not requested and be was rca0 *, weary oL the strugglc whloh dis- efuge in inarri- pcs to find the: e. If abo 11°144 hat sli * been urc for the rest clSUM 0 U. 1 obtaining 0- ' hint. If 1 charge you *4,vi Ikate zuission livc you would eente it thsn I should do. Oerget voted to ti, but X inthnidate hint With you he will be more at ease perhapz there is to be secr smouldezing entimi of c at once ty, traveller from th .st is sure to enquire es not tontatin, rrant iu use. American Farm World a to y about the ofstraw": "Straw contain ugh fertilizer n dollar* if bought fertilizer. 'While the fertili nents Are Oct to 0441 ose found in the commercial :We, yet the StrAvf furnishes h is to the *oil; *Melt is an advanti the commercial fertilizer dee* Ot seeta„" o 1 0 . natio regnently 1 as this. e euitt found the old and 4.l wi h ,deliberate Th alley was dark as CVC9 through the glazsdoor of lodge he saw the grandrnotl in -the --e neluded to open the cloor andwithout t 1 iinal. At the aarn tme5 nwrt&tion t00atcertain that an earth tOrOrnt in lOste *Ulf rkkkignifietnt plaec le* *oushts; se 1ia xt her bout upon net - him it iras th&t she, might speak d discorcry iLied as raneb *a, it distre rOrnite zwt to spetk o eel Or (leor itnesi that,ft is baiebruken my "H shall know nst,hing of it, fro count on your discretionThe secret of our plans shall rot tw ue two. „Anal now th*C o is concluded, now that y-ou ally, my ,friend, 'pardon- me ou, not to lone a, moment, ing neorget." irne 41, „ root,'He understaod atm* disatisse litelvf but be still waiU!d for look. It neenterto hi* tomithing more than this friendly farewell. Ion- think Iilinn1d hold thin janiage if you nt to she mooned. peuetratiiti 1i' e l'e41 on Izi9,1bttt omenth'e fentme de Just in time to stree ttre stration. • • toorzlieur;" tc th a smile fuU ..*# op. you will rto o your visit, and are. the phuure at your *s, for t tit id unrnoved $ eeption, rty 1 hav n. 1 Iiave been seeral time a , the honor e eizteo and had 9 e to digor the hddentrcasure. exploration ork began to be extended to the riayor'z own t onsternso ion was causrfI by the Swift '41intp. Of a. numbtr of leading 1 affairs, Such of the mayor's colleague* as remained awereclosely **telked, by the pellet. The efforts of the diggers were oon rewarded, far, striking upon imassive marble aiali that eonee*1. Entrance to the forger?'cave), ey found.. alaboratory, well pta- Idea with acids, * prattle's press, nd.engraning blocks, and, in tact, • therzstItitlirsiTifir-t—s us 0 6 0 Sioxitt forger. Twentv thousand pounds' worth of exquinitely-forged bank notes Were , ready for cirOuit. Oen. • ,author goes -on to sqi"ow the ompositiion of wheat straw_ and alenlate 'value at the. regular !ite-,eharged for commercial - feta irers and demonstrate* that it con- ains ;plant, food -try-the --value-21)f 227, *04 this sloes not 'take into aceount4ts effect upon the phyaical dition of the 'oil; !We the, above - undoubtedly e in some: Sections of the collars ing straw to land in ome bf the ituni.strid wheat.'belt t be *. questionable ,prutio. ib have a tendency to ,make. oil to open znd dry it ant with., ent 'at a nder exxaminetion.- - nttor _asked iirnt "0 ia did the peopl o• ost their live* at the de. of Ifureulaneure ** and ."1 think th.ey ,died o answered the ue *ginatiOth but the fiures rifled and are eertaiuly me this **me line, of almost loeiedihle minutentes in the storl of one Mark kleallot, *Nick* *bolt" 151%, in thttwntietb of ee Oteen o steel, iron and s, with hollow . e7 to it; that altrether weighed but one grain,ot gold. He Alto nude icold ebain, eomponed of forty- three links, *hie. he fasten 6 lock and key, to the presence or t Qtkeen he put the elzain abou the neck of a- yt , flea, which dr ri ea -k, 1 _4_6_1 genuity really re Ifany znstanee o r s is *Quelled for , e u -4) by an lcI it los°ien; , in * hese ' *Vanwe are to llavver sphere, 0 e les, trareauthors. at esi, • geniourelated by llt:pei(ntr:1 ornt t which . - and wa resented to Sultan Solvinan the agnifieint by but rthperial Jest? Ferdinand is mentioned by I'auluB Xovius as showing and keep. ing time with the motions of the; cc- lestisi bodies in,mitrions eonfigurs..- tione. it vat car to 00nOtonti. , ' - .. -v- nople by twelve. m r put that Ugethe'tMymrellYfesthste sall:ite n tniade it, went)* t -* anisni ging and uils,:in so. pats tb v under e ring ufa with, four wbees. and as y which took up :sterol than- the. shin. Geo. Whitehead.an Englis1unn. made a ship, with *11 thinga per- -taitung to it; to moire a.. if it zniled upon a tittle.' *".411 buda were *left, a Woroan made goottrenste o.tt- * lute, Aso& nolo puTror tried In - the; midship, *11 of 'which variet..Wt.. says the *14 writer, iilwairpleasant and diverting.'" "I'm siri e our l'Ather***$ "What's the mat rtow,„ sitter Newrich. si, o, 1 ewayr 0 r Western sctt1cfJL"t,o had IkOr00 MO t -p irj tli, ths,r bankrupt telephone cinjany Isst-didn'.--t-liko- r irs.* handling the. busi s ,' "Didn't, 61" enhlentef te * t, "Well what did abont * 'Oh,, tbey Just huij - * attodsr u dull hook in 1116 piles of begin at the 11-prevadin �wzi •ettieti 1n our 'Yes.Zveiythug eicept the things - 2,1 pd by 1* grod sir," she sai •1,1404t, n11,1 enter m yott have not *to se the doctor has fo ini to see any one. * tondition to tat een with the Crnlrktel rO be continued.)