HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-06, Page 3 (2)p . 1.)a$111e
141,11011 Opt ` ' 41
.p!&1 high with.
Vt.th eflt Ujii^bx the uitivafly I
' village -„-o
osk.ut inijris from this eiL',
yilotta la oast
m '1 experiineeU "n baif. a eeuLury, and
ing *
4 that Its et to the
filieiie and general trade is more
- than t1,e-jtarters," of a 'million
. dollars.
from Ottawa says .
it application* have
en rdceIve!l t the Norio* 1)e.
irtniruti for posit*ons in. lite,4)r,
)d, Cszia'Un 'larvY, Inelu. *
L nurnber are *p 1-ts from
verat_nu whojisv, ,erved in the
ivy and are now on the
It i not likely, however;
that any Idrge proportion of theoe
.will be.en but younger men
'sought. 'rho,wage& Of the, officers,
*ill o*e which ob.
-t*n in thc British navy, but the
11 bo higher,
e at Conferese
in trait*, '
Loh -front Xeliiiittrite-S4'
hziions readied at iThe re-
feronee on the eoliettof
sia sytem,in the Pim/fie-we
the BritAilmiralty,.
, • New ,Zealatnd and the
shared hi the diseus-
ion; thc result of which 14r00,a re
itOnno o afiOo that-blerpower
tions b established at Sydney.
• essIlay, New Zealand; Suva,
pi al of the Fiji group,. and Ocean
liland, and medium ,poweir stations
n. the New Ifebrides and Solontoo
slands, AIF these wireless station
thb--ozvitibt -orthe
Britih (lovernment.
,}dward Burley Fatally Injured at
A despatch frk Cobalt say
Edward an '
formerly entp1owati4ert • i
icsarrittine, but for the Ias
'oath.. at the Rochester; died. o
Wednesday afternoorefrom inktries
received at the mine. llorleY and
hio brother wer e working at the 15 -
foot' level.. Preparation had been
made fox blasting. Ilurley had
lighted the fuse and was walking
away to a place of safety, when 411
explosion, ouppOsed to be prema-
ture, and possibly_ from a defective
use, .took -place. Burley's body wa
was hrown on his (aee ani hii I f
slwulder..-Ots-40 ,
—.Me1bjurnr was ,
rernove1 t.he victim to the Red dross
ospital, where he succumbed to
Uis injuriesiust., after noon.
esnatell from Winnipeg saYs z
• e Emmett war&. charged on
Wednesday niorning before agis-
trste Daly with attempt to. murder
Lean, hiS,sweetheart, and
a.fterwards attempted to tomtit
- suicide. Ke was 'committed for trial
at t3io Sizes. • The ease is a most
ttinarksbI. one -in many respects.
The I -was found in a dazed cow
diUon with a bullet wound in her
while , Emmett had three
wounds, all in tile back of the head.
doctors declare they could
ve Wen but the
girl maintains that Emmett did thel.
ktath fron' Q(t*wa says
roportion in h the 'b%'ct't-
orop has . 'shipped
*than stild AMetnArt port,
ieated itt returns to the Trade
'srnnt'ree Departinent. Ship
to tite etui of navigation are
The total through Csn-
hrough inbriean ports 14,6110-
b' way
of 1
Itestued After Their
Craft And. Sunk. '
A de patih froni Toulan” Franet,
ays:1h attbmariit'r*Cigogrt.
perforated -a ntarkabie .
feat dit-iii47.,* recent storm. The,
was praCtisIng 411(10g in the
oea,. when the eounnandersavv.
largo aking boat.suddaly eVer-
whelined and sunk. The submarine
mmediately, dived right' under the
fishing craft, of which the masthead
alonewas above ' water. The valves
C OJ .ated quitlly, andthe_
ogorto- rose. to=,
tug the boat and holding it abov
the water long enough to take Oft
the. crew;
itit.A.lat IN W000 PIMP.
114U4Stli1et4 lzpertIatg iioreI
Ex -porno
despat4ilt front **Shin yo
Ninety million dollars 'was the
contribution of the forest* to the
xPorts..oLthe United States - du
int the livid year of 1009,
an itt-
erease of twenty -fold since 1851
This is one of the striking tot
told IR a bulletin covering a period
of silly years, iisued by the De
partment of Agriculture.. The for-
est product imports have grown
even more rapidly. From a Hal
more than $4000,0011 in 1H51, they
reached more than szomoo,000 in
1008. 'Wood pulp shows the great-
est increase in import. --From a.
value of $6,000 in 1880, it bas grown
it more -than -417ii& 107-
1)Orts of wood pulp are coxnpara-
tively sMall,,,and,
depkh m 'Winnipeg
. Of building operation*
tliresOW braneheo of ti
0ffic last WCIA
ed for I otorilgIr tira s
s loon Of the
*be' bran ettler,
r, t niTtlt
nIng of th
orward new .a7j_otritoma Lethb
nor. Th,ng
" lini. ilI erantwairt att_
Am:takers', trikt i now
in llvt eities, ineindin Montreal,
city council passed _ a
byIaw to raiseO9 for tbeCo*
Cole and two children were
burned to 'death, in a gro that el
troyed their dwelling near
to hring water 2 xniksfront Tooke
tlio1 Iarhali„ of London, while
walking onte.fouud a -drunken man
sleeping Oa the O. P. :R. tracks.
The 0. T. P. will make a grant to
tho-Selkirk Fair, conditional upon
a promise- to 'delay the show Lill
The Ohio is jammed witli iee, and
tlte coal barges are bait up.
r114 4•11 Ism i
ioSiOn Of a boiler at West Bead-,
• eirties *col ete1 to
port of New 'York totalled, 8111,-
Five trainmen were kiIIe1 in a
ilision on the_Baitiit' wre -4c-ADhio
Ltmesonteness 'caused by abnor-
mal bashrulness prompted the .sui-
ide of a young man at Toiede.
ov. Eberhart's attentiotto solid
e.switehreen's strike itt the nort
stern States has failed.
Madison Square Garden has bee
sold and an: Office building will. be
ereeted on its lto„
-Champ- Clari, of ItTissonti„mzs
that in twenty year the Unite
Stites will not export agrieultursl
products. • •
The motion- lor-e. new trial made
on 1)
.former iee king. has been refused
Carrie Nation has appealed the
conviction by which she was fined
000 for smashing a bar in Was
stmt., D.C.
ernard H. Ball, an 1
th 41144101411, -and
went violently insaue
of over -work.
Drinking on Christmas D was
reaponsibh, for ten 'deaths by
assault in the mini
uf Illitegelds W. Va.
T e Zenner fatiltily" of
an 4. to 014
rnistsing Iit1e
sortie Grand Lodge
to *%k tho sistl
avti direet to :Moron
Iiorti9n.,.now beinc eilrned
tettler tolloston'eOVersaidi
kir miles. An imPortiqtt.
new Country:1i servo
_line'. •On the
roin Lttlairld
* built -thro oe of
triets in -Southern Al
tONI..%_VO.,.. 2 4ej_
lake 'ports.
Peas -.New, No. 2, 86e t▪ o 38e.
Buckwheat—No. t, ne1/414 041e out-
side. •
-Manitoba Flour Quotations a
Toronto are :—First ,patent$, $5.60.
eond patents, $5,10; strong} bait;
rs'r, $4.00; 90 per cents,, Glasgow
freights, Ps.
Ontario lo \Viuter wheat
to 51)0; No.
to 52; fee
o "de; Mani.
in buyers' sae01
toil' -shorts, $23 to $4, t o
e to; Ontario milifeed, *22; shorts,
4, track, Toronto bags included.
Apples—$2.50 to $4 per barrel
r.ecording to quality.
Beans—Car lots:outside, $1.o5 to
and smalliots here at $1.76
on :o
extracted, 1 1.,tfrle
Efay—Xo. 1 timothy at $14 to
$14.500 and Vo. 2, it12.50 to $12 on
Itliek. Toronto,
Stravi—$1".titflo, $o on'traek, TO-
. 4
.0to. ' .
Potatees,50z per
O1 Ontario&.
2 iv 4e, o,
41'41e to 46e,:
•o to '4X -0 gan.PdretYe ege°m°d-
on-Stook...214e to 05.4e per 14.
Milelt Cows, SW to: *20 each, Calves
frottill to near OW -per Ib.. hem,
about 4(y, per lb.; IaMbs, Co • to
1034e. Good. lots of fat hossifrom
8ge to oe Per lit
inalSONAL PONTrultei.
*resting Gossip 4oine
' Prominent People.- Arthur of As a $
ger ontsule anxtons
Oeporal Hunter could not leave Lb
table at that moment. and toId th
orderly so. What ithill 1 do WA
Oh, knock hint e n," ajtL Htint-
hupatient as he turned to
,dinner. Five minutes Iter tbe
man - returned bearing
ark* _of_ the "fray.salufrd
stiffly, and said to the agoniMhd -
Ge'erzi, "I had,* .bit, of a job,.air,
it t knocked him down at the,
The Duke Of CIThiaught, seems to
ossess the happy knack of winning
thet esteem of et erYoue with %slum s
mum into tentakt.. To
gin -extent this is. due to his af-
fabIeness. As a soldier= onee put IC,
'There's no a -di -da fo erv
maaftgr_helping fora_few
rnomiittstexontlis,ILloclitmake_ratitettr_wh, o_u
very .week forthe purpose of wind-
ing docks, the young Prine-i!, -cam.
-•Arc-eon-elusion that he • had
chosen it tante profession, and after,
hat his onifdesire was to follow itt
his father's footsteps and join the
The many compositions of thc
Crown Princess of Greece, wite paid
visit land recentJy,-
Almost Iseepine
• om over will& one day ihe -will
be Queen. Princess
Henry of Bat-
tenberg is ahnost equally clever as
poser,' while Archduke eter
urrtbor o ties, ar
track marches. t gifted of al
however, Is probably the b1in.
lei *4,, per - ducks,-
tse,.12e to 13e.„,
• nt Pound prints, gtk to
ohs a arge rolls, 2/ to i..)ze
ferior, IDe to'2.0e; creamery, o
and solids, 2114 -to 263le Per 1
Lott; of fresh, gathe
to S; new laid„ 40, and atr-
r; 'dozen'.
It sc--.12,30 per lb. tor largo)
1 at 12:340 for twins. • .
n L°400git!tieCsanr,17. 143 Sc*coto
r lb.. in case bits; 10032, Pork, *20
'1; short eut, 412,3 to
ortisr-4.iglit to inediura, 15c to
heavy,lte to 1432e; rtills,
14' to 1.1140; Shoulder/toI3' to
• ; books, 10e . *Mast
baeozi, 114c to litzt.
tard Tierces, -44e
$pateh from lioutreal *ay
*Its made by out of tbe! loe
or do private mt4ioal pt
tate over.4-,000 eases ot typhoi
to addition:to tlie..-1300 or so eases
total tow being treated in the. -
etem-__ °spit* Thirtykone., newrn
fused, at A
Montreal, J031 o.
anada We,tern, 4e to 42c;
• 41,40
fieo to 07c;. Manitoba feed
* to FlOut—liitanito
pring wheat patents. Arits,
o.. aeeonds, 6.20; winter whet
*tent $5.00; M&nitoba
troll ;,*troitchtionerso
6.1 • ° it/ bsgt. 112.40
rio s
Shorts,re grain mouillk, $3
*26 to 1
foak*- wetite
make at 11
t, J1e, and eastez.4. 21% - 1.4
ter --er6sinerr
Male, Zito:
w Iaid
r and
ntatly • m
that anal*
nitructedS*Uit fit
4iihg to befitativo p
larattst. loek
propriation for
ttnsry rvey has been inducted
tbi 'ar's Ritter and Ifertor
-n:_*e Up»-
by__ .ents- -to ha
something of Queei Vi
"a's. power of repartee.
eeaston of a visit *paid by hi
'many years ago to Dublin'cot*
Mr. Henn .insisted being intr
-duce&to His Royal; Highnessbe
use, fie,siiitrlifs son had sat flex
the sPrittoo !then both were pasing
t was--ox-
hne of us wi,s Ied
"Debenair and Msay
ads- Balfouy of Thirleiglt,
d. ree'entlY told an aiziusing
the naming of 'twin
oE mine,". she 'said, "had th
fortune -or -misfortune t
three tsets of twins,. n
pair came the 'parents pu
ins, to discover suitable
The. first pair,
, *cm tailed late and1)upii-
eate;the second; st brace of bo.3i,
were rued Peter and. Rep:
and the third, also boys, Max. axul
Cliniax;* But the question then
arose, what if there Should be
fourth, and even a Sith pair 1
voting lady solved' the*diticulty re-
peeting the -fourth by suggesting
nn and Ato-diter;. while intillte'
easp of the Ofth is well known au-
thote came to the resene ,by sug-
Thigh ,and Cry."
The '.g.ed Emperor Francis lose
147ts a-inon of
and habits. Re
vt and grace. -.
at thv e timo-st_ mat of fcw
.nlv 413111liet15:4;4stwhhitinbtgtrPs—ftrot *th.
here ffle
went to Lord 1n 11y ivith
anseript and a .1;4 hi 4
ship to -,glauce ,eopy. Lurd
Xnollys dashed Atte reportf, es*hopc
to the ground by -saying he -stit
nt Preseneatthe.mecting(oie
back in :two libtalwf? herI. The
re410040 rettlrOed at the
time and: foUnd'his .
stratip,.. hand. .Lord
Itnollys had gone to the King,
self, and Ilis Mt$esty liattosith•bis
usual kindliness, hine1f ,made the
ilis peals
**3 library ithottt.
. Aotli
* when
sittto the'
0 his' plumed
being itpread.
Was payi
y *cadent
happened to
ona form at
vhieh * number f boys were
'nonearest- bov promp 1
ole: a feather as a souvenir, then
tole' several of them as souvenirs
r_ltis'..—tellow,v, vita. Whf_,,n_the
perer returned for his hat;'inor
n half the feathe were Inissintt.
J3tit he was tiot, aitgry.4.,not itt the
t.'. promptly gate ,.*way all,
Lhe reot of the_feathotr,Act ent
toepine, fan.totiS
o doe* k
the ,aniag tot *r.- .11.•wi
t ,mOst riotns trow
nothing ht 0
i:here are quitt 't tabu
ladies connet! *tit tr it v
ititio. different -iv ,Lua
Lady Altliek. --
Robert 's Afffegko
the only - --one '..""
pleyea as• *-133,loswttirt
pears that owing to
ilie Baronet is extrentel
toreltere,,,-4 a
the 10,1Ks), who zppl
t400,. 11, WAS t1& ijd
4 trIal: m the ttos
viltertsiv haspis
144 11,1 St or
. ta irsivee
thst /44 i‘bil*, for *
*10:,frA mom'
1*rito 014
for eitie
tive (3..