The Exeter Times, 1880-7-29, Page 8To S. . °facers.
I am now offering a. fiue soleetion of
As the Disots. offered are the best given. at
Toronto, parties buying have the advantage of
Saving of carriage and personal selection in
parelmeing at home,
J. G RIM Cit•.
I Xetcr, July 15,1830.
he Oder
THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1.880
The VO tai( Belt Co., 3farshall, Mich.,
Win soul their oelebvatod F,leetro-Volteie Belts to
the afflicted upon 30 da3 s trial. Speedy cures
guaranteed. Tarty hoar what they say, Si'ritu
to thole without (telae,.
The only phaco in town for children's oarri-
.ages and veluoipedos is at Chas. Emmett's. Call
and see them.
Auction saleof furniture every Wednesday at
Drew'anntilhis present stock of furniture is
disposedof. 'Undertaking earriecl on as usual.
Tan largest, best and cheapest assortment
of shoulder br acess in Esetor, at Central Drug
Store. C. Lvxz.
Parties wanting fruit tree agencies read ad•
vert]sing oolnuis of the Tines.
Tint first load of new wheat was bought .by
Pickard d; Willis from John Allison for oue
dollar per bushel.
Ier Tower.—On 'Thursday last this plane was r bier. Anotlreritem in the same paper speaks
visited by Detectives Hodge and Popo, of of the Congregational Church in Exeter hav-
Loudon. They wore in close conference with ing reoaught its salmon. This is certainly
Detective Gill. news.os we wore not aware until we saw this
1;;xtaiasxo r. --The G. W. B. employees' ex- paragraph that there was a church of that
cursiou to Part Stanley on Friday last was denomination in Exeter or within a good many
well tattended by the employees of the L., H. mites of it.
&. B. It. and their friends, Quite a number of
PERSONALS.—h[iss Maggie Eaton, of St.
people joined the excuteion train at Exeter.
A. rr �InaEn of the young men left in town. on. Marys, has been spendiug a few days at Mr.
Tuesday last as a home guatd baa recourse to Sevenarton's, of Exeter.
the fascinating game of cricket to drive away — Mr. P. Hyndman, brother of Dr. Hynde
the ennui which possessed them. man, who for a number or years has been on
A SaooT . _Tho other day Mr. Robert San- the Government surveying staff in Inuia, ar-
ders and Mr. Jolie. Wood bad a pigeon shoot. rived ia town last week on a visit to the Dr.
ing match at3 birds each, the loser to pny fur Although but a ehott time from India, we
the 16 birds. Friend Robert bad to fork over learn thei Mr. Hyudman has received a sur -
the dimes. Tho score stood 0 to 4. veying appointment in the Northwest front
A Qui= S+rx, —Oa Friday of last week Mr. the Dominion Government. In India he held
George Samwell purchased the Stanlalte farm the second appointment on the Governineut
south of the village and ou the following Mon- staff. Mr. Hynd.t an is well !;gown to the old
day sold it to a gentleman frons near Port residents of Exeter, having lived here about
Hope. We believe Mr. Saurwell made a sung seventeen years ago.
sum by the transaction. — St. Martin's Church, Exeter North, will
To PE ENLARGED. --We understand that
owing to the numerous applications for seats
in. the Methodist Church here the Trustees
are seriously contemplating the enlargement
of the building.
-RuNNixa Itacz: A five -mile dash has been
arranged to come oft on the driving park here
before two weeks, for ,300 a side probably,
between Dr. Eutohinsen's eh. e. Galt Re-
porter, of this place, and S. Fairbairu'sg. g.
Greybird, of flent.ali. A keen contest is ex-
Hone Aeaur.--On Friday evening last Mr.
I3. C. Brewer, Manager of the Mulsons Bank,
accompanied by Mrs. Brewer, arrived home
from thole wediiug trip. Mi'. Brewer is re-
eeiving the congratulations of his frieuds.
The Tie= also extends its congratulations,
and wishes the happy couple a long and pros-
perous Iife,
Ir would be a goad idce, if some of the chur-
ches in town had their seats repainted, so that
the clothes of the worshippers won't stick to
thein. A sermon has not a very good effect on
a person who during the ssrnxon is continually
thinking of Ids tort sticking fast to the back
of the seat behind hint. Religion and badly
painted pews do not harmonize.
Honer J3roT.—On Friday afternoon last H.
Hyndman drove into the river, where he in-
tended washing the buggy. Whorl he had
unhitches the tug nud holdback oa oue sine,
some mita stitetled the horse, which sprang
forward and allowed the loose shaft to fall.
The horse ran a short distance and becoming
entangled in the harness fell before he could
be caught. The point of the shaft penetrated
Lia aide. inflicting an ugly wound.
+'WsAi' a Goon font." --The freemasons of
Exeter pride themselves on possessing one of
threw the aecupents of the buggy into the
ditch, The elder sister sustained a few outs
and bruises about the arras and head where
the horse's feet had struck her, Dr. Brown•
ing was soon ()ahead and dressed the wouudac
Bra Wong,---elr. 5, E. Jones is responsible
for the following On the civic holiday he
got tired. of town life and went out to a
fernier's in 'Osborne, for a little nom -
tion. They were harvesting. He turned in,
and helped them, and during thsafternoon be
pitched eleven loads. That is very good work
for a man like Jones—we mean, for one who
iss not accustomed to lifting anything heavier
than a hair spring,
SBIPreD OvT,--•The many friends of Mr.
Geyrge NortInuore, who has carried on the
bakery business in Exeter for the past four
years, will be surprised to learn that he left
here very suddenly one day last week for parts
nukuown, probably, in Uncle Sam's territory.
We believe that Mr, Nor•thmore had got be.
hind in his payments and took this method of
overcoming his ciiffieaities. We learn that a
few businessmen in town, on whose books his
name has appeared for some time, are losers
by his departure. The stook, business, &o.,
wore disposed ;of by his motber•in-law, who
bad advanced him money and taken security.
Mr. Northmore's departure will probably have
an inii'Itence in curtailing the credit system,
which is so oonvenieut for reckless and irre-
sponsible parties.
WEo es HE ?—An item appeared in last
week's issue .of the St. Marys Tournai which
isanother proof that one must go away from
Verne to bear the news of one's own town.
The item referred to says that a walking whis-
key barrel is a member of the Exeter Carinoil.
Let's see—the members vie Pickard, Bissett,
Banton and Drew, withReevoHardy. It can't
be one of them. A more abstemious Commit
oanuot be found in any place ;in the Province.
Our cotem. must have been gazing ateExeter
Council through the bottom of a small tum -
In our item from this place last
week, in reference to the quick binding
done on the faral of Mr. \Vol. Braker,
aro gave the lade two hours too long
to de the work, They commenced at
$ in the morning and finished at 7 io
the eveuiug, instead of 7 in tilemerning
and 8 in the evening as kilted in. the
Ono day last weak while Mr. Thos.
Bowtoliffe was driving a reaping ma-
Chime around a field, he noticed in the
wheat something which would be in
his way ou the next round, and mop-
ped the horses to remove it, While
in tun act of lifting it, the horses saw
and !wonting frightened ran
away. Mr..Powtcliffe's sou ran to head
them off, but was thrown an the table.
Fortunately the maohine was broken
iu snob a way that the rakes were stop-
ped, or Mr. Rowtcliffe Must have had
his brains dashed out by their revolu•
lutious, so fast were the horses reedlike.
Ou turning into another field,the reap-
er was thrown against thefttuce, aril
Mr.Rowtoliffe releasedjfrom his perhloes
a• -«+1+•a
DISASTROUS FIRE .—The fleet fire in
Henselt ocourred un July 21st, at 10
o c.oek, burn ng the storehouse (m-
etalled by our towusmau, Mr. W. 0.
Charters, to the grouted. The building
containing abont 6,000 busbele of grails
dud 8,000 pounds of wool. Loss is
partly covered by insurance. The fire
it is supposed, originated through a
spark from a passing engine, stud so
quickly did the H ines spread that al.
though a large crowd exon gathered at
the scene of aonfiagration, it was found
impossible to save the bnildiug or son -
Louts, and all that williug hands could
do, was to save the adjoining building,
whioh was furtnuately done. The
storehouse was the property of our en
terprisiiig merchant Mr. 12. J. Wilsou,
nod was aline and substautial Luildirtg.
Mr. Wiisou and Mr. Charters have the
sympathy of the entire community iu
their loss.
ever the County.
Raspberries are very cheap an Brus-
There are 564 voters in. Wing-
no doubt be well filled on the lith August, j ham.
the occasion of the marriage of a young gen- Wingham beat Olinton at Cricket on
Friday -last.
Seaforth ba bias have not trot over the
measles yet.
\Wiughain merchants still use that
old wine Measure.
reeswater base bailiste were badly
o'clock, where they were shortly joined by a scotched in Wiugham hset week.
number of royal arch brethren' from Goderich, I Wingtiam is to hold a cattle fair on
Blyth and I,ncan, among whom we noticed the third W'eduesday of each month.
Dr. Sutton, Mr. Matheson, Mr, Diamond, and Mr. Dorranee has resigned the mar -
Mr. R. H. O'Neil, Lacan, L. Thorns and C. ket clerkship of Seafor'lh, loud Mr.
Hamilton, Blyth, and Judge Toms, Mr, Aadi. ireeeby has been appuiuted to the of -
sou anti Past District Master Wilson, of trod• fi08,
erich. TI e funeral procession left the mei- The Brussels Past is digging Ronald,
dance of the deceased brother shorty•after four of the eneiue work, in. the ribs and
o'elect( Ana wended its way to the eemeterv,
where the Bev. Mr. Gundy read the funeral
service of the Methodist Ohnroh, after which
that of the Masonic Order was read by Bev.
Mr. ltooiuson, chaplain of Exeter lodge, and
the impressive and solemn ceremony conolu-
del with the Inasouio grand honors. The
number of masons at the funersl was ]arge,
and the este,m in which the deceased was hold
by the fraternity was evidenced by the largo
attendauoe of R. A. brethren from a distance.
tieman of Dublin to au Exeter young lady.
Masonic Ft/NEI: L.—On Thursday last, as
per announcement in the TISIas, the remains
of the late Squire Ghtbay were interred in the
Exeter cemetery with masonic rites. Trio
brethren assembled at the lodge room at 8
Jili.yi 99, 1.880
HA G .lT & COO,fRAN' .
pm:Tipton and t T o171,2 S
Ag1 icnituval
Has been appointed agent for the sale of the following articles mann teamed by the
St. Thomas aur larainpton Agrieulturel 'Worke
.improved Royce Reaper,
e -° ow Lark 0VII rp
These ere all Warranted, and have gained a, wide reputation , Satisfaction guaranteed or
no sale: Any repairs or fatty of the above implements eau be obtained from Mr. Verity
was re•appoiuted Superintendent of
Huron District.
Two men ofForepaugh's allow, How•
ar1 and Price disagreed in Seaforth.
Price was knocked down and Howard
kicked him, dislocating his shoulder.
A Kincardine paper in noticing our
eecellent coteul, the Brussels Post,
says, r'Iroue may the Post reign.' 'What,
an absurd figure. He should have said,
"Long may the Post sticks in the
TSE FIREMEN xis SeiFORTB.—On. Tuesday
last the Exeter fire brigade went to Seaforth
to assist in the demoustration attending the
opening of the waterworks in that town. The
brigade left Exeter early in the morning, and
shortly after 8 o'olock reaohod Seaforth, where
they were wainily received by the Seaforth
company. After the waterworks had been
inspected, the rasing contest commenced. The
prizes were 040 and fen. The distance was
300 yards. Exeter brigade made this distance
Mr. Morgan, first assistant of Sea -
forth high School, 1,as raeeived the ap-
pointment of heal Master of the Cale.lorgetthe place—mama 'sBlock.
douia High School. The Seaforth
people are entry to luso him, as he was 0. EACEETT. I R. ABRAHAM.
a good Lowlier. Exeter, 'February 10, 1880, Sm.
Mr. Dion U. Sullivan, late Head
having puretased the Boot and Shaa trade of
W. FI. Trott, we can now oder to the Patine one t:J
Best and Ch enest Stock
of ready made work ever offered in Exeter. 'We
would else remind those in want of etst•eIsar $
home-made Boots and Shoos, sowed and netge,l,
that we car supply them vita what will give stet-
Repairing done at lowest rates and satisfaction
guarautced. Gall: wad see for yourselves. Don'
Maeter of the Dnudas High School,
hat taken up Itis resideuce in Wing -
ham. He is editor arid proprietor of
the Titres. We wish Mr. Sullivan
every Success iu his new field of mental
Dodds, of London., declines to play
quoits with Walkingehan, of Wittgham
again. Beason supposed to b,n that at
Hanlau's brother of the' Island Hee
tel has accepted Wtse'e challenge for
$200, to row a race on the .Turonto
A bay 11 years old, an ad,uted son
of Mr. Cron'lI, of 1)eleware, is snppotred
to be drowuad in the Thames. H�
their last match, D. was victor and clothes were found on the bat,k of the
won $100 which be dues not wish his river, but no accetri t of tits boy. 9
competitor to ragiom. The owner of a calf only two we diel
The editor of the Brussels Poet, who old, tock it to Montreal, and refused
has beau on a visit to Goderich, lts.s to take less than $200' for it, but then
ascertained the reason why cold water tt was one of a thousand, having two
is hover or hardly ever used as a bever- heads and eight legs on one body.
age in the county town. Water is too The owners of a fish breeding. pond
salty ; and we might add, that the in. Markham have sueoaede(l in obtain -
story is too thin. Goderich penple ing ten carp from the Siuithsouiau's
were never tanbht to nae water in that Institute, Washiugton. They have ar-
ray. They have never been gild that rived safely, and are the firet bee of
it is tri fur drinking purposes. 'You the kind ever known to be in Ontarine
cermet expect a heathen to be born a Rear about what the old irisb lady's
ohrirtit►ti' Salve is doing in the way of cures of
The Brussels cheese factory was all kinds of running sores. It is said
berued down about three o`olook Sat-
bo be really rnarvellouS. Enquire of
urday morning. The July make of the Bev'cl. Trios. Atkirie.nn, Ailsa Uraig,
cheese, amounting iu value to about Ont., and send stamps for reply.
$1,000, was entirely consumed, to• Mr. McArtbnr, of Lobo, slid a good
griller with the building and entire business this season in pure Berkshires,
pleat, valued at $3,000. The cheese ge sold 25 at freta 20 to 40 dollai'a
wee oovet'ed by lusurauee Ill the Com -
each. He ships a few fcr Ottawa thin
week. Hands belttg scarce awl dear
he overworked himself in the harvest'
field, and is for the present laid asides
We hope only temporarily,
iufc,rtuiug biro thtrt�he is a sort sof an _niereiat Union, and the building was
imposition.insured for $1,500 in. the -Western,
Major Wilms?), of seatorrL, made the OOver $1,000 worth of household goods
1lighta5t score of the Canadirtu tesla at and library were stored Ill the factory,
the to city of A L 1l5allaee N
Wimbledon for the Iiolapore cupr
, insuance. The household geode of j,\ AA most maucholy suicide took plane
scoring 77 points. H Murdaugh „heeseluaker, were ale° at Kincardine lately. Mrs. Doull who
Joseph Hudsou, of the Parr Line. o usel: ee. No insurauee. The dwel- thud been deserted by her husband,
found herself in such straitened sir-
cuwstauces that she .drowned herself
in a well. First however, she put her
children to bed and Isteeed thetas good
bat the our est which she
near Hills '3reen, Stanley, had his
pocket picked while buying a ticket fur
the oircusio Settt'orth. He went home
$50 behind.
The residence of Mr.
Seafortll, was broken
to rnlug of the 201h, an
gold rings and other
Mr'. G. E. Jacksou,
mon, of Seaforth, have
to Thunder Bay. The
thein a plea.aaut time.
' On Tuesday iioruiug
Wtn. Shedder], of
Cha® Lowrie, fellings of the utmost regret that we
trio on the are called upou this week to record the
d watch, two death by his own hand of Mr. C. G.
jewelry weirs Dyett, teller in the branch of the Bank
of Montreal here. The facts are that
and Dr. Cole- the deceased gentleman had been in a
gone 00 a trip desponding state of mind for some
Tincts wishes weeks, and the cheerfulness of Manner
which bad hitherto been one of his
last week, chief characteristics, at times altogether
iVlorris, fell on left him This was by triose who
ling house and furniture adjoiuiug were
slightly damaged. Insured in. the
Mercantile. Supposed Incendiarism.
The Goderich Star says :—It is with
the handsomest halls in the western part of and had the hose attached to the hydrant in his doorstep awl broke two of hie fibs.
the Province. Strangers who visit it are all one minute and five scents, 15 seconds less
We are happy to learn that the
agreed that it is lined to beat. "What a 0100 than the time made by the eotnpauy which welt tide iullicted ou M. 0. Cameron,
hall yen have here!' was the invariable ex took the first prize, but owing to a ini„nrtcler M., F., are rapidly healing, reed that he
claatioit of the visitors who attended the standing tare water was turned ori a little too is elle to atteucl to his bur fitness.
late Squire Gidley's funeral on entering the
room. They believe that Exeter masous take
a deep interest in the square and compass.
CuCUTTIIis Our. --A newspaper proprietor
r(tceiitly sued a eubsoriber for 1143 duo en iris
eubserirtiort. The defendant set np the plea, Lave rho reputation of pusSessiug excellent
that ha had ordered the paper to be diniontin- tate. lu fact, our .. flatus fighta.t s'' presentcsd
:ted, outut he did not pay up arrears at the time. swat a fine appearance, andtinnier-
The judge rulers that newt:cling to law a pub.
Eshersher clay continue to send his paper till all
rt:•t'ear:S are paid, and that the pat dos to whore
the papers are Sent must pay, and j'ulgnrent
wee rendered accordingly with costs of snit.
soon and ceased the bursting of Lary feet of
hu,e. The Exeter mutt were conceded on ail
hands to be the finest locking fellows in the
parade, and they particularly attracted the
attention of the young ladies of the town, who
ors, that strangers fo`rrued the idea that Exeter..
must be a pity which the map -makers had
omitted to mention. Chief idose was the 0011-
ti'al figura of attraet.ion, and he was presented
with au exceedingly handsome bouquet by the
l.sauresi).--Ori Wednesday afternoon last., as 1 young ladies for being the finest.looking chief
a couple of yoltng ladies, daughters ei 141r. ' in Seaforth that day, Altogether they had a
1)cnris: Sutton, McGillivray, wore driving out of drat.olass time, and feel batter after their
the Boase bolted at Aire. Weir's and day's sating.
bye, a11 young
drowned in a bariel of water.
Mr. Blanchtord. of Hayeville, aged
04 years, was bitten by an insect whiole
he sunposed at first to be a mosquito
He Inlaid no attention t0 it, lint it eradu-
ally became inflamed. Medical 1,1
was Balled but in vain, for the deadly
insect,whatever it was, hod death in its
sting. He leaves a large family to
Ineurn his loss.
knew him well attributed to that eh The owner of the ,great show the-
straetion which (ernes, occasionaliy, charged three rufllara for disorderly
upt;u every man of a, deeply thoughtful o g l
habit and studious irnclinations, so that
no more that, a passing notice teas
A \\riugl,., horse helull;;tug to T. made of hie slightly strange manner.
Uronyv, rae away on seuday. A On Wednesday eftsrttoon, however,
volnicla behind it was betily demoralized after making up his booke and leaving
as a result. - the hesitat s: of the Batik iu perfect or -
Talbot, of•Winngban, and Dr. Gar- der, be deliberately went into. the vault
lie, with e revovert at
DOC, ofLukuow, shot it !dwelt Ina tch band, shotibiniselflthrongbys tbejtheart.
in. Wiughstuu for a badge held by Tat -
It la believed that he mast have boon
bob. Ile rctaius 11. suffering from a fit of temporary in-
sanity. }le was oue of our most high•
ly respected citiecite, always ready and
anxious to assist, by his pcenuiary aid
Red personal effort, every movement
set ora foot for the advatloement of the
interests of the town or for the benefit
of our religious, social or mttuicipal in.
The Blyth Record suspended pnbli.
cation last week "in tacaordauos with
the oustutn of country pubs ehere in
Canada,`• RS our (totem says.
Dr, `1'atnlyu, of \Winglient, WSs elec-
ted au ollioer of the Grand Chapter of
it. A. 14fitsons et the auneel vfteetine
held in. Gnelplr reoontly. Judge `Toms stitutious.
of nilnct on the train teeming to Strat-
ford, and threatentiug to shoot coni nn-
tur Louder. When discharged one of
t•hlr.n drew a knife on 141r. Forepaugtt,
brit helcuoekedhim (Jowl with his cane.
The younger Mr. F orepongh came to
Lis father's assistance and fired several
pistol shots at the fellow, bet none of
them took affect. The villains es-
A survey of one of the little Takes
just east of Stratford, with sr view of
ascertaining whether itwnuldbe feasib-
le to use them Re a source of supply,
has shown that the water is pure, and
to all appearance well suited for do-
nsestia purposes. and especially adapted
for railway nee; but it was impossible
to determinewlhether the supply would
be permanent.