Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 9 (2)•11, W at pr 1 the or in ol cxpre*sIri .a. zadtall" explains tksL - of the kInglish ni- ld their limas * ;tem* bade them to tut dow Uiesi' beim; reserved.** the the royal navy. But .which fell down without Sissi4arift they might keep, buie * • lie:1• 10' ver, thzt ren. an .spple'that fell to the the trouble of pia. ieli * passer-by Might itliput. feel* .thet. he went nolfail! 'Adventurer" i3wor4 respeetable*Lthat hasdegen tte4 with the lapse of time. It nee-ictomPlimext , tleman an adventizrer, and the Mer. chant Venturers, of 'Bristol, Eng- land, are still respected. The liud- n's Bay Company dates-- from 1070.• In the royal charter it was. destribed zs the "Governor and Company of Advsnturera of ‘ngland Trading in Iludson,"0 Bay." "Alcohol" is realty the Arabic alkold"---','ar' being the definite trick., it* in ‘4alfelita"' (dm redue., tion) and "Alkali (the seila ashes), and "kohl" the black powder sherewith the eastern beauties taieed their eyelids. But '‘alco. liol" came to bo use'd for any.tmely iitureted or sublimated powder, t and then for sublimated liquids, "Alcohol of wine," being the, most nteresting of these, it gradually took the mune entirely to itself. .EAR( ..Tll1 BARB= tautpexot1ee- 0 ; weeks 4t0mv104* 1 t owl, *mu wait* • hten 4014tioweeItist writa tor cat: , Nolte Barba Concise en14"4 4If '- Toronto,. ' - ti ,\\I")17' \ Pertmanshlp qtb 4404t Hss pi got* tanziit atbruhIy ao4.* I fly Writ.i$ Lk1*iiii.1 eszolort - "It Ifitt AMEiUCMi. -- .ECE, v WAT$ON,Prlzicip&J. tr enlist:Juts A ry-lrhoto,' At.00NO Not•Aiolhol xtrocioosteo-O.Whiort- 4,1111; "toi .00r OH. hiookologloo 'Llitief4 01* 13., at onti *Plititt4rir 11111,-,4141etoniatigt C104141 01104 •01.14* or spar* Atoik, ly ain,e, Wrto tor, lot potirolos Box*, 0411* Oot nisei lttthhiih Ilt 1410., Oroltoi-Oot. TWE it art.r u.*two*. by tbil Aeiiiistk**-.004 . 40416. tot tags)id tka ,: 4 Writo for tatoloo*, Cooso4444444 ea Tons s YOU BABY ,oin B..: it OWN WirliTS The little ills of babyhood and ehildhood- should be treated -prompt - or they may prove serious. An oceasional dose . of Baby!* Own Tablets will regulate the atom** and bowels and keep your little one well Or .they will promptly restore health it Sickness comes un- exRectedlsr. Mra. Lenora M. onipsoarniI Springe,Thiti have used Babes Orin Tab- lets for mYclittle girls as occasion required, and have found them al- waya of the 'greatest help. No mother, in my opinion, shout without the Tablets." Sold by dicine dealers or by • mail at nts a box..troir -kilos_Dr. dieine Co., -Brockville, Ont. • WRY CATS RN AFTER MICE. The traditional antipithy of ea and mouse has hitherto. been tardedAssrmatter of pareinstitiert but a recent study by an acute an expert. observer denionstrates pret- ty clearly that pussy has no instinc- tive impulse to kill and tate mice, nor the. V40430 any instinctive fez of cats. A =Ouse may smell ti nese of an inexperienced cat, or even perch lisppily on its back. SO long•as it does not run swan it is (-mite safe. The instinct of the ten."is to chase any small, moving object, such as a, ball, a spool,,10. tail, or a mouse. Pussy isi . not n- terested in. the mouse, bathe mo- tionsIf one day the kitten is rough, she may skeeidentally. dis- cover there is ineat inside the cap- ture. Cats specialize their hunt- , some catching mite, some squirrels, and some Writs, and it ems in each -case to depend On 44- eidentS Of ditcoV °user is not tiecessari y a. cat with strong instinct for catching mice, t one with a strong bait or do- t so. • tap or 1.; isittrtficoodh* !)7311Y tori'ctc lour Meath ao cc d., Y* watt an low. chiantetot,tmit £fld14,444#0.enootatc 00.0iftti,V.tag* 7014014TO' Rtturntd told W43 so laid to be •our doge' Miss lotto, •wa* that 1" • Returned their tailstbt t• bre* •s tonae et the Pole w y careful not to ret Nag,- /inkcil: Why 1, Explorer -'"YOU SOet frozen stiff, and if they •-itottlit W VSES° V,EACM" • °peen engines are said to lit ery *pprociitire of the- ,value j. af cement grouting for repairing de. tiVe Masonry, lining wells, and for making tunnel roofs water. ht. in Germany '4*, well polluted infiltrations was pia' into mitts - tory condition. .byLloiering ,into„ it *sheet -iron drum, Jling the jace. between the drum and the of the well with Portland tea her the Cement hat: I att,. The dam gcd masonry- of * turinell-wits re ired by injecting- liquid terrient oder pressure. !Air at it.Pressti* 11 pounds per square inch int. to force the cement into place hi: 01,0,*eittotsfOr 040704:01eixIta1eii litedicirte C'ottfr'a tretol !Plant° 6.- uw foroffering wome0:15 th ehg ttced bra&&t by Mi *yds of this, pla or It , red 'from ,t , those. *go ny fQtid iJls and she, wants all suf.: nedn to know it. 'way -eight year'," Xays h auffered from oub ul'a gni* 1 got so weak I e011) not do my housework, 'Sleep was out of the question except•for 4 felt minutes at II time, My back ached ao I eould_noc'sleep. 1 irierl 411 kinds of medicine and attagome_to- the conclus.ion that there wit* no cure for me* when reading adver- tisements _led me to try Itoders Kidney Pifls. r now sleep well and rise rerrethed evPIX„ rnorning Dtidiricnizielrl:Pillii are all the bme- diebie I leant" * The woman who has healtkeKid neys will never know the pain and weakness that make, life hardly worth living. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make healthy ItidneYe. t VA:tor ABLE RAT SKINS. U4IUgS aulut- Ute depression was the rspithty izth whic ss Ives, ea in the verned, and l005 X o rnise of • inereesecl progress.‘ proyunity at the liMa the Witl ect pauie upset eo44itionsii tountry to the South of ne ought about the Menet, ener thzt • %ot 0 ro Iirstitute edentel bt extremely grittMritsg t their customers en4 shareholde The Traders Bank is regard ojie of the ree$ said eana4ta: •ncial4nstitution be progress they have aehicve. along. the linea of conservatii Banking Methode hais beeni. great Their Iiber&I and far-sighted me. 9 rn da1ingl‘itir twir custom ors have resulted i Ittit_ enormo increase in deposits and to.,,aecora- modate their rapidly growing busk ness they Ii*ve had to merease their manlier of Iiriafteri in Canada to over "e 'ITAredt, Ilt.r*dditions, they fiave i4cently increased their Dividend to shareholders to 8 ,per - vent. and Traders Bank stook 15 in demand at a very, much enhanced figure, natio •(i (4 11145, Z.iittat.- 0$ ttett(at iniegricatia rifie,pre,ogrty eist.the otticiiont geregleta 04440441.11 • kiiirtor reritirilltiel 1, tAs. 44 at sto141,4ect outi. *not *eugy' neek.'itiai.,- ..vocipaty n et aerie*. ischolt •, . , oitiond.Cement Co gouts -gal, 'rortiontl Cengent C, 40. 1oki*14-4.10 PottlOnd Omen .441,,.*ItaPew ;774 4. ..IortkudC'niigCo, Ltd., itettevitle, Cot. etment /AA F.Q.Fcrdand t Co,Ltd. AMeniti4etritsgeewnit. 104, ArrasSelnent* hat* ifilso,kert mode to *noir* a, ton. trogisa it,iggyest it* tho following compomie or 4,- 21* Westetts Canaan Cionumt*CoalCo., Zlet, xihotoi, gootex,, • ' „ - Atbrli 04/ttafg POtrittd 0,0411tt akizte.. Traffic in Skinsi Amointe to 000 zeer_la4reat-Britalair- If 4 consular reporrfrom Calm* ta is to be credited, the common ordinary, every -day ratt,despised b everybody ..And everything excel) terriers andleanacets, may soon - en article of importsnee in corn merce. Says Consul Perry "It has been found that the skin of this aninisd (the rat) is well adapted to a variety of Purposes, such as the binding books, the quaking of purses, gloves and other articles of feminine use and-adQrnment. it is stated that already the traffici this eornmodittr, amounts to *bon 410,000 a reite in Great- Britain, And ;Advertisements have appeared for tupplies of skins of the brown t in lots of 100 to 100,000." Who knows, now that skunk farms aie— immeremis' America farrns will not. soon be eatablisl edi At any rate, hereis an indu --which-nien-have fear from female competition. She -1110-0• far can your ance try be traced," •, • t isitiitien gitriiiin"dfa. e ore* Iff eke eonsiitueut Coxo.n4storeproixttitog lox tAan ,fl,fty per eine. of Mm of tk new Company, amounted to twit. tho interest cZarge itearZytisetearaingst. terief !tlbc Companio comprised rnthi Nsoor and tko * admit lowlierexisti •It is the.Parnier's Friend. farmer .will find in Thomas ita (�I.ciact eespold qf ?toots oftho ,Vaiuuki Cement to lora, tAts trade in aUrts 4j - wounds .'or pains in the body or tor affections of the respiratory ,organs and for househelduse generally. Ite will aloe And, it a. .c orivenient friend ia treating injured horses, cattle, etc, or relieving them when attack- by- colds, coughs or any .kindred, .ihnents-to whicb theyare subjeet. • ALITTLECOLD- Ee eaught a little col was all. A°: tlitheeyngealgthhrrePds 6arodunti"hiisciPbed, When they heard that he was dead - Ue caught a little cold— That was all. (Puck) , - Neglect of :* cough -or gold -often leads to serious trouble. To break Up 41, cad in . twenty-four bout* and cure any cough that is curable* mix two ounces of Glyceriti!,a halt ounce of Virgin Oil of 'Pine ;corn pound pure and eight ounces of 'pure Whisky. Take & teaspoonful every four, hour*. You ean buy these it any good drug store and easily mix them in a loge bottle. . • "When Man says, "and I what tin talking aliout,"...',!, the Philosopher of Pol "the way 1 can get even is by asking to proVe it.'• 434010. of lift impels; .unde S,amtA.. the -physio! ones and some Of the mental 001414 be prevented of even -cured by a nurse of treatment Wih the saline tett.-:ot 7 -the, "St.- -Catharines Well." A Wld -eliniate and pleas. ant environment aid in the process. Beached 140, Grand Trait* flailway System ' A 'booklet with full intormatio 11 addres'ing-Mana . Welland," St, atharmes IOME TO IN)/ESTORS $ istation; we Wiers this boni jou. to 1 well a the borasshoutdform attract. iVC* Por ittd 4(011301 iateetst yirt4ris six sLoimtocros. Mao very often runs in debt, • lkyond a doubV;4. - But it it very safe to bet. 'Thatlie creeps out • Fry mom* Lys noissay Foz, 3e4. Wei*, OraiUdtIon, Pink Lys and 4*, Doesol klotiorti 1100001/_,, I* Is *ouhdou: EghettOhted,rotyliel (aatatni 110 istf tiriOht 01'PrObib1teifi- Try 04 for 'roar .sire Troublot. Tou urine, ter tailiby, Ey, I 5,"1."'Drugatq'SflMurs kiss an actiVe or a is 'oldest boY, in -the veirb r:f AS o Pretty Sehool Te er,1--.,"Ztow is that, Yamcor azncsiter, icActive on the part of the and esiveon part of 0 girl, Pretty sch isit4er lashes and tnarkit ;fame erinet EgUnin the rid*, i1eassu and effee. al ono killer, Mother Graves' urm :exterminater ; nothing equa • it Procure & bottie and take IN TUE f;11A. r Guinea t lei ie most renter all supported onpfles 1 tint,out in he The PM That Leads Them II. rills are the lncst portable and (*alma Of *11 meditinte, and when asy to take are the,.most accept. able of -rpreporittions. But they must attest their power to be po- pular.• .A* Parmelee j'lls- pills they Must fully meet . a -quiterrienta. Aourattly' eompound. ed and composed of ingredient* proven to be effective in regulating the digestive organs,' there pie no surer medicine to be had iinywhete. .K11XO TEE 1100X. ' 'April. 1000, brought into to new rule in nigard to, -taking the oath in the courts of New Bottth Wale'.-Zseh cou w .supplied *i -a ew Testament 'The &iit witnea to tet-sworii Owed "the first- srlikk *at then folded in. the eentre And turned over. ,.The ond itnest to be sworn kissed tbe sect'nd leitf, and the third wit third leaf., and an on. When Sit -leer rof-the- , tkevifi-Bcoa, xa Jitnis Newlywed (cheerfully you ememberp Tom, hew, befoe we eieninarried, / used to tell inc 1 WWI „worth mr *eight in g /dr Mt, 'Nowlyv011 (abstractedi 044Yee: and do tu remember bow terribly"thin you used to thenl" uckle. trznnitioi t, .* hot cold to retitle, exposure ; Illoiitle*iiiiltititutio'4n441„of ght*unseas- light. for how clothing, are fruitful cousin of told*, and the resultant cough Among the moo, medicine iironthial disorders so arising, there is none better than Bitkles- Anti- onsumptiveRyrUp. Try it and be- comeceonvittee : 23 cents, SO SS. tr*nger--"Rzstus do tbc people who live rota the road t you kep thiekens I" try " yuther 104 .410 ' ttiele g IK to de wit debts." 1:14 *in Stomach, lean, Irina* is the orkshop of the intins and herr it getz he wkofr 'Item elags ts flaw, the ind work 1:403 un- fir*t care - *Olafbe tut-7—iiction Tef-th best preparation Parmelee* 'lie- il oral use for has wonleotding pJaee ▪ I will ettest rid$y men L' hi n1Usg t• adtentlsl!ns. ompelled to prnc it The prow)* the major - would discontinue , the preeeli. habbit.. HollOway'a Corn 4 equal for rem*. rou me exresenees • • I • /