HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 4 (2)W . $144thOtiO1nt
ht4 A - ov *.ilfriVoi'. Of ten. y.a.ik
sun of -TZ -400 hundred dollstre tobs
geeettectute*, Coneeentr• oX
;LQzztpn,: tor Atte rent'ole * , ratter, *tern*
a the Vilietertet 0; :10etttl"..$4011•4
*,. 11 Corerte-' 1ete,474tentittlee /OM, tine
letakettoa: texeen: to ozrOad
. .0.z ree .,
. ..„„er,erttIttitrttrie
-it: Pe Yeeese, *114t. joketsarl;147.4 /4.0
Ws.. ,11.. DI .,
. . , 'Anent te tee .*seid eiblonertY. er 'the
It*Or OTIOXTC011/110._,
.. , s., . s. . _. 11 or; Two higniped 4n)1 . t*C4V-tlire
peeeereeeZttt -eettestleteeC'et 411ere ter ; ..a. gagellite, „ienkirite n
4 Rs 40,. rIE iiii.m.1,04.Kttf:. Rvi • ')1144;eos, tticilrxi4 Xsacirsqu14.44.4actu.,
N.• : : . :leg Cemperie ate dialratuteor 'Oltentillt
' a, breach, or. :their elotteo le -,metiegatetre
e: ageliustniomeinettitieltlilageresflhtele *
. end for that- Parrot* hoe* applted to
tfettfteleal restrtell 0/R.-Town/shirt the Itiedepal Council or tee eistid V11444
a bribe' *Mete rollOW4ote Enter fur ;Certain peen/Ante, elentle.
Twit 4he toy •,10.01 Ispi- rttu;; elOrta and eonceitieetes which are set seet
anti deletiset '11411* Itideriture of Agetiee,
.44-4414-oheitreleeAkroNtalttelaJenfbefeertolcnile and ente*I-Into by
Ault of *Sublet eatertelnment. iteth.residet 004 sikunicip4 vounkii and which i*
teMented Or Other tnattataCtutad attest. beeelnr•tiete the sixth der est Dec.-
.eireer tevern. len Ott. Oho 1A0014# 44'' and between the meld Ooniiikh; and the
municipility, find the Sale thereof • tee • In
lteet by wholesale dis end *halt be it?: the emees and averse rollovring* that
to .ayti
'Whited in even* *holt ttr Sara' 41"4 THIS Actutti4sri_laT _made And
- titan a totem of public entertationent kito this sixth day ot December. A. D.
'eh* said tounicipalitr.
2. THAT the vote of the elector* or.
e.ettitettOtottletliteareStepheit sludt be taken
op this .1.4y.44.W on: the day fixed by
Stretetereit.the election •ot . the repuberes
ot, the sald totuticlpel council. tor the
yeer now next ehlitang• that la to SitY.
11909. •
The- Jackson XtanntaeturAnIC CoMP111137_.
ot Clinton. Ontario., thereinafter 'called'
the callow?) a the riret part, and
The Municipal Couneil ot the Vaults
a Exeter. (hereinafter ncalted -the Core
.4.on-'146 third day et -January' - tee 'De PoriatIon) ot ths seckonct
WREREM : be apPo
vote nted for will let held at the *erect hoor. the t
the said annuel municipel electim.
the etente Deputy -Returning' Offteere 4,1elear sold bUsiness Eh the said
ll ithe purposes t O
same dctY. at thc Iga.cell and by bcje'Inte4 det'lletarouillasenaturaeotpeult:ineer
brgneh ot
3. THAT the polls or tektite the said
°P4-ra ti3toritncy.r..faohair: teheilin:ritarmet t:
the ,above named CoMPani
n_lteduetrial C0011,410' An eve
businews• in the Town ot Ginn -
to the1d
'4. THAT on tee flitemth Clay of Dee -
the perEal ot ten
O'cioeic in ti,.e afternoozt. ;"(tiGthe Town
t t
'tall, In the Village of. CI -editor), the
0inea. to be used and' occupied by them
tleirfU : the maid TowAshin of Stephen. as a re.ctory. In the said Village ot Z.**
shalt aPreint In writing, signed by him- 4,
self, two .perss OAS,ti attenlAit Ihe,niia
at6Itioeurtuhoenr thoareite,xanippl:p teit tofrtoeme
• ournming up of the votes by the clerk
'Municipal taxationeicept tor certain
And Ohe person to attend at tail), poll-
Ang Plece ii the yeetees peeteg inlb.dhe rates hereinafterspecified, tor a .perlod
of ten years, and for free water ser4ce
.ted in and desirous
Isionl on behalt ot the pereone inter- tor the same perfi
iod; and <for tha-biY-:
sot promoting the ,_
meat to them of the Num or two taundred
number on beltelt of the
teeeteine ,ot thie bielaw; 1:tenrds.on: and twenty-eive dollara tor the purchase
ot a. gaicOne engine tor their said tee -
sited, In and ,destroiut of • opposing the tory.
vassal -nit thereof. AND WHEREAS the weld Corpe• ration
6. THAT the clerk ot the said Mead -
Is dealrous at securing the said Indus.
(eipal Council tit the said Tereveship of
tre _fee their Municipality and .eoze that
Stephen shall atteied at his office in
PurPose have commuted to grant the ap.
theesaid Villas*. or serediton on the
the hour ,,pt two &elm* In the a'ata*-
Itolirth. Da; ot .Tanuarye A. 0* 1910, at 0,P3:1_1eacotlur,Qaen.::.4r.):!liele 11,1111tinti*tonn17*atili'apil;rbjevratit
noon, to sum up the number at votes t
for and against thee By -Law and e.„1,42,12 THER1IFoRB 111113' 4‘GthcEe,
a's' • to ranth3-requisite -C-nertitleatei. -0.11.4eree w-ITNESSETHetharthe sal Mr-
. • Paratien kerebY agree* to PAY tthe
4, THAT) t14, .13y -Law shall take- et z CorntianY 'annually tor the period 0 ten
- feet and cOrtte into operatioa on and at ream ,such- *Um - as Company aft
'rster the tirst day a May. tee D. 1910. expend annually fOrrental of prem es
steel and eecupled be* theert ae (utterer'
CrrAP-va 1,7,147:1 ekosetteleepayrnerd• nateteeeexcftd
terte.,et undred dollar* in • any single
year) anl.to grant them exemption from
efithletner erietatenti eekeept etor • hoo
pUrposes and spacial frontage twee • for
pertod ot tee years•. and free ter
•',service for a nice period. and `to y
to them the wad stun et two h nd ed
and twenty-tive dollars tor- thee i-
chaee ot a gasoline engine for
slid :factory. upon the-• toUowtn te in
and conditions; '
1. The sale Company agree to este
1131%a branch ca.t. their said marnifact
Ins bushiess In Um said VillaSe of Ste -
ter in the prendeee.known ad• The it.
Pickard_ Store" ;situate en part ot
Lot NumberTiventy-five on the East
side of Main street. or eruth other suit-
able prendses -tee the. damparty may 1*
able to obtain * •satisfactory lease ..otint to hue the x31W ttallY equippedas
afactory tor the manufacture of cloth-
Ing,ttnd to have sald factory In opera-.
tion not later- than the first da;ot Feb-
ruary, 1910and by the' close °Vibe
yr to lave not less than twenty -rive
employees at work therein* •
le The said ComPanY *trees to Ine
*tell inetheeepreMiseteewithin-• Adghteete
mortthe from the first 414 or February
1910. •rnechittery. Plant and eluipment
to the value a at least tvrp thousand
3. The, Said CominnY agree t tee *Pere
ate, anlOontieue tni °retaliate theieettaid
'reeeSery far a pcelod otetert *eerie c
menelng ion the fine ieley or 'February,'
• t 1\e '
4. he seht Oxopitny agree to enVi.
oter AO keep emphatic* in their said tote
tory and n mists occupied b1
tit the /lilt, year or
the t tweetiettee erne
ploy during -the \secorid
alut U year itri.:aversitie
or a St torty: enoloyees, computetton
th any. year helm Weed
ot the urn at employees or the COM
y .seid, teetorY 'during...11* s'ears
tIat $011,, 4tv'ti elaTalit exotottilit the
treat. "
5. The seekt Cent/toy *Stet Ulla -they
at any time' Aturint the *ea tern
at the! request or the eaid Corporation
tuontt satisrat!tory evident:1 to the
tette/bet or enteolOyees: triteged bY theta
• the aleid tact -Qty.
It is, hereby rurtliee,sagreed* bY and.
eta the parties hereto that the-aeld
If* Stun ot three; itunilied dollar* *
be *aid by the said. Corporitiou to
• ftnioitY" shill 1* Pa144***
e first verb* itePuerit' 0,11 ttof
ot Petits‘ry, A. D. litlleand
TAXE Norms that the above is
• true copy of a peoposed.By-leew which
ha* been taken, into consideration by
Ithe MuriicpatAuncil ot the Townehip
otStephen and,,,which will be finally
passel by the said Council (in iliVevent
at Me. assent of the electors, being ob-
tained theretoas provided by " The
Liquor License Act" ad amendments
thereto) after one month front the first
reablicatioe thereot eln TIM ExurErt
A.DVOCXTE. the date ot which first
publicetiott eees thursday, tho Ninth day
at December. A. D. 1909. arid that at
, the boar. day' and places therein -fixed
• tor taking thee votes ot the elector's tha
polls Will bs •
4 ,
• - . Clerk.
OistlitOn, Dee."Elth, 1009.
0 a nit
tY Inlit'attotatt9004• .4°'41.thetittez ta.
L le
b trorn thiltirst 11410110141so .
*tti forth.* Advocate anti rit!keter Time* Newsy*
for their' *hien ;trot publication is *on .the
i41 £ctory PIIto's trith 441' tdIZY4"11.11.149140e. "thaCGtihepace.votnier Istbli":7;4141Y4q4ua'talftsiedn
PanY r.utthez *tree *or* 0.4 the fold ',Xunielpality .b.
pot wt- 4, I r etton the' taken thereon .at the tutor. ottaildlta
.70WRWV-r lia:PtVoikor414;41!
restr .k4P▪ eipiest, 0 it 140 OttiWit: and'Pj11 Cedes ,nanted
i'aqpikyeitt of the. Otte:Odin; Ity‘law. • . •
- hereinafter • ;meal° Every -;144seivaidir.eit1t1et1 by I;w. 16
'404a• *MI' 14,1 Ote''. /the.' propoSed $11.4.11: •at
1•4041fir twill earfy • cut , the te ten cla,Ye Pt* Preredlitir the 4*
•oOntract. ,ehould the ,eald sot pellinar rile in the orrice or the clerk
by-law be 'carried and ,the 004 cernPahl- the said municipality" 'a Statutory de
. rr ,
merit. Or shea04 the ioald bruit** be requirements by law *Math.* h ra
frootonolthetno ttbahe $4440:144 sou;;m.n satonytie be, r vote. on such- Splay and OW Mums
11. 'Vets agreentlett is entered •Into
ttlittn tho ilnderStitrealltie that. the ,seld itroterie tor *ugh, vottret.
4rporetion will-Pulsnit to: the rstssay..., Dated at ter .this Ith day ot Dec
Slettharaald ltrll*ire-oTh-ettutiT'iC titOen-4-;71:)•
oaks the said peyments: and to grant 104 vtlitimigestiligrtosi
litveleOthotleinet the said Corporation, to
ot 1.400000101414re Petltsetins: to rils such
f* declaration: *hail not be plated IP the
the 414 040MittlOrie; and this; ettrieinent
the*fore 'abject to 'the said byelaW
being carried br.,the said _ratepayers in
arreTordance• with the 'previsions ot the
Ontario Municipal ,Aet.
12. And it is also strawf end
ad that any VelkaaatiOrt ot OPeratielle
any .causiettot in ,the control et
tha ComPany attar( not _he deemed a
eeoech ot the iirovisetent or thie *Vette
resent. 1
,,:eitti.XNESSe Vt,itliiititOF the *itattd
Pirate o. the, first part 'hese hereunto
set their hand and seta and the said
Corporation has *Weed their Corporate
•Seat'and the hand et their Reeve and
Clerk. •
• • Per SAMSON
Sigeed as to -execution by The Jack -
'ion Manufacturing Co. in the Presence
Ji; -X11.014.- -
u. McVeNfoeuti-itietre, -Set
Signed as - the ex.ecution by the
Vorporatian o't the Village ot Exeter Itt
the presence or L. DICKSON:
AND VeelEttEAS tor rthe purpose at
meking the'eald payments to the meld
Company as set 'forth. In the said agree;
ment, it will be necessary to raise by
opeclal rate an ell the rateable prop-
:erty In the Villtere of Exeter during. the
year 1910, the sum ot Five- hundred and
twentyetive 40iiars and detririg the sec-
ond Land each and every subseeteent
yeafrot the meld pertod of ten, yearn, the
sum ot three burtdred dollare. -
AMY_ WHEREAS the whole rateable
property of the saki Village of Exeter
aecording to the last revised assessment
roll beteg tor the year 1909. Is 3573-
, ,
523.. , ,, . e • • 4"
AND WHEREAS The empunt of the
Debeneure Debtor the said "Ntlitage of
etteter ezetusive of' local Improvernent
0.0)ta -seeured'hy special rates and ass-
essment is $44.864.24. and no part ..)f
therm% prapleetuet or, ,Inte_r_lt_ theeorti_Te _In
"THEREFORE the Municipal Council of
t-te Corporation of the Villert of 1e -
ter enacta-- nal -tollOWS..-
T. That fore the purposes in the fore-
going recitale and agreenent: mention.
el. there shall be raised annually by
ap.lcial rete on all the rateable property
to: the gunicipallty. of the Village of Et-
eter, the followirt4
ttke following Years. -
icor the year ‘1910 the .33/4111h ot $5:115
FO: tit* Tear 1 I tle stun'ot d300
. the year 101 $ the sum of $300
, or the Year 10 2 the sum ot $300
P. 'the yea 1915' the
leo tite yea 1914
r the yekr 1914 the oum ot
tft :$333000000
Por the year 917 t r. • of 4300
Per the year 1918 .the min at 11800
• For the year 1919 the it Or .399
For the Year 1920 tho lawn' of $300
2. That Lite seld The-Jaeleion Manu-
facturing Company shall (subject to
the terms and condition* of the said
agreeinent) be exempt trona municipal
taxation Upon and in respect ot their
oilinutacturttig buelnese and stock. arid
•upen and In respect ot the land and
buildings occupied -bye -them -
60'. In the said Village -ot Exeter, dui -
Ing the period of ten year* eonieute4
trorn. the 'First day' of Februery. A.• IX
2.91n. put this. eiefription shall not ex-
tencl to or include school taxes. nor any
/rebid ,trontage tax.
.. .3. The said, The JaricsOtrMactufaetitr
Ing CoMpany shall have \fir 'watei" sera.
live \tor their . said factOrY,as 4 1
in the said agra‘Ment, tor a pert
tea Yeere, to be computed from the d
of the completlion of the water', WO
system now being installed 11,r the sold
•muritelpidity. e
. 4. That this by-law shail come into
tome and take *fleet On the 411* 9,t
final pitisteg thereof.- _
_ .5. That the testes- et -the Itleeter•--0
tbe- Odd Village 'of Itaroteiyiptedifled td
v. oa this by 1w shalt be talten On
gontlix, the third day ot Iiinuary01010
-Onitnineitter :it liiiii-Velocitiri 'tlieTtOre.
Geo and easitinutag until rive .0.01fee1C
Ltte afternoon of the tame dsy at
he, following pc:111114r' places Within the
sill Nillago of Bleter; by the following
Deputy fteturritrnr. OftIcers.*.* •.. r . '
Pelling eetaiteaterisairea No. 1, et Silas
tend:Mere resident*, Edwaed T ble.
0#0,Att adorning. ottleer and 1 t
Ford, Otoli Clerk. , -.,
,Itolilreg sittleetivisiott No, 2, • Werke
Merble Shop, W. D. Neterecele DstrittlY
itetserrileg ()nicer an4 Isms% Woke.
/!oll Clerk. • •.,
1 payintnts yearly thereatto Polling sub41v1elou tro.$ lir slohn Mit-
t**-atil Nrporatiou *hall be and .','telliteLottlee, It. 0. A:Aden: Thilluty lte
wered ' t* withhold '114$-.., till'iiitig Writer., And A. 0. V/Yrtr. INA
ot ' Yekor sum* er4Atir „or .dketk.
,colosicny ralt in: the' Toiling suliktivielo
. uy **rt or -this woe. Jaws.% Deets' »*puty
: 14. Taylor",
het! • r
.0 , I
• ",
et nicer Otfirer
• For n 4 *174
allowed In the Peet0**11011Sk1 body
guard regiment To the Tentlalloweict
rqln*ent none but fair men are sot .
milted. Tthile aPtorned.up sow la the
ilithwargeAt o tha-v:aiwolc.
• lith• krds"; The diertUtchassdrov-ei the
ether hand, are composed **elusively
of derk haired men. Then, too, the
distinetion between officers ot the
guards and those serving in line 'regi-
ments is *Most marked, a guard lieu-
tenant until recently taking precedence
ever a captain' of the line. Xurther.
More the pv,34 topilys. .ollicedqn Una
the infantry prIvIte*s lot hi_ can better
be Imagined than described.
NESS. -Having purchased • the' -Meek.
smith Dustmen* from Mr. Monza Ved.
gins, 1 ..anisprepared to do all kinds ot
Blacksmith Work for the general pub.
lie and resPectfully solicit the leetronate
ot all the 014 customers or the, shop, and
many new ones. 1 AM sure we can give
you entire iatistaction. Horse eluteing
a specialty. --DAN eiseISAAC. Crediton.,
Itir. Geo. Lawson ce Amami. Sask.,
teenier:le of Stephen. writhe; :rant that
plte eays 0 -"The weather here Is very,
tell. the thermometer regestering be -
weer'. 46 *mid 50 below • zero* There is
very, Pale snow on the :roma."
• Deere Miter has been engagedby
C. Zwieket to asabst him in hie seed
bu.)1nesig.*-P.dward eWurra hal lad ble
lonee and lot to Jou. Finkbeiner. who
will move to Own in a few weeks. 'We I
Wylconte-Pfr.• And--31rs. Virdar,Iner
4.4.* toNn.---Oor tax. oolitetor has been
vn kltzky t k. meeker:Ai:lee 1» the taie
801139 of "our tareeteie have to dig down
pretty deep. -Miss Kate Zwieker who
has been "asaistint in the millinery trade
at Zwlekers. has 'returned to her hoMO
itt London. --Don't tor.tetities ChtiatM**-
(Ittritata to be elven. In the TOwn Mtn
y the seholars or the Methodist 'church
• Sunda; Sehosel. The program isesure to
40 A 'rood one. -41r. ansi _Mrs. 'Prank
aylor were in Stratford Wednesday.
Mrs, irelier and sotv.of London visited
her parents Mr. and Mrs .Ewald the( be.;
utnninx of, the week- Uri. • Samuel
Drown hasreturned •to having
. ,
been called there on account of tier
mother'a illnestee.resterdety 'the council
held' their lest meeting for ' the Year
andfrom now on the municipal pot will
beein to boll. MO tar nothing. hairchsen
Said reserding the aspirants for InUrio
'Opal honors.
fah the.Ceusct arid etisery im4
te". WisestioneWill-VAMIslie
rOm fir.—the.divided flue
n oven top --that means
that the front of -oven is
in #04 well show you many
' owe features' • •
Surely there la nothing better for Unionism a. Piano. ItI$sonietb
whole family cateenjoy„.eomething that will lalit a lifetime -and if
right can he handed dawn for two or three itensrstiona.
You do notisace any chances on any pjano you ig4 bete. Thee
this eetabliehment Is a 'surety that you IPIR get your money's worth
Then on top of this you have our,gu itett4-100 why Should you ts
risk. -
002310 Here, ,3143k Out.a Piano 'That Pleasee
.ou in Appearance and Tone!
you win fitni our pricelmeisonable and the terms of- paymentcan
be ^trammed to yOur satisfaction--tand the instrument will he ABSOMIT
RELIABLE in every respect.
We are now displaying an
Unusual AC:6+0ms Stock -the Pinest-LinTherof-riaznos theltrarke
$200•00, up
$135.00 "
n early caller and wave ono of our Art Calen
• din indigeitIon be coca I Hundreds-
ihnuslands ot ,,peopie who 'titter from
belching ot g.; billowiness* sour etOrit.
iet4 fulinesei nausea, *bruin*** of **so'
'ft*. bad lute in mouth, foul bre/4h* tier.
vousnesa and other diatrvisernet,
toms. are Waking thentsCircs toot 4U20 -
ion dolly. '-', „ \
.Atist it th0341 ,skiho 4 ' lit \IS -00
tit :4 e.vui,44 only read the 0010 vIt
*metre • Plots ream ',tort *to 4110e
*uttered as badlY a* they' do now,- but ,
who have been quicitiv and Perinenently i
enrol by the ,use Of Ati-e•-rtat OA Misittlf
dralielatiti•-tentedY *Out eursepebyestemeite •
int the casette they willgo tO•10..11. Cote
Ms veil*. day end init 'Astro box ot
.t„..1t.6.41* tablets. and . start thitneetves
on the right road" to health at, OriedN'-'-'
The price or lirt.o.na tablets is only SO
cent*, and W. 8. Vole gtuivtises, them
to (tore inditeation on mons harp.
Thin, or lean or Isetaiwney people will .
find In 3I1e0erte. a miber of flesh. " and
Mood.- .betettae• it tenet* the stomach '
to .extract more nutrition* matter from
tisk feed* Whielt ogrekly *althea IbI
blood.„ -
stockof aOeJw.,
alt kind, Cut; Glass and Ohi.
EverythiPg suitable forold via
never so, cow
s eek essed 4641:
wit Jant.socut.44
bat seezx eseeiPtien *hai
$4 Cense-ear
▪ any pert er this Awe,
tt4r att 1* be pleretrewit.
ititte Ova the
West that the r