Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 3 (2)at, says:.
Mem t• itte4
; John
bin tbe
Arthur;Pit 3. PIialen, fire -
Arthur; John
I'Qrt AtLhllr, and A.Smith,
cud cook.
ht disaster ww4 hed by the
tuttiog. holes itttbo huft.of the
r, age, while size ,w e
Lt Put, Arthur. Eight•th
men on homii :.rtrtt
•'erd toaaV'
rgG•. t
ssions( after t
b *boar
dredg wui in tow of t1 t
line bad to be ehope . 1
o, prevent the tug lon
Prozn the CeI xpmentaI
By -instruction of the Hon. Min.
f Agrieulturea 4aistritrutien
bein madOda season of samples
of spr ht and po-
Oanatli,j farzners for the
imprtWernntiseed. The stock for
distributon h, been witted main-
Iy froint-the, Experimental Farms
at iv4in Read, Sask., Brandon,
rt. and Ottawa, Ont: The
Umplee consist of oats,spring
wheat, barley, peas, Indian cern
(fin- etteilap only), and potatoes.
antity of oats sent es 4 lbs.,
and wheat or .barley 5 lbs., sid-
e' Ultlleih easel* sow oneotwen-
tieth of an acre. The samples of
rtidiert t'Pr-04.--Peat.,--1441-40tat0434.
weigh a 1b, each. A quantity of
or the following varieties has
ten monied ler this distributionItts.nner. Abundance, Dan-
Imland;- Wide4twakef- White -
anti Thousand, Dollar, Improved
igowo..all white varieties.
Wheat. --Red varieties! Red Fife
burdless), ll'arquis Stanley and
eteltlea (early beardless), Preston,
Huron and Pringle's Champlain
(early bearded). White varieties
"le Fife (beardless), Bobir.rearly.
ardiess). '
„Barley. — Six -rowed!, Mensury,
Odcs$40 and Mansfield. Two -row.
. Invincible; Standwell, and Ca-
Field Artlror-and Golden
Corn (for ensilagr).—
Earlyeor Angel of Midnight,
nee klierty and Longfellow.
Later varieties: Selected Learain
rly Mastoden,
• 01.- 11.-0.1.t.e.
rraateele—Early varieties: Ro.
theater Rose, and Irish Cobbler.
Medium to late vaeleties: Gold
Coin, jarinart and Money
M&kei The latter farkties are,
'inore,procluctivo than ,the
ler inds.
ly one sample -tan be eent to
*eh applicant*, hence if an individn-
33 receives a sample of oats he can-
nOt-Also receive one of wheat, bar-
ley, peal; Indian corn or potatoes.
Applications on printed cards or
alusatio„, or lists of nautes\from one
Individull, or applicationa for More
than one sample for one household,
tannot entertained; The samples.
Will be - sent free of charge through
- the mail.
AppIications should be addressed
to he Direttor of Experintental
Ottawa, and may be sent
.n any thne horn the ist Deceirt-
,hieh the lists will be c'osed, so
thc inples *sired for may be
1 time for sowing.
telex) thci va-
a, sec
ou g&oi
ppliCants silo 1
, riety they prefer,
as Itornat,
will hc ett\in th
,e; eceived, ng AS
ced laets. F liners
ed to apply early to avoid po
sible disappointment. Those apply -
frig' for Indian corn or potatoes
should bear in mind that the corn
----1*-not-zututtlty Tlistributed—unt*
April, and that 1%.4-otoes i.annot be
nazi/ea until 4a:wee . frost in
traneit iver. No postage iS re-,
wicked on Mail matter addres t
- Central. -Expecir' 'dental
II. Ifeenan, of St. John, Short 01
Ills Accounts.
A despatelr-from--St.-aohn N. ,
eays; Harry F. Ileettani loeal book-
kte,irr and kashie'r of the Pomin.
Tort—rtre'inSiiranie- Company of
Toronto, conniiitted suicide, on
Thursday afternoon by drinking
carbolic acid, and his body Was
tonna in the titreet. Heenan 104
been, under nurveillanee the past
week by the.eomparty's officials -and
police for a 'shortage of about $2,-
000 in his accounts, confessed
Ids guilt and had been given time
to raise the money, but being un-
able to do so, a warrant for his ar-
rest -was sworn out on Thursday
t rupon; -Heenan learned.of this
'ibelkeenweid„,' and drank it, with fatal
effect, while the police were look-
ing for WM. Ile Wilk,4 abOut. forty
years old, and leaves a urne and
liVIIISKET 0111,00ED.
Some Queer Mixtures Sold at Fort
A defIlltib, from Fort William
says: The, uespatch from Toronto
stating that, according to Govern-
ment information, - poisoned whis-
key is being sold in hotels here,
has aroused a sensation, and would
veein to shed light •on several
mysterious deaths recently. It is
tharged that some of the whiskey
being retailed - would- -cause;edeath
tonsumed regaterly for a few
weeks. Olio man is known to have
Art five glasses of doped lientor.
s believed by medical rnen that he
may never regain his sight. An -
their Man went to sleep and never
woke after being drunk, and at the
nquea on Tuesday night Coroner
irdsall declared there was mor-
hine in the liquor in suMeieetnt
anatieVto alreet the optic nerves.
gid investigation is demanded.
Stiroltis $12,14".; ter- the Year is
Figured Out.
eleepeteh front, Regina; %Sask.,.
5a, -s:' Estimates. of revenue and
amoupts, to be tcl for public, ter -
of\ ce tyr 12. Month -ending Vebrnary
1911,. were handed out in, the
Legislature\ on Tuesday high. To-
tal estimated revenue is $2,734,000,
madee up of fre eral revenue' d
-4114- 1.11V16,17tektarY • rev-
enue funds .9390,061 Esti4atted ore,
Ytemiditetee out of genera( r6..venu
fund* t1,442445o iottriA6Tentir
enk5und;-$00,00451 leaVing an
`-t urike, 4.145\‘',
a cd e r apitai
• ,
Customs 'Receipts. E weed iast
, .
Tear's by TV* Millions;
A Jespateli .irora Montreal says
tetuii4. Elio* -that the
custontsreturns.exceed those of list
year by $2,012,009.
The fmports ivere * iittic
tail of 1008, but ceports Tat-
e, lumber and groilit '611 off- soine.
ntained our
. 4. Knots: a
that,' CU'
• 44ditiOnnt s of op
irex wilt.
t)ntaro 1 en propose; the
4 01 U f,4
in 0 ;
te 0 ,1r4 fl.
00 v pOiate
z ,.i. ounty.,,,
ugeley ;tea Dr. Ku
ee.-to r Vasining Wet -We -UR -
e ontieeted With, the boundary
refuonstrince :• will be. forward.
e „to Washington 11,k tbo-Caosidiort
Glovernraent against the actions of
1-rim,lig-110-4-4,1teliliatiTtiiiiTrig peo-
pfle back -at the Manitoba bowl-
dary. ,,--••,,
I elt eltl:
ad .4*.iaidd'.
,e 0 re.
rjo wheat 90 per cent
1. 4 ti uvere
rt, tio
tsi1 in buyers sacs.
EL- .tObt /Imo, rst j,katents, $5.09.
hoc& tra,c Tortintop seCond.. Pit.tet.4
. :41.0 t.O.4”,,;20..and strong bner
$5 on Ira: elentoe
ba Wbeat. o.- 1 -Nitri
ts„ and
ay ports;
e named
41.01 outside,: and No. e white. And
red, "S1.04_IeL43-03._.qutside---
Berleye-No. 2 00 to Olc outside,
and No. a extra, 55 to 58,14,c .out,
. Wioston Churchill is con-
ducting a vigorous 'campaign in
Lancashire. • -
The Tariff Reformers in Rritaio
propose to place a 'tax on precti-
caIly all insp,orts except raw water.
iel,end a tax of two shillings a quer-
ter (m. whca _
' case of leprow of the, most viru-
tent kind has been discovered i
Calumet, Midi.
The Miebigan Cemtral Railkoad, is
inereasittr the wages of its train-
men • 'teleg,phe,,r
Vashington or muss ng
ottles in a buffet.
teo-New York inn claim tha
ey were engaged by Ebr,. COok to
fake pol.......-T-ree-Ords-fter bite.
VIVO MOD were drowned in the
sinking of tho ,steamer W. C. Rich-
ardson near Buffalo, on Thursday.
The PreSident tho.Brotherheed
of Railway Trainmen has assured
President Taft that there will be no
general railroad strike.
A Milwaukee woman died' after
suffering for four years with a
sponge which an operatiogestirgeon
had sewn up in her abdomen.
George P. Sheldon, tbro .pceently.
deposed President• of the ,Phoenix
Ineurance Company of Booklyn,
has been. indieted on " a charge of
larceny. -
G RAL. s.
M.-Fernifieteie- a -French .:--ee.iater,
was killed when his machine
near Sii.re.
The 11Tobel prize for phe-eies has
been between Guglielmo
Marconi and Prat Brarat of Strata -
Prirthe Fredeirie% Von Sayra
tgenstein Gerinan_. Prinee, h
forfeited hi a Princely rank by mar-
rying- beneath him.
Ontario' 1
side. •
Oats --No. 2 Ontario white, 80 to
_30.14e. outside. -Canada. West oats,
3831 to 39e 'for No, 2, and 37% to
38e, for No. 3, Bay ports.
,Pear, -.87 -to 65e outside.
Itycl—NO. 2, 72c outside.
Buckwheat -4234 to A3e high
freights; - and 035 to 540 low
Corn—Old American
QW, 70% 7134c, Toronto, and
new No. 3 yellow, 644 to 0e on
rstek, Toronto: •
Bran—$20.50 big, Toronto,
ied* e,herts, $23 'to $3.j0ein ,bags,
c ording o quality.
Ileanse-Careltats outekte-e-41-.
$1.05, and small lots here $1.75 to
oth--Contbs; dozet2.25 to
; extracted, i034,0 per lb.
ay --No. 1 timothy, $13 to $14,
and No. e, $12 to $12.50, on track,
Straw --$7.50 to $S on 'track, To.
Potatoes -45 to Aee per batz
track for Ontarlos-
Poultry-ecehickend;- dressed,
to 12et pr pound.; fowl, 8 to
turtr,oys; 15 to lee per POW%
du Its pound 11 to 12c: geese
t ,ter pond.
tk.> the °'
areal.* rice, the outpit o
metallifert Inines and sroi
„ _
„tittLfg '1h' hifl.
-ending -817preikiiber
fe/I-41014 .1izgls, Ounces; vain.
:et4e. tu:tellIti8t144, 0,-;"ts!
-,1e7 tense valued -at $T0•;,4150 ; ereenie,
reri 5,58,3 tons, .valued at .$7411,077;
niekel, 8,912 tons, lealited at $1,-
21,303; iron, ore, 203,262 toris,
valued at $473,770; eeig iron,
.08 tone, valuedk $4,095;73S'; 2L
* ;41allriS* ';Val,W at 708;006. T
roduction amounted in vaiqe
pound, and froin thet down le
for -pretty , geed - animals; common
and jean stock from 2 to .3e per
pound. Mach cows from $30 to $55
each- Grass-fed calves a to 4Ve
per pound; god veale 8,:t, 5 to nod
per pound. Sheep'4 4: pe
pound; lambs at o to 03/fle g
pound, Clood lots of fat hogs col
at about 8Xte per pound.
Termite., Dec. 14.--31841Y ehoie
picked steers and heifers ,realize
from 40.25 to 46.7,,Eq. good butcher
sold readily 0.454.80 to $0.15. Cow
and bulls were strong; good ,fa
COWS sold $4. to $4.75, and 'ex
Fort bulls up to $5. All theerlettiee
Attie suitable for (Citristne
, .
r. cep
and arabs advanced /0 cents. Rogs
eeSelectsevereemoVett at 0.00-f.ir.le.
and $7.85 fed and watered.
ad) or
• lat044 ,afr
oncentriste, e
e totilPrmse'nts_flo°rti
lver cont'. t1
'those of last year
tctol;:ems*o're aneloof -copper 309. tons
The outpitt of nickel was 1,102
less than diming Ott!, corresponding
NItiod ofla!t-year. There -was -an ----
-1 crease in iron ore of ,s90:74 tons,
and in pig" iron of 104;411
he Admiralty to Coutmente
s Coustr
r' A deFpatch fro 1 ottrne
The Federal Cabinetcablod the
e;. Admiralty asking it to comment°
d the conetruction of A battleship
eruker, which is to be the chief
e veAel o'f the Australian unit of
Pacific fleet, immediately. 'rho
s qpv'ernmea propose prOCCed
3 viltb the coneteuctio4 of the re.
t maining vessels of the unit so that
_ 11 will be completod siutalf* t
Noyenther, Figures 'Show Inercnse of
Imports and Expoxis.
A despatch, front London ears:
41e Board of Trade eeturne for
Nevereber, of -this -Year,- eie compar-
ed with the corresponding month,
in 1905, slkow- increaie-d. iroports
and export/5 .(or ti1,700;745 0,59e -
d ; 03,120 and 4;174,040 020,870,200
0 espectivetk. ANiough thee fig -
res reveal hopeful state of af-
fair, the returns for eleven monthe
in 1
constitute a discouraging
-tiy. -that in :this
period,. AS compared with the same
months in 190X theeimportseizAteeas.
ed- ti7,629,93.9 ($138,1494095), while
the esports decreated 43,L218,4c41.
, The -most- notrtor:o
thy feature of the November im
ports 1.7as in an inereaee of
198,785 in raw cotton,
4)und pr.luts; '-'- to e7.5&,;
a e peed large rolls; 22 to 23e; in-
ferior, it) ,t.4), 20c; eire.,an J27 to
and h'1, ,c20 to 23!,,,f.c, pec4b.
Egge--Caue, lot., 32' to 35e. per
-dozen for-freelte-and 25 -tt:r -2Ce- fox
toraee.- -= -
Cheeee-4.2Y4e per lb. for large,
and, at 1:ic foe: twins.
taeolt—Loog-elear„ - 14 to c
)er lb. in ica.0-lots ;_rnesoleirk.
) .$7.10„.59; §.firt cut, 09 vel:o. ) -
to medium, lek' toni
16c; do., beavy, 14 to 14c; rell
11 to 14e; shoulders, 12?4, to /3(
brzclp, 19 ,t9 20c:$ bre kfast bacen
Curious Spot on Mars a§ Large ills 17'?"t;, to 18s, .
- France. Larde-Tierces, 1e; tubs,' 160
mils, 11.03(se. " \
M. Camille Flammarion, the ..
eminent stientiet, contradicts the •
allegiation that life on Mara has •BUSINESS AT XL ,yEAL. , tor
cieszn.en44, ed by a torrIwe cata„.. Alontma,l, Dee. if. Oats,No. \2'
fi • .• , , ,, .
- -..' -;.-Casta(6- Westeri-40.-t ' 41e. ilarti ihr
f erz
uring t e ast three months,!' 1 tey-r-,-No. 2, Cf.; ,to (4; IleititOn,
wlit 6 M1,1,-rjamine\rien, "t1f6 planet "feed baeley„.0 to we.. Flour -
. cn within "grkvt proximity_of -1(.1tolia ."Ilytrizi/heaf,po.,tatts
fu -
be rtliiiiiiitt haviatortitirce O.; -do., scconds,\k45.:!0; WintPr
I ,opperturtity . for stbserva- wheat patent; $5.50 to $5.00 e Ma -
'o ' -,-!" 4-, nitoba atrong !bakers% sr); Etraight
. .. . . . ,
k. `o and swift variation
hat principally struck us rdlers,to$5.102.t.:0.$5..2-0i.e4,_0, innbt4tagosoo , wa
ite 'Surf& - speet.•\These chang. \'0.5 \ to 1021.50.1. do., „raid- ,
rinot tts , t, be counted for,, 1 toN N$S0.5'04,- Manitoba'.
b ei *re o e attire o 1 , do., st\orte Ai, ' to •i2.1; -`v At
el nkill, for
t ue\ nor tit r neither f.'10 ;\,(11 , i," o . ie to
r; Fie
. \''T e 'dislocation - ' ' ,,,_' . . ,; lagrain nOitt" 10;\03 to 1$:33;1611e
11011z3, * . d mold' 25 to $27. Iteece
which appears to E o much
likilXiety, is an *WO '10, i maim at 11,i,'
utrenee• ,; to 11/2c• eastprn 1111 to 11'1,10,
litCerta,in featuresof M
t- heiriViff—iratTnee bill,
p t or the tinaneine 01 _the
Umadrit t Offer -and -New 1.zott.
•coraiibution, to the Britiis
navy, has paszed
stats lloit*m of Representa.
eyes. The third..retSding Was ear-,
ried without division.
IktAS ON ektlit":8 TACITT.,
Se.vertil ei:isrujeSoptsottC;Tont.eel,i1On. wi:h
'A ileSpatelt from, Berlin , ys;
The St. Petersburg eorresponlent
of the Voceieehe 7.eitting sayo „that
two.,bontbs have beerf found on the,
Rim:akin • ita4it Standoff.
Several-zarrets in conizectionwtlL
the supposed plot te blo\v. - the
\ yacht have: hcen made at el:
• •••.• • •
Many Cases in ITtovitals Water
A, despatch .fm nr1 ss
Typhoid is getting xerireev font
real, and as it 4s 41',ellovecel an
epidemie of ine grippe the cause is •
Iowa Physielan Says They lin thc-
0. taste for Drink.
dt 1.1,3111 f rom Des -Mottos,
jo.ty*, f?ys; lir, Samuel Pailk, of
unt ani prominent ;mem-
• ber of the' National Afeclinl So-
• c'ety, WeilnoMay before the
te irortteultaral SoeietV
that apple (ating kills the ,aste
rikr, scs it is the meat -eat.
eeektaile ;led other strong
beNmee mleliCted to,streng,
or, and that freit.efting shoal/1r
e encouraged sty a solution of the t
linnor problem, The society en-
litE3113N (10010 IN 'ICE.
s '24- Refou, lero .ii. .4,000 Fir.6 .
\ t IVI i) , ) ,,
. ‘ •,, 41\
416spa n Vt4 ipeg s y':
e tlestroy t . reY furili
warehouse of Sterli»
a" A.," t Buttereelehoieeete(eentetoeue .• -t:13e
hOikes_in_ the _Martian -count
3. eA/M1101,0-V-for' nett 'Ilieli,urrent-receipt'.3--at----4-2 16'
ry dairy at 20 to 22c, 03 -to quali4.
known by aerographs under the t. :e,,,,, , A
. *me ior the Like of the Sun. ....„...,s ii ' '-"t'14!'vqtt stook "in iound lots,
i 4 vot .rtjund in. oviii anstAbont. 0 .'2i4}'fP; -,440..stp.,r_meri,,...c4.'. `-,Zco;
the tore of Vranee. 04,0 ..-, ....,e„;,e per oo2011.,
17 6 cit.) , A
(I t 11 if tSee. r i 1r ot tuinn Y, 8ato4rniseti'rnIlitikt aorlonsgts, UNITED' 81A7i8 34 14triETS.
ortictirnes simple and heiriogene. Cliieago, Dee. 1:4. --,Cash wheat
or perhaps. . douldt, triple, No. i red, $1.11 to tx,,z,,,; No. 2 2,i1,4
nartiPle, or -even multlitile' in *I.15 to $1.19; No. 2 hard, $1.01 c-,. 4
dition, it is conneeted with its ta./e4; No. 4, bard, *1.01 to, $tioeq
roOndings h,,, numerous canals* ,x,),, / -Arthtro; *1.0,3?„,to $1..113*iu,,,
4 the are .41s0 variable' *mord" N0. e Northern, $1.07 to
ng to the seasons. , 1,3,
Therm ,yariationot boo been 4 3 Spring, *1M3 to. $1.10. (!oro;
noticeable this, year, tut thiy -do- white 4143.'141:711:0TNI)i;;C46eill et,
not explain everything.. and we fitid 4 Feilow. 53. to wit,. 4, 'e51
to pleusible hypothesis to satisi NJ
he, 4IVo. No, A white etr.'
t3. :-Is it water or ,gotation, mot to, , t , 4, . .„_ 4
00 leee tibundanc? ,, 4 Nik, 4 white, 46 to 4,2%c
, 4-fe. •
I Dee.
thr. end of Mars, ,but,. on theun-
o ',47zta it
"Out of all this *re may n
h 21.9
on 4‘r ghktn1TIT, VA
d vra
itt ;-`0 „1 in 1b
bt PZ4.Ut :I!, ear*
't dii
.41 mu *74- bk,z)r.
oe Pront Street, on u \Way af-
ternoon. 'wit% valnel at $73,600
and .wo,S insured, with, contents. for
5,7,000,--7'he Niue .broke out. at
theop of:the built -14T in Staliwrity4
113 %My. • The firetiaen fougli
atho ntes coyorc41 wi* ice and with,
zci Y. •
ST 3f 1.18 •
MLrtL 11.
Le dr d
MIn(1tkl Ana te,enfee
U1(' .,, , if 1. tntik...
`--'it----mt-i'moir-friti.r. -4b Mrketr.d--:--at
hah 4 ',01 l'O.,,,rift' %,1 Pt.," il*tok,L*2)!..4.1
f.‘ ' t *1.- -i!.1 ir t, i',''' •Airisii* '0,64 ' T4 'I t;.etkreed m
..* lc for.r 4.it,',[
. '
', kki.o,lifit t 44",•t!. • •*,7t 1:,-,•.1 ltrv.i-O• i,1" htft
e., .,,. 4,..
. • it,, ‘1‘7,!igt";.-..tt, A ,.,4'
'.if kr, fatnter*"
nation nmy - livtomel i'seribus.
There are 13 enaes:in five hospaals,.
and fifty caws are turned away
All over tlie civilize.] world
tention is being conttntratta
the, bOst methods of irrigation.
prodectivity o; the planet And its
‘eormeenent ability to support „life
are thus gradually ineresoed fit' a
way that wo,uld borate., ha`Fe "bzen
-deemed possible gerterat:o-r`ago.
Tho3re are great areas, hitherto re-
garded as little Irrtter than des':_tx
whit.li se-fr./nits: fitudy- ltd5 -prove f
persess nearly all, the elements o
productitvity -except water, kind, in
most est?s. the, water can br; Prov:Id.
ed. (Inc of these.:. areas which has „
only 34,04, )zen L.,..nolrieetcof
ough investigat ke )the "Karoo"
South .Afriest,\ 'though 'a tity
ro;!on; $t 4)oSsenseS rieb
ttift tron% tehls )011t, tor the
storage -hof ra,inwater, epeoial , int
thettrof cultivetion are used to di- ,
M loss of vater -by evapora.
tion, 6nd 'Ithe tifieforesta
being ettedhel regardi4 tteir
iffets- -en-the- water-s)uppy.
flo for k a
3 31
• ..