HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 7 (2);41 '„x0E0,1144c7., 4,1 1l‘t1,44,1, ont' ' ttr dinier-, -tlite ww iir.workagain, and r- ed to into 110.sittin fQr eItrie1f, to Ic worn ,nt eon as up •the dineer 11 to make lout s I ave !mate want • , 44 „ 4*. andha▪ m to gether to relish. And mind b you were' this moot - o -you heart" answecediI 0 V an --.`b dieseLI felt trongerday welvs ▪ rnonth, but ajt• r night tit began I, and t e\titrie she placed theLwell-oo - supper on the table, she felt al- st ready to faint; re. Berger pritiSed the cookinq, ut did not notice -the. pallor-s2d alenota.-Aae ! She arose Ern 1 tbc supper 'elle said I 7- PK O."do bul lid go, o ext . kw my, 0 1Et 104 't b1 to .el • I* great bewi1dernent s e tiflJt1iShQI the 1 o hr *ME 4' felt Sit gr Ler 10 g.) dee .$ f e kitett r )-1 iitVUi%. , 411,401. .on as the touched ter pillow, letifr Tifillif:Ntir Wrilitlitiiilt.'" , AS O1 the: previous morning,he lied---iip by Olt -ftrst -beton I the rising sun *tithing on tier As before, site Started up i • • :on finding that she bati re -She -----hurried wn- thr,aitti., Wonder upon wonders . . e morning previous, was done. The kitchen wa e1ean the table\ was bet, -the brekfast w&sooked and smoking be stove, ready to be -dished. Marie Serafinne sank down in her ehair, so -overwhelmed -with'Per- , ,,- i Plexity, that slut, feit As if she would 1e, her rason,. --af. go*sh-my-a, '51 Marie, to you inustget sting the bestway you can witheut thii. vening. After you have washed up the, (Iishes, and-scourei the kitehen floor and, the dressir. went you to iron those thiog you sprinkled down. It will .i.k you till. late but you know thelvor,... must, be done; and if you want to stay here, you must do it." 41Yes, ina'arn," ineekly replie he poor wornap.. And s her mistreSs Jett tee rosin'. ttempted tw.rise and go ork. , But she was virile than She knew. As she --inone-Ao- 'staid up, ai g faintness and eirow.;• *uptut her, and relaxed and weighed down her that - she -sank back in sar and fell into deep, and tc, ostra 4.)W III Mil 911$4t.11)4 The unanswera,ble question. aI 'most erratic), tier bran/. She -had paril of houeehold sp,,- called rownies," who were said to make All•ell'Olves "17 Useful' in domestic :labor; bat, these She lad °consider-, el as the .creations of imagination only. Now- she caught herself 'in - Can it be a 'Brownie' th4t hclps tor/ Aud, immedilitely; in alarm, she claimed: "I 441- going crazy), or I lacier ould'thilk of sneli a thing i" 1 he tar nee of the.f telly reca . her to praeticiil, d She put the breakfast on the and epared to wait on/thoi., - IAA 4:49411 the with tipusttal kindness to sit- partaketI of tLc 4eal 'with them. And wit -h Silent -gratitilde she led hereelf of the This as, Christrawi eve.. And drezmless sleep 01.Sofae-Uure,' 4u upn this ,4sy -all 'the 'married . 4 . , Own.daughters , with their husbands and , :- She was awake44 at iength iy hiliken, were exepeted to arrive. the loud voice of liee * trees, 1 4 in the,,,eourte ot the day they leg frsm the next r i i''eame, oneparty aftir- another: . IMarie' Marie! lieyou get And the iiork for that, day was through there yeti \At's after quadrupled.,' twelve, o'clock, And IL ii#e just fin- But , ' Marie SeraAnne • found reng o do all t6o, w . I of -her; or. if 401.. stren ished my dress, and Itracifew bedand you ought to be tit 'with your sui- Now hurry! because you know Lave got to Le -up very early \in morning." / ' i'V'es, mechanically slibred thts poor woman, ski waking up from bet profound deep --to the alarming ceneetousness tha he had slept ever sinee supper time and had done none of the work that bad been given her to dol Twelve, midnight,l'and she had not washed The dishes, nor se4ured-t1tA kitehen; tier irone( i1K4(-1oU1.eA -it- been sprinkled down. , Ig1iei15d-n0. lighted -the -kitchen , lamp! - Was sunset 'when he had been overtaken by sleep,, and now it w -v'thicluight, and the kitthenTi latt .4 dark as pitelo hitt for the $1910ing oi, the- Are through. the \ereykes of tfie toe. ' • "Marie,' $04 thOtIg called her mistrest again. 414:04" nt but wfll get tlrongh *' quik zs ever X ea tnswrcd t,lie -kir roping about in th aktiiithoho of' in&tehts iight 'he ami' and treinbling 1et 'deo e 0 elI, kb c't cover up he up thekithen, up t . . 11 the d- , gel • LI 1. d Mari 'u e'eded in find- . Itteties, for a Minute, until • riger goitka n. 'she struck the, h an lighted the lamp, and 'd abtut. - , „i• This w * tubbo Side. ' 4 *ork. in a room hy herself, sho would be ,overpowered 1)y drowsi- est, and aftee- * restful sleep c f several hours, she 'would wake t.) find her work all done! By degrees, she rectinciled herself o -this most inysteriotts heir); ani e health and strength, viSibly dyed, and„cpusequelitly_ \,,t9 her Mistrese's great approbation, -1.131* neefulness intreased. - only vented ronking If 1:41_ itiahre-irthat rrs\ laziti-esse She wehld liave.MoPed herself -int) onsuitiption, kure enough... Kow o how.well site said Urg'r th ber Oldest married datgh- htty tikrat their seiving one ly in January. -- tt1edji either fob*r r an,'et teraflnne iilitt\all that .vatt onnount labor vipt r olvo luina$1. r eratflnn, tante he da of rkeht misfortune, *aye heeri' ‘, 34 woman. nt than r before. Fiie biuoded ver, t its xPlieable.iny her lir Acho--41 When ite om hot. faint lr t up *nil tootpl • , She eohld not stirMiM., bad itv.ettain061 n, that no mem ) the family nuitter Ity — ovs, itewE1rn. notieed now **3, grellrig4 , the youngoet f the boys s i0E growing. :up, Jaiti) 1030.. h(.4041, and ten:, ,yesis 'yotatieer lhan arie,,Ser.e.Atine.'',1ook 'the f4riey10 in love Withsitert and lie did ut insfr.sitl of • AL3Viic ftr. lt,, he • askod lk 11Ottl&' for, 15 4 UQE 05 P4A,000 yeatelder thlen Q• thut a ',dollar, in tlu 11 was V t 'an Lfl4I* ha be (limy in -farmerAntl,be woubl ho be hotdd mr on or tluit sh own la ett irattirt her. .So the Gerinan mother -told 10 n that he was welcome to marry rie Serefinne,ton condition that heyrishouid both remain on the and..wark Jor_the tztingy- ted to this pro - &sal, a 4 went off rt 4 strikingly torward, practical wapiti search a thrie Ile found her: 'In the. soap - u ," busy with tli„e family wash - mg, and he asked her plainly to arrs5bin She ntared in mute astonishmen 1' full minute, and then flatly r sed. He went a!priu she tAtt tineto mot nttold htnmeot‘to-ilespai but to have patience, and be might etithea rt. fttUiL Meant me suramer vaned into triv tnnin, and 'autumn faded into win - "ter. Christilias holidays were-ag4in IIMIreaehing, and ail- the married daughters, With their families, re touting to pay their annual isit to their parents at 'Witch t - ,441. • • s!, 0 or tbe investznent-tj Th�' doflar that ear idle/ dollar*. • Again thz,- work at the fartn-honEe was doubled, and quadrupled. r, Christmas day drew near. But this additional labor nrnde UO differenee to 'Marie Seiatinn who "rereived myaezious help- ae- eordirig to her need, She had no trouble _ but the) couaant longing desire to know 'ho her secret -WO - could be. There Ats night, in TOO ~ear,that wfis-vo. ry-4errib1e-to th peer. woman. WAS, tilt night of Christman Ere, ,the anntvereary -f the birth and death of her child. It was on die eleventh anniversary a this tr,ageely that her mysteri- °es helpet had first come. , 4ice year had relied around since then, and her hOper had never railcd her, She had grown acetis- the secret supernatural nt had not beeome reconeil- : e ideisitity theof agent. "Who does ray work, Whenrin own arm failsr the asked herielf. many times, and asked in vain.' "If\ 1 could only see,. hear, feel, or even dimly perceive, my help- er!” he would eigh, and sigh to fl: pUt)tC4, The year liad rolled atom egain. The twelfth anniversary of the birth and death ,of her child, rsary of tho ral • t 1 and the second annit Owing -of her ire was 111 Viarie a t', thiit last one itt the 1inc. to rcire, crept up o -her • attie,anrl went to bed. But- ort 'this night she could not sleep: , On this anniversary ihe never \ Ktuild. She lay thinking” :Of ibe pitenus fat her lit le ba born nil dead in one night, twe e ycaii bore Whether it•waa that her re untieurilly weak or her nlindusually morbid', 1 (1*,_no .0 for- pity. Then a strange- thirig appened .o herwaband, ft and us .\er \roet-teattoue r d utt,t1;\ passed down r e • e, Thr \ tonal stillcd and awed, aid .not frighten ler. 'Who ts it?" she. whispered lain • Viet* ban over her "Who * I�z rfl�r 2 e Jcile • ere it NIA earn t e znt TT s but 2 or rns notbi , cent.isalmost as bad as ar vatue ivanj of 10pc tit" 0iiik at $&OEO per 1910 can par a divide cent quarterly. usy *1**.ittst. vositments the tints— , , . The dollar that is working for you' all - The dollar thst is tied up' in bad I I- ,. ... hpronium ' 1'; • —.Ike AtolkuLtimtis imrest.,J.04i 094-00Pir„--- . ......_cen se mums, _ _____ _ , —the dollar that\hri....ligtzoirtt lel.___Iit.- — • ere** bring A , u 1 EA ;:teerciat-stoclos .0r, mdustrial-e. uterprises . ..rtot- itramestatitailY---' -- -and-earns-away abov“he-the the , erekrepo u the old. stocking under' interest— -.. mattress, 0 14 the tin teapot on the pantry shelf the doar that by quilt* turn an - > . - / , tlU:d3Ha* that buys the 01112as-that rou wtui4 be4settervithout hi* is the Wet The bate dollar gives no inan conifer 10Itling, keeping, owning or. wastinz / In :industry that tills a !Ong felt want, wbich supplies u lnsistenf ant growl ,damantf, whicilltacpossibilities of great futura expznson, h.*. ideal .bvesttlem*-- , oleo foresight doubles,- Arobles- uadrupies itself— this is the busy To keep your dollar busy make it In work for you auctestu Vettteta. An investment Taxicab Stock Will prove the best known medium. rdeai. inesthin; &telt ;WIC is Toronto's System of Taxicab% for is barely six tnonths it has proved its bi earstiug capacity. Whatit may do is the future, witk noutfit inoroased many times you Oa Taxicab Stook buss greatfuture), and the time to buy 'talk* Stock is now. „ . Subsedittions /au be accepted 14? to..1".shares fit iite, ordeireceIvrei at Ibis o gall. us your cheque at lawn you Irish to particOate before tho1isie is e I11:- Ad I- ide and Irctoria Tann? co:- S FOR oult-tumsTRATED 1300 A2 sweet., ead, as the :sone t no a neetiort with the work of the few !ed,y being for to do uuder he Aelian harp:' score Labor Elechanges already in eompulsion that whiel). they deeliee • "The child you bore in ii existence in tendon and (lse- tell° of their °lien free . will. Cliffs, a dozen years ago." • ere. abor penal colonies are to he , \ . t details of the seheme fished, and -to these will he draft * * # * * eettled, but when the e I the "Weary Willies"' of ell kind* , To be _vontinued.) el degrees. One result of this will T DAYS rou o- be RS,. the elintination of that pest t / eiri to Did' The able-bodied rofessioaal t 10 roads, the profeigonal tram r r, too, will and is ‘,"oeetipatioif re ehe no , sworrekro:lhe_kwiti joiwt,noenteut_theye eyes sriwtiisthh wonder.. _ . _ Afforestation, \re lamation to ,witite lad And Alter similar , ductite work's.are ,to bo under orne tor, en by the *State in order to mo.., vide work for. the workless. s .abs. at Ars..prese t 4V5464 5inetewnlIcittivitice4r, 13111.11t it ewlrrnl:'\"nawt'ilrte't'e'thta*'?f6v$'etA4n4'tt•L magistrete's orderkolulollte'Pe etedi. bring about the: long rim the tabottleititoonstryf efliy: ' stria' revolution thatework motes 0In4 1 w a !ministration at vet,,,thown, says rear. 1 tom. of poor blis ed. -Tho net Of-0er fifteen- i o . uture„Tder it 1 ei by 1 or it aims at h nevi -,ini the tont il rt ing t ali or ro o in. Lo a\tIort t , the eei i att sub -0 it State, which w* i . 6 fhent \ against unetoploynte tto anawer, but. the She had tette passed softly to antl fro searching the mom and then 16ek. co, Ft berselt in it alone, on 41)6 ' 'elle 'aged ilgitie in than eute oeeAsion# Irlien dm but 4 voitT faint with fear. • fallen Asleep, slept an 1101.1;,014 more • A Aort faro bot d6wri to her fondled her. 41Vito IR tLe gas most dying tones : Then ariswere,4 alor,, fuel, inettilible , 1•Wake *so. Wake. "'I Ate awake. %Vito i it s " At, breathed a* mid wake4 Up to :Arid her -work. all done. Not it wag no WOf tly tun. ung Wae rev,ever,•.,, -.ST)I11 The winter life to 4,rx ough now ther." was t ienkfor fling, -4. INN ,, tot telt ;•, loi Ir plooteut. In rem in Whitehall , oler pent et 'details when• c biggeit England s We • , But to guard against' any 1101. abuse of the liberty of the subik, o' eignment to colony, (wig only be 'allowed to be cittried Vitt tilt a rid if detenti,o4 is to be. flint** to three year at. any one time Si ter1 an to liv\ •primarily,' and 'tteeonatrily, hoped,again:It sickness- also. The task of ,ateomPlishirig this los*AlOne,:but t ia being reso- Iutiv -grapplett-with. The 144 0,ett be the establielnitent over the eof litiglaiitt f Labtar These will- enable the etitto find out the ,am'.unt of eidotblo nuemployineut the tountry, and to take. °bitingly. One of the principal Est, steps will be the decolsoali.i i tn 'hoYe *wee., 1 otib unemploylnent ho iniblc home -of the a 11 bout of illness mita t ring of the household -goods and attels of the unskilled '*sual for special provision is to . r, .1) 'cotirt I r emst flue its regards hut ula sae, at all events.It may even be possible that we shall premiums placed upon, $out ful thrift, and State bonus -es paid working-elata Mothers and tt, .Territorials. msrly ' 0 he art, with a lig rzd then the10 apphc*ti to 406 pogoof roman 1141,1 frr- tilizer pt.t. Wale inost farmers . salt the•r steme ck" with sodegree, of regular. there are too 1:041%,V who defei „ thie till the, hcre nothing else tts Very mony do riot realize tile rat importitnee of teinstant sup- .. of silt !.oi,• stock. In mew" eirnents that were piode ii & 0 r!'dflut," it May be asked, k r it wois foond Unit st lot of he *itstVelst Everybody knows steers wilich sveie giveit frte steeits there are ritetilio incorrig4hly to Mit at times rn*!1* a*melt t no intiticenient, that you larger on the same amount of an ffer thorn Will, tempt th.ent•tojood. than did * similar lot whith going todeal), pere not given sal ';•( I a .4. r.4 44.r,