HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-29, Page 68
Jut.Y : 9, 1886
HOUSEHOLD HINT much room, autl crowd out all the ad- oonebiue(1 to intensify the .hair -raining,
chilling veltlsemepts. terror o ef the ei tuaGlou To re
C ° n
STRAWBERRY Sete:la--Cream and half What r•s the dlffatenoe between a light the taper was determined ali itpUn
cup of butter with a cup and a half
of ,granulated sugar ; ada a pint of
.oruehed strewberri.ee and the beaten
white of an egg. Mee for batter pude
SeettaoigOOSENERRIEs.-RemoVO sterna
and blossoniw from rind gooaeberries ;
wash and boil down in a syrup masse
of three pints of anger to a 'pint of "perhaps so, in some 'mutinies, but
'vinegar. Whole tbtok add ground around here it strikes me that it ie the
cloves and cilivamon. Careful not, to early revenue officer who • oatohes the
burn, worm,'
Onenteee ban—Pick from the stems,
wash, put into a presorvtng kettle and
boil gently twenty miuutes, skimming
as needed. Add sugar in the propor-
tion of a pound of sugar to a pint of
the boiled fruit. Boil half an hour
longer, stirring almost constantly.
legal document and a cat `' sena nae though not without the dread fact that
pauses at the end of its clauses, and the snake would take advantage of the
hee other has clauses at the end of its first ray of light and spring upon hie
paws es foe. With fear and trembling the
,my son,' said an illicit (bstiller; tee- doctor eagerly followed the ttdvaneingl
member that it is the early bird that rays of file taper as they lit up the
catches b}te'v lrrxt.' "Perhaps ea, fa- anti his feeling, of relief and
then' replied the slothful young; man-- boy onn well be imagined as ho saw
stretched before him, not three feet dist
tont, the stunned body of the suake—
the aim with the rook had been a sue-
oess. At this time the doctor be-
thought himself of his revolver and,
placing it near the reptile's head, effeo•
tually dlsptatahed him. The suaka was
six fent in length, very large around,
Laud numbered "nineteen rattles. The
doctor had explored sufficiently, and
regained the surface as soon as possible.
We imagine his hair is a shade grayer
than before going to Seoorro.
GOOSEBERRY YAM. --hook over, wash
and. stow in a little water. Press
through a coarse wire sieve and retnrn
to the kettle. To each pound of the
pulped gooseberry add throe -fourths of
a pound of granulated sugar. Boil
three quarters of au hour, stirring cnn-
stautly, Put into bottles or wide-
mouthed jars and secure like jelly.
STRAWI3kRRY JELLY,—Remove hulls,
wash, drain, then put into a kettle over
a slow fire. Crush, and when quite
hot taste from the fire and when cool
enough to handle straiu through a
cnarse flannel bag. Boit juice fifteen
minutes longer. If the jelly benot
firm let it stand in the sun for a few
days covered with pima of window
'Cap's ' paid a colored man, enter-
ing the office of a school Examiuer
whose stile was so black that to see and I've kept Citing and pulling for
him you would thick he bad sre'ttt his
days, and theshe aur now, the
life in boiling crows for dtasletl3fieti saute as von geld her to ma.'
politicians, 'Ctlp'n,' repeated the visi• Seisms to 11e anota plugremarked1pi
tor, lightly tapping ou the doorfee-
1 the clerk, as he smelt the counter•
ing• 'WalI, sale, what is it ?' telt he'd nil right ; it's Ins' treat's fail
'Lae called rou.i' ter be zammonetl. ins,' esclalinocl the old rano. 'Pass Ins
I'se a 'feasionai school teacher.'
out eome•fino cut and I'll go home and
'Did yogi know dat hits a mighty hot deal the farm to the boys, and get
cross fire ter st u' tinder de range ob
reatly for the grave myself.'
de batteries oh my knowledge ?'
'Yes, Caap'tl' sail the applieaut, 'an'
beiu' prem ob n)y 'complistuneets 1
bee aonght you feed ob gciu' ter de
0110dyeated whits 'fettaor.' ADVENTURE 'WITHI A MONSTER RATTLE
'Yet' action is cult oh a wise man, an' 1NAE.E IN A dels.
Fur such wiadotu 1 zibited in do very ._._
Dr. Bartleeton, of *is city, pati
quite a thrilling adventure last week.
\VliileatSocorro on bnainesehe thought
One day Iast month, when, trade
was dull. a grocery olerk procured a
piece of sole loather from a shoe maker,
painted it black and Laid it aside for
future use, Within a few days an old
°leap from back in the connbry came
in inquiring for a ping of cirewtug to-
bacco. The piece of sole leather was
tied u f', "paid for, and the purchaser
started for home. At the end of six
days he returned, looking downcast
anis dejected, and, walking iuto the
store, he iuquired for the clerk. '
'l4Jember thee terbacker I got here
Voiture and Arnauld were one day
amuei0g themselves in guessing the
profession of the passers by their dresses
and hearing,. when a carriage passed,
the occupant of which was oddly at-
(nnth V,itltr+:, that's a cone oilier of
the other day ?'the Court of Aide.'
'Yes, es, sir.' ° v Arnauld wagered that the passer
'Well, was that a new brand .' wap not,anti, to decide the bet, Voi-
'es.' tare aproached the carriage, and
'RRvegular plug terbacker was it .' explaining to the gentieman the e r•
'�lrell,then it's me. It's right dere cfuletances, asked if he was not sucha
in my jaws,' sadly replied the old man. . ' -
'I Itnowed I was getting purty old, but lienaienr, said ties gentleman cold.
I was allus handy at bilin' ping, 1
never seed a plug afore this one that 1
couldn't tear to nieces at a chafe. I
ant. my teeth on this one and bit and
palled and twisted like a dog at a root,
bud oh dr, etlyeaticu rose. Oh, I'es
flow'r_v ; 1' l '1struet my Secretary to
hark yer one on cle sheepskin stifi.ltit
ov knowledge. Dia am figerative.
H'e're ant cb lteq) skins, an' iu Jest
place hal) enlestitntee 'coon skiffs, tan-
ned by a Arltinea'y i)iggee• an' ketehed
by a eTli••tiee oh 110 'NAV, lir, hit
Ft;rike yer in tee steneach oh reoo;ui•
tion 2'
'Yes, C:ei`'n.''
'Wail, Low tor ire zan nat.iere Secre•
tarry, git down i'tt braes pen via it dog-
wood Mohler an' feteli hit ner'th, f£tr 1,
in de cardence n'i.I Nti'ltc'i,lrjs, is gwin)e
ter tont diff men tt]ronee 1a new ggronn'
rib kuowle,lge what- de !:rise's am tlliuk
ten' aa• her rinr'a many a toenail lyin'
orals;; de grabs. Ice.t fur defnst.
Dons ver utttisrf,ten"gogefv ?'
'Oh. y(IBFtth, (1'tt`s ray holt.'
'Whet dues ver ltnow rib grey -rarer
Iiaop yer motif open fur I's' de eddyee
Pinnal dentist, 'zamiuiu' de teeth eb yer
'f eats up grammar like a man
Laden' greens.'
'What about '1e-S4ienees oh phlebo-
iolYly 2' of discovery wa•1 centinnt'd. To
•1 walks ale ober dat science on °cod it was: necessary to crawl, acrd the
stilts.' doctor once more mistimed the infantile
'What does you know abent mats- positi. a ,a'Iocamotion. Au advance of
physics?' a few feet had been male, when a cowl,
clammy anhdtance was Witched by the
Blend, and two bright, glistening orbs
YOtikr Ill 1h,t air and fl.•4allecl
lv, 'go round and bet yon ars an aag ;
von will never love. Drive on eoach-
lnau.' The bet was decided a draw.
As a general thing the fanner is li-
able for all the public injury his hired
man may cause while aetnally employees
by siim. If he sends him into his lot
to burn old bade, and he for any pur-
pose whatever, leaves it, and the fire
runs into bis neighbor's lot, destroying
his fence and injnring his crepe, the
farmer is liable for the damage caused
by the wanton neglect of his men. It
leo Neat; a hit at inan on tile road with
a team, and he,by negligence runs into
another vehicle and injnres it, or the
parsons who may he to it,the fanner is
tie would take a look at the miners liable far the dama'nos, but should the
near town. The object of interest i • hired man leave the reed he was direct.
the old il]in8—we have forgotten +l,e1
ea to go and tear°1 another road for his I
I)orninion. Oraus and . Fiaiios,
The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominiul t,,.
140x100 feet.
Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World,
We are now manufacturing Square and Upright Pianos,..
Best in the market. Correspondence solicited. Sencl for I1-
ustrated. Catalogue. Mailed free, Address
D . 7416 i®21 Organ. and Pao Company,
Auction Sale of New ruimiture !.
name—worked aiges ago fey aught env
one now living lcuoes, and wbi(h h s
two slitttts, one receuily reopen, d to 1t
depth of forty-five feel, where drifts in-
dievte'the first level. No exl'loratioth••
beyond a few feet from the depth
named have been made, though it i
evident that the tee shafts mentioned
are collimated at this level. Desirous of
a jaunt, underground, and 11t the same
time exnreising fleit rn(int tl1Por
none of the miners of the calla) or owl` -
ere nt the mita: had wet keit np 6uthul-
out curiosity to exe•nti tee tnseuvetrv'.
the. doctor was lowered into the shaft.
.Eulergiog from tee bnetket, ateeter vat=
lhg;ltted._ and the drift, along the vele
entered tiilun. A chamber 1Ox12ati
Was Soon eat'.red bv. crawling on ail into a tearer, even if it block bus way,
fours, after an ewminatirn of which the farmer mutt pay the damage.
and the selection of some ores tee tour though done onn'rary to his positive
orders. In all these Cases the farmer
l,wn pleasure or profit, then the farmer
not liable for too damages should
any accident occur. if a hired man,
in going to or from the lot with a scythe
and by the °arenas handling or carrying
;he inj•rr•es a paean -by, the farmer is
iirtble for the damages. If, in cutting
,vuo(t the hared man cute down a tree
in another lot, idle owner is liable for
tl'osspays tiatnages,althong;ll tis distinet-
1y showed 111(1 the boundary, and
tllottE;le the man may have elft the tree
with tnalicivns intent. Should the
t keit man, from nialicionsuess, run
•Ile gnilt ub my bed am patched wid
'air. Se.nretary,' sail the examiner,
tnruiIla to the functionary, 'gin dis nook anti i1] talii,'+1 b: (nese the
mien a doable • stiheate.- letooinmend feeblo•1•tlys t'f lh„ tl4t'ar. A11U(1-t rn-
liina ter de penz'le ez.de aolt'at mien 1'steettt.t rt liisti::g, rattling; soan(l start -
bee 'zramiued ois veal]. Dar's yer lett the h ariug, and the 1••ctor r dier•a
can compel the hired man to /pay him
back, if• he has any to pay with ; but
this is "rely the cage unless the !acme
keeps bask his wages ;and only settle• •
when his time e:rplres.
Ttave21srn and tourists shonld al
witys be provided with Dr. .bowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry, the beat
erg ere,. sah ; an' remetnbor: dal de that las I>,aaeuronragail a rattlesnake. remedy in thio world for curing suf-
ciowd• ob edycation ally ft black one. A. To retreat was tut) tautIt of a eeeolld fering bi':nigght on from eating unripe
man dat ellon's siege n familiarty wi£I I and the cualnber just if:ft wets souu re. or sour fruits, bad milk, impure water,
::eiencee aZ y'oi doen,.l:i bonne one Slit,`. gained. Assuntithg an 1111!'tlllt p'l;ilti0ii, eMange' Of water :yid i1imee°. The
ter put his font oil it - W111te man's the titteenl' east' a- h'•tsty glance at the great remedy for all. euwmer com-
allnnlder, reach np an' take de gown ob aperture Wllrtrce ho It'ttl .tl1lfi'g?0rtt amt i1laitltd,
superiority from de peg in the warts- lo and help Id, there approached hi,
robe ob life's great c:tnretitinn. Let's 1sdversary,.which, when seeing the dis-
see, five dollars for a S ingle tioraenlent, turner of bits gniat. coiled ltiiuself for a
an' five dollars an' a half fur de double
ends gement. GI:nrny tell dollars.'
The money was cllvorfuilypaid and
the man 'with his- blotted ° .00 skin
wentottt itltri the world to engage in
the tournament' of letters, •
1''rrevAnb )t CorTNTnavle.rn4 AMT) I)trtITTONP.--
'i.'llC high reputation gratb91 sty tlaavas0's1P110-
spring. ,\ 11:1t; wttM et:l"illt ir`lIt to orris
'1'uRaL BALSAM rot Illi. c11*( of c.ott;11:4, Gold',
fy the (motor that the r.'onlie versa ores of :1tne1 ;al 4(1,-09S945 of the Throat and Lungs has
the largest of btu species and a diner• givelt•r'1n0 i.0 1) 11'00114 iillitatione, T'hnvim_
alined file.. Itnms'(liatt1 aotiini was iso' 1'1'narortar, IlAriit\ir has tin name of V. 0.
ila_n•iu•,l 11lu,;n in 11,o bottle wtdeh is of the
necessary. To retreat was to invite
!erg:, vi • :ma tleilw at 2.1 oh.• WO think it
'tnd hatlteri tits; fltiack, with the Orlftlt°t' proper to warn the imensgteeting against I3AL-
111 ti4Vnr cit the shake- Pc, take the reg;• tees btr)1r,1,. other temps, or remedies oftored
WSJ A. D. ()t1IyWISE. :,;tyr°enrsli.1v,(tEiabl n)i.elviitla gth1r1e) w, °±tllifkR.nfnln.1l1Pt
ki(s t.6n `11tt1.((t4t1t101l' •'t.h811I11t�(r.. swaatnr'$fttl1l1ymtrooitAhLisDanLd-
_____.—.-6.•'m"4'"•"..—"."—"` ,ga:.
•--•-- the doctor !furled It with a}1 bis might
Tlie llnnsehol t that. keeps ahnby crud at thy er,trndr•,l, vibrating Enrol of tilt+
snake •just as he wee in the not of T11r'usenle of nut' little ouea are lost.
apringitg. The exertion c.f thr'„wieg 'Mutually trofn cholera infantutre theta
the ore extinguished then taper, god the rites.; and tete summer complaints,
horror of tee eitnet kllt °an well t,' itnft- whose ]'even might be preserved by the
glued but never accurately dor.eribed-- timely nee of 1)r. Fowler's I+;xtreot of
the dilrkiten,, the dread llilce'1'triinty of \tii!d Strawberry, the greateat and meat
aI'ord to sell its, alarm ciotik very
ol, ea,p,.
Every dower, even the fairest, ions
its sbts1nw beneath it as it swings i11
the annlight..
rot of'en print. the 'last the loce,tity of the reptile ; the for u - , ye iftblc apoei(ie known for all summer
v. , we, 1,.,1 nr"" fhnan rf "'r•. litrr 1"''')s"('' of the ann.......v r,P t•hr, f£e'I• nilnrm,+e, lf'nr pain he all Dore! S'rnrpH.
ca,.. - . •15. ., r.. . tt ', o. , i ...' tv1. 'r'.4,t r. C. 11
A full a'sortinent to he offered for sale by Public
Auction at
Opposite Central Ilotel, Exeter,
TNIIIATS : $10 and tender, cash; over that amount,
4 months' crs•dit on approved paper, Pr'vate sales
at cost will.be made between Auction sales,
UNDERTAKING as usual at lowest rates. Orders in this dspartmekt rescind at ail
Lotus, day or night.
Parlor, bedroom aril dining room furniture st1i1111ied 20 per dent. lower than any 0titerhouse Jr
the trade.
;11) Ar}i" 1i �•
"'t zi k•
y�; "1„'4A.
�,,47 ) "rr ) ,Gips u y! •T y f
J r' , ti
'tJ, �$a �rl t� 9i ti
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, S' i
Throat, Bronchitis, Fred ti nza,
Croup, Whooping Couc!.a,
Asthma, and every
affection of the
Throat, Lungs, and ehze,
" It does not dry zip a cough, and leave the Cara we.
behind, as is the case with. most preparation.,
but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irri-
tation, thus s emovi1ig the cause of complaint."
DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles
bearing a similar name. Be sure you get Dit.
with the signature of "L BUTTS" on tho
wrapper. 50 Cents and $5.00 a Pottle. Pre-
pared by S>1ra W. Powasi & Soya, Boston,
Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally.
t I
�..: r�•= 9/ �
A Protected Solution of the Protaside of Ircn,
Is• as easily digested and assimilated with the
blood as the simplest food.. When the blood
does not contain the usual quantity of Iron; the
deficiency can be supplied by the use of the
PERUVIAN SYRUP. it cures a "thousand'
�i[lls" simply by TONING TTP, INVIGORATING, and'
r rrALIZntG the, system. The enriched and
vitalized blood permeates every part of the •
body, repairing damages and waste, searching'
out morbid secretwel ' ' ' ;thing for •
disease to feed upon. .Lots Is toe secret of the.
wonderful success of this remedy in curing.
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils,.
Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea,
Nervous Affections, Female.
And all diseases originating in a had i' Ste ./f '
the blood, or a.rc'omptnlied by, debility, or a lour
state of the system..
0AIP11011.•- Be sure you get' the "PE-
P.FRUVIANiSYRUP." hold by druggdr•ts gener-
ally. Pamphlets sent free to tiny acldrt•ss by
SETH rH W. POWLI3 Se Sows, Proprietors, 138 Tlar••
risen Avenue, Boston. Mass.