HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 4 (2)• ;" 4._ ' •,. Z&IL. 01.1 41414141 , r It _uncil ot the- Town '0411PNT-'-'" ft XQ * 1114ga Zre:.4 I 4431144*, testest, • lteeet, to* Me, Arlti ; "Al, Or Twn hugared 44t41 entY.riyte 1 rte tee 4444014w OnigituN, ttle. Jarketeet itratrutette Ate - este - u the Vfl ge er Lor hat_ nrefV41-7-44110i1 or the, said Yillage or eteelor cotata ,Olinicato.. omelette"ton* iud - 0071Onte Which ors set out _ e elesale: to owl *Matt be nr el in every' *VW or plate' *thee -* 11010e Ot pub8centertatihnent 14 - MunICT)4114C,- "- UT the a..„.•1_13.01 teithiP tot ateph 1 be IJI4.4*. The d* tised ir4ir the'Vetyttotexit Vet *cot* te said„ peunicipal- count!t or the rt the 'third daY t January., .4.. 1:). TUAT tne• polls •f4r taking the Said t will be 11:,el4 Ot the sarnet1toer. the rv daY. 4it the saw place* anti, by 'me Deputi-Iteturtang Officersao be annointed roe -th* purposes or annual municipal electioi.. The titteentit vlsor.�f"Ilet; A,. Um, at the hour ot o .06 !Fen etee-this,, nth - 0 lh 4 gures toflowk tho Adeand entitled '01 Detemberi-44 • Mante4cturing Company Centon. Ontario, %.ereireaKte_t.,,peatled, 'etihiffietkiTlirth'Elliiit. And Municleat_Council---OrItle-Y1I1440 •g--V4fetiK-(hcrettuitter. called, the r -tttion) or the .otomitt ,part. 1-10101141,14 the above named Company v an Industrial 'Company .having once, tablished bushiest* ite the Tovrn .ot to for 140 manufaCture or clothing. 'end being. desirous or oPentper . a .brarich. or t'fr&lad Wein:ea* In Inc said 'Village 04rar.retcr, haVe applitd,to the sold Cot- .omtion tor. the nalinient to the 444E 'CornpianymittatelliY .fer the-perloj -or ten r o A 'sena - notexceeding three A 6 14*. tac • 171 fitteeitthday o d (ompny tt*ttfir 44144,14, 0Oreeretio0 tea t dot tio: by-Lw..V:l!lt, or., the • ‘•iaZd i,the xi the to su *P th� toi ' „'IPa 11-414t tiort,e0 • tot or the piritaIned,there0-..-14 • t orpOtA, uIs4 Aueh Auc1 the,ia LznpaflTtett "to , " ncotract.- ik, u 9 1 9 e e3te4 theu the sId *Wit 1* t* bel*. returned to the **14 Company. , : 11., This ,Agraernent Is entered_ Int 4304- 044 oni**.teralteg 144 theII.I tt t , • Th..ld VbrPoatj�Dt� o ,and 1 n ror. aubj.ct. o the rried by the.said ratejayer it ;art Oftalice• with.t he prolvislona And it Is 4109;) agreed and PrOs " od that any _cettoodion ot. overeat*** due to eziy ate!e not in the control „or The ilimepony7shol),1:not 0', tie 'a deemed X breach-or-4,40-provistorti-ret-thts.iffie. ment., IN WITNESS ,WItEltICOP the , sold parties at the tirot part have teerounto set: their hand and 02e1 and A-2,1. 044 Corporation has strised their Corporate Seal and the hand of their Reeva THE zitch:soN itAtitIvAttrt - • yet W. UOICSOtt •,•„, Signel 'as to exciuttort by The Jacko. , son,lito,nutacturitig lifft.t.S. 1i the VIII, on, t . **hi Townshlte or Stephen 1 aptont In writing, 41101414*1)T hltn- o eersonti to attend at the Opal • g up ot the vote* by the clerk ;one person to Attend* at each 0011 - pita& in the various polltng e,uteitity. ts1&is on behalf ot the Persons inter. In and desirous of prom:Ailey the - 01 ot this by -low; and * ltke iunb.c on behalf et the persons inter. isst.4 ht and deoiro,u* ot opietneing the tvr. 5. TffAT the tlerle_*t the. ii*,14 srunit pet aouncli.et the oakt 'TiownshiP of Stephen viha4.11 attend at his tittle* •in tae*14 ylitsge of orcottoo on -the rt'. Dos lanuory, A. 0.1910.. at le or two o'clock itt the rett-,r. sum 'int the ItOother Of votes teen ror,and Wilma this* By -Law and grant the requisite terttficoiee. THAT thls, 11Y..1.aw shoti,take erne luta *Perot!** on orett of.' it day ot May. A...! D. 3010. ••• *btfl Ceantber. Crediton, the A. . t • ft the above - to se coy of a.ptepoate1 I3y-1.avr- whiek been tThen. Inte cOrielderatIole- by Council ot- the.:ToWnehip phen *id which will be finally issed CI 1 the said tte'the ell: (ie. .event #of the *Aiwa ot the leetnre being ob- tained thereto, as, pr ?Idea by Litluor, License Act4' *nd amendments teereto) /citter one „month from the'•fireq Stablicetion thereof In Tits 13Xgtilit ,a•XIVOCATE, the date of 'which first getialleatiee 444. liturtelay, the Ninth day 1St laCcernter, .14".. 0. 1909, ,end that it tge hi:ext.' day and placra therein fixed Zr teeing- tho votes of the electors itte -*ails *lit be held, UENRY e111.1)1111.; m. • SIP • • • II party, snail be utredito pay as a rentaltor omit - to be used and 'mounted:by th ,lte-a reefOrk*"to. the Said Vzflsge ot eter, and further • have oriPtled to ,t aid doreoratIon tor exemption trime M`Ohloit41 taxottonr 'AIXcent tor certein rotes letreinatter speciticd, tor a -period or ten year, and for tree water service for the smote rietio,p Aqii tot the Ivey- 91.6...et to them ter tha sum ot two hundred and t'atientyalleice delars for the puteheie ot gasoline engine tor their said fac- tory.° * AND VOilritIVAS the Sold Cirp*rition .i c!eIrou ot, vii,c.,4iiiring-thef Said thetr MunielpialtY and tor that purpoe' have trOnstmiett to grant the. ittp.,. Motion Or the *04 rtsupeny. euwect ourse 0 the 'Sanction eed approval 'O'netepayere. -• . • WM° THEttlirortlf: Vita- .4,0alt.t. uttrit mirrrmtessIrrt-I,nukt the sot Cot. 06 -ration tee .ogrees to Poy 40 the, Ceriarty aurtwaty for the period- of Yeaes suet sum as ;the Oomeeny mean expend Itruntally to rental ot premises telei and oeeultied br teem -es e. teetost7 fisuret-ennuel-ipaYrnept --not-to-- ---,exceed tree hundred dotterel In an single year) and to grant their* exem.ption trOrn Muntenia texation excel*. 4or othool purpose* and *Lorelei 'frontage tomes. tor Pe.riott of ten Ycars, Mut tree water :perye tor_o,like *dot*, eta to pay tho odd sum et two int/tared '.141vti 4411s,ro for the -pur .* toeoline engine. for their uPort the toiloWihr tfirms atul▪ •conditiene; branett Ottheir said manufactur- ing bushman' In the said ter la the:pretnises,,known. s -11m-it. Pkard Co. Store situate on part lot trat. ..Ntitedber Twenty-tive on the IL side ot Main let or •suela. tether suit- orernises as the -Company may be able lio-obtatit 'eatisfactory lease ot "inl to have the tantt fully eluipPed a* rActort for the manufacture or cloth. laureled to leave said factory In °pew- te',In not later -than the' first day% ot .rets- riarY,:, 1919. and by the' drew' et the Year ice,. erave not. les*than twenty-thie leploYeesat work therein. " the *814 Company' Atgre2s tO FOR IIICHEliti hoe 1 11' / i\ ,1 3,4 •' r preetteett, ti o&n 'the met sttstickttou, t 'A vacate and tilveter Time*, Newipapera w1,1104, rArst:publicatIOn to 'on title ,tti r 0t EtecerpWt, 3.44)* ;jail lake ;tLce riat,thei VOINA' th0 ,4411Y Auatifted El- cto s of th tiii.I.rdcli*Itty win be -1161,0!:"6„ttrC OutY ItittUr tzantrd' 4 ••• yea. tit t, .g Offlcer., a4 Vo1 C1• , aiie, Zverr eaeeltOlder-entitled w ,tO ote un tho,',:eopoietl. Dy-loW.•hali at teza 4,174 1104. r.cedtn 2c day ' ottM clerk ion% elatingthat T4j e **u2 *t hi low _it to vot*Aeoz•such, Lit.aw ell ° Xiea*eho der* nektecittig U*a*tit-shall t1ot 1* eft 6 . • ti uie t thee name* ouo ; DV ••••••"11 , t routheut busine, Sales not, Viestitly eteritronelt-0, W. ffero ivety wflbe 04..0.1:Alten fOr, ccoOhts toe , Wad un; Itevint Viral* 45.' *Nth, Ilusinette from 'Mr. AlontalEfod gine. / PrePered to do *11 144i1st 1).*kernIth. :Work tor the general, ,erta%Wirleettillir-itoilett-the potrona t *It the' old customer* ,Cit theitib0P, Many new ones,' / am sure we Oen le you entire sathttactioler Iforwe ehoeitt speelaltlt.ertileN MeeISAAC• Cred.lion, O4ar1o, Pre _ana,_,,letra. John' Pahnerottd e olemzed at the homeet$we: ding woSnio daY..Ijec. 13e4 when- their-eideet-daulth ter. Was 1.4vto*, hteAttie the WOO 0 Mr Wm U4 It'Vorotalleevoloo4 lannbermsn o' v vereniteet-w * OR, e *tied, a* to the execution tertfiS'iritiale L.. O. DiCirtiO PAP • AND WlitilltlIAS for the Ourfetee or *inking the said payments to t tie said comptrty:aa *et ,torth, In . the sts..4, agree- ment, it will be iietlftionarY to raPie by Peclal rate on all the rettrelge 'prop- rty in the 'Village ot Stutter during the. Par 1910, the *UM Of reekhundred and wenty-tive )4013os and during the 214, atd and each ond every •subsequerit Y*r of, tee. '1,14 ',Relief:Kt of ten, years, the tott.or three hundred dc4berve• AND wiiItEtzttAa -the .._,,yrbtee rettable Peoeeety` or the meld Villego or /teeter according to the hut tovieed assessment. rot teen tor the Y'ear 1094. 4* *$- 1 1- - Attp yyluontruksThe-anittuut-ot the Pebenture -VOA ot the ettld 'Village At xoeter er,ctuitye at local Itvtprovenuett debts secured -,401)ectal rates and aso. essment $34,964.24, 'and no part of the-pr1ncip:4 or-Interest:thereorr le In - *treats, "A TflitilleFORle the Municipel Council of the •Corperation ot the village ot Exe- ter enects as follows," 1. That tor the put -Poses In fore- going MOMS and agrcemrntt tnention* ed. there *hall be rallied annually by epeeist rate on ell the rateable property' the Municipality 61 the Villag3of Ex - ter, the 'following 'urn* tor and during e following years.-- • For the -year mo-,t-eurrrot, $52t - Po: the Tette 1911. Vte sum of 4141(79 or tee year 1912 mi.. sunk of curnt P0? tue .yolr 19i;1 the sum of 4300 Pot the year 1914 the sum of 4)00 Vor. the year 1915 the sum ot #4100 Kor the year -Ina tho Aunt of-en00" Tor the year 191.7, the SWfl ot .4360 Por the year 1ttt8 the sum of 4300 For the year 11519 the stun or 000 For the . -year 1920the stun ot 11300 . Teat 1,he said The ,Taekion •Martu-. racts.trItig COMpatly WW1 1aubJeet' to th • terrat'and cc:41010one of ,the .eald Kiret-Inut)- be etehipt. trona ,inunielpal %ilea upon abditt reipect at thee tniinutocturling business *rid .itoelt, an and anj. 1116411Migh Al 11101%,..* gilit$SMIRR411141C441101111. , nth thc fIrsty 6 h3, 9I0r MschinerY,. Plant And .94,a1Pmen tu •11ko value oT, at 10,,iiitvecx thousand Aloliers. • , . • . • i .3, T.14 said Clintparity Agre,y; to Oyer-, 't,.... iota oaat1due In Otoration their said ectoeY for, a pe lod, Ot les- tei0g-ot ,, \ rot daY . osc, I' ' \ A, , a 14 0,11Tiliait*'lagre,t, \tor ern- p'oy andkeep entoloyed th their Neid fee tory and %atoll the prentlles oecuptt1 hY' tiaen. tor. aid Auripg. the fleet reit* or ti ,sittet.tertn. •at losttweatkrttve em. toyeee, and tor and diritty• the second .00)1..._v•14_ ...seattseto&nt„..year_oen.,„*.tereeir af At lea •s . forty troploylea, comffurKflUn i(zeu,,timployies ottbti!lioe r ot sU-66. A reee trt,atty year to be' o th itn- pmy at eidd teeter)* during .pe' ahsll• 'have' elapited PeeePting th • 'e odd Conapany_egre3 that they otet orthe sild-Cbrooration•. w.tz sat.tifq.etorY ioildctea 40.2 to. Or roployeee' er.e*,04 ;:40 *sad, factorYe It. 1$ heneby further Alerted by and ten V* .perties Iloreto trod tt,..o std surd thrt.I1tood(rtd plfd by the eald 'Corporatioa ss111,1,0141rany, Shall be paid Os tot. owa....The *rat Y,tarlY Payment os. tilt itat.day ot. V'ebecti-ary, A. D. 1911, entt ie7ezfloCJit Iielflnent* 'Yeerletherearttet the laid Vorporetion *hall be *.ed' hereby ernniwered to. !withhold ;Wee*, or the eell ..eearle surtiefoItsteeof • .lt the mild; Coetesf4Y fat/ in the • 37:patae ot rely Part of' title Itg tittle jeirt, tO be pert)r , , • yr • 1113 otuped bY rn as.8..tact, trugrs tiAtipt7115491o 14V4'ilt121kttliVe'41r1 *etc:ffintld1'11 4.,°'" iron the' P1rAt, Tday rehNsairr, 1). 10104 but thii. efemption shall /tot e to or inolude titage t 14. Te jeeksorl ,1k4itttittt ota0Y Snail have free **ter titer said ttettfry, a* provikted _ te:iYears1:.4toltveTtniallpilut•teli*rtroilmiletillelbiti';"*tet ettl compottEm ot th6 water Work* eratent 'now ben* luotelleil by the said .4.,„Thtkt„AbiLli sbyrivat AWL SPLIOI:„ Int °Fee and telt& effect on 'the 48\y of , t'tpat pe011attetherOlti Thief the Votes ot tty ,,/glectors ie **Id vluat* or ;getter ,ttuallfied to te on Una bylaw be taken on otday, the thfrol day .ot January,19i0 ittetteing aik tenet o1cioelit in the tote* „.and_ teelteinkeeg_.:_untle,..te_er,.e.selOele e* *the...noon -Same ilaY.at 0110wInt 01011110X Piste* wt tne atetor b te tollowitg' ,tierit:4)17411,e4tuub.arninift,v1sOlofti,detiz.‘roe... 1. at atlas iondtOrd's residence.' ltdward . Treble,' PutY Iteterning OZer.c.:•.r and 'Iterbeet, rd. roll, (3erit. PoflL:rsub-divielon. N. 2, V4eices, rble ShoP. W. We:kes.' 1)eput :turning Of:Ccer and /*melt° Nitoits roll Clerk, ° 1*011144 sub-divisiret leo. 3, .70.1att Mi ortiee# 11-4 Thiputy tutfautt Otizeet4 and A. 0. Dyer. r Clerk. eubetvlsie3 leo. 4. ZiwnUaJ Deputy tteturalqc Of.t.ce 1.1 • rt0 11 Y .0et Nh • oUs tale. III $N, 4 good article as ft is ,to,g pro fears v41114 act* :nowlcdge, *Ur vet* (MVO e111tefl you Just 'why* sale by W. H tto•-.14••• at theliO4it o 0 teem,* to ,tbe trat4s-----0 h.* _ reit, played by Miss 11;sure Ilatr, ids ter of the groom, the .bridal patty en. terel' etc pa'rior 'whet: a betautlieul arch o -ergrtert* was erected and der.oeated ert white buntand pink atal whote carnations. The bride 10014 .' letatelY end Itively gowned in white *Inc .trint* med withvalenciennes insertton and. wore a beldal.vell of silk, 'mulltne With range biossoms. She ceirried a **Viet 0*.. wage chresenthernums. The green) wee supported by his brother Itilton et 4hiplat, and the bridesmaid waif- Miss uouisa, sister ot the Whiz, she bein beautitalli':gowned in Star *tulle. trim-. mei With net end satin,„eibbon to mstch and 'carrying'a Sonnet a oink roses je. yia The c_rcmon and congtatulatIons be - 10* over. all repaired to the aide, gem witich t s beeutitullyldeete*ted with, Writing' 404 'bens, . ,w114" a °MD - twits apd apPetizing feast wita,-, *liken of. ,Tite, guests nutrthered eho‘tt one- hundred. The groom'e Alft to the beeulltut ter -limed ceske and to the bridesmaid a brooch e.lt with amethyst* and peerle, titi the grooms. map sold curt links anl to ths orgentst' a brooch, Aet with -Pearls. The claims,. 'Mtn In which the yOUng coliPlel-are held waa shown by the !OOP uttegul Uhl 0004 ty prentents- att!vett' to them, strong them being a hundred dollar Cheque tront the grooms.- parents, and a bestutIttil set' silver Wire* snd tortes frontthe brides parents. Amid showers Or con, *lett AO* rice ,they lett , fer central/a wham they,: t*Sok. the train for Detroit and Mover, Mich.. and New lliembunr, where they- Will ape4 their honermoort. The 'bridefit going away gown watt or Wisteria Mirror thtlehtel cloth, eitit' hat tnstet. On their ,return they will re- side near retalva. The best Wishes ac- ontPlny them and mav their future he one or hePettese and PkeeleeritY. SC11001..111CPOUT POR NOVEN1101. .*--Ceettititiatio04,Clatte subjects. Mahn* tie or Vrench, Composition.11-. Teacher* ter. Mown 84, 0 Short 78, E. (a1eet Tr, Truemner 15,114.-It1enzle 70. Ma-" triculottkne-Do. 1-1111 04, IL' litaturray 43, *** n„ 410Ject1. 00100$1000,„ 1pi1- Atittuot,t6., rikmatoi, L (latser 34 berfluUtv*n A1 nkbziner 45, Nr. Oestreleher t4 'die* Sulosect$ ,evne as etas IL, 1 god, s 03, S. 'Wer.zet 5GE. tom* 4, 8 nub -doer. 04'.„ 1.. ttchrotler *c,t,..ttriewo ttoociii*, go• ltii moo 4'0, C ,;111toett /0, Pass. I14 ;Holtz* non- It, W.• 10 U tta4lik7111„ )4.1\ uror0 lettheee .434. .c0.4,111'4734 Itonore. Went 75, E ihover 75i, ries V. Mots 72, If. Drown 11, E. Treles..I9 ass* 1/14, jr., C Oeitreletker66 lC. *Wei 61. Msa C. Itiereole, Ti4,ther Div,-Ito-tloss lit" Sr4 1ron0416. 14. -11$0t. $2,•04, Inuett "itieto1sotr-10.7tioas-V.--,44 lattrt-stort 70. I. Wolfe 410% tx 66. L4 IBeasi 66. Ctaaa IL, Sr. or* Wuerth 11, A. Maier 75,1. itoittrovent 74, V. Itied4en 71* )0.0alte 044 M. MOW* 42, 11. Settotirook. Sweiteer 61. Cies* /I Jr.. E. Clew 64 ta. Deaver tit, n. Inn 40. rt. II raw f. Denedct -9t M.-14161-11.., ---- 01t*Itlh:$4. W. tteAtt ,U • • 11. Jr:., kamo. A lioltomann 13. V. ll'of Mut Oft,14Treson Pat It., ITo ote*, 14W41611 ,T$i Pmts. It. ItAtet •6. 0. !Wien 00, 1.. Drown 61. Part 1., ItonorS, It. Xtrowto, 1.. SointihroOlt, Pis»V. Appleton,' 14, Iteddtzti., Plot N. 0/deer, .10. 13:11bez. Vretr..tr; Jr., It tots'. IC. nowild. P.Steet 1.. n, ratise Pi. itlitteh elt4 keit .1,1#. A. .1r..„1toro711. , el Lawso' o.8 -1114A4 tierls, Teethe. • 11 404.04:44. .#4'••:•,••••••• IT On. year 3140/ VItskentert was 041111111 about $190, per yr it* - fano Moro. Now isa it *arta* st; the rate of *063 per ram Ofislidat Our 44441. 0140 dtl� 040.8"14$(1;0040.-- 101111104141Ay0elt 141141111141. /4041/411,1111r 141.11411,4111T toter aas Teillildiat liket.100. 'Write for eddreee Clinton Busineea 0o11- nriptionotwrir no. 11 PRI7/101.rAf; — 4,4r 1 4 *014 srs4si any,1411-01*** reseonable price*. r On NUm�ro Cuat�inr2 g stet at the ',.,abortt eseertion, Our to-day-ithe best t Ise . maker* prodoOe: -te/rata are wittit you Do it, nsvewtbwOort bitbit:oypuo(furpoimita_aileket.oto seuitoorc cbesp stott In somecetieeitrettlit at blg price*. O*fl*nd lieteatty"we ft MualcaI _Etn heqtzallty tyli eso a is mas ateheevOi eirr of alt kinds Cut Glass and Chi- nas; Everything suitablitoreld si4id yOttng was never to complete. . Have leadv' aside c andlwill eased to do the for you. ‘. The earlier the better. sr"\• • ItAttIlJele soaltre. Archie 'We A.B. Line ittperst tIttoaotywith let -- ergo parent,', Mr. ett4 Mr*. John Sher. ritt.-J. HI McGregor 11041.10rite t#r °mower, fittodeyed with Mretul re. &Webbof the 13, Litte..4 bird hoe a geojt of melt fro* Th ord and Forest **kit* scythe thostite, out rf the iTelilte Mb Umber To btirbkvi John Gower of Shit** le spelt ith how 4'4110404 lies. ettrotlor &bOOI 0 ' a firew.fl o tt3r out to the A pliceerit lion wok* o' ao wattik 0;10 V*. andthe fell Lg iletOtt read by Rev. 10. 0.,'Ilewtert. • are rot!: toxpti4r is &itch ire*. .p and ne1iti4bore tritetprelie, Our good 11 to, you, our apavociallso et tow, as th*orgonuot and, ni5ichtsot7. *TA r3w At you:' reutemt from elm. *tit* • We tato nottetit for soot 7ttroo st with sleret Inters at • tha -uaitilooss uOrlitt!iteittattsiic at your Ute. As ft ithrievi4S, • ••••• Lee ) * IEkt Anti 4C.:',4t4eit by thee -tett ,sur2t, teelnef;cif. **ft te*a Coetpany flit in, the joet. y part •ot,. thi* itgreleeet# in to be ?Mt 04t oulattii ditt, t:',* first day bulimic reed° that the tree * out 1 te ) �re raa let aY a ler WIPI shil Y. 'at le