HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-29, Page 5vino Y 18P0 1V AA 8'1 ALBERT GLI. • • „..„..-„,..,..�--aJOH1V Ili' A I -Z 12 id] R, \>VINES, IJQ LORS, C1GA .RS, 14 Tc., ;Dealer in Groceries, Flour and Seed. rl .n %s Ado, Lager and. a' orter fit Casks and • —LABATT S ALE AND kitl'C)UT IN Bonito AND QUAR rim CASK— YOUNGER'S, TE)vNETT'S, BASS' AND GUINFSS' STOUT AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK. E GRIT'S SP!:'C"Ii:U MEDICINE. lhr(ilaatCl hslTtiADE 479;f. itF.LI.. EVILLE, ONT. (lt'41r.)1tt•e r nnhool, tv th corp.'' of stn.'y'Pnr:41a- trleelatttlt [i.i 1 1 r<,a,.,r,' !i+i•1.1111 tL ori; lul°n 1 ',.w! ir•: C',ouries /itrht-cl,.ra 00111111ereiui t ni- 1•R0 ALIttS 1NI)1tA. COLLEGE. FOR L.1DIi S. NInsi el course. Beard, Ronin, &n., a..3.I Per week. Teems be•ti n N. pt 0, hid 4 1, Jatl 0 mud Ap ril ld, 1k,41. For . it oilers, J ' address 1'resident.1. 1 . J.1(Z'.II . i,11.t),, 13e11,ytllrr,Out. !4'esley'anFoinnt ieCollegef 11 i al E '{)''e, ()NT. Pito oll,rst eltnrtrm'l "'aides' Cn111.ge it the 1'rnvi ,.e. W 11 outer nn its i`Itll v.,ar nn S„pt. I88ti f'.•;1t,1,tein its ennipnl.nt ext•,.n,ice .n its, nr'•ie•.11otil, thnra' ifs !a its tltatreeti nt.-- t,•eum;u l'lntinli tui?nrpa-Reil 'Neste nand Paint- t't; nu ,i'llirs 1ttrvl' l.es ttt^,ti;11.t1. A,hlress the P,bt 3,1)11, Buy, A (i116N.' 1), 1) , 1 .T,. T) �. w•.y~ •,yy'T1•�.'�r+ I,n:brn Tnl^t;,•:upbt ttu.1 \ t?' .Rei �u.1,. 3 �t neer. 14.” to 4304):1) mouth. t! very ti r:l coat R".z.l)'�nh t.ma a Paving Hltltt'to'1, A,h1ra: 1t. V:1 LI :d'1'l\1•;,11'ula er,.Taues,:11:u.ii'i.; ,: .1 YHA anti 1)X aoisog to ae•e1:ts untflt ff•'o. Ad.)) s1', (l: VI..K. !my, A vista, shine. rix..) AI)\ ED rift I.N.—•Iin•rest Ratoa for illiv'r- .L tisiag 111 070 • nl d uew+nau.re sent f reg. etil- cressC}h'tt), P.IV) Nh1l,l,,�:,'),UlSpracn 4t.N.Y. , . _�..:1LOO, MIKE Rhee., ,lid yon buy t3o'm brick P Well, Jimmy, l nought thorn. ft ow Jlitehetl, of eonlse. Has he aunty of them loft? \\'he, ) e;, thousands of theta, and first -cin vs tee, How .loos ho soli th.'m, 1tlike? \\-ell. Jhnhly,h'sells them so cheap that 1 was•notto t"'ll, but if yourvauf any just go right there, cur he slays he is buuud to tot 11 as cheap as a.ey in•thi county. h.;'luelnber, he lives south t i..te creditou gravel road. JOHN 3IITC'IU LL. (TO niton, nib. 31,1$$ 8m CLERK'S NOI WE')F FIRST POST IN.r Olf VOTERS' LIST. If 'of 84'0 5.04.--18S0--.,'P$asnecG;Tst.?'tts/ off9nn. d^0atitsitip of Sdepietta., CO3a:eay r;I ltitta.ttoil. ''\'I ICP IS HEREBY GIVEN J- 4 t tat I have tr:mstnittell or d live••etl to the persons mentioned i1) the Third al.d Fourtu \ y,,eti)u of Ah1 '•\-,.tars' List Act," the etude,' rc. *,,lire 11 r s1) d Saations to Bn tra.usulittod of de- livered. t , the list ,nude um,n.tut to the said Act of ,111 18',ne :utlpe -ring by the last revise,{ tsess- l:a•nt loll . f sail muoieipatit; , to be entitled to rete (.t the said municipal ty at election.; for 311+lc It re of the l.:e;ihl.ttive Assembly and at mil- 1 cle.•tiohs, autl thee sa'd List was first posted. up at my od ce at Exeter, on the twt•nty- u,i,tl1 lily of July, ib8,1, 11a11 remains thine for !reap. 011)11. Elector.; tre willed uunn to WI:lMAiae the said List, and h un; omissions or outer errors aro t'otu d therein, to ttuke immediate proceedings to Have the said errors corrected according to law. • Dated this 11th stay of J;tiy, Mei. C.1'lt''VT' , Clerk of said municipality. Uen tral Drug Store. WINAN'S OLD STAND. rriIIE SUBSCRIBER TAKES THIS opportunity of thanking the public fo- 'thcir fair snare of patronage in. times past, and '1 rspe.sttplly solicits a e0n110t11tiuu of the sante %tit the future. A COMPLETE AND FULL STOCK Drugs & Chemicals Constantly on hand and V\ arrantod of 1 BEST QUALITY & .T MODERATE PRICES 'Medical Wines and Liquors eau be relied on as best quality. A complete stock of T&US3ES, SHOULDEI1 BRACES CHEST P1tOTEOlORS, ate. Always on hand, Also �Stationery,8ohoo/ Books,Fanoy Goods,(Eo NtA,`�lU l,�Tt�S'd", (WINAN'S OLD STAND) :Directly opposite the Central Hotel. C..LUTZ. •GRE"A'1' BARGAINS IT :MILLINERY .AT :MISS C-.A.RLIC 'S: •Thro ,'remlihiin ,tack Of Summer mate nail ''i'riminin s, Peet ere, Flowers and' Ornaments .will be seldtut tyruutlyro'tIuued•piices 'ancy •Good's. lioniton,tnd Point Braids, Berlin and Fleecy 'Wools Ottomans and Slippers, Back Combs and Braid Pius, Cardboard, llitlttoos, etc., to, '!'hese ' (toocis must be oloared Mit, and will bo sold cheap. or than they stn be got'anywhere else in town J.GARLICK, ...MIN STREET, . ' . EXETER,, .. ., ' 4 i TtAWe^ 1 Ri(.Ttemeoivoi n�ntril euro for Soul).. na.l WeekhaS', sl ttnitnato1'rt att. t t.u•'t. 1)l ,,lt'ul'tul, 1)i.,.t to that fti ;i low at, et s. (pn•nc o of Self .tl,usi, aati , 1'011 loos of 'ternary,lj'4)iflTO lft�illl.tn1lr,Fu'in ttu, �Cr :".. Back, t)i;nin,s of vision, Proffitt ture old age, and oaf or r uiseas, ( that letah lead to lnsuty ar Consuulpti.ln alto Prentatnre grave. Refe'Fu11 pertie„1.trt, iR MU. p.unr)hlet, lr1nu11. WO +ltuiro to send fr•e by 1)1.31 t.' ]r ) r ono il1'10 Specific Jlediciiie is sold by all tl Ug t is at '-1 per pcchage urn111 I•aeku);es tar •- 1, or will ire. Rout by reap on receipt the money by,ultresAuli T.1 D; 1111.\ 1' tl l i 1)IC'INN 00., 'f ou.'NTO. 0NT . CANADA. 1: "F1i c1iel In 'eterby all dn1 te'ists, and every. where i,1 r 11!•,In •111,) the U41ite,d States 'ny whole sale an,lrrtuil,Irut! gists. N,B-•Tl11 dome n1of 0ire bu' ees Imre nenl's- stlete,l our rem nvitie to TuW'nto, to which place please atdr•'sa ell future conlnnuticn lane. 0f G i'L' TIO(..)1) )(..)DD : 1M7 1,56', �� �W�rfi Ftte i 5 GRO ! \ye b::ve rcceua nubli1citcd a teem a iiti, n cf 1)k 11111.VhIlto111,'t '.l.'.13L1.11)3L1.Ti I) liMAAY on the re,liau.I and pernla'.eoilt cure (without me- Menne tcdioiuee 01 Nervous Debility, ?dental nud physical llteapeeity itupedinleets to 'lernt:me, etc., ro- tten Ma from CXe111e. i..i.. Price 111 a sealed envtlnpo, only 0 cents 0; two poidai;ei•tenips. The celebrated anther of this admirable essay, e•1•'a riy ermine •trate.:, from thirty yn:Il'h' aneee••a- i'ttl t1 r 1l)tice, that Mare. tug eonsequeaves luny be ra:hutily cured without the tit 1U ,mels n.+1' eel in tl. rnel nle,.lu ices or the ase of the knife ; Point - mit a 1110..0 of ,)be fit once simple eel teill an t W. fectun I, by means of win, i, h ov:'ry sn fer.+r, nom , t - ter What lila c:u,lition 1,110: be, may cure bin weds e1o'aply, privately nod radically, This Lecture s110111)1 be in the hands of every youth sad every man 11) the laud. Address, • THE CU.LVLRWELL MEDIC ALCo, Post (`;'See Box 1:188 .11 Ann Street,New Y rk. H E N S A L E, x131 4 y FURNITCRE ROOMS. Why go atm lad for your Furniture when you can got llitter V111118 for your ntouey 11 "I0031ZI1I. C OZ.`°ORTIM Miming bey ghtout the Furniture Business of 'Mr N. Nairbnirtt, and added largely to thea stock is enable,. to offer ftn'nitarc, at very ln'^ prlcoa. My Undertaking Dep ntment willbe tomtit cu. fierier to any in this soctinn, having just received u large additipu of all kinds of und,rta,ci,'g g ,ods. A drat -class hearse will be furnished for funerals e1) reasonable terms. Also agent for tl. o Wanzer and Now Yurk Singer Scwiug Mitebine. ji'r .,I-,C�l.� carte Cel sks Z01 -11,q VIER, i e ! LIVERPO() L, L'ONDONDILRRY, GLA S(4OW SHORTEST P ST Al PASSAGE. CABIN, INTER:41FM ATP AND 1r'rEnitAD1i TICE. 1T'i. Porsnns n'ishirg t.t n,'.1 .1 for their friends con elite )uI uRsagt- 110 :AA'rn: t i t lour: t rata, irons r•.n.^,lun-a, Ireland n• l `0crilsu! to :1),c city or re 11 - way town hi t'turado. Fe -1! p,u•ti+ull;tin by apply- ing to CAPT. 0 tc'; \Ii'. Esetrv'. Harper's Bazar Patterns. They are graded to FIT ANY FIGURE anclsn adjusted that the nlostinexptn'icneed, with the aid of 111e printed. direetiuns -which accom- pany each snit, Dan ,,cure a perfect fit. They aro cheaper than any others, ONT. Y 26 COEN PS FOR A COJI- PLL T.E SUIT. Agent forITxa..er and vvici-n^itt�y,, 8 1�V . ...Lk.- 0AN IETAD( iTo 0(1111'1 oleo call •pecin1 attention to his well assorted stock of 1,1(001' Csa,,d)8 !se•rliu Wools, Fine, ring Yarns, Knitting Cnl ton 111 all en'ors, Knitting done to order. 4. good supply of hos- iery always :111 liana. Please dell 41x,1 .,xltnliie etoo,t 1111.1 pricey before purchasing elsewhere. Oppositol•',illaon's Blook. W. w':w1g C+d4eN!a,1.e:�.le Ic 'CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE 1 S. o v y IS MARKED JAS. COXWOi TII. IN BRONZE LETTERS. ALWAYS ON ?,AN 1NONE OTHER GEiJI IN TItEIR SEASON, tho best of n.d. Onto ALSO (kWh me & Waterlime LAND SALT, LAND PLASTER i :laoksmiths' Coal AT SWENEItTON'S WAREHOUSE, Exeter Station, whore ray warehorseman will always be found from 7 am to 8 pin to wait on customers. B. SWENERTON. REN SAL.LJ :PORK :PACKING HOUSE 'Having commenced bbsinessfor the ra/i andWinterirade We are prepared to purchase any gttantii,y of Pork, subject to the+foliowing regulations We will take off twu'penile Per hundred if dry, -and -three pound If soft. :Shoulder stltclt, twenty -Svc cants. 'If any df the bung• gut is •loft in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No 'pork will be bought at an price 17 warm, We want- all Hogs Cutting sright through breast to head, and .Hams opened outto tail, . ,i .J, ,FE'VTY. -f• r �q11 r., •,1 4.. THE EXETER Planing Mill, ash, DOOR ANI) Canada Pacific Raifwa .iBLIED )7,i11311:11' TENDERS FOT,z. ROVING STOCK. t�llil; time f..!• t('ndery for R• ilinr; tit c .t a I to C a- Isola Pacific Rail- way, exteuniu, iieee t m;s. is extended to 0nd Augurt, 1:v nrdur, F. BRAUN, Secretary/ Pepartment, of P ri:w:lya ;Uhl r:unlels, Ottawa, 281'.t retie, ts;n) ALL KINDS OF N I N Done to order. ft one emberthe place 0v o t Mics stele Eras. Having triumphed efttl•e polis. ISAAC CARLING a prepared to give all his onstnmars too b-40eats '.tlett, will accrue from its adoption, and has o hand alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Bite., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter., which will Fe sold Which will be sold at prices unheard of e-liorFree Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their 1)rotltlCewithout paying market fees, on the Exeter market,wllich is second to none in the west, and then cal] at the store of the subscriber and Ecoure E ' , E/Se Mar4MILLS here to 1)e had in Overcoat.ng, r nll.tiloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, •iViuceS s, Delaines, and everytning noededin the Dry Goods line The (Grocery Department very COM plete. Au inspection invited No trouble to show ;Foods ISAAC CABLING !'THE LATEST NOVELTYK THE It'A.LLAND WIN TER TRAI)E C. Southeott Soy:. TAMILS lied CLOTIIIE1t,i4 Take pleasure to it form the innabitantrofllceter odd surrounding country, that they have just ope_led out au excollentassortmmit of Tweeds, Coatings, Vestiflysetc., in thelatest styles andpatterns,anft1ool assured thatintne matter ofclotting, they can suit the ,uostfasti di on s t:tste e . JOHN. BACK having purchased the stook of+3iossrs 11, ct E. Spicer, has removed to the store lately oc- cupied by them, North of Post Office. All kinds Flow' and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in groat variety. JOHN BACK. NEW STAND. Iwouid acquaint my customers that I have re- moved lay Flour & Feed Business .to 'W. H.t1tOT'1'B OLD:STAND, .Three 'Doors • south, tif'the'I'ost OfSco, and has opened out a choice stock of fresh FLOWER, .FIELD LND GARDEN SEEDS. tazt. Flour and Feod delivered free of charge. iJOIII' M 1 NMSM i 0 �1 --THE IMPROVED— AMU IPROV.E AMUSTABLE1 HIP CORSET. --Tli>r--'— Ne Pius Ultra. I'oit COMFORT, EASE & ELEGANCE CANNOT beEQUA.LLED, Everlasting WEAR. I,r PRETTY, ATTRACTIVE & ECONOMICAL. ADMIRED. BY - TRY TRY ONE. For Sale of: SASWELL & PICKARD'S, General Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Millinery, Etc. MAIN STREET - EXETER_ WO I v Imo' f31.2 8 I DURING the Will Season 1 offer All heavy Woollens, including Blankets, Tweeds, Grey and Horne -made Flannels at Old Prices. This is a rare offer, as the goods have ad- vanced fully 6() per coat. To prepare for Stook -taking, All &Ammer Goods win Le Cleared Out at an Immense Sacrifice, positively for ONE MONTH ONLY. 'The M llinery Department is managed bye first-class Milliner, and is Billed with all tho Jateat rno\entice. Body Shoul. rail to Ficoif( Tho ORDERED LOTHING DEPARTMENT is more active than ever. A Perfect flit guaranteed. J- U'ST TO A (large Stook of Barbed and Plain Fence Wird, Seed Corn I ungariau Grass See -d, harvest MMIitts and Tools. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Farmer',s Produce. .Remember the Old Established. House. .?JAMES PINA.liI)