HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-29, Page 4The Molsons Bank ISOOAVO(tATE)1 SI ACT OE' 1'Az(LIAterate, 1855, Ceeitat, $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE IV9ONTREAL TETONAs WOnitlitetNI Esq. - .Prost,Zen J.11,11. AloratoN, Est)., - - - - - 'Gree -,Eras D111L)'CTCItS. Ben D L Macpherson. fl W Sherherd, I A Reboil, MP 1', S H i w1n4a, AIl1e4�1'111itt1n1, F• Wobreasr tv Tao ILIA, Esq.. t: rt t 'IZ tet tier, S,•ir4tam.l,sq., ara)tzyer .t'ofrtrMi !i:'a'iuh. HEAroa, Esq., - - • - inspector. Exeter Bra.n'ili, HENRY C. BREWER - MANAGER. LOANS T(1 FARMERS. Money advanced tofarmerson easy term, nntheir own promissory notes with ego or more good en- dorsers. No mortgage required as security. SAVINGS 13.1NK D'PABT1111:NT S wood Ffteresi atiotaed cart (t( oastits. Drafts on United States bought audsold. Sterl- ing Exchange bought mud sold, ('ollectious made 111111 parts of the Dominion end retaruspromptly rr,aittedat,lowestrates of exchange. Exeter A"('.est nth Ii 4. e^ril sir t',At�a9S }��r _ mny bo fntuul ot2 it �l•t at+U10. Y. ti 1ruw1.L1. Bt Cu'a Newsp ,per Advertising But eau UO Spruce Sti in con bore Got y tieing contelt a:td may , iPet�t �t3t be tirade for it 331 Filo-e'er y,. . inter TIIUESDAY. JULY 20,1880. • EDITORIAL NOTES. TME following seuteuoe, part of a re- cent article in the Canton Nt'w Era, is one of the neatest pieces of sarcasm vfora}ours time: 221222 we have seen � "It is the free and unreatraiuecl diss- eussiou of all subjects that has made the Reform party what it is," Com- ment is unnecessary. Tem death of 1Ietleene Neeson, wife of the Hon. L. R. Masson, 1lliuieter of Militia, is announeet7, which sad event occurred at Terreboline on Saturday ls,st. The deceased hotly was the eldest daughter of the late Lieut. -C')1. Alex- ander Mackenzie, and grand•dangllter of the late H gin. (Roderick Alexander Mackeuzie, an Executive Councillor of Lower Oen 'da, Hou. Mr. Masson will have the deepest sympathy of his many frieutld and admirers in the dark Lour. of hid affliction. Tne appointment at various times of a large number of J. P.'s, many of them unable to sign their names and ,same of theta not able to read, Las imide the office not one of honor as it should be, bat a position which i1'; fre• queutly sneeringly alluded to, alai letely Mr. Mowat has a J. P. "attac..eii to the name of a nlau who is not long oat of the peuiteutiary, where he serv- ed a terns of three years for arson, Who is the •next ceudidate f.)r the honor of J. P. n neighbt'rs. These paroxysms are; he admits, undoubtedly dangerous, but when madness is blended with just self- tter,y U, 11. 4() 'll<tTitaia11t<liY1tlY WdYW 411. K?FYlr¢R1 iR in the bush by lir. Peart, who took' hurried back, exp; eting every in -attest .irt tlet ' TS speedy uieatls towards his restoration. to even the mangled retmeine of the list. 1<A1.t' tZ5AT. He is now reeclvel.in 7 and we regret to tie viutiut. filet to 'tit it eurpris41 and wiled e'tthout oast 1 al delight then foetid ono, tit' phew nee sentse 1\'fiJ:AT say, there are uo hones of detecatingthe fieient self control to keep it within I th1'ee•fienat. bounds laud prevent it from betraying On Thtlrletley tart James Leslie, re - itself, it displays itself iu nervous siding on OQIlces•.iou 6, Welltlee, went euergy, and enables the lunatic, to ex- orcise immense influence over his fel- low creatures. been tilr('tt it in to 01.0 of the cast, b. wife ... .. f 05 to z ea p,tiarU1, dltlt,tl eontadul tl alb ill I t - i t11t,1n)4 Ji a11uyatl') ... tree tut 63 nu to 1 110 11•OlIcs of Weser, 111.d they Outwit the ')•4t" .. li sl to I. :tl luvortlued 3nUto. A'.'.. -r 1'.'1.4 ... 0 S:". to 9 (30 )Iut.ti,i) 0 0) to 1) .1(3 Flour per 3,1)1. .. .. ... ... l) fie to (3 041 i'.,h . .1' .t bag ... .. ... ... 0 id) to 0 (i) :',1,031, !ter• i3O:' . ..1 ... 70 to 1 7:1 0 (17 to fl 1)7 ... 6 (3)) to a .i). .. ... 42'02<, 500 ., 5unr"0Of) .. .. 0l0to7ea 73 t..) to .. •J (3 ('•4)0 l:0 ... ,,, ((500.074) ...0toto(l1�0[� . 0233, t4)0410 .....007to0(7 044tt,I)11 to IJl.tovtelpith Ilial Yt'lfe, le11Vit.t; th<1 j. 1 i Olti) ).Alt, ]lett+ e'Illd,)eaRe•d, but ;riI1 hired men in charge of the 11011be And itlivo. D. W la. Smith weeNit)litien10(l farm, end wh1ICt he has in the field 5.11(1 (ll41)1 examination rotted toes }to two wolllen :tidied for the key to glut bi)ilea (vett; he,,ke,t. The f -out (twit, some water (tented for the purpose of wt i.( ktioeli<+.'i out, a".seVel't+ hinrw WS!: .. t „ i.'•:pr 1, . CleiGi'1l1g the C1111iC110t .11120 the faun. Inas 1111( ,Jltrr nn the laio,11, 211111 :7r,vt•1'tal It,•.41 Hote.Aneet Caome'3 is reel'iviug a very n 1 f!i i to a;.lJ When 11Ir, and Mrs. Leelie returned it; ecrt.l4'•lJt'.•) •,•t th•' fat..o Gard b„tI\', 1)Ut th. (•<1 severe talking tc by 2115. newspapers of ti,e c vsnival th4'y forted +1 heap u, woos t f !l'4 iulnli'' ( ,:era I':ust dr 1 3113. 03143,11 5.D, ,', 1 •'11' the PYUt'i10@. • It [appears fleet the smoking ruins ,whore their House had A orii, ,r•1�t,sty ea+ eettel('1. Ei1 ,latent In,r:'ttylr stood a few Wows before, 11 'w the 11'iu1 ipeg at. ittitti gilt or, J.11 l• ::.3, !z,.•1•0.4:1, n) file originated lig a mystery. • 'licit reeinttd ill li ( t 1 wlnit,y.: of tyt =1 i• Irl \ j),.1.11) A very Interesting 1111d profitable Power, (.,l the L)r,•Cil 21..1 1) :li'',. (t' n•(ir ........ '1.)._7(.: 0 0 .,0 srrvieecarn)'ofi11the .Lt••y'd11', Ingo t•ta;nesel4.'1,'.1(1.).'.t4 0140)1'1'+ 5t.itt.t;G .. ' die's Prefbyt,: iall Church, of Alts t CrluuluJl otte l:ti Mote ).len-v'1 ete aetv Craig on Sui(da,y even( ., 123111 inst. ing 01 turn; of one y, 11 1 il,i n 1'l . „ ' 7 +\l 1 1) i WO k(.` I'iVltl MEN • 'rhe 000a1i0(1 was a vi -it fr:1I1 that lit a l'ObiliirY 00111114i'.N3i iLt !.,J^ 1)212. X r.n`ti1 l' .,<t.,•i k .l'o:tbava classical ohair of the Torouto Univer- sity becalm() vtteaut by the resignation of Dr. bloCtiul, and the iron. Adlun, who evidently believes with lir. Blake, that every thing Canadian is of inferior duality te foreign make,brouglit a man named Warren, aged 2(1, to fill the vacancy, and also gave hila the Vice - Presidency, in older that the elnoln• meld of the two offices, might give hits au iuocme of something like $1,000 per annum. The older professors of the Univera:ty as ju t'y au 1 lightly in. dignaut at having a young; au(1 con- sequently an inexperienced man thus Outlet over their head1, and a few of thern threaten to resign. Their cause tae been espoused by the papers of h'sbit sone of the Chine,rl (L i it,, 4( t. the Province, exeept the (Robe and [( hay a ?soothe' of those idyls 221st, few of ita sateUites,and the remit isthett Mr. Crooks is getting enure than be bargained for. There is really ver - little to be said in lir. Cro.lt's behalf '''here ought to be and d. ubtiess thee( are plenty of C:eundians \l bo are as able to teach LAI in And Greek as any young man in Euglsnd, and the pro- fessors of thp University are quite just(• fied in regarding Mr.. 1Ylnreu'd appoint- ment over them as an insult. Had Mr. Crooks secure(: a gentleman for the position, who has had experience and could show a long and good record in teaching, he could be excnstd for going away fro'n home to secure first•olass talent, hut the 1 ge of the young man app:allteti iS a SU fcient indication that his expetieuce it, not very extensive "Canada fur the Canadlells," ae far as possible should be the mutt() of Mr. Crooks. dlstllrgniehed lniiisiootlry, It V. Dr. art', 1'1` 30)) ti '!'1;,.1 til .,. )1' t4,i.I a(':•n1ta111„Lela, •i. ,.. a Iaaatl. 3loliay, of China. Tile uneelil:t; ever( al the C4'.•vt'rl'lilt.'lat (!i t::: IL t! \tll,•-t: a (tensely peeked One', lied the addthe turnk y it. beak t',1,r lilt :..l, !t'' A thrillingly 10leie!,tn1•, (me. 'rite Dr. Made hit; li cape. t,)i' f .J '::'r .tart. 112111 plevionel•'v held i'\.. <0)vieee that OU tia.r•,il'1 1 1't{. z i1r'ill (i.e„t irret slay, one at Rev. i11r. \full'••, N'tivii, the other at Rev. Mr. 1I01.)hel'soU'e, of tenet :1t1i11tt[lli'. �L'Ito p4(11•le woe 'leers' hhn at t,.,,t;t, elate, .e crowded in to toter tial again at Ail:la Omen, ft i1 !loped tins Dr.. will p,ly llli'e piece (kuo4hie vi ll, ere he leas es lot' Furnace, vie home' in the Etna. If so .lit' teal c,5.• in the ((heel!"(i i t' li(+t3 te!,, bet jar/Jinn: alter guing 11 short d11e..e' , be. wee) 4atail 4)(4 the nett;ltd•t 1)':+"131%1)':+"131%a ii':;•ti', In the Ui'1('ctiou ..k leme11•.•1i'. !'t- Ohlef wolf.. a liana "'1'l.. ,.l ran t own after a otetrir. , <,t wet 1?(,.,• ir'0.1 the . tartiuptil peil<t. ,_:; wee leo 'i:'IFSete • eel tyle l meal ' )3,2431: vete :.'-•1ot �ti. ' a h(ethic S,,1iO3ili'3.1 I t) ;)tile .; eno, I t:3i,.:teeti at, toeitlig 31 h'a'ir,'• it .:It' bite. eat tee )ti.lutethe LetdLet 1'4: ,'i,ui:i0 , tu'ir,ce Etlglaod ulheiate,l so pr.l'Oi• 01212•) P•ovor eu30r,'tt tl14 nr,,;,t t,1'1t, i,it• mealy in the batl.;i '„ (41' Bennett lee) u.teed ley the ptit'uctl•r. 5.'a ',t0.., it! t, 1t'rlday, he h•al; not had a very peen; t4e t4 thought, ss 111:(3115 eteneett nil tee I elil~teuee. Ile lived oil Illiz•,helh .'1 (i' et the beat, piteii'It)tt,04) ' (1.' oeiet ett'eet, 'P,'Y(,213•), and '''most n'gi11'ly lb 3)11)1 lt.rn,elt tete; the river, 1) `wer w LF bad bey=a of the ueirllberh' ud gatlit•i in the vicinity• of his tl'luee, and eatan the man \shit all manner of tautalizin)s a1uee. 0(4 Friday 11;12 04.00(1 1n 1119 (1(•,,l•• 3114; l))(, 1.).1.).)1‘.1.,t -;lith!' 1.)'l,' 410.8 1•l�et:v.>t•(•d. way, and entintieel tial range(' teti•y '.(taste.t at, e ! >144 'Ail() believes thea Car - group wbieh ceefrented 11in1 \2121) ihtl )0.1 hue a;;tlltl e-01e11ed, 5.,a hit: boas coo gratifyiirg intelligence that it ens Lot be found. An iugtl•.bt 'vas ii Its n), ()DIY a inatt,er of titan nuril he sh' old the body of 0(111 Poe or, when the jury be called riven to '•work oft" the whole returned averdiet of"14'ot11d drowned.•. Power seas a etsotlb under G01101 al �bt:rnlnn 1n t11is Americaan (truly, and bad $111('e tet veil tt3 lienteuatut i!) the \'til,tt11'0g Citva sty. '("4) tee;tenet al regret, it splitters 'teat nee :toothed senoidel iS ab.utt to l!tst resort he has applied to the elevt'3 ,_ •,.,, ; a, ,drt:'i.•11. '.Lbe c' mt.tai:it'i; for a pauper pais iuorder that he 11 ,, )45 ,,t,.:, ,,, 211a• get'. lir. Ilaudford go east. t 111(11 :)xil ;\1i 11 ('110 231!4:. (:f.., a r'aSli On \t' l,tle.v an elute of all (•x4)1411134 -t ttllrty, \1 i1•'ut the t xltt1li11a41.111 435.431" kind took piece at Litman. A_ von ori tat tee; led4.' tied left the vi(y 0• d 111e AUT1Is-4)(fd OI11,0IT31880. The Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Deiivt•ry, and of tneeizes and Nisi frits, after the prea- eut term, hill be held as foflo,xi.: BIROCK. CIRCUIT. RCN. JUSTICE CAMERON. Oven Sound 11o11day.....20'h Sept Walkerton atoetl .y.....27 t1l Sopa (ioderich Monday 44b Oct Stratford 2Inndoy 111h Oct Woodstock Monday 18ti1Oct, The nututntl sitting of the Court o • f The Canada Cotton Ma11ufacturing Chas nere' will be held (38 fellows: Co npeny at Coru.vat;l have declared an WESTE RN 0iil,CUIT. laterite' dividend of four per cent. for Tzia .tins. the last Pix r130ut1113, The Company St:ra.tfora.... has been in existence and wovkiu4; fur Goier'ich several yesr4, and this, the first divi- 1311udwieh ,}soli which has (teemedto the share- Ghlatllarn..., holders, is certainly a pr..lof of good Woodetuok mal)agemeilt and better times." I Walkerton Tlltlltbevt fa Pruni our Semforth friend,St. Tllorn(�a TUE ]3Li2.NUELL ...W0d I f etelay Tuesday ut•9day Thursday... Tuel•tllby ...Friday Tuesday at I3Leze. 81•li Sept. 11141 Sept. ,.2'O.11 Sept. e 31d Sept. the Expositor. The "hum" io begin- Lundellning to slake itself heard in earnest, and we are glad to be oboe to refer for proof of the statement, to ouch excell- ent authority 4.3 oar asaforth confrere. A. Gantt N physialau has started a pleasiug theory with ro.;ard to inequity. ft is, he thinks, a mietuke to look uoeu It as an unmitigated evil. It ie, iu many oases a been rather t11au the reverse to the person immediately aft Meted. The loss of reason lauds t e bllffeeer from the sea at trouble into 'iue of ootnparative cams--efteu into elle of decided hapliiness ; and attempts t) naivete shote a person to utility would be 0:101 rather than !tied. 3loreover, he iusiete .that without a certain attluunt of iU3116Uity sueemes ie life, its the ordinary aooeptetion of the term, i.9 quite itupossible, All "ergin- e Jt” (31)36), 1113 Coateule, are deeidelly more or less glad. Meuy of there are LOMI1' 1ON• ...8t11h Sept. Cth Oct. 8th Oct. 12th Oct. !'Ire McNichol!, a farmer's wife near Pei hy, Ont., took etiychuire, by mistake on the 20th inst., and died one hour after, Mr. James Randall, of Lambton, was found lying dead at hie own naso on the night of the 18th inst.. Heart dis- e€l.se supposed to be the canes 5.,f his coapt. Henry Jackman, a teamster of Ties) sville, a few days 5.11' vitnited - a ,;mite fully eighteee inches. in leugth, which he supposes he sWalla wed rornetilne while dl'iilking water iu the Michigan lumbering woods, G'lorge the Third was one morning in the Royal Stables looting after favorite horse. Ise asked the stable - anti) what they pai,.l hila far hir labor In the stables. NobI,t1i t your lnnjesty, except w#teat I eat And drink, eat and wear. Pon toy w'.rd thaat'3al1 l have myself teas Hie Majesty's reply. Mr. Charles A.yer, of St, Catherine's! ((enols us 1u.onoluaui tee,w111€W jt . on S, atnrday took t•l Strathroy cue of rauld be desiralrls on lila etarl'ier pigeons” with orders to flv iiubtio grounds him Tor !loom 241onday meeting. The sinit up,but who uevertheles. aohieve { pigeon watt started at 6 'o'oioolt sharp rat.tld eeroo s aced aro credited with I and arrived at 9. 10, making the die - ammo Of 150 miles, to three hours slid� ten (nineteth The bone of starting 1"14 t1tlalllpe(d 014 1118 11 Yv nLr Mr. Vulhols is (alive to tell of his suffeein4s At the broths of three of the onset fieudiell'tl'atnps we ever heard of. They met hila near the village of l:oil€;>5 a nee amount of good, This 'else irot1011 he atteibutes to the feet that the greeter msec of xns.uliiild are alto) 'nevem, and quite eittable to diie- t(ug:lish between gaud 00x2 evil. Whole u omits are, lie stye, (Cb09ioutslly esese• Psi, likeiuriivi4lu'(t pera4nns, with uacks t12Burlington, knocked hila down, tied r hie hands and feet, gagged him, rob, o ' '1 d a.it, end led by e0I0Orlt made bed hint and heft hitn to die. After ten •••e tsx,•J3(;JYlss yr I. tele lap us agrett a Utlb,ii. , 1141 wee futud Je:,t •:.11•11 to 12513 TO 1110 i.0 100".. i'"1:, •1l,..rr 143..0 once, but soon (ti tttptpt tar- t -..1, tale': -in it tier tette againr seen tl',til aruwtl. Tile abh<'rrence with which he is looked upon by thore liviull in hes neighborhood is rt•Int1)1(,lbll'. No one will employ hint to do even the 1))'1442 111t'tlilJ ofilOo,l. Iii 1+ tush"''' tllaue'v, id 1.201.1el' !L eaCiftl btbll, Wild 41.1 •: roan earned glow Feehely, a \titl,ess teeeeta433ti'•ih b:>I1liteittee tried ill vain 1n the lilfldt3't,il et(Pe, came Into the to 1u1<1llC,i het to rennet and 4)pve 1181 vi'llag. ,.b d 'n the c nese of a fl w h tire evith nc.J. Slot however N Puts them a Coll; (J, 1c•4 I'•' 11e,0 and itinerant jewelry neriine named O'B'ielt, tl'iruaii.g him down 00 the door of the QtlePn's lintel end kite:leg 3,,m iu It brutal manner. letter. 11.44. 0. recently returns t" the city end lir„ 1s the chnreli clouts cl•1Ked against her. She demands .i.tl- SAIh'•1 On TO t....•;(...11.,,% '•G1; L for.1(4,rl)(4.; f t ... t rinfo :,1 t1ot oxo ,' ' , ;. I.., 1.4111;4, 1)3i,1•,41 (3,131;1 ( 1....... ... .,....,...,.r_ .‘.1• • or'eh' .1 Y Cu' Oµp'(i�tctnSl4 \ c'1 N ift� lam. Trio t.rw I re+lrh fes:3Pt41ti.uret,Spet oatorrh,aa, ^nn:.1! tts)rrut < ,n' l:l)nhtre• suiting (s Loon o: i4l,Olorv, 6(2110114 11., p 313evts to marriage, groat de401r.8;330 r, 04;41, 71,1 per [u1' )2. NokI by d t.(,,glsts 14 everywOe .tlole- sa10--L'.tTiAiv Iilt.. 3 1'n, C 434. 1aronte. Sent by 4) trait, seeurelyfsee/e,i. nu re 1311.? t1))3)eriai Bi'4:2)0:1115 eurer('v tK .Rt:44,41',7.. 'ora530 ' '1'JY PU ;I' 11411th+;i, 3 rti;p 6 a�.ii1LTO I-2.:•11133 nailed t'1 111 1'I /33 p fly; nt,ata r 3', r art pro (•r,re t a 4 . 1'.i ' g4l:1314.1t'1 341'33,, 111111111 104;33, I 5.121 3.rd4ar..l LU 0(f('1 111(1rti140 Stiperlol' to enY Factor in the Count)- 1ttrl tat Ingres that 'i.'3 :•.nal"•tlti4'n: Wells ant: t'lsterns ting en the the nteet notice. Before 'purchasing 0,.1111.8.,e 'nay Pnntp'Works. 3'�.Ahni/--nup_,i:)art0 grits Lort of Exeter, Lon'luu Read. nay i or Lit 1LOTn a and C i 1ST MIL lloiug to gond wori.ite order gives „very acCyktl- (la tian 11"3114(1,114 111 31')'tirtt;'lrltt 110:'1'4).!,, ltiour' 1,11).4 mitt Lued aul'vnrctt (o (1:3.1.110) !03(4)1') their ordure. before cue o'e1o3lk at J. 14,1.1,1:S 1(11,1;sry, wt. U'111AtA 1. St t;V"t, 131.44111141 sante day tui- stoicteat ,,, , •ars belore the that• I ,,, ,.0—� The p' nln'iet')r, lilt'. Field's, inter Cored, c tie until makes a clean Lreeet of it. neteee tef een Neste eed "1r9 and 4.Vas in turn (node the sltbject tit the half-madtlelJed and diunl(pu Fes'. hely '13 abuse, Throwing off I1i9 cunt end tenting away his shirt to the ander, the endd1)lp(Ji)e nettled on Fe Itle eit.h terrible imprt`cations. The latter encu mantled Ilius to stand hank, tool seiz.:41 a.lieavy lite ell V141 in 11111 ()111(41 for Ito' purpose 1'f dr•fel.ditlg himself. Feehely, uninititlfnl of the Yarning, throw !lieu calf on the hotel keeper, end received a terrine blow no Elle head, laying the Scalp open and causing the blood to gnat) over hie nak.'d beetle!. A large canted heel colle tel, acid among teem a number of womeu ffaiih•4i before the bloody sight. When Feehely menet, he still preeistr-lt in fighting Fields. The latter would have stru3k hiln.lagait. int tor the interference of a bystander, and it was thought that the fight wa:. ended. But it hadn't, In a tliinntt' 11,31' evidence geed to show that 'Mr. Haudb)rd iodn43ed her to IOM's lire (lay 1133 the IIJvett1g0 iug Committee w5.'" organized, and pia her fare to R')ch- eeter. He hit11-elf wrote the letter t'4.1 hot to the Committee, etre copying it. she deposes that for two yenta elle ha. be '.landl'ord's 43nucabine, at halt ahoy b4 ii indulged both in 211., 011111ch and el;•etvhore; that they were er,ee di- coy ,'red, and hail to pity hush 11111ney; that Ifautlf.,rd got tired of h.'1' a a took hp trIth H1'f4. Leslie, using her iii a like manner; that lie tiupporled her 49 lung ns she engaged bis fancy, but that ho w,'uld not coutr.bete to her eut'purt a( 90011 tte lie got another, mid th,et he had left her with a blitst,:d oh,tr,lcter, (J0I1n11ese, She deuunncnd 11(an'il'"rd )1s a beat tress 4)00uutilel, and thinks it would be an outrage fo eu0(1 a man t b 11I t tl 1 molt 0 e S. 0(v0( o omen an. ler 43 1 afterward, Feehely Led commenced a Iii r2arol)t4),, These developtneu.ts Lave fresh assault 00 a roan mimed letenel't caused ttenlend•'lld excitement. Young, whom he knocked down with a blow. When Yoneg recovered, be COUNTY OF HURON "THIRD followed bad a3(illilaut outside and with CLASS Tit AC;1.il 1tS. rt,totie, Cut another gash in hie head. Tide brought Feehely to 111s seuses,alld The foilbwing are the Hautes of c))n- when the c1 eetur had served up his didatcs who have passed the non -pro. wuuud3, he left for his rural ,.home, a fesbioual examivatimr for third elms tea R ,, ! , Miser and a quieter man. oertifioates in the Cunnty of i1111 An eighteen mouths old 0131111 of 1Ir. Stanley Audersm', 910, 11.. A. Gar-. - 1tis etnen:hnig to see the change' WLielr Har'per,111,s''x Centreetwas marvelously laud, 829, 1'U. Caanlelou, 811, Loin; has taken place in the near being killed the ether citta. As Eberhardt, 820, I) Gerdon, 892, J, F. cone'' ee wrong (1pp,dsile Central flo1z19' El gineor Wlnteoombe, of the 0. S. 11, Groves, 791, Jae. Cermet, 817, Win. was approaching the station at 1' Hee i.rlight, 855, Wan. J. Long, 708, John Centre with his trate he noticed a 4sllil1 Meletosh, 777, Jas, ftIu:antra, 832, W. McQueen, 821, Jae. Stewart, 772, 5i0ll- eel kiarri an 765, Walter Stinson, �-�t_ 81.1, R. )4•aborn, 82;1, Wm. Surares, ' Ge•orge Tbexton, 772 Ge ,, Wuuds, 8021, T t3 Tatoliff' Chemist and ] Druggist 2'l1n'e 8t oetea i 'e Itianon 4' �'1Aic r GB, i;3T CASH' F".LE. dirposed of y Store, tort laving to vsen to t),o s3117'1o, I will dis- pose or my whole r-1ort; ,t1' 3111(1 under cost. Sale' to a, ll'uonoe \ ro,3J..c,lay, Jane 4th. 143 2(0033 comprises 4)34 JI ,;1t;;oo.le 114 th)) trsar+,and this is 1'1 4.114.0 (Opportunity to p1'('rure harpies neva' before 011)34410. (.3,0, early. 0-.,0,16 booked will be o1,art;u(ire;u10r prte<•s. t(1 3.31 (St.)13441114314000t111419 must 1)e settled in June, 'W.1). escabo3HL014, 1230 Lnndas So.. London. upon t118 track. kliceulti peroelve the little one as he drew closer, clapping its tiny betide :title glee to sea the i1'ln Demi:dter approaching. At once he signalled to put on the brakes, but he li y that the train (mild not be brought to a1 stand -still in time to save the life of the child. Qui"it 1514 thougist he 3Ylullut04to the railing naiad the engine and was spPdily 031 top of the cow- °ateher. There he Met with an ob• staple which frustrated his humane iu• tentiva ; the bars of the 00W -catcher were not wide enough to admit of standing room. The train had atlrnost come up to the arnihug child, and the engineer sorrowfully averted his eyes, knowing that his. effot to had been fruit - lees. Next moment the child •wets attack, mid propelled forward for a distauoe of about eight feet. The hairs went nn and did nob atop till the whole length had passed aver the spot, Thett tide ni:3Uirae,et• 11.44 44» 13tal)ds 7(35, .[1/d. Ross, 765, Kate Atkinson, 772, M, E. Allen, 815, Isatret Forest, 701, Margaret Ilannah, 8131, Agnes llml hose, 819, Sarah Inglis, 858, 1(1, A. buten 932, 1111z. Laidlaw, 8I t1', Genie. 'McDougal, 912, Margaret Suanite, 836, Hannah Weir, 027, II, E. Wateenff, 829, M. L. Holmes, 795'. The following were allowed to pass as assistant teato.ilers, by taking as 40 r per vont in Arithmetic and Grammar and 50 per cent Oil 6116 agggetagate num- her un.her of (narks. Marla All e0, 637, Ann. Annie Bolton, 605, 114. E. Barnet, 725, Florence E. Goodrich, 680, Cath. Griv- leu, 729, Clarissa Hays, 700, Margeret Murray, 689,1Iarl eret 1(Io inley, 702, Mgt. Purvies, 738, M. A. Price, 7iM', Mgt. E atclif3e, 741, Janet Ii raquairt '720,1 Marion wilt!e'1713, flee just opened out it faro Now steals of Pum Drugs 0(1(1 Chemicals, Uruggigts' Sundries, Dye Patent 1ledioines, Combs All kinds, Nail Brl2shes, Tootle Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Hair Brushes; :i1esll Brushes( Peelamoly, Soaps. Sponges, CL'IAtff01S, r€'It13SSES, SHOULD:01e 1111,40E0, PUFF BOXES, F13EDIXO BOTTLES, Eta., gra, NO OT. S'.1100 1 -C, Yon aa/1 always rely upon Pore and Proal). Drugs, as T Ileal with no Jobbing Ilousos. Dee member the plane ••— Corner Store, Family tlrltig Store, opposite 0831121'5.1 Hotel, Exeter. 3 -EO, THEXTON, Member 0, 0. Pharmacy, •