HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 7 (2)Or eat b� W1,3111 4 tiMO Alto *read ba4 m4WhAtrefl elairt ,the 'i YOUS'' 0,14ktil*, 1401t6 p his rniti4 �n.W, * lions *gains riot digestit, feels .erbant r -exertion, while headatettee fits). of dizziness often ;adds,* These den441 ,uervouiSsyitteinle wekenet itufSeiently notirished. -• i*ms Pink Rills will promptl b,cauaeirnpurq b1'and thus give new tene to the, (=haus o Other medicine can mptly and so surely. East Pubni, * "For a. number of: troubled with violent1 adaebes, \Then these sj11 came 0' *evert -that uses. At outset these out •on J44/1)0tAt Ottetr & week Id - red' for the trouble . '44.. • •thout avail, and as time went o» 0 attacks,:beth in frequene a ser in ..waotterrib . ea -to nw wor$e.. The only reliefcould other *icor wnrn 1&ywomen, aer o4 the best .re ur.e z.iother eol. fro t 1 buttons hon but * 4in , for thct, tens * o had i leatheri.' Tlie*iteres are taught in tt the r4t with, an elastic band and ove these 1on4 stiffened gauntlet gloYes ro to be worn. The coat is tined roulbOtalriAtli' teoftlifia tarne fleee the naturatt oolor. e titled skirt 1$ eIxtrentely full And is lined with sstirt and taught et 0 knee into faddy wide bands liich go under the 'high boots. , For headwear the newest type of xmotor bonnet is the style su gest- td.-(4t, is, Of the cottage shap composed of loather to match th suit, and has ratter a deep front, which is lined with ruched satin and generally worn, folded -back in front a few ineheeIttan, how- ever, be turned forward when nee - and makes a; capital shade the rcek the bonnet i put into e deep *140 * Welt X**.-* titliag,. It* .bat Cicni'y Diseas euUer Stages, kit over with small horo, but ns at one side of „the front - g The Whole effect of the 'onttit ne&t and rnaii, in the extrem4,-Y the protty and becoming bonnet ath and tbe applieation of hot4,¶tho entrething iS designed to be ater and ammonia to my bead; I thoroughly practical and comfor- ould tben have to be led.lo 'bed fable -and to take up as little room I badto remain -untilititv it. and iintkdt5-the romments as lit- • aek passed awav. At this tirneDr4 tk _as possibie, . illiains' Pink Pills were brought; Moreover, it is. quite airtight; top' notice, and ,while I sca,rcelyi and owing to the way in- which the boed they would cure me, I deeid., ()oiler on the bonnet overlaps that o try them. After taking a fele on the coat, the gauntlets eover the a I found that the attitek$ were lower sleeve and the high ,lipotit o severe, and I joyfully cool t orao over the bands of the divided taking the Pills until I bac . 'skirt= at the knee there is not a ere - n boxes Totten every .symp, vice where the wind can slip in, 4 the I trouble had passed wow, at it would certainly 46 apt to do in better health than Il. when one is whistling through the enjoyed before. It is rev- air at the rate *Ca mile a min- . at* larit`o ray curt was efl tat. LL pa *4 I have not had al hal since I .feel that the cure * perxnanent. Thili ja, * 'plain State/ pcnt .of myea but no words can till what my sufferings really were' believe that but for Dr. wit -4, appears to be a lamb soaccd,wholer Pink rims i would have becli and it is, but there is much more raY grave, for I could not haech longer and doeve t() it' than aPPeara on r Abe 'outside. d the pain tFor inside the !SAO) is a turkeyi and m • ors did not 40 -$00, any pcd.,,,, /inside the -turkey is a eidelteo ; the -,, -Dr. iviniaans, pink rills are: sow eltieken is stuffed with-* pigeon, by au medicine dealers or may h „ the pigeon with a quail, and a he. y mail at 50 cents 4 box or 4 came, said to, be the smallest bird t. for 42.50 from the Dr. Avni, kno*n. except the humming iiird, is pvXCSmedicine Co., proc. ... ., at Mos heart of -this curious roast. anima 4 ..........;.....:..+................. EGYPTIAN 11A/tE1S1 FEAST. The favorite dish at Egyptian herein feasts is- a curious one; It OF FIRING otms. . DOGTOIS BABY WISELY iments have been recently ..0 vs_ vim!, mothers_d noitil 1)..1174)_R,S12...S11_ ...Y 'T ' ILLION. i ut with, a view to applying ,,_ . u.,_, .,, i stograo. to the use of fhlse ."•uelr cuu12.1. in‘r° nanmcnn3P.' 043 123 Issued in Ike Visited Stat-pnnes e *nstruttion in the Italian P4P.ing st°r-(12.1 or .Vuglitivf;'. nor '' 'in Twenty Item' During the recent gunnery fi° tneY Itite them Poitonods opiatea - te*ts ;ftsal:dims.continnous pito_ CM the form of soothing medicines. The Unite States ensus Bu u tographs were ,tiamn of the work ; 03„bei, Own Tablets take the place , h_as published a comprehensive re. . he gnus, and alio of the arriv- Path -est harsivand dangerous drugs, Port on marriage and divorceThe ail 44 the ebots at the target, and and. the mother has the, guscrikutee , Investigation of the subject, was 'un- it i5 belieVed 014C.9.0 -will. prove' of f a government Analyst that the44,lertaken by, direction of Congress great aststa=t to gudemon- ,, allies /Are absolutely safe, ' en anti grew oat -of * conference in innery . *traitors. will cure all stomach and bowe f Washington between represents. Lives .ious religious. denoreint troubles, destroy worms, break of vat , * 1 , eold*. and make teething easy. Mr , actions. The investigation' has ex Ifoth.i"p Orave, Thos. craft, Buricayth, mans, says tended"over a period <if icarly five wu* •"°"'"ihr. *I- hitt used 13bYs Own 'rabid*. 3marls. , ediin$1, 6 II° equal III a IrtVITL 1' for 'constipation an ' ' . • ii teething troti. . "Itpparently the divorce te e. Puy a bottle Ind see if like the veloeity of at, falling hods', not please yo*. ' - ., , —....... ,bles, and do not know of any Rothie $niedicine that ' can 4, equal them, is constantly increasing," saiys the , report, "and it is i ssible to de. .. 4They_. are_ always_tetilersetory., • SIMI i nientA01 tie name of this itheirn results." Sold by medicine.tiirntine statistically Ihirrt AVS1 We ' pnper la ,writiag to advertisers. %leaders or by raail,at ii.q't tents sh h0A,' data just whit the results would hit 1 'from The -Dr. 'Williams' Ifeolleine if the rate reached at. *Ay partieu. ,..t.., • I MUM" INE ._ ODSVATIQ's". - Co, BrOekVine, one, ' ler time remained tonstaint; in ) intl."Do you la. kow, IttYht her , . -\ „.,....,., ,b.) ' \ .\ other ;Yortis„. Ad StatiEttkOktaring ..\.• , ........• 7---' ' n tys quest -on of the l duration of 1fcis?" . • . T"eeret (4 suet'els lios in doing marriages terminated •by diverce 44 r, --"Well, she says it is 2e so f well what you ears d.o and cutting have been. obtained that ateurate- ust lie the age of deception." out *hat you can't cio. u�&.ected in to the rno erriblOsufferin death itze, and that the one sul0 I .iititge.$ is ,Dodd* Kidney ?ifls, is the experiener o Mr. JamesE. Ilraut, tawnier- t eiding neer here. )1,1-T-„Bf4A eatreete O;(111$ P it AS lOu s ro&mp AllettlItt et 1 in, and, like, boats of others r.egIecteit expecting it to go *way itelf. But it \kept gradually frowing est!, till after thirty years of ii. ereasing Afferitor the climax came, and he found himself so crippled that at times he could not turn. in lied, *rid for two weeks at * tinte it was impossible for him to rice rem a chair without Tutting b2's hand* on -hie knees: Ile could not 'button his, clothes. Mt; was troubled with Luroliag avel and Medicine; for each and *11 of there without_ o 11 Viirturn it idne Dodd's Kidney PjIIs 8tarted at the use of hitt trouhie$ And eured his idneys.'With eured„ K3dneyz his hts__14 r - y - ,you cure your Kidne DoJd. Sidney rine you vti have turribitm • Disease, Dropsy or Bright ' • *I .,, s.i,* i u1tve furthe, Covei lot vlitn itt ' nit bim h riatd ..ti ippintiteut. Vrneeeding to Ia he Pt •over, fri res aix! e'ier, ,.kfi hitt eLtI MT for tbeof b e..' -He ecupied 4 ., room IL ight feet Aquare, the only artiel 0 it being *vets a.-e-hair.antl,afe , #oltine'titetigilv"'-'iliS" tet.1 of milk and eggs Awl s 10 bread supplied to hitt* tlaily, one Coolie whom he trap oy always sent away 'before su. pigs ae41. evirte eavitge bull terrier were, irt filet, all the cOmpanions44 Hs Life Sis peculiar habits eloped to Such * piteh that be eve, up wearing Clotho excip, ;hen obliged to see some rare alsi- tors as Caine on business. This ee, attic way of life was attritelUil belier tn isae tuinet tlie uit�r fluten weild ltat A few months before his death a letter was forwarded to him from the German Consul at ?ifadras to alarm him that lie bad come into considerable fortune, but the old erm • commuldeationi and died intestate. Doctor -"What seems to e the trouble 1" Patient -"My train of thought keeps jumping the track," Doctor-- nervous wreck!" GOOD -NEWS VOR TIM DEAF. A celebrated New York !twist $ been selected to demonstrate te deaf people that'deafness is a disl ease and can be *rapidly and easilyure! • d in your own home. Re proposes to prove this fact by sending to any pereon havin r uble with • their ears tri trestment of this new method ab- aolutely free. • We. advise all peui plc who have trouble with thelA cars to immediately address Dr. Edward Gardener, Suite 914, No. 40 West Thirty-third street, New York City, and we wish to assure them that they will receive by re. turn mail, absolutely free, a datriel Treatment." itst--ex-periaiteitt-witir y substitutes« Wiloos's " man who works with, his brains is I re.present present tonditions cr4ztzon3 at aity particular perzod 'rill far Brat o ,itiens are net -Ai u, u • la 'Woes, 3,, (411 k n inexclisegel�r Modd 19*n4 tz Rc*1ngton 'MaAy of these .onseltin *bow little use. l04%**4 Trsewriter esiossiky, ornits4, ,fts SAX Mita* VORONT0,-- AMC -- tLY4' 1 Litskois,eriU.eoax,- --Ottieratt*teetele i*e etha-s4 teioltaiktk*,prepe *A, def.*. Simir- «or, r „iutittoo.,(Irtdigeotetple. Torwela, 110 pe 4e WI in SQ;e1it. nyereloiti z rii 0 INvJ'j;Tok Toar order* t sell VOb*It or othOr „5140.,lis w ve nkr. Dereottal attention. Cokatt Goods Militia' Calitlit for sale 0 , ssio. it It Mathew*, grafter; 43 Toronto. tinning into debt," said Uncle "is a stied deal $ailin' itif-de wind soi' taide -Chances on a hard travel gettin' •-,.We Beauty of a Clear tkin. The ontlition 'of the liver regulates the bonclition of the -blood. A disorder. ed liver eauses impurities- in the Nature* ittm:dy is Zai*.Rak. Impressive Ceres if Wooer 'Sufferers, • Whoever there' is suffsAse- _4010. Zeto-ask boai 1 be applied .4. Thi are :kots ::rrf lrea""ctstafxity )rbut 44"letrkithi*liter* Ate' "no: blood and these show themselves in blenlidle$ an the skin. Parmelee's* ol ltotaith is peosietiod web', foie:441e curs Vegetable, Pill** in acting moon the aa.aeovireatly.tenlitt,lioiete2sset :1iievesif loos% n the blood and a 0 skin.; will follow ssiffetta, firoolocbobbal,illioractIttoa 111.1proti,rudis,1-* ipfelliient use of thia standard medi. pets tie yr& Sometime* they we*** be4 .• Ladies, who will 'full,. *Ppre- 106nuOotioli,1 lb* btkroihe smuline POso.tbir pill*, can use theni with. the cer., thst tfottlahitielY bear to MU *bout. The Ute this prime quality of these iliesgilhe kat** tb, ov,t14"461144' t b*t the effect he moat gra. 'soot doi‘sea riist dark tieviir whit -this v,1,14.,,, slimiest bolsi; sbobtliii *posts ot '1144 al' itilwert yo ouribk Oukt soireptts bisittriul ailment non nalletstnia 1' Bad *a this con *01 Zoo. Buit tthespiltsa • saa Mrs. Bogus aostrers no loner. It **I ae.Jeda 1tt1. perseeetssf4 with 74ow1ift fa is tbe to4 cont4ete twit reintud. *its. A. Borsil..cf fKott Street, st. Thou" 'says t ohm)* withouteemilea 1 4,04 - 'demi grist pain rue* Mitortatr pilso, For its ivestiy months t Arita itosertitiag which 3t ve-041 girt an t***. but *4.40* 4e..4tel sou setrierbtor, 1*gm* 40 I,Thnt itwasShe lutsukot 7ats4slt, sa4 *he addsisattztr; fietti Zas-Fak be like As tetoodIss-sseloss I **xis& it tra* Soti ; t 1001 prort4 itta !vibe -very 4must. it toldiftiveiot • ..srma after • omctookt m• coo itet solors ft*.piles *het a Look, Mats Zittimitiok Mr. F Astriagfo St. bosi ,Strtst. Cotbittia;!** ter* i....tror eveywas 11**,00, ,Nisst:14.***gzylfret. ti$41.11.uivilkictsionait the pani ftiett4re t4hrieo ttikda beXer Ze0- Oa. It Ve r,.ecns1era1M *00 'ill*" 1 WilerOltill wt1s ibe toettetst San 1 sets etea 1 eiali • ciatal&efetviafeetery.esiftotrii the valies_ot. thia erszt Itectudbahia,t' Saaae comb, go as Asotieg eau atter coif.. **tit s by work path ,e*Ants that Zain-Batt • NO/ I( 36'0444 Ettlitiot.711tirtii,borsti,Istattriviity40,41: ailment ost be gw by ahefeeseeleg coot . lea to anil :1 $0041$ ttitoi" • ,the pelt, If lk ti.piett44.74eltnitt: eetiettei COM atie for,..taalrot arid cbepp.4 aake4 liv:0014 glow% fegeiriAl ec$104/44111'kg, ria 10410, /0//441‘ 100$414 Alt ukgtati rul *taro *at alotaisaul :pat ft "fsst am4 for faitili *35. Yea it*. aratakeiN, hi** a 'climb sod 4isteroos boat 'IleeeetsiMit 4.r,dzsbei 41,01.t.14 004$1 Ii111 many the Isere km's(' more liable to tieriing'ement of the • The statisticeicover a period from tkits, otter kilows articles digfstive *raito' than the;:r4gii .ie7. to the end.. ;6f 1.096, *rid the Y TAW I! ilia •t6.f.AL that, while the ,other *tidies. only his fit:owed than tho - twenty years works With his hands; beeline t fat nurith• er marriages rtleOrded One Cal% U his nervous *net was 1‘..1,tit,ett. 'The investigation', Cl"k-"TheY /! muscular strengt117 Drain rag • ti covered the-unber of, 'divorce* this, nza'ao ; Mores /30 ts irregularities -of the ,stornack kAtsrited *aw in906- In the twe kind." .014 I ati4 Weer, and the bestreinedy that 4).‘f r" leaf(' *of' them ;• can, be used is P*rnieleete Vesetable stli'j*. ;watches et the night' -ever . They alit *peel** - kin renvinfitl.." C rounded for such eiSts and all'thoto. v‘ho 06 them can certify to,, their tie Li.b:? strong '11 .; superior , power. : You kitoe what tremend. t'co Le has t" '4Yea." "Welli„•± ,AEUL't fiNIUGGLINC4. - that fit.6 or timoi •6' rosug from Franceto ir (oats *hilt at rni*ble, and onnakiat aibe 1.1*,t• when such flights *Ilse raewep,sper men- , i 4 y i,1400;"' ill i.,ostly KN 11rnovF 4pitievj1e5, A (-1 t tyears from 107 to 18S5 the-nnan- her 'WAS about -43,116 hirdly.mOre.il lungs.Ttesort to Divkleta Anti. than, pne-third of the number COnsuniptive Syrup it the litst tprded in Vie second ytwenty year.i timatiOn .ot irritation in the throat Thereportreport al's that each and prevent disease treto tedeing in olds are the eaititte of untold toir. tering throlighout the OuntrY, all of- which vould hiVe teen- preettit.' eti ty the applicatiou of this shortie but powerful medicine. The prieN t4-centif brings it within the reads ot all. • SUPPLIED. Stu* .bidn't the ladieA lied leave. Tards; :They wanted ' to, ma.lain, it 1 told them. you hid plenty of your ott'a, and better Cale.% too." 'ooNTEN-rsiENT. Contentment is merely the ability to forget for a while the things that are beyond our reach. , ..The microscope is the bawds 01 sperts employed lay the United States Goverameart los revealed Ike filet Oust a house fix, sometimes vivo dee thousands of disease germs *tiselleii to Its hairy botly;- Titt, tostiasous ass. of Wilson's Fly pat -prevost *II d»ger ot feettoi treat thsts filigree by kliliig L�Ik Ike germs alga tire Ilea. 11.)RE PitOPITABLE. A poet likeswhen day is done, To contemplate the setting sun. It's -different with the fanner .men They'd They'd rather see a setting lien. It is an Oill-cer•• of the Liver of Irealth.---When called in to stten a. disturbancc it searehes out t hiding -place of pain, and Iik guArclian of ths. peace, lays badw upon it *ad sig s/s, arrest you." Resistance is testiest;ias the low,* 'can imgoses-tc-stntentepot _per petuil banishment on pain, and••De. Thomas' Eeleetrie Oil' was origin. • ated to'enforee that sentence, EASY. , • , Stout Lady (at street „ corner t pelieeinan)---Peould you sea in *Oros* the street, officerl" •'POlicoman---"Sure, /neom. ou ti *10. T IVR toci:suisia_kleAnde:g.4441::6-!4:3; OX*41#0071:m„ 14 wasted to Istredoes • -Me* arm. household spectistors i to oreor tt,,4, I 13 . **tarts, to, *root , Ittotririt*** . ... UTZ oistr trut :rgoe:utot-onirt!strIto.,4"swono *ss- irdiorricuthis. I wer wool goblet** 'terrItorir - -coo:44100 and 51ttE0A4rovits vi *elitist •,011-koewS stook. writ* ow to Vreett. for -,V*11-404.--.Wistor ote* POP - Mint MUMMY ClItui verstits„ est. B 731;g1LiaTIT,Ft-ilaaW rri; Tio .steptirittene our r I lo i • ;YoUrtbSku!6Pebboir:'Alkoji441 to"ft" lir"wetrirligtb!'olto4'd:t:tollert: I,reetty.aIrpeu (4•1*0141:ra:11.,Y firm; pornissent positios. Geode aell c,b111 NI;'rept_ ,st, order* mato Net. -.3011 Orgeele *rid parttoutos set4 TS* ,wtosie Sotio4r., Co.. Dost. 61. Merrill summit, Tomato. . ED!)CAT40.#411,1g. * Olt statoo,1 ort *WWI IFACION HOWIE specs thee. Stookkeepter, shank* se set ** 0001004 teed/ reed ttrrsge. vsftlaL Arithosatie, Ceessetalal Lavin salmis Cerrevesdatm Matriculants, Tesoimpreg Vertio Stet". VeShoter'e torte. stoop iFiyies** 'ueelkomito brawillir.5t*k itaIebratiSstivelter*, J0ululII.. sP11401**Sgeb 1esetkereeitfees4 Aokler *SO **mei. Vatted las Co c e, Mae Dept E, TOT010 ri6,41,4ari ii;_'Peary, anti ilik iliditioriotainf . arum ,. et IV its_ ii ilex( ia1I for w To/WA* a l reao . ilt allot 'rola'. ies lstr 114 , te the WS*** ' 5zs!o1i. late wh *OW retscritilos40 Al ni et not Itottk role, ,,A)10. ty! *rid That omit St01.. week. Marine Era *flood,' *woe Una. Writ* Mori** iget Rot* #.,. 114440: for nitterstee in,vs *A *du , 6.e., ey: at Prowl Alt liturgic sive kee-year Ptsriod Ante 1647 has .the pubnortirk orgins. • .Vegtected • itnessed i'.ntstrited inpresse in tb • • bit 461 iverres., •, One of the oingresation of a, Tex, q ,parish watt siting ,at dinner, t . icti"the colored minister was in %Ited The reV. gentleman evident, , delighted with AO_ tgoomtl M ' and '.reynarked:'-;" t Am . 1wrt tine vote, ,itr:,..- Where,ilid , Y t17 Now„ for *Awe reasl,,,, or othrr the host' didn't like, ti,e" • )• Ir &.d4 " *SO 14 giliallitnitit STRUT, Ezamlnations In-Febriar$E$� PO* CATALODUt and $VLLA*U$Ifi 11 iovirnNcXO$, Mus. OIi I[- 101 11134 jellitlert — Aret buy Wing and Tail Turke* FeithWrite for , prices. *igen 1 Ce. torono,7oftto A, tr•ci Mao Isi.. APEIrosito -111°44111-tolloVtiOjettere.1111-- AIN ides*Virl'ott."101.,14 „\. sokritrubtrs. **is toss strut NArstiol LLfiIU Cuttint, fifth* sopa NAttilic mother by mail, in your Spire time hotrite,„ otr-Cisko, thinking of taking a. course this *inter w,rite, for free partitulatet at ar ally date. Atldfeals • ( . andetfit biltg$ CtiOlatf Sick I alai 's ritt.fdeLoyAolit, %Wire, vpr - <,7 464 t c'J A _ L, ; t: 5 ,1flOVERfl hu%_•!„, ike & enevnie tr