HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 2 (2),
, •
ol 0 i
iij' ale 1 ut thei
ude, *uawuu fohzge, t
wet leueth the weather el are
lteie was riothing`but bare brolly
v - arid ,brown leaves- below,e,
, ril tht weatherif
th site *
lfer physi
lied been felling fa
e eu11 *tot 'tow roseu
'i.ik, and tollekttwe
-And flu. ttta
WL 'jIp
ce o
05 tiIkIfl
her iKun
, „ . .. .. 1 h tour e
• 4
i• at tb,44-,
.- , se, terl i Ot •411
, orti 11 ti . . eileile .% I
t 0 Ili ifi'''preire.,
VII, lItt , V' r uitipeakabl
.. • . . • ir-9 , tete
. , - , , , ,,
. ,
km 11
rid ...elexie he • P ' ,aehing• to teet eek after14e**tie,:'. ' ' [
one *steer X.
et • a , te
t rite .fote pow : ,
ether. 104,1' 11. ' '.
cry TiVorlilt5' ,.7 ,itiiii'fatel an' i
fur ber wit;tetreme ig••'f
g at) teerefeete n
r 1 i 004% ,.
oldTI om ,ii, - - e . riielii t,•:- id Wcman
s ou 1 tasetstene torestee an, plieity,, she might. oases i to
t eed-se Air' for 11) ll 0 e ed -the pl ave known .thirs month* befere, fori,l,thon t ,
I (34. not :been ialtlitinttLa . was 14,1re*Is known t the reatixture . tee), ego .
rinumegieee *Moue! the litzl.
e itlf-fillee- .eritli• -*Pe, tbeeroeuel reveler* bozo)* 'Italie.,rm
7# hiiia .seen -the vivid blueb, the itlonet4 ow *hat, a. come 0"r „yo a -the .1411.0get wh, eele equine, fr. ti 4
unsparing in theirdentinal". ii, e ore e
44itetaile44 t"rneltot gi'l..elriPstowveitrli "toy,. ;y•ori, are grown that ..oare. of the artise .anewe ie dupe.
.,..„00,1 0 baso read lee iitnewtee a lese 'I Do you not know there ain't y tailed licr. .. •
The diecoveey filled the i
4r: that look smith _''"' '''. 41-initeil as a glegie of eeffee in the
'box foe bretikeeet to-motrow me.- li dismay. .. . ' .
womitierew nothing but •the painter el eau g e villege, mid g . "Atreereand ' deeper- 't ie
er ..oingtiiitli end desfieir
• tut the poor blind owl 'foolish oWing100 - all
•end. 141**u:bled. e . could
aome. s evemeg, greutiy," eaecre, t .t he etiffered 400i.
" 'T*0:04' wail Iceteled , like a .porter,toed., oe, gul. _ _ . : not.tell, her** eeet.410
e 04 . -hi, I. Pallet ,
ay „V ',tit-
jilierree tis :
„I• t Are
._ _ ,
e paraphernalia. se I tity '400
another 'cattse'e o e
e 3,
est without v0306,1. . furnace *lone!
etist'S•profeiosio . •Aurie 151,eng,.103,,,t4rey 15)14) lot Whomever now ,slie , ef.farmytird titantire. IUYfl-
by one beeilaced them. On the ready._ f_llere- was to,be a deliente yellage to *ell, the woolen eoe „e , helot 'Of the:',Istin e
n zudeeenunenced a fel walk _without- iiiiiir-a..beleirileiee teekiiipeltiteter.grandu* *tithe,
' e 3t'illumatfc'ifii.:14oViptisill)tititor It e ebe •P•
liet to be earried. , knit, her,,,ueighbore wonlollok) te,
t how *bent ,, the, .washing, •tempttuitielx. ande-eptek coldly to the heap "unit not be allowed
The lovers went out t .
. f they eptikeeatertte. 'But eft, to beeonee too. •even On the surie'
sil; Ibl. Yuur:Pice Ati thee. crossed the thresh *. hey. 'wooed tune *way withoet if face,' I . ' • to tinieein hotk. .
,. 4 get that don" in time to the eott,aire the stm sedden sun*
ihri'di the inountaln,--c4sting alrt-h-ite 01, .,
4 ere 'grenny. I tol heeelailite eeleento ehaeow. • . ore rt 0 -the quick,. before, 1 s !deo. 0 sin o:, a t..trces
at I should not .likeeetinie to do. Alest for •the coreeeeekoeeeec - le underetbote the. resew). .... ,..-. I TAT
.--•-, ap -111-0-er10.“)44-04-4--vire Th Now since her own - . jar-ice/rev Of t t -h. fleelb.rii'ig4oehe-ineesum, - may ' 'vide. witem, dry quartere for
oa mayebeentorte. .And srel,'.oli ' le n g t the sun, went 'down uppn
mderstoodflei r, it from the tun. - . . a wrock-ree-mg and old; ,tle no
ItiTesi 440:elm. tasting all Iter -b
bring awoke 011*.elOthe51" •anriactre emthrot h. .•iottoyil • hatred an. contempt too welt.. . On the other bend' an eteits of them in clesely until the cold
Marie, es she :cook * seat all posi. hat ni. iu 4,, oroeueneig-hhor. At leugth an incident, a trinling moisture is also. ineitrions, end 'the, weenier demands; shelter theirs,
t.t" ste6rding to the artist's' '41Si mg liamleti and miller assome,t4 one in. it. It filled her cup, of tor- heap shorild not be allowed tOliaea ill ..*ice,04,but do net confine teem, in
teen., - •• *
"That's all well enough. long- as antes, there was.** seeeet Inarriage foiv and -,humiliation. to overflew- water • aS it may eometimee do in Oose quarters. ."
heaCity rains- untese • riteaeures are leer the. econbination 'horee that
contracted between the lovere, a ing-
lire Talbot does the right thing by intwi4ge tritog t yaw- woe, As I s before, elle pas. taken to prevent it. '. e ' dines abOut twelve to fifteen reilee.a,
me. 'eauxe" it)* iiteee profitable to sions.tely to of, children. . A. •imptiefittity Of. water e invorecie day. in hairless ' or :under eeddle,.
me for vitt to sit than to wash'. Still One day she -had been out i the the vrashing out of eoute of the sole twelve quarts of good oats in three.
• a bird in the bend Is worth twp, in . woods all the foeenoen ereaffeeing uble tutrogeneus- compoutids' and, 'feedlot andirmie eight to ten pounds
the bush; and the .wiishiee was a CIIA T 1,,
1 chestnuts to 'eel. In the afternoen., partelthe phosphoric acid and pot-oe has, given at the tight feeding
*tire thing, certain to iist, and the Surnmer passed; and the firis! she was taking theee-to the village' esti. ' For 'thin reason a- trench ehould•be a good su-stainieg retion
• . 0 .„ .7 • , .
_ inttin ain't. So, I 'say, you ought tuon.th, at. keturee *as. drawing :to, when She met a crowd of Outdrew; oboula be deg round the beep intoi In. addition' to this be should oece.
to e held en to it, _even it you bad ' it * close. The company,. et -en. to the ; out for their ramfife.--- She -knew! !which the :superfluous water- ,can sionally have a few earrots, pota-
to it up nights to do it! Thatse latest toiferers, had alf left the.1-16.7, aril; They had been her darling run. • . , • . . . • toes„. sweet apple, etc. ••
what I say l'. , ' tele -with one ,exeeption., that of tha,. pets. , it Will thus -be understood. that
)Marie said nothing in ' re0y to attist, Talbot, ..who .etill. lingered., At the sight of their happy .faces, the Proper.menagement of farmyard • 4 . .
. ' wonTil lifliVIVIlifil.
his. . "The woods," he said, "are so she *boost forgot her terrible .trou- manure consists- in hindering rapid'
• Ilia as for Talbot,. he cold(' tome°. glodous in Octobee,, that‘ 1 mule, bie, / she ,sueeee on them, opened decomposition :And in preventing Mai Bit f ' I f ' t* kb t
lye ro4tre1 the indig.natiou he felt. paint -them," , .. •.,ilter basket of clieldnuts, and inlet- loss by draining. At the eame. time 'ISL .. ... • •
, s 40 • • 0 Orem lee . . eit
• . at the evaridous old treature, who. This was -the exertse--he- gave to', 0.1 them to conto and help *hem.. 'a ,Certain amount of warrnth in the axeost eiveryttung.
would hetet- heavily overtasked this the last of . hi* compeniohe that!, selvee. , • heap is 'deeiratde. to promote 'the Dundee :exports over 1..5O)- tons
delicate Oil without the slightest shook band with him. -on _partiogee But theeeleldreneelerenk „from her dew process•.0.. „teetinge_. as /avert leseemeeede, .e.lettee.
•e-oineetneteon. - .• But neither Wit comrade nor any. n fear and aversion, and huddled farmer knows, rotted fitirmYsted mile i Zoologists. Ayer that in a bun -
Re applied. himself' to this 'de. one else 'believed hire.' 'together ae .if for Mutual koppert. .nure Produces better. restilts than, dred. years the non %int' he cetiect„
.414E41 troek. Ile Weeted to “paint e In a -little- Wountain hanilet like ;', 'Won't you speak to,, me, 'Emma?. ' creel) multiuse and it is. flti5 factor We exit our ;day 24 hour', but It
Lee as be kosv here, now, And Atter. rine Cliffs, isolated from Al Oiet wen% you jeer_ .4he., pleaded in that is intent by the jidicious raart• 43:10dr esyn,z,T, , r 'per! rid minutei
ward -enec'et-olitiilli as "Itopeee as ese of the ,world, everybody knowe,ilieart4iroken tone8,, as she held out :gement of farmyard Mature.
eresteeew •as 'ujey,-' as ,,,,firiata,t? ' tverything,..and z great deal enereelterhand beeeeehiegly. ._ ' ' •
e ----e The geiglish Channe at its noir
end iie the elBleseed Virgin." -abouteeverybody else. . . , Neither of the thildren addreteed VERTILITY •AND PLANT FOOD; neve* eread-th. is twelot- tut& 4
, , ....
Be -eotild never tire of pant ng All Pine Cliffs knew. what kept replied, to her. --,
iiiit-. lovely race. Thus, irk istuoir, hfy; floland---• Talbot, --the- artist,- Iii0ger7' . TO. roteltiee i)rofitable crofts andilliette lndeS attOss • "
; * v ' It - .
1 ritainma at''"' ""lnust u°k'sPeak itti the - seine time to mentate and Ihee ee' Will Polees and Mlii`mi)
Wiled oet a loree.....eummer aed irt in the neighborhood; all, in . to you -ever *gain, beeause you're'a
euturon's work,- eati0e§ii -cif licli (net, except the .blind- and ;toting wicked girl," answered Jenny, the 'pacj'exisity(tfii;fintehteeao,70114mPs7(1.ruiiesthilrrs °,4-„4',C1. '0:1111):11:0Al'e9ar ini!r°01ptitilir°s.'") .4"3.°
inuch time, and inoney'it might vise ow tTnian ,art, elm Cottage. . . eldest of the -group. And the other ee„,..„10e. ',Ina trivAti .
him - - . . The gotgeons *nth, of October children 'huddled' around her as if Iiii70.17it; 40:;;TAL-ble 7t;;;*4-0-itis'i a' :idle' leS141ere4tatilairshlwloileattspPrel)50;1.0th:•
.. . -c., I ,
f 1
Ile- ai'vrted .11,ray at the piettite, Reese() away. • for peoteetion. * . ...
while Marie sat patiently before All the portraits of Marie in the
ben, sue, tbe tee . esulc lesoutieti various ehariteter*. the artist hstifid en gfrl, except the tender-hearted
*bout the hottne, _looking after her thought of bad been painted, 'and . twoleavold Gludtly,. who said i
own affairs, until .the . little cracked were eare,follY eaeked and diepatele, 1 "Poor May,e0V arid an towards,
clock4 on the 'corner shelf. jangled ed to his Atlidin in a distant city :41. her with outstretched -, hands. • agetorer aro manuring beet been thirty.five ••petinde of leather, that
titerthe.twelve tstrokes of nooti„. e Yet still the artittlineered, thotteht But the, nurse. snatelied-the' ehtld mitile the subjects of okreful skyey of le horse 11:bOUL'elgliteea P9P,134i'
A 1
I have fired you, eferie e* said ”rii• other work Was undertaken, nol up. and territel. h.er oft, followee oy
• ,
• e
ft -
x manure-
liquid. tee
IUI the leer
* )-
eeet e*tene.
fur fertilizing iie
Which it 1* nclkt
dnngtetL 40,
suee )
rtute,ehe bit
terrible fa
rong „ u
valuitble rat 'nouri
0,11*- •
t Oak* * cup
co. * ttti�
It.tons up t JO
•• •
h� manure- and
and therefore,
`t -Out ottlit m
an Penetrate til
14 is the doe
k to lent of moistur pre.
i and consequent loss of am- t Then, t erley hetes it
al tulted, it may be said thittg,,, two or threeweeks earlie
ional treatment ofrthe 10410004 xlia,0Ogian, 410.i C/411 be liweveeted and
no exiet notelet „the heap ie. eemoved before dry, hot weather
itly compacted,. ..- - come!. ,
- - It is 111, well xvirivo- riecin pm-
ICeep it moiet'ine tread it tight, twat, ogricuitiiros that soil rieh. in
14n4 it will . equite. humus ;•absorbs more.4- f4,
. rte$150‘41.1ore-opillol,
114 41 4111101114
trair:WW1 MI
I 4
ierty, althengh it may be n
Rence it is found that a tilit
on of barn manure often ha -5 'nor
rt et -a -wars -
than as a fettiliziug agent. This
Veing- well-untlerstoo4, the conskt;
eration of bulk is a, very important
knowledge of how to do it has been w"Ider b
,end none.else ritoke to the strick. largely squired through yesrg. of. . leoreen teeters not *viten g
ment*. -They paste the edges, t
experience, during which the thar-
aeter of the soil, its adaptability for `getberean'd then* 441s11,
crops, and the methods of it* men- The biae* a e°"4"tiefg 411°11b
Iin!evel 14nY definite aria itir4I'analtlpitilba.nett:owpireli°f::siti:1111irl:
,rirtirt throwing dowe hie 'breolee, glorious „autumn landscape wits - tlie other eitildrin, - . - . witli°14tte' knowledge eoncerning
liave been .iliereiless ill tazar4g,, transferred to the terival.
_ .. Wild with .anguish 11arre east bor. .n noletheir•-funetione 'in r , fit•thit is, made.' i/.3 'pent -on
04lay,. i -I i(1.4icit,l-tf, 'Atirlit la ' e . e00 ' ' '14-eted otopie • '
beW '1 ' lee till- tee. cg 1. eoleeened fa deeerti, ' . . 1 t cepagee .
0 e ,
„ ‘,..00 Then he st-ould have persueole .t. round, crying t i ells II .greatly in the eisp,abili . it - are z 1. timis„ elate rese
' "I tee not
e .
the est," id,„ the beautiful cottage giel to, teeem- le Ik e.berv.,Ietnulsoge:iottictilel knew' 6 tiee of supplying food to ereiips,
4 ' of teifterent quee
' ilie giel„; sin' . pleny him to tile city .. •Ife ti_eeekibiej en , vrho never •yet. re Different ingredients are ' deAelent ,'' .
. el'on thin :11tit come!. jet :00s tlan to .ber tlie I tele' supereor .corte4 eil , A poor, loving woman* ..tuive. , rn tli°rent 3°I.1$* The waf,Y a.ba‘thing causes: malty - disees.
t,•,-, •-eii ., . , ,
ve Itilteli: •e brotight tome .forte anti " con "enieneee, pleasuree" been, eo ‘wicketel Lovingweord, *lee
' se cordial, andher dainti, for laud .splendor* f the capitol. ge had, no words but wortls'\of4pit,r-for '
randiria.'" he a(Idett, rising. \, ' piente4 0012 i the nto3t glowln ,tuning wonithi.4 fo)1i40e. old 1\e10.
After tlie itivari(0%;s Itirielieo be er,lors. But she.wes noe tempted by , ine. now !" . , .- - ; , .
ad brouglit, into the, eooe enttago 11)e roicture. - • . .Strettlied ,face tlewttward. newt
*4 been taken, and thoroughly co.. . "If I could go. at' ali, love, it the:dead' leaveee she wept and. sob-
•,,e001- by tile little 'party of 'lance,•*wad net be for any of these bed in a -wild storet of sorrow and
t141 elerie bad &eared the teble tbinge, but for yon, the love, `and i litimiliatione tititil elle ' heard the the eoil tsith differene . feetilizing
end :ad- tee route tidy agstio, toll lie tortt of troy . litre litit 'I esiiinot efootatepe detente appeotiehing .pots diateriale. and' get„Abotereely in the.
---ieieleee lipir isfig,4.1.1k0gletiq,,L eavo the Ji or ivonlitft• to die;,sengett 'When she started Arry„ ard aims ereiltieed, . • , .
l'"013rn owed. eisk eor .. ' - ' Melte iti, "het age,"'',-ishe inSetekedi, forgetting her hirSket. litteeie , to he thief -ogee ,„ef efeitiireere it$ to
.flhe old 'y an ieii, tutand'Asleep' meekle; With her head upon . hisiewarde Ler home. ' ,
n hcir ON' arruchaie,,,, • • :, - 0 ,-'ci tosow. •,., ' • .- •. . . It'w*s litarlY. dark sithin it to:uff• '4lisitilgPit'doY113.1114aktIttirr ribSitt'Plitigt:rneftliurrat
1.1101tl'IS,!413i btielitfl pitineing, do,ii(e'l'elittexelti;•pietideeebi,e own sle,i-e mid when she entered the tioOr,. ‘' resoure-es,-of the soil and of the le
at .af.a5rn(0110, : , , r , 'tis'i lo)elieess witliotte.,het ;eetrid he ?lite 014 it•OMitri•Wee 110)c.etink ever, mires' pr ;teed on the farm, and
el,, wee. near eekif_,e((ieeel tee dap) (Voa4ftif.witit_all, tii(t , 11014yr. #iiiiin'e.mti the Are that ..9,he now *tier ite ,ele 1 _pen strtificial ifertilize
st il(teloti% seeeeed 'erel' voutgliett an 'iy, 114.•-eif aileteo)queitce,-.0 4 ilimil.,404 itrea: 'info .#14 --$e. 'tile. 'fice of her or0 * I 0is1i .villat mcie 1* need
rj'e:d ,ter eyes, e ' it'4,atfr'' ts-hcb ii:its determined to *in Ids , grand- ter. ' • ' ' ' ,* ed; It is not geed economy to p
thoiugixt ,,-,lic saw flit. aft.,,,cau.s.e., 'tit, even promiseti to ,own!. Viet fa't', • 11 the bright liglit, high ptiece tor 11/1011filitlf Wi1i(-11 titi-
1'', ciiid tier eretid-.dateehter sittiog,fer es het wife, if 54 t,otad r 3ithb %V0,4 lee id `ith solguitOie soi ems .."' ..elf yield,' tele itelleg
p10,ze toige,teefrbe witle „lee eerie i eine, . 1,, 4 -"d 4 4 : I i 4. Itild 4Ike, , ,
II I .
in' What material* PeePee int.14 110' tait•1' effitOri. 4ffit
a gie,en Tate is lie olieereatime rind' car 1P11k,T1' itiw the inteetion
The, ratiotiel Method merge the hole
for eletermining what ingredient* oft. Eno -intro. prison 6 04 is
gait fOgti fails.ter furnish in vo per, 106,005 ior tie
ebuntIence, and how these latkin'
mateeiels ten be ico*t veonoreieally
sepPlieil is to. put the question to
,i`,.efteasi tee :0, eitiCpleezfli4 •Iiiii4i g o
etetiti'd4Iele....weist. rttad 020:-:',,tviitIt -hot :1* nut 4111 tiiingiug, tonttoLim, with teete, . . : tt he*est Witi7C The rule i
•Iteatt npon Ws bnr. .1.1t2:t.. 11101', she sirifiwered eadly thrugh lier tat. "Why.; witat on the yeti* is t)*the purchaof costly ,corareereia
text inteent size theiagte sele •trinc•Cliee feats: . - ' titter with eott,, gal ki" inquired the , .fe.rtilizer iiittlee to select .tlio.
•i, ,e, . , ,
bee E' dreamed it. for Wlapt0 Fifie(A! 1 wish X -cotald, Love .„ ,, ti icornatfeghast. • .Ithat 'supel 'et in the 'befit forms thole
'• led 'her eees end -lotelted :egei!) feet bati i'veti up to you in eeeryiltitig; 'Itt: els. 'Greene, e-(rantry l the ehil..., at, the lowest eo..t., the 1)lant 104'
*,,,,-. 03taing 4.3fai:,..11;1; hHoltr. ais. (1,,t.si heeatrise ,I love yea, It ,makes• tee tqi.,,•ii,ren hurt in fee1ingseeo1 Illity• which the tree nectle and: the, .N..41,
Me it; i oie 1at4 titj' 1pp to obe,e :eon, And. e,o, weeteli.J, It(itiltin!t eten. 8,peek to me; , Tliey rL.faile te furnillt,
e..7s et ttei411-e-ie,, et '1)- , -0 eeVoise sert7„. but 4 ninSt, -rk-4,$ votitcht t . ertee the girl,,1.-eirsting4 . ,.....e.....e.
. . e . • . . ,... ....vd•-•..-,-.
I •
Q *tie tees. i lite itrheritgo. and. eaverty to eittee. (refill, teat* atid tells. if -• .11,1,1,N.OTES.
at. . d' lene.! . , . .' 4eeell .wity weitildn't they lee11), . 0
gee e
7;T0,•‘,is.,' •
• 1:e4
• • 4, 44, 41
,„ 4, v
* tol
, 3,0
f Ireland r
rid only 14
TkeIt.firte has a S. st-oniath
prop3rtionate1y Mtn .any- other ant.
tetAttse= the torte Wilk*.r,
for *peed.; , 4 be e turtnuttemg.,
074 oitki be
no _
tinet iere probablyfe
from e Egyptian eat, - h we*
dernestiCated more than
3,000 ye*raago,•and worshipped he ..
senile et lest au emhTolitted after
death. The cat was domesticated
in Europemorethan 2,009 years
wZt4i144.7.,.., 4,4
a• en pay;
* the ,dog e
titfed to u in the
huzien being?- 'In Bel -
an terteeleeeleteteelf-se-
to t QOM himeell. The do
raaster brought an action *garnet
the individual end the Courts hoe
eleciareefeehat the dog is AS much
ntitled * *eat as his master. e
Special attention is being given.
6 the French military authorities
to the epiestionr_of smarting' the
wounded ion bettlefields wilee eight
tomes on ;after a greet hattlee It
has 'beert prattieidly determined
that the seribulanee terpt men shell
wear little ineatt.,es ent glow -lame*
iretheir 'heft. Each men is to eerry
Mt/a-primary battery in his pock-
et for the production of the cur-
rent. The wounded in need of sue.
eor look out for thelittle nun,.
'rug lighte, and if fessible drag
themielves _tower -de them, '
0 REST- fill nRnm�
7111 011 al Whitergrkel einniairor Made
Ills Sala as riwit , vie. .
Mr. limes or 'iron
13ride, Ont,., considers .the De 1-)
lereecrifeiorteof. oil of winter
reen thymol, gliverinee,etc, sJ
'ouderfut eure for akin troribt
lie het good reteonl. to think so
eeteetling to hie letter of Kee
so't 11400 IVIVIttiod for intre." be **Zoo
ita moo**. 0110.01 sow throuth !West**
bottle* 0ot your woadtrifol t are. 101,V 11.1t1,4 •
** IWO* 11, 'It *Ott *MS._
I' tate will ** toid 1 oou14 not Or. I
tottla not Z -pet rtst, tor -
toertete itch,
etomes 1., your yeeeeertut letettleine 1 010*
ettrell." - •
A* eeterna *.gerni disease, *eel
ss the .eerm* aro. right in the Skin I
61004i. medkines will not tore' iteTb
only. elfective we4y* 'is ;to trete
etch -where Alto iteh —
Prescription penetrates the por,4
of 1110 Aire, kills the 'germs. which •
eauvie .0(loraa. styes instant re-
• f from the *eked ietei and pee.
manently Cures. , .1 .
For free *simple bettle 11 IL
'Presctietion write to the D. DI
reto41-. leeptel-tMelit
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