HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-29, Page 1lintetteteitittettetetit"Ftretl..._
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, July 29,180.
rAltilir of one hundred ogres on the Loudon
roud,first cOtlOVeiiM1 of Stephen, near the village
et Exeter Apply to II11,8 , V, k LLICT, Soliei.
r .F.xetor: August 18 109.
I kr PO ItTA 11.' zt 0 TICE 6 .
. ..-..--
P5 neer. sleet p •ornpily attended to. Days of
sales arrant/oil at this Mlle°,
-L. tate for the Huron di Nilo Loan Savings
8.)c1ety. Low rates of iuteresi. Apply to John
8pite1iman, ENcter.
1()streat spans o l A rt-ratoea' entity eta um,
derate rate of interest, Apply to
Solicitor, Exeter1
86th Noveinber, 1879. tf
£J.. Class MOrtgages on Real Estate or for
building imrposes, for the Dominion Savings tt
Investment 8ocisty, of London, Ont, for any
ruulhor of yoars.from. one to two n by. Apply to
LIRAS. NENI011, Photographer, Exeter.
• •
J. CLARK, Agent for the Us.
.A.. • borne and ltibbert NEutual Vire Insurance
Gompany, Residence —Earipluer, Orders lry
mail promptly atteuded to,
I) • S. 0 AMP Blililie PRO VIN CIA.L
Lana Surveyor,cke,'will le at the
II y al He Ltd, io.xeter,011 the first Tuesday in eael
mouth. Orders for work left with Mr. John
ipaoltman willrec eireprompt at b o n tie n
.L. •
Taxidermist and Naturalist. Beasts and Birds
Stuffed said Pre loryed in the .W044 A pi»•ovell
style. In stock also a. le.•••ge verloty of Pictures,
wad Pictures framed in the best and cheapest
style. Mail, Street. Exeter, 8 m
.1. All k nils or window ana Bedding Planta.
,.- Yclit.,inge.latig, e"ati)LIhreogrilloh:adeit
• ;A- .311(1 Tema to Plants in season. Job -
Ling t;:t.rdening carefully attended to.
canatlian and American Fruit and
Ornatmeutal Trees, °(1.rsonoitoa
aztdsittisfact.on guaranteed. IV:.,•..M1.111DOCII.
tho premises of the sub•criber, lot 0, eon-
COSS1011 1, ITaborao, on or shout the 4.th ofJune
last, n 4.1ark 'red Cow, with lilac:is nose, sharp
horns, an•laptc pin knocked in. Any person giving
izAormation as to het whereabout4 will bo staita•
bly rewarded. 11,111,10.114, tcxoter P. 0.
Jane 10th. 1880. 1111.
` EST.1131,1ISRUA ni 1782.
. .
Agency established it Cott adaln 1801, Unlinal.
tea liability of all the Stockholde•:s, and large
'Reserve Foods. Moderate 'rates of premium.
.11)11N A. It TNOtt AN,
11033T W TYRE, Manager. Agent at Exeter.
.J..8) Tien, ,,,,,ee,,,,.- c'sne'•:•....34/1.
has removed ,s- 7. ''., - : • .•-•.-,,,,,,,,,i,44...„
to I•ratilitnl'S .;.k',',, .:1 :,:::';1.4,e h•.' 745"
Block. throo p-,,,.: -....!..,:,...,,, ' +.• ,. 17-,,,,,
deers nort / . ''•- `;•;- - . -
---figt80"'"•,,,..A.:kii:„..ip =
of Carling's
store. Odic° • ilk '''
money to loan on mortgagee, notes and other
securities. Rents and accouute collected on rea-
sonable terms. iusaronee..ffectea in fit -class
Colima les at reasonable rates. Olice—ab Dr.
Etyntimares, Main 8 rent Exotei
la_ Just received for investment on mortgages
5..t riper neut.
.8 /on reasonable tonna.
radnate ofR oyalCollege of
•Offtrie over O'Neil bank, and opposite Barnwell
Eaolta. Eaoka. Iaoka.
Try ib.
Loan and Debenture Co'y
have removedLe thpit row race, Cornor of
Market bane and %aides Street, nest door to
the Unisons Sank, and aro receiving regular
monthly remittent:vs or meow) capital for i.12••
Vestmen b in mortgages on Real Estate. •
STRAIGHT LOANS AT 7 and 8 Per Cent.
sr:coming to tho °lass of seenrity offered.
Savings. Bank Branch.
Apply personally or by letter to
toneen, out., liOth•71111e,.1880,
1.0Ws. — THE LAST lit/CRS OF THE CoN-
Turouto, July morning
Bennett expiated ou the scaffold the fa-
te' act which led to the death of the
Hon. George Browa. Re slept .quiet
last night, and this morning declined
to take any refreshments. He was
closeted with Fathers tagen ant She.
han from an early hour, and at 7:40
the Governor of the jail, Sheriff 3-aryi,.
and the heuginau came to his cell.
The ltanemau at ouce piuioued hie
arms aecl in doing so drew the straps
very tight. Beeuett said :—"You hurt
me. Is it requite for yon to draw the
straps so tight ?" "Yes," arid the
haugman. "It ei 1 be better for you."
"All right," said the pritsoner. The
strapping was then completed, and the
processioo to the gallows WAN formed
headed by two priests proving. Ben-
net preserved extraorditiary courage
and mounted the gallows seeps without
heeitation. When 'upon the platierm
he came forward to toe rube, and ad-
d reasi 111.1 the spectators, who numbered
about 95, saitiz—"Gentlemen, I am go-
ing to die, end am iunottent of the
crime. By no words that I can possibly
say, eau 1 clear myeelf, arid I can't say
rtny more thou that. I was 111000511 b,
u the act was beyond my c The
act which the Hon. George Brown
feet his de'tth was done in an excited
moment. I suppose he could not fore
see the telesequence. He thought I
was going to use the revolver alien I
drew it from my pocket, al3d grasped
at it tied emceed the net that card hk
death. Ills hand mut have gruel; the
triggertie the shot was fired sim ul tante
nusly with his catching it. I am going
to meet my Goe, and it would be it
foolish thing for me to die with a lie
00 my lips. What 1 say here yeu
may erupt as facts. 1 would rot like
to !Teak false wheu 1 arn ebont fo die.
The bittod does not tiekle 111 my Indus
that would let me do such an ant. I
am not falie at heart or it 00WELM1, L.
would have been a shameful thing to
have doue such au act, as Mr. 15COWil
did not deserve it. He was a meet
popular man through the wend and
((verve(' it, and he went to his death
through art oversight on my part. I
went to him for a very simple reason,
and net to commit a crime. I onuld
not control the event. There was
liquor in me, and the accident oconrred,
and the result was the fatal act." Ben-
net then turned hie beck to the epto
catore, aud motioning with his right
henqin whioli he held a cross,remark-
ed (pita cooley,"I am prepared to die •
all I have to say is, may God have
mercy on my soul." The ropes were
adjusted, the black cap drawu down,
and at almost the first, words of the
priest's prayer the (Aerial was given,the
bolt WW1 drawn, and at 7:48 the un
fortunate man fell heavily to the end
of the life -strangling cord. The neck
wee dislocated and death must have
been inetautaueons. After hanging
for 20 minutes the body was lowered
into the coffin, and the usual formal
corner's inquest bold, The remains
will be interred in the prison yard.
Bennett, who had a great mania for
soribbling.left, a lengthy document with
Governor Green. from which following
are extracts :—The paper opens by say-
ing : "The sands of time are con•
brutally crumbling beneath onr feet,
and we ere drawing toward that, awful
moment which merks the boundary be-
twen time and eternity. In general,
we knnw not the day, nor the hour,hnt
wheu by in an the day, the hour and the
'piece. Then the mortal otuet serioutly
reflect ou the past, the present,and the
deck mveteriea that lie before him.
It is appointed for man min to
die and tater that the Judgment. I
roust soon present. ravioli before the
Bar of that Joann:lent wliieb is jut to
give nn amount of myseff now. I be-
hold the earth which tt one time
would have been sorry to leave, now I
800 how false ere the °benne of the
world, how pnwei ful he attraotions,liew
dreadful its alluremeets, how sweet its
honey appears, though it has the sonr-
nese ofvinegae." He then rotors to the
feet of his }meting been a Catholic in
bus yonth, and attributes his downfall
trir having neglected tbeSacraments of
the okureh, but rejoicte that he has
been dratvu bank into her bosom. Re -
N 49
(erring to the killing of Brown,he seys;
"I have no motive in eppeariug before
the Judge of the living and dead with a
lie OD my lips. It would serve no put, -
pose here and would injure me here-
after. With it full consclonsness of the
position 10 whioli I am placea, I say I
never intended to injure Ms. Brown.
He never deserved it from me, arid I
am morally inuount of the &him for
which I am doomed. I )a7° euongh
besides that totatone for to the indica
of God. I am to meet my doom, and
would offer now, if I had l• thousand
lives, in atonement for my sins." He
concludes as fellows :—"Great God, I
must nnw render tean acceunt, The
Judgment makes me fear, but Thy
infinite meroy makes me ilOpet 1 oast
myself into Thy arms andimplore par -
den. Good people, pray for me. May
God have mercy on my soot."
What the N. P. Is Doing.
J. R. McLaren has erected new
wallet] bills and wo;len ware factory at
Hochelaga, ',ear Montreal, and a new
wall paper manufactory has been es-
tablished in the city by Watson & Mo-
A new industry hat been established
in Montreal which will give extensive
employment_ to working Men. Lewis
Berger Sr Sons, of Loudon and Shef-
field, Eng., who have roue for merry
years a large business importing white
leads, naim•s and colors, found they
could not compete with local manu-
facturers under the present Levitt aud
that efore have determined to °eminence
ti:11m unfacture of these articles in
the city. They have erected works at
the St. Gabriel Locks, on the. canal,
covering two acres, 'at eporum us ex-
panse, and have inaugurated the works.
John Masury &Son, of New -York, and
Henry Woods, Sous 'ez 0o., of Boston,
are engaged in the enterpri36 also.
A. retired gentlemen of means' in
London, Out., proposes to erect and
equip a large cotton factory with his
..wn capital if the city will guarantee
the ;establishment free from taxation
for a term of years.
• O.
Parliament is further prorogued to
the 4th of September.
Counterfeit 25o. and 50c. pieces are
in circulatiou in Ottawa
Wellend beat Chippewa at cricket by
one jottings aiid 16 rtius.
Fraeois Pike, of Dalhouise, N. B.,
was drowned while bathing.
The Oritueby Tempe,auce Camp
Meeting closed on Saturday.
Capt. John Place ,ft well known lake
sailor, died iu Napanee on Sunday
A monthly cattle fair will shortly be
started at Ingersoll.
Ur; John Knight, of Ingersoll, has
died from he effects of suuetroke.
tet, is proposed tire, the county seat
of Essex be ran:emailto Essex Centre.
The death of Mrs. Masson, wife of
Hon. Mr. Mum). Minister of Militia,
taok place at Terrebonne on Sunday.
The Canada Gazette contains the
appointment of Mr. N. F. Davin as
Secretary of the kacific Railway Com-
A young man teemed Chas. Keefer,of
St. Catharhies, was killed in Chicago
on :Friday evening while coupling oars.
Tweuty-one ont of 85 candidates for
non-professional third-class certificates
Were sneoeseful at the Norfolk county
A boy, aged about five years, son of
W. D. Smyth, miller at itlerritton, fell
into the race in ,the rear of his father's
mill and was drowned.
Montreal has never been so free of
able-bodied paupers in the }louse of
Refuge as this summer. Labor work
is to bo had for all who require it.
The increase of business in connec-
tion wish the Allan Steen -whip Line
has »acoseitated the ereotion of addi•
Lionel warehouses on the wharf 540
feet long mill 48 feet wide.
About three o'clock Sunday morning
ing a fire broke out in (bay & ticOusli's
knittitig factory, Buie, and in less
thou an hour the two buildiugs were
consumed. A good deal of gooc14 were
saved, bob none of the machinery. The
fire was caused by the accidental fal-
ling of a coal oil lamp amongst the
wool by to two boys etign,ged in =vy-
ing wool from the wool room to the
oardiug room. Loss, heavy, but sup-
posed to be fnlly covered by insurance.
Upwards of ninety hands will be thrown
out of employmetel until the plue is
Corn telks are already between
eight and nine feet high in the vicinity
of Nairn.
Consumption in a cow is transreis,-
sable to the persons who use the
illit.oudon purple is now reported as
superior to Paris green, in destroying
the potatoes bugs.
A young man in Glauford township,
was struck by lightning and inatautly
killed on the 20th inst.
St. Catharines is going to have it
new post office: There is a railway as
to locality.
The Government have returned to
the dismissed weights and measures
officere atl the sums stopped for sup-
tieme doubts have been thrown on
on the Wild outrage near Burlington.
Several people alleged that they . saw
Vellick elsewhere during the thee he
bays he was tied aud etarviug in the
The farmers of Pusliuch have oom-
mettoed threshing operations, and re-
port the yield ot grain first class. The
berry is plump and solid, aud the yield
is the best that heti been seen for years.
Mr. George Collum, of Gr'uelph, lost
a horse a few days agobyinflatumaion,
occasioned by the animal s alto wing
some nails, pieus. of glass, a five cent
piece, and several other foreign sub-
Mr. E. Belcher, late station master
on the W. G. So B. Railway, at Port.
Elgin, on Saturday evening was pre-
sented with an address and a gold
watch, on ocoasiou of leaving to take
charge of the G. W. R. siatiou at Don -
The Bicidulph prisoners are patiently
awaiting their trial. Every morring
they all take an hour's exercise, during
which they indulge in short raoes,
jumping and other atbletie .couteste.
They are all well but duly impressed
with the gtavity of their situation.
lion. Mr. Langevin, M. P., Minister
of Public Works, inspected the Toronto
Custom House and Post Office on Tues
day. In the afternoon he, in compeuy
with the Mayor and a party of gentle
men, made a tour of the harbor in the
steam yaoth Stella.
At Blair,a sad accident recurred to a
son of Mr. Randle, G. T.R. agent eine
was on his way to the Riseville Cheese
Factory on horseback, and by some
means the horse threw him and.either
'tinged or tramped upon him, breaking
both bones of his left leg a little above
the aukle.
At a fire at the residence of Itfr,
Atkins, in Hamilton, the clothes of the
servant girl,Mary Dillion, in her efforts
to shudite the flames, caught fire, and
she was badly burnt, slid Mrs. Atkins,
had her hands severly injured in a
similar way.' The flames were easily
got under by the firemen.
The Chief of Police at Torouto has
i eceived from Rat Portage a combiea-
tion weapon taken from a rough there.
It is a revolver, knuckles, and dagger
combitied. When closed it is the
knuckles alone ; one simple movement
makes it a complete revolver,
which is
eelf-cookiug ; while with auotlier move
the dagger appears.
Au attempt is being made at Halifax
to have a sculling match take place this
season to ascertain whether Hanlon,
Smith, Riley, or Ross is the superior
oarsman. The scheme is to have Han-
lon row against Ross,and Smith against
Riley, on an appointed day, the victors
in these races, two days after, to row
over the same course. Each man is to
put in $1,000, and the race is to be
rowed over a oourse in the United
States yet to be decided ou.
Dr. McEachran, of Muntreel, has
been investigating the fatal cattle
disease prevaleut itt Pictou, N. S., timid
says it erises from purely local causes
and in no way endangers the • cattle
trade of the Dominion. He sari it he,s
a dropsical appearance, and in no cases
have any of the diseased auk/eats re -
„covered. It is said to have prevailed
more or less iu the vicinity for thirty
years, and ir likely caused by iMpropor
food and exposure.
Eerly yesterday morning, Henry
Cardwell, postmaster as Chats worth
and late Clerk of the Division Court,
was found drowned in the river near
Puttee/oval with a bag of Moues tied
around his nook, It appears the Gov-
eruntent had removed bitn as Division
Court Clerk mud appointed another in
Es stead, whieli so preyed on his mod
as to corm self-distruction. Mr. Oard-
well bad been a postmaster and a 11. P.
for about thirty 38103.
John Brown, an escaped lunatic
frons the London Asylum, was arrested
Friday night wanddring in the streets
in Toronto. He was committed far
Ave days in order to commuuicate with
the Asylum people,
it is reported that Charles Mills,
formerly engineer of the Erie Belle,
Wiudsor, who was reoently sentenced
to the Central Prison at Toronto for
years for wholesale thievery; has es-
caped from that institution,
having assumed control of the Tra-
oadie Lazaretto the Dominion Govern.
mut will, it is said, 'sot on the advice
of Dr. Tache, the Deputy Minister of
Agriculture, relative to the treatment
of the unfortunate inmates thereof.
Dr. Tache has given years of study to
the disease, and probably knows more
about it than any person liviog. He
holds the opinion that it is incurable
as well as hefediteety,andthere is but one
way of overcoming it. The lepers
have been permited to marry, and
thus propagate the fell disorder. This,
if we are correctly informed, will be
stopped and celibacy, in the cause of
humanity, enforced.
A Markham despatch says :—Dr. T.
D. Eckardt, one of the most promi-
nent and influential men of thie vicinity,
was called about eight o'clock on Mon.
day morning to attend a patient living
on lot No. 7. 5th concession of Mark-
ham, and while sitting in a chair en-
gaged in reading was called by the pa -
1 tient, anti was observed not to answer.
Ou examination it was found that life
was extinct. The cause of death is
supposed to be paralysis of the heart.
An accident occurred on July 14th
to Mr. Niblook, conductor on the
ballasting traia of the 0. P. R. (form-
erly of Parkhill). He was, it is report-
ed, standing on the back of the gravel
plow which was hi operation by means
of a cable festeued to the engine for
the purpose of discharging the gravel
from the train, when the fore part of
the plow caught on something, thereby
causing Mr. Nthlock to be thrown viol-
ently ieto the ditch with the plow fall-
ing npon him in such a runner as to
break his arm in two places, injuring
his spice and badly bruiting his face.
It seems somewhat providential that
he fell into the ditch, for if not, un-
doubtedly the blow would have crushed
him to death. He was at once remov-
ed to Winnipeg t ) reoeive treatment.
His wife is in Parkhill, °uteri°. Mr.
Niblock is well kuown in this vicinity,
having at different times been Dietriot
Master of the Orangemen of Biddulph
Dr. Jeanie Hervey died at Guelph on
Saturday, after a long and painful ill -
nese. For some month e Dr. Harvey
lay sielt at Fort Stephenson, Dakota
Territory, and was brought to Guelph
by his brother, Mr. Edward Harvey.
Doctor Harvey was born at Niagara on
be 19th of September, 1837,and studi-
ed medicine at Dr. Rolph's °allege,
from whence he graduated 1800. Dr.
Harvey returned 'o Guelph and car-
ried on a drug, busiuess until 1863,and
then joined the American Army as
surgeon. He went through the whole
ot the civil war, and was wounded at
the battle of Look -out -Mountain. At
tbe close of the war he went teLinclon-
burg, N. C., fled while there tookoharge
of a yellow fever senad that was taut
big for Mobile. After leaving Mobile
be went to Deltita, on the Yellowstone
expedition, having charge of the sur-
geon's department, and was present
when General Custer was killed. After
the Ouster massacre, be left the service
and remained at Fort Stevensorewhere
he was taken seriously id, and from
where be was brought to Gnelph by
his brother j ast five weeks since,
The omitted accounts of European
crops are much worse than the mail ac-
counts previously received. Nutwith •
standing this much has ben the enor-
mous supplies of grain from this con-
tinent now being ori the way, and 'ar-
rivi»g in Englaud, that prices are not
at all likely to get up in a limey. Be-
yound all doubts the Transatlantic,
trope are better thau last year, se that
the demand from us will be consider-
ably reduced. The United states har-
vest is simply immense, and our being
fnvoted with a few splendid days lately
to house our fino crops, removes any
apprehension of Redone injury, smiles
were felt 10 or 12 days ago. In view
of our abundance as web as the United
States abundance, and the' probable
curtailment of foreign demand, we
need hardly expect any itm rovotneut
in prices, at least not for a few