HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-10-14, Page 3 (2)70.
001111,f?'4 tiZ
001V lk 4 he pe
-4u'Wtin f bridg throu
,yitorntif' f4'lt3.,
• bile: '
' br le 'as-
tni 4 pmed a,
'ceing :that c7c;r154)414.,g
sq; V10,11,
f.ter •
'out iaw stile leti
wes• then eotito
cioek, and
theee* re. evoke
, who arranged the Plan f
fling 'the exprese befoxo
• ed th point :of elang0r.
1.11PKINS tallORA'rED.,
Vlies Crowd the Boundary Line
jute; Vanada.
4 despatch from Seattle, Wash-
' re eayse Theodore gastio, a
living north v.vf iline, 'ovine
'of land the iwetti-tine.
telt _.tuteraational boundary
weep CLud. aced. ,the United
Mastin, while aware! of
ths- has never had eauee to re-
-et -its -until title -yearrewItensehe
t„, 4••
ali)i!gt1c ilite. In tb
e ,plau d . pura. us, atet now
heervest time is igh, and MaStia
e .hus_ written__ to Fedral *filter, in
.Seattle asking ho* he ea') gather
eonee fifty pumpkins 'which have
migrated rito Crincaa _
..,takig out naturalization papers.
rel 0
# t
3,1lto mual
feet into fliircidde)i-land.
es uniquereceueetion is no
but the jurists replied to
letter that he might stand
ireetiy on the international line
rtd pullon the vine whielehad root
United States, atel if the
urnpkins could be dragged in, well
proper; but if Z1.114T should be
iapped off and remain in Car.a.
territory he should leave tLur
$it�t Disepveries Iteeelved ht.
'despatch froin. Toronto says:
Ontario Department of Alines
!received reports of material
gold slisteolterietin_ the district suit-
unding the township of Whitney,
great is the interest tha al-
ready,' according to thee • depatte
reent's adviees, there are 501.) pros-
•peetors in the field. The route to
the gold field is by the Driftwood
Rivers, a, tributary of the Abitibi.
• 2'hefield lies west of Night Hawk
Lake, near Porcupine Lake. Mr.
-7110s. W. Gibeon, Deputy Minister
01 Vines, states that samples. of the
ore show visible gold, and som
riTroeelq in the distriet are sa o e
rith in the precious mineral. The
41epartment is making investiga-
1eIiberate Act of a Russian Roy of
eepateh from Canora, Bask,
says: Georgina Downs, MI tlf)$-
•lish-spealeing girl thirtein year & of -
'age, Wit7S disembowelled by a shot
fired from a, gun in the hands of a
Iluitian youth, tfteen years old,
•Wedneeday. He deliberately
pointed the_gun, at the girl exciafra.
it 'Your money or your life,'
at the sstne time pulling the trig-
er. fle claims' he Iid not. know
gnu was leotted. Neighborsi in
absence of the girl's father,
is *way working in.the Mani.
ba tarvest fields, cum to Canorst
oa doctor. who %tett out etecems
anid by Constable Wilson of the
...W. M. P. to,investigate the
but the girl was dead,
Zeppelin Will Construct an Iroprovi.
ed Airship.
A des -patch- from Friedriebeinfen
says Prinve Henry of Prusnia pre-
y= Wedneseilay over _theseueete---
ing of the Board of Directore of
the Zeppelin Airship Arctic Expe-
dition, to be unele,rtaken under the
tie-pices':ofetins• 0 erman -Sneletise for
the Explortaien of the P4»11 ite-
v0e er,d.tepior
0 art oar, re 11
• .4.4 -
Is a
,ww,v0,••••t1 7
I 04 'Iltrleti: *at. Our
.111.414. °tit*
Sfentreal T
• The. to lhirty
Millions, Of new -sto?•14::.*
-toqierytr, ,p Aric.4t-okt .
a, trade., ••
•'The 0111:arta; ot-erniaisteti 143
pleasures 'to surage
tile, Graf*, eiteriest
Other' Dairy PrOite.e.atti,
UWIe oft Ahrstailt
eat -041
raeles Tex
utgt13, in ;$7
r,, first paten
, strong bakers'
Wit i • .
i the ielph.
rel. t, was•senteneed to ten icars
pe ttentiars;
Ni Wearninster has been eh°.
een the Pacific terinintiSiof the
Canadian Northern IlailwaW,,
The Ontario •Government has
purcha,ead the splendid library of
the late Chief Juetice Strong.
Mr. Barthotortiew Presley of
'tore had his neck broken byebeing
James F. Ru ton was aequitted•
at Brampton ok1 the charge of set-
ting fire to his own house.
The jury at Loidon in the trial
of MrL W S.eottfor 1iootin
iu the sununer of 1910. to Spitz-
bergen with all the requite equip-
ments -to prepare for the success-
ful operation of an airship ein-tne
polar regions. The members of
the board emphasize the necessity
•' :4.
Zeppelin -type of airs ip for long
v,oyages,etsereetaIlysover- .-thes-sea.
4?.4 int rPv0...tYPtt ls.
truced ana wifl be read for its
ria ig ts in anuary, see. e
tests will he carried out between
the variout ports, Prince Henry
of Prussia, after the conclusion of
the meeting, made a trip in the
Zeppelin. III.
eammeermeirraiammeitorame raemininareie
Farmer Discovered Treasure Yalu.
ed at $50,000..
A despatch frora Ogdengburg, N.
Y., says: A farmer • named Vost-
burg, living near Champlain, while
plowing on Tuesday, turned up a
quantity of gold coins, tarnished
by the weather and dirt in which
they reposed. Digging farther, he
found more veins than he .could
earry home at 01:143• time. Their
value is estimated at 850,000. It is
believed the treasure was buried
bee pervas who stole it from the
British army which camped near
Champlain during the Burgoyne
campaign. The robbers probakly
Lost their lives subequently and
rio ona knew what'. they had done
with their booty.
Els (Exekileney Arrives- for
•• Two i'Veekst Residence.
A despatch from Winilip*Og •says:
Earl Grey; Governor-GeneraI, ac-
companied by Lady Grey, arrived,
in the city from Regina ,at-.5.15•on
Wednesday.• afternoon,: Ear1:00y
and party ere met at the station
by a guard of honor from the Royal
Mounted Rifles and 90th Battalion
and eseorted te,Government gouge;
where they will take nis their re-
-sidenees for --the next two weeks.
Tlioiusaitels f. people lined the
s.trfets,on the route of march' arid
gave Earl azid Lady Grey a royal
feeeptiou.- • .
641, eearriarawrinaa
1174 NORM; IVO alltNAVT,
at/ rii•
cbleago Strcct ,Cars 'N411'}'Itice*
' Evert Meath. '
A despatch" front Chisago says
*Eleven persons on the average have
been injurf4 daily and one pertort
has been killed °ever other day for
the last three mattt s by the Chi'-
cag Cart..
or the Iror
espatch frota 13
toot One of the largest. irx1vWx
413. 'timber 4kia1s in the histor*
Western Canada has inst. :6.6:
mrloaeti 'whereby. the Auterita
atakee an4 &entities Oorttpa
Ke ar Torkt• para.:lases 'from ib
*tis* Patifte. Railway 4060 acre
&ntins approxtnistely
of IumbCt
Clew elmil ,Lake is *bouts 10 toilet
1-eattle and II miles from
the n*rest point -of the Iktarni,imo
• ttimalt vbtikkh
01 the &an Pacific. It is sal.
contrita that the
00,,,1/4 •0r0.4.
• Illour,
cent.' patent,
rssavkif oa
.,,e3.90 to 0:9)
cles. 3t )i
4„1134, tyae
ad,a's al
ii ' eh s .friesie.Ottawa
. . • -.
, n
hure r . •ti ' 1
• tosesive tffcct tes
defeitee'ep. _ieee .seill •
4140,7. at , aeritage of
:ion,An .WPI he'entittedthellaval
• ',•••-• •
ee. I won, •
4 .4 f 11,-ri *
- e
' artlia
Ile iS to. th'e
. .,
Z;411 ; :' 'enttt,te
k-tkeVe Piit 3.0: Welt' .•,
: ' .44mi/1,4y is' eaisi ttiv
i et ,t higgvr 4:.pritge. arse u3.04t
. cea4P thane the ,iSinstractien .-
sees, coo,. .efence 41:et.. . -.4 ,%-4,11 I7d. ;follOiefrei alteettloWit isloye,,(1 that si;:t,rao
*„, ow by' propeeald for tite•-scijnt.rnelionA
varratigenient On t,i oitrit 11 a
. .. .
ern, t O1,„as pct. ; and No.
!ternat i, LW Ports. .
Ontario. wheat—No. 2 mixed, 917
970 Qtrt$1.de, and No. 2 Wade, 97
to !Se outside.
Bark,—No 2 56 to 57c outside,
and No. 3 extra, 54 to 55e outside.
Qate—No. 2 Ontario white,, new,
37 to e7isive outsides New Canada
West *ate, 37g to 39e spot, Bay
Lye —No. e, 69 to 70o outside.
Buckwheat -55 to 56c ontside.
• Corn—No. 2 ' American, yalow,
68% to Cae on, track, Toronto•.
4144u.-416 to ontsidz in bulk
Y .
he eetee s eruittr'a
a &tie; of which will -he
pled on the Atlantic and /three
lett the Paeiiie, This will involie'
capital expenditure of twenty m1 -
bon dollars, as well as an annual
tl y f main- nonce and upkeep
of over three mi lion d011ars.
While e•O decision has been reach-
ed as to where tl e new navy shall
be built, 5frrrotre, presstre,fa being
brought, to bear upon the Govern-
:flea to ask Ptirli' meat to consider
deeirabititsi of eXfse-fi-Bdin'ec the
whole sum in- C nada under the
p h
u4Tht t 'nice .
The ether eginlation
elude bille to'amend the bank at
to Amend the insurance act, to re.-
tify the Vrenc trea.ty, RIDS1 it is
hoped as a resul of the coming con-
ference between Mr. Lemieux o..,nd
the Britie% Pos master -General in
:enele,tel next meek to include a•
bill for the redu tion of cablazatea
in the .seseion's business. There
will also be a b'll to amend the
aet, to gvc-effete to the -
military eud of tl e defence confer.
ante. - •• es.
t 4 $
ly ood that eould be, picked out
sIdquickly from 0.85 to JO; fair
n0014A, Xra 800
Te P. 01C-onnor, the -Irish leader,
tiieliortly pa' a visit to Canada
and, the United States.
•A numbe . •
Coln a6\
al Horse
at leen- ne. 'mouth.
-.Theedi,filculty ofeavoielingeetteeone
Met liet,ween the Lordand Co
mons in Britain seems, to be
• Of the pork imported from Chinn,
into Britain per cent. .of that so
far examin.ed 'was infected' with
The Freeman's journal has an
edite,vrial arVcie, the okeet, of which
seems to be, to restrain Irish emi-
sration to (anada.
Wflliani R Hearst VAS nominate
ed for Mayo of New York ou Wed-
nesday nigh
Robert M. lington was fatally in-
jured while •playing football at
Shamokin, Pa. •
Hon, W. T, Pipes, Attorney -
General of Nova Scotia, died sud-
denly at Bestein, On Thursday.
Principal Peterson or
-University was given the e ree
of Doctor of Laws by Harvard Uni-
• King Manuel of Portugal will
vieit Madrid, London, ancisParis iu
Albert Pulitzer, a brother of the
propri_etor of The New._ York
World, !committed siiividt in Vita.
nu. •, ,
The.capture by the Spaniards of
Zelnare the stiervl Itiffian eity, as
caw, ed the t rib e3 of the hinterland
to flock to the Moorish standard.
4044444444444aarvaia+4......44444400446.• •
Levis Resident's Attetupt to Com*
mit Suicide.
'despatch from Qu.4i' says:
T. Robitaille, aged 40. A resident
Of Levis who it s said was suffer-
ing-, iron; iirtentat distrese,. stifi&se-4.1
to be caused by over -Indulgence,
entered the hardware store- of Mr:
Doyle. at noon on Wedaesday and
attempted to commit- ifiziejsie.
bitaille, approaching. one of
clerks, asked permisseoneto-look, at
nie reseiliera, whicelet *ere hhown
' piv"zked t a small,
darnI,&rweA,Pim; nail asked the
eiriCto load it. This was done.
bitailid then picked up .the p.
atA pointing it at , his right
brez't fired. The store was filled
with custoiners at the time, and the
incident creatld tortall panic. itt
dcetor and the city ambulance were
mmediately summorted, and the,
iinfortunate-intin w_,as-t.ouveYed---t
the Rotel Dien JLopita1, where 'he
no‘rli i.7ist pret tons cordition..
S. 4 TO
bfl with
ecorter Weir Thinks' D*unksr
Sapport ,ItaXt
despatch from Montrea
Vith a kutity of: eoven
honielets .fohn O'Co'iEel ah
hi wife appetitcal,itt:00---
Veir on Thttrsdit ningt on tki
charge of being dru and ii!e
t•o provkle for
They pleaded gttilty-
4iilvott for six and t3ur nunths
mpectively. . Attvcorder Wer srsid
titere was old statatt, wi
isroutd 01441 t)te man t> v..'ork antt
ledtatclyntotrect,„the proceeds of his labor' wouhl be
nal eetparsity °fat 1,t14t,votell to support ,ttf faii
APP1ese-1, te_$.2.75 per barrels_
aceortling to quality.
Beans—.Prime, $2.25, and hand-
ieked •r`
Honey—Combs, dozen, $2.25 to
Ire Mao, Wide
Q. 1 t 0.-toes$1
a ton on traelehere, and NQ. 2 at
4 to: $14.5o.
Straw—$8.75 to 89.50.
Potatoes -55 to ato per bag on
track for Ontario, and at 75c for
New Brunswick.
Poultry—Chickens, dressed, 12
to 13e per Ib.; fowl', 10 to lle•'tur-
keys, 17 to 19e per ib.; dueks,.
11 to 13c.
• Butter—Pound prints 21 to 22c;
tubs arte! lergerolls, 1; to 20c; in-
ferior, 17 to 18e; creamery, 25 to
25,14,e, and sol,ids, 21 to 22o per lb.
Eggs—Case lots, 24% to 25c per
• Cheese -123,4.c per lb. for large,
and at 12%e for twins.
Bacon—Long.; ,clear, .15. to 15Xc
per lb in. ease Tots; mess pork,
$.t.13.50 to $27; short out, $28 to
Eams—Light to medium, 15Y, to
MI, do., heavy. 14 to 143.,f.,c;,
143t. to 15c; shoulders, 12%ste, 13e •
bnek.A, 183,(.. to 20e; breakfast ba-
con, 17 to 18e. • •
.Lard-,-Tieices, 15e; tubs, 153e;
pails, 10,6c. •
Atontreal, Oct. 12.—New crop
oats; No, 2 Canadian Western '41,%
to 42e; old crop oats, No. 2 Zona -
<Han 'Western, 42 toe; barley,
No. 2, GO to Me; Manitoba feed
barky, 64 -to 65e; buckwheat, 55
to 55e. Flour—Manitoba Spring
%Meat patents, firsts, .$5470; Mani-
toba Spring wheat pateM's,..f.s2c.,
(Inds, $5.20; Winterw,beat patents;
fi5.50; Manitoba strong' baker?,
5;_ _straight roller -s, $5 ta $545.
Straight rerfer-S-,,
reed ---Ontario bran, $:21 to
22; Ontario iniddlinga,--$22.50 to
$23.50; Manitoba bran, ,i$.21i Mani-
, *4; pure graiu
nio:u1v, $33 to 35; mixed
45- to $27., Chc'ese—Wester_ns.
to 11'.14e-;;Va.sterns I13 to lige.
celainery, 243se.
Egge—Selected stock 25% \ to 0
No. ;I, (\Attuned, .13,1e` to 23e; No'.
10 to 19c Per dozen.
Chicago. Oct. lia---Cash wheat -
ti; 2 'red,41.18'; No: a red, 41.03
to 411.10; No.,2 hard, $1.00 to 1.-
12; No. 8 hard,St.0.1 to Vi.031. No.
fort tie.rn,;;;:tr,,V3 to t4.1406;;&,-;,.2,
Wer,fhpra, $4,.03 to 01.03; Nee 3
Sttrang4 $1 t
WI to 603e,;,- No. 2 white, ctige;
Nr. 2 yellow,. 60,1,1 to 601:e; No. 3,
11, to 60!tle; No. 3 yellow., Clog to
C4c; No. 4.;`' 59% to. 60.4e.
Oats --
No. Zi've; No. 3 white,
No. 4 white, 3S to 29c;
Ittnneapolis. Oct. 1:1;.? ----Wheat
tObtr, 99,11,1:- to e97.i.ce
tP $LOtIni No. 1 cash, .1ariJ,
No.INortherrit $101; No
rthern,fole:, No. 3 Northern
to , Flour—Vint patents*
. t5.t0; .'segond patent$,
0;drsvsta,efsitrit t;$541):;;473I. two $1444.alit
I, 0
everything on 'offer
ese.. 14..........” . ...'0,
so!4 . The
demand for feeders was strong,
with prices firm for ' good -bulls,
estfe4raide-heifers-, but -the -fight
Milkers -and springers • were in ac-
rdug t stock were a shade. lower.
tive- -demand for -good ' quality,
Calves steady. Shee • and lambs
were-stea rto-,,--fifpa; TrOg3 reakv
.owiiig.--to-----thepoor---quitlit ,---but
a ythingsselegende
ty sold at $8, fed and watered.
i I•#
ontreal's 'Water Declared to be
Absolutely Dirty.
A despatch front 'Montreal says:
Dr. Henri St. George, City Bac-
teriologist, has completed his re-
port in regard to the condition of
the city's water, showing it to be
unfitfor drinking. The report 01
Dr. St. George tommences.bs.say-
ing that /the sits at the present
time is getting almost all its water
from the, Ottawa Itiver, owing 'to
the lowness of the water in the St.
Lawrence. " Sample* of the water
have been. taken during the Past
ten days, and the analysis shows
that the fluid now beingprovided
to the 'city is unheai
lthy n the ex-
treme. is full of vegetable mat-
ter. indeed, the eonditiSn of the
supply can be judged from the faet
that the analysis shows there are
less than 96,090 bacteria in fif-
teen drops of water. In brief, the
whole tenor of the report. is to de -
Clare that the water is absolutely
Wide ENtent ot_Cowan( Mat Been
• Devastated.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
Prairie fires are raging in various
parts/of Alberta and - Saeleatehe-
wan, /but details are scarce. One-
third of the Goverrimen.t Park near
Wainwright, Aita,.„. was burned,
but the buffalo are sale. Another
Lig fire is rushing towards the park
at present. Mans homesteaders
in both Alberta, and•Saskatchewatt
have suffered lows. .
. A" despatch from Oak Point
Zan., says: Fire it raging 32 mi es
north. of Oak Point. It intit start-
fAl, °vet\ a•*eek ago on.Dog Creels
diane!rv. Since then it has
Ltirrnd liu11drcds\4fsiluitre miles.of
prari4 tod and timber. ' &Dirge
quantity of hay has already been
destroyed. Several settlera liavp
lost stock, ti;mises and stables, and
narrowly escaped fearful deaths.
On tltre or font days of issle week
'the sun ,itate,eoliplettly hidden by
'smoke. The whole population. an
that:region: it giecatly alarmed* e.
cause notbinit Ant11
ridn' 11
oittiygnish t amts. If( 4, hau.
wind otriiV.?.s? hole ootiqtry.
tween Lal" M*nitoha and Lake
Wittniws Moly
the Ilattes.
Mounted Pollee.
A deepatch from Edmonton)
Alta., elys : Between 5 and, 6
ev'etoele on Wednesday night three
prisoners escaped from the R. N.
W. M. P. barracks at Fort Sas-
elven. —The Te4&-rsi in ehaga
also elisappee_ereele ande as 14.0 -
ecruit the theory is that he de-
serted esvithetheemene----Thisebeliefe
yore and there is a possibility that
he ina,y have met with foul play
from the men he had in charge.
They were working in -a, fiold near
the buildings, and their disappea,r-
auce Was not notiesx1 for some time.
An American Crook Sent to Prisoit
. A despatch ,froen London eays:
Harry Benson- of Brooklyn, whose
real name is • Bebrot • has, been
found guilty .by the Crunittal Court
and sentoeed to five.years' penal •
servitude. The'ellayges -,a,gaittO
him were of fraud zn connection -
with- the bankruptcy !of the 'Vela'.
ams Baitk, which he four d. In -
the course of the trial evidence wait
given that he haddefrauded more
than --500 persons by his operations
through the bank. Itewas also ads.
duced that he had swindled 18
other persons by means of the
ternational Securities Corporation.
main- government to Ask for
Loin of $123,000,000.
A despatch from Berlin says:
The Imperial Government will Its
for aelean of ilti?..5,900)9 -.•-tinr—
beginning of 1010, the Tageblett'
said on Thursday in its financial
article, to eover deficits. This ac.
counts,• according to "0 news.,
paper, for the recent ttiencyta
sell Imperial issues on the Boerse.
Cabfuet Decides Parliament- Shill
Meet, "Scrtentlier
A desOateli from Ottawa says:
thc- Qoujtcil mpetilig it was de.
cided to:summon Parliament for
aspatch of business on ThursdayR
Nov.. 11qt.
Mexican's have..* r4e, (fellatio
way _of saying even -unpleasant •
tliing15. A young Mexican 18,417„
talking with ie pritoner in the peuie
testitiary, politely asked : "How brig
44. you expect to he away from.
hewer, A lawyer in Illettioo writes
politely, et a' certain client: "
the,f141,Mterits, and I sim. avraltinic
lis r has not answered.
s‘ltliough there haseken plenty( of
time. I hear hels %Ian, and that,
itse, handieaps him to soma
vtadtte,t 41
'4 by Non
Duffalo ays:
the 'New York
• , ,
1? -
trnt d"ti,r c!
anew. tr
4. :04to 6pe
all001011.000.01106 •
Ittr =than
It,- • Hk. trivet siokste bettligt ,p,
440.4.04, a • ..„....,....„...aararayriapiai, iallii401014airarliataa
Y.,6•0,011, ,