HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-15, Page 8THE TIMES JULY 1 %, .880 To S. S.Officers. 1 am now offering a fine selection of S. SCHOOL LIBRARIES As the Dints. offered are the best given at Toronto, parties buying have the advantage of BEST .BATES Saving of carriage aiid personal selecti*A in. purer Tsang at home, TUXES, a small boy entered the house during J-# G ,IGG. the abseuce of the family, and stole the bird. He afterward await for fifty cents, but Mr. Exeter, July 15, 1880. Spicer hearing of the sale, got the bird bank. Now Domes the part of the story whioh proves bow neoessasy it is for a man to take a news - Parer. Mr. W. D. Bright saw the item in the Tluss about the bird being stolen, and when i speaking to some one about it he meutioned that he had lost a splendid imported singing bird which Dost him 165. He was imformed that 11Ir. Spicer's bird was supposed to be im- ported And was a first-class singer. He con- cluded to go and look at it, and as he eicpouted from the description he had heard of the bird, he recognized his long lost canary, whioh, he says,he never expeoted to see again. 'Though sorry to part'witb aneh a flue bird, Mr. Spicer and family were glad to know that it was re= stored to its rightful oitner. BEweua.-Next week we pia pose publishing a letter written by a Prof. Grimmer whioh will prove of interest to our readers= The cons elusion he arrives at are based upon astrology, and are as Le describes them astrological de= auctions. During the next seven years the whole world is destined •according to this pro- fessor, to witness the most extraordinary and terrible convulsions of nature, the cane of which is said to be that three malifio planets Uranns, Neptune and Saturn will be in peri- helia-that is, ,luring those years, these Planets will bo in, that portion of their respeotive or- bits nearest the sun. This, conjunction oc- cure only about, every 350 years and is said to almost destroy auiinal life. Every drop of water iu the earth, on the earth and above the earth will be poisonous. All animal food will be infected, even the finny tribes that inhabit the rivers, streams, lakes and oceans liti a short time where he proposes lecturing on the present condition of ];relaid. Toa STOUT Or A i31eio,--0n the 121i of July, 1878, Mrs. Spider, south of tide :town, was proceodiug with her work, when elle was Aux, prised to sec a handsome canary. fly through the opon door. The bird was soon scoured, and put in a cage. Meanwhile the family in- formed their iiequaiutanoes of the new arrival, and several parties who hail lost siuging birds went to look at this one, but they all deolared it was not theirs. In course of time it came to be regarded as one of the family, The other week, aP stated In last Thursday's fire Neter THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1880 LOCAL NEWS. The Yo.talc Belt Co., Marshall, 311ch., Will send their celebrated leleetro-Voltalo iielts to the aalioted upou 90 ,lass trial. Speedy cures to arena Bei.tong They what they say. 'Write Hernoran e,a new remedy for consumption, for sale at 0. Lutz's Central Drug Store. Sticky fly -paper and fly -powder et Central Drug Store. The only place in town for children's carri- ages and velocipedes is at Chas. Eaerett'e. Call and see them. Best machine oil at B. H. Spaokman's. Post Office Block:. Best machine oil at E. H. Spaekmau's. Post Office Block. Auction sale of furniture every Weduesday at d. Drew'suutil Lis present stook of furniture is disposedof. Undertaking carried ou as usual. Tse Haggett & Cochrane Royoe reaper and their tiger snaky rake take well throughout the country. They invariably give satisfaction. Mr. W. H. Verity, a pretiool man, is agent for Exeter, and that alone is a sufficient guaran- tee of the excellence of the maohine. Jost GnussrlE has an easy time 'watering the streets this summer. (iiI scnsr SITTINGS. -The fall sittings of the Court of Chancery will be held in Goderieh,be- fore the Hon. Justice Cameron, commencing will be deceased ; storms and tidal wares will sweepi away whole cities ; earthquakes will swallow mountains and towns ; tornadoes will sweep hundreds of villages from the face of the earth ; mountains will disappear ; volcanoes that have been dormaut for centuries will awaken to belch for their lava with more vio- lence than ever before ; innuntains will toss up their heads through the deepest valleys ; and small streams will become mighty raging tor- rents which will sweep away everything in their course ; islands will appear and disap- pear. All weak, intemperate and glntiounus persons are sure to. did ; they may prepare at once to go down to their graves in tens of thousands. Murder and rapine will be ht loose ou the world ; oivial war willbdesolate many homes; there will be no law (not a bad state of affairs either) ; douse black clouds will veil the sky for days ; the whole heavens and earth will tremble at the awful, [continuous reports of thunder whioh will last for hours at a time ; blinding flashes of lightning will il- lumine the black sky ; people will scream with horror at the fantastic shape which the light- ning will assume ; thousands will go insane with fear in eonsequeace• of the eeleateai phen. omeua ; suffocating isnlphitro:is fumes will es- cape from the earth ; fish will be east iu bil- lions upon the shores of the oceans to fester and rot in the sum ; all modes of egress from the cities will be stopped ;the farmers will fly from their fermi iu terror and leave them to the weeds ; steamships will rot on the ocean with their dead human freight ; wild beasts will leave their native haunts and orowd into the populous cities timid and harmless ; and in faet,there is going to be a dreadful time dur- ing the next seven years. No one need expect to escape this dreadful plague. Even news- paper sabsoribers will be att faked. We don't wish taunneoessarily alarm our subscribers, but there is nothing like being prepared for emergencies. We would advise those who are in arrears to pay up at once, for then calm t hope to go tothe g sod pi= if they dim without paying the printer. Let them see that they don't owe us a cent, and than they will be bet- ter prepared to meet this dreadfnl scourge which is coming upon us. We ain't fooling. Monday, eth October. RA1x.-A great quantity of rain has fallen in this section of the country dining the past week. It is to be hoped it will not interfere with the harvest. To Birrraun: The Orangemen of Exeter a +lcbrated the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne at Bayfield with the Co, of Huron L. 0: L. Lots of rain•, but the all escaped without a ',choking." Semi-WEsxux.-The St. Marys Journal now appears as a semi -weakly. The 'proprietors of Journal have any amount of enterprise. We hope their venture will be successful. Deans& the,heavy storm of Friday last, the chimney oi"•3irs. Murray's hone° (the octagon. shaped building a mile and a quarter north of Exeter) was blown over by the wind. No other damage was done on the premises. Iazposrsvr ro Hoisre KEEPEas.-Hotel-keep- e s, bartenders= &e., should remember that after the 1st inst., excise stamps must be en- tirely jremovect from all empty cigar boxes ; if left on it is a violation of the law, and they beoome liable to a fine therefor. New PAVEit.-We have received a copy of a new paper called the Eferald, published in Barris, Manitoba. It is neatly printed and well gotten up, and should receive a generous sup- port of the people in whose iuterests it is pub- lished. Mr. James Itooper,a former Londoner, and a nephew of Mr. Weeks, of Exeter, is the manager. CoNerisiexrow Cr.tss.-Confirmation class will be held at the Church of England parson- age every Tuesday and Friday evening at 7.30. Aa persons wishing to be oonfirmed by the Bishop on Sunday, loth August, will please give me their names and attend the class. A. class will also meet in Hensall Chureh on Wedueaday evenings. E. J.Robinson, Incum- bent. Accznzet.-A;few days since, L. A. Hicks, Esq., of the firm„of Blake & Co., of Detroit, Exeter and pintail, metlwith a severe accident. He was at the station at Goderich upon busi- ness, and when leaving, the train frightened his Nurses, which bolted and capsized the baggy, pitching him out on the hard pave- ment, resulting in cuts and brnisea of a char- acter considered a miracle,; not to have been fatal. Mr. Melts is able to be around again PEasoNALs.-111r. and Mrs. L. Thorne, of Blyth, were in town last weekand the early part of this. The appearance of both ind'- Gates that the air of Blyth isialnbriousla nd the "ratieue" easy of digestion.- Mrs. Thera in- t Iuua remaining iu town far a few weeks. Usborne. KICKED. -On Thursday last, while Mr. Leonard Hunter's eldest son was working with a stallion,it became excit- ed by a mare kicking a rail off a fauoe close by, and kicked the young man severely in the region of the bowels. i)r. •Hynciman was sent for, and at- tended nju injuries, and he is now iu a We are glad to see that', Mr. ,llobort Bis- i fare way toward recovery, sett is able to take a drive doily. - We see that Mies Jennie Butcher is hack I Centralia, from the Normal School. vtiss Annie Butcher, j --- her si,str:r, ono.of the teaching staff of the i ' PDT Orr Tam TRA.M.-On Thursday Oshawa k'eznale College, was also in town the eve,aiug,as the train contained a numb• other day. or iIf t3i60ursioinists was leturning from -:,Ties :%lace left town last week to visit London, several yonug Hien became some friends. Tom accompanied her as far noisy, manifesting a diapositiou to as Rochester, N. Y. He reports the /salmi- fight, and vue of thein, belonging to ears as being dedhieslly of the opinion that the Ciet, ton, was put off the traiu at Con. Cansuiiens were foolish in not adopting pee. t !ctiun five years ago, though it hurts their trade to a great extent. -- Bev. rather Brennan, formerly of Offa, fs now in Ireland, and will return to St. alarys 1 Way 1101110 as best he could. tralia; he got ou again as it etartod,` but it was immediately hauled up and a brakeman held hien off until the train ' got gniug, and he was loft to make his liensttil. STILL ENTEiti'13iSfNG,--A nucrlbar of the prominent and tenterprising busi• Hass men of Helisall, among whom are Messrs. Petty, Charters and 'Nilson, have formed a joint stock company for the purpose of sinking a salt well, .14.1n. esugh In- erttdh stook has been subscribed to war- rant them iu oommenring the enter- prise. The character of the meta engaged is a sore guarantee that the eoheme will be pushed through and the salt found if it ie there. They mean business, Kiober't, KILLED EY LIGl3TNING.-011 Friday last a very severe storm passed over this section of country. The rain was accompanied by heavy winds and sharp lightning. A cow belonging to , Mr. Towers, brother of Mr, L. Towers, of Exeter, was etruok by lightning and killed. Rodgerville. EnnoATIONAL,-The following is the stand of the more advanced pupils in each class of School Section No. 1, Tuckerstnith, for the month of June t Fifth class -Annie McArthur 285, Jas. Ingram 284, Agnes Murray 288, Willie Bell 224, Willie Ford 199. Fourth class -Jas. McArthur 280, Geo. Logie 224, B rank Wood 212, Wm. Pepper 206, 1%obt, Wond,172. Senior third olase- Elica Bell 125, Maggie Fairbairn 128, Helen Stewart 109, Alice 13e11 107, Maggie Fitzgerald 109. Junior third olasa-Thos. Murray 117, Maggie ff Lurie 115, Daniel Bell 110, Alexander Stnilie 105, John McLean 79. Secoud olasa-Watson Wood 97. Wilson Wood' 92, Frank Fitzgerald 88, Thomas Liv- iugstene 88, Jane Prioe 78. McGillivray. -- Rutty FALL WMEAT .--The earliest cutting of fall wheat that we have heard of this season comes from McGillivray. Samuel.]foster cut a field of the golden grain on the Ind of July,atid;it appear- ed, even this early, to be very ripe, Xirkton. P$Esnries:r o;I.--On account of re. moval of Rev. J. L Kerr, from Iiirkton to Dorchester, the following address was read by Mr. Geo. Stacey, and: Pre- sentation made by Miss TillieEirlr, given to Miss Fannie E. Kerr. at. the Bible Class a few evenings singe. Miss FAxwxn Kauu.-Dena SrsTE11 : On se. count of ymir departure from amongst ins, the friends of Kirktou Methodist Sabbath School nnite in stating ti' at -we cannot allow .You to leave ns wihhont a token of our regard. Dm'- ine the past three years of your 'residence with ns, you leave shown your readiness and ability in teaching ,the many little ones the great tr�ithe of the Gospel. But in partiealar we are indehted to you for your valuable ser- vices as organist in nnr Sabbath School. Your kindness also and Ch'•istian eourteey have been aneh as to gain our esteem and love. It now affords us much pleasure in presenting n work box and glove ease as momentoes of our regard. We trust that wherever yonr lot may be east, von will be guided by au all -wise Pre. videnne, and that after we have all done with our Christian work on earth, may we meet in the better Kingdom. A, Km, S. S. Supt. The Mntkodist Cbnroh at Blenheim was crowded on the eveningof the 28th nit.. on 4he oe"amen of a testimonial to the Rev. W. Henderson, who was removina the frtlowing day to Kirktnn. The teetimnnal was signets by the ohnroh offieiale.an Rev. A. C. Wadeil, (Presbyterian), and handsomely en- grossed and mounted in an elegant frame --a weil•filled purse accompany- ing it, Dr. Samson presided, and after appropriate rnitsin and addresses by representatives of different ehnrr'hes. and a presentation to Mies Lillie Hen- derse , the whole congregation pegged by the alter and took a farewell of Mr, Henderson and sister. The S. 8. aniverrary services of the Kirkton B3.ethndist Sunday-echnol were preached in that church on the 27th nit., by the Rev. Mr. Thrmpeon, end the annual nionic oame off en Domin- ion Day. The chair was filled by Mr. C. Switzer, and most enitnble music was given by the church ohnir,.and ad - dreams by Dr. Irvin¢ and Rove. R. 000r,+- Treleaven, English (Episcopalian), and the new pastor, Rev. W. Henderson. , o Seventy-five dollars were realized for i r" school. In the evening a large com- pany gave a hearty reception at the a parsonage to Rev. W. Henderson and fainiiy, and an evening of sincere en- (jnyrnent was spent after which the com- pany dispersed, HAGGE1 T& COCH ANE, ra , t n and St Thom s Agricultural IMPLEMENT Wo .K , o M W H., .vIiiIt:LY'`T Has been appointed agent for the sale of the following articles reauufaotnred by the St, Thomas and Brampton [agricultural \Yorke Reproved Royce Reaper, Meadow Lark TIGER HAY RAKE, TN 13 Pp TTtT11 CO1 NELL STEAM ENGINE FOR THRESHINGr<r MAORI JL 3. :1, 0 These are all Warranted, and have gained a wide reputation . Satiefnotion guaranteed er- ne rno sale. Any repairs or fang of the above implemeuts eau be obtained from Mr. Verity ]flowing Match. The annual mowing matoh, under the auspices of • the heron Farmers' and Mechanice Association, was held on the farm of Mr. John A. Young, the obliging'Sectretary of the Associ- ation, contiguons to the village of Bruoefie1d, on 'Wednesday last, the 7th of July. The weather 'was perfection itself, and well minted for field opera- tions, The attendance of spectators was rather small, owing, no doubt, to the fact of a large number of those more directly interested in such con. tests being busily engaged in haying. Thele were eight alogia machines and one combined entered for competition, and the work performed by the varirsus machines was of high order. The etgoali number of entries, and, conse- quently, the poor attendance of mann- facturers, is mainly due to their having entered into a eonlbivatinn, some time ago, for the purpose of not attending these matches. The award of the judges seemed to give general satisfac- tion. Messrs. Mahatlie, of Port Albert; \Write, of Rodgerville, and John Mo- Laughlan, of Stanley, were the judges. As the combined machines will leave to- compete at the reaping niatcb, whioh will be held.on the farm of Mr. R. Meliordie, some time this week, the standard for'them cannot be given ugtil Phis match takes place Below BOOMS - :O ES Having pnrehaaed the Boot and 6boa trade of W. H. Trott,we eau now0 oer to the .Public one of ,th Best and Cheapest Stocks of ready made worst ever oaered in Exeter. Wo 'would also remind those in want of first -claws, home-made Boots and Shoos, sawed and ((egged, that we eau supply there Hite what will give sat- sraation. Repairing done at lowest rstos andSatisfa.otioa guaranteed. Call and see for yourselves. Lou!. forget the place-Eacrett's Block, C. EAORETT. 1 R. ABRAHAM. - Exeter, February 19, 1880. Om. -,over the Comity. ITEMS OF 'NEWS FRnM 1UJRON 1 X CHANGES. The amount of money granted by the Goverumaut to the Wingham Public, Soiled' • Board for the present year: amounts to $240. In aecordauoe with a requisition from the corporation of the village of Blyth, Mr. C. Tait Scott, Bounty coroner,rof Wingham, held au inquest -at Blyth,on Tuesday, to enquire iuto the origin of a fire which occurred at the shire of will be found the result of the oompeti-. Mr. Thos. Watson, on the night of tion among the single machines only, April the 8i•d, and which partly eon-. to which we refer our readers for fuller mimed the premises. About a dozen' information as to• the points made by witnesses were examined, whose ev s - the different machines dents wont to skew abet rho fire was the work of an incendiary. and a 'ver- diet was rendered by the rury in ao- cordance.witb these facts, Although a prominent resident of Blyth was strongly suspeoted of the crime, sufils oient evidence was not adduced to con- vict him of the charge. A most deplorable ease of destitution _ came to light in the township of Stan- ley a few days ago. An old ratan nam- ed Elwood, was found in au uuocoupi. ed house, having been 19 days witltotxt food or drink, the unfortunate man ie a tailor by trade, but his health fail- ing him some time ago nudes the close. ooufinetnent of the bench, he vast gents mole• ., obliged to turn his attention to some- saved z° z c, ta es money,ldepressionin times came along Rm °a_sa M ti and bd dets, and he lost all he had to, r tc' s ,r�, dopend on in his old days= This spring to he got an agency to sell farm imple- 'r. merits and machinery, but on starting out to sell he had to come in contact with so many agents be ooalld not make sales without making mistatements or telling lies. Traveling without money or anything to eat, and getting some bad water north of Clinton, he found himself getting weak and turned off homewards, walking on the railroad track, After crossing the river out of Goderich lowhship roto Stanley he went tip to a house belonging to the old mill property, formerly Cook's old mill to try to get a drink of water and. went r into the house to gpt rested ; b t on staying there a while he became so weak that he could not leave and was there for nine days, and had it not been for some boys who went into the house on Sunclay evening and found him lying there in a very weak.state, We learn from an extensive grain not having anything to eat since the merchant from Milwaukee, that for 15111 of June, a few mere hours world waut of elevator a000tumodation at have put an end to his sufferings in Sarnia, or Point Edward, he has suf- l this world. I3.e was removed to Grant• fererd a very considerable =mint of 1 nn, and under the treattnent of Lr. loos, and he expresses his surprises that I ieeves be ie recovering, although very this very profitable branch of trade w'eak. His high spirit would not allow especially at this point. of the Grand hint to beg, ttncl too honest to lteal.art.d Trunk, great traffic should be as long too truthful to tell lies or make a living neglected by Canada Capatitlists. by fraud, he said he would die tvit.h We prophortied last week the trice hunger. This is the thrid ,dine the of cheese bad reached bottom. We township of Stauloy has been applied are glad to announce now that a con- to for relief within two months, If it sideerable advance iu price has taken keeps on much longer Stanley will place in England.i boon} want a poor house of her own. • NINZ w4.e Width. IDraft, Evenness of Cut. las tat t iF ftp asst Durability. wettaattletyr Tien'] Convenience. M The Salve. Brussels, Tune 20, 1880. To Bev. Thos. Atkinson, A.i.'a Craig. Dear Sir, ---I Rent for a fresh supply of the old Irish lady's really wonderful valve. The swelling is 'all gone from the bad leg and now it is clear and onlv wants healing un. Find unclosed $1 and G emits in etampe. From ynnre truly, • J. T. Denims,. Points Gained. Total Points. (Prize. .S